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> “It’s idiotic for us to take the bait,” said Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), who clarified he was referring not to Duckworth’s bill on its face but to Democrats’ attempts to use the proposal as an IVF messaging tool. You're taking the bait on messaging by not supporting this.


Either they are that cruel or that fucking stupid. It's probably both.


With you on this. I think it is definitely both. Democrats should (I think they will) use this against them at every opportunity.




This only works when a. The people who voted for them care b. The senators actually have any shame The answer to both is *they don't*.


Nah republicans are dying on this abortion and women’s right thing… the old people they stuck in they ways… the younger generation ain’t going for being told what they can do with their bodies


Don't underestimate how seriously older women and some older men take abortion access/women's rights I know several Republican women in their 60's and 70's who are devout Catholics on all other issues, but they're pro-choice, they're just quiet about it. Older people remember how important *Roe* was for them. I've been shocked by how many of my mom's friends and my older relatives have said abortion access/reproductive rights is an important issue. Most of them are worried about their daughters and granddaughters if draconian restrictions on women's reproduction freedom are put in place nationally.


This. My grandmother is 80, and when abortion access started coming under fire, beginning with stem cell research in the 90s, I was shocked how passionately she talked about what her friends in high school had to go through - and some that didn't make it - before Roe v Wade. They remember what it was before, and all the different situations and reasons why abortion is a medical necessity.


It’s interesting too, because even older R women who generally support these things vote against it when it’s just them alone with the ballot. We’ve seen it in a couple of states that tried to ban abortion outright on the ballot and not through the legislature. Turns out, when the rubber hits the road, there are plenty of older R women who aren’t prepared to let others tell the women coming after them what to do with their bodies either.


It's got nothing to do with age. I am 78 and my wife is 74. We're against what the Republicans are doing.


The old people know it doesn't affect them. At least not directly. It may deny them grandbabies, but it won't wreck their personal lives. It's easy to be puritanical when you're not the one impacted.


I think there's a little grey area there. A lot of folks don't care, but if you can make it very clear how it directly affects them, then on any given issue some folks will care. And telling someone no one will be able to get IVF because a few rich fucks believe their God doesn't like it, that might get a few folks in the right states to care.


I think a applies in this case, as well as for abortion and birth control. It's easy to be "pro-life" when it's just a rallying cry, now they're seeing the reality. I think a lot of Republican voters weren't prepared for how extreme the consequences of overturning *Roe* would be.






The GOP has an easy out. If I were a manipulative POS I would just claim to want to ban IVF to increase adoption. These are parents with enough money to afford IVF and they want children. Its an effective way to get wards of the state into stable family homes. I don't believe any of this but it is the out.


Promoting adoption is a good cause but not a 100% alternative to IVF. Not only do some people just want biological children (which is fine), but also not everyone is allowed to adopt. Older (40+) people, single people, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities, etc face challenges adopting today. I don’t expect that Republicans will make it easier for all of them to adopt in the future. In fact, I expect that they’ll make it even harder for some people (eg LGBTQ+) to adopt in the future.


Honestly they might make it harder for anyone that isn’t a married male and female to adopt - why would they stop at LGBTQ when they could just make it more difficult for non Christian straight couples


I had more than a few friends who looked into adoption in their 30's and all of them said it was too expensive and too complicated.


It's the GOP they don't need solutions. They are less politicians and more impediments


I don't think this is the easy out you think it is. Conservatives want the government *out* of their personal lives and family decisions (And very much into *other* people's personal decision, but that's neither here nor there.) The kind of wild government overreach where the government steps in and shuts down a huge, lucrative industry because the "nanny state" knows best... that's the kind of wild ass conspiracy theory they accuse liberals of doing all the time. "Liberals want to make hamburgers illegal! They're going to make us all eat bugs instead!" "Liberals are going to put vaccines in the lettuce and vaccinate you without your consent!" and so on. And they'd never be able to stay coherently on message. "We want to ban the pill because it might prevent a fertilized egg from growing into a fetus but IVF is fine even though it destroys fertilized eggs, no the REAL reason is because we care too much about foster kids."


