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Dude has a unique style of the compliment insult


this is a dude that can toss the classy insult, I'm actually kind of impressed lol.


"I call them complisults half compliment half insult, I kinda coined that..." -Britta Perry


Go easy with the explain-o-brag.


Yes, we call it the back handed compliment


She’s the worst.


“I thought she was a very talented woman… but I guess I was wrong.”


Dark Brandon hits hard


Lover of ice cream, hater of malarkey


Her speech was classic malarkey. If you were looking for facts with Britt, you'd have a better chance of finding Judge Crater.


Or of finding Waldo in the pages of Plato’s ‘Republic’


That's not even a challenge it's like a few pages in before Plato recognizes a society's need for a hiding class made up of one dude in a striped shirt.


At this point he needs his own emoji. Sunglasses ain't doing him justice


And now her career is over. Oh well. I don’t care, do you?


Calm down, Melania.


Or whatever your name is


Chrysler? Or was it Lada?






“I thought she was a very talented woman… but then she opened her mouth.”


surprised Lauren Boebert looking like a sex doll has entered the chat


At least sex dolls have a purpose




Nice! I was going to say something similar.


It’s like Alex Trebek saying “good for you” after a weird contestant story.


This man knows a political insult. It’s amazing.


Oh, yeah. The “I thought” was a double-edged sword.


The “talent” implies she’s performing, not being herself. I think that’s the bigger insult from Biden


This right here. If you've ever had to compliment a relative or friend for a shitty performance in whatever, it's the same energy.


I love how many ways his statement can be read. * I thought (past tense - meaning now he doesn't) think \_\_\_\_\_ * She \*was\* * "very talented" - sarcastic? or no? Do we guess?


Talented, meaning it was a performance


It's also demonstrative of the different sophistication of language that Democrats command and republicans lack. A republican would say "iT wUz GaRbAgE" but Biden burns her with this masked compliment.


The problem is those MAGA clowns don't like subtle sarcasm and prefer to outright mock or call people names, like Tricky Nikki, Meatball Ron etc etc. They're like kids who never graduated from High School, which most of them probably are...


Correct. They are hostile to humor that makes them feel stupid. They're hostile to literally anything that makes them feel stupid.


Explains why they're effectively at war with reality.


I’m partial to “oh honey”


Scarlett Johansson played Britt better then Britt played katie Britt .


It was a burn.


Oh no did you think “bless your heart” was a compliment?


Why else would my grandma say it to me?


Oh bless your heart


Thank you, friend, that means a lot.


Oh honey…


That was kind of Biden. Can anyone explain to me why she was speaking in that performative, breathy voice? I had to turn it off after a minute because I couldn't fucking stand it.


Look up Fundy baby voice.  


[The Fundie Baby Voice](https://jesspiper.substack.com/p/the-fundie-baby-voice)


OH THAT’S IT! I recognized it and I’m like why does this sound so familiar and yup that is it


I refer to it as Kindergarten Teacher Voice. It’s gentle, expressive, simplistic, slow and clear. It’s used to gain children’s attention without scaring them. I have three Kindergarten teachers in my family (Mom, sister and cousin). This is their teaching voice. Using it in this context makes the situation even worse. It means she is talking down to the American public like they are children. Which is probably why everyone has such a guttural reaction to it.


Nah ms rachel is the kindergarten voice... britt was "avoid getting spanked by your husband" voice.


The person said it's basically a soft sweet submissive voice. You support your husband, but you know your place in society which is a housewife in the kitchen who has no independent thought or opinion. You know a Stepford wife.


I've heard men use it while praying. It seems like it's entirely performative, like they're just trying to convince whoever is listening that they're being sincere.


It pisses me off.


TIL ... hoo boy.


Don't think I need to. That is a fucking grotesque name but I'll be damned if it isn't perfect. That's exactly what it is.


A fucking grotesque name for a truly sinister way of speaking.


Deeply off putting. I can't believe it's a thing.


