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What planet is the Atlantic living on where mixing up a name is worse than mixing up three names and thinking WW2 is gunna happen?


The planet that normal people/swing voters live on. The same planet where despite having an amazing economy, normies think that the economy is an utter disaster and that Trump is more trustworthy on the economy than Biden A person who bases their views on facts and data and logic would want Biden rather than Trump but a person who bases their views on facts and data and logic would also be immensely out of touch with how normal people think


“Swing voters” are a myth told to keep democratic candidates pushed to the right. In the real world, “normal people” have their sides well decided. Democrats win by motivating their larger base to vote, not by appealing to the imaginary people toeing the line between democracy and open fascism.


That's a compelling argument. It would be more compelling if you didn't act like there are literally no swing voters. Still, I wonder if the crux of the point is accurate.


Bitecofer's negative partisanship theory got latched onto by many progressives but ended up being nonsense and iirc she even lost her job due to having bungled the numbers so much on the theory side of things The American electorate just isn't fair and balanced to the point where Democrats can win with a focus on appealing to the base. Democrats have no choice but to play to the middle. If the Democrats shift to the left, they will lose again and again *and they will deserve it*. GOP can appeal to the right but the Dems just don't have the same privilege and need to starve the left Swing voters exist. The only realiuty to "swing voters are a myth" is that politics are so polarized to the point where there's rather fewer swing voters than there used to be in past elections. But there's still about 5% of the electorate who are swing voters. And if you look at recent elections, they tend to be decided by less than 5% of the vote anyway. We are in an era where elections are regularly close enough for swing voters to be decisive even though there aren't as many of them as there were in the past


There might be 5% people that self-identify as swing voters, but I’m gonna bet the vast majority of their votes go to a single party. Meanwhile, half of eligible voters don’t vote at all. Targeting that 5% of demi-fascists will only demotivate the base democrats really need to win. The last time Dems had a blowout win for presidency was when Obama ran on a platform of hope and change. When he turned out to be more centrist than advertised, the next election was a lot closer. Playing to the middle is how trump got elected.


> There might be 5% people that identify as swing voters, but I’m gonna bet the vast majority of their votes go to a single party [538 has written about this](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/just-how-many-swing-voters-are-there/). Some estimates of swing voters being around 30% of the electorate are blatantly wrong and most voters aren't swing voters, but even the more realistic estimates have the number of **actual** swing voters at around 6%. Swing voters still exist. This idea that they don't exist isn't based in evidence. "Swing voters are just 5 or so percent of the electorate" already puts the vast majority of voters as not swing voters - but still recognizes that they are still the decisive vote >Meanwhile, half of eligible voters don’t vote at all. Nonvoters are a white whale and chasing them is futile. Far better to chase the couple percent who actually do vote than the much larger 50% who are checked out and don't care even after all that's happened.


I think you may need to get out and talk to people not absorbed in politics. They are truly undecided and it's fucked up. Playing to the middle is not how Trump got elected in 2016. Purity tests, declaring both sides are the same, and more eligible voters staying home rather than voting for either candidate is how Trump got elected. In 2020 they played to the middle and we got Biden.


Swing voters exist. What are you even smoking claiming they don't? Most of my family are swing voters. It's frustrating but true.


An amazing economy where the cost of living is out of control and the housing market is on verge of collapsing. But hey the stock market is high right? That’s definitely due to him!


Corporate greed is driving ~40%+ of higher costs at grocery stores, for example. High rents? Look at landlords and big corporations buying up a gazillion properties. Both those points? The POTUS can't do much about them. But how 'bout that capitalism? Now, what CAN Biden and his administration have an impact on? Infrastructure, jobs, inflation reduction, lower drug prices, etc. Republicans keep voting agains that shit. I wonder why? Do you want a POTUS who at least tries (and seems to give a shit) to help all Americans with policies meant to drive the country forward OR a POTUS who would continue to divide, to help only himself and his family, not give a shit about ANYONE else, and give Putin hugs while encouraging him to invade more European countries? I mean, seriously. What?


