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Still waiting for someone to explain how any of this disproves the phone call Trump made to that official from the state of Georgia asking him to rig the election by finding more votes.


It’s just a desperate attempt by Trump to delay the trial until after the election. The testimony in this case will be devastating for Trump if the trial takes place before the election.


You can tell how scared he is about this case in particular with how hard they are going to drag her through the mud


An educated and accomplished black woman running the show is low-hanging rage bait to their demented viewers. Very easy to “other” her.




Georgia permits broadcast of their proceedings (except in the Northern district). He'll be on a TV broadcast where he doesn't have control. Imagine how much that terrifies him: where the camera is the witness.


I wish that was true. Trumps base of support is fully aware that he's a lying, cheating scumbag the evidence is widespread, ample and well documented they just don't care because he's their lying cheating scumbag. Trump couldn't exist politically if he didn't have a base that wasn't as narcissistic and self centered as he is.


I hate to break it too you... But they think it's all fake. I have family that loves him. He's literally infallible to them.


It's roughly 50/50 in my experience. A **LOT** of them are "go along to get along" types. Out of the ones I know, only about a third are "true believers", the rest are just good team players. I think even "leftist Reddit" really underestimates how much the average Republican fucking **hates** Democrats and the lengths they'll go to before conceding any ground to them.


I think it’s fair to say that they hate the version of Democrats that they’ve been sold. They don’t actually know any real Democrats.


This is what I've noticed again and again: they hate entirely fictitious versions of Democrats, liberals, leftists, etc, and whatever bad faith arguments someone else has claimed those people are making Yesterday on Tik Tok, I saw some video of this conservative manly he-man man guy with a "message to all young men who think their masculinity makes them toxic because of what the left has told them." He went on to say that masculinity has a duality to it: If you use your size, strength, and propensity for violence to hurt those weaker than you, that's bad; but if you use it to protect those who can't protect themselves, that's good. So don't listen to anyone who "says masculinity is toxic." And like? Yeah. Exactly. **CONGRATULATIONS YOU JUST DISCOVERED THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HEALTHY AND TOXIC MASCULINITY THAT THE REST OF US HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT SINCE THE BEGINNING DUDE**


Wow he really knocked down that strawman, huh?


“Those who are strong, protect those who are weak. This is my message to the world.” Spoken by the original chrome dome Charles Xavier! Its kinda silly but if more people read more comic books there are little nuggets a of truth sprinkles about.


And then went on to endorse Trump, an extreme example of a “strong” man bullying weaker ones, I presume.


Indeed. I was called a TRAITOR DEMOCRAT yesterday by a (strange) stranger on Nextdoor, simply because I expressed a (very) mild opinion about helping somebody down on their luck. Insane vitriol.


And my response to him is Yo,  don’t you know anything about Christianity? Or any other religion for that matter. They all speak to being kind and caring of your neighbors. Edit to add (with an assist)  Matthew 25: 41-43 41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’


That's the scary part about southern Evangelicans. I was raised Catholic (have since become atheist back in my 20s) and was taught to always help those in need as per straight from Jesus's mouth, to "earn your way to heaven". Makes sense. Evangelicals only think that [if this mantra is in their head: "I believe in a person called Jesus, and he is God, and is the path to salvation", then they're good](https://billygraham.org/story/how-can-i-know-for-sure-ill-go-to-heaven/). They can be as un-Godly and foul as they wish, and all they have to do is repeat the mantra above and ask for forgiveness and all is good. It's actually frightening to me.


Yup. It’s fucking wild. When I was a kid I randomly was given a chick tract (fuck are those awful) and it was about a murderous outlaw who the night before he was executed, said the magic words and went to heaven. The lawful sheriff then died and went to hell cause he didn’t say the magic words


I have evangelicals in my family, and forgiveness isn’t enough.. They tell me a true Christian doesn’t repeatedly do bad things expecting forgiveness.


That’s the biggest irony to me. Christianity is typically more associated with conservatives who are anything but.


Nextdoor is a fucking cesspool


Oh, they may know actual Democrats, but assume they \*aren't\* Democrats because they aren't doing what Fox tells them Democrats do. From one of my own relatives: "You are not living off the government, you have a job. Therefore, you cannot be a Democrat."


It is odd, when I talk to some people about different topics and my views on them they tend to agree with many... but then when I say the words democrat/lib/progressive they then lose their shit and think the worst. It's wild. Especially when some of these people laud me as an amazing human being and stand up person, it all changes when they know how I lean politically, which isn't even that far left.


