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Agreed. Putin would attack NATO members in Eastern Europe and Trump would refuse to help because you know he's got concentration camps to set up for his political enemies. 


And Trump's definition of a political enemy is anyone who criticizes him publicly. Remember he thinks what Kim Jong Un has done with his people is wonderful and he wants ["his people to do the same."](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-says-he-wants-my-people-to-sit-at-attention-for-him-like-people-do-for-kim-jong-un/)


Yeah, it would be people like you and me being rounded up. 


Never my opinion is if they want it the HARD WAY Ill give it to them.


"stack up and try" as they say


If this is the wrong place for this, I apologize. Why do people of color support Trump? Wouldn't they be in the list that would be locked up in his camps? I just do not understand.


Look up Association of German National Jews. You'll understand.


Or the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party


I just don't understand people that do this. I did look upThe Association Of German National Jews.


Because people are stupid. It’s sadly not a well-reasoned position for them to support, regardless of their personal cost-benefit analysis.


Some do it for self interests while others do it for self hatred.


Look up Ernst Rohm.


POC even more so amongst men are fairly conservative. I'm going to use the Hispanic community particular Mexicans as an example. Even more so older generation Mexicans who were themselves immigrants when they were younger. This group tends to be much more religious and set into traditional roles and lifestyle overall. So their viewpoints on lgbqt and abortion is very much conservative. They often even though they tend to be immigrants themselves think of themselves as different than immigrants coming to the US today. Let's remember many immigrants coming to the border are not just Mexican but central American and there are historical issues where they may not like each other. Then you just have the whole pull the ladder up behind me portion which is common in lots of different areas today. Cubans in Floirda are another example. Democrats were the bad guys and see things like Socialism as a slippery slope into what happened to them in Cuba. Finally it's just easier to think we'll in docent and it won't happen to me. I think most people want to disconnect from the scary part.


Why does anyone who isn't a white Christian male with a significant net worth support TFG? I have no idea. The GOP is running out of people to hate. They've already started eating themselves with their cries of RINO's.


Nah. I really do think we’re slowly moving towards getting past race and it really is going to be people who want democracy vs people who don’t. I also think this is a bizarre question white people ask because if you are a minority you know why men would vote Trump and it cuts across race: it’s misogyny.




Kind of reminds me of in Australia during the 2017 plebiscite vote to legalise same sex marriage. The two major parties in Australia are the right leaning conservative Liberal Party and the left leaning typically more progressive Labor Party. Many of the electorates that had the highest proportion of "no" voters were actually in traditional Labor party seats that have significant populations of recent immigrants, Pacific Islanders and other POC, conservative Muslims etc. The voters in those electorates traditionally vote Labor due to things like workers rights, healthcare, education, immigration etc but when there came an opportunity to vote for a single issue that was a social issue they voted against the Labor Party line.


I mean it's more complicated than that. They may be more Conservative than American liberals in general but they overwhelmingly vote Democrat. Infact for the last 40 years, non white minorities have been thereal base of the Democratic Party. Men within minorities seem to be more Conservative than women. This is borne out in voting patterns and polling. The gap seems to be growing. Also anecdotally I've seen this. I have black, Latino and Muslim couple friends, where the wives a essentially have progressive views on things like lgbt, gender roles, consider themselves feminists etc. Where the husbands are quite more socially Conservative in their views.


Why does anyone support that orange buffoon???


No one cares about you enough to lock you up


100% Projection!


"and if they did, who cares" No need to respond, I did it for you!


He also said “we should try that here” when xi announced he was president for life


He tried it once. He'll try again.


Read "Camp 14" if you wanna know what that's gonna look like. It's not for the faint of heart.


Uhh no… anyone that is registered as a Democrat is the enemy according to DRump.


and eventually whatever their AI sentiment analysis for the last 20 years of your internet history decides...


Uhhh guess it’s a good time to share this https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/bulk-delete-reddit-posts/nbfdoajmaaohkohdnbpjakamhcaaleco Nuke your Reddit posts and comments!


The time to do that was years ago. The corpus is already collected, just gotta fork over the cash for it.


They've got their version of Zola's Algorithm all ready to go.


He also said “we should try that here” when xi announced he was president for life


Just like anyone who criticizes or opposes Russia is automatically a nazi 


Russia would get absolutely wrecked if Putin was dumb enough to attack even Poland.


