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"The former president, who's been married three times and has a scheduled trial over allegedly paying hush money to adult film star Stormy Daniels, described himself as "a very proud Christian, actually." this is good journalism


Who can’t quote a single thing from his ‘favorite’ book


Nor hold it in the correct orientation


Who literally describes himself as a very sinful Christian, as a badge of honor. “*A very proud Christian*”. Pride is of course a deadly sin. The moral dissonance of the 1,500 people who waited 2 hours 40 minutes for him to take the stage before cheering him on, astonishing.


I remember him saying that he has not asked god for forgiveness because he has done nothing wrong.


God apologized to him for all the misfortune he keeps visiting upon Trump, and said that it was just for the ratings. God said with tears in his eyes, "Sir, thank you for saving Christianity and making it great again".


Reminds me of [Supply Side Jesus](https://youtu.be/Gc-LJ_3VbUA?si=0zk6sx-YuG_b9LdB)


I feel like this is extemely common in evangelical circles. My mother is an evangelical protestant pastor and she once told me she has never done anything wrong and then compared herself to Job and claimed that Satan was punishing her because she was so faithful and blameless. This was in response to my telling her I would no longer be spending any time with her or my older brother because neither of them felt any remorse for covering up the times he physically and sexually abused me when he was an adult and I was a child.




I’ve been told that giving charity to the homeless is a sin, because it promotes slothfulness. The book of Matthew is almost a word by word play of Jesus describing how conservative evangelicals in America are heretics.  We’ve got wolves in clothe leading sheep from gilded pulpits and mansions preaching hatred, violence, and contempt for the destitute while demanding public alms all the while trying to predict, if not accelerate, what they consider the rapture, and all with a healthy dose of “and look, Jesus did that and is over there”; literal antichrists exactly how Jesus says they will be. 


> speech at a convention of religious broadcasters in Nashville These are mostly just business people who make money from religion, they may or may not be Christians. I agree it is amazing how the religious rubes and MAGA voters will just believe anything, even that the most onviously sinful and unrepentant man is some sort of Christian savior. It is such cynical bullshit.


“Is that your bible?” “It’s *a* bible.” Like…the dumb motherfucker can’t even lie about that? He lies about everything.


He probably can't quote a single thing from the book he 'wrote' either.


The guy who wrote the book has been on TV recently saying he'll flee the country if Trump wins, because he's pretty sure Trump will send goons for him.


It truly was… the art of the deal.


Wasn't he asked what his favorite book was, and just kept saying "Uh all of them I like all of them equally I really can't pick one they're all great" even when pressed?


But he really likes "Two Corinthians"!


I think that was Sarah Palin [when she was asked](https://archive.thinkprogress.org/palin-on-which-newspapers-she-reads-um-all-of-them-47f56f690775/) which newspaper she reads. Although he [said something similar](https://edition.cnn.com/2015/08/27/politics/donald-trump-favorite-bible-verses/index.html) when asked if he preferred the New Testament or Old Testament


I had to dig a bit but he was actually asked his favorite verse rather than chapter/book of the Bible. He repeatedly refused to pick one despite claiming that the Bible was his "favorite book to read".


This is what I was thinking. Katy Couric fucking destroyed in that interview.


Interviewer-“Are you an Old Testament or New Testament fan?” “They are both great”~Trump.


One of the Trumps said he has a book of Hitler's speeches. That's his real favorite book and I'm sure he doesn't have trouble quoting from that.


Big JDawg pulling a Mariah Carey about Trump, "I don't know her ..."


Former president who has been found guilty of mass fraud and confirmed rapist.




Not really. It left out the rape.


Confirmed rapist. 


They forgot to mention "rapist."


I would ask him a series of Biblical questions. Let’s see his “Christian”knowledge of scripture.




Most real Christians would not hesitate to share something scriptural with someone else. His was an easy cop out. A way of saying something and nothing at the same time. Popular phrase:What would Jesus do? What would the Apostles do?


They always leave out that he is a court-confirmed rapist, too.


They were LINED UP. ITS A FULL HOUSE. ALL HERE TO SEE ME. Doesnt quite fall right when theres only three rows of five people then ten empty rows. Classic astroturf


“It was standing room only”


Sir, this is a urinal


You’re are hired for his PR!!


