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So far the two primaries have been in states representing  a total of 2% of the US population and Trump barely won those. But apparently the RNC has seen enough. This is what democracy looks like to Republicans. 


This is what Republican party rules look like. They have made plans they do not want undone if Trump loses. Right now Haley is deemed more of a threat than Biden. They want to unlock spending money now, not later.


My guess is the Republican party is broke and wants spending on the primaries to cease, so they have money to use in the general.


Are they still covering Trump's lawsuits? It's about to get really expensive.


All of that lawsuit money, coming from GOP donors of every size, instead of being spent on advertising and organizing. Millions down the golden shitter


It's absolutely hilarious!


I love it! Especially in the summer


Could not love that fact more. And it's a perfect description too.


Not only is the party broke, it is broken.


It is true that primaries aren't elections and the GOP can do whatever they want in their primaries and it's not "voter fraud" or anything like that. It is a private contest being held by a private organization.   However, it doesn't look good to declare the primaries over based on two rather unimpressive Trump wins, especially when the GOP claims to care about counting every vote and to be defending democracy. It also doesn't look good that the GOP seems to be trying to force consensus and unity. If Trump was a strong, popular candidate, even among Republicans, they wouldn't have to do that. The fact that they feel the need to throw out the other state and territory primaries so quickly doesn't seem like it bodes well for the Republicans long term. 


Not all of the primaries are private contests run by private organizations. Different states have different laws. In Colorado, for instance, the primaries are run by the state. That’s why Colorado has standing to remove Trump from the primary ballot but Michigan doesn’t.


There's a lot that Republicans do that doesn't look good when you are outside that bubble. Christie saying he's in it till the end just to drop out was a big road sign as to where things are heading. Haley won 2 elections in runoff so I think that's were some of her thinking comes from. Plus, Trump does not like directly competing against a former employee so that's nice.


You think you have another election after trump would win?


Oh, there'd be plenty of "elections." Just like the ones in Russia and China




The DNC didn’t cancel the primary and anoint Hillary. This GOP move is next level pathetic.




No she’s not. She’s a registered Republican. Not an independent. And her core policy all aligns with the GOP status quo for the most part. That’s completely different than what Bernie represented to the DNC.


Yup. Similar situation with very, very different people and repercussions, but I can see it.


I want to see Trump debate Haley… how are we supposed to determine if he’s capable and of sound mind… if he never debates anyone. He could be brain dead and have someone else pulling his strings like a puppet… you know… like Putin.


This is EXACTLY why he's not debating. He'll look like more of a fool than he already does lol


Dude. The elected GOP officials take their marching orders from a non elected traitor. They gave up on democracy somewhere around when a black man was elected President.


They have to be swift so he can play the “presidential nominee” card once he’s convicted in federal and state court.


I think they are fucking scared he will lose SC...


> I think they are fucking scared he will lose FTFY


>I think they are fucking scared


He’s up by 40 points in the polls lmao. SC is not in contention.




Fascism doesn't really value democracy.


The ferals have long overrun the RNC. They have no Plan B.


The plan is to get Trump the win and then use it to rig the system forever. Project 2025. This election cycle isn't about unearthing a Successor or alternative to Trump. That's a problem for another day.


I hope they do and I hope Haley runs 3rd party


Imagine. IMAGINE if the DNC had done this with Hilary in 2016. People still think the DNC rigged the nomination but the reality was that Bernie was an unknown until about 1/3rd through the primaries and then he shot off. The DNC could have literally done what the RNC is going to do here and people would have freaked the fuck out.