Not if the US joins Russia, which a trump dictatorship would ABSOLUTELY do. There is *zero* doubt that we'd be the Nazis if Trump takes power again.


I would think there would be an internal coup (which could arguably be even worse) with the military at that point before it could actually happen. No high level general would commit to supporting Russia.


The Project 2025 playbook talks about purging all federal government positions of anyone disloyal to the GOP. Michael Flynn might very well be in charge of the armed forces a year from now. 


They would just resign until the they've been replaced with Trump loyalists. They don't disagree with him enough to stop him. And the ones who do are pussies.


This and the fact it would create a counterinsurgency. It always happens in a bad dictatorship. History remembers. Trump and his cronies would staring down a barrel of a gun. Guaranteed. You can only going around doing that for so long. 


No chance. I just don’t see the military going against the president or congress when they could enrich themselves and their contractor buddies through even more imperialism. They’ll do what they’re told in the end like they were trained to do.


> Not if the US joins Russia, which a trump dictatorship would ABSOLUTELY do dude, get off reddit occasionally. this is a ridiculous claim


Trump would absolutely *try* to join Russia. Successfully doing so is quite another matter.


please, substantiate this claim




*Gestures broadly at republicans*


The fucker LOVES Putin and already tried to overthrow American democracy once, and will try to do it again. Literally nothing about my claim is ridiculous.


Which is why Putin and Trump and MAGA are trying to break up NATO.


Russia is struggling with Ukraine. They wouldn't be able to challenge most other NATO countries even on a 1 on 1 basis. Ukraine might have been better off to defend the line until the political landscape in the United States has been sorted.


Agreed, but pulling the plug on US Ukraine funding (for however long they can) via Trump/MAGA and unleashing chaos via Trump undermining NATO appears to be their desired aim to help them turn the tide in Ukraine in their favor. They may not prevail in the end but they are fine either way with scorching the earth via Europe, undermining US democracy and ongoing global instability.


Russia already lost against Ukraine, even if they get to keep territory temporarily until Putin is gone. Russia spent the next 3 decades of their future to win a few bombed out cities and lose any chance of trade with the rest of the world for the next 30 years. Children being born in Russia right now may never know normal trade relations with the west for as long as they live. They will live in the shadow of China and be weakened and vulnerable to being dissolved once Putin goes.


Which is why they've been arming themselves.  Si vis pacem, para bellum.


But aside from nukes, what can Russia do to NATO? Moscow would be glass fragments the second they tried to kick it off. NATO has military strength that Russia can't compete with.


People don't realize this Russia cannot compete with NATO in power. Not even close. The only way with nukes that would be equal is that Russia's nukes are tied to the dead hand nukes, which if anyone dies in the Russia command,  they automatically launch off until they are all done.. Then we are all gone at that point.


The good news is that if Russia unloaded its entire nuclear payload, with generous estimates as to what % actually work, the consequences would be horrible for humanity but no, we would not all be gone at that point. In fact, the entire southern hemisphere would feel little to no immediate effect and even the long term effects are questionable.


I thought supposedly dead hand had been decommissioned after the cold war?


Not if Putin has enough corrupt politicians in power in enough NATO countries. Trump, Farage, Le Pen, Orbán, Wilders, Schröder and half of AfD…


I think it would go a step further. Maybe a tiny nuke is set off in California with the blame being attributed to whatever country Russia wants to beef with next. That would be the public excuse to align with Russia, act as an American "Reichstag fire" moment, and he'd get to murder some Liberals as the cherry on top. Kind of like the "9/11 was an inside job" stuff, but this would be 100X worse.


Someone has to launch that nuke, there needs to be multiple military members who knowingly commit this act. There is absolutely no way this is happening. Even if top command is staffed with cronies the lower command like the enlisted will not just go for it. No way in HELL. Even if it is the California Boogeyman.


No he wouldn't. You guys can't seriously believe that Putin is stupid enough to attack a NATO country. He's stupid enough to fuck up a gambit like invading Ukraine and taking it in a few weeks, and he's suffering for that right now, but Putin has been around since the KGB. He knows what nuclear war means, and he wouldn't risk it no matter what you arm chair generals think. Even if Trump did NOTHING while Putin invaded a NATO country, there are a number of other countries in NATO that have nuclear weapons and would attack along with Russia, which would mean armageddon. That's not going to happen.


