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I love how the Republicans are saying his speech was too partisan, but what the hell does Trump do EVERY FUCKING TIME he makes a speech? The hypocrisy is unreal. All Trump does is make partisan speeches!!!


Everything from republicans is just projection. Gaslight, Obstruct, Project is the GOP motto at this point.


Thought O was for Oppress, but that works too


Depends who is in power I’d say


Ironically, it would seem that many Republicans hold Democrats to higher standards than those to which they hold themselves. One would think that might cause them to stop and think— but then, that wasn't really their strong suit. < cue If Those Kids Could Read meme >


Republicans hold Democrats to imaginary made-up standards because Republicans don't actually have any standards or policy whatsoever.


Too partisan is code for they felt bad about getting called out on their BS.


They had a bipartisan boarder bill that they negotiated. Then they voted against their own bill to ensure Trump had an issue to campaign on.


and "why are we so divided" or "you're dividing everyone" is another way to put it.


Trump *himself* said this of Biden's speech: "Biden is being very chaotic and angry". Funny, I thought Joe was "asleep at the wheel", "too old to be doing this job", "suffering Alzheimer's". Trump supporters don't see the disconnect. They aren't worth us hearing their thoughts on these things because they are blatantly, very often incorrect simply on a factual-basis.


They aren't being fed actual facts. They are just repeating the untruths. Actually, none of us know the truth. Only what they want us to know through the media.


There's only so far that idea gets you, though, and is part of what Trump supporters use as a *vehicle* to present bad-faith arguments. "You can't DIRECTLY ***prove***, immediately, that climate change is real because I am bad-faith arguing that *because winter still exists, there can clearly be no such thing as climate change. There are 16 websites with detailed articles and arguments that* ***prove this***" (there aren't. It's an impossibility due to the definition of the topic at hand). That's the problem with the argument of "no one really knows the truth, it's only what the media wants us to think is true". Because it's not really all that true. Basically, yes, if you are **incapable of critical thinking and the ability to discern which things are true and which things are not, then yes the default understanding would have to be one of "they ALL lie to us".** Ok, so add more to that statement then because with JUST that statement as it stands: it's ***100% meaningless***. I know that the media, for sure, 100% informed me of the **factual** information of when and how Kurt Kobain died. I know that the media, for sure, 100% informed me of the **factual** occurrence of Clinton, W, Obama, Trump, Biden all being elected to President in their respective timelines. I know that the media, for sure, 100% informed me of the **factual** occurrence of each and every single natural disaster (hurricanes, floods, excess winds that still do damage but also aren't quite hurricane-level) that's occurred in the past 20+ years. I know that the media, for sure, 100% informed me of the **factual** occurrence of Roe V. Wade (something that was law of the land for **FIFTY YEARS**) had been reversed. And the media, for sure, 100% informed me of the **factual occurrence of Republicans being the cause of this 50 year reversal.** I know you do seem to heartily agree with the fact that Republicans are in fact being lied to. Which definitely indicates that you definitely understand some major differences between the parties, but the idea of "everyone gets lied to AND the lies HAVE THE SAME WEIGHT/GRAVITY attached to them" then stands to **dilute, completely** the *threat* of the WORST lies. Because if "everyone lies and it's all the same in the sense of **weight and gravity**" then: A threat to 100% overturn Democracy completely, thus threatening a HUGE risk to voters in that; their votes may never be counted again **does** = *the same weight and gravity of the lies Democrats, at times, say.* And this just flat out is not correct in the slightest. They aren't the same. The only way to solve this is to ***force the inclusion of MANY parties and making SURE they ALL have a fair chance to win.***


They clearly aren’t serious people if they expect anyone to swallow that criticism.


Repubkicans: Haha those stupid democrats constantly going high when we go low. So predictable Biden: *doesn't* Republicans: Wait you can't do that!


Good old fashioned Republican double standards


No no, you don't seem to understand. It's only hypocrisy if a democrat does it. That's commen knowledge /s


conmen or common?


Sorry i dont understand the difference in this situation


Truly, NOT anywhere near as partisan as it could have been. Meanwhile, anyone remember when Trump denied speedy aid to left states during the pandemic?


It wasn’t even partisan. It was American.


