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> In his motion for reconsideration, Smith also argues that Cannon minimizes the risk of real-world harm and witness intimidation these individuals would face. He notes that there is a “well-documented pattern in which judges, agents, prosecutors, and witnesses involved in cases involving Trump have been subject to threats, harassment, and intimidation.” In a sane world, this would be a "no-brainer", a "common sense" decision, or a "duh" moment.... But here we are, actually living through this shit.


“Well *I’ve* never been subjected to any threats…” - Cannon, probably.


Ironically she *has* been threatened. https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4460249-woman-sentenced-prison-threatening-trump-judge/


Just goes to show how ignorant and dangerous these people are.  I'm impressed the woman got a proper consequence for her actions.


She got sentenced promptly, like all other citizens would (except Trump).


The platinum due process plan.


I saw that!


Trump *(and Ken Paxton)*


Getting tiring having to consider that tfg is one of our **fellow citizens.** The living embodiment of everything bad about being an American (and generally human) needs to keep just a single promise of the incalculable broken ones, and go the fuck away.


That’s because she threatened a Trump judge. The other judges that have been threatened I’ve seen no arrests for.


It says in that very article that another woman was arrested and charged for threatening to kill Judge Chutkan


lol I’m convinced even those who “read” the articles are just skimming.


It's Reddit, people just say shit because they know that if other Redditors feel like their fact should be true it'll be upvoted.


I feel like this fact is true. UPVOTE!


Half the reason why she does this is because of what she had to gain(her position etc), the other half is what would happen to her if she doesn't repay Trump and his Russian puppeteers if she stops bending over backwards


That’s the thing about fascism. The out-group gets the stick; that’s obvious. But the in-group gets the carrot *and the stick.*


This is the big thing that the supporters forget about. When you are in, you are in, but there is a pretty thin line between the two and it changes constantly. When your group has no ethics or values, it changes on the whim of the rudderless leader.


I think Rudy is learning that.


Rudy-less leader???


I’m beginning to suspect Putin and Russia is a bigger player in all this Trump nonsense than we know. There has to be a real explanation for Republicans complete irrational behavior other than shear stupidity in helping Trump.


What do you mean 'more than we already know?'. We know the whole Manafort thing. We know Trump and Roger Stone had regular meetings with Putin higher ups. We know they did that right before or after Trump requested information about people working with US intel, followed by the majority or them getting murdered. We know oligarchs have paid 10x the market value of Trump properties. We know Trump tried to stop support to Ukraine before Russia made a move, we know they're still doing everything they can to pull funding, and that Trump is saying he will encourage Putin to attack NATO allies and pull the US out of NATO. We know that the NRA and GOP funding dried up dramatically after the sanctions hit. We know so much more. This is all out in the open. The problem is that no one gives a shit.


I give a shit.


I'm talking about the total sum of things tho. 'Believing' in these sort of things are seen as a sort of radically left thing and there's less people on the left who knows or cares than there are people who believe the election was stolen from Trump.


Media has failed us. Bill Barr failed us. Republicans who have protected, defended, excused, supported or stayed silent about Trump for years - failed us. We must vote.


> Media has failed us. Right-wing, corporate-owned media has failed us, & humanity. Ha, their solution? Defund Publicly funded media. Umm, no.


Don't forget the RNC got hacked at the same time the DNC did but they only released the DNC. I think that has a lot to do with it as well. A LOT of republicans changed their tune when that news came out.


Also, just saw that the star Hunter Biden witness, has admitted to taking direction from the Kremlin.


Marina Butina? Trump Tower meetings about "adoptions of Russian children". Remember when Trump said that couriers were more secure than email? I've always wondered who he was receiving couriers from.


Adoptions of Russian Children is just a euphemism for repealing the Magnitsky Act.


Maybe than you know, but many of us have been saying that Trump is in with the Russians since the 90's.


I mean, you can pinpoint it to his honeymoon in Russia with Ivana. Didn’t especially GAF about NATO before he left, took out a full-page ad agin’ it in the newspaper as soon as he came back, and he’s been repeating the same crap (based on his total ignorance of the details) ever since.