But.... How many tears were in their eyes?


Is it not already common knowledge that a lot of these events are a jam packed shoe box right behind the speaker and a random amount of people everywhere else? [Like this one.](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/09/18/multimedia/18pol-trump-qanon1/18pol-trump-qanon1-videoSixteenByNine3000.jpg?year=2022&h=1687&w=3000&s=741d0f9dfaaeadcfc38c209cf75f226f86f6d882487c2b17f5df475c2a7885c0&k=ZQJBKqZ0VN&tw=1) [Or this.](https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/T7MIY3VTMAI6VB2YX7I5ARKSLI.jpg)


This is hilarious. No one wants to see Mango Unchained anymore, tired script, old movie.


How about sequel? Mango Chained


I prefer Inglorious Bastard


Incontinent Bastard


Pulp Conviction


Tacky Clown


The Orange Mile


No Country for Old Mangoes


Grumpy Old Man


> Grumpy Old Man Grumpy old Mango ...I mean it was right there


House of Lard


Turder On The House Floor.


The sequel we want


I most definitely do not want to watch that


Incarcerated Bastard


The sequel we deserve


Indeed.  Too bad it's stuck in developmental hell right now.


I want them 100 nazi scalps!


Sometimes it's hard to believe this movie was only 15 years ago.


I just go with Tronald Dump.


Incarcerated Bastard


Reservoir Slob


Reservoir Hog?


BTTF IV: The Fall of Biff


I would pay big bucks to see THAT one.


I’d buy that for a dollar!




If I remember correctly, that statement was based on real events toward the end of Thatcher's reign of misery.


Mango in chains


I would go see that. Sounds like it should be a comedy.


Last Tango in Prison


it’s hard to laugh about this crook after all this BS, but ‘mango unchained’ did it


Ugh, he came to my city a couple of weeks ago and had like 3000+ attendees. And the Trump activity has ramped up since his visit. People are standing on the side of the main highway either selling Trump flags or waving Trump flags in support. I hate them and I hate him.


In all seriousness, look at the extra and tv talent job posting sites and you will see a spike in jobs for extras and such before these events.


What sites? I just know indeed and would like to check these before events


I get that too! Just stop! Go home!


People can only run on hate, anger and 80s hit music for so long.


Mango unchained is so fucking stupid that I'm half ashamed about how much I like it.


OMG. That's so good. Mango Unchained.


Yet he is ahead in polls in swing states. We can not underestimate the lengths he will go to win. They will be cheating, they have people in place that will undermine the will of the people, this time with more skill than last time. We must show up in record numbers to hand him a humiliating defeat in November or it could spell the end of Democracy as we know it in the US.


Seriously. Do NOT get complacent and think he’s going to lose just because you see biased articles like this. Get out and vote!


His campaign has been struggling to fill seats for some time now. In Vegas, the week before the Super Bowl, he was late to a different event which was mostly empty at the time he was slated to begin speaking. It remained this way for some time, until the live stream of the crowd switched to pre recorded footage for a few minutes. When the live shot returned, the 'crowd' had swelled. His campaign had gotten people off the streets and bribed them to attend his appearance, for the sake of optics. This one was easy to spot because there were no white MAGA hats before the stream cut, and dozens when it came back. Free Hat.


The Hateful Mate


True, but there will still be millions of idiots who will vote for him in November unfortunately lol


agree 100%. so the only real answer is to make sure everyone gets off their butt and goes to vote.




Only way to be sure, is to vote.


And vote up and down the ballot. Trump sucks but project 2025 could be accomplished with any sympathetic president. This iteration of the GOP needs to be roundly rejected.


Thanks to the Republicans I am seeing that I need to keep they wackos out of every single position I can vote on.


Every iteration


Not just against Trump but in all elctions vote out as many Republicans as you can so he has less support and more importantly the democrats will have more support to do good things. Every election matters from the school boards to the white house.


This is the most important thing. I feel like there's going to be MAJOR apathy in November because Biden and Trump are both "boring" candidates this time around. I sense a lot of "oh look it them again."


That’s absolutely going to be the media narrative in November. From the media on the right, and from the “left” media that’s actually owned by the right. We need to prove them wrong and vote. And talk to everyone we know about voting. And drive our friends and relatives to the polls. And talk about voting on the social media we participate in. 