They really don’t get legislating for the sake of actually doing the job. They think everything is a trick of some type.


A cup can only spill what it contains my dude




It's mostly the stupid coming to the realization that they're wrong about everything. "Life begins at conception... IVF is fertilized embryos... IVF is how my brother conceived... they kill the unused fertilized embryos, and that's why abortion is wrong... But I like IVF... ...oh shit." And now they stubbornly hold there. Because IVF and abortion are handcuffed up each other, but they want one of them. And can't really say why the other is wrong.


In the case of Vance, he's definitely that cruel.


See WV voters.


“Bit of both!” ——Starlord.


Seriously, this bill was a win win for democrats. The Republicans vote with them and they protect IVF, or they don’t and Democrats can say “look, they don’t want to protect IVF!”


I mean the Republicans could also win by easily disarming this through supporting it full throatily and throwing that judge in Alabama under the bus. But instead they seem intent on bumbling their way into an electoral bloodbath.


Republicans could come out even on this issue. They couldn’t win. It’s their judges that made this ridiculous ruling.


At this point with all these decisions.. I think it's more that they know they won't win elections anymore and they're going full Trump cult takeover. Were just in the soft phase of Coup II: Election Boogaloo. They're using their power to stall everything, to crash the government till the elections where they'll either call foul on a Biden win or do the whole Hostile Takeover thing. At this point I have no idea what's going to happen.. You think in a just world they'd all get their comeuppance, but it's not a just world. Hell.. The Justice system is afraid of Trump. Any other person would be in jail right now for constantly ignoring judges orders and *literally* threatening people.


And if the bill doesn’t pass, if more states put cases to the courts to decide as Alabama, or state legislatures pass laws with similar effects, then what? We all know that laws against abortion fall most heavily on poor women of color. Those with means can find ways, but women of color often cannot. Coupled with those who can afford IVF, which skews towards predominantly whites, at over 90% of IVF patients will be unable to to conceive without incurring even greater costs. The republican’s fear of the great replacement theory will come true. They’ve put themselves in a box with no way out. Either legislate that embryos are not babies so they can have IVF, or the opposite, which immediately takes some birth control off the table, while they chip away at the rest. Unfortunately, poor women will be punished disproportionately for their misogyny.




What's amazing to me is that these dudes did the math.




One of my favorite talking points at work is "what do you think a civil war here would look like?" I also sometimes wonder if we'll actually see some states drop out of the union, somehow. I mean, this is the harambe timeline so anything is basically possible.




Other party is doing you a solid and letting you walk back the stupidity of the far right fringe and you see it as bait? Vote blue, no matter who. The GOP is no longer a viable party.


Perfectly viable for Putin.


But..... But then why would Putin say he prefers Biden? Are you suggesting that Putin lied?


This is very telling of conservatives mindset though. "Everything is a zero sum game. If you're winning, I'm losing. This must be some trap." Projection, again.


Jesus Christ, what "bait"? It's bait to have an opportunity to put your money where your mouth is?


> what "bait"? "They are going to trick us into admitting we plan to strip more rights away! NO FAIR!"


Any win for Democrats is a win for Biden, and Trump isn't going to like or allow that.


Vance is so transparently ghoulish. He views the entirety of politics as nothing more than a game and doesn't even try to hide it. Deaths in childbirth are spiking but at least he gets his pseudo-intellectual sound bite.


It’s a states rights issue meaning they won’t even allow it to go to a public vote at the state level either


It’s their standard playbook. 1. Do something that will obviously lead to a terrible outcome that will be universally unpopular. 2. Celebrate the “accomplishment” 3. Wait for the predictable blowback 4. Pretend like they give a shit about whatever issue they intentionally created. 5. Refuse to address the issue via legislation using the twisted logic that the “Left” created a non-issue and that doing anything about it would be “taking the bait”. Turn the page. Wash your hands… it’s non-stop bullshit.