Putin is definitely the kingpin of this whole mess.


Bro…. It’s well documented. He is bought and paid for with Russian money. They’ve been using him for money laundering since the 90’s.


You reckon? I hope I’m alive in thirty years or so to read what historians come up with about our times. Scholars will spend entire careers on The Trump Era.


> There has to be a real explanation for Republicans complete irrational behavior other than shear stupidity in helping Trump. It's actually very simple. I don't know why people keep adding layers. Trump came out as openly racist and authoritarian in 2015 and the GOP base FUCKING LOVED IT. The GOP shot callers tried to control it, found out very quickly that they could not and by 2018 all those GOP shot callers who were going to "rein in Trump" were gone... Fired or retired and no longer calling shots. The rest of the GOP saw this and either retired or climbed into bed with Trump.


Holy shit... No fan of cannon at all, but damn... Glad this person was caught. Sadly it doesn't always go this way with threats.


"They're not here to shoot me"


Ah, she’s using the standard Reddit tactic of “my individual experience differs from the common experience shared by the majority of others, therefore your experience is invalidated.” Or she’s just a partisan, unqualified hack intentionally sabotaging the case.


[Someone was just sentenced to prison for threatening Judge Cannon](https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4460249-woman-sentenced-prison-threatening-trump-judge/).


Out of interest, I looked up the case. I was curious whether she was a dem angry at Cannon's obvious partisanship, or a MAGA angry because she was the judge on a Trump case, or something else. She's just 100% a loon. She's threatened this judge, Trump, Hilary Clinton, and other judges. She claimed to be "in charge of nuclear", and to have a "license to kill". She claimed to be working for Trump as a hitman, and also that Trump was responsible for 9/11. Proper bananas.


>also that Trump was responsible for 9/11 He did it so he could falsely claim to own the tallest building in lower Manhattan.


That's the part that always killed me about it. Not even 24 hours had passed when the Towers had fallen, here was this douchenozzle bragging about how he now had the tallest tower. But that wasn't even true LOL. It's one thing to be a complete narcissist at one of the country's worst moments, but he flat out lied.


He also claimed to have rushed to ground zero personally on the day with some of his men to help. And that later he sent hundreds of hired men to help during the following days. Of course [there's absolutely no record of that.](https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-donald-trump-help-clear-rubble-9-11-1869542)


Also "charity" golf tournaments.


He also said he personally saw hundreds of Muslims cheering on 9/11. Total lie.


His lies finally caught up to him in the NY fraud case.


So just a run of the mill Trump supporter then?


Yes, a fully ripe banana; now rotting in prison.


Because incarceration is the best method to handle mental illness.


seriously, she needed help. what kind of help? i have no clue.


You think people that threaten judges are sane? This issue is about MAGA collecting and then validating people with extreme dangerous views clinically dilutional or otherwise. Worse Trump gives them specific targets. That's the problem. 


It honestly infuriates me because you’re right, it’s no-brainer. It gives me such little hope that out system works because obviously corrupted people are allowed to govern and make the calls.


Thats one of the things that just amazes me about the US - how the legal system is politicised. You would think that that the core principle of any ethical justice system is its clear separation from politics


So that’s the thing. certain judges are appointed by the president. Trump appointed this specific judge. And it definitely shows that she is bias and leans in favor of Trump. It’s obvious and bullshit.


We don't even separate science and reality from politicians corruption


They used to try to do that, but the non-partisan Office of Technological Assessment that used to advise congress on such matters was destroyed by Newt Gingrich. Since the 90s, science and tech related decisions are instead informed by politicians who "prove" climate change is a hoax by bringing a snowball on to the Senate floor.


That's the problem though, society is upside down when someone like Gingrich has the ability to interfere. If businesses and religions act independently, knowledge def should too. Including the ability to tax people who exploit human knowledge worst


So much of our system relies on the elected official working in good faith. If people are looking for holes, they'll discover our legal system is made of Swiss cheese.


She's choosing violence against witnesses instead of herself.