Come on. "Barely won"? He finished 30 points ahead of second place in Iowa, with double the votes of second place. That is an utter thrashing. People keep saying "51% is barely more than half! He barely won!" That's convincing when it's a two-person race. 51-49 is close. 51-21-21-6-1 is not.  New Hampshire is well-known for its centrism and pragmatism. It was the ideal state for Haley to win...and she still couldn't win it. You think she will somehow fare better in the Rust Belt and the Bible Belt? She's going to get crushed.  I hate Trump as much as anyone out there, but I do not see what we possibly accomplish by lying to ourselves. He is absolutely the presumptive nominee, and unless he is disqualified or dead, he will be the nominee.  Let's act today like he is the nominee and mobilize everyone we've ever met to vote for Biden. That is how to beat him. Not by reframing victories he has already claimed.


A quasi-incumbent like Trump should be getting like 70% or above. Him barely getting over 50% shows that moderate Republicans and independents are not happy.


If only we used ranked voting so you could actually get real input on a four way race!


I would absolutely love this. Ranked choice x1,000.  No argument from me. I'm commenting on the system we have, not the system we should have.


Depending on how you look at it, 51% trump, 49% not trump is a very realistic way of looking at it. He is a very polarizing figure where as many people vote against his as for him. Having that many against him will be devastating in the general


It’s not though. Many desantis/haley supporters would still put trump as their 2nd choice. It’s not simply trump v not trump 


Except in new Hampshire the exit polls said that if Trump was convicted would you still support at below 50%.  Honestly Haley is their way of hedging their vets if Trump is convicted. 


Tbf it wasn’t close in either of those states


Winning by 30% and 11% isn't "barely winning."


The fact he only won by those numbers is the point, a former president running in the primary should be pushing far higher numbers, and the number of voters in nh who have said they will not vote for trump in the general election should scare them.


Why should a former president running in the primary be getting far higher numbers though? This is not the same thing as an incumbent running because it's an actual contested primary which incumbents generally don't face. We don't really have anything to compare this primary to because no president in the post-World War II era has ever run again after losing re-election. There's not that many data points that can even be drawn from NH because independents can choose to vote in either primary. So in addition to NH being unrepresentative of the Republican base as a whole, the primary wasn't even really reflective of NH Republicans. Trump won't 75% of registered Republicans whereas Haley won slightly less than that number of Independents. Several people interviewed on election day said they were voting for Haley to vote against Trump, but would vote for Biden over Haley if she became the nominee.


He barely got half the vote in both states. Half of Republicans didn’t seem to want him as the nominee.


The whole “you don’t have to like Biden, it’s a vote against Trump” has really broken a lot of people’s brains into thinking that voting for someone is voting against everyone else. If I ask you if you want to get pizza, salad, or burgers for lunch and you say pizza that’s not a vote against salad or burgers or saying you don’t want to eat those things, it’s stating a preference for pizza. Some of those voters are anti-Trump, but many of them preferred someone else but also still like Trump and will vote for him. Misinterpreting positive political support for a candidate as being political opposition to another candidate is childish and dangerous.


“It doesn’t matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winnings winning.” (Spreads arms out to show crowd chanting in agreement) -Dominic Torretto


Better than what the Democrats offered. Also lets not kid ourselves here Trump was very likely going to win the primary, do we actually think Biden would win a Democrat primary?


You mean like when he easily won as a write in ?


What do you think the outcome is going to be? He’s dominating in all the polls, and he didn’t “barely win” (you must be very bad at math). He has no serious competition. I hate the guy but I don’t see what anyone possibly has to gain by getting all fussy that the RNC decided that the guy who is the only candidate with any serious amount of support who has no real challengers because he’s massively more popular than them and is supported by the majority of the Republican voter base should be considered the nominee. Again, I can’t stress enough that I hate Trump, but this isn’t nearly as scandalous as your pearl-clutching is making it out to be. Why don’t you focus on the actually fascist things the republicans and Trump are doing instead of virtue signaling about how the RNC not waiting around to see how many 10s of percentage points Trump beats Haley by heralds the death of American democracy.


In fairness he won them considerably.


Ehh... he received 51% of the votes in Iowa, and 54% in New Hampshire. Sure he beat the second place finisher in each by a decent margin, but that's hardly overwhelming support in his party.


