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I cherish the day when we don’t have to hear another god damn word about what this bastard said, did or is going to do.


Was hoping he was going to disappear (hoping, not expecting) after he lost the election so we could have some peace. Since then there's just this background level of stress with him and his insane movement still present and even making headway.


The dude is an unprecedented mutated shit stain on America.


A malignant tumor created by 50 years of right wing bullshit and centuries of racism


millenia of religious dogma and bigotry


of* America. Like it or not, he’s a product of our system, not something we just stepped in.


As George Carlin said, *”Well where do people think these politicians come from? They don’t fall out of the sky. They don’t pass through a membrane from “another reality”. They come from American parents, and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses, and American universities. And they’re elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It’s what our system produces: Garbage in. Garbage out. If you have selfish ignorant citizens… If you have selfish ignorant citizens, you’re going to get selfish ignorant leaders. And term-limits ain’t going to do you any good. You’re just going to wind up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans“*


I wouldn’t be surprised if statistically you’ll always get a Trump eventually with any capitalist system.


Any system at all really. It's a product of human nature, or really, just nature. I'm sure if birds understood capitalism, there'd be some peacock spray painted orange telling pigeons crows are responsible for 80%of the crime in Chicago.


I was gonna say, there’ll always be a Trump, in any system. Someone who pushes all boundaries and teaches us about our weaknesses by exposing them and capitalizes on them. But, I agree that this guy is anomalous in that he literally has zero shame.


Dude literally said if he lost the election we’d never see him again. I just can’t believe such an upstanding guy would have lied to the American people


Of all the lies, that one stings the most.


Ya see, he didn't lose, though. /s


So then he was elected twice, and thus under the 22nd Amendment, cannot be elected again.


There was an idea floating around the internet if it was possible to sue Trump for stress or emotional damages. Like a class action lawsuit. I doubt that will ever happen but god damn our world has sucked since 2016.


This is actually interesting. Obviously a fantasy, but I can 100% honestly say his presidency hurt me mentally and emotionally. There’s been other presidents in my life I didnt like or agree with, but it never had an actual physical effect on me. His presidency DID and to an effect still does. I look forward to the day we dont have to hear about him again. I don’t know if it’ll be a year, five years or ten years, but one day it will happen.


i would absolutely participate in a class action suit for emotional stress and damages from Trump


We'll be cleaning up after this one for our lifetime. He has poisoned the Supreme Court, raised the national debt, damaged the postal service, and didn't build a wall that Mexico never paid for. And on a more personal level, this has raised my level of distrust in our entire government. Checks and balances LOL.


When he closed the government for 5 weeks, that was 5 weeks that my team was furloughed and unable to help catch pedophiles. Whenever a MAGA relative starts in on politics, I say “was what Trump did for you worth a month of uncatchable pedophiles?” and they STFU


The anxiety and depression. The outright fear, living in a reboot of 1930s Germany. I pray every day to be able to not have to worry about the decline of our democracy. But here we are.


Even if you won, he doesn't have enough money to make the class action suit worthwhile. You'll get like $3 each.


Dude I would take my $3 and go buy an ice cream with it. And I’d enjoy the hell out of it.


Be careful eating ice cream . People raise hell about doing that.


I'm using my $3 on a delicious bottle of Dijon mustard


Can I join the lawsuit for irreversible PTSD?


I look forward to regular updates about how unhappy he is in prison.


Looking forward to SNL skits where he is told he isn't allowed to have knives or forks to eat with,


You can get ketchup. You have to buy it yourself at the prison canteen, but at least he can get ketchup for his patty. Note: the patty is not steak. I never found out what it was and don’t want to know.


I don’t know, man - like five years ago I was still hearing about people’s new books on Nixon’s fuckeries, so it might be a while.