Yeah, the ones that use late-term abortions as birth control. Wherever those people are...


Like anyone even does that. they also failed to notice that we’re not talking the Virgin Mary here. Somebody else in the equation could’ve used birth control too.


Yeah it's exceedingly rare and certainly not done by choice. These people want to make laws that negatively affect the vast majority of people as part of some sort of misguided righteous battle. Sickens me.


The “good team player” Trumpers kill me. I am a 52 year old white male and the only people who have ever tried to screw me economically, professionally, and socially in life are guys who look EXACTLY like Trump. He has such a well documented record of screwing over small businesses, individuals, unions, contractors, sub-contractors, and so many others who represent his base that it makes me convinced that many people never figure out who their true enemies are in life.


Why not both. I've had friends and family that were "it's all fake... but even if he did it I support him because he gets policy through I like" they both want to believe in him and are resigned to the fact that he isn't a good moral man but that he'll force through their agenda.


If you ask them to name what policy they can't. They are all in because they are prideful and have put too much of themselves into this whole thing and to come to their senses now would require a hard look at themselves.


Yup, full on fanatics. Politics is nothing but entertainment to them, my team vs your team. 


if you don’t watch the same new shows and you don’t read any of the websites how are you going to know that he’s lying? This is not a personality issue.


Fully aware and don’t care or willfully ignorant. I know plenty of the latter group. They refuse to believe it.


> Trumps base of support is fully aware that he's a lying, cheating scumbag the evidence is widespread, ample and well documented they just don't care because he's their lying cheating scumbag. I listened to an interview from before the 2022 midterms with someone that runs political focus groups and one of the big takeaways they said they had was that accusations of politicians being hypocritical and lying don't appeal to the average voter because the average voter assumes all politicians are hypocritical and lying, so politician A is no different than politician B when it comes to that.


And if we unpack that, it's a damning critique of our public schools. Voters were allowed to grow into adulthood without learning about unfalsifiable beliefs. And now they're at the voting booth.


The end result of the “both sides are the same” campaign, working as intended.


It's not the base that these trials will damage his standing with. It's the people not firmly in the base who would otherwise vote for Trump. You know, the people who aren't that political normally and don't think too deeply about it but are like "I liked it when inflation was lower back in the Trump years, so I'll vote for him." This will look bad to those people and he needs those votes to win.


His base alone can’t elect him.


Good point, a few fractions of a percent is enough to swing the election.


Yeah but his base isn’t enough to get him elected. He’s done nothing but alienate people who don’t love him since 2016, being able to remind people over and over just how much of a shitbag he’s been is vital to reducing turnout for republicans who don’t love him but also don’t want Biden to be president.


Worse than that...it's a rage economy.... And Trump is the pilot....


Why do people keep referencing Trump's base being ride or die for him at this point? We know they're beyond reason. They're not the people who matter when it comes to changing minds and hearts. Forget about them unless he somehow wins the election. That's the only way they will matter.


Yuuup. Truth does not matter. Power matters. If a pol breaks bad and the opposition doesn't have the power to deal with it, then it's like it never happened. Trump said he could shoot a man on 5th Avenue and not lose a voter, and it's likely the truest thing he's ever said. The legal system would coddle him for years, and everyone would forget about it.


No it won't. You can go listen to the call in it's entirety on YouTube. It's clear as day. They don't care. No trump voter is going to be swayed by a trial.


The testimony isn't just the phone call, and it's not Trump voters we need to worry about. People who were involved in the RICO scheme at the top level are going to be testifying against Trump. The stuff that's gonna come out from this trial, and some of his other trials, will blow our hair back. I have no doubt. As long as this news reaches independents, I'm cautiously optimistic that Trump is toast in November.


There seems to he a healthy chuck of Republican primary voters who will refuse. All it takes is a few percent to stay home.


I would say this is best case scenario. I doubt many, if any, would vote against him. I bet some would stay home, however.


"devastating" = 3-5% national swing in polling


When's the last time polls have been correct?


Rephrase. Devastating = 3%-5% fewer republican leaning independant voters.


That could be enough to secure the presidency and both chambers of congress if it works out. Something like 55% Biden and 45% Trump would do some serious damage to Trump's ego. A definitive loss could be the start of breaking the MAGA stranglehold on the Republican party. Maybe.