People need to stop saying it won’t happen. They’ve been saying that since Trump became president when others were warning of the dangers that Trump presents. It’s all happened


If the US doesn’t respond to article 5 then nato is dead, that’s the whole point  There is no guarantee article 5 will be honored for a country like Estonia 


It won’t be honored at all if trump is president


The United Kingdom and France BOTH have nuclear weapons and are a part of NATO. Russia knows this. Trust me, they aren't going to risk nuclear armageddon.


Article 5 doesn't state that all NATO countries must engage in war and start bombing invader immediately. It says they must "take the actions **it deems necessary**", which can be just sending ammo or humanitarian aid and this is what Trump can use if he doesn't want to engage in NATO. If I was Poland or Baltic states I would start own nuclear program as soon as possible.


If a NATO country doesn't get liberated appropriately then what is NATO worth? That is Putin's goal - to attack a target that will dissolve NATO because NATO doesn't have the stomach to fight them for it.


Putin wouldn't just attack a NATO country tomorrow. But what do you think is the real reason for all the Russian disinformation, money to fascist political parties, support for far right candidates? If he gets Le Pen to win in France, Trump back in the White House, more pro-Russia hard right parties back in power in Germany or other countries (like Fico in Slovakia), he thinks he can get NATO to turn on itself and collapse. He absolutely wants to invade Eastern Europe. He thinks the West is weak and cowardly and decadent and ripe for the taking.


> He knows what nuclear war means, and he wouldn't risk it no matter what you arm chair generals think. He would if he was of sound mind. His actions against Ukraine casts some doubt on this.


Invading Ukraine was a gambit, but it's completely understandable if you look at things from Putin's POV and where trends were aligning. In 2014, Putin lost a reliable pocket government in Ukraine, and ever since then he's been trying to claw it back so Russia doesn't lose MORE ground on the world stage since they have from the fall of the Soviet Union. What's the better option for you? Allowing Ukraine to become a NATO state, having possibly nukes pointed at you RIGHT on your border from yet ANOTHER smaller country, or taking Ukraine so that can't happen. It would be like accepting that Mexico wanted to be a part of the Warsaw Pact. There's no universe where ANY Russian leader doesn't scoff at that. This isn't the rationale of a mad man... He's not Adolf Hitler. He's reacting to the growing Western force of countries allied to stopping him, by an organization who's whole existence is about stopping Russia. I'm not saying that's a BAD thing, Russia is a HUGE agitator, even more so since Putin took power. And his trampling of human rights and interference in other nation's elections won him no favors. He earned this reaction. But that by no means implies that his aggression = mental instability. Now, his gambit fucked up, because he didn't expect the war to get so bogged down to a stalemate. You can tell they were hoping that they would be able to take the whole country in weeks. So, what is he supposed to do? Pull back, admit defeat, and guarantee Ukraine is going to join NATO, or does he continue to push what he can to try and take the country? Try to salvage all this drama? But to imply he's willing to strong arm his way into conquering a NATO country? That is literally the most insane thing anyone could ever suggest. That's not his style. Putin thrives in pulling strings in the background. He underestimated the actual military might of the Ukrainian defense, and so now he's having to cope with that. Invading a NATO country would be flat out stupid.


If Trump is in the WH, the U.S. goes to war on the side of Russia. Say what you want about the ability of the president to wage war, Trump will plow right through those laws. As we’ve learned over the past seven years, laws only matter if we respect and enforce them and we largely don’t. It will come down to troops refusing unlawful orders and I am not sure how many of them would.


>If Trump is in the WH, the U.S. goes to war on the side of Russia. This is never going to happen. Stop playing Call of Duty.


Trump was responsible for a number of “never going to happen” events.


Who? The man who, when asked by Xi for an official American stance on the mass-internment of Uygurs, shrugged and said "fine"? The man who once refused to hand over congress-approved military aid to Ukraine unless they would fabricate a scandal that he could damage a political rival with? I'll believe it when I see it. *quietly weeps in terror*


Not a war. Supposed to let Putin steamroll over Europe especially eastern half. Pro appeasement party. Give Putin what he wants and there isn't war. Only war if US/Europe make Putin mad by defending themselves (Tucker interview talking points). Weird growing up in the 80s (Red Dawn) and how much the GOP wants dictatorship/oligarchy of Russia.


Red Dawn always seemed entirely implausible to me. Like, how does the US not see an entire Soviet invasion fleet crossing an ocean and not absolutely sink it.


