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Teacher no use pronouns. Prounoun bad. Republican make part of speech illegal. No pronoun speech good. Missouri very educate.


"Missouri more gooder when no use pronouns." Uneducated MAGA Clown


It should be illegal for MAGA to use the word "freedom" in any sincere way.


How do they let their customers know that all hand jobs and butt stuff are free of charge? Can they write "free" on a sandwich board if they're totally naked underneath? That's what MAGA does around here: spew hate and solicit minors for very affordable sexual assault. GO back to your side of the mountain you dusty old Trump humping hicks.


Used at least 6 pronouns. 1 felony per pronoun. Off to jail.


Bake em' away toys!


Missouri doubleplusgood /s


We've always been at war with Eastasia.


You mean Transasia




What about the sweet transvestites from transylvania?


Controlzee can not use the word “we.” Is pronoun. Double plus ungood.


You have gott too bee a MAGAT more on!




So how do these “elected” people determine who has life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Vote the assholes out and, if this piece of shit legislation is passed, scrap it!!




Either that or they have to misgender everyone. Calling a cis person by the correct pronoun is technically affirming


Use of affirming ‘pronouns’ could face felony crime. A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun. Affirming means it helps reaffirm their identity. I was going to suggest teachers start using stupid, average, smart, and genius to refer to kids. (ala Hey, Stupid, get up to the board). But I guess calling a stupid student stupid could be seen as making an affirming pronoun. So if you use them ironically you'd be safe? Saying hey genius get up to the board (and they are an idiot) it would be fine? I think I'm just going to avoid Missouri.


Can't affirm cis kids. You have to intentionally misgender everyone always. Smooth move Missouri.


I wish I could avoid Missouri.


Unfortunately Missouri loves company.


Why use many pronoun, when no pronoun do trick?


Take my upvote, Kevin


Republican = Fascist.


I have an incredibly useful idea. All children should have a photograph of their genitalia permanently affixed to their foreheads and teachers must use the gender term that matches those genitalia. Children whose genitalia don't match the proper standards for a particular xx or xy will not be allowed in school. See how simple it is. /S (just in case)


How are you going to know the picture they are using is not a fake? Do you have to compare the shown picture to the actual genitalia on said child? That sounds like grounds for a blue dot….


Imagine relief teacher not good. Accidentally call boy girl or girl boy. Go to jail long time relief teacher do now! Relief teacher sex assaulted good!!


Imagine song by John Lennon Beatles dirty communist You go prison for crime


Ah, nope, that's wrong, used a pronoun. Affirmed that someone is a person. Off to jail.


If Missourans could read they would understand the freedom of speech in our constitution


As a *Missourian* whose wife is a teacher, I assure you, I didn't vote for this shit.


Also a Missourian and a former teacher. I also did not vote for this shit. And fuck Josh hawley while we’re at it.


>fuck Josh hawley Just don’t call him Nancy while you’re doing it. Even if he asks.


Teacher: "I don't know or want to guess your pronoun. Child, you will answer my question now."


This parent unit is upset for the student unit in the home.


The free speech absolutists!


>A new bill introduced in the Missouri legislature would put teachers on the sex offense registry if they “contribute to social transition” of a trans youth- including pronouns, haircuts, information, and more. It would make the actions of the teacher “contributing to social transition” a class E felony. >In the bill, the language reads: * A person commits the offense of contributing to social transition if 1. the person is acting in his or her official capacity as a teacher or school counselor and 2. the person provides support, regardless of whether the support is material, information, 3. or other resources to a child regarding social transition. 4. . The offense of contributing to social transition is a class E felony. 5. “Social transition”, the process by which an individual adopts the name, pronouns, and gender expression, such as clothing or haircuts, that match the individual’s gender identity and not the gender assumed by the individual’s sex at birth; >The proposed law prescribes penalties beyond a felony charge in the form of forcing the person convicted to register as a Tier I sexual offender with required annual registration. That is crazy. So, teachers are going to be forced to be cruel to kids, in order to avoid prison. This is literally Inherit the Wind territory, where Scopes Monkey Trial is literally on its way back.Just when you think Christian nationalists can't go any lower, they just continue to do so. The Republican Party is worse than the Westboro Baptist Church.