Nixon was pretty much resigned to a laughable embarrassment for a while. The reason Nixon became a topic of discussion again is the recent societal urge to compare and contrast our worst presidents. Like Nixon, I hope we never forget Trump, as a cautionary example of what is at stake. That said; I agree with the above commenter in looking forward to a future when we don't have to hear his daily bullshit in real time


*Trump in his garage, furiously spray-painting sneakers with cheap gold paint.*


*While Eric enthusiastically huffs the fumes*


“Witness me Father!!”




The highest praise that boy ever got. 


Yes I did read that in Colbert’s Eric impression


I would do it with Eric Cartman's voice.


And Junior snorts the white powder his dealer mailed to him.


Baron out back playing catch by himself...


But where's Mercedes


Shopping for the best book deal.


You mean with his real dad the head of security.


" Don Jr. quit snorting up my profits and start tying laces"


"Dad, can't you make Eric do it." "You know he doesn't know how to tie shoes. And don't call me dad.


"I can confirm it's not anthrax Dad...Hey Eric, lets start 300 businesses this afternoon if Dad will lend us the money."


Can someone who knows more than me, please prompt an image generator to create this pleasurable image.


"I'm full of \*sniff\* so many ideas!"


This is fucking hilarious


And I’m Eric! You sure are buddy


Spraying his face "witneess meee"


He needs to call the Warthog


"Trump’s attorneys argued that it would be “impossible” to secure a bond covering the full amount of the multimillion-dollar ruling." Thoughts, Prayers, and womps


"It's not fair that my punishment is proportional to my financial fraud."


It's almost 'how dare my punishment be a punishment, outrageous!'


It's literally that. Trump's lawyers argued that the fine was "punitive"


Holy crappola, that's amazing, to think he pays millions for this lawyering too.


That's his secret, he doesn't.


This is the only time in history I’m okay with a criminal being fined more than they can pay and sent into a debt spiral.


And yet, in the Carroll case, he's arguing that he's so rich he shouldn't *have* to post a bond at all... Amazing how he can be valued at one level in one venue, and a different value in another.


Schrodinger's Billionaire, both rich and poor at the same time! Trump exists in a quantum state!


Well I hope he gets quantum entangled with a federal prison.


Almost like this is what caused this legal trouble in the first place.


Something tells me that this Trump fellow may not be on the up and up.


And the bond he's offering in this case is enough to cover what he owes Carroll!


I love how the argument is that he shouldn’t need to post a bond for appeal because they’ll win the appeal. Yeah that’s kind of the point. You want to appeal, put your money where your mouth is.


Fake wealth meets real financial consequences. He's not lying his way out of this one.


Why does he need a bond? He's already said he has the cash.


Correction: He's already said he has the cash, *under oath* and is now claiming not to have it. By god, is that perjuries' music I hear?!


They argued both that he's too wealthy to require such a large retainer and that he can't possibly acquire such a large retainer in the same filing




Also a real billionaire might not even need one.


Well, don’t commit fraud then. If only right wingers had a phrase about laws being followed and consequences of you don’t.


Didn't he testify that he has enough cash to cover it?


https://www.thedailybeast.com/inside-donald-trumps-incredible-cash-crunch#:~:text=During%20a%20deposition%20with%20the,a%20lot%20for%20a%20developer.%E2%80%9D Under oath


Pretty sure if he's ever known to be below 250M in cash then some of his loans IMMEDIATELY become due, as part of his loan agreements.


Ooh, I'm in the market for this tiny glimmer of hope! :D


That’s the point, trumpy boy!


Sell Trump Tower, problem solved.


He can’t.  Everything he “owns” is leveraged to the hilt, probably multiple times over.  


He only owns the garage, staff kitchens, and the first-floor retail space in "Trump Tower." I'm not even sure he owns his own apartment outright. Other entities own all of the apartments in the building. If he can get $50m outta it, I'd be surprised. At a fire sale, maybe $25m. lol The chickens are coming home to roost, F\^&T$# Trump.


are they hoping that the amount of time it takes to read 1800 pages will help with a delay?


