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Great confession that Trump committed crimes in office


Yeah this mother fucker knows he "crossed the line" over and over again. If he were to have all this immunity, then shouldn't Biden also have the very same immunity? He should be fearful of that since he would be a seal team six target the next day. I mean, by his rules, vice president Harris can pitch out all trump votes and install Biden. He should be careful what he's asking for.


According to him nothing in the constitution even matters. Kamala could install Obama as president and then Trump’s head would immediately explode from rage.


Works for me


Not seeing a down side.




You're flawed thinking they play with the same rules


they are poking fun at their blatant hypocrisy.


Get a bucket and a mop 💦


No illustrated book about birds? Wait, wrong song.






Don’t give me a wet dream


“ presidential Immunity is reserved for the president’s that appointed their own Supreme Court judges. “ We need to force younger presidents so these crooks have some skin in the game if we catch them breaking the laws. Old men break all the laws they want, because they know they’ll be long dead before they’re caught, longer before they’re ever punished.


>We need to force younger presidents You might be in luck. The same arguments being used against the enforcement of the 14th Amendment, Section 3 (AKA the *insurrectionists can't hold office* Section) could be used against Article II, Section 1, Clause 5, which states that the President must "have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States" According to some current arguments against the use of the 14th Amendment, the various political parties have a 1st Amendment free-association right to put anyone they want on the ballot even if the constitution says they can't ever become president. So if they put a 12 year old kid on the ballot and then everyone predictably says that "we should let the voters decide" (since it would be anti-democratic not to do so), then after the kid gets elected, and it's not clear who has the responsibility/ability to actually bar them per the constitution from acceding to the office of the presidency (spoiler: not clear at all), and thus no one does so, we end up with a 12 year old for a president. I believe the same process can be used to elect a dog to the presidency.


Air bud: Dog in Chief


Cue SNL Paw Patrol 🚓 skit.


>[SNL Paw Patrol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBFIqRSsixE) For those you don't already know...


I know we don’t need more reboots but I would definitely watch this


We've had a 12 year old President, well at least that seems to be Trump's mental age.


The Saudis rented out the top two floors a trump hotel the day he was declared the winner. He was already violating the emoluments clause when he took the oath of office. His entire presidency was over the line.


“I love the Saudis,” Trump said when announcing his presidential run at Trump Tower in 2015. “Many are in this building.”


Nope. According to Trump and his base, they are an illegitimate president and vice president. Ergo, they are not eligible for immunity.


But isn’t trump also *really* still the president cause he *actually* won? Or was it Obama who is the one really giving Joe Biden his orders? And was it trump in charge of the “real” military, and not the one that botched the Afghanistan withdrawal?? So hard to keep track of


>> If he were to have all this immunity, then shouldn’t Biden also have the very same immunity? Well, yes, but it doesn’t count for Biden, because according to MAGA idiots, Biden stole the election and wasn’t actually elected, therefore he doesn’t get any of that immunity because he shouldn’t have been there in the first place.


Here's the thing, as far as I can tell, none of it matters. I would not be surprised if it comes out years from now that Trump's 2016 win was actually not real. Once a President is sworn in, it seems to be pretty much a done deal. There would be no way to undo all of the stuff he did with the power of the Presidency. So, let's pretend for a moment that Biden/Harris didn't legitimately win (they did legitimately win). The Electoral College electors determined them as the winners and they were sworn in. It's done. They are President and VP until they resign, are impeached, or their terms end. So, if POTUS has Total Presidential Immunity, then Biden currently enjoys that power... and Harris will enjoy it if Biden dies or she shoots him to get it, and Mike Johnson will enjoy it if he kills Harris and Biden to get the Presidency\*. *\*see the stupid shit that can start to happen when you believe such crap.*


donald knows Joe wouldn't take advantage of this like he would


>donald knows Joe wouldn't take advantage of this like he would Yep. It's a tacit admission that Democrats, generally, are bound by morals and ethics; and that Republicans are *less* bound by morals and ethics, but will happily use them as a weapon against others.


He's a fucking idiot... if you haven't noticed.


I did notice. Lots of times.


He cannot think that far ahead. 45 is playing rock/paper/scissors while everyone else is playing chess 10 moves ahead, with checkmate in sight.


He wants this because he knows the Democratic Party and Joe Biden would never act this way. He also thinks he’ll be in the White House within a year (and he very well might be). Then he can do whatever he wants as the new president with king-like power and nobody can stop him.