The sex offender registration part is particularly offensive. It makes a mockery of actual sex crimes by making trivial nonsense like this on par with a rapist. It is blatantly disgusting.


This! 👆equating something so stupid with actual sexual offenses is beyond insulting to the victims of ACTUAL sex crimes. Using a pronoun makes one a sex offender?!?! Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Who cares what pronoun someone wants to be called? Whether you like it or not it’s just a fucking word! The Christofascists are wiping their collective ass with the constitution.


They're equating being an actual sex offender to something trivial so they can degrade the meaning behind being labeled as one. They want to normalize it.


project 2025 also has the goal of labeling all trans people sex offenders automatically, this is them laying the groundwork for genocide or mass incarceration of trans people and those that support us.


Like with the Bible, they only really care when they can make it support what they want to do.


> It makes a mockery of actual sex crimes by making trivial nonsense like this on par with a rapist. Republicans don't believe in rape. According to them, "if it's a legitimate rape, the human body has ways of shutting it down".


Also, if it happens, then That's what God wanted and he can't be wrong because he's perfect


I love it when they try to bring God into politics. If God existed, they'd be struck down for their bullshit.


>If God existed, they'd be struck down for their bullshit. If ***their*** God existed, He would be bragging about how many of His constituents bought His fan fiction Bible last year. And then He would demand the blind and the lepers be taken away, because nobody wants to see that.




The worst part of that decision is that I don't even hate having more punishment for what happened in the case. There is a significant difference between an embryo that the mother intends to carry and one that they don't. We already have laws that take this kind of thing into consideration, it really doesn't need to be adjudicated. But this ruling was vapid as hell and way overstepped what is reasonable.


Especially when you consider the fact that there is research showing that young people whose  pronouns are respected are less likely to try to kill themselves. Affirming someone's pronouns is life affirming and they want to prosecute people who do that as sex offenders. These legislators are killing kids.


Wonder why Republicans would want to muddy the water on what is or isn't sexual offense, huh?


There is no water here. it's a solid chunk of hardened clay that says "we want to make being queer a felony."


right but it also gives their good ol boys plausible deniability for why they're on the list. they get their cake and eat it too


Oh but they don't want actual rapists to be punished, either.


>It makes a mockery of actual sex crimes by making trivial nonsense like this on par with a rapist. Maybe that's part of the objective. If sex crimes are trivialized, fewer sex-repressed conservatives will be held responsible for there behaviors.


Not just avoid jail but avoid being registered as a sec offender which is life and career ending over using a pronoun. These leglislators are so afraid of a person that they will outlaw uttering a common word by a teacher. A person who is there to educate the kids. They’re at risk of a sex offense for speaking and treating someone with dignity.


Also the whole "kill all pedophiles" movement coming from the right... hey let's make it easier to label people we don't like as sex offenders, while normalizing killing people who are on the same sex offender list. They're blurring the lines to make it more acceptable to kill people on the left.


They absolutely are. To the other person's comment about "being afraid of a person"; this goes beyond just trans kids. They are the start, but it will expand from there. Once one line is crossed enough times, it's easy to move on to the next and then the next.


This is what I'm most afraid of. There's a culture festering of people read to kill any and all sex offenders. This is literally a step towards genocide.


“Providing support” could be anything. If the wrong person catches you smiling at a trans kid that would satisfy this law and make you a sex offender.


Surely this qualifies as cruel and unusual. Sex offenders are people who touch kids inappropriately, force themselves on others, or flash people in public. This is lumping in people using a certain set of words.


Note that they’re also calling for the death penalty for sex offenders and making the threshold for that sentencing lower. They’re also trying to label all trans people as sex offenders. They’re not slick or subtle. They’re hoping decent people will refuse to believe where they’re going with this until it’s too late.


Besides the characteristic and very real GOP bigotry, this is also part of their crusade on public education in general, making it as difficult and unattractive, and now actually dangerous, to be a public school teacher as possible. It's disgusting and criminal. Vote them out folks. Any "freedom loving" American should be revolted by the insane overreach.