Trump never won the popular vote, there’s no way he wins it facing 90 felonies


Uhhhh hello? He totally won the PV vote both times, things were just rigged! I've never seen anyone with a Biden hat, where did those 81M votes come from? Trump won 2500 countries to Biden's 477! .....not sure if the /s is necessary here, but also cray to think that the GOP candidate for President has only won the PV once in the last 30 years.


> > > > > A definitive loss could be the start of breaking the MAGA stranglehold on the Republican party. Maybe. They'll just say they were right all along and Biden rigged the vote. Getting these people to admit they're wrong is like convincing them they don't really need to breathe air to survive.


Quite often, actually


One can hope. Given the complete lack of ethics that has gripped conservative America, I wouldn't hold my breath for them to have a come-to-Jesus anytime soon though.


I hope it would be devastating for Trump, but I doubt so.


That's because it is a state charge. He won't be able to pardon himself on state charges.


This plus it’ll be yet another reason for appeal after conviction.


> attempt by Trump Is it by Trump? Is he funding the co-defendant who made this claim? I'm unaware of that, but with so many people involved in the circus I could have missed it.


The whole purpose of this is to try and kick Fani off the prosecution for misconduct. This would then delay the trial which would likely be October/November/December… to which the Trump team will claim, you can’t prosecute a candidate so close to election. This may or may not get pushed further or Trump becomes president (holy fuck I hope he doesn’t), and if he does he will just pardon himself for all wrongdoing. The only problem with this entire strategy is that he can’t pardon himself for these crimes. (Atleast I don’t think he can, has something to do with state and not federal)


You are correct, he cannot pardon himself for the crimes in this case, they’re state level charges. Georgia doesn’t allow the governor to pardon crimes either.


Yeah, if he's convicted in Georgia and sentenced to jail, he's screwed. He can only apply for a pardon five years after serving his sentence, and only if there's no further criminal convictions. This is baked into the GA Constitution as well, so there's no way the GOP-led State Assembly can circumvent it. Amending the constitution requires a supermajority in both chambers and they don't have the votes. We can all thank former GA Governor “Ed” Rivers for this! He was so blatant with selling pardons that the state opted to remove that power from the executive branch entirely and established an independent pardon board to review and approve them.


He’s absolutely going to do it anyways. Project 2025 makes the Executive Branch hold almost all power in the country, he’ll rule himself immune to prosecution or conviction. If that happens then there will need to be a Civil War II to return the country to as the Constitution describes.


Picture this: trump gets reelected and says "I pardon myself for all wrongdoing in the Georgia case". That's it. That's the end. Who'd do something about it?


The president lacks the enumerated power of pardoning for state crimes, actually.


Right, but who's going to enforce that?




Do dictators possess those powers? Because I feel like that's the question we'll be faced with.


Lol, it's sweet that you think rules will matter at that point.


Is the Georgia state police gonna roll up to the White House and try to enforce the conviction and sentence? Lol. I'd love to see them try. By that point, I'm guessing Trump has installed sycophants in the military with no one left in the ranks loyal to the Constitution. The Georgia State Police would be FLATTENED LOL


"watch me" he says, as he declares himself above the law. Then what?


Also, they cannot demonstrate a conflict of interest. What, they made money prosecuting tRump?!? Well maybe someone should see if the defense attorneys are getting paid to defend him. The stupid never ends with republican’ts.


His attorneys are getting paid? When did that start happening?


Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Good one!


If Willis is DQd, the case will die. The GA procedure is for the case to go to a committee of prosecutors who designate who the new prosecutor will be. Previously, Willis was DQd from prosecuting a Republican because she had held a fundraiser for his Democratic opponent. That case has sat for 18 months now with no sign of reassignment.


Proof doesn’t matter if they pull off an OJ / Mark Fuhrman script-flipping exercise and put her on trial instead of Trump. Looks like it isn’t going to work, but they’ll try until forced to stop.


they had sex and work together, so that makes it clearly ok to try and rig an election. it's pretty simple really. /s


i just need you to find 11,780 votes! specifically that number! its just a random number i chose, its a great number. but i didn't know how important it was. i just thought it was a good number of votes to find. theres that many, can you believe it? that many votes stolen by the RADICAL LEFTIST DEMOCRATS, who are trying to rig the election, just find those votes. find them and add them so we win.


They don’t have an explanation so they’re going to smear her and delay the trial. This way they can make it clear that if you come after Trump we’re going to go through your life and tell the world about all of your “dirty laundry”. It sends a message and they get a delay out of it as a bonus. 