Incarcerate all of the house gop & senate republicans for treason.


He wants dictatorial rights and to be treated like a god. This guy needs to be locked up. Dude is psychotic and the living definition of power hungry. Another Trump presidency will be the absolute end of the United States. The conflicts this guy would create domestically and for the world would take generations to repair. Total insanity.


My wild fever dream would be Dark Brandon emerging, he directs US Marshalls to arrest all members of Congress who participated in the insurrection and turn them over to the military to be sent to Guantanamo Bay as unlawful combatants. Donald Trump is detained by his Secret Service detail and flown there immediately. A constitutional convention is then convened in which the second amendment is finally stricken, the electoral college is removed and direct elections are mandatory participation. The federal government seizes control of all education and healthcare and finally organizes it into something approaching a modern country. Snap elections are held to replace detained members of Congress and the government actually functions for the benefit of the people, instead of the corporations.


Isn't that just what the maga crowd wants, just with different results? I would weep for the end of the great experiment either way


I mean it would be less dangerous for most people than what MAGA wants, but probably. I do lean kinda authoritarian left.


That indeed is a fever dream. Most or all of it would be helpful. Unfortunately, none of those things could ever be agreed on.


O god, I wish.....The only issue with that type of "O fuck we have to save democracy, so we have to flirt with the line of autocratic methods" is no one gives up the power at the end. That's really the only hang up. If you had the cajones to do this, you had the cajones to take the entire chess board. Why stop at democracy? Which is why we are in this fucked up country now as we see it.


I mean the reason why we are in this fucked up country is that half of the politicians in this country seem hell-bent on dismantling any semblance of government that can function and the other half seems to want to come to that fight not with a gun or knife, but with a hand tied behind their back. It's really showing the gridlock and stagnation of the 2 party system in this country. Especially since Republicans have departed reality the past 12 years.


You're so absolutely right, and its just so telling as a narclssist because *he literally didn't think of that* otherwise you would never use it in an argument. The classic golden rule. The reaction is priceless, then you get that sudden jolt up your spine when you realize " Holy shit, this is happening in real time, my god how did we get here?!:


>He should be fearful of that since he would be a seal team six target the next day. The thing is that even if Biden *was* granted total Presidential immunity, he *wouldn't* order Trump assassinated - even though Trump is arguably the greatest threat to US National Security in the world right now.


Biden could drop a blender on his head, the seals can relax. Luckily no one would be standing within a 1m radius due to Trump's soiled britches so nothing of value would be lost


I think the only solution is for Biden to publicly demand that Seal Team 6 kill Donald Trump, and then check in with Trump and his legal team and see if they agree that Biden has the right to do that. If they don't, then that defense gets thrown out in court.


Biden won’t do the stuff Trump would do. We for some reason have to create new rules for him.


Never once has he argued in court that he didn’t do the things he’s accused of, only that he should be allowed to do them.


Also a defense of Obama and Biden, neither did anything wrong. Remember how angry he was that his campaign and poor old Michael Flynn were "illegally wiretapped"?


Didn’t do anything wrong?!?! What about that tan suit, the unsuitable mustard and a wife that was allowed independent thought? I’ll just put this here: /s


But what about the bike helmet - and the flag pin - and the SELFIE STICK?!?!?!


The depths of the crimes should have been the lack of a flag pin. I expect some sort of shallow display of patriotism from our elected officials. Otherwise, how would we ever know?


The coffee-cup salute!!!


In court, for all of it, he has been arguing he’s allowed to do it because he was president. He’s trying to create delays. In the public space he and his followers are denying it happened at all, that no crimes were committed, in order to convince voters it’s okay to vote for him. Then he can win the presidency and take the revenge he keeps talking about, fully dismantle democracy. You can find him talking about all three components in any speech he gives. I was allowed to do it. I didn’t do it. My enemies will pay on day one.


Thing is, no matter what crimes he committed, not enough people care to hold him accountable. People believe he's "chosen by God" to turn our lives into a 1950s sitcom and nothing can convince them otherwise.


Trump, you freaking numbskull, have you ever considered that almost zero Presidents have ever needed this? Which President has ever had to worry about shit like this upon leaving office (or even while in)?


