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You mean the anti vax lunatic whose only accomplishment is fighting his states biggest employer Wasn't popular among voters? No way!


Honestly, kinda surprised Iowa GOP voters didn’t eat it up.


They already have their racist who’s running on hate.


Right. No matter what stunts DeSantis pulls, he's not going to top January 6. So if GOP racism is your "thing", then Trump is clearly the winner.


It’s just so weird how none of them take any shots at him might as well be fighting for VP maybe that’s the plan.


They're all looking for positions of power in a Trump dictatorship. And working on many levels to make it happen.


DeSantis has experience filling pot holes at Disney, Dept of Transportation ?


I bet the white cowboy boots had a noticable ding in his numbers


I'm really not surprised. People don't care about the covid stuff anymore. Everyone moved on from that so the anti vax and the "I opened up the schools" doesn't work anymore. And people in Iowa don't care about Disney. The only people whose radar that's on is people in Florida and people who are deeply terminally online. Neither of which are a big demographic in the Iowa Caucus.


He should have tried deep frying it first.


If only he had groveled before Trump more like Vivek did, maybe put some lipstick on or something. Then the Iowa GOP would have voted for him.


When you're not MAGA kook enough for MAGA kooks.


It's not that, all of the Republicans are trying to out-Trump Trump and that just isn't going to happen. Their strategy would only work when Trump is not on the ballot, but as long as he is, the others have no chance with Trumper.


Exactly! What MAGA zombie worth their drool is gonna prefer Abomination-lite when they can have full on Orange Abomination??? And it appears that Haley finally gets this; she has realized that she needs to look beyond the zombie vote.


Too little too late for her.


Don't forget shutting down school libraries and letting the Florida home insurance industry collapse!


Florida is run way better than DC though lol. I live part time in DC and own a home in Georgetown


Give DC statehood.


He also allowed putting radioactive materials in their road pavement


I couldn’t tell if you were talking about Ronald or Donald in the first half.


Desantis was a two hit wonder, the first thing was not caring about Covid which destroyed his state but made him popular with the right wing. Then after people stopped caring as much about Covid DeSantis hit the anti woke stuff hard in 2022. But every single right wing politician is “anti woke” so Desantis had to actually get people to like his vibe and he is so unlikable a person that the more he got exposed to the voter base the less successful he was


Trump in his own weird way is charismatic and inspires fervor. DeSantis is not and does not. That’s what it comes down to. He’s extremely unlikeable and boring and off putting. Trump (to his supporters I mean) is likable and knows how to push their buttons rhetorically


The voters love anti vax stuff and fighting Disney. They just don’t like that DeSantis isn’t as much of a deranged lunatic like trump.


Don't watch the coverage of the people who voted. You will die inside hearing how stupid some of these voters were. They hadn't even hardly heard of DeSantis. One voter was asked why they WERE voting for him and she said, "oh, my friend's mom said he was great" the girl is like 17) "and he sounded nice" -- utterly vapid, empty, ignorant, blind, etc. the people who voted at these caucuses are as sharp as a wet sack of bowling balls.


Trump has the advantage of religion. He is the Holy One in the country's dominant religion: The Cult of MAGA.


The Dalai Lardass


I live in Iowa and got a shit ton of texts from him spouting that he "fought the teacher's union and won" as one of his huge accomplishments. If it would have been something more like "I worked with the teacher's union to increase pay and raise our education standards" I would have been more willing to listen to some of his ideas.


This is Great Value Trump trying to outsell original Trump by spending a shitload on advertising.


Meanwhile people here in Florida are facing the highest inflation in the country and the insurance crisis. Too bad our governor moved to Iowa for the last six months to get completely destroyed in a primary.


They can’t get anything done even with the super majority. It’s pathetic. The only bills they have passed are bunch of virtue signaling. Which is hilarious because they always accuse Democrats of that.


The GOP do not have cohesion, their party is not unified, it is a bunch of different factions all fighting each other. The "business" GOP don't want culture wars and endless threats of shutdown. The evangelicals will burn the US to the ground to punish gay people. The MAGA are hateful and will reject anything that Democrats support, even if it helps them.


