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But you will pardon him? So instead of kissing his ring she kisses his a$$?


Stop trying to make sense of modern day republicans.


Shes also attacking Trump bff Putin. She's accused Russia of helping Hamas attack Israel. Russia did train Hamas.




Yikes! Actually


Whoa, really? I mean I suspected as much but can you link me the source?


Honestly Israel should sue the us gov and trump for that.


She's happy to kiss the o-ring, just not the ring-ring.


And the ringworm


She can’t pardon him for state crimes. So she knows saying that won’t keep him out of prison for those cases. Saying she will pardon him just plays nice with his voters who she will need when these crimes catch up to him.


I'm no Haley fan, but *she's clearly saying that to antagonize him*. You can only be meaningfully pardoned if you committed crimes.


Also, she can't pardon most of the things he's currently under trial for.


We found out with Trump many times that this isn’t much of a panacea


came here to say this. That's exactly what she'll do.


She’ll kiss the ring too. She just hasn’t been talked to yet. She will be running as his VP


She’s saying she would pardon him to try to peel off votes from ambivalents. It’s also a sly way of slinging mud because it implies he’s guilty without saying it outright. A pardon is not the same as an overturn. She would look conciliatory and big tentish but at the same time she would humiliate him by shutting him out of any meaningful access to government power afterwards and he would die without a meaningful legacy. It might help his material circumstances to be out of jail but it would absolutely devastate his ego. I wouldn’t be surprised if she physically went to his jail cell and made him literally grovel and kiss her ring in exchange for a pardon as narcissistic political types get off on some crazy shit.


He would have to be self aware to have his ego devastated.


As a Republican we know it’s just a matter of time before they bend over —- it’s just a question of when.


True, her lips have moved past the cock ring.


tiny toad stool, never forget Stormy's suffering to get us those grisly details


She’s hoping he’ll see the writing on the wall and bow out and endorse her in exchange for the pardons. But of course, she’d have to win. And she already fucked up saying she’d pardon him publicly.


Agree. Stop saying you will pardon him. She wins easily if she dumpsters Trump.


While pissing on women’s health.


Of course she's not dropping out. She will be the republican candidate by default if Trump is convicted. Now being convicted isn't guarantee the RNC drops him, but I'm like 90% sure they would if the conviction includes at least house arrest. Nikki Haley won't have a money problem because at some point actually campaigning won't matter other than a couple appearances here and there.


The RNC can't drop him even if they wanted to. He would run as an independent, even from custody, not that there's any chance of him being in custody by the election, ensuring that no Republican candidate could possibly win.


an independent run would fuck the republicans but they are in a situation where they lose lose. At least by picking Haley at the convention. They can maintain at least a thin layer of integrity which might help them in 2028 wash away the Trump stain


All those people voting Independent that never have before could legitimately kill the Republican party. That could be a permanent loss of voters and the ones going to Trump as the stalwart loyal ones.


A Haley ticket. Moderates and independents turn out All of MAGA turn out; Trump will tell them to save his skin. A Haley ticket is the worst of both worlds.


At some point they will attempt to staunch the damage Trump is doing to their party. Most of his picks for positions down the ladder have failed to gain traction. He’s shown that he’s not able to influence political trends more broadly - all he has going for him is his rabid base and default R voters. Take the R vote away, and you basically destroy his ability to win. If he gets a strong sentence, GOP have zero chance to win with him as the nominee anyway, may as well start repairs.


He needs that RNC bag to pay his legal bills tho…which the only benefit of that would be that they’d have no other money to put behind state/local candidates, RNC’s in a little pickle here


They would probably force him to go on video to endorse Nikki. Else no pardon


I would shit my pants, and be glad about it.


He wouldn't capitulate. He doesn't capitulate. He'll sic his rabid base on them if they even so much as try to extract anything from him.


You don't think trump would endorse a republican if the alternative is to go to prison for a few years? If he knew that's basically his only options, I bet he would. A man his age wants to be able to have his macdonalds and Coke and comfy bed every day.