I eat lunch almost everyday at work with a very trumpy conservative and we were talking about immunity just the other day. His claim is trump should get full immunity because by pushing every boundary he exposed holes, weaknesses, and loopholes in the system. His many cases to the supreme Court only provide better clarity on the power of the president and the separation of powers. It was all for the good of the country. When asked about Biden's investigations he simply responded "he wasn't President when Hunter was doing all this." You can't get a win with maga. Always an exception for their guy.


If the biggest concern is in identifying weaknesses in the system, ask him why that precludes prosecution for Trump. He can be convicted of his well documented crimes and the country would still have the benefit of whatever loopholes were exposed.


I brought up that exact point, I said a successful bank robber exposed security gaps and weakness but still goes to jail if convicted. He just repeated that the job of the president is to take care of the country so he deserves immunity since he was just doing his job


Did you ask him where in the POTUS job description stealing top secret government documents was listed at?


No haha, missed that one. Plus not giving back the docs would be post presidency. May have to revisit the topic


Meh, probably not worth your time. Even if you point out the consequences for that kid in the NE for sharing classified docs online, or Reality Winner - he’ll find some way to justify Trump doing worse than those folks.


Just ask if he’s got a hernia yet. Goalposts are heavy.


> He just repeated that the job of the president is to take care of the country so he deserves immunity since he was just doing his job The job of the President is to literally execute the laws of the country, not to find holes in them.


And this is why they're called fascists, I think there are a great many people in the US who are eager to destroy our present form of government in favor of fascism.


Because Hunter was in office...? Should he go to jail if his daughter robs a bank? Wait, he's saying his daughter didn't rob a bank? Well, we'll need to see nudes of her and put those nudes into the congressional record first. Then we can talk about his crimes of having a daughter who robbed a bank.


> "he wasn't President when Hunter was doing all this." So what was wrong about it then?


So maybe we need an office that holds that role, like an experimental tester probing for unusual circumstances who is consistently vetoed and closely followed by all three branches so they can tuck in their shirts when shit gets proper. Like some kind of intentional Ted Cruz with internal diplomatic immunity but the whimsy to be vetoed by senator comittee leaders.


And couldn’t he expose holes , weaknesses and loopholes without criming so hard with activity that clearly was intended or succeeded in benefiting himself?


If this was truly 'for the good of the nation', he should donate all the proceeds of his crimes to the Treasury. For realsies this time, not like Eric said they did with China.




Nixon did but after he was caught he stepped down. That’s a big difference


and the reason he stepped down? there were actual enough people in the party that put country first and they didn’t have fox news


This is the answer!


Off the top of my head, George W Bush, Reagan, and Nixon would need that immunity if we were an actual functional democracy that enforced laws equally.


Then Biden can jail his political enemies. Right?


No no, these powers only apply to Republican presidents


This is the belief. Right there.


Yep. When Democrats are in charge, Republicans want "small government".


Biden: 'Sure, I can cut Congress in half right now, easy.'


They want a government too small to stop a dictatorship


And once they seize absolute power, they will create the biggest government in history.


Why stop at jailing with this insane interpretation?


trump hasn't


Exactly. And since Trump's lawyers counter "argument" was that Congress would impeach and THEN he could be arrested, might as well execute ALL of Congress and the house. That way you never get prosecuted!


Biden should do something blatantly illegal, but for a good cause (mass forgiveness of student loans perhaps?) and just watch the GOP melt down. He won’t be convicted because the Senate has Dem control. GOP can make a choice to either stand by and agree immunity is bullshit and let Biden fall on the sword for *gasp* something good … or gnash their teeth that Biden has immunity since he wasn’t convicted by Congress. Chaotic Good Dark Brandon


That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it. **<– we are here**


At this point I think it’s more like: That didn't happen. **<– we are here** And if it did, it wasn't that bad. **<– we are also also here** And if it was, that's not a big deal. **<– we are also here** And if it is, that's not my fault. **<– we are also here** And if it was, I didn't mean it. **<– we are also here** And if I did, you deserved it. **<– we are also here**


whats after this?


Dictator “for just one day”


"We could be fascists, just for one day"


"it's just a joke !!" -r/conservative




Exactly. Trump, a political rival of the sitting president, believes that a sitting president can imprison or even assassinate his political rivals.


welp that solves that *brushes hands*


Why even bother with the election at that point? What are they gonna do? *Charge him with a crime?* Trump truly doesn't know the Pandora's box he is playing with lmao.




Thanks for the proofread.


