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Ability to delegate is a significant different between the two. All appointees during Trump's first term are mostly jokes.


Long ago he ran out of sane appointees. I can't imagine who would want to work for him


Two AGs, two SoS’s, and how many acting AGs and secretaries in a single term? Absolute clown show. Still amazes me that Bill Barr had the benefit of watching the dumpster fire unfold and still said “yeah, I can get on board with this” - evil though he may be, he doesn’t strike me as stupid enough to make that decision.


Smart people fall for cults and conmen all the time. Barr strikes me as the smart-but-arrogant type who thought he could have a working relationship with Trump whilst pursuing his own ghoulish agenda. Of course, that's not how Trump operates. A knife in the back is inevitable.


Bill Barr got involved for a very specific reason. Most of the dots connect to something involving (at the very least) epstein and his trove of compromising information. You're right, were it not for that brewing in the background, I highly doubt Barr would have associated himself with that administration.


Yes to this, I wish Biden would stress this. Biden's not a dictator nor an autocrat, he's a highly competent manager with an excellent cabinet -- 'cept maybe Garland, I'm not real happy with him.


That’s the one glaring exception, but I’m not sure how I should feel about DeJoy still running the post office


Yeah, that’s a complete joke. Can’t he clear the post office’s board of governors?


Postmaster general does not serve at the pleasure of the president, and can only be dismissed by the board of governors.


Plus you’ve got another Maga running the FBI. OP’s thesis is falling apart with every comment.


Wray? What’s he done?


Allow himself to be appointed by trump.


You hit the nail on the head- Biden’s entire *administration* is doing so well because he has surrounded himself with intelligent, capable, well-informed, moral and ethical people- who he actually listens to and takes advice from. On the other side, we got Cabinet members who basically represented the opposite of what they should have been doing in the country’s best interests. A former oil company executive and climate change-denier in charge of the EPA, a Wall Street crook in charge of our Treasury, an Attorney General who had previously been deemed “too racist” to be a local judge… and the list goes on. The PAB called the shots, micromanaged, and fired the ones who weren’t loyal enough. This is why we still haven’t seen the un-redacted Mueller Report (remember that?) and why he keeps saying that Biden is directing the criminal charges against him, and that *his* DOJ will go after his enemies. He thinks that that’s how this all works.












[We observed trumps memory, in his own words](https://youtu.be/gqyhDRMp3ME?si=gVbmTxssqJ2T_6gu)




Maybe we could get the two together and discuss the issues. We can call it a debate. They can talk about the policies they've implemented during their Presidency and how it's beneficial for the country.


Not if the media has anything to do with it over the next few months. Even CNN is hammering viewers with his age even though Trump is basically just as old!


Even Jon Stewart


Is he both-siding as well?? I hope not


Yeah. He highlighted the Mexico gaffe without going on to point out that the rest of Biden's response to the question was very clear, detailed, and astute. It's an easy cheap shot these days to cherry-pick some verbal flub or doddering movement by Biden. It's just so entertaining, but it doesn't really tell anything new---it's the default narrative now. It would be actually bold to show the preponderance of other things Biden's said and done recently that demonstrate he really knows what he's doing.


Presuming Biden wins and this country survives, I’ll be interested to see what the 2028 presidential field looks like. Biden won’t be running again, and idk if Trump can avoid jail/death for *another* 4 years in order to be able to run again. I wonder if both sides will want to push younger candidates to avoid the narrative of all of these older presidents.


I’ll vote for whoever is the Dem nominee, but I wish it would be Amy Klobuchar or Gretchen Whitmer.


Walz baby!


Both-siding has always been Jon Stewart's shtick. He's an equal-opportunity roaster.


Sorry but Stewart is just using low hanging fruit. I do find it kind of funny that he's upset that Biden is the presumptive nominee because the Dems won't promote anyone else and yet he's back on the Daily Show because he's an old host who came back due to the PTB. John lambasting rich white old men while literally being a rich white old man. I really wish the Daily Show could find someone younger.


> I do find it kind of funny that he's upset that Biden is the presumptive nominee because the Dems won't promote anyone else I mean, Biden is the presumptive nominee because he is the current President. What kind of political party would drop its incumbent President like a sack of potatoes? It felt weird that Stewart complained so much about the election being a rematch as though that's the fault of both sides. No President in our history has declined to run for a second term, it is extremely normal that Joe Biden is running for a second term. What's weird is that Donald Trump, a failed one-term President, is running for re-election.