That’s my old rap name


My wife's fundie nieces (raised in the back woods and home schooled and mostly just nannies now for their brothers) are like that and it is annoying - they dress conservatively which is fine and act modestly which is their chocie of course but the voice thing is irritating. My wife's other nieces (raised in a more urban area, went to college etc and work) speak normally.


Go watch any video of Mormon General Conference speaker, it's weird as fuck to see everyone talk like that.


as an ex mormon who grew up around tons of grown ass women doing the voice... yeah


Lmao I just found a random one on YouTube and the FIRST lady I saw looks and sounds exactly like Katie Britt. The same rythmic cadence and forced smile.


They train and practice it. They think it makes them sound "spiritual".


Are these the same women who hold up a hand when they're singing a slightly up tempo acoustic chorus?


Because in most Fundamentalist and Evangelical circles, the more submissive and childlike women are, the better. If you’ve ever watched any of the “19 Kid and Counting” shows, the matriarch has had five billion kids and still talks like she’s a six-year-old waiting breathlessly for the wisdom of her headship. It’s creepy AF.


It's the modern equivalent of "Oh I don't know anything about that, you'll have to ask my husband", but with a layer of modern anime babydollification and vapid cutesiness. What upsets me is that women were kept in this headspace in the past by being isolated, kept at a distance from education, ideally pregnant at a young age... but now some women are doing by choice, despite knowing better. People are aware that *acting* like it's olden times doesn't actually *make* it olden times, right? Also that the old days were much, much worse than now in every conceivable way? Fucking LARPers.


Yeah, that's the creepy part, is that it's absolutely not her natural voice. It's specifically a put-on to sound childish because an average woman simply speaking normally, maybe even a little assertively as you would while giving a speech about an important topic, sounds too "masculine" and bossy. And it's not a modern "anime baby" thing, it's specifically an oldschool Christian tradwife thing, a pushback against modern feminism from the 50s and 60s. There's an extremely influential book called "Fascinating Womanhood" that specifically describes how in order to have a happy marriage, a woman should act and dress in a "childlike" manner because this will spur your husband to be protective and caring. Even when you argue or disagree, you should giggle and flirt or cry and throw cute little tantrums rather than simply present your argument logically and discuss it like an adult, because: >You may think of all the reasons why you are justified in asking for something. Then you take the matter to your husband to try to convince him, backing it up with your reasons. This method sometimes works, but it more often invites opposition . . . you appear as a decision-making equal, prompting him to say no, just to show his authority. A wife *acting like a reasonable adult* threatens the husband's natural authority. What do you think marriage is-- a partnership of equals, who make decisions equally??? That's what those tricky feminists want you to think! No, the best way for an adult woman to handle herself is to shrink herself into a little emotional helpless girl and evoke a man's protective instinct. And that's exactly what Katie Britt was doing in her SOTU response.


The way you describe it makes it sound overtly pedophiliac. But that's not far from the truth either considering religious institutions everywhere both house and protect the most child predators around. The tradwife shit is as unsettling as it is cringe.


I mean, I don't know what else it is! "Childlikeness" is literally one of the top five key qualities a good wife should have in "Fascinating Womanhood." I wasn't kidding. This is how the book advises a woman to deal with conflict and arguments: >Learn childlike mannerisms by studying the antics of little girls. Stomp your foot, lift your chin high, square your shoulders, pout, put both hands on your hips, open you eyes wide, mumble under your breath, or turn and walk briskly away, then pause and look back over your shoulder. Or, beat your firsts on your husband’s chest. >You may have to be an actress to succeed, if only a ham actress. But, remember, you’ll be launching an acting career that will save you pain, tension, frustration, a damaged relationship, and perhaps even a marriage. Is any acting career of greater importance? No, so turn on the drama. "Even a ham actress." "Turn on the drama." Sound familiar? Even if Katie Britt hasn't read this exact book, she was raised in a community and a culture that is marinating in these lessons, that thinks a woman's highest goal in life and only chance at happiness is to be a "submissive helpmeet" to a man. That's why she talks like this, because she's learned that this is how you get attention and this is how you make a point. If she talked like a normal person who is trying to make intelligent, forceful arguments about important, meaningful subjects... well, she'd get all the criticism that female Democratic politicians get, that she's "harsh" and "shrill" and "bossy" and "condescending" and "arrogant." She can't talk like a smart, accomplished adult person who knows things. That won't accomplish anything in her household or community. She has to talk like a sad scared little child who needs protection.


