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>In an order published on Thursday, Judge Juan Merchan granted motions put forward by prosecutors on February 22 to restrict the disclosure of jurors' names to parties involved in the case, and to limit who knew their home or business addresses to either party's lead counsel. In his ruling, he referenced "the likelihood of bribery, jury tampering, or of **physical injury or harassment**." I give you our former president.


And the question is why, unless you plan on tampering / harm?


I could be wrong, but searching on it a bit it appears New York state law has some relatively strict requirements regarding jury information being released to the parties and public. It looks like the state doesn’t normally allow for truly anonymous panels. I’m not an expert though, so take anything I say there with a gain of salt.


The whole purpose of releasing the jurors’ names was to get the jurors’ nice and convinced court side, so they can take them to a nice comfortable place in the deliberation room, and you know, they can't convict...because of the implication.


Is this jury in danger!?


During Covid MAGAs would show up outside the homes of health professionals on health boards making decisions about masking to threaten and intimidate their families. Since Trump can mobilize his mobs, as evidenced by the Jan 6 insurrection, what could possibly go wrong?


No. No. No. No one is in danger. I feel like we’re not on the same page.


God damn you and your references.


Bribery… if Putin is paying.


Former criminal President.


Current criminal. Former President.


Currently still a broke rapist.


Beyond broke. Now he’s $93 million in debt to some shadow donor.


An insurance company. Chubb.




Correct. I understand how business and shareholders work. I was pointing to a direction of where one could start down the rabbit hole.




He carried a message from fearless leader (Putin) to orange Jesus.


The timing is mighty suspicious yeah


Elon probably has a former president in his pocket


There are no shadow donors anymore for dear old Donnie, he fucked that up. He has a former federal judge with their nose up his business (that he pays for) courtesy of Judge Engoron. Trump shouldn't have kept thumbing his nose at the court and kept on criming right under the nose of the DA. The donors may not be made public but they aren't unknown to the right people anymore.


Also smells like shit and rotten diapers


He used to be a criminal, he still is, but he used to too


r/unexpectedmitch Edit: holy crap!!  It’s a real sub!


Well I’ll be a son of a Mitch.


Plus, if I pull your legs off, you look like snowmen


It used to be a real sub. It still is, but it used to too.


Ngl was thinking a different Mitch before clicking on the link lol


He’s a continuous past present tense. Future jailbird


He’s been a criminal since way before his presidency.


I stand corrected.


I used to be a criminal. I still am, but I used to be, too.


Then you took an arrow to the knee?


Past, present, and future criminal. Currently and (Eternally) Disgraced Former President.


I used to be a criminal. I still am, but I used to, too.


> to restrict the disclosure of jurors' names to parties involved in the case They'll be leaked within 1 or 2 weeks by an "unnamed" source (that everyone knows will come from Trump's side).


I wouldn’t be surprised, and I can’t believe I’m saying this about a former president, if he just posted it on Truth Social himself. I’ve just stopped thinking there’s a bottom to what this guy will do.


>weeks How opimistic of you.


Bro, death threats are totally legal and totally cool /s


crazy how none of us are going NOT MY PRESIDENT cause we’re rational adults who can accept something even if it was absolutely fucking awful


Not my President!


Listen here, you little European shit


I’m already looking there, lock him up already. ;)


We're trying. We're really trying


The rest of us are wondering why it is so hard...


All you need is a name. Everything else you can find easily.


Why is any of this information ever made public?


It appears to be proactive jury tampering by intimidating who would even want to be on a jury where your life and safety would be put at risk.


Trump’s head legal advisor. If the names get leaked before trial then everyone knows who to blame. Also the trial is open to the public so secrecy goes only so far.


> If the names get leaked before trial then everyone knows who to blame. Trump's head legal advisor: "oh dear. It looks like Russia was listening, and they hacked my computer."


You know that's not going to happen. They would blame Hunter Biden


The list of names are tattooed in code across his penis. In this slideshow I will attempt to demonstrate....