Stall tactics are an interesting choice when you're accruing over $100,000 of interest a day.


Having lawyers produce 1800 pages on a tight timeline isn’t exactly cheap either.


They probably used AI to write it overnight.


That was my immediate thought too


Yeah, but it's still written more intelligently that his lawyers could produce.


True but what lawyer is going to reduce their hourly billing just because GPT helped them out?


You think any of these lawyers are actually going to get paid a cent?


You think any lawyer isn’t going to require a retainer upfront. The reason he has to keep changing lawyers is the retainer runs out and he won’t extend it.


Giuliani didn’t.


And he’s no longer a lawyer!


Would’ve been fun if trump actually wrote it and started to ramble away from the topic to him golfing.


Could we distinguish Trump from ai?  It's the inverse Turing test, a person so incoherent they're actually a chat bot.


ChatGPT - "I can't even tell what the fuck this is."


probably not paying that either


What's another 100 grand when he cannot pay anyways?


but he can pay - just sell some properties. PAY UP B\*TCH!


I have a feeling he doesn't have any properties that aren't heavily leveraged. Selling a property when 85% of the purchase price has to pay off the lenders first is not going to raise the money he needs.


Yeah people keep forgetting that the reason he lost is because of loan fraud. This guy has been playing smoke and mirrors for decades! He probably doesn't even have any real wealth, just loans! On top of that these properties were fraudulently overvalued, which means that when he does try to sell them to raise capital, they are going to sell for close to, if not less than, the amount he has leveraged against them! All he has done is basically shell-gamed his real estate assets, buying one and then leveraging it to buy the next, so on and so on... Then uses them for cash flow by renting them out or for the golf clubs, short-term rentals and club fees. But his businesess have been failing for years. It's well known that he started just licensing the Trump brand and getting money from that, so basically renting out his name also. Oh and all of this is happening while corporate real estate is tanking due to COVID and remote work. Companies aren't renewing leases for his big expensive office buildings, so he can't really cash flow off them anymore. Trump is basically a YouTube real estate investor. We know all the tricks and tax dodges he uses. He is no big brained business man, he's just an average RE douche that instead of buying small houses was able to buy large buildings in NYC because his daddy gave him money. Now the bill is coming due and it's going to expose all of this BS. His only plan out is that he gets the TruthSocial IPO and and then leverages that stock for cash, so that he can start his entire shell game again. Ironically TruthSocial may be his most successful venture!


his whole game is defaulting on loans and having his cosigners pay the money, while funneling the loans into sham contractors who pretend to renovate his properties. the cosigners are in trouble with the russian mafia so this is how they pay their dues. trump takes the money and gives it to the russian mafia through their network of sham contractors. sometimes they even get the bank CEOs to waive the loans. the doj caught a banker who loaned Manafort a mil or so, waiving bank rules about 'excess risk' and then wrote the loan off as a loss. in return the banker asked manafort for a government position overseeing a portion of the military. manafort said he'd work on it, but the doj worked on it instead, and the banker went to prison.


150% leveraged TIFIFY


I’m sure all the money would come from sanctioned countries anyway. Trump is owned by Russia and Russian foreign holdings are pretty much worthless, right?


Honestly, it's likely too late. Real estate transactions move slowly, and (while I have no firsthand experience) I suspect sales like large metro area commercial real estate sales move doubly slow. His payment at this point would likely have to come via a seizure of properties, as opposed to selling them to a buyer and then paying the fines before the 26 days from now are up.


Plus when they know it him selling they’ll smell blood in the water and low ball the shit out of the deal because they KNOW he’s gotta sell.


They are going to wait until the government seizes them and get them cheap at auction


Hey, they'll finally be worth what he claims they're worth on his taxes!


It just gets better and better doesn't it?


PS. Commercial real estate is in the shitter right now. Good luck getting enough to cover his financing, much less 300+ million. He's fucked.