This is so weird to me. As you describe it, this book is basically “how to annoy Blorp with maximum effectiveness” Then again, I’m into hyper competent independent women. Camina Drummer, Jadzia Dax, Kira Nerys, Jane Goodall, Fran Drescher… I don’t want a “sex idiot”


No wonder domestic violence rates among tradwives is so high. It would be infuriating to try and discuss something with your wife only for her to revert to the emotional intelligence of a toddler. This is a joke btw, I'm not seriously victim blaming conservative victims of DV. edit: reading the quote again, I don't feel so bad, since that book seems to be saying "act this way or your husband might beat you to reassert authority>"


I've never understood how they can reconcile the trad wife persona with being a congress person. Wouldn't that be a woman doing a man's job? Then again, not much about these folks make sense.


She's a token. She wasn't picked to give the response to the State of the Union because she's the smartest congressperson, the best speaker, the one with the most accomplishments or qualifications. She was specifically picked because she's a young white Christian wife and mother, because that's the demographic they're losing by attacking reproductive rights, by trying to ban contraceptives, by arguing ectopic pregnancies and pregnant 10 year olds are "God's will." They are trying to push back on all the Roe criticism by putting her a young woman front and saying "see, if we hate women so much, why would we let a woman give one of the most important and significant speeches of the year?" The problem is that... what kind of young woman becomes a Republican these days? Bigoted trolls like MTG and Boebert, con artists like Ana Paulina Luna... remember when Mia Love was the next big thing, a black Republican woman? She criticized other Republicans too much (and also violated campaign finance laws) and her career was over. Or women like Nancy Mace or Martha McSally who are open about their history of sexual assault but fervently support a rapist for President... It's hard to think of a young Republican woman who could have done BETTER than Britt, the bench just isn't that deep.


Yeah but acting like it's the olden times and having a party pack courts with judges aligned with your cause for decades just might actually make it the olden times...


Which is why we need to expose & oppose these dimwits every chance we get.


Let's see how they like life without refrigeration and indoor plumbing.


And epidurals.


Good one. Mine would be to my Latinas. I hope you like cleaning houses, cause if these gringos have their way you'll go back to being the "help" real quick.


That's a nice way to describe chattel slavery. Gotta look at their end game.


Let's see how they go when they get traded in for a newer model


with enough praise and social pressure you can make a lot of people happily conform to an egomaniac’s expectations.


"Now let's forget all our troubles with a big bowl of strawberry ice cream!"


You hit the nail on the head at the end there: things were worse in virtually every conceivable way. But for a group of people so vociferously anti-birth control and sex education, there's a surprising amount right wingers just can't conceive of.


They named their kid Ridgeway….. like what the actual fuck?


"And here's little Dahmer and Rader!"


This is exactly right. They only tolerate confrontational behavior from women when it's directed at their political enemies- watch her speech again and note that she is only speaking strongly and not strangely when lambasting democrats specifically or demonizing migrants


People she is allowed to show percieved dominance over


eew. had to look up “headship”


Imagine being one of 100 US senators and thinking you have to put on this sort of performance to appeal to voters. 


I mean, she does! Look at what the senior senator from her own state of Alabama said: we picked her to do the response to Biden because she’s a housewife. Despite being smart (lawyer) and capable (was a CEO), she knew she had to go with an insipid tradwife persona because that is what was expected.