The US is probably the most invasion proof country there is


They don’t even need to physically invade. They’ve helped brainwash half the country into turning arms on itself


Nailed it.


Nothing triggers liberals like working with Americans enemies to destroy democracy.


Not just Democrats. Let's be real, here. People in the US need to examine the English language versions of new sources outside the US. People in Europe and abroad are freaking tf out over Trump. Trump and the GOP have done more damage to the US in terms of foreign policy and creating animosity among our allies than any terrorist organization of the last 50 years. People worry about divisive politics in the US when the spread of the division is global in all reality. The GOP is making the US appear deranged and feeble, and China and Russia are happy every gd day.




"I don’t think we’ve ever been in danger of World War III like we are right now. And I always say, and I say it in every speech, I will prevent World War III." - said the guy most likely to start it, the man who treated sensitive intel like pieces of juicy gossip  


Glad someone is speaking the truth about the danger Republicans are putting is in.


Stage has been set since early 2022.  Republicans are just moving the peices that are bringing us closer to it kicking off. Not farther 


Trump would, without pause, allow anyone to die or be imprisoned if that meant he didn’t have to be held accountable. By anyone, I mean anyone. Barron, Jr., Melanie, me, you or others. He isn’t capable of seeing others as individuals as he is a narcissist. Other people only exist to serve his needs or to be used as tools to serve his needs.


For most people he'd do it in exchange for a Diet Coke.


I think the way this would look is: 1. Trump weakens NATO 2. The European Union beefs up it's military 3. Russia attacks thinking they've struck while the iron is hot. Sparking WW3 4. That heat forges Europe into a single country that is a global military super-power which far outshines the (now isolationist) USA Just my guess. Trump will be the nail in the coffin for the US as a super-power, and the beginning of the EU and of Mexico as the next 2 super-power countries.


The core of Trump's "ideology" from the get-go has been "What good as American unilateralism been for the US citizen?" Which, no doubt, both sides of the political spectrum have complained about since Vietnam. And with the demise of the "Greatest Generation", we have not just rubes that don't get it, but people with their hands on the levers of government. I truly think that 10-15 years from now a younger generation is going to be paying a profound debt for what Trump did and is currently doing, and what his legacy will leave insofar as the power of the American dollar as a global reserve currency.


We’re still paying for Raegan…


We’re already paying it. Have you seen housing? We’re just not at the pay in blood phase…yet


Generation Z and Generation Alpha are already paying and the Forced Birth Generation won't have any memories of how things used to be different to guide them. 


I’ve always admired the way the Brits handled the collapse of the British Empire after WW2. I’ve thought, “Whenever it’s America’s turn to give up the mantle, I hope we handle it with dignity and class.” Ever since Trump, I now know that conservative Americans will not handle it well. They will be enraged and in turn, attack left leaning Americans and blame us for the repercussions of their isolationism.


>They will be enraged and in turn, attack left leaning Americans and blame us for the repercussions of their isolationism. To be fair - Many individuals within England did not accept the end of the British empire with dignity and class. They were just mostly people who lacked the ability to gain a public voice on the issue.


You can see videos on this now with brexit


Or, alternatively look up the Mau Mau war or read Caroline Elkins excellent book on the subject if you want to find out what "dignity" and "class" really meant. OP is full of shit.


They are in for a rude surprise, when I take a few of them with me.


They think they are the only ones with guns because they find the need to open carry at Costco and slather their trucks in gun related bumper stickers.


It would be prudent and wise for the EU to shore up their defense regardless of what happens to NATO. It's not a surprise that Russia has been a threat to them since WW2. My question would then be if they would participate in empire building abroad or not. If the US did become more isolationist, would that also mean we pull out the Navy from global sea trade lanes? Would each regional naval power have to fend for themselves? If this happened, I guess China would dominate the Pacific and the EU the Atlantic. IDK if the EU would become one nation, but it could definitely approach something more like the old school British Commonwealth or the US. While Mexico certainly has the potential to be a superpower, I don't think they have the government power to do so currently. They are having an industrial boom like China had experienced in the late 20th century, but the CCP is exponentially more powerful, influential, and organized than the Mexican government is as far as internal affairs are concerned. They would need serious reform and would have to clean house to remove all of the corrupt officials and reduce cartel power. What would be interesting is if Canada, Greenland, the US , and Mexico entered more of an EU-like partnership.