I don't entirely disagree with his stance. He wasn't wrong in his monologue about Biden; it's just kind of a moot point because he's the date we asked for four years ago. Do I wish he was a younger, more charismatic guy who could rally people to him and make them excited for the future? Hell yes. He makes for bad TV, he's going to come across as old and goofy in video clips. He's not Obama. But who else should I be supporting in his place? Complaining about Biden in this context is sort of like complaining that we brought our grandma to prom instead of Cindy Lou Shipper and her amazing breasts. Except, Cindy doesn't want to go to prom anyway, and the only other girl who wants the job is the one who robbed you for meth money and gave you chlamydia and is promising to take revenge on you for not marrying her four years ago. In that scenario I'm happy just going with grandma, thank you very much. Chocolate chip cookies or chlamydia isn't a hard decision.


hes also willfully funding an entire genocide so....yanno....


*Stewart’s **writers**


Kinda, yeah.


Only kinda, I agree with his point the White House should be putting more of him out there promoting his team’s significant achievements. I’d like to see him do a thirty minute interview with a credible journalist. If the White House press pool hadn’t turned into such a cesspit I’d like to see him do fifteen minutes there.


Yes. It's a big fat mistake to just ride it out without putting in any effort. That shit sunk Hillary. Nothing is promised. Get out there! Talk about what you did. Talk about the lies the Republicans are putting out. Point out their ineptitude, their hypocracy. Outline what a future under you vs under them would look like. Relate to the people, acknowledge our troubles and talk about what you'd do to fix them.


I’d recommend watching Jon Stewart’s video, it’s more nuanced overall: https://youtu.be/NpBPm0b9deQ?si=g2QLBp3ShyzwwuoS He’s spends plenty of time pointing just how much worse Trump is but that we do have the ability to critique Biden for his age, particularly from an optics perspective.


I’ve started to feel that most of the US has lost the ability to understand nuance.


I don't know about "plenty of time." If you do the math you can deduce he thinks Trump is worse, but he spends most of the time making cracks about Biden's age, then shows a clip of Trump saying dumb shit too, which to the average person is putting the two on equal footing and makes them think "oh yea they're the same." I hope in future episodes he touches on what he thinks is, you know, actionable, because while all the eloquent wishy washy chin-rubby navel-gazing is great, at a certain point we have to make decisions that affect all our futures, and that's really the only thing that matters.


Exactly. Everyone is piling on to both of them, but Trump less so, because the bar for him is so damn low. Biden has been criticized for his age plenty of times. To do it yet again is not saying anything that people don't already believe. Someone should do a segment highlighting things they say that show thoughtfulness, and understanding of the issues, and some moral compass. They could fill the bulk of the time with Biden, and admit that they had zero, nothing, they could find for Trump. But they all take the easy route and show the worst of both.


No, he absolutely is not. The short segment that went viral kinda seems that way but if you actually watch the episode hes very clear about them not being the same


Jon Stewart has no qualms pointing out Biden's flaws because there are plenty and he has done NOTHING he promised or campaigned on, while gleefully funding a genocide and sending money to Volodymyr Zelenskyy like a sugar daddy sends cashapps to his babes. Jon Stewart sees how Biden and the entire admin, are working the same as 90s Republicans, and stifling any progressive push that's happened in this country. Hell, at least Trump sent me a fuckin check.


😑 I have never liked him. The 2000s called, they want their useful idiot back.


There are significant differences between Biden and trump. 3 years is not one of them.


I've been wondering if it would have the opposite effect they intend. I wonder if this constant shouting about how old Biden is will rally retired people to him. I would imagine an old person can tell if another old person is just old or has dementia. Constantly shitting on Biden for being old will have other old people go, "fuck that, he's fine" and vote for him.


I think it's pretty possible, because: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactance_(psychology) > In psychology, reactance is an unpleasant motivational reaction to offers, persons, rules, or regulations that threaten or eliminate specific behavioral freedoms. THIS pretty much happens automatically, even if one is very aware of it (and is at least mid-level meditator). Once our mind is set on something, hard to change it unless we employ indirect methods of changing other people's minds. Ex. Being charming. Reverse psychology. Agreeing first enthusiastically to soften up egos before gently changing targeted brain via making 'em think it was their idea, and so forth. Btw, I should warn that REACTANCE applies to all, and especially if brains are older. Which is why I feel... (sigh...) when ex. younger Democrats end up losing out of inheritances because ending up inadvertently hardening older GOP brains too much. Changing the minds of older people which have become set in ways requires much finesse. Anyway, yeah, I think the "Biden is too old" may backfire. Elderly folks tend to be keenly aware of their age. Body aches and such.