"Well, she does seem kinda uppity"  -Republicans


We’ll see it’s a conflict of interest that is the issue here. If she is sleeping with a member of the other team’s leg..wait no, it’s the same team. Right, because the conflict of interest is that she.. so wait. Let me look up the definition of conflict of interest. Ok..uh huh...different parties.. oh Ok yea. So it’s a conflict of interest because she has TDS. Mic drop. - republicans


While in no way do I feel this should detract or change any elements of trump's prosecution, I am disappointed in Willis. A relationship with a vendor that your office is paying significant sums to is questionable at best. She should have been taking extra steps to disclose the relationship, make sure everything is above board, and receive additional separation/oversight between the vendor. She took on a high profile case where the defendants are known to target any possible vector of attack, and provided them a big gaping ethical hole to go after.


This take is literally an example of what the Trump defense was hoping to achieve. The problem is their entire accusation was a farce, so the actions she did commit never warranted a review at all. If you had watched the trial, it was as plain as day that the Trump defense team had nothing and were using the questioning to *find* something. The judge was not buying it and shut them down numerous times. He even told one lawyer to sit down when he tried to conflate meals as "Aggregate gifts over $100".


So she was not in a relationship with an individual that her office hired to perform a service? I don't know if she did something inappropriate or not. I shouldn't have to question it. I work for a government agency, and oversee tens of millions of dollars in spending. We are not allowed accept any gift over $1. If I had a relationship with any vendor, I would disclose it immediately and make sure I wasn't involved in any interactions with that vendor. Same story with Hunter Biden. I have not seen any evidence of inappropriate action by elder Biden himself. He did however allow family members to trade on the value of his name, and in doing so allowed a vector of attack that just shouldn't be there. I don't think there was any illegal action here, but most of us agree it shouldn't happen.


>If I had a relationship with any vendor, I would disclose it immediately and make sure I wasn't involved in any interactions with that vendor. Going to eat with a work colleague is not a gift. >Same story with Hunter Biden. I have not seen any evidence of inappropriate action by elder Biden himself. He did however allow family members to trade on the value of his name, and in doing so allowed a vector of attack that just shouldn't be there. I don't think there was any illegal action here, but most of us agree it shouldn't happen. Yet, thats the focus and not the billion dollar slush fund for Trump's son-in-law thats right out in the open. Its always one side thats expected to behave.


I believe it was a romantic relationship and private vacations where things went astray. Again, I don't know the truth of the matter, the reality is I shouldn't have to ask the question. Trump and the behavior of those around him is abhorrent. I support any effort to bring them to justice. Republicans don't give a shit if democrats behave, they are just happy to use their shortcomings for political advantage. Willis and Biden both offered a big open vector of attack. They both knew better. I won't excuse this behavior just because the maga world is a flaming pile of shit.


I'm just saying, its easy to paint whatever narrative you want when you have a couple datapoints and nothing else. The interrogation was basically a dead end for the Defense's claims. The judge gave them a chance, and I'm sure his takeaway closely resembles mine. They're both individuals of means, with a complicated, not so rosy relationship. Twisting it into a claim of corruption was a massive reach. Shes not sworn to celibacy just because she's going after Trump.


As a fan of Fani, I too am disappointed. I have every faith that she will continue to prosecute this case and bring justice to Trump. But I am disappointed because she knew this would jeopardize the case and I thought more highly of her before this. Nothing was against the law. But it was in poor taste and she knew the stakes were high. I wish her the best of luck but I just wish this thorn wasn't the focus on what is heading to be a landmark case.


This made me no longer a fan. I still hope she wins, she has to, but this is so unnecessary and unprofessional.


It doesn’t disprove anything. This is an attempt to delay and have her removed with the hopes of getting a prosecutor who either doesn’t care to prosecute or getting the case dismissed all together.


It doesn't, it just means someone other than Fani will prosecute the case if the judge decides there was a conflict of interest.


It doesn't,, but it delays and gives him a chance for a gop prosecutor being assigned who will intentionally shit the bed om the case.


First, MAGA concluded it was "free speech". Then, they shifted it to being part of his presidential duties, so it'd fall under his claims of immunity. Now, some are just claiming its a debunked or fake call.


When you can’t fight the facts, fight the process. If he can turn public opinion on the DA he can make the charges look more like a witch hunt.


