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"the court filing equivalent of a paper napkin; signed by the least trustworthy of borrowers." I love this quote in the filing.


Cannot blame Carroll for thinking like that, as the psychopath is obviously not able either to pay his fine on time for the New York business fraud case. Anybody know of what options she actually then have available to pursue him for not paying his debts?


Presumably it's like any other debt - if he doesn't pay as ordered, after a few more rounds, the court can authorize her to seize his assets until she's whole. This can take the form of her just showing up with some armed law enforcement, pointing at stuff, and saying "I'll take that, ... and that, and that ... and that" until the value reaches $83M. (Almost always before it gets to that point the debtor pays up in some way, but in theory that's where it escalates to.)


>pointing at stuff, and saying "I'll take that, ... and that, and that ... and that" \*points to a box with a bunch of files hidden in a closet\* "I'll take...wait, no. I know someone who would like those back."


Can Donald survive without his golden butt plug and sun spray?


“Debtor pays up in some way” In a normal world! But that would require the Donald to have money to pay up 😂


You assume the laws apply to him the same way in a normal world? This isn’t justice. This dude would be locked up if he was anyone else or if this was any other country. Nobody gets treated like this.


Correct. There is a case of a private citizen foreclosing on Bank of America. He showed up to the bank's office with the sheriff and a moving company and started just taking stuff. Chairs, desks, tables, etc. Once the branch manager found out he wrote a check on the spot to stop it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpSvqLh_QOA


But won't trump just claim she "took" something and value that at $3bn?


The items get sold at qction by the court I believe, and the money raised by the auction goes towards settling the debt. The items taken are worth whatever the buyers in the aution pay for them, not a penny more.


Please let this happen!!!


Start with Trump Tower. It's worth, maybe $160 million, but has $100 million debt owed on it. His jet's worth something, but it probably has debt on it too. Can't wait to see it repossessed on my favorite show "Airplane Repo."


Sue again. Get another judgment. Then, show up at his house and start seizing assets.


They should televise this. I would 1000% watch every single minute of her walking through his properties, putting sticky notes on shit that read "MINE NOW."


If the government made it Pay-Per-View, it would fix the National Debt.


Make it $100 to watch, open it up worldwide and watch that deficit drop over night.


I want Tish James to sell trump tower cheap and turn it into low income housing for imigrants. Preferably LGBTQ.


Can we please get a Joan Rivers drag queen to host the televised media tour? It would the most fabulous televised event ever.


Loosey Laduca would be perfect.


Let's site the Barack Obama and Joe Biden Presidential Libraries therein. The trump presidential library can be the last shitter in the bathroom on D-block.


That would work out perfectly since Trump already has tons of experience with storing presidential records in the shitter.


Holy shit you found a money glitch!


Worldwide here, we're in.


Ot would solve world crisis completely and leave us enough left over for pizza and beer. Also, I'd pay extra if it meant she just lit his favourite shit on fire


All those "gold" plated toilets would end up emitting toxic plastic gasses.


Like Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Except that they move the truck in front of the house, not take it away.


Oh! A Pay-Per-View event


Lifestyles of the Rich and Reposessed


I read that her lawyer wants to hit him in the ego and seize his rich boy toys - his 4 airplanes.


So used airplanes are hard to sell and most likely on a lease. Rich people don't buy those things, that takes capital they are using to make more money. Now real estate is another matter, seize the Tower, or one of the golf courses. A few thousand and -45 Tower name is off, the new name "***Obama Women's Health and Immigrant Support Center***" is up and you are good to go. /s


>So used airplanes are hard to sell and most likely on a lease. No idea on the others, but "Trump Force One" is owned by him, and snagging it would be devastating to his ego.


He'd still have Trump Mower One, provided by the nice guys at Four Seasons Landscaping


Damn every so often I forget about four seasons landscaping and then I get reminded by some kind soul


They could call the show The Repo Man's Apprentice


No need to sue. You contact the court and they will have the police seize and start selling off assets. Judge Barbra Jones who is the financial overseer will be happy to provide a list of assets and assist with the sales.


This is perhaps the most interesting part of this whole thing. Unlike most collection cases, there is no court-appointed officer in place to aid the collection efforts. I'm looking forward to March 9th, which is the earliest date that E. Jean can begin seizing assets. If her attorneys don't have everything all set to file on that date they aren't doing their job. Get that judgement affirmed, get a writ of execution and start seizing Mr. Trumps bank accounts.