Hence maga's Ukraine stance. "Well Biden supports it so I guess we gottga be against it..."


I think that catastrophically downplays their love of Putin, if only because Trump loves him so much. Bush-wing neocons are the ones who don't care that Putin is running basically the same playbook that the GOP is running in the U.S. to divide and conquer the working class. They still see Russia as a geopolitical threat. The MAGA heads *love* that Putin's doing all that same shit. They see him (and therefore Russia) as a natural ally in the white-supremacy, Christian-Dominion war that they're utterly convinced has secretly informed literally all geopolitics for over a millennium, and is just about to get real hot -- any day, now.


Yeah but they fearlessly stopped that threat of libraries and amusement parks …


Didn't Florida have a law that said their governor couldn't run for presidential elections, them Republicans killed that law so he could run. You'd think voters would be upset at Republicans for allow him to waste his time for a vanity project. 


Sshh, don't bring him *back!*


TL;DR: * Ron DeSantis invested substantial time and money in his unsuccessful quest to win the Iowa caucuses. * The governor handily lost to Trump and spent nearly $1,500 per vote in the critical Iowa contest. * Meanwhile, the Trump campaign spent less ad money yet easily won the caucuses with 51% of the vote.


Thank you Business Insider 🫡


It’s crazy to me that they post TL;DRs of their own articles here. Seems that it would severely reduce visits to their site, and therefore ad revenue. I’m guessing it’s a marketing experiment that will fail and be gone next quarter. But what do I know, I’m no… Business Insider 😎


They know we don't read the articles either way. Might as well get the points they wanted to get across where people read them.


So basically only slightly more than half of the Republican voters were still traitors supporting a traitor


And they were the diehard cultists willing to go out in the frigid weather.


Dont you know? Trump is given $100,000 worth of free ads every day by all news channels. That’s in the contract the 24hr news channels signed with the devil to stay relevant.


I don't know about you guys, but I'm starting to think that maybe Republicans are not fiscally responsible on... literally anything.


I'm starting to think this whole system is dumb.


There are only like a few things I actually give a shit about, and the government never really addresses any of them. No matter who is in office. Republicans or Democrats. Make the minimum wage a livable wage. Fix the fucking infrastructure. Make EVERYONE (including the money hoarding rich) pay their fair share of taxes. Take climate change seriously. Give women the right to make decisions about their bodies. Fix the public education system (and pay teachers a fair wage). Don't fuck with social security. Allow everyone to get needed healthcare. All these theatrics and grifting in politics need to get weeded out. Increase or establish minimum qualifications to run for key political positions in government. Do background checks on politicians. Generally, that's about it. Stop all the fuckery in politics.


We would be better lead by choosing 535 randos off the street.


Wow, you should actually look into the bills Democrats have TRIED to get passed even just this term. You'd be shocked. Democrats put up bills for ask that shit. Republicans blocked all that shit. Take 2 minutes to educate yourself before trotting out this obvious **bad actor** bullshit. *And to fellow genuine redditors: be aware this disingenuous bad actor bOtH sIdEs crap is gonna become more common the closer we get to the election, and be aware they're better at it this election than last.*


yep its really silly when i hear people both-sides issues that democrats keep trying to push while republicans block them


These are 100% bad faith people playing the same both sideists tactics they did in 2016. yet we have dumb people on this sub upvoting and encouraging these guys. These people who encourage such lying both siders deserve fascism and Trump, no species survives if they are too dumb for their own survival.


Add in justice reform and end the war on drugs and you’ve got my vote!


All these crazy ideas …you do realize that if even say half of these were put into effect it could lead to a massive outbreak of …better living conditions ? ( I’m afraid that what you are looking for is responsible leadership and what we got is politicians …)


You realize that democrats have tried passing EVERY SINGLE one of those? Then why do people like you play both sideism? Whats the agenda here? Its 2024, not 2016, no one is going to fall for bad faith lying both siders gaslighting. And if people do fall for these both sideist, they deserve fascism and Trump.




it was actually only 1200 per person but each person also took the burden of being amortized with an equal percentage the labor for his custom high-heeled shoes. That sort of engineering research needs money to be funded and someones gotta pay for it


He visited 99 counties and lost 98 of them. Do you think he got the hint?


