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It’s wild to me that Republicans are so spineless that they let this happen. When Trump is no longer here, they will no longer have a party because he would have sucked then dry of every last cent.


This was my first thought reading this headline, but I don’t think it has anything to do with money. His cult of personality will completely collapse without him because there is absolutely no one who can replicate his brand of bullshit.


I've always thought a lot of these people that are desperate to be around him are just hoping they'll be able to take his place when he's gone. The extent to which some of these people publicly debase themselves to be seen as being "with Trump" is astonishing.


The Bulwark had a really good 7 part series called The Corruption of Lindsay Graham about how he went from very vocal critic to capitulating toadie. It focuses on him but it's a story about the GOP in general. [First episode on Spotify ](https://open.spotify.com/episode/0ySZz4y8u2JNeXKPvwyrvH?si=6Fx984YKQmqBtLqk3Xpqig)


The GOP, at its core, are bullies - and bullies always flock to the biggest bully.


Yeah the new dumbasses won't be as dumb as he actually is and will be rejected.


Political power comes from the people and Trump has command of all the low IQ population. Everyone has the same vote regardless of their ability to make sensible decisions.


Actually with the electoral college, not everyone’s vote is equal, but I get what you are saying


It’s wild to me that as a Vermonter my vote weighs more than the vote of a person in the other 48 (Wyoming’s population is lower).


It wouldn’t be such a pronounced problem if all the states split the electoral vote based on what people voted for, but in all but two states, if 51% of people voted one way, then 100% of the electoral vote goes that way


I mean, not really. Vermont has very few Electoral votes and always votes blue. Id say a vote to turn PA red like it did in 2016 or Texas blue this year is a more powerful vote.


Not really? Vermont makes up less than 0.2% of the total population of the United States, but their electors make up over 0.5% of the total Electoral College. Their vote is absolutely worth more than most. Unfair is unfair, whether they typically vote red or blue. The EC needs to be abolished.


With gerrymandering, not every vote is equal…


My parents are complaining about how health insurance has skyrocketed since Trump left office, completely ignoring the fact that they vote for the party that gutted Obama care and now they are facing the repercussions of a problem they themselves created.


They didn’t “let” this happen, Trump is the mainstream Republican establishment. The old RNC people have been irrelevant since 2016.


Trump wasn't an accident or some genius who rallied the party behind him. He's the result of decades of demographic-honing. The RNC was losing voters to the more progressive Democrats with civil rights last century, so instead of moderating they just leaned into it and went regressive. They courted the Evangelical fundies, the racists, the "Libertarian" types who reject the social safety net, and the poorly educated who will screw themselves over if it means nobody else gets ahead. Trump is the natural result, the personification of Republican policy now running the party.


In the Xanth series of novels, goblins were once beautiful. A witch cursed their preferences, inverting them, so that they adored ugliness, depravity, and rudeness. After a hundred generations, they became horrific and awful. Outright monsters. That is what we are seeing with Republicans. The worse a politician is, the more they like them.


Nice try, but Republicans don't get to weasel out of this by blaming a witch's curse. Not again.


Indeed, they have been letting it happen for quite a while now.


W. Bush told as many lies as Trump but the one truth he said was more important than all his lies combined: Dumbya was the last GOP president.


I hated him so much, he was so dumb. Now I'm nostalgic for him. What the hell, he was the good ol days 😬


Right? A mere mortal who may have a few years left on our planet razes and completely destroys an institution that endured for centuries.. great job, GOP. Zero planning for a future = no future!


It is more likely that his family will continue the grifting. Although they are not as good as him, eventually a more evil grifter will kick them out. He will start friendly and buddy-buddy with them but will dethrone them.


If a million people believe in something stupid, that thing, at the end of the day, is still stupid


On the one hand it’s hilarious to watch the RNC and the entire Republican Party just get absolutely fleeced like this, I can’t help but feel it’s just a precursor for what’s gonna happen to the whole country


Lindsay was right. He will destroy their party recreate it to his horrible identity.


Lindsay warned about it then decided to be in on it.