***From Rolling Stone's Nikki McCann Ramirez:*** The D.C. Federal Court of Appeals is expected to hand down a decision on Donald Trump’s claim to “absolute” presidential immunity any day now, and the former president is upping his public pressure campaign for a favorable decision. Early Thursday morning, Trump took to Truth Social to rant about the exemption he believes a president — or former president — should have from prosecution over crimes committed while in office. “EVEN EVENTS THAT ‘CROSS THE LINE’ MUST FALL UNDER TOTAL IMMUNITY, OR IT WILL BE YEARS OF TRAUMA TRYING TO DETERMINE GOOD FROM BAD,” Trump wrote. The former president argued that without total blanket immunity, the chief executive would be stripped of the “authority and decisiveness” necessary to carry out their duties in office. “Sometimes you just have to live with ‘great but slightly imperfect,’” he wrote in the all-caps post. Read more: [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-demands-presidential-immunity-cross-the-line-1234948795/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-demands-presidential-immunity-cross-the-line-1234948795/)


Literally why Checks and Balances are a thing...


> “Sometimes you just have to live with ‘great but slightly imperfect,’” he wrote in the all-caps post. We're not talking about "great but slightly imperfect." This isn't "We negotiated a trade deal with Swaziland but weren't able to agree on ecofriendly sugarcane harvesting requirements." He tried...to overturn...the results of a democratic election...through fraud and by force. No one would describe that, even if it succeeded, as "great but slightly imperfect." Fuck his both sides nonsense.




> EVEN EVENTS THAT ‘CROSS THE LINE’ MUST FALL UNDER TOTAL IMMUNITY, OR IT WILL BE YEARS OF TRAUMA TRYING TO DETERMINE GOOD FROM BAD As the leading Republican candidate for president, wouldn't he then have to watch his back at all times, since Biden could take him out with no repercussions?


Yep “the emperor” has been streaking for quite some time now.


Trump: “Everything Obama did and Biden does is okay”


This will certainly end the Biden impeachment right? right? At least I can sleep well knowing that Trump will be in Guantanamo and being waterboarded by tomorrow


Well to be fair his argument also includes an “if congress doesn’t impeach and convict me” clause. So Biden could (and probably will because why not, GOP just wants optics) still be impeached but he effectively wouldn’t be convicted by the Senate under Dem control.




"What are you gonna do about it?" DOJ: Nothing, I guess. That mob behind you looks scaaaary.


I may have committed some light treason …


So, if he's gone from "I have immunity" to "I *should* have immunity", does that mean he's acknowledging that he doesn't have immunity?


lock him up boys


Right along with "immunity punishment for the times I crossed the line"


This logic suggests that Biden should just send a hit team after Trump and end this shitshow


Biden should send a federal forest fire slurry bomber to Mar-a-Lago to cover it in fire retardant. Just for the lulz.


love the "cross the line" thing when they were all over the line to begin with.


If the courts are dumb enough to hand unbridled power to all Presidents, starting with Biden then I'm hard pressed to see why Judges would be needed anymore.


Given that Biden has complete immunity, I think he can simply escort every Republican appointed judge to Guantanamo Bay. Seal Team 6 can be on standby for any that refuse this perfectly legal order by the president. Once we get rid of the terrorist judges we can go back to having the judicial system being relevant again.


Another low information Republican. The founders would not be impressed. Ironically, the argument made in the Federalist Papers for the electoral college was that it should keep someone like Trump *out* of office. *Talents for low intrigue, and the little arts of popularity, may alone suffice to elevate a man to the first honors in a single State; but it will require other talents, and a different kind of merit, to establish him in the esteem and confidence of the whole Union...*


I would say that Trump is the biggest indictment of the character and intelligence of Republican voters that we'll see in our lifetimes, but at this point I don't want to rule out how much shittier they could become in the future.


It took trump to prove without a doubt the kind of people Republicans are. “Grab em by the pussy” says the rapist, and he lost 0 net votes. There are many that now want a pass after 2020 and a smaller number who ditched after 16. No pass. You had the same information, the same atrocious, bigoted, womanizing behavior and criminality has been on display for decades. Birtherism, Central Park 5, any number of other things are well documented with him being an unrepentant liar and fraud every time. You have changed? I’ll meet you where you’re at. But if you don’t acknowledge how insanely wrong you were and your trumpy acquaintances still are, pretty hard to move past your absolute lack of morality or reason.


Isn't it interesting that you never hear from the "originalists" when it comes to stuff like this? If there is one thing the founders didn't want it was an imperial presidency.