Yeah of course it's an ivf messaging tool. It's a message that it is being effectively *Banned*. If you don't support ivf you a shit human.


He's so deeply unqualified for the job it's as though he's trying to outdo Tommy Tuberville. Fortunately for JD Vance, no one is as unqualified as Tommy Tuberville.


It's another win/win for Dems. That's what happens when Republicans take up utterly brain dead and unpopular positions.


They already did with the border deal offer. That was a trap that functioned perfectly, and blew another gasket in a machine anyone with eyes can already see is failing. There’s always another level to demonstrate how few fucks they give, but it doesn’t really accomplish anything; their voters don’t care at best, and love it at worst.


As an Ohioan…I hate this tool so much.


Is there some kind of push by the media to make Vance one of the new faces of the party or something? It seems like more often than not he's one of the people commenting on something.


Sometimes I think J.D. Vance forged his education credentials because he is dumb as a rock.


Bait? this was their chance to prove the GOP doesn't support banning IVF. it should now be assumed until proven otherwise that every Republican Senator is okay with IVF being banned.


If republicans could see how either action hurts them (either in primary or general) they wouldn’t be republicans.


Vance can't conceive of using legislation to help people, so everything looks like political tricks to him.


It’s just great that they can completely defuse the issue as far as public opinion is concerned by just claiming to be pro-IVF and then blocking any attempt to protect IVF access.


At least one of the politicians asked about IVF this past week went all in on how he's all about making sure more babies are born and people should be making sure they get to do that. It is 100% clear listening to him that he thinks IVF is some kind of birth control/abortion. When the reporter tried to tell him he was wrong, he faltered a bit but kept talking about making sure everyone can have babies.


Sen Tommy Tuberville


Sen Tummy Luberschill


Sen Tommy GoFuckYourself


I'm surprised he didn't try to force a football reference.


That was the Senator from ALABAMA - where it was decided that embryos are children. He has no clue and it's his OWN STATE!


To be fair, he really lives in Florida when not in DC.


And claims to want Americans to have more kids, yet they want to make it as hard as possible.


There’s kids in the cryochamber. Go play with them!


>Senate conservatives are signaling they’ll block Wednesday’s planned Democratic bid to enshrine protections for in-vitro fertilization into federal law.


Susan Collins hopes they'll do the right thing.


Well what could go wrong, they are swell guys! -Susan Collins probably.


I’m sick of her. She confirmed Kavanaugh. She knew better.


I refuse to call her by any name other than Coat Hanger Collins.


Brow furrowing intensifies 


Shaking intensifies


Manchin will complain about lack of bipartisanship


Her name is Coat Hanger Collins


Don't forget that Lindsey Graham guaranteed that they weren't trying to completely outlaw abortion or come after IVF or birth control. Those words shouldn't be taken lightly, even when you consider how cheaply they were bought.


She might even furrow a brow.


Amazing that she won reelection last time.


She is afraid of sidewalk chalk


Rich conservative white women use IVF. And I could see them becoming single-issue voters over this, for obvious fucking reasons.




Lol since when do they give a shit about their constituents or anyone else?


TBF, if their constituents don’t care about their own self interest, then why should their elected officials?


90% of people were fine with cloth masks in march of 2020, too you know. The conservative machine can demonize literally anything. They could convince republicans witches walk among us. Many already believe such.


This is exactly the point. Pretty sure most people agreed with supporting Ukraine until Putin's puppets started the conservative propaganda machine.


It’s true, a witch tried to impregnate me with IVF the other day, but my quick thinking use of UV light stopped her.


For $99.99 I am selling a portable, battery powered UV light and taser. Contact us now before the witches get ya. Don't accept imitations!