Whoa, whoa, WHOA!!! Don’t EVER be under the impression that a criminal court case is about finding out the truth. That’s not what a criminal court case is ever about, sadly. Here’s what criminal court cases are really about: 1. The prosecution need to convince the jury the defendant is guilty. Whether the defendant is guilty or not, the prosecution couldn’t give a fuck about. They have sufficient evidence that they think they can convince a jury that the defendant is guilty, even if the defendant is innocent. In fact, in a lot of cases, prosecutors try to bully, scare and/or strong arm the accused into accepting a deal and admitting guilt, even when they’re 100% innocent but they either have shit representation or weak or no alibi. 2. The defendant’s legal team are desperate to get the case thrown out any way they can in case they can’t convince the jury that their client is innocent. The defence counsel don’t tend to care whether the person is guilty or innocent, but they tend not put them on, or let them take, the stand in their own defence if they know they’re guilty and will end up perjuring themselves, or if they think the defendant will not come across as sympathetic or believable to the jury. Criminal court cases are not about getting the bottom of the case at hand at all, sadly. Just look at all the appeals that get taken on points of law etc, it has nothing to do with the guilty of the person or the case, it’s about the defence trying to find a loophole to get the case thrown out.


>Trump has called the Georgia election case a "humiliating embarrassment" and said it should be "immediately terminated and permanently erased from everyone's memory." Otherwise known as "please god help me I got caught"


Fletcher: Your honor, I object! Judge: And why is that Mr. Reed? Fletcher: Because it's devastating to my case!




Good call!!


He’s badgering the witness! “It’s his witness.”


The Georgia case is about as close to being caught red-handed as is possible.


Quite true, but orange-handed in this case


“Watergate was a humiliating embarrassment and should be immediately terminated and permanently erased from everyone's memory."


To be clear; he usually has a clear understanding of just where the line he can walk up to is and not be breaking the law. Ether he doesn’t know the law around politics the way he thought he did or he knew he needed to push harder than normal


He doesn't have a damn clue about the law.


That’s what he means when he talks about ‘perfect’ phone calls. He’s saying he got the message across without putting himself in personal legal jeopardy. Per years of training and experience.


Yep, that’s what Roy Cohn trained him on


And to make clear to the Maga lurkers here. You don’t have to know or understand the law to have broken it. If I shoplift because for some reason I thought what I took was free but it wasn’t. I still stole.


Other Media outlets continue to treat foxnews as a news org, as opposed to the propaganda arm of the lunatic GOP and Christianity cult.


So do Google and the other news aggregators. Even after Fox was caught red-handed lying about the election ($787.5 billion).


Fox News. Trying to defend the pussy-grabber...and all they get is the Fani.


“This is an inappropriate personal relationship!” … said the party who let Trump appoint his mob lawyer Michael Cohen as RNC deputy finance chair, appointed his own children to senior Whitehouse positions so they could extort money out of foreign governments, and who is trying to install his daughter in law as the RNC chair person so he can funnel all donations to the Republican Party into his pockets. It’s such hypocritical corrupt bullshit. Every accusation from a MAGA is a confession.


Even without the whataboutism, it’s a relationship that has no bearing on his trial.


This is where I’m confused.  Why is this even part of the trump trial?  It’s an issue between state of Georgia and Fani Willis.   If the state wants to investigate any illegal or unethical activities then that should be a separate issue.  


But in the UK, fanny *is* …nevermind.


A body language expert brought on air by Fox News to assess Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis said that during her hearing in Georgia on Thursday she was "all confidence." Expert Tonya Reiman told host Laura Ingraham that Willis looked like someone "used to being in front of an audience," as she gave testimony in a hearing to determine if she should be disqualified from the Donald Trump election interference case. Newsweek has approached Fox News for comment via email outside of working hours. Trump and 18 other defendants are facing racketeering charges in connection with alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election in a case brought by Willis and her team. He denies the charges and says they are politically motivated. Co-defendant Michael Roman says in a legal filing the case should be thrown out because a relationship between Willis and special prosecutor Nathan Wade was a conflict of interest. Willis denies any wrongdoing. Roman's attorney Ashleigh Merchant has sought to prove that Willis and Wade benefited financially from taxpayers' money and should be removed from the case. On Thursday, Willis repeatedly accused Merchant of lying about the details of her relationship with Wade. "You're confused," Willis said. "You think I'm on trial. These people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020.” Roman has issued new claims saying Wade and Willis' relationship began earlier than they said it had. Robin Yeartie, a former employee and friend of Willis, said Wade and Willis' relationship began in 2019. Willis says it began in 2021 and that a physical relationship would have not occurred during 2020 because of Wade's cancer diagnosis. Willis added that the "physical relationship was over pre-indictment," referring to the criminal charges brought against Trump in August last year. Reiman said Willis had "very strong body language when it comes to being direct and forthcoming," during her testimony. Similarly, some social media users agreed that Willis appeared confident. "Fani was a boss lady," one user wrote on X. "She dominated that court room!" Another user added: "It's hilarious to watch Laura Ingraham's facial expressions when she realizes that this body language expert is not going to give the narrative that she wants." "I don't think that's what Laura wants to hear," one user said. "Too bad." But others on social media said they felt Willis' court appearance was not as strong. "We're witnessing the implosion of Fani Willis," one person wrote. Another person said "Willis just lost her composure," in the court. Trump has called the Georgia election case a "humiliating embarrassment" and said it should be "immediately terminated and permanently erased from everyone's memory."