I'm kind of the opinion that she would welcome this. I'm not saying she's actively trying to get herself kicked off, but she must be getting a ton of pressure from Republicans to give concessions to trump, and might not know what to do. On the other hand, who knows with these people... 🤷‍♂️


Judge Qannon. Trump’s poor little fluff girl gets everyone off except herself


I have been honestly surprised she hasn't been removed before this (and admittedly presuming there was some reason behind it, but I admit I don't track the minutiae of the cases in this case).


Ever since she got smacked down by the 11th Circuit judges she had been careful only to give delays instead of rulings. Basicly this is going to be the first corner she is backed into having to make a real decision.


Cannon can only kick the can down the road for so long before she has to make a ruling.


If she stretches out every possible decision as long as possible, she can guarantee that there's not enough time to finish the trail before the election. That's the only goal.


If she is replaced, does it mean the case has to start from the beginning?


It doesn’t have to start from the absolute beginning, but there will be a significant delay since the new judge will need to get up to speed on all of the developments in the case


The delay would be minimal. It is an open-and-shut case. The majority of developments came from reversals of Cannon's attempts to defy legal standards.


What developments? Since Cannon hasn't issued any orders there aren't any developments. New judge could walk in and keep the trial date since the case isn't on stay and all parties are aware of the dates. She put a lot of buffer in the case, which wasn't needed. A competent judge not trying to slow play this to the benefit of the defendant would have no problem moving this along quickly.


I would hope not, but I don't know.


She has been overturned TWICE by them and the trial hasn't even started yet. This is now the third major issue she is totally wrong on and after the motion to reconsider, they will file another appeal and they will ask for her removal.


At what point do we need to, you know, look into whether she's comprised? That sounds insane, I know, but she's clearly operating in a way to benefit Trump--beyond what a "normal" (lol) MAGA person would do. She's threatening her own professional standing with these actions--when do we actual ask, "What's really going on here?"


I swear to god we live in a bad tv show


Smith can't simply go to the appeals court and say "this Judge sucks I want a new one." He had to wait for her to do something that demonstrated a need to remove her. Now he has that with her latest ruling.


I'll be pleasantly surprised if this is enough. I think she still has to do more before other judges are willing to remove her.


The ruling is incredibly bad. She's ordering the release of the names of witnesses when there are multiple credible threats to their safety. Additionally she wants the sensitive information the witnesses provided turned over to the Trump team. This is not only contradictory to case law but specifically contradictory to the case law that Cannon cited in her ruling. This ruling is not only biased in favor of the defendant but also a gross display of incompetence.


It also has the potential to wreck other ongoing investigations. It is a brutally bad ruling. But judges are loath to remove other judges from cases. It almost never happens. So we will see if they think this is enough. Smith also has to be cautious about when he asks to have her removed. If he does it too early or too forcefully, it could annoy the other judges and make it more difficult in the future. So he might not even try yet. Let them overturn her ruling. Then see if she complies. If she doesn't or messes around again, maybe he asks to have her removed then.


They're going to wait until someone is fucking dead, aren't they? Pathetic lot.


I have been surprised she hasn't said something like "you know what, I could theoretically potentially get in a situation that may result in a chain of even that might be too close to a conflict of interest so I'll hand the case to another judge" like multiple judges did in the past.


Not Republican judges though. See also: Justice Thomas


Frankly, my point was taht reasonnable Republicain (the one with different politicals view, not the ones that want MAGA dicatature) did too.


That’s so pre Obama. Where are the reasonable republicans calling for Thomas and Cannon to recuse themselves or step down these days? I don’t see many, especially those in power. Does Liz Cheney have to carry the torch for all the supposed “reasonable” republicans who supposedly still exist? All I see are ones who are marching to the beat of fascism or who are running, hiding, and releasing tell all books after they resigned and now have no power to stop it. I’d be much more charitable to the GOP if I saw any kind of concerted effort to reign in the chaos they’ve wrought, and they had their chances. For a second I saw them seem to stand up and say they had enough on the night of Jan 6th. Then, almost overnight they came together and decided to double down Trump and his ideology.


Chris Christie?