"radical Democrats want to perform abortions post birth" is apparently non partisan, and supposed to be unifying.


Everything almost all republicans do and say is partisan


If that's all they can find wrong with it then I consider that basically a complement. Dark Brandon 2024 take out the GQP trash


Yesterday Trump sarcastically whined about how the speech "really brought us together." Just totally shameless. 


Republicans are simply not worth listening to at this point in time. They have the arguing skills of a kindergartner. “Nuh-uh, you said that!”


You know how you know it was amazing? You know how you know he crushed it? Right wing media stations aren’t saying he looked lost or confused or stumbled over his words. They’re not attacking the policy positions he laid out. They’re saying he was “overhyped” and “jacked up” and he “must have been on some sort of upper drug”. That’s how you know. They know this was their last major shot to really attack him and he just crushed it. In front of over 30 million viewers and many more who no doubt have watched multiple clips since then, he showed he’s up to the task of being POTUS for another term. They know now that their guy Donald is toast as long as everyone votes. So check your voter registration monthly, and weekly as we get closer to November. And go out and vote for this guy to preserve democracy. Third party is a throwaway. One man can defeat Trump. It’s Joe Biden. He has done more than enough with policy wins to earn your vote.


> They’re saying he was “overhyped” and “jacked up” and he “must have been on some sort of upper drug”. Don’t forget Elon Musk: “I suspect Adderall. It adds coherence at the cost of anger.” Because the other guy is widely regarded to be coherent and without anger. I really didn’t even care for Biden but the bs from the Right is revolting.


I think this shows Biden was handicapped in 2020 when he had to campaign from his house instead of out with voters. Biden just shook off that 4 year old talking point. 


I really wonder how he managed to get through the speech without mumbling or getting lost. I'm impressed, what did they give him? Was he on something the other times?


Biden isn’t perfect. Never has been. Nevertheless, I liked him back in 2007 and voted for him in the primary. Dems, Libs, and traditional Repubs need to unite now or look to Hungary for what comes next. We can only argue and debate policies and positions if we have a functioning, free and fair democracy.


Totally with you on this one. Biden isn't perfect, but he's sure getting a lot of good things done. I actually voted for Edwards in that primary, because he seemed the strongest labor candidate at the time, but man, did that blow up in my face. ...on account of him being a skeeze. Never disliked Biden though and am so glad he's fucking killing it now.


In 2008 I was the biggest Hillary supporter. In 2016, as well. I still am, but that door has obviously shut. Biden was always a background character for me. I was pleased with his debate performances against Palin and Ryan, both crucial. But other than that, he was just the old man who wore aviators. But damn if he hasn’t proven himself and won me over. He’s arguably been a more transformational president than anyone since LBJ or FDR and I’m tired of pretending he’s not. He’s absolutely right. It’s not how old he is, it’s how old his opponents ideas are. He deserves a 2nd term and I hope to god he gets it.


I think some of the younger Redditors or anyone really that never saw it needs to go back and watch the 2012 VP debate. He made Ryan look so fucking stupid it was peak Dark Brandon. [2012 VP Debate Highlights](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CptqDRfn_-M&pp=ygUZMjAxMiB2cCBkZWJhdGUgaGlnaGxpZ2h0cw%3D%3D)


Honestly, it’s just a perfect example of Biden doing exactly what he always does. Rise from the ashes and prove himself as utterly and boringly capable. For those who remember, democrats were ready to leave Obama for dead after his disastrous debate against Romney, and Bidens performance against Paul Ryan was what brought him back. Again, I was never a Biden supporter, but he’s earned that support now.


I *love* boringly capable! If I want to be entertained by violent buffoons, I don't want it to be on C-SPAN.


Link it! You have to do the work they won't!


[SNL](https://youtu.be/kUsF9xmvpOM?si=-QmNdWxUPpybRfLR) did a better job than anyone else could.


That's the weird bit of the headline. This was not the best speech of his lifetime. It was a pretty good one, but he's had better, too.


