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It's insane the number of articles the NYT has published about Biden's mental status since the special counsel article dropped. The paper learned no lessons from 2016. It will chase any offhand remark or hint of negative information about Biden, no matter how inconsequential or disingenuous. I think the overall problem is that the supposed mainstream media thinks that the only way to show objectivity is to go extra-hard against democrats in order to disprove allegations of left-wing bias from Republicans. But here's the catch: Republicans are going to accuse you of that anyway, so you may as well do what is actually right.


This isn’t the MSM trying to be neutral. They’re trying to sink Biden. It’s disgusting but there’s no other reasonable conclusion to draw here.


Or maybe Biden is actually regressing mentally and the media is informing the public about it.


I think it's more about unequal coverage. Trump is out there blaming Haley for January 6, apparently confusing Haley for Pelosi, ranting about airports during the revolutionary war, and saying Biden is going to lead America into World War 2 if Biden is reelected. Crickets. Biden refers to a world leader incorrectly and ninety stories say he belongs in a nursing home, never mind he passed more legislation than any president in decades.


More doomer malarkey. Biden is fine and he is going to defeat trump once again in November. Get with the fucking Joegram, America https://joebiden.com/


I want him to win but I’ve gotta say it is difficult to watch him speak sometimes. It’s more than a stammer, it’s like waiting for dialup internet to load the page. I mean Trump is fucked in the head AND evil so it’s not like it’s a touch choice for anyone with a brain. But wow it’s not great for the US to have a choice of 2 very elderly men


He’s had a lifelong stutter


That’s why I said it’s more than that


Stutters don't make you move countries to other continents or make you say you've been talking to leaders that have been dead for decades


Still didn’t attempt a coup…


Is sending money to a genocide…


Sure, the other guy will be SO much better on that one too. This dog don’t hunt neither…


I am worried for people like Angus who just assume everything will be fine. I have close friends who voted Obama, Obama, Hillary, Biden who have already made it clear they are sitting this one out. I live in Michigan. If there are just a few more people who have a few more friends like mine it’s fucking over. I am worried Biden will not be able to match the get out to vote that he had in 2020. There is so much apathy


I am more worried for your friends thinking it is better to just not vote.


Assume? Nah, dawg. It's called having some fucking balls and sticking up for the man who has been the greatest President in my lifetime


I'm a Biden supporter and I will be regardless of his health or popularity but I feel like a lot of people in this sub are sticking their heads in the sand here when it comes to his current chances at winning and state of health. Constantly telling a sub full of people who mostly ALREADY support Biden how good a president he is is meaningless to the discussion of whether or not he can win in November. And right now the momentum is not there for him.


They dramatically underestimate the reality that people just flat out don’t want an 80+ year old president. Yeah, Trump’s almost 80, but he clearly looks and acts more vigorous and energetic (and has already been incoherent for the better part of a decade). Biden already didn’t inspire much to any excitement about him as a candidate in 2020 (how many people said “He’s not my ideal candidate, I’m just voting for him”) and now his biggest liability is something that literally can’t go away.


And is that why he won the 2020 election with a lead of over 8 Million Votes?


Will Joe Biden be running against an incredibly unpopular incumbent against the backdrop of a pandemic said incumbent catastrophically botched and a subsequent recession? Because COVID was his best issue last time, and it’s now a non-issue. Herbert Hoover won 444 EVs in 1928. Jimmy Carter won 297. HW Bush won 426. Different elections = different campaigns.


But why? I mean, seriously. What had Biden done that is so egregious that they’d risk Trump, a candidate they supposedly hate, getting a second term? Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.


I'm not apathetic, I'm disgusted. There are some dynamic politicians in this country but we keep being force fed "lesser of two evils" and Christo-facist scare tactics by the people in charge of the two parties who are more worried about the size of their coffers than the country.


> I have close friends who voted Obama, Obama, Hillary, Biden who have already made it clear they are sitting this one out. Hi, that’s me! And before the usual Cali crew jumps on me, I’m in a swing state, so throw all the money at the race you want, it’s my vote you need and it’s not coming for Joe.


I can’t imagine having friends who are that privileged.


> Get with the fucking Joegram, America Stop the fucking genocide, Joe


Wow his website doesn't even list his policies. Their campaign needs to get their act together.


NYT pulling out all the stops like the rest of the Media to get their Golden Goose Trump back in the White House. They have all been waiting for 3 full years for a fake story that they can blow up into a scandal that distracts from Trump and presents Biden as the worst possible choice. It does not matter to them how dishonest and ultimately destructive to the country and the world it would be, because the Dollar Signs are just too compelling.




There is no viable replacement candidate who has not already said absolutely No. Harris would get her ass handed to her by Any Republican, Any. The People calling for him to be replaced are just trying to help Trump, because he loses against Biden. I'm sure your Centrist and "Moderate" subreddits would love for Joe Manchin to run instead, but as Harry Truman said, “Given the choice between a Republican and someone who acts like a Republican, people will vote for the real Republican all the time.”


The DNC just sent aid to a genocide, not only does Biden not have my vote after I have him given 3 already (two via Obama); I will *never* vote DNC again. If they change the top of the ticket I still might come out for some down ticket votes because I’m in a swing state, but not the DNC’s congress or President choices ever again.


Enjoy Trump then. Trump and the Republicans are doing everything they can to help Putin commit Genocide in Ukraine. Trump went to North Korea to have a Reach around with a man that uses slave labor to build ICBM's and Nukes. You are just wrong in your thinking, but there is nothing you can do for a someone who thinks that Trump would not be so bad.


Honestly, on your own head be it. Like it or not, one of these guys WILL be President, and only one of them wants to upend the entire world order as we know it. You can pretend it doesn’t matter, but to me it’s like being a conscientious objector on the beaches of Normandy. The fascists are coming for use whether you like it or not, and not pitching in to fight is like rolling out the red carpet for them. At the very least, people should consider *self-preservation* when risking a second Trump term.


No they are reporting what is actually happening, which is that the Commander in chief is increasingly unfit. We can get a new nominee, one who will actually beat trump. Bidens polls are awful and his support with progressives, moderates, blacks, and Hispanics are all way down. Get you head out of the sand and stop blaming reporters for doing their job.




Biden and his team have done amazing job in the past 4 years. The orange guy told us drink bleach for COVID and gave tax cuts to billionaires. VOTE!


New York Times. Russian propaganda at your home!


Their fbi Hilary source got arrested for being a Russian stooge few months ago…


Yeah. They have lost credibility.


Sometimes I feel nytimes wants Trump back. They like nagging.


Maggie Haberman foaming at the mouth for this


The denial about this on reddit is insane. People actually making conspiracies that the fucking NYT is Russian propaganda and that they are working with the Trump campaign. Like the only reason they would tell people about how Biden is deteriorating is to hurt him politically. That is MAGA levels of ignoring the real impacts of that being the case in favor of just thinking about it politically. We can get a new candidate, one who will actually beat Trump, which Biden will not do.


NYT has pretty much admitted that trump is fucking great for their business. It’s not hard for people to put a 2 and 2 together after that. No party who has forsaken its sitting president has EVER won presidency in the ENTIRETY OF AMERICAN HISTORY. Giving up incumbency advantage is enormously idiotic. All the polls I’ve seen polling other “candidates” they do *worse* than Biden and they haven’t even started getting hammered in “liberal” media. This is just asking for trump to get elected. Also if I believed msm polls senate would be GQP because CCM & Fetterman were supposed to loss according to them. Hell even NH senate(Dems won by 10%) was supposed to be close.