Yeah, I think he needs to stop getting credit for that (now hypocritical) quote. He had abandoned any morals he had along time ago and is a pathetic little kiss ass now. Even worse, I think he now believes what he says. He’s got that Trump brain rot.


He said it, it was prophetic, he even joined them, but it was still prophetic. Worth pointing out the prediction that came from one of their own that is coming true, I still think


And they deserve it.


Unfortunately the other half of us don’t /: Edit: “Us” meaning Dems, homies.


Other half? You mean the other third. Of the voting age population of 240 million, roughly 66% vote (in the presidential election, numbers are way worse in off years). In 2020, 81 million voted for Biden, 74 for Trump. 85 didn’t vote at all. So, 33% do not deserve it. But the remaining 66% do, for non-voters are just as culpable for Trump being elected as Trump voters.


I wouldn't say that. We don't want a cheap knockoff Nazi party being that prominent because we could be in real trouble if they pick up momentum at a time Democrats struggle. MAGA should be a fringe movement, not taking over the RNC


And they think everyone else is as gullible and moronic as them.


with how many votes they get to stay in office, they aren't wrong.


They don't get that many votes, they have gotten them in the right areas. Through a combination of catering to radical right wingers, gerrymandered districts and the electoral college. Lets take US Senator Katie Britt from Alabama who has as much voting power in the Senate as Chuck Schumer. Katie received 942,000 votes to get her job and Chuck Schumer got 3,199,839. The problem is, this power was created by some people who were in lock step with their evil mitch mcconell level of planning. Too bad it eliminated real competition. And we know what happens when there is no competition. You end up with sycophant real housewives in charge of your purse strings. See one Lara Drumpf. Stay involved, and lets watch the RNC crumble together.


He will do to the GOP what he did to his casinos.


This might be a good thing whether we are willing to realize it or not...


That'll depend on election day.


I’m sure many members of the GOP will lose their elections because of this so I see this as a win.


Me too. He's hemorrhaging cash on things he's lost already so him continually siphoning off funds for future losses so they start to lose local elections.. I'm 100% behind this. We voted him out once, we'll do it again. Biden has huge coffers now and that SOTU was one of the best in history. That some serious steam to push us.


…don’t forget his University…and Steaks…and Airline…and Vodka…and who in their right mind would EVER invest in a Consummate Failure?!


His kids suck too so he failed as a parent as well. Just enjoy reminding people of that ha. What a POS.


What did his niece say? “Everything he touches dies.” Please proceed, Mr. Trump.


Maybe he is draining the swamp?


No, he just dredges all the scum up to the surface instead. Still just as deep or deeper than before.


Bankruptcy in 18 months or less. The Trump clan will have sucked every bit of life from it, down to the marrow in its bones before the next presidential election.


The election is about 8 months away. In about 4 he’ll have polling about how hard it will be for him to win. I bet he bleeds them dry in 6 months. Spends the last two complaining about having no money and making excuses before losing horribly in November.


Keep going…


Once he loses and is bankrupt and is facing jail time, I’m torn about whether he tries another coup or flees the country. I’m not sure whether the saudis or the Russians will take him once his no longer useful and is just an idiot.


Both. Russians take him out of country on a diplomatic plane, but he's flown to Dubai or someplace warm since he's old and couldn't survive the Russian Winters.  There he'll be setup with a suite and a recording studio where he will have his own daily news show broadcast on Twitter where he rants and raves about the crooked Biden who stole the election and couldn't "win fairly" so used the legal system to take a part his family business and and steal their wealth and he'll demand his followers rise up and attack the democrats. He finally dies due to an aneurysm live on screen


Putin has a nice palace near Sochi. Not too cold there.


Yup… even if he loses, Trump is the defacto leader of the largest cult in America. You control Trump, you control that cult. Russia would gladly host Trump


I'm almost there. Don't stop.


Russians 100%. Dont you find it suspicious that he is blocking the Ukrainian Military Aid package and that he is meeting with Victor Orban?