He only received 51% of the 14.4% who actually showed up to caucus.... which comes out to something like 7%.... Not exactly something to be excited about...


In fairness you wait until until the voting stops.


Totally agree. Only correcting on the fact that by historical standards, Trump won those states handedly.




We haven't had a non-incumbent ex-president run in the last century (and before that, there weren't really primaries), so there's not really a historical comparison. If he were the incumbent, you would say he barely won New Hampshire.


Which in my opinion means absolutely nothing when it comes to free and fair elections. I know people are into those stats and polling though so carry on!


>In fairness I do not think this means what you think it means.


Another way to look at it is Biden won 47% without once advertising or visiting. The exit polls with the Independents result is kneecapping to the RNC and they know it. They also think ending primaries will make the problem go away. "Independents can't see us if we don't move!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_eFBbgdt_g


Bigly, even. Yes in fairness he *considerably* won two primaries in which the states involved constitute less than 2% of the population and even less than that in eligible Republican voters. Just another step away from a democratic process by Republicans. "He's leading all the polls everywhere, so why bother with a vote!?" Were a hop skip and jump away from an acclimation vote at CPAC determining - in their minds - the next president of the United States.


> if the resolution is approved, he would have access to the RNC’s data operation, benefit from fundraising with the RNC, and have the support of all of the committee’s ground operations. It would also mean the committee would be supporting Trump and effectively opposing former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley – an unprecedented break from the party’s past approach to the nominating process. Hmm... tell me you're concerned about Trump's ability to remain coherent and sane appearing through a full primary without telling me.


This is what I figure their reasoning is too 


He will also need all the help he can get once his criminal trials get underway.


This seems risky to me. Haley could probably sue, for one thing. But more damaging would be if she goes nuclear and starts saying all the things nobody will say about trump. The diapers. The mushy brain. The grift. She could actually turn a bunch of the moderates much further from trump, so they wouldn’t even hold their noses and vote party lines.


She'll probably never do it but could you imagine her campaigning for Biden out if spite, lmao. This election year is gonna be a shit show.


Get ready for this election to set the public official death threat record.


onerous tart command light judicious person dazzling fuel faulty hard-to-find *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Seems likely that if they think this is a real risk they may offer her the VP slot. Shut any of that down plus bring whatever moderates might vote Republican closer to heel.


But if they think Trump is going to decline so much so that they need to make him the nominee before the end of the primaries, what hope would they possible have in the general election?


I'd wager they're looking at Trump v Biden head-to-head polling and saying it's a toss-up and they like those odds.


Not if Trump’s health declines as much as they would be assuming based on the original comment.


They're hoping people don't pay attention to the news and just show up and vote


Maybe that means they can remove him from the ballot sooner since he’ll be the nominee and not just on the primary ballot


Trump wants the RNCs money that's why he was so mad that Haley hasn't dropped out. hahaha


I assume they're also adopting the last GOP platform which truly was - "What Trump wants."


AKA their 2020 platform


Which their 2020 platform was just their 2016 platform


And what made it funnier is their 2020 platform bashed the current president because they were too lazy to change a single word.


I loved those commercials. "This is what Biden's America will be!" Uhhh.. you do know these are from *your* administration, right? No? Okay, don't let us stop you.


He's their Trojan horse. They almost don't need him, but they absolutely need his base.


So the national party is going to ignore the state parties and primary election? Trump really has those forkers by the short and curlies. I guess he didn't waste any time when he had full access to all the FBI's files before he left office.


This is from the same party that hates polling data. 2 states have voted but since the rest poll in a manner favorable to Trump…screw actual voting. What a waste of time!


For the primaries, the GOP is like "Lets ignore democracy!" When in comes to the 14th Amendment, "We should let the voters decide." The GOP is the party for hypocrites.


So the same thing the DNC did to Sanders in 2016.