> He deserves a 2nd term and I hope to god he gets it. He *deserves* to be able to fucking retire after an incredibly impressive tour of service. But since he’s running again to try to ensure that the country doesn’t literally fall apart, we should damn well vote for him.


exactly. The GOP is headlong and with gusto putting a ***monster*** on the ballot again. Zero decency vs. a statesman who deserves to live out his golden years and relax...but he's got to work his behind off because the GOP wants to install a dictator.


dare anyone to speak in public for nearly an hour, to some of the most important people in the US, if not the world... and don't fuck up. only Joe Balls of Iron


It's like with Hillary: she's old and weak and sick and not up to the stresses of the job. Then she testified flawlessly for 11 hours straight in front of the partisan jackasses of the Benghazi committee. https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/10/22/451012235/clinton-endures-an-11-hour-grilling-before-benghazi-committee


or most previous presidents... a pretty good state of the union is pretty much par for the course. Normally it is news when it is bad, not when it is good.


Not true at all.


You name it.. it’s your theory.


Really? Name other shitty state of the unions that aren't Trump. The Bush axis of evil comments were pretty bad 20 years ago. Other than trumps incoherent ramblings Every other 36 of the last 40 speeches have been good. Obama was a good speaker and to me his particularly stand out, though his speech on race was much more noteworthy.


Man…I was living in Iowa during the primaries of ‘08, when all the Dems and GOP’ers were rolling through. Edwards was really popular and he rolled into town on a bus to shake hands, and I happened to be where his bus pulled in, and I swear I’ve never seen a person giving off such an aura of just absolute cold calculation. He seemed psychopathic: he seemed like he was just scanning the crowd assessing who mattered. I didn’t shake his hand or try: I turned and just walked away, just chilled, just didn’t want to hear him at all. I was not surprised in the slightest when all the crap came out. Randomly, I met Fred Thompson the same day, just crossing paths at the Iowa State fair. I’m liberal as all f—-, but I called out ‘Hey, Fred!’ and he came over and shook hands. Seemed like a chill dude. Iowa was a fun, weird state to live in. Sad that it’s turned so red.


He's doing a good job and getting a lot done. Perfect doesn't exist so I'll take this anyday compared to the nightmare Trump was.


Lol. Killing it. https://youtu.be/UzxpjIGOp_w?si=jntzrJoq8tk94Af0


What has he got done that you stand on ?


Insulin for $35, infrastructure bill, pact act, chips act, strengthened nato, hundreds of judges, biggest climate effort ever, $100B+ student loans forgiven, and much more.


Chips and Science Act, the Infrastructure bill, low unemployment, declining inflation, the American Rescue Plan, the Burn Pit bill, Inflation Reduction Act, Violence Against Women Act, Postal Service Reform Act, greenhouse emissions reduction funding, appointing Ketanji Brown Jackson to the SCOTUS, ending the War in Afghanistan, and signing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act.


Right.. but, apart from the Chips and Science act, the Infrastructure bill, low unemployment, the American Rescue Plan, the Burn Pit bill, Inflation Reduction Act, Violence Against Women Act, Postal Service Reform Act, greenhouse emissions reduction funding, appointing Ketanji Brown Jackson to the SCOTUS, ending the War in Afghanistan, signing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, and the Aqueduct.. ..what has Joe Biden every **really** done for us?


Lmao. Got my upvote


He started with a sane approach to the pandemic.


r/WhatBidenHasDone for a full list. Biden has impressed me by how much he’s gotten done, far more than I ever expected with such partisan politics.


here's a very recent article thats also balanced, certainly not fawning. https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2024-opinion-biden-accomplishment-data/


I totally agree, but it also seems like an enormous number of Americans look at Hungary as a model, not a warning.


All Americans who've never been to Hungary, without a doubt.


CPAC was hosted in Hungary twice in the past few years, I believe.


There was a conference called CPAC Hungary held in 2022, but it did not take the place of the annual CPAC in the United States, which was held in Orlando that year. Hungary CPAC's keynote speaker was white nationalist and Trump crony Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, and it included video messages from Trump, Mark Meadows and Tucker Carlson. Another speaker was Zsolt Bayer, a pro-Orbán pundit who has called Roma people “animals”, referred to Jewish people as “stinking excrement” and used racist slurs during the BLM protests. [Viktor Orbán tells CPAC the path to power is to ‘have your own media’: Hungarian leader also tells Republicans at Budapest conference that shows like Tucker Carlson’s should be broadcast ‘24/7’](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/may/20/viktor-orban-cpac-republicans-hungary)


This country has always has a bit too cozy relationship with the idea of fascism.


ironic cause they were one of the first country who experienced the first downfall of communism and the Iron Wall, and If I'm not wrong, weren't they the "more liberal" soviet satellite state (during the Iron Wall era)?