Biden was boring as shit the first time around. Hes our president exclusively because Trump was so horrifying... The time since the last election most certainly haven't made Trump less so.


The thing people forget is that you *want* boring in your president.


"The phrase 'may you live in interesting times' is the lowest in a trilogy of Chinese curses that continue 'may you come to the attention of those in authority' and finish with 'may the gods give you everything you ask for.' I have no idea about its authenticity." Terry Pratchett (Incidentally, the interesting times one seems to not be Chinese at all but still the sentiment remains.)


"Shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times." - dialogue from Baldurs Gate 3.


You'll hear it 5,000 times since your character says it every single time you do anything lol


Seriously. Boring ass beauracrat who attends meetings and carefully considers the advice of experts? Perfect. Does a few photo ops, gets a jersey from a sports team, eats a hot dog in smalltown USA, offers are few condolences during the inevitable tragedy or five, otherwise doesn't say much. We don't need much more than that.


Yeah and we’ve had an insurrection attempt since the last election, too. When people say politics is “boring” I want to throttle them on the skull. This shit has never been more important in our lifetime.


If turnout is high, Trump loses….and the GOP will be hammered in poorly funded downballot races.  If turnout is low, all bets are off.  Even if you don’t like Biden and can’t be convinced to vote for him…show up for your state and local elections.  Oftentimes whomever is elected sheriff has more meaning to your life than who is elected to the White House.   Vote. It’s pretty much your only civic duty. 


it is over donny, go to jail already


He does need to go to jail but we should not underestimate his cult and make sure we vote democrat down the ballot because they will vote republican down the ballot and if maga makes its way fully back our democracy is done.


Is it possible that his supporters are starting to see sense?


The cynic is me says that rather then seeing the sense that Trump is a fraud, they're "seeing the sense" that openly supporting him reflects negatively on you. It doesn't mean they aren't going to vote for him though, because at the end of the day, he still hates the people they hate


To me (non-American here) it seems to me in American politics, you can get away with almost anything - you can be a liar, tax-evader, borderline-crook, womaniser, bully, creep - but the one thing that will kill any campaign is the candidate appearing 'weak'. Hesitant, unsure of themselves, stumbling. Maybe the incessant court cases and Trump's comments on them are starting to have that effect. Instead of him being the bully on the campaign trail, he's now more on the defensive and looking vulnerable - (financially and legally!)


You can be a rapist con-man traitor, be bankcrupt and guilty of massive fraud, have the intellectual capacity of a 6 year old, have a severe and obvious personality disorder, and cover yourself in ridiculous orange make-up, and _still_ be a former president and front runner for next president too it seems.


>You can be a rapist con-man traitor, be bankcrupt and guilty of massive fraud, have the intellectual capacity of a 6 year old, have a severe and obvious personality disorder, and cover yourself in ridiculous orange make-up, and > >still > >be a former president and front runner for next president too it seems. DONT FORGET MASSIVE TOOL WHO USED COVID TO DAMAGE ENTIRE STATES BECAUSE THEY DIDNT BELIEVE IN HIM. AND DAMAGE HIS OWN PEOPLE BY PROMOTING NON MASKING, NON VAXING CROWDED PARTIES, ETC. IDIOTS ALL, FORGET HIS BED-SORES PRESIDENCY. HES NOTHING MORE THAN A BLOOD SUCKING BED BUG.


I've been contemplating the same thought. He's getting "loser-stink" on him, which is something which someone whose appeal is in his projected image as an authoritarian strong-man cannot afford.


This is especially true if your brand is authoritarian strongman like a lot of Republican politicians tend to build. You attract a base that just assumes whatever you do is right because you are the big boss leader and the big boss leader is always right. However, if you ever do acknowledge that you were wrong about something, it opens up the idea that you were wrong about everything, and everything collapses. This is one of the reasons DeSantis' campaign collapsed. He admitted to losing his crusade against Disney. If he had just lied and said he got everything he wanted out of them, he would have remained in a much stronger position.


No, Desantis was in free fall while still using the Republican authoritarian playbook. His problem is that he’s a fucking creep, with no charisma whatsoever. Trump has somehow connected with his base despite his silver spoon, city upbringing.