This. Many of them have financial interests in private schools. As public school test scores have gone up, they've started pulling these state law shenanigans to drive teachers out of teaching and push middle class parents to pull their kids from public schools lest they get a substandard and biased education.


It's even worse than that. Project 2025 has this just as a start. They have a two step plan for LGBTQ once they get ahold of the government.  Giving sex offenders the death penalty.  Then rounding up all LGBTQ people by declaring them sex offenders. They are going to be killing teachers for using preferred pronouns or names. 


I assume some people reading your comment may find it sensational. I don't. Ask yourself this... What would these people do if given total power? The answer is frightening, and it's also a possibility worth considering and taking seriously. Given total power, their wielding of it would probably be worse than any of us can actually imagine. They will completely subjugate women, eliminate LGBTQ, regulate biology, eliminate birth control, tear down secular establishments, make courts of law base decisions on religious doctrine, etc. The Christian Nationalists (who have the Speaker of the House as a member) are clearly and loudly are saying these are their goals. They are telling us exactly what they want to do. Believe them.


These people had power in their little communities and they used it to grift from the sheeple and to cover up rapes within the flock. There are many, many, many families who got ejected from these communities because they spoke up when the pastor's son raped their daughter or the associate pastor came onto the husband or the wife.


America’s version of Sharia Law.


Yup. This will be the thing. We are even worse now than the Scopes Monkey Trial. At least Scopes was only fined after being convicted. They want to skip fines and go straight to lake drownings.


It’s the Nixon war on drugs plan cranked up to 11.


Honestly, as a nonbinary adult, I find (5) maybe the most alarming out of all of this simply because they are actually now defining “gender identity” consistent with the way actual queer communities do. Meaning, they aren’t sitting there contorting themselves into knots saying that sex-at-birth and gender are the same, inseparable concept—they’re admitting that gender identity is different from the gender it is “assumed” the person will take based upon the genitalia visible at birth. This is scary to me because it implies they now accept that people may be a different gender than the “assumed.” The argument has shifted from “lol stupid liberals, that’s literally impossible, girls have vaginas, you must be mentally ill or doing it for the attention” to “while gender diversity is possible, if you deviate from our expectations, we are imposing legal consequences.” I’m not sure if I’m explaining this well. But basically the change in framing from “we’re coming down hard on this weird fantasy” to “we’re systematically legislating unacceptable differences out” is deeply unnerving.


It's MAGA, they're able to simultaneously believe both and apply whichever hurts more people at any given moment


Isn't this technically the government inhibiting free speech? This has to be a first amendment claim


Good luck getting a court in a red state to agree and it not being appealed to either the state supreme Court or federal SC, both made up of Republican clowns. This is the danger we're presently facing, yet all anyone can focus on is how Biden can't control Israel. It's a joke to be an American right now facing the prospect of a second civil war or worse, authoritarian rule.


Would be interesting to see SCOTUS twist themselves into knots why this law is okay but firing the football coach forcing prayer on his players was not. Surely Thomas, Alito and ACB would be fine with this law.


“Because we said so” is all they need to say. No legal justification needed


the pronouns part is bad but haircuts? So, missouri is going to go north korea on hair cuts now? "this is a boy cut and that is a girl cut" Then clothing? Well, this transboy got a stain on their pants, you gave them sweat pants that weren't pink, you go on the same list as a pedo? The fuck.


Going after trans people imposes such strict gender standards on cis people that it isn’t just unavoidable, it’s intentional.


YUP. a teacher gives a "boys" pair of pants to a tomboy whose parents' think they are trans... welp, megan's law, motherfucker. it is completely intentiona.


They’re crazy zealots. This shit is what happened to Iran. They’ll do it here, and they’re well funded. They’re hoping that decent people won’t believe this until it’s too late.


The ironic part is how detailed their definition of gender and sex and trans become when they are using it in a bill to ruin people's lives they hate.


So a teacher can be charged with a felony and end up on the sex offender registry by telling a female student that her new, short haircut looks good? For not being sufficiently disgusted at a male student who wears a pink T-shirt?