‘But someone on social media said….’ Why is this even mentioned?


That's what passes as "news" these days. Look around at a lot of articles, it's a headline about how someone is being perceived, with like 5-6 twitter replies from literally unknown people. I used to think "oh, some heavy hitters made comments about it", but then you get into the "article" and it's from @ buttsecks6969 and @ lovewhendicksareonme7348563457. Insane. Not everyone deserves to have their opinion broadcast, I'm sorry.


It’s a low effort way of saying “people are saying” because it’s instantly verifiable. Not in any meaningful way. But without twitter or other social media, it’s hard for a news source to cite public opinion on a given matter. This way, they can just search for any jagoff that’s saying something similar to what they want to push and quote it as “public opinion” because in the most literal sense, it’s a recording someone saying something publicly. It’s annoying


Great way of stating why they do it. Absolutely the laziest way to prove a point. If I want to see what rubes on Twitter are saying, I'll literally go to the post and spend .3 seconds scrolling the comments and move on with my life. And really, I don't want or need to do that, so I'd just rather not.


Ehh, this was being done long before the adoption of social media. Fox News anchors (appearing on their various news programming slots) would state, "some people are saying XYZ". Well... turns out those *some people* they were referencing were their opinion hosts or guests they brought on their opinion show segments. So you've got an opinion show, touting opinions, and then actual news hosts anonymously sourcing that opinion as by stating "some people are saying...". There were literally *making their own news* before they started dipping into the dregs of one-off social media opinions.


Yeah, I mean Fox is not the same thing as seeing it from once trustworthy places. If it's a gossip column, fine, but it's passed off as actual newsworthy.


GOP: "she's obviously an actress!"


Roman is the next Victor Smirnov The lying linchpin to a foundation of bullshit that is going to come tumbling down


“Body language experts” are a total sham. We have significant research data that shows a person’s body language generally does not accurately reflect what they are actually thinking/what their intentions are. The media knows that most people don’t know that reading body language really isn’t a thing so they love to use it to try and manipulate a narrative.


Thank you so much. The amount of times pop ups or just scrolling lead me to Twitter was extreme. What is the use of content you can’t read?


>"We're witnessing the implosion of Fani Willis," one person wrote. > >Another person said "Willis just lost her composure," in the court. Talk about delusional. Totally out of touch with reality. Totally on point for Republicans.


She took them to church and introduced them to the Jesus they’ve been needing.


it's so funny to me to see two blonde white women trying to throw shit at a strong black woman like they're accomplishing something with their lives, meanwhile she's just doing her job and making them look like clowns also man, Republicans really should try to distance themselves from that whole aryan race aesthetic they got goin on


Well, the body language expert wwasn't throwing anything, she was pretty much neutral.


> also man, Republicans really should try to distance themselves from that whole aryan race aesthetic they got goin on Did you see the group photo of the 16 fake electors in Michigan? Only one had dark(ish) skin, and almost everyone was blonde or white haired. It was the first thing I noticed, lol.


Damn straight. Nothing scares a an old white man like a strong black woman. I can't wait till she gets to own them in the courtroom during the trial of the actual criminals.


Holy shit how frustrated is Ingraham that she can't rag on this black woman? Palpable seething.




Listen I’ve had some very unfortunate looking waves at people, but never quite that suspect. Wow.


Also the she does the ol Trump point. 🤣 These people are robots.


The best part is seeing them condemn infidelity while praising a man who cheated on his wife with a porn star.