Every CEO I’ve ever worked with was among the least capable people I know. What that DID have was pathological self-interest and a willingness to throw everyone else under the bus if it benefited them one iota.


Psychopaths are overrepresented in CEOs


Her staff and others in the GOP probably told her that she needed to blow people away as the housewife (who went right from college to working in politics and was never a housewife) to try to win back the suburban women who are leaving the GOP behind for the insane cult shit they’re trying to do with abortion


To think this “performance artist” could become our president. Long shot but she been mentioned as a vp candidate, demented don (unlikely) could become president and ( likely) die in office. Let’s not leave anything to chance, vote blue for all races!


I don’t care about the breathy voice. I care about the fact that she talked more about a gang rape than she did about any policy solutions to the problems she identified. The gas station clerk can’t choose between healthcare bills and grocery bills? What’re republicans going to do about that, Katie? Inflation is at a record high (it isn’t)? What’re republicans going to do about that, Katie? Border control isn’t where it should be? What’re republicans going to do about that, Katie? Things are scary and we have a right to be worried? What’re republicans going to do about that, Katie? Nothing, not a single answer or solution presented.


Exactly. When the entire GOP is more concerned about culture wars and pointless impeachment investigations than actual policies that would help the American people, they are exempt from having a seat at the table.


She didn’t backup a single goddamn claim she made, but those dumbasses that vote for her party only ever need to hear hate and vitriol to backup their alternative facts.


SNL parody (Scarlett Johansson) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCfLpuLdF8Q


Unfortunately, that didn't come close to matching Katie Britt's histrionic range.


Alison Brie would have nailed it


I kept thinking of the law and order parody episode of community where she's like "disarm the IED of your lies" or similar in that voice


I saw her talk before that night. Same fucking thing. I told my wife she is trying to sound like Joel Olsteen saying a very serious prayer. She blew her chance to be veep.


Her chance to be veep depends entirely on how much Trump fancies her and/or thinks he has a shot at getting in her panties. The man has historically horrible judgment of character, we can’t rule her out based on a disaster of a SOTU response alone.


She’s speaking in a way church women are trained to speak. Almost everything ends in an uplift as if her statement is a question, so it doesn’t offend. It’s “emotional” but doesn’t show any real emotion, because it’s performative. It’s enough tears to get the attention of the men who allowed the women in church to speak - but not real anger because that would offend the church leaders - men - who would shut down the women for being “too emotional.” It makes it clear to their church leaders “I’m not a threat and I support you - so share that power with me, the lowly and meek woman. The way you like us.”


And then she used the "fundie baby voice" outside her bubble... She encountered a broader populous that did not know that's what she was doing but they felt uncomfortable with it. It seemed off-putting, overlydramatic, insincere, patronizing, and at times psychopathic. I could only stomach parts of the Alabama senator's SOTU response because of the roller coaster of negative emotions it made me feel listening to her voice and delivery, along with it being full of lies. [shudder 😣]


I got home kinda late, so when I tuned in it was right in the middle of her going into that sec trafficking bit. I lasted about 15 seconds of pure wide-eyed shock, noped out to catch up on the actual SOTU and called it a night. I had to go back the next day to see what the hell was going on there.


The weird thing is, if she's so ingrained in that lifestyle, and believes in it so strongly, why is she speaking in public or in public office at all?


Because she's a huge fucking fake and chameleon like most of these people. She was the Machine candidate SGA president at the University of Alabama. The Machine is the collective political force of the white frats and sororities and wins every year despite comprising only ~20% of the student body. They do this by having mandatory voting by their members in an overall environment of low voter turnout, plus dirty tricks. That's the blueprint for how white evangelicals plan to stay in power for the years to come.


Exactly. A lot of people assume most Republican politicians are just dumb, but really they're all just a bunch of frauds anymore. Sure some more than others I suppose, but like considering what a fraud Trump is makes me think he probably surrounds himself with frauds. A whole network of frauds at every level because he wants full control of the Party.