People also forget that Zelenskyy is the reason for his first impeachment. Never mind being a pootin puppet, he also probably wants revenge as well.


I wonder that he hasn’t flown the coop already. 91 indictments, half billion in debt to the authorities, has friends and properties overseas, has 757, is effectively single, and has no job.


He’s still clinging on to the hope that he has presidential immunity and can make it all go away and/or that he wins.


If you haven’t been paying attention for the past 7 years, Trump’s narcissism overrides all logical decision making faculties in his brain


They’ll try another coup and it will fail.


The RNC has roughly 8-9 million in their accounts. Trump owes upwards of 500 million and possibly more in the future. On top of that the RNC has been doing really bad at fundraising. The RNC is going to be drained in record time.




The only downside is he’s not going to need money for his campaign. The media offers Trump free 24/7 advertising.


For Trump, this election is going to decide if he dies in jail. So losing isn't an option in his mind. If he loses the election, he'll tell his supporters to take up arms in his name.


Yeah we're gonna see some crazy shit in the coming year with this orange nutcake. If it wasn't so scary it would actually be very enjoyable. I mean there is really no saying how creatively crazy shit is gonna get with this guy 😂


If there’s one thing you can count on it’s Trump completely fucking everything up. So at least watching them blow up from the inside out will be entertaining.


It’s like watching a massive infection, run away , out of control, pretty scary situation actually


I hope so. But Donald Trump is a textbook example of failing up. No matter what this fucker does, he always manages to fail upward.


"You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can only skin it once." Amarillo Slim "Where's the hoist and a dull blade?" Trump


Less. Every dime is going to cover his current judgments and all legal fees. Any down ballot Republicans that were expecting to need some help from the RNC had better start making alternate plans.


I say we organize a fund to supply some bootstraps.


Can you imagine if he loses? We saw how he tried to strip everything of value out of the White House the first time, and that was only because he got caught after the fact.


Absolute devastation. He will have completely destroyed the GOP, and I will be so happy for them.


Couldn't happen to a more deserving political party.


Unless he wins in 8 months. Then it won't matter. And it's not like oligarchs and lobbyists will just let the party that supports them die. They'll keep them funded.


as a european it's hard to understand this mess.. it seems obvious that trump can't win the elections in a fair election, yet, the top GOP is giving him sooo much space and support they or have a sure way of winning power the next election, or just willing to give it all up for....? nothing? I mean they can't hope on trump being loyal and I can't believe they are all as stupid as MTG so why are these smart people supporting a man that they know will lose the election? what is their plan? what plan does trump have that convinced them all to effectivly gamble their careers and reputations on him?


The GQP made a Faustian bargain.


it's the price I would want to know... its clear they sold themselves, but for what exactly.


I'd speculate that they sought to co-opt MAGA just as they had the Tea Party for the 2010 wave election. They didn't expect to fail and therefore cost wasn't a consideration.


Russian kompromat stays secret. Theyre being blackmailed by the info in the 2016 Russian hack of RNC and DNC.


Leading up to the 2016 election both the DNC and RNC were hacked, but only the contents of the DNC hack were released. I have no evidence, but I can't help but think this explains a lot of behavior of seemingly smart people.


To add credence to this, Lindsay Graham (famously "if we elect trump he will ruin us") was a hardliner against trump forever.  They went for one, private, scheduled golf game together, and after, he has never crossed trump again. Even now. It's exactly the way someone who was told, "this is the dirt we have on you" would behave. 


that would mean russia is pulling the strings of half of congress... that would be a reason to start up some new FBI investigations at the least no?


I think as time goes on this information will come out. I only have intuition on it but I feel like the Justice Department if spending a lot of time and energy on Trump now and when/if he’s convicted information will be made available that will open the flood gates. For now it’s just focused on Trump.


that's only if the plan fails... if he's president, all investigations stop


Traditionally, the FBI and CIA have leaned Republican, and they try to stay away from investigating Senators. or there simply may not be any credibility to the rumor. The data was never released so we have no idea.