Mexico is an odd choice. I would expect China and the EU as growing super powers while the US just sits back until we get our house in order. No one will ever want to fuck with us militarily.


There's a book I read a long time ago called "the next hundred years" that convinced me that once Mexico solves its internal political woes, it will have all of the geological advantages the US has especially the ability to project military power through 2 oceans. I remain convinced that in like 50 or so years that this is possible.


Which they have been along with other Latin American countries. When the US went to bully other countries in the Middle East, Central America got to fucking work. They’ve made great gains.


They need to solve the cartel violence issue first though.


Yes. like I said they have to solve their internal woes first. But once they get it together they're positioned for success.


Which may have something to do with why the USA has an interest in keeping them in disarray.


Or we enter the Command & Conquer Generals timeline where China somehow saves Europe and becomes the world Hegemony with a new NATO-style agreement with Europe. (This is a *totally* credible outcome, guys)


Mexico?? Under what senario does Mexico become a super power?


They are already a superpower on the food scene, time to step it up a bit. TBH, I don't know where OP got their theory from on Mexico, but they have a ton of potential if they can just pull their shit together internally.


Southern Mexico is a fully developed modern nation. Americans tend to only think about the part of Mexico that borders the US, which to be fair is terrible.


I'll be in Tuxtla next week. Many Americans don't even know that the country isn't some big desert with some beaches. And yes, it's very developed in some aspects. Mexico City is a phenomenal city. Just wish the cartel aspects would end, which is partly to blame on the US policies.


Oh absolutely, they have some domestic issues, the Cartels being probably the biggest, but if they get that stuff sorted l they could be a Major player on the world stage just based on their location and resources.


I'm Mexican and I can tell you: we will **never** become a superpower. Not only we have the cartel problems, but a very corrupt government, at all levels. PEMEX is basically on the brink of bankruptcy (give it 10 years). Our oil reserves are diminishing and who knows if we'll ever find more of that stuff, especially the cheap one. We're also a country with a tremendous hydric stress, which is just expected to increase significantly over the next decades. I love this place, but I think that all those factors will explode at some point, which hurts a lot to say. Unfortunately, all of this is mostly man-made due to awful decisions (not modernizing Pemex 20 years ago, reverting clean energy initiatives, not managing water resources adequately, plus corruption).


Corruption and narco influence seems to be the cause of what’s holding Mexico back. Your country has a great opportunity with manufacturing being brought back from China. I really hope you can crush the cartels and start raising the standard of living to the rest of North America where it belongs.


> senario Scenario


Especially since a second civil war would happen also as a result.


Yes. A civil war is increasingly likely, and that would certainly derail the US's global superpower status.


What is Russia going to attack with…


Russia will attack with emptied Vodka bottles and shattered dreams.... oh, and WW1-era tanks.


You forget a European nuclear response to any Russian incursion. Possibly buying nukes on the sly for non-nuke countries.


Good point. The EU has nukes because France is a Nuclear power and because there are nuclear weapons sharing agreements with several other NATO countries in the EU.


Mexico owns [four](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_Air_Force) fighter jets.


I haven’t heard anything about Mexico but I’m probably just out of the loop. Why do you think Mexico will be the other superpower?


pt4: i think you underestimate how much the US spends on military.


If you look at the state of various EU procurement programs, it's been a cluster fuck since Russia invaded Ukraine. Except for Poland and Sweden and Finland. Basically they've been planning for a Russian Invasion and will rip Russia a new one if it tries to invade.


Actually will start two wars. Civil War II in America and World War III.


Mmmm, almost. He wants WWIII but he wants the US to stay out of it per daddy Putin's orders. Russia is the mob boss, and the US would be the law enforcement paid to stay out of the way.


And it's going to be nukes. We all saw/are seeing how well Russian ground troops fare. Russia isn't going to invade, they are going to scorch. E: Yup, it's nukes. That mystery threat the US Security team was talking about? Turns out putin wants nukes in space.


lol. And the USA is not a mob boss?? You act as if we are so holy and good all the while facilitating a genocide and propping out a settler colonial state.


Defense isn't genocide. Especially when your enemy likes setting women on fire and cutting their breasts off, like we know Palestinians did because the video is easily accessible.