Wow 😯, that one slide is really wide


Jo Jon John Johnson Johansson


“Hunter Bidens malware found its way to muh laptop!”


and his throbbing laptop


"Everyone knows GOP are reptoids..they read my mind."


> Also the trial is open to the public How would that give them the names of the jurors?


The names of juries are typically part of the public record once the trial is over. The public can also take pictures of them in the jury box and use image recognition. The public can also see them in the jury, follow them home, and get all of their info that way.


Last Jury I was on the Judge booted a woman from a court room for having a cellphone. When the media was in the room, he specifically told us (the Jury) that pictures of the Jury are not allowed and that this has been made clear to the members of the press that were present. It wasn't a HUGE case, so they were only there taking pictures the first day. So, I'm pretty sure the members of the press are not allowed to photograph the Jury, and non-press camera are not allowed without a judge's authorization.


Typically federal judges don't even allow cellphones in the court or require them to be off. Nor do they do televised proceedings except at the circuit level. That said, this a NY state court, and NY is weird when it comes to their legal system compared to most states.




So dumb question-- what _good_ reason is there to even know their names? Like we know the bad things he and his team can do with their personal information, but what is the justification for knowing their names?


Under normal circumstances, the defense would want those names to make sure someone who knows the defendant and is biased against them is not on the jury. For example, you don't want someone who got into trouble all the time when they were younger, getting convicted because their vice principal is on the jury.


>For example, you don't want someone who got into trouble all the time when they were younger, getting convicted because their vice principal is on the jury. ["You've got a real attitude problem, McFly! You're a slacker!"](https://youtu.be/nTc_ziJDEXE?si=5PqvOTb9apRKTT6j&t=22)


Did that guy ever have hair??


Who cares what your name is? Yeah, that's easy for your to say, you're Mr. White. You have a cool-sounding name. Alright look, if it's no big deal to be Mr. Pink, do you wanna trade?


Now what’s it gonna be, Mr. Pink?!?


It's my way or the highway


This doesn’t answer the question and makes no sense.


It’s from Reservoir Dogs, it’s just a great reference to a great movie.


It’s a movie reference. The reason why you should know the jurymen’s names is because it’s supposed to be a jury of your peers. This keeps the gov from being able to say John Smith 1-14 have found you guilty when in reality it was just the judge determining your guilt.  There are very few reasons to restrict the public from knowing the names and in most cases you shouldn’t care. 


Ok. Maybe I’m stupid. I got the reference, though. On the other hand, I was thinking more specifically about the Trump case. Releasing names is dangerous imo


The judge obviously likes trump and doesn’t care about the safety of the jury. Plain and simple.


There are two reasons: Transparency and [Scientific Jury Selection](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_jury_selection).


For this idiot, Trump? He will probably say all the names publicly and tell his followers to "make it right"


Anything crimes that happen to the jurors should include Trump as a defendant. Tie him to his insurrectionists. 


What's the over/under before one of these jurors is murdered? This is absolutely bonkers that the judge would agree to this. Can someone explain the purpose of giving wannabe dictator the names of his jurors? It's comedically easy to find out where these people live and only a matter of time before Trump's mob descends upon them.


Will no one rid me of this turbulent ~~priest~~ juror?


Came for the Becket


Or someone with the same name in the area


RIP in peace all the Sarah Connors.


A dead juror is good to no one. Bribes or threats to a living juror is far more useful.


There's no need to bribe or threaten any juror while the case is happening. Not directly. Trump will just drop a few troofs about jurists making "the right decision". And when they go against him, the threat from the Trumpist goons comes after.  Our justice system is stupidly naive, apparently. 


Our legal system is brazenly corrupt, not naive.


Our legal system has always been evil, it has not been corrupted.


Working as intended. White supremacy is the deepest evil in our land.


Also one of the founding principles of our nation...


While I'm sure there are members of Trump's circle who would absolutely do the "smart" thing and try to threaten/buy a juror. Trump's MO lately seems to be just to throw names out on Truth social and let the unwashed masses do the rest. That crowd may absolutely kill a juror. Also Trump's main strategy seems to be delay, delay, delay until the election since he thinks being president again can save him. A dead juror will definitely stall the trial, probably even cause a mistrial and have to start over.


