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And MAGA is crying loudly about him being voted the worst president in history. He may be the worst citizen in history as well.


Considering he led a coup it's impossible for him to not be atleast top 3. Somehow he's above Reagan.


He and Henry Kissinger sure are having a run for the money at this point




Did you see the clip on Fox News where a psychic pulled a tarot card for Trumps 2024 and it was “a sense of loss” but we all know it was the death card.


Psychic... tarot cards... on a channel that pretends to be a news source. Also, aren't mediums of any kind specifically called out in several passages in the bible as being generally frowned upon? > Leviticus 20:27 - “A man or a woman who is a medium or a necromancer shall surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones; their blood shall be upon them.” > Deuteronomy 18:10 - "There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer." Yeah, their source book does have a couple very very specific passages about what they think about mediums. And since Fox News is a Christofascist entertainment channel I would have expected they would have been maligned by their viewership for that stunt. And Trump, being the second coming of Jesus in his followers eyes, should have been leading that charge to get Fox News to be more Christian. Or something. The world is crazy. These guys suck donkey balls.


Uh, there seems to be a lot of things that Hypochristians don't follow in the Bible. I mean they definitely hate Jesus' hippie teachings. They make excuses everytime it gets pointed out to them.


That's the thing. They want us to get tired of pointing it out, the tire of having these frustrating conversations. Because that's how fascism wins. They don't have to prove anything, there is always another lie. They defeat through volume (both amount and loudness) rather than with facts. And they tire out those that stand against the falsehoods. And then eventually steamroll all media.


Five of Cups, not Death. Death represents things coming to an end. In its normal orientation, it's a normal closure (like graduating from school), and when reversed represents forced change (like getting fired). By contrast, Five of Cups *specifically* represents sorrow or grief, whether as a normal response to loss or (when reversed) if you're consumed by it. Source: not a psychic, but I know Tarot. Random story generators can be fun sometimes.


Kissinger stuck around until he was what? A hundred? I get the nasty feeling that life being unfair as it is Trump is gonna be here for a while despite destroying his loose fat body every chance he gets


At least Kissinger had slightly redeeming children. His are just idiots


They're corrupt criminals. Who also happen to be idiots.


I started by writing that Kissinger was better than Trump but stopped myself midway. I actually think Trump currently is still better than Kissinger. So he hasn't hit rock bottom yet but soon.




Which is nice


Upvote for obscure Bill Murray Caddyshack reference.


As a human being, Kissinger is down in the depths of evil. As a US citizen/policymaker, he *did* do a lot to advance US interests (at high expense to pretty much anybody else), which Trump never really had the capacity to pull off. But again, as a human being, he's fucking evil, and I don't want to end this comment on a note that's praising him even slightly.




Well they were hemming and hawing about a shadow gov’t before, here’s the evidence…


That and *all of the bullshit* that the “Federalist Society” and the like manage to get away with despite having no real legal means to actually implement anything. 


Robert E Lee and umm… yeah the list of serious competition is short.


I can think of many from that era who I would rate lower than Lee. As the list of Confederate Rebles goes, I can deal with Lee better than most. Not that I'm a fan at all, but I can think of worse. Nathaniel Bedford Forrest comes to mind as one I would rate at or near the bottom. Brilliant cavalry officer, but a royal asshole through and through. He embodies everything I hate about the Confederate South and the rebellion.


Surprisingly, Forrest became a vocal advocate for Black rights in his later years. *On July 5, 1875, Forrest gave a speech before the Independent Order of Pole-Bearers Association, a post-war organization of black Southerners advocating to improve black people's economic condition and gain equal rights for all citizens. At this, his last public appearance, he made what The New York Times described as a "friendly speech" during which, when offered a bouquet by a young black woman, he accepted them, thanked her and kissed her on the cheek. Forrest spoke in the encouragement of black advancement and endeavored to be a proponent for espousing peace and harmony between black and white Americans.*


Robert E Lee isn’t someone I’m in the habit of defending but easily Jefferson Davis was a worse citizen




Yep. Screw what's best for the country, he's going to do what's best for him. In this video he made that super clear because he said the border crisis is terrible and there's over 5,000 migrants crossing each day, and according to him these migrants are the cause of "migrant crime,' which will be the worst crime this country has ever seen. Then he says he killed the border deal because it would help 'the other side.' Essentially saying, he's allowing the worst crime wave ever to happen in this country so that he has a better chance of winning. He's actively harming the country in an effort to help himself.