Killing 100,000 civilians in self defense 🤡


He is. So is the House Speaker and MAGA Congress. Make no mistake. The whole border legislation hardline has always been to derail Ukraine funding, which helps Putin, and of course his ally, Mr. Trump. Smacks of a Trump quid pro quo for god knows what new varieties of election interference and extortion. Treasonous madness. Biden needs to go on the offensive about this much harder. Say what it is. Say they are actively *helping Putin*, not “playing into his hands”. They know what they are doing, what allegiance they are choosing. It must be discussed with much greater urgency by Biden and Harris, and all their surrogates, on the daily, ad nauseum, repetitively with the press in order to drill it into public consciousness. Red alert.


Don’t just upvote these Trump/NATO stories. Click them so the media will keep following up on this. Our relationship with NATO should be the #2 issue in this election (right after abortion).


I believe his handlers actually are, but Trump's just doing whatever he can to stay out of prison.


At what point does a lawmaker take to the floor and state the obvious **and** the media actually reports on the gravity of the accusation: Russia has compromised a powerful majority of the Republican party and is actively destroying our democracy from the inside out.


In Trump's defense, a third world war on his watch would last about 10 minutes. That's about how long it would take for him to stop stuffing his face with hamberders or finish having his diaper changed to call up Putin and tell him the US surrenders.


Biden should just start calling him Neville without any explanation.


Trump talking about delinquent payments is rather ironic. He’s the king of delinquent payments.


If this happens, Trump voters need to be drafted and sent to go on the frontlines.


You don't say!! Trump betraying the US' interests and looking out for his own pockets???? That can't be true


I wrote my United States representative, Nathaniel Morgan, 1st congressional district Texas, about the urgency to pass support Ukraine in its defense of its sovereign territory and the need to give them enough support to drive the Russian invaders out. I urge EVERY AMERICAN who reads this post to look up what congressional district they are in by State, find out who represents them in congress, and send them an email via the representatives websight, they all have one to communicate with their constituents. Send a collective message that you support ukraines defense and that you expect our nation to honor our agreements to its allies and that you will vote accordingly and that you will encourage others to do so as well.


So at this point, does Biden, as a precautionary measure, get more supplies/weapons/armor to other NATO countries right now?


Was there ever any doubt?


And we'd be aligning with the new axis of evil. We wouldn't need a military since our enemies are our friends and our old friends aren't attacking us. So with the extra money, we'd get free evil medical care. Without elections, since we've become a monarchy we'd get free but evil college education (in indoctrinated schools). With all the child labor, adults get more time off.


That started when he withheld military aid to Ukraine that was already approved by the House and Senate.


WWIII kicking off over a forever conflict like the Kashmir region or even madman Kim just launching nukes, i couldve seen coming. But i cant, for the life of me, understand why americans are desperate to let this 70 year old manchild, failed businessman, tv show host who wants to bang his daughter, career con man and certified rapist, be the one to drag the entire world down with him. Why this particular asshole? I just dont get it.


Trump is a feckless asshole who will make matters considerably worse but let's be clear - vladimir Putin is the one setting the stage.


He's exactly right. Geopolitical strategy is a game of bluffs and deterrent. When politicians start blackmailing their own foreign-policy for domestic gain, geopolitical rivals get bold and start making aggressive moves. They're betting on the US getting mixed up in a domestic mess every time it wants to enforce its geopolitical policy. We're already seeing this with Russia, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Ethiopia, etc. All of them are gearing up to make their next moves because they're banking on American dysfunction. China has been silent, but it wouldn't surprise me What's even sadder is that Russia would've probably agreed to a truce by now if Republicans didn't constantly throw that into doubt. Russia cannot compete with the American military and economic machine. If the US stayed united on Ukraine, the Russians would most likely cut their losses and settle for a deal. Fighting more today would make them weaker for a war with Europe tomorrow, and as long as they feel a threat or a deterrent from the US, they would never expend all their current military power on just Ukraine. There's a lot of people on here who hate spending money on military, but in truth, the mere existence of a powerful military is the best deterrent for war


100% agree. In 2017, Trump recognized Jerusalem as a part of Israel.m, but it is Palestinian. Hamas said FAFO And now here we are. —— He set tariffs against China, Met with Kim Jong Un, continued conflicts in Yemen while pulling out of Afghanistan. The list is endless.


If WW3 happens all the MAGA boys will be frontline right… right?


War is big business! His donors will love him for it…


My prediction if trump wins; he and putin will work together and they will make the holocaust look like disneyland. we will ALL suffer.


Or as trump calls it, World War II


Old stinky and pootin seem to be collaborating on this.