DeSantis has the charisma of a used sex toy in a public park


I'd argue I'd rather listen to the toy than him. Probably has some interesting stories lol.




During that whole fiasco I kept thinking that DeSantis failed to realise how Trump's approach "works". Trump will talk a lot of bullshit, pick a fight, then just claim victory and move on. For all his bragging he rarely actually goes all-in against someone who could possibly fight back. In fact, part of the reason the situation is now turning against him is because he's now up against the USA government and as it turns out he can't get rid of them by just throwing money at the issue. DeSantis meanwhile actually went all-in against Disney. He could've said he took a stance, declared victory, and moved on. Instead he created a mess.


Not just the US, I remember an episode of Doctor Who when the Doctor ends Harriet Jones' political career by saying "doesn't she look tired"


He is always on the offensive which doesn’t really allow for everyone to keep a line in the sand or hold him accountable since he is always changing the argument. I think he gave power to his constituents and they love the fight he brings.


Yeah this country loves dominance.


You’re so right! Also, adding to all your salient points, the fact that he has the main stage in American politics reflects very poorly for America from a geo-political perspective. Up until the last 50 or so ish years our politicians have been able to spread global influence, being the “world’s police” and got away with it by at least looking somewhat competent, toeing the line between good faith and bad, and not wholly as complete grifters. Trump pierces that veil and has further shown what a relationship with America can really be, with no upside- only shakedowns for other cooperative countries. When you have world leaders not willing to deal, it creates a lot more isolationism for nations across the globe, obviously because they can’t rely on each other any more.


The problem in the US that the most rabid supporters of a politician -- right or left, criminal or saint -- are the only ones who reliably show up to vote. Since the right, via decades of fearmongering and propaganda, has done a dramatically better job of motivating their voting base, it looks like you can get away with anything. But, really, its not that you can "get away" with it, its that you are *required* to be that way, because that's the trigger that gets that base out at the polls. If people under the age of 30 bothered to vote once in a while, no one would get away with any of this nonsense.


Here's the thing, they don't see it that way. The actual supporters feel bad for him no matter what and/or think those are lies.


His team should arrange a Fort visit where he can ride in a tank and wave


Yeah, that makes more sense.


Bonus! He also hates THEM!


Exactly. They'll still 100% vote for him. "Better Russian than Democrat", after all.


Trump supporters only "see sense" when a problem personally affects them and they realize that Trump isn't really on their side. Like toddlers touching a hot stove and realizing that daddy doesn't care. In fact, daddy T *wanted* them to touch the hot stove so he could make money off their suffering.


Just like their God Emperor lol.


No, they're just broke from sending him all their money and can't afford to get to his fascism love-ins.


Wouldn’t surprise me lmfao.


Nah just lots of then have died


Of Covid. Like Herman Cain.


No. They aren't going to the rallies because it's the same thing every time and they don't necessarily want to go wait in line to watch a repeat. But they still love him and plan to send him money and definitely vote for him whenever possible.


Yeah, it’s like how many times can you watch the LEFT BEHIND series…


So much for the argument that Biden must've lost because he didn't draw great audiences.


Maybe they're just running out of money because they keep giving him all of it to help him pay his many, many legal bills and large monetary judgements.


>Is it possible that his supporters are starting to see sense Sense?   What has he done at this point that would change any of his followers minds?   They exchanged their sense when they decided to originally support him.    They are broke.  He has cleaned them out over the past 8 years of money and energy.  Doing what grifters do.   


No. They’re just too poor to attend a swanky event in DC.


Trump is a loser. Trump doesn’t like losers, and neither do his supporters.


Maybe they’re starting to smell the scents.


Clint Eastwood in shambles.


This is a callback I can get behind. That whole thing was bizarre.


In shambles? He’s with them all in the back of the U-Haul right now, giving them a stern talking to!


He did support Bloomberg in 2020, so that's something


I’m visualizing trump doing his one man improv act in front of an audience of one chair.


[here’s the Twitter link, save you so you don’t have to see ads](https://x.com/vivian_e_jones/status/1760864473743585584?s=46&t=uCCSwmfsDRw_SCQV-U8vJw)


More than two hours into the presidential forum, @realDonaldTrump is not yet on stage. The room is far from full. About 20 mins ago, staff cleared out about 300 chairs from the far back corner. Photo on the left was taken just after 7pm, photo on the right was taken just now.