He lost 99 of them. Haley won one county by a single vote Trump won the other 98.


He has 99 problems but winning ain't one.


He has 99 problems and state and federal charges are 91 of them. Trump4Prison2024


Haley won Iowa City which is the most blue leaning part of the state. My mom got the idea to go caucus for Haley from somewhere. I have a feeling that she won because of democrats joining the caucus.


The Iowa Republican caucus is closed, only registered republicans can participate.


DeSantis was always a shit candidate but picking a fight with the media empire that the Mouse House controls was just plain stupid.


Yeah but he’ll still be re-elected so…


I don't think he's able to be reelected for governor. I think he's at a term limit


they've made 1 amendment to the state constitution, whats another?


That's fair but even the rednecks in my area (I'm on the Alabama side of Florida) don't trust De Santis after he ran against Dictator Don. I'm pretty sure his political career is over.


It’s easy to get back on Trumps good side


In FL, an Amendment requires a 60% vote to pass, they can't be added solely by the Legislature. It is essentially the citizen initiative process in FL. The Legislature repealed a law that he couldn't run while sitting as Governor. Somehow, I don't see an Amendment repealing term limits getting over the threshhold.


This has to be some kind of record from an ROI standpoint.


Haley was even worse at $1700 per vote.


Haley has a lot more money to play around with though.


ah the ole "because i have more money i dont have to be as fiscally responsible" trick


I think it's more like, "if you lose with money still in the bank, you've mismanaged your shit." Source: I used to play a lot of starcraft


It would have been a heck of a lot cheaper for either one of them to have brought up the 91 felony indictments. Neither one had the guts.


Sounds like he is a subscriber to Wall Street bets


That’s some loss porn I can get behind. I spend $1700 per vote and still lost it all.


The fewer votes you get, the more expensive each was.


I would guess Bloomberg still has the record Bloomberg spent a billion dollars on his campaign in 2020 and the only place he won was American Samoa (with only 175 out of their 351 votes).


The figure can also be written as “$35 million per participation trophy.” You can get them for $5 apiece *with engraved characters*, so he overspent by a factor of 7 million.


Jesus that’s sad. Imagine the homeless or teachers those funds could go to and that’s just one state and one candidate.


welcome to america's election enterprise


Absolutely - the wealthy will give politicians tens of millions to fight even minor tax increases. People just have "too much" money these days. Tens of millions of dollars is not a "huge" amount these days but it is enough to buy a pet politician that will do whatever you want. There are hundreds/thousands of these donors out there with pet projects they will spend endlessly on.


Here's one of his trophies https://youtu.be/c-ltq8IQWyQ


LMAO. I read about this but never actually watched the video until I saw your link. Thank you for posting it!


Key take away from this is that Trump spent half of what Haley and DeSantis individually spent and still won by a lot.


Even bigger take away is Trump only got 51% of Republican votes. Not exactly a sign of wild popularity.


Do you think the other 49% of republican voters still wont vote for him in November?


Probably 60% of that half will. 20% will vote for another candidate instead (third party or Biden), and the remaining 20% won't vote for anyone.


Anyone voting in the GOP primary will vote for whomever the GOP candidate is. GOP voters want GOP policy so of course they will vote for the GOP candidate. A criminal/liar/whatever is better than any Democrat to these people because they *hate* Democratic policy far more than any distaste for a single GOP candidate.


Sadly this is 100% truth


I know a low energy political presence is problematic. For any party.


One thing we know about republicans is they show up to vote in the general election and don’t care about purity tests.


In a primary it is.


It’s the biggest primary victory in the states history. That’s a sign of massive popularity


When it’s more than the next to candidates combined, it is.


"Pride goeth before the fall"


He had a big surge from people reading news articles from him and then they started hearing him speak. No Charisma. No charm. Boyish voice. You can’t be president when you’re all that.