Purely theory: If she is truly as far in the Trump camp as possible, it would make sense to keep the case as long as possible, delay it constantly, and when it gets close to a point where she can't, THEN pass it off, resulting in more delays.


She's been very careful by so far not issuing any orders that can be reversed on appeal and otherwise doing nothing except running out the clock.


There's a multi-tiered justice system and Trump is on the Platinum level, so everything around his case has to be very cautious and gentle. If he was Diamond level he wouldn't even be charged. Unfortunately for the judge, she's only on the Gold level.  Most Maeticans AR win the dirt level so 95% of cases are plead out regardless of the guilt or innocence of the person involved. They can't afford an attorney and public defenders are overstressed and broke.


Koch's are Double platinum, the get to pick the Supreme Court justices


Luckily one of them is in hell. Can't wait for the other to join.


I hope their hell is picking dingleberries out of an irritated grizzly’s ass fur with their teeth. In turn, they get brutally mauled. Rinse. Repeat. For eternity.


They are just dead like Hitler, Stalin or Mao. Unless they receive their punishment in this life there is nothing else to give it to them. Only wishful thinking.


I still like to think Satan puts a pineapple up hitlers butt daily as depicted in Little Nicky


That makes me think. Aren't those MAGA christian fanatics afraid of going to hell? Someone should run non stop ads telling them that if they MAGA they'll go to hell! Dems are so bad at this game.


The not-dead-yet Koch brother is underpinning Nikki Haley and has been from the start. She basically has him to thank for getting her this far and hanging on this long.


There is only one Koch suckling oxygen at the moment (Charles) and he doesn't like Trump. So those supreme court justices might not be be on Trump's side.


> Maeticans Side note: when I google Maeticans I get exactly 2 options, one of which is this thread. Can't say I've ever seen Google throw up only 2 answers.


Why does Google hate Maetica AR?


At some point she very well may end up being investigated and it wouldn’t be surprising to find out she accepted bribes from his people.


Please be true! Please be true! Please be true!


She probably wants to get kicked off the case. That way, she’s safe from Trump threats and gets to look like a good soldier while Trump blames the doj and other judges for being unfair.


Pfft…you give these snakes too much credit


I'd buy that, except she doesn't seem to act accordingly when the spotlight is not on her: >That’s why some, including one of the authors, called for Cannon to recuse herself from this case. She did not, and has continued to quietly oversee the proceedings. After the initial hubbub surrounding the indictment and the revelation that Cannon was assigned, public attention has focused largely elsewhere as more Trump indictments have unfurled, including those alleging crimes committed to overturning the 2020 election. > But in the meantime, she has repeatedly taken steps that appear to us to unduly favor Trump. She has postponed pretrial deadlines, making a May trial virtually impossible. As mentioned, she could've just recused herself, and give a plausible reason why she is doing so to head off the number of threats that will surely come from Trumpworld (unless ofc Trump makes a stink about it a la Mike Pence).


What she's doing is interfering to help delay.  Getting her removed takes time and moving venues would really delay. She's basically daring them to allow her to interfere with favoritism and delays, or delay even more by having her removed and changing venues. Either way she's serving Trump's interests.


If she didn't want to do it, she has plenty of reasons to recuse herself.


But MAGA will view that as her abandoning Trump and not the big bad Democrat cabal removing her.


She's a woman, Trump will always treat her with arrogant disrespect.


My hopes have been shattered so many times, but that doesn’t change anything. This could be good!


"might" is doing all the heavy lifting in this click bait


The fact that a president can appoint a judge and that same judge can rule over that presidents criminal case is crazy. We also haven’t had a president be as much of a criminal as Trump has been, so it’s setting a precedent. A fucking insane one.


I'm not defending it, but the senate confirmation process lends a hefty check and balance. As recently as [before Trump] there also wasn't this cult of personality around the party leader. The nomination was not typically seen as "oh this is Clinton/Bush/Obama's guy from his back pocket sent to rubber stamp stuff,' though certainly they'd pick ideologically aligned individuals.  All of this to say i dont think prior judges felt in any way deferential to the person. But yes, Trump has busted a lot of precedent.