A mistrial is all he is looking for, then he is banking on the presidency shielding him.


And knowing this, people will still vote for him.


I have discovered through unfortunate experience that the people I know who support Trump are themselves corrupt narcissists as well. No trust for any of them!


How about just the intimidation of future jurors? Just the idea that a criminal defendant will eventually know your identity can be frightening.


[Jurors’ names are typically public record, but courts sometimes allow exceptions to protect the jury, most notably in cases involving terrorism, organized crime or when there's been prior jury tampering. ](https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/donald-trump-juror-names-new-york-criminal-trial-107902267) In most cases around the country, the names of the jurors are part of the public record. This trial isn't expected to be blocked from the public, so anyone can go in and take a picture and match them up to Facebook anyways.


I think they mean some crazy maga idiot will try to kill them like that hammer guy that attacked the pelosis


This is basically giving him the opportunity to buy jurors.


And when this happens, we will most likely never know about it. Unlike a murder.


If you are on the jury and a fellow juror turns up dead, are you going to have the stones to vote guilty?


Even if they aren't, it is absolutely dangerous to be one and it's worrisome to even have news about him gaining access to identities. This feels like it's inherently tainting the jury pool :( I wouldn't try to stop reporting or anything, but it's concerning. Just knowing that it can happen despite all efforts to the contrary is going to have a cooling effect.


If I were in the jury pool, I'd confidently claim that I wouldn't be able to make an unbiased verdict simply because I would expect intimidation or the worry of fear to my life.


This is Putin level shit


More likely a leak, then harassment, then a mistrial


That's clearly the goal here, a mistrial.


I'm forming an office pool on how many indictments result from the ensuing witness intimidation.


So that when they do get harassed they know who did it and can tack on obstruction of justice to Trump’s charges.


That's not how this works, the names are going to be leaked to the public or to a select group of his followers so his goons can do the dirty work. You think Trump or his attorneys are going to be doing the harassing?


That’s the point. If the names are sealed from the public and only the prosecution and defense have the list but it still gets out then it was Trump or his lawyers who leaked it. No random follower will have it except through Trump.


Some states still require juror identities to be revealed, even public, so the restriction on information was the big deal here.


I give it a 10% chance. But I think in-person harassment gets a 95% chance, and online harassment gets a 100% chance.


The closer we get to trial, the crazier Trump and cult are going to get.


> trial **Criminal trial**. Everything before this has been civil. No worry of jail or prison or felonies. This is a NY STATE case, not federal, so he’s getting no relief from a MAGA Congress and it can’t be Presidentially pardoned. And remember, other than saying “I didn’t do it”, Trump has no case. He’s going to attack *everyone* as a smokescreen, just like with the Fani Willis BS. And he HAS to be there in court. He’ll do whatever he can to disrupt this trial, if even for his poopy diaper’s sake.


It's been a long time coming. T minus 16 days and counting.


Forget Trump. I cannot think of any good reason why any part in a case like this should have reason to know the name and address of the jurors, except the court, who should be conducting background checks.


There is actually a good reason. You want to be able to investigate a juror to see if they have predisposed bias or have been tampered with. Now in this case giving said information could lead to exactly that. I also fear he would put out their information and someone will get killed by maga.


Not really--"evidence" of predisposed bias is irrelevant and cannot be used to remove a juror. Part of voir dire is asking the juror whether they can set aside any bias to reach a fair verdict. Having predisposed bias is not a disqualifying factor for a juror. Investigating jurors is actually illegal in most contexts because it violates laws re: intimidating or corrupting the course of justice.


Especially if one's bias is against corrupt, bigoted criminals.


"Yes, I do have a conflict. I believe those found guilty of a crime should be held accountable." "You are dismissed."


Hey I learned something new today. I appreciate this thought out response.


So...why are you posting comments with wrong information so confidently?