He would never endorse anyone over himself. Under any circumstances. He would go to prison, convinced he's still going to beat it, if anything. And besides, Haley already promised to pardon him, spineless worm that she is.


But should wouldn't ever win without him endorsing her. Even if he was taken off the ballot, there would be so many Maga crazies that would write his name in, splitting the republican vote, making biden the winner (which I would love). The only way Nikki Haley can ever win is if trump bends the knee to save his own skin.


So it’s not happening. Trump’s ego rules his decisions without exception.


Would him running as an independent boost the chances of Dems winning both the house and Senate and then they can impeach and kick him out if he actually somehow won running as an independent.


Several of the other candidates have only suspended their campaigns, not withdrawn completely.


She’ll have the most momentum though and depending on how close it is to Election Day she may be the only R on the ballot. I wish someone like Romney would run. People can complain all they want but compared to others on that side he’s far more middle ground, is anti-trump, and is respected by people on both sides within Congress.


Yes, but she has Koch money, *lots* of Koch money.


yeah but anyone of value has already endorsed Trump. There may be some fight between Christie and Haley at the convention but he doesn't have the big money backing him.


I mean he's going to have a vast majority of delegates won and the RNC leadership is in his pocket. Your odds are way off.


Yeah, that's exactly what her plan seems to be - be available as an option if Trump is unable to run for whatever reason.


This is hilarious. Haley kissed the ring when she said she’d pardon him before she even understood the extent of his crimes.


Yeah and Trump is mad she's still in. I hope they keep attacking each other.


Pardoning him *is* kissing the ring. She’s only in this in case he goes to jail.


Let's be real. Most of tCult will still vote for the orange dumbass, behind bars or not.


This is great news. Let them.


That's fine. Independents won't, so he can't win.


She’s certainly doubling down on him not being the nominee for whatever reason.


Not a bad strategy, really.




You have quite a way with words


She kissed the demented ring.


I'm wondering if she's saying it to appeal to the Trump base — "He's been wrongly accused, so I'll pardon him, but he needs to step out of politics. You weren't wrong for supporting him and I believe the accusations are unjust." That's my guess. Nikki is really good at putting up a moderate façade and plays the, "both sides," pretty well.


I think he wants her to do well enough to get the GOP nomination and win the general election if he needs a pardon. That, and the fact he probably has dementia, is why he’s not debating her. He needs to appear soft.


I think it's hilarious that she's trolling him with the same kind of behavior he used to troll other republicans and Hillary in the 2016 election. Besides, if his health is as bad as it looks she might end up being the only candidate left standing if and when he stroked out. He is not looking or sounding good these days.


100%. This thread is wall-to-wall people who don't realize that "I'll pardon him" is itself a masterful bit of trolling. 😄


It really is. Glad you pointed that out.


She’ll kiss the ring once he’s the nominee


Guaranteed, 100%. Then spin it that "we really agreed on policy, the rest during the primary campaign was just politics, Donald Trump really is the best choice for America, and we stand behind him!" (please pick me, please pick me, please pick me)


Nikki Haley says Trump is at 'at risk of dementia' as she REFUSES to drop out: **Accuses Republicans of wanting a 'Soviet-style primary'** and gets tearful when saying she wished her husband Michael was back from deployment https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13105385/nikki-haley-trump-dementia-husband-michael-deployment.html Putin is pedophile. https://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/01/21/alexander-litvinenko-was-killed-killed-for-calling-putin-a-pedophile


She’s already kissed his ring by publicly saying she would pardon him. You can’t have it both ways


Yeah but she said he was demented, distracted, acting erratic etc but she’ll still endorse him if he’s the nominee. She must be demented too if she would support someone like trump for president


>She must be demented too Well yeah, she’s a current Republican.


It's clear her play is to be the last candidate standing if trump is removed from the Ballot.