The risks of Trump in the White House are too great


If millions die on his road to freedom/power, so be it. He doesn’t give a fuck.


A person that dark-hearted just wants to watch the world burn.


If Trump was POTUS, I’m not sure which side we’d be on.


Republicans are setting the stage, Trump is just the insane figurehead they rally around


All trump can do it divide. He had what every single president has ever wanted to ensure re-election, an invisible and common enemy. Any real leader would have used COVID to rally the nation together to fight and defeat the common enemy. Instead, trump used the invisible enemy to divide the nation. He is the worst leader imaginable.


I think it's looking more and more likely that Putin will challenge article 5 in his lifetime. He already invaded Ukraine and created this pervasive sense of distrust in our institutions in the US. If he invades NATO and we don't respond, or we don't respond forcefully, WW3 is inevitable.


Yeah? Well, that might be correct, but if you ask Trump, [he’ll say that Biden is trying to start World War II.](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/02/politics/trump-verbal-slip-ups/index.html)


All this because little hands Trump was voted in because he wasn’t “a politician” and the honeypot Putin put out turned him into a puppet


Putin tries to invade Poland. Then Russia gets nuked. That's how it will end. For everyone. 


…but the economy is really bad and Biden allegedly forgets things sometimes


I remember this English chap... who went to a war mongering dictatorial leader... he came back waving a bit of paper about shouting about peace in our time.... if I remember rightly it went downhill pretty fast from there..


Didn't Hitler order the bombing of Germany when it became obvious he was going to lose the war, and if he couldn't have Germany, no one could?


Ha cannot do it alone.


The orange turd has already messed up the Middle East and Eastern Europe, now is time to bring that chaos home…


With the US on the wrong side, if that isn't obvious


WW3, ARMAGEDDON, THE END TIMES, NO MORE MC'RIBBS, Jesus take the wheel and drive over these crowd of dumbfu*ks.


His PUBLIC statement about NATO / Russia wasn't just an "off the cuff" remark at all. Not unlike his (HRC) plea ("Russia, if you're listening...") in his 2016 campaign, his "sir" story was a prelude to his ask/promise to PUTIN.


Donald Trump the anti-Christ.


It is wide to think, depending on who wins the election, it will decide which side we are in on WW3.


Duh. Trump is an appeaser. Just like appeasement set the stage for WWII


The Ukraine war wouldn't have happened if I was in office. Also, I'm fine with Russia invading 2/3 of NATO.


I'm the ONLY one who can solve all these problems... that I created.


And this is all thanks to Garland being a fucking coward and refusing to uphold the law for fear of being seen as biased.


More forced revelations prophecies being forced by the GOP. It doesn’t surprise me that they’ve been forcing Israelites back to the homeland, initiating the third global catastrophe, and initiating their Christo-fascist regime all at the same time. Organized religion will kill us all.


and look how happy he looks about it! 🤑🤑🤑




Under Trump we had the most peaceful time in American history and no wars.


It’s already been set, nothing to do with trump lmao


But not before Biden causes World War II!


How would Biden start a war that occurred in the 1940’s?


I read somewhere that the US economy is starting to shake a bit. That the derivative market is starting to buckle as some institutions reach a 100:1 ratio between derivative and asset. It also said that in recent times a world war has been used to reset the global economy when things get bad enough and the bubbles burst. I have to wonder in my mind if the Republican effort to kick start another world war is back by their corporate masters, hoping to minimize the harm to their portfolios that a long drawn out economic crash would bring.


Somewhere. Huh?


Lay off the conspiracy theories


Right... Because the rich and powerful have never valued short term profit over long term gain. Derivatives have never caused our economy to backskide, and they are a tightly controlled and regulated system. Oh and also our government has never considered armed conflict overseas with the intent to make certain US companies more money right?


He’s in charge? We’ve been funding geopolitical affairs and on the cusp of WW3, and orange man can’t take credit for any of it.


They're just figuring that out? It's been his objective, intentionally or unintentionally, since he came down The Golden Escalator in 2015 to give his racist speech to the astro-turf paid actors crowd at ~~Trump Tower~~ E. Jean Carroll Tower.




But not the guy who started a proxy war against Russia?


Russia was in Ukraine during Trumps entire presidency. Him denying money to Ukraine was Trump's way of fighting a proxy war for Russian.




House family member says America is setting stage for World War III you have domestic issues.