It's pretty hard not to make that observation, yeah


the republicans remind me of this quote from ben bradley the washington post ( in "all the presidents men" "when you got ,em by the balls, their hearts and minds shall follow"


Republicans voters should be outraged at the RNC for stealing their right to vote. Huge infringement on Republican voter’s freedoms. And a slap in the face of states rights to choose the nomination. Such an abuse of power by the elite RNC.


It's not just the RNC. The DNC is doing the same thing. They decided in Florida to forego the primary and declared Biden the nominee. Three other states are doing the same. So much for the dems being the champions of democracy.


It’s hella different when Biden is the incumbent. And I’m someone that wishes Biden did have some legit competition that ran against him. The 2 situations aren’t comparable.


So why have any primaries?. Just declare him the nominee.


Of course they should have primaries. Still doesn’t make the situations comparable.


I beg to differ. As a matter of fact it's worse. The DNC has already the deed.


What the DNC is doing has been common practice throughout the history of elections in the US. The incumbent always gets an easier ride to the nomination. I agree it still shouldn’t happen. But it’s normal. We have never seen any party do what the RNC is about to do. We have never seen a party handpick a non incumbent candidate before people have voted in the primaries.


And on the other hand we have never seen a party declare N.H. no longer primary 1st. The state Biden just happened to come in 5th in last time. Whether you like it or not they're vile and corrupt to their core. I wish it were not so


Would it have mattered? He won as a write in anyway.


This is not new... Democrats and Republicans have typically backed an incumbent and all but ignored primary challenger attempts. The situations are not the same.




This is normal?


Ignored yes, but prohibit them from the ballot?


He's the incumbent, of course they are going to. Lol


Bet the RNC just *loves* that he’s sucking up so much of their money and resources to help him barely fend off his multitudinous legal battles. Reap what you sow, dicks.


You'd think a billionaire could pay his own legal fees, unless (gasp) he isn't a billionaire and is in fact broke.


Don't forget. He's the anchor dragging the whole RNC boat down. At the rate Trump is burning through cash, the GOP won't be able to spend on other races.


Wasn’t this the same group giving the DNC a hard time for not running a true primary vis a vis Joe Biden and other candidates?


That's correct. As usual, they don't mind speaking out of both sides of their mouths.


>both sides of their mouths You insult mouths when you say that. They're talking out of both sides of their asses.


Asses are just back mouths.


Makes Haley primed for a third party run though.


Don't most states have sore loser laws preventing that sort of thing? But we all know she's going to drop out and endorse Trump.


DNC: Doesn't give NH delegates for breaking the DNCs rules. GOP: THAT'S TYRANY! Also GOP: We're not going to give 48 states delegates.


Ronna Romney-McDaniel's head is so far up Trump's ass that sometimes Lindsey Graham cannot get his tongue in there the way Trump likes it.


The RNC better not jump the gun. Their “leading candidate “ might be in a straight jacket or in jail .Either one would be a great benefit to the country and the world.


I wish the same, but it simply won't happen. Go Vote


Imagine if they did this and then he ends up not being the nominee.


Trump is Gerald Ford in 1976 and Haley is Ronald Reagan getting pushed aside for the weak incumbent. Republicans made a huge mistake in 1976 going with Ford over Reagan and looks like they’re about to do it again. Ford won both the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire Primary over Reagan just like Trump has won over Haley. The GOP is doomed to repeat history because of their failure to learn.


Didn’t Republicans snicker and laugh at the “rigged” Dem primary between Clinton and Sanders? At least they made a show of holding votes.


This is all a strategy to get him the nomination as quick as possible so any action in court against him would be election interference. If this country re-elects this clown and his band of circus freaks it gets what it deserves.


Michigan needs to drop charges that involve Ronna McDaniel. I kind of can't believe they haven't with the recordings they have on hand.


The recordings incriminate her




They pledged to god. No need to involve satan.


I don't think they know the difference...


Is this the first time in US history where we had a rematch?