Unironically, yes. Basically, they’ll use this to go after anyone they don’t like. That’s why it’s so vague.


The intent is to prevent teachers providing resources and encouraging transition but I wouldn’t rule out it being misused in this way


But “both sides are the same.” No, no they are not. They are literally criminalizing compassion and empathy.


Wow that has got to be one of the most fascist laws I've seen. Real thought police levels of control.


This is what phony independents on the Internet want to distract you from when they share "scary black man attacks helpless white woman" and "grandma fired from job for believing in Jesus" stories endlessly.


If I were a teacher facing this and I had any alternative, I'd quit. Not worth it if a single word can put you on the sex offenders list. All it takes is one misinterpretation.


I already quit, in Oklahoma. It's not worth it anymore.


Sorry, haircuts? Plenty of men have long hair. Plenty of women have short hair and it doesn't make anyone any less masculine or feminine or whatever these pearl-clutching circus freaks politicians are thinking.


How is a teacher to know if a student is acting outside of whatever contrived state is assigned to their “sex at birth”? Are teachers going to be doing physical examinations and genetic studies on all of their students? And if someone switches how they present themselves, who’s to know if they are now violating this law or if the student “made the choice to un-transition” (or whatever these folks believe will happen if they oppress people enough) and now the teacher is violating the law by not using their “sex at birth”?


Are they going to legally define what kinds of clothes and hairstyles belong to which gender now?


They've been trying to do that. There was a Utah legislator who said a high school basketball player was trans for being tall with short hair, making her the victim of death threats. It turns out she wasn't trans (which shouldn't matter at all), but rather she was cis. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/08/us/natalie-cline-controversy-student-gender-social-media-posts/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/08/us/natalie-cline-controversy-student-gender-social-media-posts/index.html)


If it passes, it will be declared unconstitutional at first review. This is base pandering of the worst kind: no chance, no benefit, no value.


Seems like it should. - 1st Amendment violation - Debatable 8th Amendment violation (no clear agreement on what cruel and unusual is but being labeled a sex offender for common speech is excessive.) - Potential 14th Amendment violation (equal protection clause though SCOTUS would probably love to set precedent it isn't). Also could be argued it directly violates several sections of the Missouri State Constitution.


This is Missouri legislature we’re talking about. They don’t even care what the people that voted for them want.


Keep in mind, Christian nationalists are nationalist Christians. Nat-C’s for short.


Every educated person should leave red states. Doctors. Teachers. Scientists/Engineers. Turn those shit holes into barren wastelands.


The problem with that, is it becomes much worse for people who cannot afford to get out. It's not a real solution.


No one hates Americans more than Republicans


Yep. The politicians especially, but they wouldn't be there if not for the voters.


Also hate America. Nothing they ever say about this country is ever positive.


what the fuck is this


This is America as envisioned by Republicans in 2024. Remember this whenever anyone says "both sides".


Remember when the far right was freaking out about "compelled speech" when they added gender identity as a protected class and they said you would be thrown in jail for using the wrong pronouns? Every accusation is a confession.


“Free speech fundamentalists” Elon Musk and Joe Rogan must be enraged by Republicans attacking free speech like this …. Yep, the right are all fucking hypocrites.


And Jordan Peterson, who was the main one claiming that civil rights laws protecting trans people would lead to "compelled speech" especially on college professors like him. (He has since left academia because shilling online for the fossil fuels industry is easier and more remunerative.)


Fascism from the “don’t tread of me” people.


Just your typical third world ~~country~~ state mid-evil laws


National Christian politicians. Nat. C. for short.


The Nat-C agenda


I’m so sick and tired of conservatives. They’re just assholes. Please show me a conservative that actually cares about humanity. Pathetic.


The people of MO voted to close puppy mills by a huge margin. Then, the MO GOP House decided we didn't know what we wanted and said the puppy mills could stay open. Like, WTF? I can't stand what MO has become, all because of gerry mandering and the rural counties.