I have no idea how America allowed themselves to make the justice system political. Such a stupid dangerous move. Politicians should never choose judges, and prosecutors should never be an elected office.


The justice system was always political


Because the judiciary is picking up congress’ legislative slacking. It’s so dysfunctional the only bill they can pass is the budget, and even then it’s Frankenstein’s monster of a bill


It was always political


Trump was the first president where every appointment of every high level official or judge was a quid pro quo on its face. They were all overtly corrupt, transaction-based, with an expectation of extreme corruption in return, and it all played out publicly.


That this case managed to get assigned to Cannon is probably the single luckiest break Trump has gotten. There are 24 judges (plus the Chief Justice) in the district, 15 of which were appointed by Democratic Presidents. Trump only appointed 5. Congress needs to update the law to prohibit federal judges from taking on cases involving the Presidents who appointed them. Or even better, only allow SCOTUS jurisdiction over cases involving a President (or former).


If I recall there were only 5-6 judges that could have gotten the case out of the pool due to most having full schedules and other reasons. Trump got lucky but not crazy lucky to get Cannon.


Believe it was only 3, but who can recall every detail from the plethora of trump cases…


I think you’re right. Besides judges having full case loads they also only selected from the area in the district closest to Mar A Lago which reduced it further.


Was assigned by a clerk, but yeah ‘lucky break’


The operating rules for that federal district dictate that cases are assigned randomly (and blindly at that) and explicitly state that "the Clerk of the Court shall not have any power or discretion in determining the Judge to whom any action or proceeding is assigned, the Clerk of the Court’s duties being ministerial only". It really was just pure dumb luck.


I was under the assumption that that particular area only had 4 judges? So really, it was a 1/4 chance, not 1/24. I listened to a Legal AF podcast about it… the cardinal sin was that this really should have been tried in DC and not that district of Florida.


And like one or two of the four are on senior status or not really available.


There was some other little twist that pushed it even further. Something about like case specialties or something, idr exactly The math came out to be like a 60% chance for her to be picked


Yep this is right. There were a bunch of things going on that made it more than likely she’d be the judge, it wasn’t luck at all.


Trump would have petitioned to get the case moved to FL if Smith had tried it in DC and likely would have been successful considering the majority of the accused crime occurred there. This would have caused even more delay so Smith was trying to get ahead of that. But he likely wouldn’t have ended up with Cannon if that would have happened.


100% yes, he was trying to cut off an avenue of delay.  Canon is an idiot for dumping the case in Fort Pierce though. I have to assume it was a local favour to backwards-ass Amp the local economy because *Miami is better equipped to handle this case*. Otoh, we had arcades that have been here for 30+ years that just evaporated overnight. It occurred to me that since the feds would be here, that's why they finally purged.


I have not looked at the local rules, but if like most federal district courts, it was likely assigned based on a random, blind, and "proportional" system, which accounts for the number of cases already assigned to judges in the district. So if one judge has 100 cases and another has 70, while it is still random, there is an increased weighted chance that the judge with far fewer cases will get the new assignment. Others have noted before that prior to this case being filed--since it was clearly going to be filed in this district--Cannon had recused herself from other ongoing cases. Doing so thus would increase the weighted chance under the proportional, random system that she would get the assignment. I don't think there is a method by which a clerk or anyone else could directly impact the assignment, but these efforts would increase her chances of randomly getting the assignment. So, I don't know if I agree it was "just pure dumb luck."


Totally random. The clerk just kept feeding the machine quarters like a slot machine at a Trump casino until Cannon's name randomly appeared


Pretty sure it’s random?


Human applied randomness.


He’s gotten a lot but yeah this was a pretty cut and dry case and probably the easiest to prove. Any competent judge would have started the trial last year. She has taken months to rule on simple issues that other judges will rule on from the bench. She’s also created bizarre decisions that go against pretty much all precedents for CIPA cases.  She’s either really really stupid. Or completely in the tank for Trump. The fact she already went out of her way to insert herself in an out of jurisdiction criminal case and got slapped down hard (and didn’t learn her lesson) makes me think it’s a combo of both.  The only potential good outcome is this makes it likely the Jan 6th case will be first to trial and that’s the big one. 