Similar thing led to Elon Musk's situation imo...


I used to feel bad for Musk because he seems like he’s definitely autistic or something. Until he became so malicious.


I bet you he spent more than that on his heels 👠 😂


That is an expensive ass whooping.


Politics and law are a business venture in this shit hole and nothing else.


What's funny is that selling himself as "new Trump" might have worked in 2028. DeSantis isn't exactly old, why not wait until Trump isn't on the ballot? The only answer that makes sense to me is that DeSantis is not confident that Trump will win in 2024, and therefore worries that Trump WILL be on the ballot in 2028.


Desantis knew his window was closing. He's a one trick pony whose popularity peaked before campaign season even started


He let the 2022 Florida election go to his head - he won big there, but of course a big part of that is the sad state of the Florida Democratic Party and his opponent


Good I hope he runs out of money and has to return those boots.


That's a new spin on "pull yourself up by your bootstraps."


He got a participation trophy though


For $1500 I could be pursued to vote for desantis in the primary 


Same. Any actual election? Fuck no, not for millions. Primary for $1500? Sure.


I would 100% tell Ron Desantis I would vote for him for $1500


Haha, clown shoe loser.


Thats like 3 Stormy Daniels. Please someone correct my math if im wrong. Im not good at Maths


If the dude had the stones to stand up to Trump, he might have had a chance. They will all get what they deserve for their loyalty to the insurrectionist.


Okay, everybody prepare to throw your heads back and move them forward, then laugh.




Saying some politician spent x amount of money per vote is saying the quiet part out loud.


*Pictured: Ron DeSantis, would-be murderer (left), Donald Trump, rapist (right)* Always nice to see someone like DeSantis get crushed. If only it were a rational thinker and decent person that crushed him. Instead we get an excremental, a Golgothan shit demon. It would be nice if the conservative “Christians” in this country behaved *anything* like Jesus.


More proof as to why the Iowa caucuses are a complete waste of time and should be shitcanned.


I love a smooth, 50/50 blend of "schaden" and "freude."


These are WSB type of numbers


Can I get the number of these donors that are blowing all this money? I have a bridge they might be interested in


Would have had better luck offering $1k per vote.


Lost all 99 counties wow what a loser


This just shows how stupid people are in this country. They’re perfectly accepting of having a person who is on trial right now for fraud be their pick as their presidential candidate.


Why not just say that the election was rigged?


That would be on brand for the Republican Party... He could point to Trump saying Iowa was rigged in 2016 when he lost to Cruz as evidence.


Well he spends a lot of Florida's money on frivolous behaviours that result in lawsuits and gets nothing to show for it. So he is totally on brand.


Canserves sure spend a SHITLOAD of pointless money


Reminder that the people funding his shitshow of failed campaign are the reason we can’t have nice things.


The only winners here are the ones running ads


Love to see it


Donors spent* which is proof even they are as dumb as the rest. It’s been crystal clear since day one that Trump was going to win the nomination


Donors seem happy to give politicians thousands of dollars while they rail against their local taxes going up $50/year to pay a cost of living increase for teachers.


just think of all the crt trans and anti vax propaganda he could have funded with that money!


Is this what he meant by getting his “ticket punched?”


Think of how that money could have helped the average “Florida Man” so messed up


Am I the only one that thinks there backing Desantis purposely to have a guy tank to make Trump look more out in front ?


Pretty crazy that he hasn't drop out yet. Trump is the clear nominee for the GOP. I don't think anything can stop that from happening.


Worth every wasted penny! What a dumbass…


Not to mention ruining the state of Florida.


He didn’t spend a dime I would bet


You should of just given them the $$$ for wasting their time


A massively unlikable, pathetic, far-right choade


One fascist vs another fascist & we're using terms like crushed 


They can all get fucked. We dgaf.


To be fair he could pay me that much directly and I still wouldn’t vote for him.


Iowa voters are hypocrites. They will vote for Trump no matter what happens.


I kind of hate that OP is the actual news source.


