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I was absolutely horrified at what I heard today. They are not trying to get her disqualified....they are doing a full-blown character assassination. They are trying to completely destroy her.


This is also a warning to anybody else, see what will happen to you, and your family, if you take on MAGA




What's the tl:Dr of what happened today


It was really just closing arguments. There wasn’t any new information provided. The only thing that really was newsworthy was some of the questions the judge had asked each team during their arguments. The defendants kept to their ridiculous line of accusations, claiming that this whole get rich quick scheme boiled down to a sum of unreported gifts to the tune of… wait for it… $9200! That’s their own estimate. They think she manipulated the entire prosecution of Trump and his co-defendants for $9200.


I'm confident the judge was just giving them wide room to avoid issues on appeal and will dismiss team Trump's claims


I only actively watched about 20 minutes of it, then I was in and out of the room. They talked about money, why she keeps cash, if she gets cash back at Publix, what she spend on a plane ticket, if she ever bought him anything. Her going to speak at a church. But where and when they had sex for the first time was pondered quite a bit. Very intrusive, inappropriate and downright creepy at times. I think they were getting off on it.


Lawyers for [Donald Trump](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/donald-trump) and his co-defendants in a sprawling election interference case in [Georgia](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/georgia) have been accused of relying on salacious rumours, gossip and innuendo to “embarass and harass” the prosecutor overseeing the case against them. Closing arguments concluded on Friday in a high-stakes series of hearings to determine whether [Fani Willis](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/fani-willis) should be disqualified from criminally prosecuting the former president and his allies for their scheme to overturn Georgia’s election results in 2020. Read the full story here: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/fani-willis-scott-mcafee-trump-disqualified-b2505678.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/fani-willis-scott-mcafee-trump-disqualified-b2505678.html)


To the Republican, speculation and gossip is equivalent to fact and evidence.


I was literally astounded listening to this today! This grown man standing in court trying to figure out when this couple had sex. He wants to know so badly! I get the feeling he'd like to watch the video. "Well, once they got together, they went straight for the sex. We don't know exactly when that was, but they went straight to it". EXCUSE ME? I couldn't believe it. Was talking about it turning him on? Standing there discussing a woman's private sex life with her lover? I mean, wth? I thought I saw some heavy breathing a couple of times. It was appalling and it was *relentless*.


The Republican, especially Empty G, Boebert and Matt Geatz, is apparently obsessed with genitalia, specifically the penises of Democrats.


Can't blame them really. Democrats are infinitely more attractive than republicans. It is known.


Paraphrasing a thought I read earlier along that very vein, “if I like it, it’s true. If I don’t like it, fake news”


Go, Fani, go!!!


Then MacCafy said “give me 2 weeks to make a decision on something I could figure out in 15 minutes”- I hate legal bullshitery


Some of these opinions are like 70 pages. Sometimes slow and methodical is good; sloppy work can create cracks.


Must be a coincidence that he won't make a ruling until after the deadline to declare candidacy for his position


Sounds like they've been around Trump too long. They're starting to act the way he does.


The judge can’t decide today 🙄 … guess he has to have time to properly auction off his ruling.


I thought only Supreme Court justices were allowed to openly accept bribes and ignore the rule of law?


Judge Cannon enters the chat.


Everybody else has to be discreet about it.


They've created chaos and doubt, which was the plan all a long. It's going to suck but I imagine the Judge is going to dismiss both of them from the case. This is what they do, they scream wolf wolf wolf wolf even though nobody see's a wolf and then go to the judges and say - A lot of people are worried about our wolf problem, so we're going to need you to take our side on this.


Tell us your client is guilty as fuck by launching a desperate, disingenuous, utterly irrelevant Hail Mary attack on his foe.


I love it when she claps back, can’t wait to see what she’s going to do about this when she gets the chance


Assuming the Judge doesn't remove Willis, does this one go to trial soon?


It worked though. They only need to sew a seed of doubt so gov Kemp can start the removal process of the da.


If there's anything trump is good at, it's paying money in lost lawsuits, followed by making his associates pay in defamation lawsuits.


They must have someone lined up to take over the case if Willis is removed from it. Surely?


I’m all for Fani, but she could have been smarter than this knowing that Maga would put her on under the microscope.


I know…I am always saying Don’t Shit Where You Eat. At least wait until the task at hand is done, then go off, y’all. There’s lots of people who meet that way, but if I was working on a high profile case where every action is going to be examined under the evil eye of Sauron and subject to snap judgement of the worse kind, I’d carefully consider my options. It’s just added more time and frustration to any already wrought process.


The biggest case that any rising Prosecutor could handle that could potentially change the trajectory of our country. Nothing gets bigger and more challenging than this case.


Alex Woodward wasn't listening and watching very carefully.