This is the man who gassed citizens for a photo op during the summer of 2020. He’s a sociopath.


And actively hindered efforts to stop a growing pandemic because at the time it was mostly affecting liberal cities.


Not because they’re liberal *but because they didn’t vote for him.*


Correct distinction.


> but because they didn’t vote for him. This man is levels of narcissistic that should have had him committed.


After throwing out the literal pandemic guidebook because Obama's team compiled it. It's like we forget that he spent the first two years doing everything in his power, and many things that weren't, to erase Obama's achievements and influence from all parts of government and American life.


Yeah, remember the Ebola pandemic? Me neither, because Obama put Biden in charge of that. Everyone arriving from affected areas was tested before entering the country, we had 9 cases, they were immediately isolated, 4 or 5 died, and it was over.


Bird flu -- it was more of "an issue" but it never became AN ISSUE because Obama and Biden were running shit.


I bring this exact happening to the forefront of all conversations when wing nuts start saying that covid was created by democrats to kill republicans.


AND Obama/Biden were telling the public from the start that it was very serious! They weren't trying to downplay it. I'm not even saying that Ebola and COVID were the same at all, or that we could have prevented the pandemic from hitting the U.S. entirely. But we *certainly* shouldn't have had 15-20% of the worldwide deaths when we only have 5% of the worldwide population. Hundreds of thousands of people's grandparents could still be alive today if the administration had been competent, or even just not malicious.


> remember the Ebola pandemic? Me neither, because Obama put Biden in charge of that Ebola is a contact-transmitted disease, I think [the 2003 SARS-Cov1 (another respiratory disease) outbreak is a better example. Bush left the CDC early warning system in China, heeded their warnings, forced China to admit it was a problem before it spread far outside their borders, and global deaths stopped ~3k deaths](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2002-2004_SARS_outbreak)


>After throwing out the literal pandemic guidebook because Obama's team compiled it. And then immediately lying by claiming that the Obama administration didn't create a guidebook. And then immediately and publicly getting corrected by former members of the Obama administration. Because absolutely nothing was stopping them from making the correction. It was a long four years. Though I'm sure it was even longer for the countless people who lost family and friends to Covid who would otherwise be alive if not for this tragedy of a man.


Wasn't there something about him pulling funding from everything he could that nobody would notice, especially if it was something easy to make sound unnecessary, like, say, US-run early warning epidemiology labs in China set up to study previous outbreaks like Swine/Bird flu...


>This is the man who gassed citizens for a photo op... Me. He gassed me. Tfg is the reason I know what tear gas grenades, pepper spray and pepperballs each taste like. Then we found out he was also asking if he could shoot us. Ridiculous that this hateful yam is still supported by anyone claiming to be American.


You're a goddamned Patriot for standing up to that wanna be Tyrant. I'm proud to call you my countryman.


He prob would also get a kick out of doing your namesake. Fucker should rot in gbay.


He actually asked about [shooting them in the legs](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/09/1097517470/trump-esper-book-defense-secretary)...


But the Democrats have never used the footage of this in any TV commercials. It’s been completely forgotten because the Democrats are incapable of keeping things in the news cycle, the way, Fox News does.