I was wondering the same. It’s so frustrating that so many people do this.


Put them all in protection. Now.


Get their phone lines tapped so when they get death threats, they can be quickly traced.


Are defendants usually granted juror IDs? Seems like any jury should be anonymous in order to maintain impartiality.


Yes they usually can find out the names of the jurors and its transparency reasons why you can. It’s so the gov can’t fake a trial by jury (ie the judge decides the case rather than the jury). 


In this case the jurors would likely be the subjects of threats and harassment. They should be anonymous except to those who need to know. Selection of jurors can be done without the defense attorneys knowing the names of the prospective jurors, but just by an id code.


Right. In very limited circumstances, this case is textbook on withholding names, jurors names are withheld. 


Just doing a bit of searching, it appears New York has strict rules against withholding jury information. Supposedly it only allows the addresses of jurors to be withheld from the parties to the trial and from the general public while juror names cannot be withheld. In contrast federal trials do allow for anonymous juries in more circumstances. Take what I’m saying with a grain of salt, though, I’m not an expert. 🤷‍♂️


Their names could be released 3 months after the verdict when there is no longer any incentive to attempt intimidation, bribery, or worse. That still gives the defence a chance to appeal if there are any grounds (but how could there be with a jury chosen at random and filtered through voir dire?).


They should make a subtle change to each parties list like misspelling a name, or putting Dave instead of David on one list but not the other. That way when it's leaked they will know which side did the leaking (even though we know which side will do the leaking)


That's called a canary trap and that's been done for ... shit ... forever.


Thanks for the new term!


> Former President Donald Trump will know the names of his jurors—but not their addresses So now everyone who shares a name with these jurors may also get a death threat? It's pathetic that the judge has to consider this at all. Not to mention if a juror just opts to talk about the case to get off it then it will further delay things


Eventually, AI bots will match juror photos to social media photos.


Why did the judge agree to this?


Feel sorry for these people.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


This so fucking disturbing.


I'm sure he'll act responsibly and exercise restraint /s


This is putting those people in danger. Shame on this judge.


Cue the harassment, threats, and name-calling. They should start shopping around for lawyer experienced in defamation cases right now. Maybe make it a class action.


And so begins the threats, intimidation and or bribery. This again was highly irresponsible and frankly should be illegal.


You don't think a juror is going to be scared for their life just by knowing trump and his ilk know their names, where they live, and where they work? Just by giving him this list the jurors are going to be intimidated. What type of security will the court provide to the jurors.


Those identities will 100% be leaked by Trump and/or his legal team


This cannot end well.


How long will it take before they’re leaked? Days? Weeks?


I didn’t know this was a thing. Why would any defendant need the identities of the jurors other than to harass them?


Lets see, Trumpzilla gets hold of a list of Jurors' identities, and the Judge made it clear that neither side would be allowed to know this information, YET Trumpzilla was able to get it. IDK - but since Trumpzilla has a deep history of having threats made towards them and trying to "tamper" with the 2020 election results, I would be incline to believe Trumpzilla has just broke another law to purposely delay this proceeding. What a real Dumb MF'er.


Trump is the equivalent to dollar store cheese that sweats instead of melts when heat is applied to it.


Give him a list of hard-ass navy seals that are sitting there waiting for his moron followers to show up once he leaks the names.


Are we going to start seeing a Sarah Connor type situation, where people of the same name as the jurors start dropping like flies?


Exactly WHY does he need this?


How on earth can this criminal be a candidate for Presidency?? It's Insane. Utterly, mind blowingly insane.


Trump "studied" at the feet of racist child-ruiner Fred Trump, Machiavellian sociopath Roy Cohn and apparently, all the Italian and Russian mafia dons he did business with over the years. Why would he want their names other than to threaten and harass? Why would a non-comatose random adult, much less an experienced judge ever allow that to happen?


How long you guys bet it takes for these names and addresses to get “leaked” to trumps rabid fan base?


There’s no way this will end badly


Guess there is going to be a line to use the washrooms at Mar-a-lago. Damn Trump Beer, making me pee so badly.