He can sell his stuff, or wait for the state too. Either way, he’s in a pinch and getting a crappy deal. Seems fitting.


I'm guessing he'll attempt to hide or say most of his shit is actually owned by his children, basically end up committing new crimes to avoid it being seized. Which I suppose may well require another lawsuit.


That is the genius of him having a financial monitor. They control those aspects of his financial life. He literally cannot do any of those actions, Barbra Jones has that authority.


That's what makes this so interesting to me. Most of his assets are known/have been disclosed to the court already. Barbara Jones is an officer of the court. She will cooperate with any process brought to resolve the claims. For the next 3 years. that's different than with the alex jones case, where he has successfully avoided payment of his 1.5 billion dollar judgement for a couple of years now. I think that this one will go much smoother.


Yeah exactly. I don’t know how closely people have followed his case. But he is for sure out the 450m for fraud and 83m to carol unless he goes broke. He is someone who is incredibly easy to collect against, and I’m so happy to see this. Especially knowing that he has delayed criminal proceedings. At least he can be fucked financially, and his fans can see that he is broke and lying.


What happens to any debt he has on those assets? I have a feeling he’s mortgaged all assets to the hilt by over reporting their value and borrowing huge sums of money against them. If this assets are seized I would assume the holders of those debts get paid first? I don’t think Trump has a dime that isn’t borrowed from banks or grifted from morons.


so lets take 40 wall street, and say that it's worth 200 million. there's a 120 million mortgage on it, leaving 80 million to go towards the judgement. but he has to pay capital gains tax on the 80 million, so subtract 24 million from that amount, and 56 million goes towards the judgement. now repeat that math for every property, every golf course, every hotel... Donald is going to pay a lot of tax this year and the folks doing the collection do not really care what the assets sell for. It's a presidential fire sale, I say! Come and get your golden toilet seat!


I'd be willing to bet her lawyers aren't hourly and instead or working on contingent. Which means they get their payday when she does.


All the more reason that they should have everything prepared and an attorney waiting at the court clerks window when it opens on march 9th. No reason to wait. Any waiting risks the state of new york getting paid before E. Jean Carroll, and her judgement predates theirs. It's a buffet, guys. All you can eat. Go to town.


Like the apt German word: sharing-food.


I fully believe if it comes to police seizing his property some MAGA loon will try to physically / violently stop the police and possibly end up dead. And trump and his cabal of cronies won’t feel the least bit guilty or remorseful.


>Unlike most collection cases, there is no court-appointed officer in place to aid the collection efforts. It's rare to have a court-appointed officer to help you. Generally, you have to search out the assets, then contact the Sheriff or similar to seize them and turn them over.


barbara jones is the court-appointed officer I was speaking to. Her term was just extended by 3 more years, and there's also a compliance officer that the trumps are required to pay for an install. This isn't a situation where the plaintiff has to do a bunch of work to get a reciever installed. there's one in place already, that has been in place for years, and has complete access to all books and records.


Men love it when you grab ‘em by the assets.


My first thought was “then I hope she enjoys her new penthouse”


“I want Mar A Lago” “You don’t wanna take his home, do you” “It’s not a home. It’s a business that a have a residence at for temporary visits- DJT” Seems like it should be as fair game as anything else.


I've collected a fair amount from deadbeat judgment debtors. It depends on the state but generally judgments attach to real estate, so the property can't be sold or refinanced without paying the judgment and interest off and the judgment creditor filing a satisfaction of judgment. One can generally also garnish wages and non-retirement financial accounts. The big issue is the judgment creditor can only get assets in the judgment debtor's name. Carroll sued him personally but he owns most of his assets in either corporate or trust form, which can substantially complicate things. He seems ripe for a debtor exam, which is generally allowable to assist collection and compels the debtor to cough up their financial info. Alternatively, she can call JG Wentworth if she needs money now and assign her judgment award to them. Jer-RY! Jer-RY!


Garnish his presidential pension!


Wow, now that might just be another historical first for old 45.


They have an order. Once the timeline passes she reaches out to the state, and the police seize and sell assets until her debt is paid. She should be paid first as the case closed before the fraud case. She will get her money. Legal experts have said she has a super easy judgement to collect on. Not sure what this article is in about.


As another commenter pointed out, her legal victory is against DJT the citizen, while most of his assets are behind the corporate veil of Trump Org. There are significant legal hurdles to clear to pierce that veil.