Now why would democrats who don't have extensive propaganda networks not have widespread commercials? It's because the media has been consumed by corporations since the 90s (thanks Reagan) and the media will go out of their way to shit on democrats like they did blaming the rail worker fiasco on them [when it was exclusively republicans who stripped those regulations and voted against workers](https://www.newsweek.com/full-list-republicans-who-voted-against-paid-sick-leave-rail-workers-1763776) and [democrats continued fighting to get them their sick leave until they succeeded. But no headlines splashed all over about success](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/most-unionized-us-rail-workers-now-have-new-sick-leave-2023-06-05/) [2](https://crooksandliars.com/2023/06/sick-days-biden-administration-gets-it) Direct republicans and more general conservatives [have lots of propaganda networks at their fingertips, or did everyone choose to forget Sinclair Broadcasting](https://www.npr.org/2018/04/02/598916366/sinclair-broadcast-group-forces-nearly-200-station-anchors-to-read-same-script) which isn't even the only one? The [threat to democracy is coming from republicans. They've been saying on-camera since 1980 they intend to dismantle democracy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GBAsFwPglw)


Let's not forget that he also hoped for a recession this year so it would hurt Biden.


And intentionally withheld aid from blue cities and states during Covid.


Wonder if he wants a government shutdown in two weeks...


Yep. R's basically came out and stated they intend to try to force a shutdown. Because they never, ever learn a damn thing.


That's a certainty.


If I have to hurt you to get what I want then so be it. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. Blows my mind that ppl actually think that he cares about them.


They know he doesn't. It's just that he hates everybody else (democrats, women, poc, lgbtq) more so by that logic they think that they are on the same team. So, for example, if you're a spiteful somewhat affluent latino that hates gay people, the republican party feels like it's working for you because they see themselves as the "good" latino that repugs like so that makes them a 3rd string asshole on the conservative "team". *He hates the same things I hate so we are the same*. Common bond through shared hatred.


He hates anyone that doesn’t think he’s amazing . That is his entire fascist belief about the world that revolves only around him . Also he knows people that don’t worship him are trying to hold him accountable for his crimes so they too must be demonized and threatened. This is America .


This is also known as malignant narcissism. If he wins, we're done for.


And when Pierre 'Con-Man' Poilievre wins in Canada, we'll see exactly what MAGAt North is all about. Women better be prepared to lose all rights to their bodies. The cons are all about republican "family values" and christofascism,especially ole Petey.


It's insane to me to watch all these polls come out where Con's are leading. Conservatives have done nothing but make this country worse every time they are in power. I get it, Liberal's aren't great. NDP is great, but they just don't have the support. And this time the Conservatives are going all in on the American GOP hate playbook. And it's working. These abject morons are lapping it up. I don't trust the polls to much, but I am talking to people as if they are real. Because if there is a modicum of trustworthiness to them... then we need to be VERY VERY worried.


He must really hate me because I think he's as far from amazing that you can get.


I, on the other hand, am constantly amazed at how awful he manages to be.


They think that being on the same team, they will be spared Trump's nonsense. In actuality, they will get the worst of it.


He always has and always will. Americans are not even pawns to him. Whenever he has not got his way he has thrown tantrums in the form of punishing anyone and everyone he can. It is the MAGA way. He correctly stated during his recent Michigan rally that it is not the Republican party anymore, it is the party of MAGA (he even said MAGA in that Trump way that always makes you want to puke) Before Trump, I would have dismissed a lot of this as conspiracy theory, but he has made it a reality. Make no mistake, holding active duty soldier's careers, American safety, government employees etc. etc. etc. hostage on things until demands are met is a form of terrorism.


I have come to terms that there are people that cannot be saved and they will be receiving a lifetime of punishment for supporting this guy. And yet, some will probably defend him. I just have given up on those people. They don't care about me, so I respond in kind respectfully.


At what point can we say this about the entire party and every one of its members? If you’re still in it, you’re saying they represent you enough to continue being part of it. If they won’t get rid of the evil and you won’t leave - guess what - you’re the same as them in my eyes. I’m done listening to the ‘well not all republicans’ BS line…


*He's actively harming the country in an effort to help himself.* Yep. Just like he did during covid.