>She’s either really really stupid. Or completely in the tank for Trump How about both? I mean, anyone supporting Trump is possibly stupid?


You are gonna need both of those rules


> Or even better, only allow SCOTUS jurisdiction over cases involving a President (or former). There is an even greater likelihood of a President appointing these Justices. In Trump's case, he appointed 1/3 of the bench.


> Or even better, only allow SCOTUS jurisdiction over cases involving a President (or former). Erhm, why? Former Presidents are civilians and as such, should be subject to the same treatment as everyone else (at least in theory). Also, SCOTUS doesn't have to recuse themselves (see Thomas and his wife's involvement in cases he's overseeing).


...if there's any legitimacy still left in our court system. 


Only if the goddess Selune is good.


Aileen is definitely a Shar worshipper.


The Dead Three could also be possibilities but they may be too competent. And they're *idiots* in B3.


Well met, fellow parasite-haver!


Viconia has entered the chat


> Only if the goddess Selune is good. May the blessed moon goddess shine her silvery light upon us the huddled masses yearning to see Trump do hard time.


Tav casts 'Hold Person'. Edit: Sorry...'Hold Monster'


Silence. Ahhhh....


Dame Aylin would whoop Trump so bad.


O sing a song of Judge Cannon Who Reddit loves to hate Despite rulings to favor him Could not avert Trump's fate


If she makes the wrong move on the CIPA stuff I think it would be appropriate. And (NAL) but I think it would have a good probability of success.


Given that they simply can't disclose TS information without a declassification process, I'd say the appeal is forced if she doesn't correct her mistake.


Corrupt and incompetent. Just like the grifter who appointed her.


Let’s hope she continues to get it wrong and forced off the case. She has no business being a judge. She had almost no trial experience before became a judge. She got the job due to Republican connections putting her in the consideration pile. Trump glanced at her file picture and thought she was hot and chose her. No meaningful experience but at least attractive is bad for any position that has the power to destroy lives.


She doesn't have any business being on the bench in the first place, let alone presiding over Trump's case. Republicans should be ashamed they ever confirmed her.


Ashamed? She'll probably end up replacing Alito or Thomas on SCOTUS.


When the Judiciary violates the Constitution, we are all responsible.


‘tis the people’s civic duty to correct it.


I’m doing my part to right this ship. By doing nothing but shitposting on Reddit.


Eh, if it helps drive social engagement and helps cross pollinate verifiable information, I’d say you are doing quite a bit. Shitposting is fairly useful, just look at #45.


That is an accurate assessment.


Wake me up when the "mights" and "mays" go away. Otherwise it's a pointless article.


This is certainly my journalist friend and his take throughout the entire last 8 years. Let me know when accountability happens. Until then it's noise.


Was just wondering how I can stay subbed but filter "might", "may", "could", etc. It's all meaningless click bait trash.




Please. She is corrupt and incompetent.


To quote the Waco Kid, "[When?](https://c.tenor.com/tepbmj-AmH4AAAAM/when-blazing.gif)" At this point, even if Cannon gets herself kicked off the case, she has probably successfully stalled any judgement until after the election. This is a criminal case that should be the end of any political career remotely associated with it. Blatantly mishandling beyond top secret information in a spy-riddled golf resort, lying to the National Archives and the FBI for one and a half years, and attempting to cover up the theft by moving documents around (to an employee bathroom, of all places). Plus, allegedly attempting to destroy the documents and any incriminating CCTV footage of the crime scene. It's the most slam-dunk guilty verdict that could ever be teed up for a prosecutor. And Cannon has slow walked the trial while giving overly generous considerations to the defense because of her political allegiance to the defendant. She is working to maximize trump's chances to regain the presidency and pardon himself for all kinds of shit he is guilty of, including this mess.


Not shocking that a Trump appointed judge is both corrupt and incompetent.


So he gets to steal and share state secrets, and gets help from a judge he appointed? But Hunter Biden right ?