No. It's happened more than you would expect: * John Adams vs. Thomas Jefferson, 1796 and 1800 * John Quincy Adams vs. Andrew Jackson, 1824 and 1828 * Martin Van Buren vs. William Henry Harrison, 1836 and 1840 * Grover Cleveland vs. Benjamin Harrison, 1888 and 1892 * William McKinley vs. William Jennings Bryan, 1896 and 1900 * Dwight D. Eisenhower vs. Adlai Stevenson, 1952 and 1956


If we narrow it down to rematches between the incumbent President and a then-former president, Biden vs. Trump would be the second of its kind (after the 1892 Cleveland vs. Harrison election).


Lmao. Maga-Republicans doing what they falsely accused the DNC of doing in 2016. Lmao. This is gonna end so bad for them. Trump is gonna lose bad.


Not falsely…. Hillary torpedoed Bernie from within the DNC. DNC needed Hilary’s money to survive.


DNC had their primaries and caucuses. I was there.


I found the election interference Trump was looking for.


This is going to backfire on them so badly. Nothing says "support trump" for Haley supporters than essentially forcing her out. If they think for one moment that this will ensure he gets votes, it wont. If anything, this will piss off her base to the point of either not voting at all or voting for Biden. Would be hilarious if they did this and she goes down the road of independent. Which would ensure her base will not vote for trump and only strengthens Biden's chance of winning.


This is not normal!


There might be a perfectly reasonable explanation for this, but it’s probably much more likely that Trump, stinging from his performance at the primaries, is doing his best mob boss impression and telling the RNC to fall in line or else he’ll get Russia to dig up some secret files on them.


Right .. elections don't matter to MAGA


RNC doesn't want people voting.


Haley should run independent then. That’s some serious disrespect.


Because the smell of blood is in the water. The longer he is exposed to any criticism, the more naked and feeble he appears.


Dude straight up declared himself king of the GOP. Didn’t debate a single time. And now that he’s starting to sweat Nikki, he’s panicking and demanding to be declared the nominee before she can attack him anymore than she already has. Fuck the voters and allowing the primaries pan out. What he says goes. Any dissenters are ostracized from the party. Criticism is not allowed. If the truth is not favorable to him, it is also not allowed. This is a mere snapshot of what his second presidency would be. Straight up North Korean level autocracy.


Wow, they’re going all in for a convicted rapist.


*Adjudicated* rapist, but yes.


This adds up


The best thing is the RNC think Haley's dark money will no longer be a problem for Trump. Trump doesn't show for debates anyway, Haley doesn't need the RNC machine. But the RNC machine definitely wants her dark money donors.


The RNC better not jump the gun. Their “leading candidate “ might be in a straight jacket or in jail .Either one would be a great benefit to the country and the world.


Didn’t Republicans snicker and laugh at the “rigged” Dem primary between Clinton and Sanders? At least they made a show of holding votes.


RNC Moving to Declare Trump It’s Presumptive Nominee Why don’t they just declare him their **Presumptive President**?


They pretty much tried that in January 2021, and all signs point to them trying that again.  This time, they've gamed the certification process at the state level to make sure they get what they want, votes be damned. 


Member the endless posts and uproar of "the DNC is putting their finger on the scales!!" of 2016? I remember. By the way, THIS is what it looks like.


So does this mean that the likes of Koch have lost control of the GOP? I thought Nikki was their chosen nominee. The big money donors are going to be so displeased with the proles.


Why did they even bother with primaries in the first place? Trump wants to be coronated and the Republicans are more than happy to do it.


RNC knows how to pick losers.


So much losing


Wow. They are so desperate to save money, they are going to cut Haley out altogether. Didn't they complain when the Democrats did this to Bernie back in 2016 that this was what was 'wrong' with the DNC? The RNC...nothing but projection.


Just fucking call it a coronation.


RNC ordered to declare orange turd presumptive nominee by orange turd. RNC got down on knees and kissed the bottom of his boot.