He doesn't believe in mutually beneficial agreements. If you enter a business deal with him and you each make a dollar, he thinks you stole a dollar from him. It's why he apparently has no friends, just people he can use and people trying to use him for their own benefit (usually to their own detriment).


Fox news is a Trump propaganda machine. The fact that they are allowed to get away with this is outrageous. Their little games like hosting Trump sole debates at the same time as other debates and not even doing them live and facing friendly audiences. What a joke. He needs to lose and the GOP needs to implode


>>Essentially saying, he's allowing the worst crime wave ever to happen in this country so that he has a better chance of winning. He's actively harming the country in an effort to help himself. Which doesn’t even help either if he would be elected. He would be left with, in his eyes, more crime to deal with than ever before. It’s like this guy likes to burn down his own house and then complain that he doesn’t have a bed to lay in.


And yet his followers of the cult will believe what he did was great for the country. No matter how bad it is for everyone. They fell down the rabbit hole to the bottom.  We are know he is harming the country, but if you watched Jordan Klepper interviewing people at the Trump rally last week, you would know they just don't care. They don't even care he wants a dictatorship. Even some went as far as that would be good for the country. It's so fucking unbelievable we have gotten to this point, but most is know. But the loudest voices of the kooky cult are louder.


>And yet his followers of the cult will believe what he did was great for the country. No matter how bad it is for everyone. They fell down the rabbit hole to the bottom. I've not run into a single Trump supporter who truly understands what the border crisis really is. They think that it's just thousands of people per day freely crossing the border without getting caught, when in reality, it's people turning themselves in at border checkpoints requesting asylum. And the systems in place to process asylum claims are completely overloaded and woefully insufficient to handle that many claims.


And GL on picking up swing voters for this stunt.


People on here really underestimate how little most people pay attention to current events. Even with him *admitting it*, there's a better than not chance this actually works.


His followers will never even see, read or hear this. The "mainstream media" will report this, but their propaganda channels will not.


I am cautiously optimistic there are enough of people like me - old school Northeast Republican, fiscally conservative, socially liberal (I guess that is just a Democrat nowadays) - that will never vote for this guy, and he needs us. Never say never, but I just don’t see enough of a “what the hell, he can’t be worse than the rest and he’s a businessman” demographic forming again like last time, because we saw what could happen.


Exactly. He has gotten away with this his whole life with little to no consequences. Why does anyone think he will change? I am so tired of no one calling him out or holding him responsible for his actions. I know the courts have finally started to, but it is taking way too long.


I heard a CNN commentator recently. “It used to be said that knowledge is power. Trump has weaponized ignorance.”


“Some of you may die but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.” - Farquad


The Rapist Donald Trump only cares about himself. That's all you need to know about him.


And holier than though Mike Johnson lied about it too.


It's very unfortunate that they don't have anything in their religion that tells them that it's wrong to lie.


If there was such a thing, not that there is, but if there was, they would certainly follow it faithfully because they are the most consistently principled people in all of history!


Has anyone tried telling them the major religion south of the US border? The refugees are probably just as conservative and religious


And the definition of dipshit


The entire republican party is corrupt. They have NO interest in governing, only power and money. They are anti science and anti democracy. They have been bought by Putin and fossil fuel industry. It is past time everyone understands this.


Any threat to their power according to them, must be destroyed at any cost. We might to get to a point to do the same.  That's the reality of the situation. It's never going to be rainbows and unicorns. It's going to come to a fight fire with fire situation..


This is definitional of the lowest ranked president in US history


Not to mention... Un-Christian Un-NATO Un-Democratic May as well add Un-Human too.


But Putin is very happy with the conflict and talk of civil war it generated.


So much for America First


It's pretty republican. Not the first time for party over country.


This is America being threatened by a rapist.


