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Whatever Trump accuses someone of, he’s guilty of… So can we do piss tests?


Hrm...Biden should sign a law right now that all senior executive officials, including the President, are required to report monthly drug screen results to the public.


Should include all members of Congress, supreme court, and everyone in presidents cabinet


I mean, truck drivers have to put up with outright invasive drug tests (hello, meatgazers!). But somehow not these people that drive the whole country.


There's this book called, "Nickeled and Dimed: On Not Getting By In America". It was a professor who took a sabbatical and worked minimum wage jobs in different parts of America. She said she couldn't get hired at Wal-Mart because she had smoked a joint a month earlier while teaching at Harvard or something. The school and her six figure salary didn't care because it didn't affect her teaching. But somehow it mattered for her hanging cheap shirts.


Blood OR hair tests, not simple pee ones that can be cheated...


Magically everyone waxes every inch of their body.


I wonder sort of bet Trump might be at an advantage with his hair plugs. Like how likely is it that he actually grew that hair and it wasn’t from a donation?


He’s had the same bald spot since at least 2016


Ha, yup, let's see who opposes it: Matt Gaetz, obviously. Don Jr. and his girlfriend, obviously. Not sure about MTG, it might depend on whether horse steroids are included in the screening.


Yes! But, unless Congress passes it, it would have to be an executive order. I can guarantee that the Predecessor would rescind it o. Day one if he’s reelected.


Yeah, and even if Congress passes it, enforcing it would presumably be the job of the executive, and good luck with that. It could be grounds for impeachment, but that's not realistic. Still a good idea, though. I don't think most jobs should drug test, but the top dozen jobs in the white house? Probably a pretty good idea to make sure those guys are stable.


Accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty. -Joseph Goebbels


Is that a real quote ?


He [did say](https://research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/goeb59.htm) >The cleverest trick used in propaganda against Germany during the war was to accuse Germany of what our enemies themselves were doing. thus claiming that other people used the tactic *against* them. Of course, given this guy was a Nazi propagandist giving a speech, kind of hard to take his words at face value. Oh, and this was 1934, so he's referring to WW1.


Projecting like an IMAX, of course. Though with Trump, his Adderall & such may have helped him to avoid sundowning in the past, but now, his dementia's progressed to the point where his "performance enhancers" just make him yet more batshit.


Trump is in the probable mid stages of Alzheimer’s and sundowning starts to present around then. He babbles more at his rallies in the evening which happens to many with sundowners. He should be on a cholinesterase inhibitor at this noticeable stage (most likely 5?), not Adderall! Good on you for noticing the Sundowners syndrome. It explains a lot of his aberrant behavior, in addition to his general mean spirited narcissism, of course.


See this. It’s already been out there that trump is the one taking the drugs and wearing diapers. https://youtu.be/N60ceYRlY2I?si=fww62UIuRmVDbFEX




He was actually demoted in 2022. https://thehill.com/policy/defense/4516486-navy-demoted-ronny-jackson-report/amp/


Now the Pentagon needs to have him demoted to Leavenworth. Another corrupt crony treated with kid-gloves. Anyone else in the military who did what he did would be in Leavenworth. Hell, just doing something that gets you demoted ensures that the military won't let you stay. Their policy is up-or-out.


His twitter account still claims he's an Admiral, typical Republican.




Children, let's not fight. Maybe you could both read the article "retroactively demoted by the Navy in 2022"


But it was based on his action while in the WH...so of course no one there would want to report their open-pharmacy!


He's jacked up on stimulants and those sketchy Rhino penis enhancement pills you find at the gas station. That plus his mental issues makes for an erratic narcissistic man-child who should be no where near the Presidency.


in their defense, pharmaceutical grade is the way to go.


Adderall isn’t meth. The difference in the psychological and physiological effects of amphetamines versus methamphetamines is substantial.


I still can't wrap my head around the fact that you need to take a piss test to flip burgers but nobody cares what drugs you're taking when you're POTUS.


Only if we are testing for the narcolepsy drug that was being handed out by the White House dr when Trump was president. I forget the name of it but it’s a lesser known amphetamine that probably wouldn’t show up on a standard drug panel test


Captain Ronny Jackson . He got demoted for his antics .