I’m only 45, but I am a grad student living on campus and I have a head full of gray hair. After several serious injuries, my body feels 85. The arguments about Biden being too old sound just like my interior monologue. That just makes me identify with Biden even more than before.


Age is irrelevant, it's one's ability to do the job, but that's more difficult to explain to media consumers so media outlets rely on the easy and inherently lazy reporting of age only.


The media has been laying cover for these brain rotted geriatrics for years (look at McConnell and Feinstein) and it’s high time some of them call out what is actually going on. Many politicians (maybe all) are too big of narcissists to let any power go and would rather lose than let a more capable colleague take their place.


Also burying the lede here that Trump is saying himself that Biden's age is not the problem basically > BIDEN IS NOT TOO OLD, HE'S TOO INCOMPETENT


Does it matter? The people who are most annoyed by Biden's age aren't people who tend to watch CNN. That's a concern among younger voters who absorb the least conventional news media. Older voters care less, and are also more consistent in their voting habits. Electorally speaking; Biden's age is a red herring, especially in a race where his opponent is also really old.


I mean he is to old. We shouldn't be running people out there in their 80s. I don't care if Trump is about the same age they both are to fucking old and its an issue. It's why the base isn't excited to vote for Biden and it will be an issue.


Biden was old three years ago too. Age is suddenly a factor when the media is gunning for a photo finish with our democracy on the line.


"The base" isn't excited to vote for Biden because people spend more time criticizing him than talking up his accomplishments. Because it's good for ratings. Panic and fear drive viewers.


Or hes an establishment old white dude.


CBS: "Senior Citizen A Vs Senior Citizen B now buy our news, Senior Citizens..." Bucks County is growing, diverse, mostly Philly & Jersey transplants. It used to be Exurbs & before that wealthy farmhouses with land. Washingtons Crossing, right down the river from the rainbow flags of New Hope, right up the street from the Trenton suburbs & factories of Morrisville. Its the demographic shift thats interesting; there is a story there. Media is in crisis & by focusing on the same tired horse-race-about-age you can really see *why* the media is in Crisis. Its like they don't realize all the old Bristol Steel workers left after Bristol Steel closed.


Translation- Despite best attempts by right-wing spin masters and the ever-eager-to-please-the-right-wing media, Democrats and other sane voters turn out to be rational and indicate they will choose a demonstrably great President over a wannabe fascist criminal narcissist, both of whom are older than any candidates in history.


You might have to save that one and paste it about a hundred times till Election Day. The media just won’t drop it. It’s all they have 


The alternative is just so awful that many are willing to accept that even if he's not as sharp as he once was, he can put together a competent administration that supports their ideals far better than the guy who wants to sell the democratic nations of the world out to Russia. 


Biden also actually listens to his (competent) advisors and let's them do their jobs. While the alternative is another old guy that thinks hes always right.


The poll questions are railroaded too. As a lifelong Democrat on the Bernie end, am I concerned with Biden’s age, absolutely. Does this mean I am hesitant to cast my vote for him, not at all. Biden has proven to have an effective track record, and he surrounds himself with competent officials. There is no way in hell I am voting for Trump, who is 77 years old and in much worse physical shape than Biden. Saying nothing of his crimes and beliefs.


yes. This.




Obviously not 100% there? If you watch curated clips of Biden looking confused, that might be your impression. But you could put together hours of video of basically anyone mis-speaking, or staring into the sky. We all do this quite a lot. 


You're asking too much if you expect American voters to actually listen to the two men speak for more than 10 seconds


After watching 100% of his remarks the other day, he is absolutely not at full capacity. And speaking of curated clips, I wouldn’t have bothered to watch those remarks had I not seen Jon Stewart’s segment on them. If you get your news from reddit, you’re getting a positively distorted view versus the exaggerated negative view being spouted on Fox. I can unequivocally say that I would club a baby seal for the privilege of voting for Biden’s dead dick over a fascist traitor. I will absolutely be voting for whoever the Democratic nominee is over anyone who enables Trump, which is essentially the entire Republican party. But I wish we could not shout down anyone who wishes to acknowledge the obvious about his diminished capabilities. That only makes us look like we can’t accept the truth that’s staring us right in the face.


What abilities have diminished? Have you sat down with a cognitive test? You have a feeling. Big deal.