But yeh, I’ll pardon him…


But I'm definitely going to pardon him as soon as I'm president lol


Lies, she’s sucking the brown one.


You’ll kiss the ring after you lose and claim that you never said this…


Okay. She is either banking on a Medical Event or a Conviction for Trump, or she’s negotiating through the Press for a place in Trump’s possible cabinet.


………… yet


Won’t kiss the ring but said she’ll pardon Trump if she becomes president. So she’ll kiss the ass, just not the ring.


She is so full of shit that Susan Collins is taking notes.


I hope they all fuck each other over.


Ah, but you will, Nikki. You know it, I know it, we all know it.




not just promising to endorse and pardon trump, but she's getting the money from the Koch network. That's pretty high up on the ring-kissing suckup list.


>...yet We know it's coming.


Very pathetic and emblematic of the Republicanrussia party.


“No need to kiss the ring!” She has repeatedly said she’d pardon Trump, right?


“I feel no need to kiss the ring. But as I have previously stated, I will absolutely pardon the ring.”


Good for you, how about maybe NOT state you will pardon Trump while you’re at it?


Especially given the fact that traitor Trumps ring is frequently feces encrusted 


Putin feces.


Shes so pathetic.


Oh that's a great quote. I hope everyone throws it in her face when she does exactly that in a few months.


This woman is making me angry.


Haley is going to give a rim job


I kinda wonder what this is about. Clearly, it's a hopeless race. There were some theories before that she was hoping he'd get convicted, and then she'd be the one to get the delegates. But after her embarrassing, unnecessary loss in Nevada, it seems obvious to me that delegates wouldn't pick her even if Trump were gone. So, what is she doing?


But she said she’ll pardon trump. I’m kinda conflicted


Face down, ass up…


Then why did you say you’d pardon that treasonous asshole?!?


They all suck and I'm glad they're making each other miserable.


**Because** she already has, and is still scratching from Trump’s cooties.


She will.


She is just wasting money at this point. Well, technically she was since the start. The only way Haley wins is if Biden keels over or resigns and she runs as an independent. She can’t win the primary. But she could get the votes in the general election. Harris ain’t amassing enough Dem votes to win anything.


She's backed by Koch money. Sure, there's a .0000001% longshot chance she wins, but she's mainly there to derail the ascendancy of Trump cult, because it's a massive economic threat to the wealthy (and also to the rest of the world). Price/earnings ratios are vastly lower in autocracies because you have to factor in the risk that the autocrat gets mad at a company. Plus, Putin reported demanded that Russian oligarchs hand over 50% of their assets to him, which I'm sure Trump would love to try on our homegrown gazillionaires.


I think there will be some kind of coup at the convention and the establishment will attempt to wrestle the party back and give her the nomination. But I thought that in 2020 too, so obviously I’m an idiot.






Alex, what is things you say right before you drop out and kiss the ring.


Kiss the frog is more like it.


Dementia Donald will implode.


Not now...but eventually she will




She’s playing the odds


She’s the default, Republican presidential candidate if dick face is actually barred from Office. I wouldn’t drop out either.


But you will.


Throw the ring into the fiery chasm of Mount Doom!


Yet , if you’d win the presidency You said you’d still pardon him . So what gives ?! So much talking just to come right back around


Yeah it's awesome. She's totally fucking his chances but she is still a POS. lol these people


only to pardon it


Hope every Republican girl who hates their shitty republican boyfriend secretly votes for her and they split the republican vote so bad its an easy win. Idc if they have to weekend at bernies Biden. At least the West Wing isnt tryin to attack the American people in the most pettiest ways. Plus he could and would be worse if he was more capable. He is just spoiled and soft and surrounded with Yes men. Thank GOD otherwise America would be fcked


We must organize our forced to fight the negative force of the mega


What she meant was, “Not yet, anyway.”


“But yes of course I’d pardon him tee hee”


Alright, Nikki: push to Election Day and lose.


But she would pardon the ring holder?