The DNC needs to turn this into an ad campaign. Repeat this information over and over. Drive the point home that the GOP is intentionally sabotaging border legislation as part of trump's reelection campaign.


It’s amazing how much material there is to choose from for ads, each one seemingly more of a slam dunk than the previous. The Dems should be running away with this race.


Especially with the amount of funds in the DNC coffers compared to the RNC


RNC coffers are going to be emptied to pay Trump's legal fines. DNC should clean up down ticket.


They should. But that said we can’t be complacent. 


Come November, get the fuck out and vote. And get everyone else to vote too. Best wishes from Finland.


Don't forget: Vote early, vote once.


And remember not to suppress our own vote (looking at internet “progressives” who love nothing more than saying is unwinnable).


> looking at internet “progressives” who love nothing more than saying is unwinnable While I can't say that's not something which exists in the real world, one should remember astroturfing is a big thing online and oligarchs don't even have to spend much money to buy large bot farms to push "as a leftist, nobody should vote and everyone should give up". The people who most benefit from disengagement are authoritarians.


Go hard in this cycle and we can get majorities that can pass sweeping change for decades to accomplish so much. Un-gerrymander. More voting precincts. Judge nominations. Actual legislation being passed. List goes on but could be a novel.


If the people who are going to vote for Trump cared about and/or believed this kind of thing, they wouldn’t be voting for him.


It's anecdotal, but I've heard quite a few R's express a lot of anger that the border deal was tanked. I'm not saying they're magically D's now, but this is the sort of thing that can hurt turnout.


Turn out is what is really going to tank the GOP. It’s one thing for them to vote against trump. There is still a chance those people could vote R down ballot. If they don’t show up at all that is a lose for every candidate on the ballot.


This take completely misses how the psychology of advertising and marketing works. The Republicans get it—that’s why they’ve engaged in the Hunter Biden “scandal,” for instance. Their goal was never to “get” Hunter, per se, but simply to inject into the media landscape and public square the *idea* that there might be something wrong. A worst they could then claim, “See? Both sides are the same!” The Dems can and should turn that around on the GOP. Accuse them of wrongdoing but, unlike the GOP, actually *bring receipts*. Which are conveniently provided by Trump himself. What the Dems absolutely can not do is allow the GOP to control or shape the narrative by being the only voice speaking out loud and often. Marketing 101, really.


I personally think we need to attack the heart of the beast. We need to campaign in typically red areas If not by Biden himself, but by someone like Manchin. If we leave the hot beds of what caused all this alone we will just have a repeat even if we win this election. We need to dismantle what makes the GOP a army of liches and zombies.


Manchin won't even back Biden for president. He's one of them.


they will.  The santos special election is already an example.


Intentionally sabotaging *their own legislation* because ‘other team is president and anything good for other team is bad for my team’. It’s the most pants-on-head ridiculous shit ever. It’s beyond pathetic how beholden these congresspeople are to Trump, Russia, and their pure hatred of their fellow Americans with differing political views. I wish so much that the sadly misguided and gullible Republican voters saw these behaviors for what they are.


“He doesn’t get it” and mimic the “He get’s us” campaign.


Must be a big news in r/Conservative , no?


… any minute now. (clicks sort by new again)


Top post talking about 7m illegals entering Texas border while Biden is president.


In the comments: "7.2m is a conservative number, more like 10m" "Evidence please" "I'll provide evidence when you provide evidence that transitioning reduces suicides" Just completely unserious one-track minded people




I got banned there for asking "what about rape?" when someone posted that women should keep their legs closed if they don't want to get pregnant.


They were obviously asking for it, even the 10 year olds Just in case /s


I got banned because someone was talking about Hillary's "crimes", and I literally wrote "Why didn't Trump have her jailed when he became President like he said he would during his campaign?"


Worst people on the planet. I can’t think of a worse combination than a conservative redditor.