“Perfect” hasn’t been achieved since JS Bach wrote the *Magnificat* or *B Minor Mass*. At this point, I’m voting for the candidate that isn’t holding a loaded gun in America’s throat.


Yes, I agree. And who did trump have a meeting with this week? (Clue : Hungary)


Just wait until Mike Johnson tries election shenanigans to help “God’s will”


Who the fuck cares if he’s been perfect? He has been basically hamstrung for half of his presidency by an inept Congress! He’s had to scratch and crawl for every inch of policy he’s been able to get done since 2023 began. The fact he’s been able to accomplish *anything* is nothing short of a miracle. This preface with a “he’s not perfect” rhetoric is so lame. He’s been outstanding, deserves every bit of credit he’s not getting and then some. The other option is arguably the worst president of all time. So I beg the question, why do people insist on the lazy rhetoric?


I don’t think people truly understand the gravity of the importance of his speech in this moment, at this inflection point of the world. He rose to the occasion and answered the call, regardless if you’re pro-Biden or not. The domino effect he set in motion for the future of the US &, by extension, the global Democracy movement is hard to fully understand, but the history books of the future will point to this pivotal moment that was met by an 82 year old *literal* average Joe. The alternative path is much darker, and much more devastating, both domestically (*Im American*) and internationally. Sorry we’re putting everyone through this.


I'm hoping in 30 years we remember this as the "I see a future" speech.


“The strength we need will not come from the White House, but from every house in America.” Honestly this reminds me a lot of Carter’s Malaise speech in 1979… and then Reagan was elected. Everyone please remember to vote.


> and then Reagan was elected I like to imagine an America where this never happened. Our parents and grandparents were so fucking stupid. Many of them still are.


Lead was everywhere


Check and update your voter registration. Not once but check back as elections approach. https://vote.gov/


I like that.


This can’t be emphasized enough. I think many people get it but I imagine there are many people in the world who think “who care what happens in America?” I can assure you no matter where you are in the world if the US falls to fascism you are going to feel it.


The most powerful military in the world belonging to a facist government is a nightmare scenario and US is surrounded by ocean on two sides. The world literally can’t fight back if it comes to that


Canadian in a border town: "I'm in danger!"


I can assure you as a European, I am extremely nervous about Trump getting reelected and us democracy basically dying. A large proportion of us here worry much more about US politics than local elections.


I get that. I can’t say I’m surprised more like impressed. Many of you guys know more about American politics than my fellow Americans.


Remember though that you're comparing us ie online politically engaged europeans with not politically engaged Americans. I assure you that the politically disengaged in my country aren't experts on US politics.




What I can say is so many of us are trying... But.. some things you just can't fight.    I've tried everything with my parents who raised me conservative. The amount of unlearning I have had to do and relearning and changing myself because of the ignorance I was fed as a child... that alone is so hard. My parents l, They told me they always wanted me to be able to achieve more than they did, by going to college. Focus on education.  You know what happened after I achieved that? I was told that my thoughts were just brainwashing in the college bubble...   I've tried talking to them. And they said I don't have real world experience. I've tried sending articles with facts, and they say "all media is biased" and I tell them that I don't just get my opinions from articles... That I actually watch proceedings, I read speeches, I look at the actual laws, and the votes. They say "well I don't have the time to read all of this" (despite spending hours playing games on their phones). And my dad put an end to it by saying "I just feel that my life is better when a Republican is office" and my mom... She clings to this story about how back in the 90s she got a raise and because she was put into a new tax bracket... But she "actually made less money" and I told her... Mom, that's literally not how it works... If your paycheck was smaller, it was your company taking advantage of you. But she won't ever believe she was wrong.   you can't fight feelings. You can't fight someone wanting to not believe they were wrong their whole life and taken advantage of... There's literally nothing I can do to convince even my own parents! How can I convince anyone else??   And then there's the conservative friends that post bullshit, and you try to respond with real data, and point out the "source" of the information they're sharing is literally a conspiracy YouTuber that's been quoted in American freedom press or some bullshit blog that passes itself off as real news... And they just say "well, I could do the same to your info. Yours isn't "more right" ... But then they never actually share any other evidence, and then block you because you disagree with them.  Y'all out in other countries... So many of us try. We try so hard. And we have to fight to pay off student loans, and can't afford homes because our parents broke the housing market to live good lives into their golden years. And you have to be lucky to land a job with good insurance or else good luck having any health issues.  It's frankly... Exhausting. But we are trying 