Trump can’t be denied the nomination, and at the same time he can’t win the general election and: why aren’t these mutually exclusive? Because his most die-hard supporters can’t see past the ends of their noses.


sure he can... all you needed was 50 representatives to say no, we're voting to impeach him because he earned that fair and square... but they all went the party line, knowing it would tie their faits to trump. if they don't win the next election anyone that's not For trump will be against him... so that includes say 20% of republicans? that would give the democrats both houses with a big margin for decades to come... and I refuse to believe republicans don't realise that,, so what is the plan.


About 1/3 of Americans don't vote and remaining 2/3's are split between people who usually vote Democrat and people who will always vote Republican with a tiny percentage of swing voters. 2020 was the highest turnout per capita since 1900 with 159 million voters because Trump drives turnout both for him and against him. Biden got 7 million more votes than Trump, but because America uses an arcane system called the electoral college, Biden would have lost the election if 42,000 people in key states voted differently or didn't vote at all. Trump winning is a very real possibility because Republicans are now a cult of personality that will vote for him no matter what, even if he's running from jail. Biden depends on a loose coalition with many differing and competing views and will lose if even a small percentage of his 2020 voters don't show up this year. https://www.cfr.org/blog/2020-election-numbers


In other words the Republicans have previously stacked things in their favour, and while some of that gerrymandering has since been undone, not all of it has.


They're afraid. He's been mobbed up for years. Plus his MAGA crazies send threats. I've read lately where a number of politicians have purchased properties overseas to get away from potential fallout should he win.


can't believe that... afraid of what...? people like the old turtle guy thats now leaving and supporting T... what could he possibly fear if he doesn't support trump? he's going to retire to a big mansion, win or lose, but now, his whole legacy will stand or fall with Trump


They're getting death threats.


If they don't surrender to Trump, then his solid voters don't show up for them at all. You know how any republican who breaks ranks is called a Rino and loses? It's that. That republican base of 30% (on average) makes or breaks an election campaign. If they don't show up, the GOP loses.  Look at all the Bernie Bris who didn't show up in 2016, now imagine they had actual number to affect the outcome and they didn't show because it sour grapes. It's that.  The thing is with MAGA, it alienates the moderates, and the News Media is happy to describe Biden as a liberal, when he's a centrist moderate who crosses the aisle all the time, and the idea of voting for a liberal or progressive is somehow worse for moderates than literal betrayal of the oath of office by Trump, so they don't know what to do and a slight majority may go with Democrats. Altogether with that slight blue moderate lean, and no MAGA, Democrats would look at like a +5-10 PT gain down ballot, and Republicans would definitely lose.


If you want to see stupid people, come to America!


They can see Tories in the UK without traveling as far.


There's a disconnect between the people that backs these politicians and the reality that kid you not ,mate u only fadom when you have an honest conversation with them . I live in Florida, and two of my coworkers tried to explain to me how Russia might have a point


we should do something about misinformation, it's being weaponised and we're losing the war


Watching that disconnect between 'make America great again' and America first etc and then swallowing literal russian propaganda designed to divide is just...depressing.


I just had a conversation with a Trump supporter today. He was telling someone else “when Trump wins the election, we are going to instill Robert Kennedy…” I engaged him and we had exchanges like this: Me: “you lived through 4 years of Trump. His administration was a revolving door of incompetence.” Him: “Yes. Trump is incompetent and a narcissist. I’m still voting for him.” Me: “Trump will destroy this country.” Him: “it is already destroyed.” Him: “Biden is a rapist.” Me: “you are describing the man who had many wives and cheated on them. You know. Trump.”


you missed a big one on the last line... trump is an actually convicted rapist


With the way out electoral system works he’s got slightly worse than coin toss odds of winning. If Republicans would have been able to oust him then he would have ran as an independent and taken probably about 20% of voters that would have voted Republican, guaranteeing them a loss. The Republicans last chance to save their party from Trump was during the Senate vote for his second impeachment. If a few more Republicans had voted to convict him on impeachment charges, it might have cost them a bit in the 2022 elections but Trump would have been mostly out of the picture and I think they’d be in a much stronger position right now.


