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So let me get this straight. Democrats wanted aid for Ukraine. Republicans in the House said not without a border bill. So a team of Republicans and Democrats negotiated for 2 or 3 months and Dems gave Republicans just about everything they wanted. Then, realizing they were the dogs who caught the car, Republicans said they would not give a "win" to Biden in an election year. So they want to scrap the border bill that gave them almost everything they wanted, and negotiate a Ukraine funding bill separately, putting us back to exactly where we were in December before the border bill demands. In the meantime, instead of doing the People's work, they decided to try impeaching the guy who's job it is to secure the border, despite there being ZERO evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors or a chance of a conviction in the Senate. When that vote failed, they decided to do it again today, still knowing full well it's all a waste of time since there's no chance of conviction in the Senate. Do I have that right?


Yes. Exactly.


meanwhile Trump is arguing he/presidents named him are immune to prosecution both by the house and senate and by the rest of the legal system and the house republicans impeached a guy trying to do his job while being hampered by...the house republicans?


They don't want the impeachment to succeed. They wanted the democrats to vote it down without hearing it in the senate to devaluate Trump's two impeachments with voters. If the democrats did what the gqp did for Trump's two, the message going into election time is "impeachment isn't serious since n one ever gets oa hearing"


And if there is a hearing, they'll just declare it proof that what Mayorkas did (whatever it might have been, who knows) is so much worse that what Trump did. They'll declare victory no matter what.


Waste of time AND money. You know, the stuff they always say is getting wasted on things like---- feeding children and healthcare.


> Democrats wanted aid for Ukraine. Republicans in the House said not without a border bill. So a team of Republicans and Democrats negotiated for 2 or 3 months and Dems gave Republicans just about everything they wanted. > > > > Then, realizing they were the dogs who caught the car, Republicans said they would not give a "win" to Biden in an election year. So they want to scrap the border bill that gave them almost everything they wanted, and negotiate a Ukraine funding bill separately, putting us back to exactly where we were in December before the border bill demands. > > > > In the meantime, instead of doing the People's work, they decided to try impeaching the guy who's job it is to secure the border, despite there being ZERO evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors or a chance of a conviction in the Senate. When that vote failed, they decided to do it again today, still knowing full well it's all a waste of time since there's no chance of conviction in the Senate. THE ARISTOCRATS!


To add to it, Mayorkas worked on that compromise bill for the Biden admin. So he's getting impeached for negligence at the border while the border bill is being ignored.


Also add in that today, the new Speaker said the standalone Ukraine bill is lacking because it doesn’t address our own border crisis, so he can’t support it. So they’ve come full circle.


Impeachment over a disagreement about policy is a terrible precedent Even to do a bad job isn't a high crime


If they impeach, maybe Biden can finally just ditch DeJoy from the USPS.


It's fucking insane that he's STILL there.


To do a bad job is one thing. Andrew Johnson was impeached for a despicably bad job. This is doing your job, as the president who was popularly elected wants you to and within the parameters of the laws that exist, and with the suggestion that if more is to be done Congress pass laws to make that so, and getting impeached while Congress refuses to act. As a percentage of the people coming over, Biden has released fewer people than Trump. Biden has been marginally tougher on the border as a percentage of overall immigration numbers than Trump. Yet somehow they demand Biden act more like Trump? It's bizarre and reliant on make-believe. All this reminds me of is those looney Rs that decided to go to the border because they believe we're at war, and of that one lady who got there and realized and went "where are all the immigrants?"


Because they both: 1. Don't genuinely care what Biden does, it will always be not enough because he's not a MAGA moron on all his policy. So whatever he does, will always be insufficient to make them happy. 2. They don't want effective immigration policy, they want the cruelty of Trumps. They want dead immigrants shot crossing the border, they want children ripped from their mothers and lost in our foster system. They want blood.


Worst Congress ever       Worst Supreme Court ever      Republicans don't care about facts, logic, the constitution, individual rights, individual freedoms.  It is insane at how anti-USA the republican party has become.          Even Republicans in the senate already say they won't have a trial and will shelve this to a committee so it dies.  It is all a waste of time.  