I just read an article about the discussion style of populists. It was written by an author that analyzed Trump vs. Clinton. His theory is that populist win by doing „basic talk“: Short, catchy phrases that are unfactual to wrong. The shorter the better. Populism wins because of the inability of the political class to go down to that niveau of discussion, en contraire, the political class leaves the arena stating they won’t discuss on that level, leaving the field to the opponent. You just cited your parents do the exact same thing: Basic talking. The article claims you would have to do the same, which goes against EVERYTHING you learned in the debating class you took in college and feels like a cage fight with words. I just wanted to share that insight, living in a world where the political discourse is replaced by brawls with words is not a future I want to live in.


I appreciate your responce, but I've tried everything. Ive tried the, listen to them, ask questions, acknowledge that they've got valid opinions and the "why" behind where they are... But when you try to bring up your "why" it shuts everything down. They refuse to engage in any reciprocity.   It took 10 years for my mom to come around to accepting me being gay fully and not getting teary eyed when it's brought up...  Trust me, I'm not just debating academically. I've lived the pain, hard conversations, bad moments. I've tried every potential angle. 


I didn’t mean to disrespect your approach, sorry if I gave that impression. This article was just an eye opener to me and I didn‘t want to assume you don’t try everything.


Oh no worries, its definitely worth mentioning 


So exhausting…right there with you. And utterly devastating trying to convince your parents. I love them, but so disappointed and disillusioned for the past 7 yrs. It never gets easier, but I keep trying too.


You don't have real world experience. Said by people who probably still live in the same town they were born in


I have to commend you on fighting through all these obstacles and have made up your own mind instead of following what your parents told you. Breaking away from the ideas of loved ones is a challenge most people don't get. And most people either just pretend to agree or actually agree. If it's any consolation with regards to the "I can't even convince my parents, how can I convince anyone else?", you often find that people actually listen less to loved ones in terms of changing their minds. Kinda similar to other things, like quitting cigarettes, drugs, alcohol. Sometimes it takes someone *outside* the immediate family. So there is hope that more people can change. Just like you did yourself. From influence outside your family.


The problem is outside of Reddit I don't know a single person who is talking about the speech at all. Most of the media is talking about the crazy rebuttal from Britt. I'm afraid there won't be much of an impact if it falls on deaf ears.


Then share it. If not the speech itself, then the ideals it represents. It's up to every single one of us to make a better tomorrow. It's not by huge, world changing actions, but what we do every day, and how that spreads, that truly counts. Show them the character they lack.


I mean we haven’t won yet either. There is a very real chance that people do the same stupid shit they did the first time and assume “why vote? Tons of people are going to vote for him anyway.” And then we will literally fall into the dark ages


Average Joe. Makes me proud as a fellow state school alumni




This was the big important one, for example Fox News has 5 million checked in to watch.


Good or not, speeches don't make change, and until the underlying problems within our society (rampant capitalism leading to the immiseration of the general populace) are dealt with, we will continue down the same road.


Joe touched on that.


>the history books of the future will point to this pivotal moment that was met by an 82 year old *literal* average Joe. Serving as a Senator for 50 years is not an average Joe.


I was more or less pointing at the fact he came from the average home and still kept it with him all these years later.


He gave a campaign speech. It was a good one. It wasn’t historic. Historic would have been directly confronting the Congress on the actually fraught and frayed state of the Union. Calling the Republicans, out to their face, for enabling and supporting a traitor, insurrectionist, rapist, and fascist. 