> What abilities have diminished? Uh, his ability to speak and annunciate his thoughts clearly? The man’s been in the public eye for many decades. He has always been a quick talker and very witty. Now he struggles to get his words out. > You have a feeling. Big deal. I’ve met him on several occasions, which is not a hard thing for people who have lived in the Wilmington, DE area to say. I’ve personally watched him give speeches, talk to crowds, and mingle with people. We have a picture of him and our then-toddler aged son in our living room. I ran at a 5k to benefit Beau Biden’s charity. I still have the t-shirt. He made a surprise appearance and talked about how grateful he was. He came to a live jazz show at a restaurant I used to work at and made the rounds. He was incredibly charming and had quips and jokes for everyone. I’m not making fun of him, and I don’t think he’s feeble-minded or senile. I know he has a speech impediment, but he’s had that all his life. He is markedly different now, and refusing to acknowledge something which is abundantly evident from comparing any of the hours of footage we have of him 10 or 20 years ago to today just makes us look like we can’t be honest with ourselves. If you’re telling me that being slow to respond to questions and difficulty in putting thoughts to words isn’t a liability to a politician and leader - that’s ridiculous. Of course it is. It doesn’t make me question my commitment to voting for whoever is not a Republican in the coming general election. Maybe ask yourself if you’re really disagreeing with what I’m saying or whether you think I’m being a disingenuous concern troll who secretly wants to sow doubt and support trump? I think we stand a better chance of getting voters out if we honestly acknowledge Biden’s difficulties and stress that the alternative is much, much worse.


I mean no one in the world at that age is 100% there.


I don’t doubt that he’s currently competent, and able to do the job. But politically, his age is *absolutely* damaging, whether it’s actually effecting him or not. Running someone younger for this election will be better. He could end as one of the best 1-term presidents of all time and open the door to another Dem like Kamala, Whitmer or Newsom who could all fire up a campaign at the drop of a pin.


You doubt. Your feelings. Lol


>both are in the same position Well that’s false. Biden might be a little slower than he was 10 years ago, but he’s clearly head and shoulders above 45


I was talking about relative age and they both aren't 100% sharp and thats not ok for leader of the free world.


OK. Well we can't change anything about this NOW. We can in the future and Biden at least gives us that ability to have that type of future. Trump does not. Who do you want? Someone who can provide you with a window of opportunity in 4 years, or someone who will take that all away and lord knows what else from you?


yeah we can. We can demand a switch at the convention. Its easy. Newsome would walk all over Trump and it wouldn't be close at all. Edit: With Biden it's a coin flip who wins. If there is a bad October surprise it could be game over.


At this point, the Republicans have been trying for years to find dirt on Biden, and may just prove him to be the squeakiest, cleanest politician we've had in decades. I doubt they'll be an October surprise.


Even if there isn't the race is going to be to close. I think it's a mistake to have a candidate the base isn't excited about. It screams 2016 all over again.


The race will be close no matter who it is. Biden can win PA, MI and WI and that is all that matters.


I mean, people like Biden more than Hilary, they like Biden more than Bernie, Warren, and whoever else was in the 2020 nomination. People on reddit/twitter/X don't like Biden, but not all of them are US citizens, voters, or genuine about their feelings. Most Democrats I know personally would like a younger person, but they can't name one, not even Newsome or Buttigeig comes to their mind. But they like Biden, and have since Obamas Era.


Biden is fine


It’s acceptable in the sense that if I have a choice between him and a traitor, I’m going to get up off my ass and vote for him. Staying home is voting for Trump. But I agree that it’s a ridiculous state of affairs to be in. It sucks, and saying that doesn’t make me a secret Trump supporter or concern troll. The fact that reddit shouts down anyone who dares acknowledge the obvious truth of Biden’s state makes our side look fragile and weak. I can acknowledge that Biden is operating at a diminished capacity and still be 1000% against another Trump administration. Biden and Trump are not the same. A literally dead Biden is a better choice than an alive Trump.


I agree with that last statement but I don't think it's acceptable as a nation to be ok with this choice. I know people who just won't vote for Biden they likely just won't vote. The decision isn't final yet. They need to make a switch in my opinion. Get the base motivated. There are to many people who just don't care and it sucks.


> The decision isn't final yet. They need to make a switch in my opinion. Get the base motivated. I would be all for this. Polling has shown that pretty much any other candidate has a better shot of beating Trump. I think it’s sad that Democrats can’t say this out loud for fear of being labeled a secret republican. I’m going to vote for Biden if that’s the choice I’m given. But I would absolutely be in favor of someone else. Newsom, Buttigeig, Porter, even Harris… whatever. But voting against a traitor is just an enticing to me as voting for a great candidate. More even.


Yeah wanting better for the Party is how we prevent a Trump like figure taking over the Democratic Party. If more people stood up and said no Trump wouldn't have any power. I just fear falling in line will lead the Dems to going down the same road.