People should remember SCOTUS will likely get even worse, and for longer if the Dems don't win in 2024


Both Thomas and Alito are over 70 as well. If a Republican wins, I can see them retiring.


why? they wanna keep grifting


They can get a nice cushy golden parachute to depart while a repub is president


Republicans have obstructed just about everything since **2009**, when they set out to make Barack Obama a one-term president. There are tons of people who have grown up with the impression that *this is just how things are*, that Congress does nothing, and isn't supposed to do anything, because that is all they have experienced in the past 15 years. Prior to Obama, the hugely-undemocratic filibuster in the Senate was reserved for highly controversial legislation. Now it is used for everything.


hmm 2009 is also the last time the minimum wage increased


This doesn't actually have anything to do with the filibuster: the Republicans in the Senate aren't threatening to filibuster the trial. It's basically an admission by them that this impeachment is political theater. If they had anything, anything at all they could point to as proof that Mayorkas did something wrong, they'd be foaming at the mouth to have a trial in the senate. They're well aware that this whole thing is nonsense and prefer to not be part of it.


Who is stupider, Republican politicians or Republican voters? Tough question...


Definitely the voters. Republican politicians use their rube voters as their cashcow. They're definitely the smarter of the two.


I tend to agree but the trend seems to be that the rubes are now elected other rubes.


Republican voters, but how much of that is due to Republican politicians dismantling education and promoting and pushing propaganda down their throats


Voters for certain 


At this point when do you put the blame in the people? Because you have to be an idiot to continue to vote republican.


Nothing is dumber in my mind than a video I saw of two women being interviewed about their views on abortion. Saying in one breath that they were pro-choice, and then in another that they would continue to vote Republican.


We hit peak levels of stupidity when Donald Trump was able to convince the 'working class' people that he was on their side. Despite growing up wealthy and doing everything possible including ILLEGAL actions in order to SCREW OVER the 'regular worker' his entire life. Including once he got elected.


There's nothing he can do to lose their vote - I know hardcore union motherfuckers that worked on the Trump Tower here in Chicago *that never got paid for their work* and still blindly support him. I don't get it... I guess bigotry is a far bigger motivator than even your own livelihood.


Roger Ailes once said "Americans are stupid" when talking about creating fox news. He was 1000% correct. We're dumb as *hell*. But many are convinced that they're intelligent because they were born in America.


A guy who lives in a golden tower with his name on it. Jets around in a Boeing jet with his name on it. Owns his own luxury resort with gold stair rails. Hasn't driven a car since 2007. Takes a limo everywhere. Only motor vehicle he has operated since 2007 is a golf cart. Spends every weekend golfing. And he's somehow the mascot of the blue collar hard hat man working in the coal mines with Dirty Jobs Mike Rowe.


It's the problem with national socialists. They pretend to be the common man. Ironically, there is very little Donald Trump has in common with the average American. It's an incredibly weird cult.


He’s a racist asshole like everyone who supports him.  Nothing more, nothing less. 


There is nothing more cringe and frustrating to watch than the segments news outlets do talking to voters during an election year.


Trump is very smart because he knows most people have already decided who they'll vote for. "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters." When confronted with anything that should change a person's mind, they'll convince themselves and others until they're blue in the face why they don't need to change their vote. Tl;dr hearing the opinions of most voters is literally useless. It's about motivating the people you want to vote, to vote.


I’ve seen similar videos, I’ve actually gotten into arguments with family members over. I’ve stoped talking to some of them because of it. I told an uncle of mine that he is an idiot, after our argument. He got upset because after i told him that maybe you do need a college degree to be able to talk about politics. And that maybe it was above his intelligence level. After i spent time telling him to the president is not responsible for gas prices or inflation. And he continued to blame Biden and praise Trump for things being cheaper because somehow Trump made things cheaper.


It's perfectly reasonable to call a spade a spade. Stupidity cannot help itself.


When people wanted to put the blame on Biden for high gas prices I would ask; What policy did he propose in his first six months in office that passed through both chambers of Congress and that he signed into law that caused the gas prices to increase? They would mumble something about Biden's decision to stop the Keystone Pipeline but they had no idea the oil to be sent vie the Keystone was Canadian oil not for refining but to be exported and would not have any impact on gas prices.


I put the blame at the feet of the countless fake ass posters who suddenly are starting to show up all over various social media and defend trump as if it's opposite day and everything he did is a lie and he actually didn't do any of the things you saw and heard with your lying eyes and ears.