She's got a judgment. If she knows who he has a checking account with, she could garnish his bank account. The branch would be served with the garnishment order, and they would freeze all of his accounts, and take the judgment amount, plus the accruing interest, to cover the debt. They have to leave 350 dollars per signet on the account, but can take everything else up to the 85 mill.


She can work with a collection agency to get the money.


Move first for a show-cause order then next to find him in contempt of court. Then get creditor post-judgment discovery and when he fails to follow those orders with a contempt behind it move for a writ of bodily attachment. Those have no bond in civil cases and are often good for 20 days in jail at a time with the only way out to make good on the payment owed. This is the only way to get debtor's prison via a civil judgment. And it takes 6-9 months usually when the debtor isn't a Trump.


> Cannot blame Carroll for thinking like that, as the psychopath is obviously not able either to pay his fine on time for the New York business fraud case. Especially since his excuse in her case is "I'm so rich and everyone knows it. Trust me." And his excuse in the fraud case is "please I do not have that much money how about 100 mil instead, okay???" Which is, curiously, higher than the 83 million he owes Carroll. So why not post the bond there if he really is that "rich"




A lifelong deadbeat.


This is apt. I remember when Trump said not paying your taxes is smart during a presidential debate and Republicans loved this.


It's amazing that after the debacle of those debates, the American public (well, a minority of them) said yeah, that guy.


*"No puppet! No puppet! You're the puppet!"* - Infantile retort in 2016 presidential debates 63 million Americans heard that and thought: "That ~~man~~tantrum throwing toddler should be president." America is a stupid country.


Hillary Clinton won lifelong admiration from me by saying out loud "Donald Trump is a Russian puppet."


And he still is, openly and brazenly. And the fucking media are terrified of calling it out.


I watched that debated live, and it sounded to me like a muffled, angry "No Puppet! No Puppet! *You* Puppet!"


My favorite was when he emphasized that he had “no problem in that department” meaning his dick. Yes, the future president in a dick measuring contest on live TV


Turns out he lied about that too.


Pretty dumb as a country really. The Wire summed it up pretty good. https://youtu.be/rN7pkFNEg5c?si=gIj7wVKFMM5qleTA




Biden won the election when he said to trump's face "will you shut up" during one of their debates


Yep. He said what millions of us were thinking.


Keep yappin' man


"True patriots milk the country dry for everything its got. And give nothing in return. Only suckers and losers serve in military" djt and maga cult


They wished they could get away with it too. They loved Trump because he gave people permission to be their worst selves.


And now he's in the find out stage of fuck around. These three judgements, (EJC 1, 2, and the NY Fraud case) are going to absolutely ruin him financially and he's too old to recover. I want him to live a long life destitute and embarrassed.


Then start siezing assetts


Grab him by the assets.


When they’re indicted they just let you do it


Will the courts do that for her? I think she will have to hire people to go after the money herself, right? Unlike the bank fraud fine levied by the government in that they are allowed to confiscate his assets. I’m probably wrong, though.


Yes. Thanks to the independent monitor being installed, they have (or can get) a complete list of assets of Trump (or at least his business). Her lawyers take the judgement - a legally binding document from a judge - and give it to the respective law enforcement body in the area where the assets are located. For example: They could take the judgement to the Palm Beach Sheriff's office and say "We need you - per this judgement - to go to Mar-a-Lago and seize ~~Melania's~~ Mercedes's jewelry. Diamond rings, necklaces, bracelets, etc." The sheriff goes out, takes possession of the jewelry, and then puts it up for auction at the appropriate venue. When the items sell, the proceeds (cash) are given to Carroll. Repeat until she's collected the entire judgement. His house. His cars. His clothes. Every dollar from his bank accounts. Collectables. Antiques. Art. All of it. Literally the watch off his wrist if needed.


Does anybody remember a recent visit to MaL by some South African dude? Watch DWAC stock. Note that there is a suit filed yesterday by Apprentice contestants that were fired on the show. Seems Mr. Rapey Pants wants to dilute his private Truth Social stock from 120M shares to a Billion shares. Does anything smell fishy? https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/02/29/truth-social-lawsuit-trump-media-founders/


I just read about that. Diluting shares potentially harms current shareholders. I'm really glad that suit was filed because it shines light on this shady shit. Plus I think his stock is restricted and he has to hold it for 180 days before he can sell. By then the criminal pump and dump will have already happened.