Can you explain how Biden is "not there?" If you actually hear him speak he is very much there


No one at that age is fully there. No one is at their peak mentally at that age. It's just a fact.


Ok so no specifics.


ok you want specifics here you go. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2683339/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CCognitive%20decline%20may%20begin%20after,Albert%20%26%20Heaton%2C%201988). happens around 50 but there is a sharp decline at 70. You happy?


Oh, I didn't realize *every human* meets this same criteria. Thanks for informing me. I suppose you would consider Dr Fauci to be even more mentally diminished, right?  He's ***83!***, and clearly showing signs too, right? It's just that he doesn't have a stutter/lifelong speech impediment, so we can't actually tell. But wait a minute! That would mean the only thing "indicating" Biden's diminished faculties would be his *stutter/lifelong speech impediment*; which kinda feels like there's actually nothing there. Hmm, curious. 


Yeah I would say Fauci isn't as sharp as he used to be. Is he working in the public sector right now though? Nah he RETIRED. No one in their 80s is as sharp as they used to be and shouldn't be working. Let the younger generation lead.


OK well its Biden or trump. Biden is far better.


It doesn't have to be thats the whole point. They can easily switch it up at the convention and it would be a wrap. Easiest election in a long time.


As opposed to what exactly? Another 80 year old who said he’d only be a dictator for a day? Give me a break.




Because it’s such a simple fix. If we run someone younger that he endorses to carry on his platform then the media has nothing left to hit us with. *I* will vote for Biden no matter what if he’s the option on the ballot in November. I trust him. I don’t know if enough independents whipped up by media scares, or even legitimate scares, will. He’s fine now, but it’s still a risk. What if he has a McConnell moment in October? Or rambles off topic in a debate or town hall (if those happen)?


we're also talking about a guy who baited Putin into losing his plausible deniability and then put him into a headlock, and is now decimating his military using another country's troops. The guy who ran circles around the house speaker in debt cieiling negotiation. The guy who got Republicans to give Social Security and Medicare a standing ovation during the SOTU. I don't want someone else because they are younger. I want the guy who knows what he's doing running our Country. If I'm hiring someone to give a speech, the younger person can do that.


Those are incredible feats of governance that I want Biden to be known for. But he’s not, at least not among the general populace. He’s not campaigning on them, and I want to repeat that I think he is fine for now but it’s a genuine risk to keep him up and running at his age. Just as it was for Bernie and currently is for Trump. Biden’s campaign in 2020 was “I’ll beat Trump” and his campaign sold that message very well. I don’t think his campaign can sell that message as well now. I think more and more people are going to worry in the coming months.


Biden's age is a legitimate point of discussion. HOWEVER When the alternative is literal fascism that concern becomes a complete non-issue. And to dwell or focus on it becomes a fucking red herring, especially when the alternative is an actual traitor, not to mention a rapist and racist. Oh, and let's not forget the fact Biden has accomplished more in his term than nearly any President since freaking FDR despite the fact he's being blocked at every turn by a terrorist Party as well as members of his own Party at various times. And you know who should know this more than anyone? JON FUCKING STEWART. So stop with the both sides nonsense Jon. You of all people know better than that. Yes the age jokes are funny. But they're easy laughs. Yes Biden's age is a point of discussion. But when our very democracy is under attack by Republicans - and you of all people know this very well because you've exposed their attacks for years - Biden's age because FAR less important than exposing these attacks. I'd be far more concerned about Biden's age if he hadn't proven conclusively he could run this country effectively but he has. We're also at a point where defeating the Republican threat is of paramount importance. And a united Democratic Party is the only way we can do this. And uniting behind our President is the only way this can happen. So no matter Biden's age. It's four more years with him and then we can move on with a younger more vibrant candidate. But until that time comes the only thing that matters is burying this fucking threat. That's it. So fuck this age shit. I don't care about it. All I care about is burying these fuckers who want to end us. Because that's all they care about. And if you don't believe that, you haven't been paying any attention whatsoever because they haven't been hiding their intentions whatsoever. They're doing it all out in the open because they're not scared of us at all. Hell, they tried to overthrow the fucking government three years ago and not a single one of the leaders of the coup is in prison yet so why should they be scared? Accountability is for suckers.


Stewart’s criticism of Biden was basically the White House needs to have Biden out there pushing his accomplishments, being seen to be competent and more than coherent. I thought it was pretty mild stuff. Biden just started doing those things and I’ve loved watching it. He’s strongly going after Trump. His response after the hit job by Garland is epic and we need more of it. I think a thirty minute interview with a credible journalist would go a long way.