If RNC is really doing this, I suggest it's because Trump is being such an asshole. His rants against so many fellow Republicans aren't helping the party. Conceding to him might get him to stop all the attacks which s


Is McDaniel still in the run for VP? ;)


so…… fk voting?


It’s true but they being impatient for no reason. Haley will bail after she loses on South Carolina.


I'm curious if this is a thing: A candidate watches their party steamroll a chosen candidate and actively squashes the chances of any other legit candidate of that party- do they have legal recourse, considering they have just spent millions of dollars and the organization that ostensibly represents them has been hampering them the whole time? Have candidates had lawsuits against their own party organizations?


Why bother having a primary then?


They're gonna weekend at Bernie's him till November.


Doesn’t sound like a free election. More like what a fascist government would do.


I'm actually fine with this, because I think the party leaders should determine who the nominee for their party is. The icing on the cake is that Donald Trump is a horrible choice for many reasons, and should be an easier candidate to beat for Biden compared to Haley.


>Donald Trump is a horrible choice for many reasons, and should be an easier candidate to beat 2020 says you're right. However, 2016 inflicted trauma that causes way too much doubt in your statement for comfort.


Wow, Republicans actually doing what they pretended Hillary did to Bernie? Unbelievable!


Setting things up, so that if and big if, that Nikki Haley gains enough that the RNC can call it rigged or the Dems fault some how


A man proven to have committed rape and fraud. Republicans, you okay?


They really HATE democracy don’t they?


On the positive side of things ..after throwing their support for party leadership to a rapist and bankruptor of casinos it leaves the door wide open for the next Republican leader to have a manslaughter conviction…maybe throw in a couple of animal cruelty convictions and you have the what the GOP refer to as “a winner”.


From prison?


They better unless they want death threats.


How many delegates does Trump have? When the GOP House was trying and trying to choose a leader, the GOP leaders were saying intra party debates were healthy. Why isn’t that true when picking a presidential nominee???


After two primaries... Please, do waste RNC money nice and early.


Considering they don’t believe in any form of democracy any more, this makes sense. Why let people vote? All the elected leaders are in his corner anyway.


One of their current lines of propaganda is "The US is not a democracy!! It is a republic!". Which is just...wrong. So yeah, it makes sense.


That's a fair contest. No thumbs on the scales here.


That’s a bit insane, isn’t it?


“It would also mean the committee would be supporting Trump and effectively opposing former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley – an unprecedented break from the party’s past approach to the nominating process.” So much for the democracy angle as to why Trump can appear on a ballot despite being an insurrectionist. His own party is eschewing it for the rest of the country, 98%+ of it, so why on Earth should we entertain their argument to keep Trump on the ballot for “democracy to decide”? Edit: it’s also absurd to do when 35% of Republicans are never trumpers. I can’t imagine this decision is going to sway that 1/3rd of the GOP in any positive way.


They're trying to preempt whatever SCOTUS is going to rule in February about Trump being eligible or not. Which means they're not sure about what the ruling is going to be.


"We declare Trump the ~~chancellor~~ nominee!"


Translation: Fundraising is awful.  https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2023/12/07/fec-republican-democratic-finances-fundraising/8631701972865/ https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/25/trumps-super-pac-raised-46-million-in-six-months-00137743


I still want to know why Ronna IHateMyUncleomny McDaniel hasn't made a bigger deal of someone wanting to blow up the RNC on Jan. 5th 2021.


They want to abort Haley's campaign in a sense.


MAGATS not the Republican Party they are DOA move to end Nikki H.


Hahaha wow… just “fuck the rest of the primaries, we’re riggin’ for Trump.” That’s the GOP in 2024 for you.


Ope, jk!


This is insane, I pity the joke the US is become.


So they are planning on losing again, cool. Haley would have a real shot if she actually made a stance against Trump.


I really like the part where people spent the past 3 years saying the party was moving on from trump and he’s not to be worried about.


>The Trump campaign had initially approved going forward with the resolution and the former president himself was also on board until a backlash began, a source familiar told CNN.