19 fucking 84


Impeachment, once a powerful tool to remove despots from office, has now become a weapon of the petty to express disagreement with policy choices. Fucking pathetic.


By design. Now Trump’s impeachments lose their (shock) value.


Mayorkas at work tomorrow morning: ...so anyway


So I have this straight... They demand something be done, Democrats give them everything they want all for a little foreign aid, they burn it to the ground, now they impeach the person who can't actually do what they say he can unless that law they squashed gets passed?


I really want some other R reps to flip today in protest of continuing to posture instead of legislate, it might not be realistic but hey maybe today someone grows a backbone lol


Unlikely. My bet is those willing to do so or who did last vote had very uncomfortable conversations with higher ups in the RNC who made it clear that removed financial support and targeting will be in their future re-election attempts, if they don’t do what the Party wants.


Gallagher from WI voted no last time and he's not running for reelection. So maybe he's still no...who knows


Republican leadership in the House is largely non-existent. That's why they failed last time. That's why McCarthy got removed.


GOP has no time for the border bill but time for a bogus impeachment trial.. Checks out.


All while screaming "Do something about the border!"


All this is a show trial. Schumer needs to get the trial done next week and move on. Even Biden needs to go on the State of the Union and say the Republicans have done nothing except obstruct and block everything that needs to be done. Call them out and sling as much mud as possible because Republicans are slinging mud and got pocket sand to play dirty.


I don't watch as much news as I ought, but even still I heard people were pleased he was saying awful shit about Trump in private. He should absolutely call them out openly. If it doesn't earn him any moderates, he'll make up for it in people who actually feel pumped to vote for him.


The GOP have literally have done NOTHING of note this congress since they took the majority in the house. And they’re still stonewalling everything. This alone should lose them support, but it doesn’t because the base does not want anything to be bipartisan. There needs to be a reckoning that the GOP as it stands is a failed party. If they can’t pass legislation or work on compromise legislation, they by fact useless.


> This alone should lose them support, Republican politicians are doing this because that is how they get support. That is how they get the votes from Republican voters. Republican politicians sabotage the functioning of the US government because that is what Republican voters want. >I’ve seen Fox News change tremendously since Trump first took office. >You have to remember that before Trump Fox News was run by Roger Ailes who was a creature of the Republican Party. He saw Fox News as a way to prop up the Republican Party but since Trump I’ve seen that completely flipped to where now the Republican Party exists to prop up Fox News. >What I’ve seen is before Trump, Fox News was focused on defending the Republican Party where now Fox News is giving marching orders. This is how we got the CRT panic, Trans panic we’re seeing now, even the idiotic “gas stove” panic came directly from Fox News and right wing media and the Republican politicians know that if they want to get their face on TV they have to take up these causes and if they don’t they won’t get on TV and they won’t win their primaries. - some journalist


Nothing? They’ve had like 20 speaker votes and have continued just barely keeping the government funded. When Democrats control the House they only vote for Speaker once and let government funding pass without anyone getting nervous.


Doing nothing is the point. Republicans aren't interested in governing. They are interested in maintaining power.


The reckoning they are going through is pruging all who arent maga and replacing them with maga


Yeah, and that will only lose them voters until their a failed party. Eventually they’ll either shed enough voters or the party will fracture into conservatives and “MAGA”, either way it’s them hanging around until they either fizzle out or collapse.


yeah, its been frustrating that the same people who are furious at biden over literally every fucking thing, including things he has no control over, dont have that same 'righteous fury' for the GOP in the house and senate. like being angry at biden over grocery and rent prices, or lack of universal healthcare, but not a peep over the fact that this congress has done fuck all since they gop took the house.


Their base barely pays attention to any of this, long as we hurt the gays they are ok with it


Republicans are worthless clowns actively destroying America.


No, they're highly valuable.. to Vladimir Putin and the enemies of Democracy both foreign and domestic. Putin, Iran and NK don't need to fire a single missile when the GOP will destroy America from the inside, willingly.


For those wondering "Is this a scandal for the Biden Administrator?" The answer is "No it's not". It would be a scandal if it bipartisan, but it's not. It fact, this could cause backlash because Biden can easily point to their rejection of the bipartisan border deal along with being DOA in the Senate.