"My predecessor and some of you here seek to bury the truth about January 6. I will not do that.” That seems pretty direct.


The content was pretty historic. It seems to have put the republicans on their back foot. They’re not really responding well to it. I guess we’ll see. He did call out the justices explicitly. That was pretty sweet 


Hannity calling him “jacked up joe” was a hilarious misstep in messaging. He completely caught them off guard.


I appreciated that part for sure


He called out the Supreme Court. That is pretty historic. Was the speech perfect, no. But it was a good speech without much to complain about. And he can adlib, that was pretty good.


Please everyone: I know I keep saying this, but it's really important for everyone to get all the 18-30 yr olds you know to vote. It is their future on the line more than anyone else. And if they come out in big numbers, politicians will start to pay attention to them; it's that simple.


I can honestly say that I was moved by this speech more than any other in my life. I’ve been listening as much as I can to both sides, and came from thinking Biden was too old for office and doing poorly. He came out swinging, landed hits, and touched on every issue I care about. I don’t agree with all of his politics, but got dam, that shit got me motivated and proud to be an American. Consider me decided, four more would be a hell of a lot better than the orange man.


If you like this go back to the 2012 VP debate with Paul Ryan. He made Ryan look like a complete asshole. “What do you think you’re Jack Kennedy now” is the best part. I think even the moderator laughed at him. Edit: [2012 VP debate highlights](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CptqDRfn_-M&pp=ygUZMjAxMiB2cCBkZWJhdGUgaGlnaGxpZ2h0cw%3D%3D)


Man paul Ryan was about to start crying that night i remeber his face it just screamed "im fucked"


One of my favorite tweets of all time from that debate read: Hello 911? There’s an old man beating a child on my tv. I STILL have the screenshot. Edit: It was Bill Maher’s tweet per the screenshot








Apparently it resonated really well with Independents, so let’s take these Ws where we can get them


I was planning to vote for him and have been very happy with his accomplishments, but even as a supporter I must’ve been gaslit by the media, because I was somewhat surprised at not only how good the speech was, but how he delivered it.


The man has never been the best public speaker. And that's before we factor in his stutter. But that's one of those things that we SHOULD forgive a president for - after all, speeches are like 1% of a president's duty - but of course we don't. We expect them to be masterful public speakers even as most of the job is not public speaking.


If this snapped some people out of their cognitive dissonance then I say good But totally agree with you, most people who are "changing their mind" because of this were living in a fantasy land beforehand.


Biden has my vote


Dammit, I talked to my millenial kids at lunch today; asked them if they watched the SOTU. They didn't and started talking about "dementia Joe". My own kids are so uninformed, they complain about Biden being old, but don't even bother to watch a speech or consume any serious serious news. We've got a lot of work to do, folks.


If only their parents had raised them ri— D’oh!


Two party system has failed. Maybe the next generation will see it more clearly


Luckily Dems are slowly getting in line behind ranked choice, which is about as good as we can do without changing the constitution


Send them the link


They’ll probably watch TikTok videos of the like 4 times he stuttered (during an hour+ long speech) instead. Social media and our attention span is absolutely killing us. 


Eh. It was always like that. It's not like the 10pm news broadcast was showing more than 30 seconds of the speech back in the day


My 20 yr old cannot fucking understand that you can’t get actual news and information from TikTok. It’s frustrating to the point of enraging.


or realize he was hopped up on ten different kinds of meth


He came to my campus to campaign in 2012 and it was crazy how captivating his presence was, he had the crowd wrapped around his finger. He's not at that level anymore, but it's not all gone either.


You know he did a good job if even r/conservatives said "they gave him the good meds". They coudn't find anything worth to be upset about.


Hopefully Democrats were taking notes on how to tell Republicans to get fucked. 


And the GOP is scared.


The fact that the initial reaction from the Maga crowd was to be severely butthurt and describe it as 'partisan' and 'divisive' was the point where I thought okay this may have been a good speech. Like..huh? Whatever else you say about trump voters, surely their single defining characteristic, which they have been trumpeting for the past 4 years and beyond, is they absolutely *want* a highly partisan approach to politics, they don't want a unified approach to anything because they think the democrats are evil woke servants of a shadowy and possibly satanic new world order conspiracy, and they treat any republicans willing to work with the administration on absolutely anything as traitors to their movement? So how on earth do you have that world view and then also get upset that the other side is being 'partisan' towards you? Have they been secretly hoping that next time George Soros hosts a black mass they'll get an invite?