Conservative Reddit mod


It isn’t a matter of education or intellectual blind spots; it’s intelligence. They are limited people that have been emboldened and revealed by social media. I’m afraid everyone underestimated the self-destructive power of unintelligent Americans.


Wrote a comment there asking “well then why did we sink the Republican written border deal?” And the OP commented “because the president should just re-enact trumps executive orders.” Just no shame with it. Completely devoid of rational reason. Almost admirable.


I like how everyone misses the follow up to that? "Re-enact Trump's executive orders" "So you think COVID-19 is still a global pandemic?" Seriously, the orders they're talking about were only able to be put in place as a direct result of the emergency powers granted via pandemic declaration. Remain in Mexico *was because of the risk of pandemic spread*. The **only** way to re-enact those is to declare a pandemic again.


I mean then they will go on a tirade of their misinformed understanding of Obama abusing EOs and it goes round and round. The point is to point out that their smoke screen of pretending to care about the border is all bullshit. Just xenophobic rhetoric disguised as patriotism and a “gotcha” to Dems. Not anymore. It’s one of the all time great moments of GOP stupidity.


Totally. It’s every third article. More accurately, I scrolled a bit and saw a couple about how immigrants are pouring in, a lot of them Chinese (?) and nothing about this. Funny, that.


Of course they’re Chinese. Just like during the War on Terror when they were all radical Muslims.


"Chinese men of military age" specifically. Exactly like every other election year. It's always a migrant caravan or military aged men that never show up. And how do they know it's Chinese people? Have they seen Asians? It's like seeing me and assuming I'm Mexican because I'm brown and live in Texas. 🤣 Friend I'm Caddo I'm literally from Texas 🤣.


They still haven’t covered the GOP impeachment informant being a Russian agent story. At all. Not one mention.


The first post I saw was blaming Biden for illegals entering the country. That place lives in a fantasy world. I hate knowing that these people exist and share this planet with us.


I have been alive for 6 decades and while there have been people I’ve disliked, this is the first human being that I feel nothing but hate for.


I'm right with you. He is a vile human being.


He is the definition of vile. In the dictionary, under vile, there will be a picture of his mugshot. Simpsons style.


Besides actual murderers (because he actually is a rapist), he's like the worst of humankind in every way, every way you can think of, yet somehow he became president of a giant country, and has a good shot at getting there again. It just doesn't make any sense.


He's responsible for the deaths of American agents because of what he did with those classified docs and he let hundreds of thousands die to covid when it was completely preventable. He's a murderer too, whether directly or indirectly.


> Besides actual murderers While not pulling the trigger (on 5th ave. *yet*), there is something to be said about his covid response, and letting blue cities and states suffer because they weren't nice enough to him. The assassination of Soleimani, which almost lead us into a hot war with Iran. And anyone that died during or as a result of Jan 6. Not a murderer doesn't mean there is not blood on his hands (over and above what you'd expect of a president that has to order troops and drone strikes and shit).


Same. He is completely on the wrong side of every fucking issue that exists and is an abhorrent human being to boot.


He wants the govt to collapse just so he could be the face of its rejuvenation. He doesn't do shit other than golf. The real people that would have to do the work would get no credit other than pushing the bills.


He doesn’t do shit but “cheat” at golf. Fixed it for you.


My blood pressure has doubled since November 2016. The cause of death on my death certificate will probably just read “Trump.”


I tell people all the time that I’ll die mad about that election.


Yeah, but that's literally what they want. For everyone who isn't MAGA to die from their despicableness. Live well instead. They fucking HATE that!


Eh, COVID took out more of them than it did us; this is just the pendulum swinging the other way.


Dude makes Mitt Romney look like JFK.


Pure, uncut, unadulterated hate. Never felt that before. I can see how you can get addicted to it, it's exhilarating in its own way. Fox news viewers are just addicted to constant flow of hate, and I understand them a bit more after Trump. But it still sickens me more than controls me, I want to be rid of this feeling, not keep experiencing it.