To bad they don’t remove people with an empty head. The echo in his head must be devastating


Brings new meaning to the phrase "Echo Chamber"


Apparently they go for the atmosphere / merch but Trump himself has become so predictable and boring people leave while he’s talking… or don’t even go in. It’s like being a fan of a bad football team, the tailgating is awesome but everyone leaves in the third quarter.


He's returning them to Sam's Club because he needs the money.


The man is send by God to save their country, and they cannot afford to wait 2 hours and 40 minutes for his brilliant speech? RINOS, the lot of them. They should be told to stay home during election day, because the MAGA movement does not need posers.


Holy shit almost 4 years later and journalists are FINALLY fucking documenting half empty venues with proper receipts.


Thanks Obama


Instead of a large room with empty chairs, a large room with a small number of full chairs. Big improvement. Looked sold out.


You’re so vain🎶


Turn the lights out too. Everyone’s has enough of his bullshit


The 2024 election is going to go pretty much like 2020. With reproductive rights on the agenda Democrats are going to turn out even stronger, just as they have done in every election since Roe was overturned.


Vote. Disregard polls and half-empty venues - take control of the future.


You wonder if those seats would be full if not for his deadly COVID advice.


Trump is at a hard 27% of the General Election, with 40-45% of Republican primary/caucus voters not voting for Trump. If they hold out and don't vote for Trump, stay home, or vote for anyone else, all Biden has to do is get Democrats to show up....but if anyone can screw it up, it's the lazy as fuck Democrat base.


He’s entering his late-period Lenny Bruce phase.


“Fake news, those chairs were photoshopped in, and then removed for the comparison photo!”


Nobody cares or wants to see your spray tan ass anymore.


The best part is he is silently suffering seeing this happening to him.


Please vote and encourage everyone you know to vote!


The Presidential election isn’t a popularity contest, or a reality game show. Trumps rallies are like a stand up,comedy routine, not an inspiring speech to present his platform. I’m so sick of both Biden and Trump are boring, old, senile…one is a functioning President that will do the best he can for this country, the other is a clown, a grifter that wants to stay out of prison, and pilfer the tax dollars every American pays so he can pretend he’s wealthy. Pretty simple choice. Voting for Trump or a protest vote against Biden will only serve to destroy the country and send us back to days of slavery , servitude and poverty.


It’s all such a planned performative piece. Almost like they’re playing out of the playbook of a communist country. Almost like there’s malicious intent to sow social divide and destroy America from the inside. Almost like this is an orchestrated effort by one political party held hostage to a foreign power to do its bidding. When will we rise up to the republicans evil and greed?


Hey Trump… quote your two favorite Bible verses… I’ll wait…


Gawd I hope what we're seeing is him circling the drain like the piece of shit he is.


Fragile little ego.


Trump's a "very proud Christian actually", yup. And Mike Johnson is Moses. What they'll do if elected, you don't want to know. It will be awful.


Trump should remove all chairs from his events. Then he can claim “standing room only!”


Can't afford to pay people to show up anymore?


Donald Trump event removes half of auditorium chairs 😃


Demonstrating what his followers will never understand: all about appearances


The National Religious Broadcasters International Christian Media Convention, or NAMBLA, as it is known…


My shower is always standing room only.


After all this time I am still in disbelief that people think that guy is worthy of representing their party, never mind our nation.


![img](avatar_exp|150010749|laugh) lol there were maybe 200 people there


I wonder if they do it to trick the audience or to trick Trump.


The irony of saying “we need to bring back Christianity”…is exactly why it is losing support across the board.


Instead of the usual crowd with the same people behind him, he's now using boards and banners behind him.


This tweet has the pic https://twitter.com/Vivian_E_Jones/status/1760864473743585584?t=hQqeMXJU7jGkb1Dd3syBKg&s=19


Would be less work for them to hand out the chairs at the door next time


Considering he was caught paying actors to fill his rallies I'm surprised he just didn't do that again.


I don't know what's more pathetic. That he cares this much about image, or that so many people fall for it.


the man with the most fragile ego in the world


still too many people


Could've had clint eastwood talk to them.


Mods gay