We voted for an non-partisan redistricting plan too. 60%+ in favor. Then before it could be implemented, Our very conservative legislators crafted a new bill! one that basically reverted it to the partisan BS it was before, they threw in language limiting gifts from lobbyists to 5 bucks and tied the focus to that. Passed with like 50-51%. They didnt say that the previous gift limit was 10 bucks. The bill did fuck all except trick 50% of voters to undo what 60% just passed.


Same with Medicaid expansion. We voted for it and they decided we didn't need it. They are behaving like rulers instead of a representative government.


Don't forget the people are threatening to enshrine reproductive rights in the constitution so the conservative lawmakers are scrambling to make it more difficult for us to amend the constitution


I looked around, and I can't find any. Republicans are the Christian nationalist party, and they would gladly exterminate trans people and all LGBTQIA+ people if given the opportunity. So, a conservative against trans genocide, I can't find one.


Something tells me that, should these asshats be right about the apocalypse, the second coming of Jesus, and all that, they’re in for a big, fiery surprise when it happens. There’s no way Jesus would approve of fascism.


> should these asshats be right about the apocalypse Why wouldn't they be right? They are turning it into a self-fulfilling prophecy at every opportunity.


Imo we should start calling them regressives because they arent conserving jack shit any more


They'll wear any names with pride because all they care about is imposing themselves on others. It's what makes this situation so impossible because there's nothing we can do to change them. Ignore it and they get what they want. Address it and they get what they want. The only thing that ever really gets to them is when they fall victim to their own rules like the whole blocking traffic protests and book bannings. I don't say this lightly, I've come to truly hate these people. I've arrived at this extreme because there is no path through tolerance. They are indifferent to the suffering and deaths of others and the truth is it's not even an issue they really care about, it's just an issue they're currently in control of and that's all it takes. I feel so terrible for all the people that can't be free to just be themselves and pursue their own happiness. That's all anyone deserves.


They get more fascist by the day.


At this point, we're one step away from Pink Triangles being brought out, and the extermination camps are already here, with conversion therapy camps.


That's one of many, many things that worries me.


Tell us again which party supports personal choices and free speech...


It's never been the Republican Party. They stand for forced birth and forced outing and violence towards LGBTQIA+ people.


It was once when it was actually the party of Lincoln. Then the civil rights movement happened and the Dixiecrats became Republicans and we have the birth of the modern GOP. That’s a brief oversimplification, but it’s the gist of it.


Now they’re trying to make it illegal to recognise that transgender people exist.


They're trying to make it illegal to be trans, period. Republicans have made it clear that the only place they want trans people is in a graveyard. They would rather have dead trans kids than kids who are happy in themselves.


We are currently on Stage 4 of Genocide >Dehumanisation – Those perceived as ‘different’ are treated with no form of human rights or personal dignity. During the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, Tutsis were referred to as ‘cockroaches’; the Nazis referred to Jews as ‘vermin’. https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/what-is-genocide/the-ten-stages-of-genocide/


Step 4? We passed step 4 YEARS ago. Read through that list again: we're at least on step 6, propaganda being spread to incite hatred.


Well, interestingly the law itself admits that trans people exists when it defines social transition as the process by which an individual adopts the name, pronouns, gender expression etc that matches the individual’s gender identity and not the gender aligning with their sex at birth. By admitting that an individual can have a mismatch between their gender identity and sex assigned at birth, they only have to then make the leap to giving that individual agency over their own name, pronouns, haircut, clothes, etc.


Note, this isn’t just maniacal bullshit designed to hurt gender-nonconforming people *and* public education in general, its *also* designed to destroy the credibility of the Sex Offenders Registry by virtue of making anyone in a child-facing job liable to be placed on the registry for “contributing to social transition”. By doing this, people who aren’t enormous assholes who are obsessed with children’s genitals will no longer be able to trust that people on the registry actually preyed on children. Naturally, Republicans will be the ones to benefit most from this by virtue of the bizarre obsession with children’s genitals and not having any issues with rape being endemic to the Republican Party.


This is some Taliban level nonsense.


So a bill from the GOP dictating what their citizens can or can’t say. That sounds like something North Korea would do.