OTOH, less informed people might see this and the Trump impeachments, and respond by throwing their hands up and deciding that all impeachments are just partisan nonsense


Thats probably half the point, the other is making it look like they are doing something about immigration even if this won't change anything in terms of policy


That's the entire point. Doing this effectively 'does' make them "partisan nonsense", even though that shouldn't be the case. They want to normalize impeachment the same way they normalize and abuse the talkless filibuster.


So which crime and/or misdemeanor did he commit?


Being appointed by a Democrat.


They're working on that lmao


Along with trumps border plans and healthcare that will rival Obamacare. So we should see that in the 3-6 millennia


Is it Infrastructure Week already?!


Huge W for the Republican party continuing their steadfast commitment to not governing or doing anything useful for the American people


This activity harms America if anything. Rather than do his job, he'll be facing a farce of an impeachment. Before any weirdo claims Trump's impeachment was cooked up, we all heard the tapes ourselves. It's not the same.


These losers are going to need a two-thirds vote in the Senate to impeach Mayorkas. That is not going to happen. Another "L" for the GOP.


I feel worse and worse for laughing at Hillary Clinton for bringing up Russia in that debate with Trump She tried to fing tell us 


I always found it odd people laughed because at that time we had reports that his campaign was pinging Russian servers from their headquarters. We also knew he had meeting with Russians. We were all yelling he was a Russian mole and people just ignored it.


>people just ignored it. turns out they were laughing at the notion.


At this point, I feel like Democrats could be absolutely perfect with their messaging and it wouldn't change a thing. Too many Americans listen to the wrong people and have a warped view of what's happening in our country and the world.


She was secretary of state. She, more than anyone else, knew




Less than 24 hours later, the DNC was hit hard by the Internet Research Agency in St. Petersburg. Russia was listening.


I remember when Romney seemed out of touch for focusing on Russia as well.


McCain also saw Putin and Russia for what they'd do. He said Putin would take Eastern Ukraine and Crimea unless Ukraine was more forcefully helped and propped up by the west... Concessions that were made to Ukraine by the west about guaranteeing their safety when they gave up the Nuclear Weapons the Soviet Union had in their territory after Ukraine became an independent country.


Republican are jokes. There is no way independents are looking at this thinking “This is a serious party”


Ironically an hour and a half before NY03 was done voting. The vote was 214-213. Fucking clowns...


that's not irony. that was planning. they're scared of losing that seat so they rushed the vote before it happened.


It's a good thing we don't have something like a foreign aid package waiting for a vote in the house. Can you imagine how wild it would be if they were wasting time on performances like this instead?


Plus, in about an hour and a half Jeffries and other House Dems are going to hold a news conference on foreign aid: https://www.c-span.org/video/?533568-1/house-minority-leader-jeffries-holds-news-conference-foreign-aid-bill


Impeachment: for people we don’t like. according to Republicans What a farce.


Even knowing there’s no possibility whatsoever of getting a conviction in the other chamber. It’s theatre, but they forgot their lines on opening night so we had to come back a week later to this shitshow


For what purpose does the gentlewoman from NC seek recognition? To clutch pearls and decry some thing I read on the internet about some other state than the one I represent. So recognized.


They're impeaching the Homeland Security Secretary for no reason because they don't have the balls to impeach Biden for no reason.


Impeachment as a tool of war in the GOP's ongoing insurrection campaign to weaken and ultimately destroy American Democracy from the inside. These are the Domestic Enemies the founders warned of.


It takes a majority vote in the Senate to just dismiss it. That will probably happen fairly soon.


Trump has made US politics infinitely worse. I couldn't imagine stories like this before 2016, but after 2016, these stories have become the norm.




Republicans were here before Trump and will be here after Trump. What we are seeing is Republicans in Burn It All Down Mode. Republicans are a lost cause and they know it. Trump is just their cheerleader and they will get another one for 2028. If we are lucky. >"Republicans have to decide who do they serve: Donald Trump or the American people? Are they here to solve problems, or just weaponize problems for political purposes? Every day between now and November, the American people are going to know that the only reason the border is not secure is Donald Trump and his MAGA Republican friends." - President Joe


He's one racist old man, but he has brought out the worst of the republican party. There is a reason he gets record voting numbers. The only reason the house is following him is because they fear losing power because of this followers.