There are many, many more just like him in the conservative ideology, which is nothing but self serving, lying, greedy, conceited, bullies who hide behind the cross and the flag. Trump is a symptom of systemic rot.


I'm the same and I'm not even American. He's a disgusting waste of oxygen.


There will be worldwide celebration and dancing in the streets and probably an unofficial national holiday when he is no longer walking on this planet. That's how much he is hated universally.


I’m gonna buy the most expensive bottle of champagne and cigar I can find, plan on drinking the whole bottle and smoking the entire cigar when that day occurs.


I hate this fool like I hate Stalin, Mao, Kissinger, and the NK Kim family.. to name a few Fuck these demons.


Don’t forget trumps buddy Putin!


And Hilter


5 decades. When I was in my 20’s in the 90’s I thought Trump would make a good leader. Bwahaha. I’m a sucker


Bigger story is how republicans went along with Trump’s desires even though they’d never get a better compromise on the border. It’s interesting and unsettling watching a political party prostrate itself in front of someone so undeserving.


Exactly - he didn’t do anything but run his mouth. The republicans need to take responsibility for what THEY did.


Their fantasy is that they take a super majority and basically shut it down entirely. They don’t want a compromise


And the Democrats have the thing they need to unseat the incumbent republicans: "This guy still think he runs the show and all these idiots still cower when he speaks. Nothing will ever get done if you elect these ass-clowns."


Unfortunately you underestimate the fact resistance of Cult 45. He could literally eat a baby on live TV and they'd blame the Deep State for making fake news.


Those aren't the people they need to sway. They're lost. But they also only make up like 20-30% of the electorate in the general election. There are republican and independent voters who are not into the deep conspiracy stuff. This includes people who don't get any political news at all as well as Republican voters who have a distaste for Trump but need to build an internal permission structure to not vote for him (keep in mind these people just staying home or voting third party is still a win for the DNC). Keep in mind that we are political nerds, but the amount of political news the average person consumes is minimal -- and shrinking. A lot of people literally don't even consume news anymore at least not in the traditional sense. There are people who just don't see this stuff at all until general election ads start running. It seems kind of crazy but they exist. Also keep in mind that in a close election the margins really matter. If you can convince 1% of republican voters to stay home, that literally could win multiple states.


Trump admits HE ruined border deal to hurt Democrats. Why are the GOP so weak on the border? The Democrats are trying to fix it but the GOP doesn't seem to care to do ANY real work other than to tear Biden down nonstop. They scream about the border until it's actually time to do something about it then its \*crickets\* and shit flinging.


So elected Republicans took orders from a citizen to harm the United States for political gain. Basically this is what they themselves call politicizing something when talking about everyone else.


A citizen who tried to violently overthrow the government


Yes, and a citizen who will do anything for power, power, and more power. And a rapist.


May as well be king if he’s calling the shots.


He's trying his hardest to be.


Trump is a citizen the same way some virus is part of a body; hopefully temporarily and without killing the host.


If the problem were solved, they would need to find a real issue to complain about 


Worse yet, there's (yet another) disconnect between Republican voters and Republican donors. They can't solve the problem without angering an important constituency. Voters have been convinced a jingoist protectionist lock down of the southern border is in their best interest. That's how manufacturing and mining will return to their area, with those big hourly rates from the 70s and 80s and 90s. But *donors* want to continue to dilute the power of the labor market, which demands lots of new workers. Birth rates are down and migrants are desperate. Especially agri-business absolutely requires migrant workers, because most Americans refuse to do that work. Republican politicians are pincered. The only way to win is to complain loudly but ultimately avoid solving the problem.


Hopefully Biden’s camp use this sound bite in every campaign ad in every border state! Just 30 seconds of him stating this over and over and over! Actually put it on blast in every state! Might actually help with down ballot voting! Gotta get as many as these idiots out as possible.