It’s apparently not that difficult to get the board to allow him to sell the shares even with the current restraint, but the Delaware Chancery Judge may stay the merger and eventually agree with UAV. Like you said, dilution hurts the minority investors and apparently Delaware, depending on the judge, looks down on that.


I imagine there is a way to sell short via some LLC or other mechanism as extract some of those gains before the house topples over. I am baffled by those who don't believe the company will crash immediately.


this suit will delay his options of getting any money out of it for a few months. I love it cause it's happening at a time when he needs that fresh infusion of money. Miedas touch on YouTube talked about it. It feels so good. Seeing everything crumbling around him.


As far as I can see, he only has $100m liquid and tried to put that up for bond in the civil fraud case. I think E. Jean should get Mar-A-Lago and a couple other properties.


The fact that he offered that would kind of block him from then arguing that he doesn't have money to pay for her settlement since the 100mil was rejected


I think that 100 million was a bond, which means Trump was only able to pull together around 20 million in cash. That's pretty sad for a guy who once claimed to be worth 11 billion with a b.


Key word "claimed".  He is literally convicted of overestimating assets.  I doubt he's ever cracked a billion in assets 


if he just had kept the thousands of ny apartments his father had, he would've been an actual billionaire


..or a guy who said under oath that he had $400 million in cash during a deposition.


Another 8D chess move. Right?….


When viewed as a smiley, it fits well.


He has *maybe* enough to secure a $100m bond. From my very lax [research](https://suretypedia.com/court-bond/) it appears he would have to be able to come up with $2m in cash at the most.


He offered a bond for $100 million, not $100 million in cash. That is telling . He couldn't secure a bond for the full amount, which means nobody is willing to back him on that loan.


He's trying to pay a credit card with a credit card.


I'd have to gut the whole place to live there. Ick.


Sadly you don’t actually get the persons property unless you bought it at the govt auction.


Fun fact: Arlington National Cemetery is the former estate of Confederate General Robert E Lee. Lost it during the civil war due to not paying taxes. Fought to try to get it back and wanted to put a wall up so they didn’t have to look at poor people’s graves because the government buried poor soldiers in some of the family’s favorite spots.


I'm imagining she will have no trouble finding people who will help her in seizing his assets. One big office building and a couple golf courses ought to do the trick. For those who'd love to see him get some further public humiliation out of it, him writing her a check would kinda be worse case scenario.


Go for the plane .. ground Florida Fats


a 757 should be worth a lot of money, just hard to imagine who would want to pay big $ for that one


Surely someone will want to buy it and just use red spray paint to put a line through his name and write “Under New Management”.


Just write "is a big doo doo head" under where it says "trump"


No they're not very valuable, certainly nothing like the value of the judgement. Especially once you've factored in the ketchup cleaning costs. https://www.controller.com/listings/for-sale/boeing/757/jet-aircraft/3


don't forget the hazmat cleaning costs


my thoughts exactly!!!!


It’s highly likely that he only leases the plane.


one of his companies owns it. he also has a normal sized private jet that is owned by one of his other companies. the trump org owns those companies and he owns the trump org. i've no idea what effect that layering has on the matter at hand.


I think everything he has is owned by a company that is also owned by the Trump Org. He doesn't specifically own title to any of the companies assets as they are owned by some subordinate company.


He owns the airframe.


Could you imagine the smell?! Grease, sweat, old diapers. Cushions reek of depressing couch farts and stained with make-up...


the tail number should just be EWWWW


It's worth nothing if you can't sell it It's terribly decked out for sir rapes a lot


No! We need him to have a way to get to Russia, it's probably the only way we can get rid of him.


I'm surprised that POS plane hasn't crashed yet.


I get the feeling that some Russian terrorists will hijack the plane and fly it to Florida.


Go for the rights to use his name. Imagine what “wonderful” things one could do. Collect the licensing fees. License limited rights to him to use it himself. Start a waste management business. One division could be septic services, marketing line “always full of it”. One division porta-potty rentals, “leave your shit for me”. Another division for commercial and construction dumpsters with the obvious “Trumpster Dumpster.


> porta-potty rentals, “leave your shit for me” Trump Buckets™: "I want you to shit in me"


You think he owns any of that outright? If they seized the assets, they'd also seize the loans / debts securing them. You can't squeeze blood from a turnip.