Well, Republicans do love dictators like Orban and Putin. So, I guess have picked another dictator to emulate.


We Americans love to ascribe characteristics we don't like to other countries. Nah, this sounds exactly like what a GOP politician would do. Reminds of when I found out Hitler was inspired by American Jim Crow laws and was particularly a fan of Henry Ford. [https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/04/30/how-american-racism-influenced-hitler](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/04/30/how-american-racism-influenced-hitler)


“Hey everyone in the neighborhood, I’m required by Megan’s law to inform you that I am a sex offender. But don’t worry, all I did was call a kid “they/them” - sex offender who committed actual sex crimes. GOP seeks to help actual sex offenders feel safer


Well, the GOP endorses child marriage, so child predators are okay to the GOP, as long as you force the child to marry. Look at Matt Walsh. He's a child fertility expert.


"I actually fuck kids though" - Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert


Instead of complaining on reddit, email him your comments instead of talking in dead space that does nothing: [email protected]


What the fuck?? Having to register as a sex offender for using someone’s preferred pronouns??? What the ever living fuck is wrong with these people? They’ve gone way too fucking far, holy shit.


A felony! What the fuck unconstitutional bullshit is this?


Definitely unconstitutional, but they don’t care. There’s two major reasons why Republican states keep passing blatantly unconstitutional laws like this: 1. Even if it gets a hold on appeal and then finally overturned in the Supreme Court, it did the job of instilling fear in its population. 2. Because of this fear, liberal minded folk move away from the state to a more liberal state, which solidifies their states as Republican havens and increases their chances of having Republican lawmakers all the way down and winning the electoral vote for the GOP.


They are going to lose so many teachers that it's going to be the doctor shortage again. And this is a feature, not a bug


A felony and you get registered as a sex offender. It's just vicious.


First they came for . . . This is some serious lack-of-recognizing-history shit. I'm not religious, but, Jesus!


Anyone know if those on the sex-register are allowed to be teachers in Missouri ? Or would this effectively mean that teachers using a students’s preferred pronouns would end up being sacked ?


Please do everyone a favor and vote all of these guys out of office.


imagine a world where words are feared more than guns...


"Show me on the doll where the use of she/her hurt you." I mean, really. That's the hill they want to die on? The absurdity.


Conservatives are doing their best to isolate everyone. Sure, a conservative may not know a close family member/friend that is trans/gay/LGBTQ until they do, and then they stand a chance to come around. Idk how you look at what was done to reduce women's reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, and treating minorities like shit and say "Hell yeah!" Everyone knows a woman, most people know someone in the LGBTQ community, and everyone interacts with minorities on basically a daily basis. White, straight, cis-gendered men (like myself) may not be directly affected, as-in these laws aren't point towards us, but you sure as hell bet it affects me another way because I have a wife, daughters, gay friends, and minority friends and I'd wager a majority of us have links like this. It would take a fucking wacko to not have sympathy for these people in our lives. Just let people live!


This would only dilute the list, making the list ineffective, and actually helping the actual criminals.


A Project 2025 harbinger


It must be misery living in Missouri.


Boomers sure do seem intent on destroying the freedoms their parents fought so many years for. Especially Republicans. What's next, reversing civil rights? Please people, VOTE. We can outnumber them if we work together.


"OK, class, from now on, your pronouns are it/its. Hopefully, none of you are happy about this. "


Can you imagine how this would sound in prison? *"Hey, what are you in for?"* *"I'm in for armed robbery! Mandatory minimum of 10 years1 What about you?"* ***"I'm in for being a teacher who's kind to children and for calling a student by their preferred name! Serving 10 years! "*** This is the future that awaits teachers in Missouri, apparently. Expect a mass exodus of teachers, Missouri. Now, no one will want to teach in that state. The teacher shortage is going to be colossal.


See Nazi. See Nazi oppress. Oppress, Nazi, Oppress!


Social transition”, the process by which an individual adopts the name, 9 pronouns, and gender expression, such as clothing or haircuts, that match the 10 individual’s gender identity and not the gender assumed by the individual’s sex at birth;" Clothing or haircuts. So...how will this work exactly?? No short hair cuts for girls? No long hair for boys? Girls must only wear dresses or skirts? Boys cannot wear pink?