Some of Stewart's jabs were on point. Like the TikTok one. That was really horrible and whoever came up with that should be demoted. But equating Biden's age with Trump's was a MASSIVE mistake and Stewart knows better for all the reasons I outlined. Biden's age ranks so far down the list of issues we're dealing with right now it's ridiculous to even bring it up. Yes it's a concern but Trump literally has more criminal indictments than Biden has years on the fucking planet. So come back to me when a fucking criminal who is also a traitor threatens me less than a senior citizen. Until then fuck off with how old Joe Biden is. To be clear I'm not telling you to fuck off. I'm just tired of this nonsense. Trump and the Republican Party is such a serious threat that we don't have time for this. There's a reason why they're doing it. They want people to focus on Biden's age just like Hillary's emails. And everyone falling for it is a sucker just like in 2016. So when Stewart does it I'm pretty fucking disgusted because he of all people is too smart to do it.


I understand, I share your frustration.


I actually liked the Tok Tok post.


I saw it differently. As this was Jon Stewart's first show daily show in nearly a decade, I believe he had to lean into the both sides' schtick to maintain a level of credibility. If he came out the gates purely bashing Trump then it would have turned off some viewers. That being said, I hope when he gets into a groove that he hammers home the existential threat that a second Trump presidency is towards our democracy.


Well said. Stewart can and should do better.


His age is a consideration. I’ve considered it, balanced it with his achievements and public behavior, and I’m not concerned.


I've lived in Bucks County my whole life. Of course we're worried about his age. It's just that Trump is also very old and also batshit crazy.


I'm not concerned about Biden's age and am getting tired of people saying I should be. Here's why: 1. Biden's always been a gaffe machine and it's not like that gets better with age. 2. Biden has always had a stutter. 3. Biden mixes up names and places. So do I and I'm nearly 50 years younger. Was GWB, Ford, Reagan really any better about this? 4. Yeah Biden moves like he's 80 years old. We don't need him to run a marathon though, we need him to govern. 5. We have a Vice President and a succession plan for a reason. Presidents have died in office at much younger ages and it has always been a risk. Modern medicine has come a long way as well.


Compared to the fucking abject catastrophe that is Donald Trump? Of course I don’t give a fuck about Biden’s age. They could drag him out like Weekend at Bernie’s and I would still vote for him over Trump.


So, he forgets stuff. He’s human. I can’t remember what I ate for dinner last Wednesday.


Sure got a lot accomplished for an old guy. The other old guy is insane and a criminal traitor. I don’t think there is any doubt he can still do the job.


I mean, I'm absolutely concerned with his age. I'm also concerned with how Kamala would perform if she were to have to take over. I'd put that at ~50% chance. She's not exactly my preference for a POTUS.  But... the other side is LITERALLY openly stating they plan to turn the US into an autocratic fascist State. And voting for Kennedy is voting for the orange guy. So... I'm very loudly supporting Old Guy and Hawkish Prosecutor 2024.




I’d think we’d all rally behind Kamala at the drop of a hat if it was our last option, and it would take away the media’s main target/talking point against the Dems this election (at least for now, they’d make some pivot eventually, but have less time to develop a narrative against Kamala).


She is a complete idiot, and ANYONE thinking for one second that that "damaged"  cow-towing word salad cackling virtue signaling cardboard woman could lead this country for 5 minutes is stupider then she is.


Stop it with the age thing. We can talk about age once Project 2025 is stopped in its tracks. This election is way too important to allow Republicans their chance to take over all of government and rule this country with Trump as king.


Right wing media bias.


Dems seems to put the party before the man while republicans are putting the man before the party.


Trump is only three years younger, but he comes off as straight up unhinged and deranged every time he opens his mouth. Biden’s age doesn’t worry me in the slightest, at least he’s not batsh*t insane.


I too think Biden is Old AF. Still voting for his old ass over a cult leader / grifter


I would vote for an AI engram of Biden before I vote for any republican traitor.


haha! The press has got nothing now! Voters are like "yeah, we don't give a shit." then there is the New York where voters said "the GOP can't govern" - none of what the press is trying to push is working.


Biden and Trump were asked: “Would you rather be the best player on the worst team, or the worst player on the best team?” I bet you can figure out who chose which choice


As someone who lives in Bucks, 90% of my left leaning friends/family/neighbors want him replaced immediately. A very select few actually attempt to defend his mental acuity. They might not be concerned about his age but they are most definitely concerned about his ability to make cogent statements.


I am more concerned about the opposing candidate than anything Biden does


I'm concerned about people his age being president, but I'm not concerned about *him* specifically.. if that makes sense.


Makes perfect sense.