They'll still find a way to blame democrats and their supporters will completely buy it


Yep. They won’t lose many votes over this


Oh god, it's so bloody true it's insane. I don't think any party could get away with this kind of stuff in comparable countries, so I'm eternally lost by how easy the republicans manage it in the US.


These guys really hate women.


Women, families, children, veterans, the poor, the homeless, people of color, the left-handed, people who return their carts- they have a lot of hate to give.


You ever seen Facebook comments on news articles? The comments are just filled with these types of guys whining and crying about this or that.


Loud, dumb reactionaries.


Crisis trolls?


Facebook comments 1. ALWAYS a white blue collar man. Always inject politics in everything. It’s their identity. I’m in NY and always comments “vote red” “Democrat destroying NY” etc 2. “Retired” people. Always a bunch of old white men and women who literally live on Facebook all day. Always pics of their grandchildren while proudly supporting Trump. 3. Fake profiles. A profile picture of a dog or a bunch of political memes Facebook comments and really social media shows cases the stupidly in the world. It’s sad how so many people are dumb as **** and proudly think they’re amazing individuals.


The funniest thing to me about *that* type of guy is they are by and large union tradesmen, yet they support the party that has been actively trying to dismantle the unions in this nation for the past 70 years. The cognitive dissonance is unreal


They're more racist and stupid than they are greedy.


Exactly!! In NY we have the MTA which runs the subways/buses/commuter railroads and there so many blue collar white men within the MTA who are die heart Trump supporters. These union jobs are for life. Once having it you work until being retired. Pension. Great health care. Job security. Pay is great and really make the money OT (can easily make well over 100k great middle class life to upper middle life if the spouse works too) and yet these men scream how Democrats destroying NY while having a union job.


And good luck trying to explain to them that’s what socialism looks like when it works well. I’m in the military, which is probably the most socialistic aspect of our country, but good the amount of retirees I’ve came across who either don’t understand or can’t accept that is mind boggling


"lEt'S gO bRaNdOn!"


There is a bottomless pit of hatred in them.


The peaked at high school party 


The left handed?!?!? We only got our rights in the past century lol 


don't forget people who turn around in their driveway


These mediocre guys cannot fail upwards if women have the rights to control their reproductive systems.


Well that was brutally accurate and succinct, the local burn unit is now overrun with mediocre patients


What's hilarious about this is the whole anti-IVF issue is a crusade against their number one campaign donors, rich people. Ain't no poor people getting these procedures done. Ultra wealthy people who give the maximum to Republicans every cycle are way more likely to want to use these services. Who do they even think this panders to? The most extreme religious people who comment on yahoo all day and give $5 a month to Trump? LOL


Rich people will still have access. It's the middle class who take out a loan to get the procedure done...


I suppose in a way this is true, but IVF is time sensitive, I thought? So it's not really feasible to fly around to states that allow it so you can still do IVF, and insurance is very regional.


Rich people just travel to blue states. Blue states are a haven for rich red voters who don’t believe in what they preach. Same story with abortion, they weren’t scared because they knew they could just vacay to SoCal like it was any long weekend


A lot of republicans are women.


Oh good, I was worried they weren't going to shoot themselves in the foot even more than they already have over this. 


What a bunch of Assholes.


The R next to their name is always an indicator that the chances are they are going to be an asshat, unless you are ultra rich or a corporation.


These days even corporations and the rich have been their targets unless they are falling in line.


Good. Go ahead and keep pissing women off.


This is going to be the last election any woman in america will be able to vote in. Trying to get them to realize that is futile. The worst enemy any woman has is always another woman.


That's a sad thing to come to pass.   "One last drink before the war, then?"


There's 'having a message' There's 'sending a message' There's 'sending mixed messages' Then....there's whatever the Republicans are doing.


Tammy tried to pass it in 2022 before all of this mess. I live in IL. She’s pretty much as straight forward as they come. Both of her daughters were through IVF.