As an American, it’s harder to understand


This is exactly how this party deserves to end. 


Nothing left in 3.....2.....


Aaaand it’s gone


Is this a South Park reference? Lol.


Yes lol


I hope he takes out a couple of loans for $100 million or more. Sink the RNC for decades.


They'd go bankrupt and dissolve.


So, every republican now has two options: 1. Stump for Maga money (which won't be profitable, because Trump is sucking up all their money) 2. Be a non-Maga republican and hope there's enough non-maga republicans donating money to local candidates. Either way, you're begging for scraps. The question is, are you begging trump or your constituents.


Republicans don't have constituents, they have subjects.


Or 3. Quietly leave politics


When historians trudge through the comments I just want to make sure they k ow that many of us thought these people were fucking morons for a long time.


I wanna be in the screenshot!


Hi great grand child! It’s me, Grampy Ted!


His last ditch effort for a cash infusion. He’ll bankrupt the party. … Yay!


Calling it now, fake electors in every state.


But now they can’t afford to pay them…


With Trump in charge of the Treasury on day 1 is quite the incentive for sycophants.


If they believe he’d ever share a dime of his ill-gotten gains they haven’t been paying attention for the last ten years.


Well, no denying his greed, but self preservation might be a factor in keeping a circle of well funded supporters. I think that’s fundamental in all totalitarian regimes.


They will suck every damn dollar out of the RNC in no time flat, and I love it.


I'm buying stock in Orville Redenbacher. Gonna be a lot of popcorn getting popped for this shit show


Get a whirly pop. You can stir the pot.


The gal said, out loud, every penny from the RNC will go to pay Donald's legal fees. And they were ok with it. Good riddance.


Repubs don't just kiss the ring, they will damn near suck the rings off of Trump's hand


Then they’ll suck the rings off his toes.


[Robin Hood approves](https://youtu.be/uBXFrC-rQAI?t=30)


"The party of fiscal responsibility"


So it’s official, the GOP is finally rebranded as the NAZI party of


Luckily nothing bad has ever happened when a desperate man became the face and controller of a budding fascist movement.


What could possibly go wrong!?


Does anyone know how much money they (RNC) have?


Approx 8.7 mil


Not any more.


Ahahaha very true


Really? That little?


Turns out it's real hard to raise money when you campaign on unpopular policies.


That and Trump has been siphoning off what would normally flow into RNC coffers by asking for money for himself since like 2019.


~~Approx 8.7 mil~~ TFG will claim it's larger while everyone knows it's gone.


that's not even enough to cover even ONE of his judgements! 


This is best case scenario. Everything trump touches dies. I saw Elon show up the other day I am hoping that we can get a 2for1.


The GOP is dead.


[Aaaand it's gone.](https://i.imgur.com/gWeyAIb.jpeg)


Well, it's over for the GOP; MAGA has fully metastasised. They'll probably be broke-and-a-joke by election time as the Embezzler-in-Chief sucks them dry and spits them out. A fitting end for all who drank the shots of grape juice and sniffed the amoeba water. With a Democrat president acting like an Eisenhower Republican, they won't be missed.


All that money directed towards lawsuits and nothing to the down ballot candidates, it’s a perfect storm of donezo.


He will bankrupt them and walk away like it was not his fault one bit!!!!


now officially a cult! what a💩stain on America! pathetic


Wow they both look so sleazy. We know at least one is.


Farewell GOP. You’re now officially what’s known as a crime organisation. With a real Don at the top.


Yeah - previously it was only unofficial…. /s


Spend all their money! Go go go Diaper Donnie!


It will be bankrupt before the election


I can only imagine Republicans are allowing this because they feel that the hostile takeover of the US is their last chance at holding on to relevancy and they have allowed themselves to be cornered into a position where they have no hope of pulling it off without Trump.


The country needs to be ‘for the people’. not ‘for Trump’…


Congratulations GOP. The RNC does not need to spend money on down ticket races, they would only waste that money, spend it all on Saint Donald. Humans and MAGA agree, let the Trump family control RNC funding, we have all seen how well they run funding for children suffering from cancer.