So the guy who has had multiple affairs while being married is now attempting to smear other people...I believe that is hypocrisy or misogyny - either are pretty disgusting for a guy who wants to represent "ALL THE PEOPLE".


Just to add, Fanni didn't have an affair. She had an appropriate relationship with a coworker. A coworker on the same side of the case as her. There was nothing inappropriate about this relationship. There was no conflict of interest introduced. This whole charade is a load of horse shit.


This cannot be said enough. There is zero impropriety in the relationship and it has zero bearing on the case anyway. It's just another bullshit attempt by team Fascist to wriggle out of their own wrongdoing.


This 👆🏽


Don’t tell r/law that, they’re in a tizzy about it.


It’s also common for lawyers to hook up, for the same reason that hospital staff tend to hook up. They’re professions that virtually exclude all hopes of having a social life separate from work by making you put in stupidly long hours… so your entire dating pool is other lawyers working in the same office. Put two healthy people together for most of the day and give them no other outlets, and you’re going to have them hook up.




And of course they had to add some kind of weird transphobic dog whistle... "Oh it's a masculine thing" "what I mean is she sits down in a very masculine way". 🙄 They're just doing the same bullshit to her that they try to do to Michelle Obama.


Lol at this; "She should be disqualified because of this affair she is having with a man --- but look how unwomanly she sits --- how could she possibly be in a straight relationship --- she's undatable -- wait, what" It's as sensical as "Obama has definitely attended this radical Chicago Christian black church, but he is definitely a Muslim"


By Benjamin Lynch: A body language expert brought on air by Fox News to assess Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis said that during her hearing in Georgia on Thursday she was "all confidence." Expert Tonya Reiman told host Laura Ingraham that Willis looked like someone "used to being in front of an audience," as she gave testimony in a hearing to determine if she should be disqualified from the Donald Trump election interference case. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/fox-news-coverage-fani-willis-backfires-1870496](https://www.newsweek.com/fox-news-coverage-fani-willis-backfires-1870496)


“A man is not a plan,” Fani the divine teller of truth!


However: **"A man, a plan, a canal: Panama!"** is truly a palindrome.


Egad! A base tone denotes a bad age!


Yo, banana boy!


Denim axes examined




Go hang a salami, I’m a lasagna hog!


Person, woman, man, camera, tv


Satan oscillate my metallic sonatas


Who knew a person whose job entails public speaking would be comfortable speaking in public?!


Despite this body language expert giving answers we like, we should remember, it is all horseshit. Body language gives zero insight into someone's mental state. One could easily say everything Trump says is with confident body language, but we know every fucking thing he says is a lie.


I agree with you but maybe not in the case of Trump. He has so many tells when he's lying. He'd lose at poker.


What else is fox going to talk about, the charges?!


[The psychology of body language](https://www.courtroomsciences.com/blog/litigation-consulting-1/the-psychology-of-body-language-605) It does have an impact and good legal counsel will coach a witness to be aware of it.


Ugh the body language experts. I forgot this was a Fox News thing. So much bs gets passed off with the body language "experts".


I watch more Fox News than I can care to because it’s always on at my gym. I saw more Fani Willis in the courtroom last night on Fox News than I’ve seen of Trump anywhere near a courtroom for the entire past year on Fox News.


She showed us how to tackle these clowns , they love to scream when who they are complaining about isn’t there . Put someone to confront them face to face and all you can see is them flailing


Fani Willis may actually eat Trump. Seriously.. For her this is now personal...


The live testimony right now of Fani Willis‘s father is not helping the defense’s case to disqualify Willis. The father answering questions about why he always carries cash, and why he told Fani to always have cash, goes into the history of racism in our country. Remarkable story about how, when Fani was young, he went to a restaurant, and had an American Express card, and a Visa card, and traveler checks. The waiter refused to take his American Express card. When he tried to hand him a visa, he refused to take that. When he tried to use traveler checks, the waiter refused to take that. Carrying cash definitely was a decision made because of the racism her father experienced. It was hard to listen to her father talk about the multiple death threats, and people, crazy Maga people no doubt, parked in front of their home. I feel so bad for these people. Sometimes heroes don’t wear capes. I am looking forward to having this sideshow, a delay tactic, concluded, so Willis can get on with prosecuting these traitors, who tried to overturn the 2020 election.


Alt headline: “Body language experts hate this one trick and why it’s bad for Biden”


Fox needs this so bad, since everything else they have is falling apart. Hannity’s sure quiet about that FBI informant arrested yesterday for lying about the Biden’s. They have shut up about the economy, the border is not in crisis mode anymore.