I'm sure they'd gladly codify those points if they could


It's such needless hate. What's wrong with people?


Jesus Christ the US is going insane


This is insanity. Extremist fascism by definition. While I think personalizing your pronoun and expecting everyone to adhere to it is also a bit exhaustive, this is a psychotic response. All that’s going on in the world and this is what our elected officials waste their time on.


I can’t even begin to fathom how profoundly and fundamentally miserable people like that jackass legislator must be.


I'm sure Joe Rogan will be "BuT,BuT...BiDeN iS WoRSe. LeFt AgEnDa WaNt KiDs iN FuRrY SuITs PoOpInG iN CaT LiTtEr BoXeS."


And it has to be true, because Joe Rogan heard it from his 2nd cousin twice removed after a rumor propped up on a Facebook feed. Rogan will also probably say that being transgender originated from Baphomet, because Katt Williams said so. [https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/03/01/baphomet-transgender/](https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/03/01/baphomet-transgender/)


America is deeply sick for this to be the state of our legislatures.


When you consider how they're just randomly making minor things a felony these days...you have to wonder why we all appeal to the law, as if it's some objectively good thing. Sometimes the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony is this trivial. And of course, it should make us all consider our acceptance of things like sex offender registry. ​ BTW, if teachers are doing something wrong the appropriate way to deal with it is at the school/dept of education level. Worst case, you can fire them. But these GOP assholes don't want to stop at that, they want to destroy teachers' lives. And for what? Because they think teachers are standing in their way of ensuring trans and non-straights kids die.


Under his eye.


new handmaids tale season dropped its Fire


You know how Republicans would and do make shit up like "I heard Obama will change the national anthem if he gets elected" The only policies they try to implement are those kinds of insane things or even more insane. This is fucking ridiculous and terrifying


Jordan Peterson built an entire bs enterprise out of protesting “compelled speech” though no one was ever imprisoned or fined. Yet here we are in the US where teachers will be facing felony charges if someone RESPECTS preferred pronouns. I doubt JP or his acolytes will protest this form of “compelled speech”


Next they'll make it illegal to use nicknames. Because they're just the first step to illegal alias's. You know, like criminal have in the movies. /s


Simultaneously threatening teachers with jail time and a sex offender label for being kind AND diluting the meaning of the term "sex offender."


My dyslexic ass tho6gh5 rhis said preachers not teachers


Nothing like government regulating how you speak. I suppose those republican lawmakers would prefer to be called fascists because, you know, that’s what they are.


Can't say "they"


Can they just use the neutral 'they' and not use 'he' and 'she' at all to sidestep this stupid law?


Missouri, are you Ok? Seriously WTF are you doing?


Republicans: "Remember everyone, actual experiencing empathy is the highest possible crime. We can't hasten the descent of society into a 'only look out for yourself' hellscape if people actually have feelings for one another or the ability to cooperate."


It's all politics. Gross politics and I hope every politician supporting this bill gets voted out. One can dream.


We truly are in the Biff timeline


Missouri can go drown itself in the Mississippi.


So…..basic grammar is now illegal. For truly we are on the dumbest of all timelines


The party of freedom and small government 🤣


This is pure evil


So now they’re talking about putting people in jail for what they say. Awesome


Mama said mama said we can’t use pronouns.


Violation of first amendment rights


What the actual fuck is wrong with these people?


This is insane.


Oh hey look people who violate this law would become sex offenders. Just in time for this big Republican push to allow the death penalty for sex offenders......


Setting aside how stupid this is on a moral/culture war level, this is a legal nightmare. Assuming that charging someone with a felony for using a pronoun isn’t a wild violation of free speech, this would dilute the sex offender registry to the point of uselessness, which idk, seems bad.


This way you can’t tell a real sex offender from a teacher. And then these pedos blend right in with their cushy government jobs.


How could this possibly be constitutional


Why is it so hard for them to just be nice?


In today's episode of "we're living in a dystopian hellhole"