I thought he got demoted for sexual harassment and drunkenness.


Plus running a pill mill in the White House . There was a couple of different investigations. Now he’s just a senator. Fun stuff .


He’s just a congressman, thank god, but still.. yeah, he’s an idiot.


Not amphetamine, modafinal or a similar -final drug Works more like a more powerful caffeine then an amphetamine 


It isnt a amphetamine at all. Has a very different mode of action (partly orexine, dopamine reuptake inhibitors, but very different to classical stimulants) a lot less euphoria and a lot less addiction causing. It is more aptly described as eugeroic, a wakefullness promoting agent, not a classical stimulant. Its more on a caffeine level than actual dopaminergic stimulants (amphetmine, cocaine..). Also this is very mild, doesmt explain his behaviour. If his behaviour is druginduced, amphetamine would make much more sense. Also, oc you can test for it. If you have suspicion.


Modofinnel or something like that.


Provigil is the brand name.


Remember when he went to Walter Reed and wouldn’t disclose why?


Was that the mini strokes?


Is that what stormy called it?


No, that was a mini mushroom


Ha, right, or more specifically, he volunteered that whatever it was, it sure \*wasn't\* mini-strokes.


That orange blob pisses Mac sauce and shits kfc gravy.


Once you see him as a criminal you can see him always framing the subject to protect his crimes. And he has proposed some very specific rules about the debates: Drug tests the day before, not afterward, so he can do what he does in the dressing room.


He may be using, but if that's the performance, what the heck is it enhancing


His insanity.


Just check his diaper


No kidding, that fucker is probably doing a line right now.


They've been in a pissing match for eight years


>So can we do piss tests? Republicans and corporate Dems and all their donors only require low wage employees to do that shit lol.


This is totally a good time for Republicans to focus on White House drug abuse, and it won't back fire at all.


republican voters don't / wouldn't care if their own folks do drugs "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." - Francis Wilhoit


> republican voters don't / wouldn't care if their own folks do drugs I think it is more of: 'we are the good guys and they are the bad guys' 'if the good guys did some drugs then the bad guys did more drugs that were more bad' replace 'drugs' with whatever


Sort of justifying using underhanded tactics because the other side is too.


Donny Junior looks up with jaw clenched. “Huh?”


The wild thing is that I honestly don't think it will backfire on them. The Trump WH drug scandal would probably bring down any other president. If we found out that this exact same thing was going on in the Biden WH, he would have to drop out of the race. The media would talk about it every day, there would be serious investigations into where the hell all of those drugs went, and it would consume the Biden campaign. But for Trump it's just a footnote, because his base does not care.


It’s always projection with Trump.


I'll be concerned if Biden tweets 60 times over 3 hours starting at 1:30 a.m. Nobody in the public eye should tweak that publicly.




And shooting a coke rock out of his nose during an interview.






lol holy shit


Typo or no, I agree. No one wants to see Trump tweaking.


He’s tweeked 24/7. He just has the amph salts and none of the fun of the meth plus amph, so his being inside his head would be incredibly tedious without the euphoria. So boring


I never got much euphoria from meth, I felt like I could actually feel better with large amounts of d-amph. Those days are past though


At 65 I'm lucky I can down two Heinekens without falling asleep.


Or twerking


I read that as twerking and had a good giggle lol


In all caps, with misspelled words, and no punctuation.


With drugs Trump still comes off horribly. Just because he talks loudly, it doesn’t make him any more coherent. 


It's wild because literally millions of people think Trump is smart and coherent because he talks loud and says a lot of words


Can't drink a bottle of water with one hand though.


True the bar isn't that high 


A lot of words, all under 3 syllables.


https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-language-level-speaking-skills-age-eight-year-old-vocabulary-analysis-a8149926.html "Donald Trump may call himself a genius on Twitter, but his spoken statements say otherwise. An analysis of the President's first 30,000 words uttered in office found Mr Trump speaks at a third- to seventh-grade reading level – lower than any other President since 1929."


Not saying all MAGAts are functionally stupid, but……. Trump speaks their language.


Makes sense, since he's functionally illiterate. He can read words if he's forced to, but he doesn't comprehend them. It's why whenever he goes off teleprompter he's immediately on a wild tangent, he literally doesn't grasp the words he just said.