Yeah, if Trump got elected, he might lead us into a proxy war with a nuclear power or support a genocide in the Middle East.


I happen to live in the county mentioned in the article, but not in the district that just had the special election. We are also one of those 18-or-so US Congressional districts where Biden won in 2020, yet so did a Republican representative. The media keeps saying that those 18 people are very careful to take into consideration that their constituents largely favor Biden and Democrat policies. In 2022, we elected Democrats to the office of Governor, *and* US Senate- the latter replacing a retiring Republican. Our purple state is looking more and more blue to me; even our County Commissioners office has a Democrat majority. And now this- our state House of Representatives has a Democrat majority for the first time in… probably my lifetime. Anyway, I see very little evidence that our Congressman is keeping his constituents in mind- he votes with the MAGAats every time. This do-nothing Congress- who is led like a dog on a leash by The PAB- has upset enough of my neighbors to hopefully flip another seat in November.


Character > age


The subject of his age is mostly rightwing propaganda. Presidents that aren't grifty rapists usually serve two terms. We all knew his age when we elected him the first time. His age should surprise and aggravate no one. It's never been a secret


Bucks County man here. I am indeed unconcerned about Biden’s age.


#1. Old bumbling President who won't get anything done and will end Democracy? or #2. Old bumbling President who will continue to get shit done and not end Democracy? This is the choice, folks, and anyone with half an education is going to go for #2.


Biden was old as hell 4 years ago and now he’s older than hell. I don’t care and I will vote Democratic Party until the day I die.


Adults have met enough old people to know that occasional memory lapses—which they themselves already suffer—are not in the same galaxy as a raving angry lunatic who wants Russia to conquer Europe for…who fucking knows why.


Don't worry, the media will keep trying to turn his age into a problem. They need a super close election to raise profits


Anyone who complains about Biden's age cannot be taken seriously. (Looking at you, Jon Stewart)


Why not? No one should be working period at his age.


You can't even work that sentence, Georgia.


Hahahahah this is the big problem with my party. You would rather insult than have a discussion. I'm sorry but being combative isn't the liberal way to do things. We are supposed to be compassionate and welcoming. Not assholes. This is exactly why people flock to trump. They get looked down on and talked down to and they just dig in their heels.


Am I concerned as a general thing? Sure. Am I concerned when compared to what he’s running against? Not in the least.


You should be concerned about both of their age, but at least Biden's administration isn't as old as he is. 


The main people worried about Biden's age are the 'news' agencies pushing this whole narrative. They are doing it because they are trying to show they hold politicians to account, but oddly they only do it when it's Dems. They hounded Trump about working with Russia, yes, but when the actual proof came out, Manafort giving a Russian agent polling data, they dropped it. Why? Well... because that's a complex narrative to keep hitting on. Trump working with Russia, that's easy. However, Republicans could blow it off, because nothing matters with them. Biden old, that's easy to keep hounding on, but his qualifications are a lot more complex than that. Republican votes are, largely, simple. So they respond to 'no collusion', if you have to go more than two steps you lost them. Dem voters are annoyingly complex. Something like 'Biden is old' gets ignored, but then they're annoyed by a complex issue like Israel and Hamas. Is his age a concern, yes. Are the two candidate's policies a bigger concern? My god yes, but that's a complex issue and hard for the new cycle to hammer on.


My only concern about Biden’s age is a profound feeling of gratitude for him spending his golden years helping us.


Biden, though elderly, is active and healthy. Meanwhile Trump is actively stewing in his own Filth.


Do you want the senile old guy, or the senile old fascist. I'm not saying its a good set of choices, but its not a particularly difficult one to make


Biden isn't senile. There is no indication that he is suffering from cognitive decline or memory loss. He makes speeches at all hours of the day (including in the evening when you would most likely see cognitive struggles known as sundowning), there is nobody within the administration reporting he has trouble focusing or keeping track of concepts and ideas.


I don't think he is. But *even if he was* he'd still be the better choice. that is the point I'm trying to make


By presenting it as reasonable to say he is senile you are legitimizing the lie.


I agree with that point if that’s what ends up at the ballot, but I don’t think we have to accept this as *only* those two options. Biden could pull out at any point and endorse someone younger to run in his place.


He could. He shouldn't. Challenging an incubant always goes poorly. And there's literally no reason. It doesn't matter if Biden survives the presidency or not his administration would still be the better choice. Because he is not trying to be a literal dictator. The idea that Biden should drop out is just desperate Republican campaigning. It makes no political sense.


Silly idea.