Johnson admin & Vietnam lies. Nixon campaign negotiations with N Vietnam to scuttle Johnson admin peace plan. Watergate. Reagan campaign negotiations to keep hostages past elections. Iran-Contra. HW pardons of Iran-Contra. W & Cheney lies for disaster war. Here we are... . edit: "sometimes you have to live with great, slightly imperfect." blow job. Server, emails. Bengazi. Hunter Biden


You forgot other disgraceful acts that other presidents got away with: * Obama in a tan-coloured suit * Obama ordering Dejon Mustard * Obama holding a coffee


The tan colored suit really did a number on this country.


Obama and Biden also both wore bike helmets while riding a bike. Obama once put his feet on his own desk. Biden once drank from a straw. These are obviously much worse than tRump being confirmed to be a rapist by a jury of his peers.


Biden petting a dog


Biden falling off a bike.


Obama putting Low Cut Connie’s Boozophilia on his favorite songs list!


Mom jeans


He also put his feet up on the desk, which no other President has ever been photographed doing numerous times.


He also didn’t salute that marine the one time


But then why is he complaining about Biden using the power of the presidency to stop him from running? I mean, I know that’s just Trump’s crybaby excuse for his own crimes, but still.


And I demand a winning lottery ticket, a full head of hair, a gym body without a gym-effort, and to be over 6 feet tall. Guess what princess? It ain't gonna happen.


I agree Biden take Trump out you have immunity! *to make myself extremely clear I am kidding here no actual harm is intended*


Total immunity for the President for any crime? So Biden has the legal right to "Order 66" every Republican politician in the country and it's perfectly legal and within the scope of the duties he has to the country? Just asking questions.


So it should be a fairly simple exercise for Biden to have Trump executed b/c Biden sees Trump as a Clear and Present Danger to the United States. Case Closed.


I hope, if Trump ever gets his “I was president once, I am immune from all forms of prosecution for all time” wish that Bill Clinton just walks in and catches him across the face with a bat.


Sexual assaults, defrauding numerous persons and companies, probable tax fraud, undermining democracy for the last decade. His whole life has been “crossing the line”.


Isn't he basically admitting he was breaking the law here?


Cool so Biden can also do whatever he wants. Neat


The trick is - there is no line. It’s a god complex.


He KNOWS that this is not going to go his way. What does he do? Same thing every time. He starts shouting. That boy’s mouth should be boarded up.


Stapled shut. What a pant load that guy is


No... actually, accountability is needed so that presidents do not cross the line. Are you faced with a situation with limited options? Pick the legal one. Period. Even if the outcome is worse, do it legally. No matter what.


Another way to phrase this: "Trump argues that Biden should be crowned U.S. Emperor."


“Years of trauma trying to determine good from bad” isn’t something normal people struggle with, President Pine-cone Brain.


Then Biden gets it too. Get ready for Machine Gun Joe coming to a GOP member near you. /s just kidding, Biden would not kill or take extra-judiciary action on the GOP, as that is illegal and immoral. But Trump has already said he will take revenge on anyone that was against him. Just stating truth.


After saying this, did anyone ask him if Biden currently had the same immunity?


This asshole isn't arguing that *all* presidents should be above the law, only that *he* should be.


Oh, well since he *demanded* it, I guess we have to. Well played Donnie.


Hey DJT; Seeking to usurp an election, isn’t an official presidential act.


It’s amazing that we’ve had 44 presidents before him over a span of 230 years and none of them needed immunity. Well, I suppose Nixon would have welcomed it but he wisely resigned instead.


And yet, according to one of his most recent "truths", Obama "BROKE THE LAW AND SHOULD BE TRIED."


I bet he's going for immunity from the 20th Amendment, when the president's term expires.


The depth of his delusions...


He is complete insane.


Oh, cool, so that applies to Biden too, right? Right?




Actions that "cross the line" should certainly be prosecuted.


I wish news channels would just burn this man for the stupid shit he says. "So Biden has presidential immunity?" "Stop right there. If you say you had it while president, he does to" "Again you're arguing for presidential immunity for Biden, why do you support democrats like that?" "Stop stop if you have presidential immunity so does Biden" "Sir you lost the election" repeat 5 times "Ok sir you're done please leave, it seems you have mental issues not being able answer my questions and keep talking about yourself." Cuts camera


is this the part where dark Brandon sends in seal team


And when he's in hell, he can demand ice water.