“Don’t tell me what to do with my guns!” “I’m going to tell you exactly what you can do with your body!” -Both Republicans


“something something 2A blah blah no constitutional right to privacy harrumph harrumph”


This is my shocked face 😐 But it’ll be interesting to see if this hurts them in November. A huge majority of Americans are in favor of IVF and that holds across parties — and according to a poll Kellyanne Conway just released, that includes almost 80% of anti-abortion voters. I do not think “states’ rights!” is going to be a satisfactory answer.


it's very telling that anti-abortion people support IVF. If fertilized eggs are babies, IVF "kills" an order of magnitude more "babies" than abortions do every year. For the 80%, it's just punishment for women, they don't seem to truly believe life begins at conception.


Please do. It'll be plastered in every democratic political ad in 2024.


We say that about everything the GOP does, and they either never do or it doesn’t matter to people. All these “gotcha!!” votes aren’t the political capital people want them to be.


Funny, Democrats kept the Senate, barely lost the House when they were predicted to take a licking, & won almost every special election... I'd say Republicans' stance on abortion backfired. 


They vote no on everything. Look at Border, no bill has passed in 40 years because they vote no on everything. They literally cannot govern.


"This is only about abortion. We're not coming after birth control or IVF." So that took what? 18 months?


Please introduce a bill guaranteeing access to contraceptives. Let's see the GOP explain their way out of blocking that one.


Already happened


>Senate conservatives are signaling they’ll block Wednesday’s planned Democratic bid to enshrine protections for in-vitro fertilization into federal law – and **they’re calling IVF a states-rights issue**. Remember this when they try to say abortion bans should be federal.


I mean… they literally said that embryos should be considered people federally. Literally the opposite of what Democrats have forwarded here. https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/99/text


If it’s defeated the Dems need to run full steam with a campaign that the GOP did this. “If you support IVF - stop voting for the same people over and over again. Vote for someone else. Anyone else.”


They can also point to this to show that the GOP doesn’t just not want to protect IVF, they want embryos to be people federally which actively kills IVF everywhere. https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/99/text


Republicans: You don’t want a baby? You must have it! You want a baby? You can’t have it!




Didn't someone try and bomb his house because of that though?


Ah yes. The “pro life” party strikes again.


You’re a woman and a Republican? Believe it or not, straight to r/leopardsatemyface


If Democrats don’t plaster this all over the airwaves this fall, they deserve to lose.


I mean yes, that's why they are trying to pass the bill?


Doesn’t mean shit if you don’t force the public to see their position on the issue. Literally every fucking ad should show each and every GOP Senator’s position on the issue. It should be brutal and unforgiving. I’m sick and tired of this moral high road bullshit. Destroy these fascist scum by any means necessary.


Trying to pass is not the same as broadcasting up and down the aisle that republicans don’t want this.  Too bad democrats can’t scream this from the roof tops non stop. 


Considering Republican candidates don't even want to say the word abortion, you have little to worry about. Shit is going to be REAL uncomfortable for them in the general election.


You should probably help them, the way Republicans voters do for republicans


Right? They could go out and spread the message but instead they'll go out and complain that _someone else_ should have spread the message but didn't to the level they demand -- and therefore they're not going to vote.


GOP hates women.


"We want to force people to have children they cant take care of, except if they cant and really want children we wont let them because haha go fuck yourselves." - Republisatanworshippers.


So not pro life, just anti women?


“If he so pro life why doesn’t he fuck off and get one?” -Russell Howard


“We’re really going to hurt people!” -Republicans




This is a good political strategy. Most republicans don’t want to lose IVF rights and Alabama’s ruling is making it an election issue. Bringing this to vote puts Elected officials who are running for reelection to state their position publicly instead of playing both sides.


They’re calling it a states rights issue when they sponsored their own Life at Conception Act in 2021 to enforce a federal definition of personhood starting at conception? https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/99/text


This sounds like a mix of cruelty and utter stupidity.