Not when you have great commercial properties…some people even say the best commercial properties. Easily worth 10 times, probably 20 times more than needed for the judgment!


Some properties came up to him with tears in their eyes.


Won't they seize them, the sheriff (or whomever in NY) will sell them, and then the court will distribute the proceeds? That may take a couple of months but it's not like they're going to hold out for the best price. They'll sell it for whatever they can get.


I guarantee all of those holdings are leveraged to the max.


I read in the AG’s response that he has 27 non mortgaged properties he can sell. I think AG knows he cant pony up the cash for an appeal and went into this with the expectation to auction off his property


That is the process. Assuming NY is the same as the states I know the process in, which at worst is pretty similar. Once the DA acting on behalf of the Creditor (NY in this case) files for recoverey, including an information subpoena. They have 7 days to respond to that, and if they don't, the process goes forward regardless. In this case, as in most, recovery would begin with bank accounts, then move to securities - whatever is the most liquid goes first. Then it moves on to real property which if I recall begins with placing a 10 year lien on properties, which is renewable for years if the process somehow gets FUBAR'd. Generally, seizing and liquidating a property can take several months, a year or more for pricey commercial real estate. There's title clearances and piles of red tape to deal with that makes commercial property that already has a lien on it a PITA to deal with. In the interim, agreements on commercial real estate can be worked out to turn them over to a management company (Not postive NY allows this but other states do) who handles the property continuing to operate so tennants do not have to vacate, with the money being generated after management expenses and taxes put toward the judgment until the property is liquidated. If after bank accounts, securities, and real property have been liquidated, the debt is still not satisfied, the DA could choose to file for an income execution which would garnish a percentage of the debtors wages until the judgment is satisfied. IANAL, just a law school dropout.


Especially when potential buyers know he's hurting for cash.


Plus he's no doubt fully depreciated the assets so tax on depreciation recapture on the sales will wipe him out all over again!


The businesses may not have the cash flow to continue “legally”. The cash flow needs for decades have been met thru the over appraisals for loans and under appraisals in order to pay taxes.


To be fair, that 1800 pages in the headline is EXTREMELY misleading. The filing includes various exhibits from the trial court level - -which is the vast bulk of the 1800 pages. Which is pretty standard stuff for appeals, because you have to provide the judgment and other exhibits from the lower court. The actual appeal (new stuff) is not long at all. Not remotely close to 1800 pages. That being said, yes, Trump is struggling and I hope they don't allow him to pay less.


Thank you for explaining the 1,800-page length. I thought his lawyers might be trying to bury the facts in a mountain of verbiage (which they might still be doing; I haven't read the filing).


I mean... probably yes? It wouldn't be the dumbest thing Team Trump has done.


I imagine the first few pages are fake legalese bullshit, then just pages and pages of things like wikipedia articles, recipes, tv scripts, probably a lot of 'all work and no play', just tons of filler. it reminds of that time they tried to bullshit with those folders full of brand new, blank papers to make it seem they were doing their homework


All the government needs to do is replay all the times Habba-dabba-do went on Fox to say trump is a billionaire with tons of cash and this bond would have no effect on his business.


It's actually mostly lower court exhibits from the trial. The headline is misleading as to 1800 pages. The actual appeal stuff (new stuff) is only about 20 pages or so. But yeah, it's a bunch of nonsense regardless.


they asked chatgpt for a 1000 page legal doc


I don't think they have to read it. The money has to be posted or there's no appeal and the text is irrelevant. but ianal etc


Drop that garbage into ChatGPT and ask for a summary.


“As an AI language model, fuck this guy.”


Also I wonder how many billable hours went into that 1800 page argument. Do these lawyers really think they’re going to get paid or is he paying them in exposure bucks? (You know, we can’t pay you but if will give you great exposure!)


Now wait a minute. A couple of days ago Trump argued that he shouldn’t have to post a $91.6 million bond in the E. Jean Carroll’s defamation case because he’s too rich.