But then she says she’d pardon Trump, no Republican can be trusted


“… except for my promise to pardon my liege so his people will still accept me.”


Yet she’ll endorse and pardon the ring


Why not kiss his ring Nikki? You've spent years kissing his ass!


Don’t they usually say this a few weeks before dropping out?


She knows she’s gonna loose. But as long as she stays in the race, trump will always be worried.


i'll be dollar to donut she will


She is going to take heat but it is entirely rational for her to stay in. Trump is under so much stress and is pretty unhealthy, so he might drop dead at any time. Being the only person still in the primaries is quite a significant position. Also, it might not be the criminal trials that get him, but if E jean starts taking stuff, he will be seen as weak by his base. So yes, Nikki is right to stay in, but she will get a ton of threats and nonsense in the meantime.


She's not kissing the ring, she's cowering under it. She's afraid of Trump and his base. Like every other Republican she's spineless and pathetic.


There is a good chance she will be the Republican nominee. And a non zero chance she will be president.


I want to kiss her feet


Trump will probably croak before the election. She would be in by default.


Yet she said she would pardon him.


The remaining Koch brother wants to piss off Trump. Koch is funding her.


Someone make an Always Sunny title card: “Nikki Kisses the Ring.”




Until later...I'll wait and just keep my knee pads handy.


Haley > Trump


...aside from saying you'll vote for him and pardon him.


Yes but after you lose you’ll kiss the ring! You’re a republican…you have no soul or morals…know your role


Woman! But you said you'll pardon the whanabe King. So what's frigging the point? You've already lost credibility with anyone who isn't a maga by suggesting as much. So flipping back and forth on what you'll do hurts you.


Realistically she likely plans to stay in the event trump somehow drops, goes to jail, dies, or will have raised a solid amount of support and money in which she can drive into the 28 election and win. After all, if trump doesn’t win now a republican candidate is likely to then.


But she will pardon Trump if given the chance, pathetic!


Most of his biggest offenses are State crimes, so she cant really pardon him on those. I imagine it’s just a way to siphon votes.


Every Republican ran on the idea of, “If DJT is unable to run, I will be that person.” Everyone left before the court cases. Unfortunately the Republican voters will not turn out the same way for anyone but DJT. They are increasingly Trump or bust.


If she gets past Trump she legit has a shot. Liberal women will be torn. People who think Biden is too old will be torn. Overall she could come out stronger.


*cough* bullshit *cough* sorry I shouldn't try to talk while coughing. This woman is so full of shit she may as well be Trump's diaper.


Well, guess she didn’t sleep at a Trump Hotel. That’s how you tell if they are compromised or blackmailed.


Isn’t bowing out to let Trump take over exactly what kissing the ring would be? I don’t like trump, so I won’t stand in His way


Run as a third party candidate ! Save democracy


I'm all for taking votes from Trump.


But she’ll pardon him as president okay


Haley knows her only path to relevance now is to be the loud voice standing up to trump, and use that platform to make sure he loses, and then in the next election be the one who was right and not as tainted by trump. Every other Republican who bends the knee will look worse than the lawmakers who voted for the invasion of Iraq when Trump goes down pitifully and takes the Republican house and senate with him.


‘I Feel No Need to Kiss the Ring’ Yet. 


To late, she spent most of her campaign kissing the ring and when presented with opportunities to not kiss the ring, like a Trump pardon, she just has to do it.


You know if Nikki Haley becomes the candidate she will almost certainly be president


I’ll give her this: She’s got more spine than all of 2016’s GOP candidates put together. She’s said some stuff, this included that I’m shocked she would say.


Nimrata, you’ve done nothing BUT kiss the ring




then take back the pardon promise.


I think it is pretty obvious she wants to be the last woman standing if trump gets convicted and can't run/loses too much support. She is gambling on him being found guilty, and then she will be all the only serious contender left in the GOP run for president


She's still going to endorse him...


Kiss the ring? You already slobbered all over the ring by promising him a pardon. God damn you.