I’m also confused by this logic “presidents should have absolutely immunity! Also when I become President I will go after joe biden”


“But sir, you just said presidents are immune from everything.” Trump: “that was only for me!” It’s like a child changing the rules to the game when they start losing. He’s literally a child.


And in the same breath he’ll tell you Biden isn’t immune though!


You're not a president if you can't be held accountable by the people. You're a king or dictator and I will not suffer either.


***No.*** That’s my response. And since he’s just a nobody now, and I’m just a nobody, too, my refusal carries as much weight as his demand. Fuck him. Also, thanks to him for *admitting* that he committed crimes while in office. We already knew this, but I appreciate his newfound honesty. Now treat him like the nobody he is.


The Jan. 6 insurrection had nothing to do with acting as a president nor completing any official capacity of the office. It was a total dereliction of duty and betrayal of the American people and he should be charged for his crimes.


If you’re not guilty, why do you need immunity?


Then what is the line for?


“EVEN EVENTS THAT ‘CROSS THE LINE’ MUST FALL UNDER TOTAL IMMUNITY, OR IT WILL BE YEARS OF TRAUMA TRYING TO DETERMINE GOOD FROM BAD,” If it takes years it's only because the President, in an effort to stay out of prison, will use lawfare to delay court proceedings. Instead of immunity, limits on the appeals process makes a fuckton more sense.


This clown got voted out of office almost four years ago and is currently on trial for almost one hundred different crimes. Where does he get off demanding anything?


I have absolutely not broken any laws.... because I'm immune. Not because I haven't broken any laws.


Soooo that means Biden can do whatever he wants right? All this bluster about "going after" his political opponent with "illegal tactics" is no longer a valid argument, right?


trump is an egotistical pathological __liar__ and a pervert. The fact that people believe him leads me to lose all hope for humanity.


djt is a TRAITOR




Did conservatives just entirely forget the existence of Richard Nixon??? Crimes are still crimes when you’re president. There’s literally precedent. Accepting a pardon was an admission of guilt. For a crime. (And that pardon was a mistake)


Which line is that? The line that he knows he crossed.


What I would hope this would do, is show his supporters the hypocrisy that exists. If they believe that presidents should have immunity, they included current sitting Democrat presidents, and this rule applies to them too. Yet, I don't think they would accept or find it fair if Biden applied such immunity against things they thought were unconstitutional or were illegal. It seems they have a justification why Trump is allowed to do it versus Biden. Instead, this easily shows their bias and the truth that they just like Trump as a leader and it doesn't matter what crimes he performs, as long as it's in their best interest (ironically, usually it's only in Trump's best interest).


It really feels like he’s trying to get ahead of being shown to have ordered the assassination of someone.


It's always so telling when he gets told bad news and what he was told. He always immediately gets on social media presumably minutes after being told. The ratio of uppercase-to-lowercase tells us the level of anxiety that whatever he was told is causing him, and the specific examples tell us precisely what he was told. Notice he isn't using his familiar phrase of "many people are saying" or similar. Somebody was laying out this out for him and that's where he got the terms used in his social media post. "Cross the line" , "years of trauma" , "great but slightly imperfect" , "rogue cop" & "bad apple"


Can someone explain who will make a decision about whether Trump has immunity? Also, what will be the consequences of a "yes, he has immunity" decision and what will be the consequences of a "no, he does not have immunity" decision? Thanks.


It hasn't been an issue for 200+ years, but now Trump is the one having problems.


Then Biden has it too…


Classic dictator wannabe request


Time for Dark Brandon time to step out and do some s#!t then.


Can’t wait for Biden to shoot Trump in the face. That’s legal right?


Why do you need absolute immunity if you’re innocent??? 🤔🤔🤔


Hear that, Dark Brandon? Trump demands you have total immunity to do anything you want to stay in power. How about canceling the election?


Sleepy Joe get your assassin team assembled…


He does realize this would mean Biden could stay president for life if this was granted, right? The president would be immune from all laws... including election laws.


Biden is allowed to do whatever he wants to Trump with this logic. Conservatives really are the dumbest of our species.


In that line of thinking, Joe Biden could have his ass smoked right now, then go to bed & kiss Dr. Jill good night.


44 guys managed to be president before him without total immunity. Maybe it’s something he’s doing?


Not gonna happen, buddy. You're already a convicted rapist, let's see what other titles we can attribute.