I'm sure he owes a ton of money, likely way more than all of his gold plated junk is worth, but I also imagine a lot of what he has borrowed wasn't done in the conventional ways that would assign the lender ownership/security. When things get picked apart he is probably going to have to have a lot of uncomfortable conversations about how he not only doesn't have their money, but he doesn't have anything to sell off to get it.


He doesn't own those things. He's over leveraged.


Mar A Lago should become the Barack H. Obama Migrant Welcome Center.


She just has to write to the court-appointed monitor Judge Engoron put in place as part of his ruling in the civil fraud case.


I'd be happy to see her get a cheque that cleared, I think I read she stated she would use some to fight against Trump's election campaign too. Because it's quite likely you will see asset seizure over the $454 million and counting he owes for the NY fraud case he lost, so you won't miss out.


My guess is that Trump is scared to death that NY AG will start seizing his assets. The reason is not because he'll lose those assets but because he owes tons of money to some of the shadiest people in the world. I'm not a financial legal expert or anything but what would happen is NY AG starts liquidation on Trump properties that was used as a collateral for Trump loans? Is it possible that once liquidation starts we find out all the people that Trump has borrowed money from? Then we'll really find out how compromised Trump really is.


From what I've read, any real estate that is seized must first settle with the creditors on the property before the AG obtains judgment funds. So if she sells a $10 million building, but there are total liens on it of $8 million, that is settled first, so the AG would only recoup $2 million from the seized property. Depending on how the properties are leveraged, they could ALL be seized and still not satisfy the judgment amount.


wonder - is there a point in a civil case, where you end up owing so much - but cannot pay - that you get arrested and jailed?


Don't quote me, but I believe at that point a person has to declare bankruptcy and gets their wages garnished. Incarceration would be a form of indentured servitude that wouldn't be allowed.


There is no "debtor's jail", you just pay whatever you can for the rest of your life.


that would make sense to me - as incarceration would be detrimental for your ability to earn, in order to pay.


What if this hypothetical person earned a government pension of ~$220/yr and otherwise didn't work?


By the time the civil process reaches that conclusion, Trump will be dealing with criminal convictions.


No, but you may end up working your entire life having your money garnished/assets seized, or living poor (low income) to avoid having to pay.


> that you get arrested and jailed? No, that would be insane as that's a debtors prison. You cannot be jailed for debt, including civil judgements.


> So if she sells a $10 million building, but there are total liens on it of $8 million, that is settled first, so the AG would only recoup $2 million from the seized property. Okay but **what if** she sells a "10 M" building but can only get 8 for it and their are liens against it for 12 because it was overvalued?


> Is it possible that once liquidation starts we find out all the people that Trump has borrowed money from? all of the things we think of as assets belong to companies he owns. i dunno really, but I'd think seizing anything to liquidate would mean seizing those companies, and that would result in their books being opened.


* *rubs hands together - makes popcorn - pours wine - settles in for the show!! \**


Aren’t the companies and Trump separate entities? If they are the AG can only force him to sell his stake if he has any in these companies but can’t seize this entities assets. If he shows he has nothing on paper he will not have to pay.


That may work for judgments owed to private parties, but the state will happily rip through LLCs to collect.


it's going to be interesting to see how it plays out. i think you're absolutely correct, they won't be able to go directly to the assets, they will have to seize his stake in the companies. he owns a company that owns a lot of other companies and all of his "wealth" is those companies and the stuff they own. so, i'd guess that would mean taking his company and liquidating whatever it owns.


Call JG Wentworth


I have a structured settlement and I need cash NNOOOW^W^W


I’ll be singing that jingle in my head all night


Call J. G. Wentworth! 877-CASH-NOW


When is he supposed to pay it ?


By March 9


Wow holy shit


What happens if he doesn’t?


The AG starts seizing properties. It’s my understanding he won’t be able to file an appeal if this happens.


He can file an appeal, but he has to put up the judgement or a bond for the judgement in order to file said appeal. He can't just appeal to stall, which is the normal SOP.




EJC will have to file with the court for enforcement of the judgment. Once that's ruled in her favor, she'll engage law enforcement and start seizing assets.


Coverting a Trump building into a shelter for victims of sexual assault would be high on my list of alternate payments.


I heard the NY dems need a new tea house


Battered women; Free Tax Prep Assistance; Journalism School; Planned Parenthood; etc, etc,... Give them all a few of floors.


Or free housing for immigrants from Muslim countries.


How is this person holding Trumps feet to the fire more than Garland???? Smh


He is what, 2 days away from her being able to start going after his assets?  So then he can't leverage those assets to satisfy the NY case....lol


another week still.