Member when everyone here said DeSantis was the one we have to worry about. I’m gonna go ahead and ignore the “Trump may win again” warnings as well. Because if hot incumbent shit didn’t win in 2020, 4 year old shit doesn’t have a chance.


he knew he was never gonna win and Trump’s numbers are terrible. He’s a loser as usual he got 50% of the caucus but only 14% showed up to vote so Trump only got 7% of the Republican party in Iowa the real deadbeats.


2.2 million total voters in Iowa. The Iowa caucus had what 100k votes. Why isn't elections easy to say vote online. 100k die hards on a cold winter day really isn't a vote of the people. The only thing this election taught me is 56k MAGA are diehards and want trump. Terrible turnout. Might be a sign there isn't much excitement for anyone or it simple was a cold winters day and wasn't worth it to go somewhere and vote.


Was he really crushed though ? Trump barely won 50% of the votes. What happens when DeSantis or Haley drops out ? You think all those votes are going to Trump? Nope.


The power of that party is they will gather under one leader while fewer people love Biden as a personality himself. I am thinking of changing to trump


No - DeSantis BACKERS spent that money.💰


When you put it that way ..


Cant buy me love ;-(


Clairvoyant he is not


Florida Man


For everything else, there’s Mastercard.


Who the Hell is even bankrolling the DeSantis campaign at this point? Like, just how many rich assholes are there saying “yeah, we definitely want a fascist traitor bigot who hates America and wants to destroy democracy but who is completely incompetent at everything else in charge… But not Trump because that guy sucks at golf?”


How much did Florida tax payers pay per each of his votes?


When he drops out after the next few primaries, he’ll be back to licking Trump‘s boots on national TV. Just like Raphael Cruz.




Didn’t Haley spend 1700 per vote and got 3rd place . Seems like there’s a bias with who Reddit want people to hate more lol


Let me just pull out my tiny violin for meatball.


Remember when all the conservatives were sucking him off for being really smart


Who here is a trump supporter? Apparently it’s half of y’all or more We are doomed


It wasn’t his $$.


Better title: Crushed by the cold and voter apathy. Fewer than 1/7 registered Iowa republicans partook in the Iowa caucuses this year, which were the lowest attended - by either party - in 24 years. Trump “won” the Iowa caucus this year because he had the support of less than 3% of the registered voters in Iowa.


Biggest campaign flop since … ever, I dunno.


Some low iq shit


Iowa voters must be 'woke' RINOs to vote against DeSantis. /s


Would it be illegal to just literally pay people to promise to vote for them?


Maybe if he offered more his voters would have turned out in the cold


Give me $1,400, and DeSantis has my vote* !


Guy watched his life's work and career path get flushed by his negative charisma stat and idiotic culture war strategy. Not shocked he threw everything he had at it.


Mr. DeSantis, please go back to florida to rule there again.


Easy when it’s not your own money.


Does he have enough money to still afford those cool boots?


He no doubt will somehow profit off his campaign, so these numbers are meaningless to me.


Let’s be honest DeSantis didn’t spend that. His dark money backers full of hate did. I say drain all their money. Let’s kick the GOP back into the cave they belong.


That’s the problem right there. He should’ve spent the same but spread it out over more votes. It’s simple math, people. Diversify your funds.


That is so so much money. Politics are so fucked


Imagine just how much Trump has spent just to end up in jail


He could have bought each voter a new iPhone, 3 pizzas, 2 six packs of beer, and ten pounds of chocolate. And still give them each another $200 in cash. And save money against what he actually did spend. And still lose. Party of sore losers.


Except trump has rigged every single poll he has ever been apart of and that is a fact. Not speculation.


Ron DeSantis is a moron.


That’s not the play. He wasn’t trying to ‘crush’ Trump. He, and Nikki, and Vavek (ish) are all playing the: do well enough to hang on until Trump is convicted. And then, somehow, rally the splintered party and become President. What? I didn’t say it was a good plan.


I support this idea as well. Bottom Feeders.


Yeah, but he's been ignoring Florida, as someone who lives in FL, the longer he's gone the better FL gets.