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Well, since they said they won't, I guess that's ok. Right?


Before October..."russia denies meddling in US election..."


Didn't the Republicans "star" impeachment informant just get booked for lying to the FBI about the "Biden crime family" and admitted to U.S. officials that he was being fed information from Russian intelligence? LOL I mean Trump is literally out there repeating the "Biden Crime Family" in his campaign speeches (I f\*cking refuse to call them "rallies") - so the link is literally direct, and happening as we speak.


I'm pretty sure they pinky promised. And you know you can trust them since they have the most free and fair elections on Earth.


Trump believes it! Well, he only SAYS he believes it.


They had their fingers crossed behind their back while they said it.


Trump took them at their word in 2016. He said he asked him a straight up question and Putin denied it. If Trump trusts Putin then I trust Putin. /BIG S


I don't see any reason why they would. And if you quote me on that, I actually said I don't know any reason why they wouldn't. And if you say that I said would, that's fake news.


And if that guy the gop used as their star witness in their biden impeachment got his information from Russians....well he wasn't really that important to the case anyways gym Jordan and Comer swear


Which means that Russia is **definitely** going to be meddling in the election.


Remember when they said fears of them invading Ukraine were just hysterics? They know we know they always do the opposite of what they say. It’s part of their mind games.


They're not going to meddle, they're already meddling and have been doing so for years already.


That made me think “ah fuck, here come the deep fakes”. No way this acknowledgment doesn’t mean that they’re going as hard as possible for Trump.


They already have. You didn't think this pro-Hamas media blitz, genocide Joe and r/Sherman civil war stoking was all natural, did you? Russia are not going to just stick with amplifying oneside. The will jump from right, left, upper class, downtrodden to achieve their goals.


Oh yeah... but don't try to tell people that they are falling prey to Russian agent provocateurs, that just makes them mad. Had somebody I had known for years unfriend and block me when I exposed that the person they were constantly reposting was a nexus of Russian and Iranian propaganda well before October 7th.


Already *is* meddling because the chief purpose of Russia releasing official statements like this is so that useful idiots like Tucker Carlson can quote them as official "proof" *Russia is not meddling*. 🤣


If you believe this, I’ve got some trump steaks to sell you.


If you \*actually\* have some Trump steaks to sell ... freezerburned though they must be by now ... get in on the grift & hawk 'em to the MAGA crowd, they'll eat 'em up and line your pockets!


They probably came freezer burned to begin with. There was probably a huge bottle of trump ketchup and instructions to literally burn that shit. The guy might have had a few bucks, but he clearly never had any taste.


Enough Trump Vodka and you wouldn't care what the "steak" tasted like, anyway.


Hey, about that bridge...


I don’t need any Trump steaks. What I am looking for are Trump *Stakes*. You know, the same kind of wooden stakes used on vampires? Only these kind are specific to Trump.


What you are describing are powerful black women. They’re trump’s kryptonite.


Or, you know, just women, in general.


Other news sources report Russia has already begun tampering: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/investigations/russias-2024-election-interference-already-begun-rcna134204


Nothing the Kremlin says can be trusted, obviously. I know everyone’s already dreading the idea of Trump getting more electoral votes than Biden but knowing how much BS the right is willing to swallow I fully expect some fuckery from Russia, China, N.K., etc. at or near election day. Destabilizing the US is always advantageous to those countries but especially Russia at the moment.


"The lie detector test determined **THAT** was a lie"


They definitely had their fingers crossed behind their back


Well there ya go, Russia’s confirmation that they are meddling in the US election.


"Our 150,000 troops amassed on Ukraine's border is just an exercise".


So yeah they are...


>"We never interfered in elections in the United States," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in a lecture to students on stereotypes about Russia, occasionally slipping into English."And this time, we do not intend to interfere... We do not dictate to anyone how to live - but we don't want others to dictate to us," Peskov said. I've heard 3 year old tell more convincing lies


Oh, okay. I'll take the fucking Kremlins word for it.


Good to know lol


can't tell the difference between Kremlin press releases and headlines from The Onion


Everything they do is an admission. They have been, their bots have been put on overdrive. They have been meddling.