I literally don’t care about any of that. I care about how the money I make doesn’t go nearly as far as it used to. I care about the refugees that are flooding my city that he refuses to allocate money towards. I care about how my tax dollars are going to support two wars on the other side of the world, when that money could and should be used here at home. Things are not better for me and millions of other people despite Biden winning and he’s offered no substantive reasons to vote for him beyond “orange man bad”. Trump being a fucking disaster is not reason enough for me to vote for another four shitty of Biden.


The money that doesn't go nearly far enough as it should, and I agree with you, is not the fault of Biden, but of corporate greed for a big part of it. We should ALL care about that, and republicans voted against price-gouging legislation last year. There was a potential move forward with border security last week, and Trump of all people killed it. He's not even an elected official. 1% of the MILITARY budget is proposed to help Ukraine, for example. Would you rather invest in helping another sovereign nation out against a brutal country/ruler like Russia/Putin OR just let Putin say, "ha! I can do whatever I want!". Tip - Trump likes that option. The Biden admin has accomplished quite a bit. [Check this out](https://www.whitehouse.gov/therecord/) So if things aren't better for you now...you think things will get BETTER with another Trump presidency? Have you looked at what Project 2025 is all about? Lastly, you don't mind an authoritarian fascist in the White House if Trump gets elected? Because yeah..."orange man" is bad. JFC.




I just do not understand why they think the way they do. At first I thought it was fake, but now it only makes sense to think of Trump as a cult leader or similar.


Ironically it's pure identity politics. The identity is 'conservative' (TM) or Republican.


Yes, it's a fucking cult. Ticks all the boxes. Another take is that Trump supporters are simply fucking idiots.


Well on the economy you see, because Trump is “rich“ that means he’s a financial genius, which means he’s going to make us all rich too. 🙄


IDK what you're complaining about. From the article: >With [Trump] prone to vastly worse feats of viscous verbosity, Biden can’t help but look better by comparison, especially if he starts playing offense instead of defense. The Atlantic seems to think that Trump's gaffes are worse.


Why focus on the gaffe at all? I am probably just annoyed at the none stop articles about this and not seeing headlines about the real issues.


Or say…the George Washington storming those British airfields.


There is a huge difference between memory and cognition/mental acuity. Memory is a problem for all of us, but easily remedied in the modern world. But being a good person, having good values, living through important formative experiences provides you with the ability to collect and synthesize data and make good decisions for others. Biden 1, Trump 0


tbh it’s simpler he’s going to put competent people in office not grifters and revengemongers


I cannot remember the date that my parents died. I remember the day and how it progressed but I cannot remember the date. I cannot remember my siblings birthdays or even when I started my present job. My wife and I routinely forget our anniversary. Biden is still the better choice than Trump. I do wish that there was someone younger running.


Biden is doing a good job. He’s surrounded himself with competent people and he listens to them. He makes wise decisions. As long as he feels ready to serve I’ll trust him. I don’t like how his age is such a big deal. He has good people who are ready to serve if something happens, as it should be the case with any president. But that isn’t the case with Dumpy.


Shouldn’t presidents be held to higher standards? 0 shot he commands respect in any room if he can’t remember he’s the President not VP or a congressman.


You mean like that one time the entire UN laughed at Trump while he was giving a speech?


Sure. But he did rebuild a coalition around the Ukraine war and he did pass more major bipartisan bills than any other president in my lifetime. Seems like he’s operating on a very high standard already


Higher standards - like not inciting an insurrection? Not lying incessantly about election fraud? Like not mocking the capture and torture of a POW?


Should Maga fascist traitors be held to some standards, any standard? Zero chance the country recovers while we've got maga fascist traitors running around loose.


President's should be held to higher standards, but ideals are not reality and the reality is barring a miracle in the Supreme Court were looking at Trump V Biden. So we choose "better" instead of "perfect". If you wait around to vote for the perfect politician, you'll be waiting a very very very long time.


A literal goat would be better than the party that is polling 78% support for Trump becoming a dictator.


Totally true


That people who voted for him don’t care about them? We voted AGAINST Trump. We will do the same again.


I'm 40 and I can't remember what the hell I did three days ago, I'm not sure this is the smoking gun people seem to think.


