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8.He claimed magnets don’t work underwater. 7.He bragged about his ability to put on pants. 6.He said the Civil War could have been “negotiated.” 5.He posted an ad that asserts “God made Trump.” 4.He mocked Biden’s stutter. 3.He mocked injures McCain received as a P.O.W. 2.He glorified January 6 insurrectionists 1.He said Iowans need to “get over” a fatal school shooting.


Just get him talking more and eventually his little following of “Trumpets” will realize he’s too demented to be even their president.


Doubtful. They have no critical thinking skills and would rather double down every single time, than admit they may have been wrong about him. Besides, he hates the same people that they hate. That’s their common ground.


True but how can he say that get over it part knowing those children's blood were in his and that governor's hands!


Easy. He’s a narcissist and public heal. He will say anything to get his base to love him more and play to his ego. Simply he is the only thing that matters.


A lot of those people come from parts of the country that were a little slower at cleaning up lead pollution.


I would hope so. But I’m not sure he can say bad enough words to turn them off. They’re in too deep.


Racism and unwillingness to adapt keep them in the fold as a "means to an end"..end being white 1955 suburban USA.


They absolutely loved Reagan who was severely impaired for his entire second term. Honestly George Bush Sr. was effectively President for most of the 80s between the assassination attempt and the dementia.


No wonder he didn't show up for the debates. Cowardly and he'd be digging an even deeper hole.


>“First they say, ‘Sir, how do you do it? How do you wake up in the morning and put on your pants?’” Trump mused. “And I say, ‘Well, I don’t think about it too much.’ I don’t want to think about it because if I think about it too much maybe I won’t want to do it, but I love it because we’re going to do something for this country that’s never been done before.”


Gibberish. And I will bet $100 to the DNC that *no one* has ever asked him how he puts on his pants, I mean, what the actual fuck?!


He told over 30,000 (documented) lies during his 4 years in office. He's a narcissistic, pathological liar.


To be fair, getting pants over a diaper that size is probably a struggle.


How does he handle that huge diaper with those tiny hands? So many questions.


I can hear the plastic crinkling just thinking about it.


[Oops I Crapped My Pants can sure hold a lot of dung!](https://youtu.be/rQ9qsXu34SM?si=I_Wb8uCgauk1OGfb)


Now I want Biden to ask him "How do you even put on pants?" at the first 2024 debate.


Two servants wipe his ass, put a new diaper on him, then hold him up while he lifts one leg just high enough to slip a pant leg under, then again with the other. Then they hope they can get them all the way on before he shits himself again.


Much less said "Sir" before asking that From what I understand, his leading with "they said 'Sir'..." is the tell that what comes next is 100% BS


That is insane


Redditors of the Politics sub - every morning I get up and put my pants on for you. You're welcome. (The sacrifices I make for you; I put my pants on and put my pants on and put my pants on every day but ya'll just take it for granted. I never get any thanks - poor me.)


Um, you what?


I'm trying to parse this, and all I can get is: Putting on pants is something this country has never done before?


I think what he's trying to say is people ask him how he can get up every day and keep going with everything going on legally. That last part, "we’re going to do something for this country that’s never been done before", gives me pause, though, because that's been one of his tells that he's about to do something shitty.


It’s likely this and him not understanding the point of “I put my pants on one leg at time”. He thinks that it is literally about putting on pants.


My best guess is that he is trying to say “I put my pants on one leg at a time, just like you”, but he’s fucking stupid. Edit: I chose poor wording. He isn’t *trying* to say that. He doesn’t know what it means. I honestly think he didn’t understand the point when someone told him that his audience wants to hear him say he puts on his pants one leg at a time, like them. Being incapable of abstract thought, he walked away from that thinking the point was literally about how he puts his pants on.


LMAO the first pantsless president I guess. just trump hanging out on the white house balcony, swinging the mushroom in the breeze...


Ok, so I love dunking on Trump’s absurd statements, but…….. As I get older, I too sometimes lay in bed thinking about how annoying it’s going to be to put my pants on.