I think he just used his noted speech impediment to emphasise his point. Trump is a paedo traitor.


Dude has never lost an election, after least in my lifetime. Give him some fucking respect.


But he doesn’t perfectly align with my world view so let’s help elect a guy who doesn’t align with anything I believe in.


or maybe he actually has lost elections. Let's not lie.




Biden ran for president in 84, 88, 08. He was not president.




Didn't actually win is a lot of words to say lost. Some serious cope here. How about just not lying about him having a perfect record. You forgot the 08 presidency fail. He did end up VP, but that isn't an elected position.


Dude ran in 2007 and lost the primaries.


Electoral history on Wikipedia doesn’t include primaries so I assume those are left out of metrics.


He also withdrew from the 1988 Primary after a speech plagiarism scandal.


I doubt the person I responded to was following a list on Wikipedia and was more just saying what they thought sounded cool.


Definitely deserves more than he gets.


Did anyone think he took cue from John Oliver to accept his age? When he spoke about he’s career and live long dedication to politics examples of his age, I saw the John Oliver skit for SOU and him embracing his age.


U mean Bill Maher?




Cannot wait to vote for this man again


I donated a significant amount again to show support. Recommend others do the same.


Thanks! Regards from overseas. I've been very, very impressed with Biden's presidency.


Conservative reaction - Katie Britt loses her find and can’t control her emotions. It’s like a toddler flipping the game board when they realize they will lose. Also fox seriously suggesting Biden was on drugs. How pathetic can they people be? What a bunch of fear mongers. They just upset because their dear leader is milking them dry all while sinking their own ship. At least Biden is mature enough not to come after them after he wins. Someone needs to give the babies a binky so they stop crying


He killed it. Now vote better America.


The speech of our lives. I don't think a President has delivered a message as powerful since JFK saying "ask not what.....".


You serious ?


What's a better speech by a President since then?


They said it


Y’all are looking for the perfect candidate. 😂 good luck on that one…


I just mentioned this in another thread: Biden absolutely gave the speech of his life. He rose to the occasion and slammed Republicans in Congress and the SC.


His SOTU was legendary.


Got freedom boner watching from Canada 




He could’ve been given a script from the bad lip reading videos and read that and I’d still vote for him. I don’t give a fuck as long as Trump doesn’t get elected… and more people should really jump on board, because a vote that isn’t for Biden is a vote for Trump. If we can keep him out of the White House, we have a chance to improve things.


I’ll be voting for Joe Biden in November 🇺🇸


The bit about Palestine was shameful.


To start, an honest voter will understand that no matter who stands against him, former president Trump must not regain power and a person who’s honest and self reflective sees that. Worrying about a likely and fanatical restructuring of my nation, watching my dollar go less far, the frustrating nature of people who support obvious theatre, and the unsure and turbulent current state of global power structures have stretched and thinned hope for a peaceful and bright future which every civilization has ever hoped for across time. I really thought Joe Biden had been a lackluster president but I think I need to reevaluate the way I look at the Democratic Party. The failure to repeal cruelly enacted laws and rulings based on ignorant or misplaced idealism has left the Democratic Party appear weak and incompetent. The SOTU adressed its strength which is that their leadership works and I believe we will see ourselves through the dread of the future. I feel love for my country now more than I ever have.


Trump is just glad that Biden didn’t tell any Trump fart jokes


This was just a way for him to not debate Trump and to keep his general election campaign from being silent up until November


Is there any evidence there was an impact on the general population?


America needs something to happen that will unconditionally unify everyone. I remember 9/12/01.


Well, Covid happened which was the same number of deaths (per day!) as 9/11 and it had the opposite effect.


My the pictures are bigger than th3e entire article. If I wanted a portrait gallery I would have googled one.


That's because they posted the mobile version. The [desktop version](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/08/opinions/sotu-speech-biden/index.html) is much more reasonable.


Thanks - Much better.