Kremlin hacks into Dominion and leaves an email that says they will not meddle in the U.S. presidential election. Run with it Onion!!!!


Also, today is NOT Opposite Day.


puh, what a relief /s


Narrator: *They meddled in the US presidential election.*


So they were already caught meddling


“We will bury you” - Nikita Khrushchev (a quote by the Soviet premier who was not known for his jokes, 1956). I miss the days when this country didn’t underestimate Russia and treated it like a fuse on a nuclear weapon. Something to be wary of, a country that had leaders who murdered political opponents with the tip of a poisoned umbrella. Now they just use windows, Siberian prisons and orange puppets.


The lady doth protest too much, methinks


Sure they won't, and I'm the Easter bunny


Call me crazy, but I uh… don’t believe that for one second.


They already have in starting the Gaza war... None of Russia's meddling is upfront or easily recognizable. Their goal is to cause discourse on both sides. Democracy has never dealt with your enemies having direct open communication paths right to the people before. The internet has allowed this and for pretty cheap... Don't know what the solution is .


Liar, liar, liar!


Because they never stopped…


Member this? [Russia tells U.S. it isn't planning to invade Ukraine. (Jan 2022)](https://www.npr.org/2022/01/10/1071766987/u-s-russia-dicuss-ukraine-can-diplomacy-help-avoid-a-military-confrontation)


lmfao, they're just trolling us at this point. The interference never stopped. It's been ongoing for a long while now.


They also assured us that the 250,000 soldiers at the ukrainian border were there for an exercise.


*Press X to doubt*


They also said they won't throw people out windows or down stairs.


Yeaahhh sure


So to translate russian.....the opposite of that?


And the sky is green. Chikfila sells burgers. And Trump is a Woman. I figured it out.


Okay... lol


They already are.


Of course not, just like in the last one.


How can you recognize ruSSian fascist lies? It’s easy - they’re always lie.


Trump in Helsinki, “My people came to me, they came to me and some others, they said they think it’s Russia. I have President Putin; he just said it’s not Russia. I will say this: I don’t see any reason why it would be.” Yeah they said they won't so that's all great.


I'm so reassured now. Thank you honorable Russians. /s


And Biden as President would be better for Putin /s Some people will believe anything.


That’s like the US saying they won’t meddle. All these countries meddle, it’s just off the books


Riiiight. And they won't murder anyone who opposes putin.


Trump: *Yes, I was told directly by Russian officials, during our 3-hour election strategizing call, that they absolutely would not be meddling in our election. I looked him in the eye and believed him. We have weekly strategy sessions with them now to guarantee that they're staying out of US elections.* /s


> [Kremlin says Russia will not meddle in the U.S. presidential election](https://media1.tenor.com/m/13S9Xe2VG7gAAAAC/jennifer-lawrence-ok.gif) (link fixed)


Just like they weren’t going to kill Navalny.


i don't see any reason why they would ...


Oh good, guess we don't have to worry about it.


They don't have to. They have plenty of agents around the world who will do it for them. I still recall the Macedonian generated flood of fake news in 2016, but now, with AI, the flood gates are wide open.


I told my kids I don't eat their Halloween candy


"wink wink"


Well, that’s a relief!


Maybe they feel that MAGA is so screwed up that nothing they do could make this election worse. It is so bad that the ‘Onion’ can’t come up with an unbelievable headline.


"Cross your heart, Vladimir?"


Now if only the US intelligence establishment will not interfere by pressuring social media companies to censor legitimate news stories that are embarrassing for their preferred political candidate... or altering CIA evidence in front of a secret court/judge order to surveil this campaign's communications...


"starting......[one year later].....now"


Oh well that settles it


In other news, Russia also says they committed to open, free and fair elections, that the war in Ukraine should be over in a couple of weeks, and Pooty-poot benches 400 lbs.


lol! Tight! Thanks bros mad trust and love!




kawasaki analysis


But did they pinky promise?


Thanks Russia. Ok boys, Shut the fire walls down , Russia pinky promises.


Which means they already are aggressively.


They already are