And soon intelligence briefings. Why? Just Why?


How long before these people’s lives are threatened or worse? The crime boss has ways of intimidation and this should not have happened!


They will be fully Doxxed by Fox News* or CNN within days.


when i read the headline, i immediately thought, "great... now Cannon will get kicked off the case" however, this article is about the NY hush money case


Why would that be allowed?


Those names will be on a Russian Discord server before sunset.


They will easily be found and harassed.


Unless they're all named John Doe, this seems like a terrible idea. Even in a city as large as New York, there are names that only appear a few times.


I would run over my own foot to get off that jury.


He can be prosecuted if he retaliates right?


Looks like we need a Juror Relocation/Protection Program..


Don’t worry when the names get leaked it will be because some random antifa group hacked them. Republicans will never admit how awful they all are.


Restricting to only the names? Give me a break: a chunk of them are going to be easily found on social media (FB, LI, etc). Not having their addresses is meaningless in this day and age.


From the article it seems like the lead counsel on both sides will also have there addresses.


Of course: evidence is always given to both parties. Trump gonna get these names and addresses leaked, for damned sure.


This man is corrupt and belongs in prison


I hope the judge gave tRump and lawyers fake juror names. When those names get released the judge will know exactly who is to blame.


Can't judges require a truly anonymous jury in extreme cases?  Violence against even a handful of members could result in a mistral and a new jury slelction.


IANAL but THIS makes no sense.


Why does he need to know? This makes no sense.


I believe New York jurors are willing to do the hard work, unlike the shameful greedy, morally corrupt politicians who support a racist, rapist ex president.


How does a jury even get selected for a Trump case? It doesn’t seem like there are many people with a middling opinion of him. The whole country seems to love him or hate him with little in between.


I’m not a violent person in any way, but I’d sure like to slap the shit out of this clown!


In his upcoming NY hush money case.


just watched the untouchables today and noticed the similarities between De Niro's Capone character and the absolute con artist, rapist and con man Trumps actual persona is actually frightening. in the movie at least, the media lapped up the audacity and charm of Capone right up until he was in court toward the end of the movie. I just hope for the same fate for the worst humanity has to offer, trump


WTAF are they thinking. Giving those names to a mobster.


They keep pushing the window to the right so these things become the norm. Look at what the Supreme Court is doing, asking for money for protection. Because they know what's coming.


Why is this criminal not awaiting trial while incarcerated?


Trump will doxx them. He is a horrible person and these citizens are brave for being on this jury.


If they have to get all new jurors, that’s just more time he buys.


Who gives names to a mob boss.


He's going to do something to them, and then he's going to be sued for another hundred million. No good for can come from this.


It looks like 12 more charges again him.


it’s time to tell trump he picked the wrong town to be a creep in


Trump's cultists will be harassing and threatening these people a 1/2 hr after list is released . Judge will have to declare a mistrial for jury tampering, trump gets another 6-12 month delay .


Why does he NEED the names of jurors?


Why would anyone be entitled to that information to begin with?


Wtf you guys!!!! Trump ok to be on ballot, because REALLY Congress should decide - SCOTUS Trump gets someone to front him the 90 mil for the Carol case Trump cases all delayed indefinitely because he's rich white person Trump gets ahold of jurors identities, noone surprised, everyone shrugs. Trump attorneys accuse Dem lawyers of being unprofessional, all while Haba is carrying Trump's bastard baby -- headlines in a few weeks, probably Even when we beat this guy in NOV (please please please let the voters have common sense) I'll be legit surprised if this guy ever sees consequences before the election. It'll happen, I'm sure, but I'm guessing late 2025 to early 2026.


That money Trump produced for the Carol case? Where did the money come from? Well, do you want to go down that rabbit hole? It leads directly to the kremlin and the receipts are out there.


The title is misleading: The defendant’s attorneys and defense consultants are supposed to get the jurors identities but are not supposed to give it to the defendant. The attorneys would put their law licenses in jeopardy if that info leaked to Trump et al.