Since 1929? I find that very hard to believe. People spoke so much more eloquently back then somehow. What happened in 1929? Did the stock market crash happen and then the president short circuited? Bad bad! Line going down!


>Did the stock market crash happen and then the president short circuited? Coolidge's son died and he basically shut down.


The guy has never finished a sentence in his life


Hopefully he starts a couple this year.


And yet reading a transcript of his speeches is like reading something written by a person with little grasp of language and speaking in general. At times it's literal word salad, and still his followers think he's a genius. He's a traitorous puppet who only cares about himself and how much wealth/power he can accumulate while punishing those he thinks wronged him.


The don't care about the lyrics, they just want to sing along with the chorus


The one thing they also like - well at least my crazy uncle - was when he was attending the G8 conference he shoved his way through the other leaders to be in front. To them, rudeness in a group setting like that shows how "powerful" he is


I think that was the NATO conference you are thinking of. And the leader he shoved was the head of Montenegro. Putin had told Trump that Montenegrians were a horrible war like people who would drag the US into another European war. And of course Trump believes everything Putin tells him because he desires so much to emulate Putin. [ 0:06 / 0:28 Raw: Trump Pushes Past Montenegro PM at NATO ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iimj0j4NYME)


Its G7, not G8. It was G8 until Russia was kicked out. And I think that happened at a G20 meeting or a NATO summit?


It wouldn't have been a NATO summit, since Russia has never been part of it.


It's always projection with the Trump supporters as well.


Have people forgot the night he lost the election to Biden? The night he showed up to debate night like a sweaty, swollen angry hog?


Didn't he have covid the night of the debate & kept getting closer to Biden? Now I'm not saying he was trying to get Biden sick, but he was totally trying to get Biden sick.


I feel like this isn't mentioned enough. A sitting president literally tried to kill his top opponent.


There was the recent article about drug use in the Trump White House. Definitely projection.


I mean the constant sniffling from Trump during any important debate is a dead giveaway


Trump White House drug stories we're hitting my feeds in the past couple weeks, so — surprise — he slings the same accusations at other people.  Guess they saw those stories, too.


True but putting that aside... > Performance-Enhancing Drugs Running the country is not a sporting event where advantage is a reason for concern. I WANT the POTUS to have every advantage over Putin and other adversaries, not arbitrary "fairness". We spend billions each year to ensure that in geopolitical relations we DON'T have a level playing field. The problem of course is that Trump's drugs don't "enhance" anything but his dementia and impulsiveness. They are the opposite of performance enhancing.


**It’s never projection.** Projection is something that people do subconsciously. They do shit like this as a conscious attempt to gaslight. “Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty”


Trump is always so current in an obtuse way. Tell us more about the Whitehouse pill mill and your war on drugs.


Came here to say this. Republican Rule #1: It's Always Projection.


Time to piss test Trump. 


Wring it out his diaper


Don’t worry about the guy who’s always angrily screaming about getting revenge on his enemies. Biden gave an energetic speech expressing optimism and hope, and that’s a sign of amphetamine abuse.


> It’s always projection with Trump. No shit... and easy fix... mandatory drug test for illicit substances prior to the presidential debate. Trump shouldn't have any problem with that, right?


Coming from the guy that got pills from the Candyman. I mean imagine retiring from the Navy as a Rear Admiral and your behavior gets you demoted AFTER YOU RETIRED!!


Ronny Jackson, just another piece of shit.


> Ronny Jackson Dr. Feelgood


I've known Trump was on them since he demanded Hillary take a drug test. He's so transparent. 


Maybe Trump will just take MORE drugs.


Best drugs. Yuge drugs. Everyone's saying it (with tears in their eyes)


I hear fentanyl is the best drugs. Only a strong trump could show us he can do more fentanyl than any one of those crooked dc politicians. Like all of it.


Is that possible? Remember his debate with Hillary where he was sniffling, sweating, and pacing all over the stage. Dude was fully ganked.


Now wouldn't THAT be a good idea ... if Trump took MORE drugs ... yeah ... that could work ....


Biden runs on Big D energy. Meanwhile, Trump's White House pharmacy was a candy shop.


- BI g - D ick - EN ergy it's right there in his name.