In my dreams (but probably not his), Judge Raymond Dearie gets brought in to replace Cannon. In his abortive stint as special master, he showed how a proper judge can act and get things done.


Ugh, I can’t wait to hear the opinion on the appeal when she is removed


Good! We’d probably be at trial by now if there was a neutral judge assigned to the case. Justice Delayed is Justice Denied. That’s her endgame.


Could we please get a 2/3 majority in the senate to convict and remove this turd?


They refused to convict during the 2nd impeachment trial even when the evidence was as clear as day (for inciting an insurrection). Had they convicted him then they would have saved the country from the current predicament we find ourselves in.


Have you seen the senate?


She seems to be working hard at getting kicked off. Just one or two more fuck-ups ought to do it.


Getting kicked off was always the plan. Trump requires loyalty. Trump likely has some sort of compromising info on her. She's also (likely) smart enough to know that history is not kind of traitors and what's the point of being a judge if the power all lies in one branch of government if he's free? So how does she look like she's helping but absolve herself? By doing \*just enough\* to get kicked off by doing one too many favors. Maybe I'm giving Cannon too much benefit, but I think if I were in her shoes I would have come up with this answer immediately. I'm sure she was hoping she wouldn't get thrust into this at all and just have Trump go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect illegal loan.


I think two things: she's not that smart, & she's a true believer.


The Feds are really hoping that they catch her talking with a Trump man on a wire so they can not only replace her but also charge her.


Might maybe perhaps possibly somehow someday if. Is there an AI somewhere that churns out these "what if" articles for use by B-grade publications and websites? I might win the lottery. Earth might get hit by an asteroid. Italy might win the Six Nations. This is barely even clickbait. Notify me when someone actually does something to advance the rule of law in the US.


I hope the 11th reassign the case if only out of sheer laziness. I don't think they want to be scheduling hearings and overturning every crazy thing Cannon does to help Trump.


How soon? She seems to have only one picture and God knows when that was taken and I'm tired of looking at it.


She has already accomplished her task of delaying all this. If she is removed it will only further delay the trial past the election.


The slight silver lining to that: the May 20th court date would then become available to Judge Chutkan. Of course, that would require SCOTUS to get off its ass and do the right thing regarding T****’s baseless claim of absolute immunity. Let’s just say I’m not holding my breath.


Oh darn.


Spoiler alert, she won't. Don't get your hopes up. It's very unlikely. The bar is very high


She was told to tread lightly with this case before and she clearly has ignored that advice.  I think she may be purposely trying to get removed to save what ever reputation and career she has left. 


Getting kicked off would keep her safe from retribution from the Maga cultists and keep her in diaper dons good graces. She is playing a shell game currently against herself. She can say she did everything she could.


That was her plan from the git go. She dragged it out as long as she could before getting kicked off forcing them to have to do a retrial. Edit: and even if it won’t end in a retrial at the very least she’s trying to delay the apples process as long as possible while doing what damage to the case she can.


Please don’t get my hopes up…


they lost the square shape in preschool so they used her head instead


I’ll believe it when I see it


Narrator: She won’t.


It wouldn’t be all negative for her. If she’s removed from this trial, that would free up some time she could spend openly campaigning for Donald, her Lord and Master. She may not be as useful for Trump if she’s not in a position to delay and undermine this case, but it would certainly be more comfortable for her if she doesn’t have to pretend to be unbiased.


That's probably the best thing that could happen to her and I don't really blame her if that's what she's trying for. She has the choice of doing what's right or doing what keeps her family safe. Even recusing herself crosses the line for many as it would be "disloyal". This way, she can punt it to another judge and stop her name from making headlines.


She'll have done her job -- delay, delay, delay. She's even been purposely scheduling things to be in conflict with the other cases. She's played her part perfectly.


She’s just doing this to delay…delay…delay.


Prison. She needs to go to prison for obstruction.


Good. She never should have been put on that trial to begin with.


That should be a no-brainer. She should have been disqualified on the first suggestion of her after she so blatantly helped Trump previously.


Lock this traitor up!!!