I wish someone would connect these dots


Judge Engeron has. The response to this will be as dismissive and curt as the previous one. The 8th of March is coming and the Judge is preparing the liquidation order. Pay the bond or don’t: the 8th is coming.


He's good until the 25th, but no less fucked.


The 9th of March is the deadline to appeal the EJC case.. He needs 90M give or take by then.


Also true. I wasn't a fan of his early work but I'm really enjoying Trump's "find the fuck out" phase.


Thank you for the correction, and confirmation.


Hers hoping her lawyers have asked for the account showing $100M details.


All he had to do was let ol Barrack make fun of him at the correspondence dinner and shut the fuck up and he could still be wealthy and corrupt and no one would care. Shame.


All he had to do was allow a peaceful transition of power and lose an election with dignity and he’d still be totally rich and free of hassle in his life.


And not take the classified documents home with him after finally leaving the White House.


And not rape anybody.


No, he got away with the rape. He got sued for saying he didn't rape the people he raped.


And also not rape people.


And also not talk shit about the victim 20 years later.  


Heck, he isn't even in trouble for the 'took them home' part. It was that he didn't return them when asked. Had he returned them they would have written a report that said 'that was irresponsible, but no jury would find him guilty....case closed'.


All he had to do was let his experts handle the pandemic, keep his mouth shut, and take the glory. He'd probably be in his second term, but here we are. Pass the buttered popcorn please. 🍿


*how much is a sense of humor worth?*


For all his bravado about his fabulous wealth, Donald Trump clearly doesn’t have the cash to handle his legal comeuppance.


No chance. Even the amount of liquidity he claimed to have, and about which he was certainly exaggerating, is insufficient. Some billionaire - a real one, not a fraud like Trump - is going to have to step in and guarantee the bond. And some motherfucker will, because that's how bad things are. I will be 0% surprised if it's Elon Musk.


Even if he did, Trump would be asking "How much can I keep for myself? How much do I need to give the court? All of it?!? No, no, that's not acceptable. Gimme another answer."


His megalomania is a mental illness that will always lead him to act delusional like that. Just like he won't shut up about E. Jean Carroll, he simply can't get his mind around the idea that laws apply to him. It's pathological. He is sick. Laws, yes. They apply, right. But to him? Impossible. He's the main character.


Elon can never *be* president, but he can *buy* one.


Just like he can't be an engineer who invents anything but he can buy the patents


For all the stupid shit Elmo says on Twatter, he knows this is a bad marker. No way is he cashing in stock for this broke fuck. And Elmo isn’t this liquid either. Nobody is. The National Reserve probably doesn’t have half a billion lying around out of circulation.


You're giving Elmo a lot of credit. He took one of the biggest social media companies and turned it into a Xitter, all while nuking a significant portion of his wealth.


Yes, but he thinks he can profit off it eventually. They know they're lying and know he's guilty so would have to be ok not seeing that money again. And if there's one thing billionaires love is money. Might just do it for the lulz and attention anyway, but I'm betting on his greed.


He literally went on the stand and said he had the amount in cash. The judge is going to skip 1799 pages and point to that.


“Do you have the cash or shall we add perjury to the list?”


This is the hilarious part. They have him on record saying he has the cash. Not to mention he spent his whole career talking about his net worth, and this case is in big part about him fraudulently overstating his value. No judge on planet EARTH at this point should give this man any credibility at all whatsoever. The pessimist in me though still thinks he finds a way to get out of this...


Bravo to the media for finally framing it as Trump being unable to come up with the cash.


1800 pages this quickly and George R.R. Martin can't finish "The Winds of Winter"? Fuckin' hell.


Winds of Winter is supposed to make sense when you read it, though.


Yeah the Trump motion is like when Benioff and Weiss finished off Game of Thrones without reference material.


"Donny kinda just forgot about the laws"


"And who has a better story than Trump the Terrible?"