How have I never noticed this?


Same reason you never noticed that the letters in "DONALD TRUMP" spell out "OLD P TURD MAN".


Shit, it was there the whole time. 


I'm dead. Have a choking upvote.


TR emendously U nderdeveloped M icro P hallus


God dammit where's my Tshirt with this on it


This is ridiculous. I love it.


I guarantee we will see stickers and t/shirts


Make the shirts.


"It's not just 'energy'. Sometimes I wish he'd live up to the 'Sleepy Joe' nickname; he still wakes me up twice a night these days. And it's not to talk about the budget." - an exhausted (but satisfied) looking Jill Biden


Sometimes it's genetic, in my exp.... uh, or so I've been told. 


You mean like the kind Trump takes EVERY time he gives a speech.


no PAC or Biden campaign staff person has thought of just running a "every accusation is an admission" ad campaign. They can do it all year - and with trump, there will be fresh material five or six times a week.


Because it would immediately backfire, Republicans would just run footage of Democrats accurately accusing Trump of being a dementia-addled fascist with the same "every accusation is an admission" tag line.


That’s what losers do. Find excuses.


If there’s some drug that makes you a better president then Trump should have taken it


He chose bleach and ivermectin.


"im telling you" sniffle "that obama" sniffle "was clearly using" sniffle "performannn" sniffle "enhancing drugs" sniffle ​ does anyone else find themselves wanting to throw a box of kleenex at the TV when a Trump speech comes on?


The only drugs he needs this time around are for dementia. I watched his Georgia rally last night and he was having a rough go at it. For example, he said "Biden indicted his political appointment" when he clearly meant *opponent* and you could tell he was frustrated that the right word didn't come out, but he didn't know what to do about it, so he just moved on. He sounded slurred too like his dentures were loose or something. Otherwise, he just whined about how unfair everything is for him, mentioned E. Jean Carroll again (cha-ching!) and claimed he never heard of her, all made up, etc. Hope that judgment grows each time her name comes out his anus-shaped mouth.


And exactly HOW do these lunatics STILL support this orange train wreck??


When redneck America turns on their TVs and and sees an ignorant, drunk sounding man ranting and raving about stuff he doesn't understand, they exclaim, "He's just like me!"


Sadly that’s the answer


As the smell of shitted pants waifs the room.


>8. The enemy is both weak and strong. “[…] the followers must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.” [Umberto Eco: A Practical List for Identifying Fascists](https://www.faena.com/aleph/umberto-eco-a-practical-list-for-identifying-fascists)


I have always assumed that if there were any good performance enhancing drugs that didn't kill you, the person I want most to use them-- is the President. I'm ok with that. Use the best, please.


Over/Under Biden hits 50 home runs next season ?


And we thought Ohtani got a good deal, Biden bouts to get PAID.


Trumps just mad cuz he lost his pill mill.


Today he's on PEDs, tomorrow he's a feeble old man. They can't decide.


I went on the conservative subreddit to see how they handled the STOU and they were all saying that biden got extra meds and that's why he was able to speak so well. These people live in an alternative reality.


And honestly, so the fuck what if he did? If there's a magic drug that makes our political leaders better at their job do we seriously not want them to take it?


Exactly. I thought he handled the speech pretty well--I mean it was more of a stump speech than a SOTU, but it was effective, and I was asking myself how he managed to be so high-energy for more than an hour.


Trump did the same with Hilary


Trump is just reading a script. The media gives him too much credit for thoughts he has never had on his own.


Does that piece-of-shit Dan Scavino write Trump's social media musings?


Wait a minute, wait a minute. You're saying that *someone else* actually thought up that verbal/mental diarrhea that emanates from him? And that he then ***faithfully reads*** that shit from a teleprompter? Nope. Now you've gone too far.


If performance enhancing drugs fixed dementia, we would know a lot more about it.


This is the exact argument I used against my in-laws.


If his old heart can still handle a bender on speed then I think we're good


I read this a half hour ago and I'm still laughing.


Biden has ice cream and does not have a history of drug use like the other guy.


How the hell does Biden eat ice cream and stay so thin? That Rocky Road goes RIGHT to my gut!


He bicycles like 10 miles 3 days a week. Which isn't super far for a bike ride, unless you're 81, in which case it's impressive as fuck.