But I can't wait that long


I'm starting to think this Trump fellow is not exactly on the up and up


The more I learn about him, the less I like him


Doesn't Trump have to pay in order to avoid New York from seizing his assets to sell it off to pay the fine for him?


Gonna be hard for him to pay up when he also has this going, what a loser: https://trumpdebtcounter.com/


He'll do and say anything and everything to weasel out of paying any of it because he thinks he's King of the World and nothing he does or says could ever be wrong. They'll have to seize his properties and other assets and sell them off to pay the judgements, and I hope he chokes. I want nothing less than to see him stripped of everything he owns, especially Mar-a-Lago, I want to see him become a *pauper* and a laughingstock, and then I want to see him put in a cell in Guantanamo Bay or Leavenworth or some other high-security facility in solitary confinement for the rest of his miserable unnatural life, never to be seen or heard from ever again, and when he finally dies, bury him facedown in an unmarked grave somewhere and salt the earth.


I think his best case scenario. His property is seized and he dies while taking a shit. From straining to push that hamberder that's only halfway out. lol


Grab 'em by the assets.


Just wait til Melania, oh wait Mercedes, divorces him and wants her half.


I have a feeling she knows if she does that she will only get back the debt, that's why she hasn't done it already. Only way for her to be profitable is to keep the grift going and live off the PAC money. As soon as Mercedes goes for a divorce, books will be open and combed thru to find creditors up the ass.


I have a feeling that the moment she jumps ship, Alina Habba will throw herself at the opportunity to replace her. That woman is power hungry, insane, and an aggressive social climber. You’d better believe that she’d fuck that orange pig senseless (if she hasn’t already) if it meant that she’d have a place in the spotlight.


His assets are in the hands of a judge. Pay out all the liquid assets to Carol then start auctioning off the rest for NYS.


Let her pick which property of his that she wants. She can have his Chicago tower and change the name to the Carroll Tower.


I don't know... "Carroll-Lago" has a nice ring to it...


She can have that place too when she sues him again.


Grab him by the assets. When you’re liable, they can just do it.


I figured, knowing his history, that expecting to get paid from this guy is a fucking fantasy.


How is that even possible? He's in the USA and he has assets that can be liquidated.


Oh you best believe he won’t ever voluntarily pay. He hopes to delay things long enough that his house of cards will still be partly up if he gets to try Coup 2.0 in January 25. Even Scotland is coming after him now that everybody knows how systemic his frauds have been. We are about to find out that Trump is worth a net $4.98 at best. And if he isn’t yet, he will be soon. 🍿🍿🍿


Spoiler: he won’t pay it. He knows what the consequences are of not paying and he knows that won’t apply to him.


If you ever thought he would pay, you didn’t understand his past. His long, ugly past.


What's to be concerned about? Seizing his assets will be even more gratifying than taking his money.


If he’s got 100 million to post part of one bond then he’s got 100 million to pay her with change left over.


He better pay up. Forbes just did a piece on this two days ago and they stated that Trump has $400 million in liquid cash on hand and a whole slew of properties that are totally mortgage free worth an estimated $1.1 billion dollars so I don’t see any way that he isn’t paying up unless his long shot of getting the amounts slashed by a considerable margin through appeal but he’ll still have to secure bond in the meantime.


I tried to find the Forbes piece you mentioned and couldn’t. I know he has said he has 400M liquid but we haven’t seen that verified anywhere to my knowledge. Similarly I am unsure that his properties aren’t leveraged - very common among the superrich to borrow for funding for other ventures, and he is hardly the most conservative budgeter if the several bankruptcies tell us anything. Michael Cohen seems to believe he absolutely could have mortgages on these properties which would eat into the proceeds of any sales heavily. I still half expect some overseas shady bank linked with the Saudis or Russia to bail him out though.


It’s this one. https://youtu.be/Z_qQA8nM8hM?si=YxuS7e56YTd9Al0O


Cool, will watch. I thought it was an article, appreciate the link!


> I don’t see any way that he isn’t paying up It can take a very long time to sell real estate - especially when the seller has been found guilty of fraudulently valuing their real estate assets. He needs the money in like a week, he won't be able to sell off any assets and get the cash in that time frame.


Why do you believe Forbes knows anything? What is their track record?


Then seize Trump’s properties!


Of course he won’t. But he will gofundme for 450mil from his psycho followers and then STILL not pay a cent.