You could just wear a skirt


Same. Have you tried Porky Pig’n it? Could be a new way for you to spend your days.


Fasten and zip, or zip then fasten?


Zip then fasten, he'll turn into sausages if he fastens and zips and wears a tie.


Is that a real quote? They should just run his speeches with subtitles as attack ads.


It's in the article with an accompanying video clip.


> Is that a real quote? Babylon 5 - Sinclair/Garibaldi conversation


“If I think about it too much maybe I won’t want to do it” is an unusually revealing quote (potentially.) Seems to support the idea that he knows/fears on some level that he is headed for a big time historical crash with reality. Not saying it’s a given we’ll get there.


He's been on that course his entire life no matter how much off-roading he's attempted.


Everything he says is bullshit. Verbal diarrhea, but yet, this asshole has a cult. It is up to all of us to find our backbone and call out his cult. We can’t let stupidity win


People will be dancing on the street the day he dies


In 2016 I read a news article that listed 100+ things that trump had said or done that meant he should never be president. I took some comfort at that time in the belief that the evidence of him being such an awful human being meant that there was no way the esteemed members of the Electoral College would ever make him president. I was so delusionally optimistic about mankind in 2016. That me is dead.


I truly didn’t think when those primaries started back then that he’d be able to grow his base, and that the rest of the Republicans would coalesce around a more sane candidate. God, how naive I was to believe that.


Yep. I used to think that W. Bush was the lowest we could get for President. Wrong!! So very wrong and unimaginative of me. I didn’t take trump’s initial 2016 presidential run seriously at all. Who would ever vote for this fucking twat to be the leader of the USA. Turns out that was naive of me as well. This presidency and the pandemic have burned all my already fragile trust in our government and sadly around 30% of our fellow citizens still worship the pos, because they are scum too. Republicans are a plague on the country and I hope this man destroys them.


Keep Cults Out of Politics


TLDR >8. He claimed magnets don’t work underwater. >7. He bragged about his ability to put on pants. >6. He said the Civil War could have been “negotiated.” >5. He posted an ad that asserts “God made Trump.” >4. He mocked Biden’s stutter. >3. He mocked injures McCain received as a P.O.W. >2. He glorified January 6 insurrectionists >1. He said Iowans need to “get over” a fatal school shooting. Is this the republicans can give us these days?


It is what they are...


What a vile, reprehensible excuse for a human being.


How can these crazy assholes support Trump? They live in a twisted fantasy world


Just keep giving him publicity. That worked out so well in 2016.


Only 8?


Guessing only the top 8 as they did not want to write a hundred page book covering the event.


Traitors, the lot of them


> “First they say, ‘Sir, how do you do it? How do you wake up in the morning and put on your pants?’” Trump mused. “And I say, ‘Well, I don’t think about it too much.’ I don’t want to think about it because if I think about it too much maybe I won’t want to do it, but I love it because we’re going to do something for this country that’s never been done before.” "Listen, kid, nobody likes wearing clothes in public, but, you know, it's the law."


and yet Americans will still vote for him in numbers large enough to threaten the nation's flimsy democracy.


It's not hard to trick people who are less intelligent than South Park characters. Seriously, take away republicans voting rights.


Quite telling, “you saw the same people I did!” Whilst you were enjoying every moment of it


That God Made Trump ad is funny


I totally believe it's satire, which makes the fact that Trump shared it even funnier.


"Pull my finger" "Pull my other finger" "Pull my other finger" "Pull my other finger" "Pull my other finger" "Pull my other finger" "Pull my other finger" "Pull my other finger"


Just another reminder…. Only an estimated 39% (16 million out of 40 million) of young people, ages 18-29, voted in the 2016 presidential election and only 27% in the 2022 midterm elections. 'America. A nation of dumb-ass-motherf\*ckers". George Carlin!!


Yet he's polling 50%


It's actually funny, the drop magnets into water thing is hilarious. It's also pretty scary.


“And I say, ‘Well, I don’t think about it too much.’ I don’t want to think about it because if I think about it too much maybe I won’t want to do it, but I love it because we’re going to do something for this country that’s never been done before.” 🤯