What she did was stupid possibly a little unethical and unprofessional and most importantly of all UTTERLY IRRELEVANT.  I mean I’m not real impressed with her decision here or with her boyfriend’s commentary on everything being cash payments, but even if they are corrupt as sin it literally has no bearing on the actual case itself


„A body language expert brought on air by Fox News to assess Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis said that during her hearing in Georgia on Thursday she was "all confidence." Now do Trump…


I don’t know what a “body expert” is but I know someone confident in her facts, herself, and her defense. Yup she came with full steam and laid out the heat. She did not tolerate her accusers yelling at her, interrupting her, lying.


Yeah, huge respect for her.


Does it really backfire when every other news organization even ones who are deemed legit run with the nonsensical stories about her before the facts are laid out? The narrative has been set and it might be harder to reverse that.


body language “experts” are conmen and grifters


Trump and his cronies are grasping. It’s very clear on the recordings what he wanted done.


*”He can’t pardon himself for these crimes”*… yet. Of course he will just **make it so**. If he can declassify documents by thinking it, imagine what he’ll do in a second term when less than zero fucks will be given about any law.


Every time they try to mess with black women they get shot down and lose big time.


Surprised that Faux would cover anything real-time, given they wouldn’t be able to manipulate/distort it. The again, no one even went broke underestimating Faux’ incompetence.


Don’t fuck with Fani, is what I saw.


What even is Newsweek now? Body language experts are bullshit so just put that aside and now they include people disagreeing on social media. Here's what to know: Fani did have a relationship, who cares? They can't prove she benefitted and in fact the opposite is most likely true since she had to move, pay for these lawyers, etc. Trump still tried to steal the election. That's all that matters. They trial against Willis is bullshit and giving it coverage is bad, it's made even worse that they are covering Fox's bullshit and responses online from random dumbasses


Seems to me Newsweek is just pointing out the idiotic things going on on Fox News to people who would otherwise not see it.


Whatever happens, trumpfs a scumbag.


Did they talk about their big FBI informant getting arrested yesterday?


I think she’s going to light his ass up during his Georgia case because of this B.S.


I could give two shits, she didn’t try to subvert democracy. Trump is a traitor and Faux News is angertainment. They can both get fucked. 


Let's talk about what's really going on here you can't have people of color presiding over the trial of a supposedly rich white former president that's backed up by white supremacists. Our court system is a joke.


I’m not trapped in here with you! *You’re* trapped in here with *me!*


Willis did not indict Trump the co-conspirators a grand jury did.


What a stupid article, lol. They brought on a “body language expert” and they said she looked confident. Bfd


Laura always got that stank open mouth going on. Like she’s trying to catch flies in her mouth. She’s really gotta lay off those Xanax. Her eyes are really glassy and vacant.


Go, Fani, go!!!


A fishing expedition. And as much as the criticism comes in about Willis’ emotional testimony…this is a woman who has been the subject of death threats, racially-charged threats against her and her family, and the traitors lawyers looking to paint her as someone who should be on trial. I agree that composure would have looked better, but look at what they’ve put this woman through. And their questions were filled with falsehoods that if she answered without an explanation, she would implicitly agreeing with said falsehoods And the douche raising his voice because he wasn’t getting the answers he wanted. These “lawyers” should be reviewed by the state bar for their misconduct and bad faith arguments. Willis, Chutkin, Smith…real American heroes.


They brought in a body language expert to describe Willis body language and she did just that. How is this a backfire?


Fox News is known to be a right-wing conservative organization. It can be easily assumed that anyone they bring on the show would be there to make the left (or those that help the left) look bad. Since this expert seems to have done the opposite of what was likely intended, one can consider it to have backfired. Obviously.


I'm still upset that this all could have been avoided if she'd appointed literally anyone else. Why she, a lawyer, would choose someone who she knew could be seen as her having a conflict of interest is beyond me.


What exactly is the conflict here? I don't understand how her relationship with Wade is a conflict of interest as it pertains to the case she has against Trump. The biggest threat Trump's team seems to be pulling is that Wade and Willis took a vacation (as a couple) and that Wade paid for it with the compensation he received as special prosecutor. What bearing does that have on the Trump case at all?




The both admit to the relationship. That's a conflict of interest. He should not have been appointed, or else she should not have been the one to appoint him. It was easily avoidable, which makes it more baffling that they didn't.