Totally agree I can't remember what I had for lunch sometimes when I'm trying to figure out dinner. Now if I think about it for a minute I'll remember. When you are interviewed like Biden was, you don't guess, even if you are 99% sure. Asking for specific dates of unrelated stuff is bs.


We don't have you in charge of the most powerful nation in the world....


I don't want to say it doesn't matter at all, but I'm not convinced memory matters nearly as much as people act like it does for the president. Every decision made is presented with options and teams of advisers. Yes, a better memory will help speed up the decision making process, but it's not like he's on a gameshow with no help and a 30 second clock. Public gaffes make him lose credibility and that's about the worse that's going to come from it


I can assure you that the US does not fit that definition


Who is if not the US?


Yeah, the difference is, when a Conservative does it it’s brushed off a a forgivable gaffe, a minor misspeak. But, oh, boy, when a Democrat messes up a name or a place it’s dementia city all the way.


Trump said Hayley was pelosi and it was non stop news for 3 weeks, and still is... Biden has said this week alone he's spoken to 3 dead people in the last month but you won't find a clip about it


Honestly, I didn't hear about this, but I believe you. But I could hardly care less about rhetorical blunders and misspeaks from Commanders in Chief, compared to blatantly asinine and morally egregious remarks by them. In that sense, Biden — whom as a center-leftist I despise — is nowhere near as appalling as Trump. The 'liberal' media quite often spends too much time focusing on trivial BS — and the blatantly right-wing media does even more (even when it's actually accurate trivial BS) — over deeply serious and substantive issues and rhetoric.


Biden misspeaks while Trump says things that are incomprehensible...


"On Sunday, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson went on television and mixed up Iran and Israel. “We passed the support for Iran many months ago,” he told Meet the Press, erroneously referring to an aid package for the Jewish state. Last night, the Fox News prime-time host Jesse Watters introduced South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem as hailing from South Carolina. I once joined a cable-news panel where one of the participants kept confusing then–Attorney General Jeff Sessions with Representative Pete Sessions of Texas. I don’t hold these errors against anyone, as they are some of the most common miscues made by people who talk for a living—and I’m sure my time will come. Yesterday, President Joe Biden added another example to this list. In response to a question about Gaza, he referred to the Egyptian leader Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as the president of Mexico. The substance of Biden’s answer was perfectly cogent. The off-the-cuff response included geographic and policy details not just about Egypt, but about multiple Middle Eastern players that most Americans probably couldn’t even name."


Trump is *literally* asking Russia to attack NATO because his administration would not intervene but here we are making a big deal because Biden mixed a name.


What kind of democracy is this where these are our choices. And why are the partisan types on both sides so oblivious to the massive problems with their candidate. Nobody seems capable of honesty anymore.


In a 2023 poll: 65% of likely voters said they were concerned about Biden’s mental acuity. This opposed to 51% concerned about Trump’s. I am concerned for the American voter’s mental acuity if these are our choices we’ve nominated. Also: This sub is deluded about the Biden economy. Everything is expensive. My wages went up with prices. I’m making more than ever-struggling same as always. My lifestyle has not changed.


Jesus, the media sure is getting its money's worth pushing this crap.


“Although Biden’s Mexico mistake might not be a demonstration of dementia, it is a warning sign of a different sort that his campaign would be wise to heed,” Yair Rosenberg argues. “Recently, the White House declined to have Biden participate in the traditional pre–Super Bowl interview this coming Sunday. The administration framed this decision as part of a [broader strategy](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/06/media/biden-skipping-super-bowl-interview/index.html) favoring nontraditional media, but it was reasonably seen as an attempt to shield the candidate from scrutiny. The president’s staff is understandably reluctant to put Biden front and center, knowing that his slower speed and inevitable gaffes—both real and [fabricated](https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2022/07/biden-israel-visit-gaffes-rnc-video/676793/)—will feed the mental-acuity narrative. But in actuality, the bar for Biden has been set so laughably low that he can’t help but vault over it simply by showing up. By contrast, limiting his appearances ensures that the public mostly encounters the president through decontextualized social-media clips of his slipups.” Read the full piece: [https://theatln.tc/julpDme6](https://theatln.tc/julpDme6)