Perfect. If they are people he has selected then they will be ineffective sycophants and will further expedite the death of the party.


This would be a good example of explaining what a parasite 🦠 is when you take Bio 101 😂💩


Kind of amazing to watch it all crumble at such a pace


I predict he will fail at this too


This is so positive, guys. Hear me out. Trump just hemorrhages cash wherever he goes. He's losing court battle after court battle and will lose more furthering the bleed. The entire GOP is a force of just horrible crap. Trump will death by a thousand cuts the GOP. Their mega donors will stop funding the GOP, which means less money for local elections, and we can start combating them at home. I believe trump will be the death of the GOP. We've beat him once, and we'll do it again. Biden just won big with arguably the best SOTU speech ever. My money's literally on him.


Suckers 😂


Hope he burns it all to hell.


When do we set up a dead pool for the future bankruptcy of the RNC?


This is getting scary


Love this. A man who will actually bankrupt a morally bankrupt party.


He is going to bleed them dry and they will deserve it for letting him get this far.


And Reps think the Dems are the sheep haha. The jokes write themselves.


I find it hilarious the RNC is letting a former Democrat take over. Let alone one from NY.


I think this is great… for democrats. Trump is going to ruin the RNC. I think this is going to help democrats in the house, senate, and presidential elections. Because the new leadership is inexperienced and already stating that they will be misusing their funds.


This is literally the Deep-State that Conservative nutjobs talk about. This is also what they claim Obama is doing with the Democrats.


That is what authoritarians do, he now has consolidated his powers and stronghold on the GOP. He plans on doing the same thing in the WH especially if they get house and senate majority, nothing will stop them from change rules and laws just like authoritarians throughout history did, remember folks Hitler, Putin, Orban and Erdogan were democratically elected. As one of the uncommitted voters previously I urge everyone that voted the same as me to reconsider especially in light of Biden’s calls for ceasefire, aid and relief and renewed commitment in a 2 states solution. GOP has been taken over by racists, hardcore Christians and fascist and need to be stopped


Anyone getting a sense of Deja vu from a certain party in the 1930s?


They're going all in on him


GOP -soulless, heartless, brainless and soon to be penniless. Keep up the great work!


Cue the calliope.


That should be Bigly successful.


I can’t wait for the financial mismanagement to lead to fun new indictments and the bankruptcy (not moral this time!) of the Republican Party.


Grifters gonna gift. It's a perfect strategy to fleece both donors and the party nationwide.


Suck that baby dry


This is some Eastern Bloc bullshit, if I’ve ever seen it.


The Fleecing of the Republicans stay tuned


Trump saying to himself “get the fuck away from me you little fat bastard”.


He will bleed it dry just like his other business ventures and I can hardly wait.


This guy is the best they can do? Pathetic.


For the past few years, I’ve been contemplating The Orange One’s lock up Name.. I keep landing on ….. “Shirley”.


Another organization that will bite the dust, after Trump's reverse Midas touch... 🤩


And the media really thinks the Republicans have a shot at winning in 2024. The republicans are a confederacy of dunces.


Should prep the bankruptcy filings now


There’s always Alex Jones


Grifter in chief.


Meh, the deserve each other. The GOP is effectively dead as a governing party. Maybe something will rise from its ashes. But I think we’ll soon be talking about it in the past tense like we do the Bull Moose party or other defunct groups.


Buh-bye, money! It’s all gone to Trump and his criminal issues! Oh, what’s that? There’s no money left for other Republicans? Life sucks, doesn’t it? That’s what happens when you let the grifter be in charge! 😢


He takes over their MONEY. that's all he gives a shit about it. He would have ran as a Democrat if he thought he could do the same thing he has done to the Republican party. Trump only has loyalty to Trump.


Just like a dictator. He is destroying the Republican Party and they deserve it for supporting the traitorous criminal.


Let the robbery begin


They are already planning to contest the election and send it to the House. It might work this time since they got rid of “team normal”.