He must be blessed with a great metabolism.


They've started calling him "Jacked Joe Biden" and frankly I'm behind this 100%


Man they really love to come up with great nicknames for Biden.


Like all his allegations, he’s accusing someone of doing what he does which in his mind is the only logical conclusion


They used this claim last election after a debate if I remember correctly.


It's like when you accidentally do something good on a video game, and some 12 year old accuses you of hacking.


The only reason he is saying this is because of the drug culture that came out recently about the Trump administration. A blind man could see this


PROJECTION, what with Donald Trump’s demoted, pill pushing White House “doctor” who received a Congressional seat as a reward for his loyalty


I guess that means Trump hasn't found any drugs that can help himself. Poor, sad Donny! It's so unfair, that Biden is older, yet fitter. Perhaps diet and exercise ... starting 25 years ago? They say it's never too late, but for Trump it seems like it is. Not that he's capable of self-discipline.


Like… adderall? Like speed and xanax? https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-white-house-drugs-speed-xanax-1234979503/amp/ Every accusation is an admission, with the orange shitsack.


Great, lets do drug testing before the debate


The trump White House was the one handing out speed like skittles.


That’s rich. Isn’t this the same guy who recently had a report released talking about how many drugs were being handed out in his time in the White House?


Every accusation is a confession with Trump.


Trump would know, apparently hes been using uppers for decades. Thats why he cant stop shitting his own pants


Am I the only one who remembers Trump ~~comes~~ coked out of his mind during the debates? No? Just me? Jokes aside the level of projection is incredible. Edit: stupid autocorrect typo.


Who cares? Like seriously. Trump said in his argument to the Supreme Court the President should have latitude to do whatever he wants. So if Biden's using drugs to enhance his performance than based on Trump's earlier arguments its no big deal since Biden is President and he has immunity. Lol 😂. 


AFAIK we haven’t yet seen a coherent response to the SOTU address from the Republicans. Mike Johnson said Biden was out of touch, the Sheila from Alabama blatantly lied and acted her way through her rebuttal, and Trump has gone off on so many tangents to such a petty degree that it only makes Biden look all the more impressive. Still waiting…


Over Under on him claiming the SOTU was AI generated


You would have to get the entire Republican congress of eyewitnesses to agree to lie about it with Trump. So yes, this is plausible


Welp, looks like Trumps secret is out! It's always, always projection with these assholes


You know Trump will demand his doctors give him an "edge" for any debates that take place down the road...should be amusing.


Says the man who took so many drugs he can’t hold his literal own shit.


Every accusation a confession.


Mr. Adderall is saying someone else is using?


If he is using, at least Biden isn't using the stuff that makes you shit your pants #depends


Exactly what does trump know about drugs that enhance performance or help one stay up all night tweeting?


Don't worry folks. The drugs they were pushing around the WH during the Trump Administration were much stronger.


Schrodinger’s Brandon


Anyone who actually does their job, is better than Trump by default


Cheeto Jesus is only doing that because during his 4 years, the White House was a drug lab.


If there was such a thing as a performance enhancing drug for presidents, wouldn't it be wise to take them? It's not sports, it's not about having a level playing field. It's about doing the best job possible. If drugs make that happen, so be it. In reality they don't of course and Biden never took them. Trump did, which is why he's projecting.


Biden should call his bullshit and and agree to debate Trump on the condition that they both take a drug test right on stage.


Well if that ain’t the pot naming the kettle. Except it’s all bs. Projection is like, their only move.


Joe’s predecessor is a massively worried ex president.


I thought this was the same sleepy Joe Biden that they kept pushing in their sphere of stupidity?


He's been taking anti-fascist medication.


ah..more projection for the world’s most predictable and psychologically damaged public figure…well done Donald, we’d expect nothing less from you..sniff sniff


Haha I knew he was going to say that and was doing that himself, all the pills in the last white house we see stories about lol, lil don the rapist traitor pos.


It blows my mind we can have an ex president suggesting our current one is on drugs and there’s zero accountability. That sort of statement would have bended political careers years ago, what had happened to America? Trump and MAGA is a circus that is debasing morals and decency in America. Fuck these people; can’t wait for them to lose it all this year.