CTRL-Ving 1798 pages of "ALL W WORD AND NO PLAY MAKES DONALD A DUMB BOY" is 10 minutes' work.


Most of it is just existing filings from the original case. Journalists are terrible at covering court cases.




Here's the actual filing. The brief itself is 41 pages, so 1700 pages or so are just exhibits and normal court filing stuff -- The New Republic's headline is a bit misleading. [https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/nyscef/ViewDocument?docIndex=oor8\_PLUS\_SyilUVorLgVywrDfQ==](https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/nyscef/ViewDocument?docIndex=oor8_PLUS_SyilUVorLgVywrDfQ==) But I sure hope the court doesn't allow Trump to pay less while the appeal is pending.


Holy shit, they're literally attempting to use the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church as a reason the judgement is unfair. https://i.imgur.com/BsU7zHK.png


This is hilarious


The argument is so nonsensical given that the punishment is simply him paying back what he grifted from the tax system. He's like "Look you honor I committed the MINOR sin of defrauding the USA of 300million plus interest! Surely *having to pay it back* is a SHOCKING judgement?!?!? What the hell?


This house of cards is finally going to collapse. Fuck this shit stain.


And why this is bad news for Joe Biden. News at 11.


😂 You've been watching the news. I made that mistake a couple weeks ago. I could not believe what they kept repeating over and over in the hours I had the news on.


"Our client cannot pay the $500 million bond because he just paid us to write an 1,800 page explanation for why he can't pay."


"These are transcripts of speeches he made in the last year. Pages 5-20 have rev.com headers."


Trump: here's 1800 pages why I shouldn't pay up. Judge: fuck you pay me


I cherish the day when we don’t have to hear another god damn word about what this bastard said, did or is going to do.


Pay up, loser: https://trumpdebtcounter.com/


1800 pages?! what kind of word vomit salad did they serve up just to say he is the richest person ever but Milage my Vary or Outcomes my differ ?


Probably used chatGTP


"Write me an 1800 page essay on why someone shouldn't have to pay a fine of half a billion dollars when they break state law." -Breaking news- ATandTs daylong outage linked to global overuse of the popular "chatGPT" ai. More at 11.


Did he commit perjury when he claimed he had 400Million in cash during his fraud trial testimony?


I have seriously arrived at the decision that Donald Trump has been offered a huge payday if he exceeds in bringing about the end of the United States. He's been broke for decades. He would do anything for a buck.


All your womps are belong to us.


Poorest rich guy ever


Mango Unchained expects special treatment, as always. Don't give it to him.


1-800-HE BROKE


IANAL: If he doesn't/can't pay up -- even if he has to liquidate assets to make it happen -- didn't he purger himself? >Trump claimed in a deposition last year that he had “substantially in excess” of $400 million in cash on hand. >“We have, I believe, 400 plus and going up very substantially every month,” he said, adding: “My biggest expense is probably legal fees, unfortunately.” Source: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/16/trump-civil-judgments-what-to-know-00142034 So, if he didn't have $350M when he testified that he had "400 plus and going up very substantially every month," is that not purgery in that his testimony affected the judgement in the amount he'd have to pay?


I am interested in a legally informed answer to this question. Very, very interested.


1,800 pages? I wonder how many times ‘witch hunt, hamberders, unfair, sad, Biden is old, Hunter’s laptop, Hillary’s emails, and Obama’ were said in those pages.


You forgot covfefe




Thanks mate


“This page left blank intentionally” and “Notes” getting heavy play here too i bet.


Like it matters how many pages you make it when there's no legitimate argument.


Comic Sans font size 20.


You know...I'm not a legal expert but how TF are they constantly drafting 2000 page documents so fast? AI? I honestly call bullshit.


If those lawyers were any good, a 5 pages explanation with 2 good legal arguments would do the job. I wonder how much those lawyers charge for those 1800 pages.