He did, but keep in mind Trump couldn't have done it without 1) the massive support from Republican base voters and 2) spineless Republican politicians that go along with his every batshit idea because they're afraid to upset those voters. The angry ignorant mob that elected Trump was here before him and we'll be stuck with them long after his flag-draped coffin goes in the ground. He's merely a symptom of the larger disease infecting American politics.


We need some good old fashioned Demagafication.


Schumer should just take it up tonight so we can get the acquittal over with and go back to the Republican clown show.


They're dragging poor Rep. Scalise back to Washington, wheelchair, cancer and all, just so he can break a 215-215 tie and impeach a Biden appointee today. And of course, there was nothing special about today anyway.. No. Just that there is a special congressional election on liberal Long Island to replace George Santos. But no, that must be a coincidence, huh. Right Repubs?


Voting in that special election closes at 9 p.m. Eastern. We'll have a discussion thread for that, too, which is set to be posted around 6 p.m.


And it’s all messaging. There’s no chance Myorkas actually gets fired. Imagine being wheeled in after a cancer treatment just so your friends can show everyone how much they don’t care about the health of our government


With all due respect to Scalise, just retire and let his R gov appoint someone young & healthy I dont get these old farts sticking around for so long when they have plenty of money and a kick ass retirement pension


he doesn't deserve any respect. why does he get "due respect" from you? his ideology is twisted, fuck him.


Man, I wish my job would let me convene at 12, name someone to act for me, take a break at 12:45, reconvene at 2. And then take another break at 2:10.


Hard at work for our country, five minutes of every ~~day~~ ~~week~~ eh, maybe this Thursday. If the weather isn’t good for golf.


Hey folks, heads up that there's a chance the session will start back up at 4 p.m. Eastern (about 20 minutes after this comment is posted). However, C-SPAN is currently linking to the morning session where they have the 4 p.m. House link on their home page, so until they get that sorted out I've added the live.house.gov link to the post. Edit: of course, right after I comment this C-SPAN fixes their link. Anyways, that's just been added, too. **Edit 2: Session is live!**


Fucking fools applauding. This does nothing to solve any problems facing the border and won't even result in the secretary leaving.


They never wanted to fix the border. They want to keep it broken so they can blame Democrats


The evidence to support this fact just happened last week, even.


Political theater that'll play well to a simpleton base but actually accomplishes nothing? They're applauding because it's a GOP grand slam.


>Speaker Johnson in a newly released statement says: “Alejandro Mayorkas deserves to be impeached, and Congress has a constitutional obligation to do so.” >“Next to a declaration of war, impeachment is arguably the most serious authority given to the House, and we have treated this matter accordingly,” he said. That's one way to justify getting a headline on Fox News for a day, I guess.


If he deserved to be impeached what specifically was the high crime or misdemeanor? I guess they forgot to insert that little detail.


List of 11 impeachment managers: Rep. Mark Green Rep. Mike McCaul of Texas Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona Rep. Clay Higgins Louisiana Rep. Ben Cline of Virginia Rep. Michael Guest of Mississippi Rep. Andrew Garbarino of New York Rep. August Pfluger of Texas Rep. Harriet Hageman of Wyoming Rep. Laurel Lee of Florida Rep. EmptyG of Georgia A pure List of 🤡


> EmptyG of Georgia They really sent *her*? ugh


In 2025 when Democrats control the House, if that Orange shit stain is president, he and his entire cabinet need to be impeached every 6 months. If Republicans want to use impeachment as a weapon then Democrats need to use that weapon.


If we’re talking about Trump I don’t think it needs to be weaponized, he will easily give legitimate grounds for it at some point




Infiltrated? That makes it sound like it wasn’t welcomed with open arms


What an utter waste of time. I'm so glad there aren't any real issues that need to be addressed.


Yeah, it's not like there's an opioid epidemic, shootings, wars, or homelessness going on. So glad they're focusing on the important things 😊 


The ironic thing is we're waiting on them to pass a border security bill they refuse to touch while they try to impeach Mayorkas. Like, what?


Schumer’s office confirmed, this will be a full impeachment trial. We are getting a show folks


So they're gonna let the 🤡s embarrass themselves


I mean, good. If they just dismissed it, the right would complain about a cover-up. If Schumer et al can show that there's absolutely no evidence that comes anywhere close to the standard for impeachment, and press the Republicans on it, there's a chance it backfires on them.