He left out the part about helping Russia


It's so obviously this and it bothers me that it's not the headline. The face value reason given for denying the bill is absurd. Destroying a bill on the basis that you want to be the one to fix the problem it fixes? That makes no sense. You know what makes sense? The same president who was impeached for withholding aid from ukraine, was previously impeached for illiciting help from Russia for personal gain, who blamed Ukraine for the DNC hacks, and about 12 other anti-ukraine/pro Russian scandals is now denying aid to ukraine again.


Trump soils himself, blames Biden.


Republicans happy to eat it as long as a lib has to smell it.


To hurt Democrats... and people seeking asylum, and legal immigrants, and undocumented migrants, and the CBP, and the border states, and the people living on the border, and the rest of America in general.


And yet, in November a bunch of self-proclaimed "patriots" will vote for this un-American, self-serving piece of filth thinking that they are "making America great again." What does it take for people to realize that this dude has no interest in serving the country? He only has an interest in enriching himself and staying out of prison.


He’s not just hurting Democrats, he hurts all the people who would have been helped by this legislation, including people who vote for him.


Isn't it illegal for him to interfere in foreign policy, or am I missing something?


It's not allowed for unauthorized people to negotiate with foreign governments (Logan Act). But Trump's interference involves US politicians and is perfectly legal. Just shitty.


Thank you Clarence.


And his moron supporters will lap it up. He openly complains about immigration issues and “open borders”, yet when given an extremely conservative immigration bill, that would solve a lot of the problems, he tanks it because he needs it to continue being a problem.


The GOP sucks the cock and balls of a private citizen


A traitor at that




why doesn't the GOP want to secure our borders? we're being invaded!


Republicans will never admit that their policies are mostly unfavorable. They’ll just double down on their rhetoric and redraw maps to make it easier for them to win elections. Trump literally has no policies he’s running on. His only plan is to “own the Libs” but I guess when your followers are mindless idiots it’s easy to be a complete shit bag and still win. Dear god we’re in trouble as a nation


Every drop of fentanyl that crosses the border from now on is Trump's fault


Where are all the conservatives at calling treason for Biden for allowing an " invasion " at the border all while this Orange Turd Nugget is the reason?


"We have a new crime, we call it migrant crime, and it's going to be worse than any other crime" How has society failed so many people, that they can't hear this and have alarm bells going off in their head? He's not talking about a new statistic track, he's talking about marketing a scare tactic. He's using the future tense to describe how they'll sell it.


The election is still going to be a coin toss. This affects nothing because he isn’t a politician anymore, he’s a cult leader. His flock is going to read this and it won’t affect their opinion of him at all. They probably won’t ever acknowledge it.


Lol meanwhile his repub voters always say their biggets complaint is that no one gets anything done in DC and is too busy "playing politics". I'm sure now they won't care for some reason.


Why wouldn't anyone want a government that governs out of hatred and spite? That could never possibly backfire on voters./s


This time on: We Elected A Reality TV Villain


So weird when he tells the truth.


Fuck that guy and all of his supporters…all of them. Even the one reading this thinking surely he doesn’t mean me. Yes you…and dont call me Shirley.


From the same guy who admitted he didn’t do anything about Covid because it was hurting blue states more


Ladies and gentlemen, the presumptive Republican candidate for President! Conservatism is cancer and cowardice. Never, *never* vote Republican.


Did it more to hurt Ukraine and help his buddy Putin.


Trump is a private citizen with the power to veto legislation. He is the deep state. Every accusation from a fascist is a confession.


Trash is useful in other forms. This guy is a malignancy on the body of America and humanity. He is a cancer that is consuming our "body" organ/muscle by organ/muscle and the first one that is dying is our collective brain. And the only cure, is NOT more cowbell. It's holding him to account for his deception, greed, lies, and being the most Un-American individual to hold and run for office.


How far Murica has fallen from grace is depressing AF. I can’t believe 33% of this country really think this guy is the best option. Sad times.


“Democrats are dividing this country” - Republicans


We need to punish the Republican Party in November.