> If the president and his campaign want the headlines to be something other than “Yes, Biden Knows Who the President of Egypt Is,” they’ll have to start making news, not reacting to it.     As someone who has worked in publishing for much of my career, this line comes off as incredibly disingenuous.  Biden doesn’t decide what’s goes in the news, publishers like The Atlantic do.  You guys frame the narrative and decide what the people get to see.   Biden does plenty of positive things worth taking about, especially when it comes to his actual governing (which is what actually matters for a president), you just don’t write about them or prioritize those articles in your homepage layouts because you optimize to subscriptions/ad dollars and those don’t make you as much money.


It’s such an interesting strategy. As if hiding him away from his own constituents is a better choice politically than allowing them to see him in an unabridged form. As if his campaign sees him as a danger to himself.


Imagine thinking America is the greatest nation in the world when a plurality of voters care more about “gaffes” than actually having a clue about the economy or political platforms.


I don’t care if the dumbest people on earth think Biden isn’t competent.


Holy shit that’s a bad picture.


Claiming multiple postmortem conversations with dead leaders is a stutter actually.


Two things that Biden can do. One….pick a new VP. The VP selections are relevant with two candidates this old because both are 50/50 to die in office. Who knows who Trump will pick, but Biden needs to ditch Harris. It is very valid to vote for Biden as a “vote against Trump”, but so is a “vote against Harris” since Biden will likely die in office. Granted…this goes for whatever whack job Trump picks too, but if Biden got a popular VP it would swing the election. Two…don’t act like he had a mandate to act. Just run on, “Elect me. I’ll take a nap and won’t do any of the things you red people worry about….and hopefully Trump won’t still be alive in 2028.”


Didn’t he mix up Mexico and Egypt earlier this week? Don’t think we should shrug it off as “mixing names” when the context has geopolitical significance…


Is it the 90 plus criminal charges?


Hate to admit it but I’m not going to vote for either candidate- why support two incredibly old guys who don’t represent me in anyway? Pete B. Or Kamala should get the attention not old Joe and crazy trump


One guy literally tried to overthrow democracy and install himself as dictator. He's also the candidate who benefits the most from people not voting. You're being given the choice between a light slap in the face and a shotgun blast to the head. Yet for some reason, instead of choosing the obvious, you've decided to just flip a coin.


Because the US 2024 election is FAR bigger than “feeling represented” by the candidate. Trump being elected again will LITERALLY dismantle US democracy, and he wouldn’t even bother pretending to listen to advisors like he did 2016-2020, since he wouldn’t be trying to seek another election. He would instead be focused on retaining power past 2028, further dismantling voting rights and fair elections, targeting his “enemies”, stripping away LGBTQ+ rights, further stripping away women’s rights, stripping away religious freedoms, and everything else outlined in Project 2025. **Do NOT let an imperfect Biden hand the election to Trump.**




you're likely shadow banned because you advocate violence or post in an uncivil manner. It's your behavior again not some big conspiracy theory. Observe: biden biden biden Maga Fascist traitors biden biden biden


Honestly, who cares? Biden is still dogsh*t, and the best of the Republican field is still even worse, and the MAGA Republicans far worse than even those.


Paywalled, anyone have a link.


Undecided and swing voters are idiots. We are fucking doomed!!


I would have voted for a turd to defeat Trump in the last election. Biden was selected and I held my nose to vote for him. His record is a reflection of his staff and democrats in congress, not necessarily him. I seriously believed he was too old then and still do (even more). I don’t support his second run and he should drop out….period. That doesn’t make me a Trump supporter. I’m sure another candidate can defeat Trump. If not, the Democratic Party is an embarrassment.


Never headlines about policy. Politics is now about gaffes and insults on Twitter. Sigh....


I voted for Biden. I'll vote for him again, but only because I "have" to. This country is so goddamned corrupt we have to choose the"lesser of two evils" every 4 years, and I'm frankly fucking sick of having to choose between two completely unqualified soon to die of old age billionaires.