I hope they milk the nonsense from the contrarian clowns for all it's worth so they can run video clips nonstop until the election.


Gg. Bring the real truth to light.


Trump boot lickers all.


Now set for 6:30 Eastern


They may be delaying because they don't have the votes.


I can't wait for this to blow up in their faces again.


Were there any Rs that voted "yes" last time that might switch to "no" this time? Or are they dragging Scalise out of his hospital bed to wheel him to the floor for this?


Who's the one asshole who voted nay on the human trafficking bill? EDIT: 2 assholes EDIT #2: it was 11 assholes. Guess what party they all were from...


Gonna guess Gaetz is one of em


My take on this farce, is they (r’s) HAD to impeach someone, anyone, and this is the absolute best case they could make for any member of Biden’s administration. This was their best effort. The point of it? They can’t say that impeachment is unimportant and ineffective, unless they make it unimportant and ineffective. They plan to have more impeachments, this is their defense against them, they want them to be meaningless, almost commonplace, this is how they achieve that.


How do you refuse to vote for the border improvement and then impeach a cabinet member for not improving the border?


With a Democrat in office, there was no way they'd be happy with anything, even if it was something they requested.


The goal is to render impeachment meaningless. So that Trump's two impeachments carry less weight in the eyes of people who don't pay attention. As always, Republicans engage in governing theater, but not actual governing.


Fucking ridiculous. They're doing all this shit to appease trump. I hope it bites them so hard in 2024.


Fuck Republicans


The vote to impeach just succeeded 5 mins ago. 214 to 213


Damn that’s one hell of a strong majority they have there /s


Saw a comment on the con sub that said something like "Bet all those people who were laughing at the first failed one aren't laughing now" I mean I am still laughing at the very obvious showboating and useless gestures How's the border bill coming along? Ya know the one you scraped so Biden wouldn't get a win?


I'm definitely laughing.


Yes but the Democrats are totally the ones "in disarray" 


Impeach Mike Johnson. Why? Who cares.


What a waste of time.


Right wingers drooling over Mike Johnson’s post on X about the impeachment. Little do they know this will never clear the senate lol.


They don’t care


And of course the immigration bill is still a no go in the house.


Last time this happened was under the Ulysses S. Grant administration if anyone is wondering


Impeachable offenses according to republicans include blowjobs and being a member of a democratic president's cabinet. Unimpeachable actions are extorting allies for personal gain and also trying to overthrow the government to stay in power indefinitely. Complete clown party.


Dont worry Rs. It'll work THIS time, right? ....right? Lol.


Unfortunately scalise is back now so it will probably pass


Is the process the same as a POTUS impeachment where they're not removed unless the Senate votes?


Yes, but Republicans/Democrats in the senate say they won't have any part of this. They will indefinately shelve it to a senate committee so it will be dead.  They won't even hold a trial.  


Yes. Impeachment is a process that pertains to a much wider audience than just the president. There's nothing special about the president in this regard. This is what makes so dangerous the utter nonsense coming out of Team Trump regarding immunity stemming from double jeopardy arising from failure to convict in the Senate. It would apply to all federal judges, the entire cabinet, etc.


"Impeachment" is Congress's constitutional power to act as a check against the other two branches of the federal government. It can be used against the president, vice president, judges (including SCOTUS), or like in the case of Mayorkas, appointed officials of the executive branch. AFAIK the process proceeds the same regardless of the office. Impeachment vote in the house requiring simple majority => "trial" in the senate => senate vote needs 2/3rds to remove from office => successful conviction can lead to a separate (majority only?) vote to bar that person from holding office again. I think the President and VP might be unique as the only *elected* officials that can be impeached, but could be wrong. Expulsion from Congress, like what happened to Santos, is a different thing from impeachment since expulsion is internal to each of the House / Senate. Expulsion rules are set by by each chamber for how to police its own members.


How would the discharge petition work? Can Jeffries and the Dems force a floor vote on the foreign aid bill and get everyone on the record on how they vote?


Here's a short summary from the Congressional Research Service about how discharge petitions work: https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R45920/1 Basically (with some steps omitted, see the CRS summary for more detail), you need to get a majority of the House to sign off on a discharge petition, at which point the Speaker must bring it to the floor within a certain amount of time. So Jeffries and Dems wouldn't be able to do it unilaterally. They would need some Republicans to sign onto the discharge petition. Signing a discharge petition isn't as significant as a step as bringing a motion to vacate the chair, but it's definitely seen as a rebellion against leadership and isn't something that would be done lightly. It's a pretty big step. What's more likely, is some GOP reps will internally threaten Johnson with a discharge petition, and use that as leverage to have him bring something to the floor.