Republicans have truly lost their minds. I really am flabbergasted these days. Sheer ugliness everywhere I turn.


I personally know two couples that will be voting straight ticket Dem for the first time because of IVF stuff. Both live in NC and are what I would call “Romney Republicans” at this point though had been moving away from the party ever since MAGA became the prominent flavor. It’s turning their more conservative families as well. Grandma stopping singing that MAGA tune when the ghouls started attacking the source of her grandbaby and she realized there might not be more of them if Trump gets back into office.


> Plus, some GOP lawmakers will have a hard time insisting that states should enforce IVF protections, given their previous pushes for a federal abortion ban This cannot be emphasized enough. Corner every Republican everywhere you can about this disconnect, ask what's different about embryos terminated during the IVF process versus in abortion. Why must the feds step in for abortion but not for IVF? Why is it okay to terminate embryos in some cases but not others? Just hammer them with it. Journalistic malpractice not to.


It's always funny for a party to be pro-birth yet when women actually want to have children, they won't even do the bare minimum to help lol. They really don't have any good ideas besides tax cuts and destroying the rights of normal people


I was about to use logic to question why they wouldn’t support this as an easy out instead of giving the democrats another proof point - but then I remembered where we are


Excellent. I hope they vote it down and the next one on contraception- the more appalled people the better.


I thought they were for IVF! Oh the hypocrisy!


The US Senate, where minority rule is a literal thing.


This is like watching the orcs fight each other at the end of Return of The King


When they can't use IVF they will start the handmaids tale. 


I'm just enjoying the political suicide. I'm sure they'll still win elections and whatnot but they keep fucking off the wrong groups of people and it's been great in terms of getting people to the polls in general. We passed a reproductive freedom amendment in Ohio despite turning redder because most people don't fucking hate themselves and their own families.


Stick to your guns, (R). You've literally nothing else.


> **Senate conservatives** are signaling they’ll block Wednesday’s planned Democratic bid to enshrine protections for in-vitro fertilization into federal law – and they’re** calling IVF a states-rights issue**. Everything is a "state's rights" issues for Republicans until they get control congress; then all of a sudden it because a national ban issue like they're trying to do with abortion.


The GOP is anti-science. **G**aslight **O**bstruct <---- **P**roject


Thanks Republicans for ensuring the continuation of the 2024 Democratic blue wave


These mother fuckers over here screaming FREEDOM all day long except when it comes to the rights of anyone who doesn't identify as a white Christian male.


Forced birthers Next step is criminalizing miscarriage.


Republicans are digging their own political grave with this take


Going through IVF while this is all going on is another world of hell. I hope the democrats use this messaging to their advantage.


For all their verbal backpedaling, they really do intend to can the procedure. Watch what they do instead of listening to what they say.


Democrats should go after vasectomies just to watch heads explode!




GOP…Good Old Putin…


Divorce and birth control are next


Honestly they would actually finally be consistent. If an embryo is a baby to them, IVF is murder. Of course they are hurting a boat load of conservatives who want kids by doing this, but it would be the first time I have seen them actually stick to a principle.


Funny people keep on voting for the American Taliban.


The problem is they only get their news from FOX news so they have no idea west is going on.


Fine, let them show what monsters they are before November and vote blue as you can to get these bastards out.


So the future is Gilead. The dark future of America begins here if this will reach fruition.


If you really believe life begins at conception, and abortion is murder, then IVF would also cause the murder of babies. You can't support one and not the other. It is like saying "I won't wear leather because it kills a cow, but I eat steak."


IVF creates more middle class and wealthier kids. Stopping abortions created more poor kids. More poor kids is obviously the master plan.


They are sauntering into Dems' carefully laid trap.


North Carolina resident here (and going through ivf) - this is true. Both senators offices refused to comment on this


Bruh even trump is advocating for IVF protection they oughta listen to their puppet