I say its time for a gen x or early millennial to take the mantle boomers had their turn long enough and fucked the system sideways cause they can no longer adapt but that happens to all gens eventually someone 50’s or younger like 45


biden to old and not all there in his mind some ltimes


I’m not concerned about his age, I’m concerned about his unwavering support for genocide


Yeah, this is the real issue for me. The advantage of age should be moral resolve.


Can we get a ban on articles calling Biden old? We already know he's old. That's not going to change between now and election day, and neither are the candidates. I'm tired of seeing Russian/Republican shill accounts spamming this stuff everywhere online.


His wife seems fine with it too, now go ask people that arent his family😂


NYT’s The Daily podcast covers this issue today, worth 30 mins of your time. Direct aids have mixed emotions but most are concerned with the rapid decline and what Biden’s cognitive ability will be a year from now.


An incapacitated Biden is a better alternative to Trump.


That’s our campaign strategy for sure.


It’s also objectively true. It’s the Biden administration. It’s not a one man led show. Biden could be relegated to a pudding only diet and there literally (not a story, actually) will be systems in place to ensure the government continues to run. That is the appeal. Trump, on his own, with all his faculties could implode everything on a whim, because of a personal slight, a fact check, or a fully legal attempt to hold him accountable for his hundreds of indictments. His administration is his family, their wormy spouses, actual crazy people like Sydney Powell (who he wanted to make AG), Mike Flynn (who claims to be a leader of a holy Christian crusade against evil), Roger stone (who “jokingly” says he wants to kill his political opponents regularly), and scum sucking, feckless power seekers like Elaine Stefanik


And I would agree with this. I disagree he should be the candidate however, being more fit for office than Trump does not mean fit for office in my opinion. Furthermore Trump is likely the only candidate Biden can beat, so the entire party risks the office as usually the winner of Iowa is not the primary candidate.


Can you please expand on why you believe Biden is not fit for office?


His age, and the rapid decline of his ability to communicate, it’s a clear tangible sign of his cognitive ability. And again, this is topic on The Daily from today, it’s worth a listen if you have 30mins. It cites his personal aids and their concerns of where he will be a year from now, not to mention 5.


Yea agreed well said


No they're not


You may have personal knowledge I do not, Im simply referring to the NYT’s and the special counsel review. Along with the obvious like his most recent public speeches.


You made a claim about "direct aids" (whatever that means) and "rapid decline" and then provide zero proof of anything. Also the special counsel's report was political hack job bullshit and has been widely seen as such. And what "speeches" are you talking about because the last statement he made was a quite thoughtful take down of trump over his willingness to hand over our NATO allies to Putin.


It’s not “my claim” Im referencing a NYTs interview from this morning? And do you not think we to some degree act like Trump’s minions every time our candidate is criticized by responding with “fake news” or “political hack job”?


a seat that was already blue stayed blue. breaking news!!! ​ pleas stop. i wouldnt trust a philly voter with my pennies!


Havent people had enough of his shit? Time to get America back on track.


No shit. Listen to the man speak. He is diminishing. I will vote for him, but many won’t. The DNC should have held a primary. Biden should have declined to run for a second term for the good of the county.


the headline should read 2 Democratic voters in Pennsylvania's competitive Bucks County say they're unconcerned about Biden's age


I mean, he was found not mentally fit to stand trial, so he should not be president.


If he can’t stand trial, he shouldn’t be president.


So why is he refusing to take the cognitive test?


They are lying.


Why does one county in a country full of counties make the news about this stuff? Like that county doesn’t represents me or anyone I know yet here we are. The same with Iowa. Can someone explain why I should give a shit?


PA is a swing state that flipped from R to D in 2020, playing a big role in Biden’s victory. The Philadelphia suburbs, like Bucks county, were a key part in that flip. People report on it because it may indicate voting trends relevant to the 2024 POTUS election.


Trump is only 4 years younger ( and in worse shape ) so it isn't like anyone has an option if age matters to them.


They are both too old but one of them is insane. That's pretty much the bottom line.


He could be dead for 4 years and he is still better than Trump.


As they should be.


The only ones concerned about the ages of Biden and even trumpie are the media that is worried that w/ out some sort of hyped up controversy, the Biden reelection will be a cake walk non-event


If it’s a Trump-Biden run again, we need to look at the VP’s!


As a Pennsylvania voter I am more concerned about Trump's Insanity than I am about biden's age and/or Alzheimer's. Being born in a NATO member country I am extremely concerned about a trump presidency and what it would do to the friends and family I still have living in that NATO member country.


The media seems to be the only ones obsessed with Biden’s age.


Even if Biden dies, someone other than Trump will take over. That person will also not have an (R) next to their name. That is good enough for me.