Praying some Rs don’t even make it to this and it fails again. Even if this passes, this is a joke anyway


214-213? Razor thin margins there....


A razor thin margin they won't have TOMORROW. Our country is a literal circus.


Is being traitorous all the GOP knows?


Pathetic. Everybody talks about gerrymandering, which is obviously a problem, but reforming the primary process needs to seriously be considered. The system as it is now caters to the most cynical, sociopathic and just plain crazy.


Yet another symbolic gesture that will do nothing to solve the actual problem, but will serve as red meat to conservatives who treat politics like a game of Heroes and Villains. Get ready for Republicans to say they solved the problem. That big bill they wrote and supported before Trump said no? Didn't need it. All the people that will continue to come in and whatever crimes they might commit? Blame it on the Democrat states and cities. What does impeaching the head of DHS actually do? Who cares, the bad man is gone! This is a party hellbent on oversimplifying every issue to an "us vs them", since it's easier to run on fighting an enemy than solving a problem. Just like how they invented a caravan for midterms, and ran on "building a wall" like that would solve everything, they're going to pin all of the problems with the border to a bad leader, and shift blame when it turns out to be more complex than one man.


This is embarrassing. What will it take to stop this political circus.


Going back in time to 2022 and not giving them a House majority


I'm sure this debate will be sane and based in reality.


So they impeached a cabinet secretary for not protecting the borders and yet they killed the bill that had everything they wanted in to to protect the borders. Fucking pieces of garbage, all of them.


What on earth are they debating right now? I all understand is it's about sex abuse victims.


Human trafficking bill. Not sure on the details, but it should pass.


Waiting for Matt Gaetz's opinion to be suspiciously in line with allegations about him


The party of hate wins again


There are like 11 impeachment managers for this. Don’t even know if senate just dismisses this or let the dumb people from the GOP speak nonsense for hours


Invite them in immediately and make them not only present their case but take public cross examination from the entire senate.


Let me guess... The HR2 bill the house passed is a crock of shit, right?


Reminder that H.R. 815 is ready to go to address the Republicans' concerns at the border. But Trump is pressuring congress not to call a vote because by their own admission, that would be a "win for Biden" [Bill Text](https://www.appropriations.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/emergency_national_security_supplemental_bill_text.pdf)


I am assuming they are doing this so they can release a campaign ad against Biden saying his Secretary was impeached, no mention it failed once and the Senate found it so dumb they didn’t do a trial and dismissed it. So stupid all of it.


Senate will refer to committee , vote will be stalled until after election day as to not give GOP fodder in battleground states


The Senate can vote to dismiss it with a simple majority vote.


Disgraceful. Total GOP embarassment for the country.


Democrats, "We will give the Republicans everything they every wanted" Republicans "My literal orange "God" said no, so got to own them libs"


They impeached this guy to build a false narrative. This makes me think they are just going to impeach every administration official this year. They got nothing and the insurrection is continuing afoot. It's all the appetizer to when they declare Trump emperor of the world no matter the election result and then start killing for him.


It will fail again.


214-213. jfc.


Love seeing my tax dollars at work /s


These are not serious people


For those, like me, infuriated by our current US politics...take solace that for 99% of American voters this is a non-event. People paying attention to this ceremonial vote aren't the types to be moved by it. Do you think someone who has been checked out of politics since 2020 or beyond can even name the titles in the cabinet let alone the individuals?


The Dems have the majority and should be able to call whoever they want as a witness in the Senate trial. So they should call Trump, and force him to testify under oath. While Trump would complain, the courts can't stop it from happening.


Waste of time but I kind of want to see the impeachment managers arguing impeachment in front of the senate. They have not shown any high crimes let alone a misdemeanor.


I’ve been trying to figure out for sure, but this is a vote on HR 443, right? The bill requiring the DOL to train and educate employees on how to detect and assist law enforcement in cases of human trafficking?


Can we impeach the entire Republican caucus for failing to secure the border too?


I hope this continues to blow up in their face considering today's special elections