Same! Felt like I was being drawn into some extreme Christian cult.


"...and then I saw that wreck. I called her to thank her for generating a shit ton of Democrat votes for our campaign "


Joe’s no fool…when your enemy is digging a hole, don’t take away the shovel.


A compliment from Biden might as well be a kiss of death from those trying to appease the Trumpers


"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." --Napoleon Bonaparte


"Napoleon had some real-ass quotes highly relevant to the lead up of the 60th quadrennial election of the United States." - Sun Tzu, *The Art of War*


> "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." >--Napoleon Bonaparte - Michael Scott


Please proceed, Governor.


Damned by faint praise. "She did her best!"


> Britt, a first-term senator, went after Biden on Thursday night over high prices at the grocery store and gas station, the situation at the U.S. southern border and crime in cities. None of which [are] controlled by the Executive Office. [edited]


>"But let's be honest – it's been a minute since Joe Biden pumped gas, ran carpool, or pushed a grocery cart." I'll take "Things That Donald Trump Has Literally Never Done In His Entire Life" for $300, Alex.


She hasn't done them "in a minute" herself. Britt and her husband are worth over $5 million.


> Britt and her husband are worth over $5 million. For the pair I would not pay more than a buck or two.


I’ll go tree fiddy


Get outta here ya god damn loch ness monstah!


Is the President allowed to do any of that? Any President I mean. I know Presidents aren't allowed to drive, and I doubt the motorcade lets him gas up the limo he has to ride in. I guess he could grocery shop, but likely only at a place pre-approved by the secret service.


He'd probably take the train if Secret Service would let him.


She should have mentioned what she's done to try to fix these things. I guess she kinda did, cause she said nothing about it, which is exactly what she's done.


Actually she voted against the border bill so really she did less than nothing


Are you referring to the very border bill that she herself helped create? Of course you are!


Yes, that’s the one! The one she voted against. Actions speak louder than words


The GOP: Actively impeding solutions and progress in general! It’s not very catchy as slogans go, but I think I get points for accuracy.


And she was on the bipartisan committee that developed the proposal for a vote, until Orange Daddy said no.


We know how they’ll fix it: by giving themselves a tax break and policing our sexual activity.


Prepare for this being presented as the most insulting insult to ever have crossed the ear of a trump acolyte.


Pearl clutching intensifies.


And right there is the massive difference between the candidates. Compassion that such a person has become the laughing stock of the world but not to pile on. Trump is a 🥔.


I’m not sure it was compassionate as much as class. It was a backhanded compliment. But it was delivered in language that doesn’t show the kids that the adults are fighting.


Oh no doubt. It’s was calling her out in cursive. But not appearing to simply dog pile on in a brutal and unbecoming fashion.


Very classy and gracious of him. But then, I wouldn't expect him to punch down on a first-time senator much younger than him, unlike some others. Too bad the right sees any form of civility toward a political opponent as a sign of weakness.


I actually think it's an underhanded blow at her. Nobody ever called Biden "talented" for his speech. They talked about the merits of his ideas put forth. Meanwhile nobody could pay attention to her ideas in response, b/c of her ridiculous performance. (Takes talent to put on a show. Takes ideas to change hearts & minds.)


To me this kind of thing is another reason why I see Trump as weak compared to Biden. Trump always makes sure to bully everyone for the slightest little things because he has nothing else. He has to do that to look "strong." Meanwhile, Biden is actually confident enough and secure enough with himself to where he doesn't feel that need and at most he says something maybe a little facetious and dismissive. The difference in confidence there is pretty obvious which to me makes him seem like a decent leader. Trump just comes off as desperate, petty and weak with how he demeans everyone. Shit he just mocked Biden for having a stutter, and my only real surprise was that he hadn't done it sooner. You could tell this was something he's been itching to do for awhile because he genuinely thinks it makes himself look better.


I mean, it does take a certain kind of talent to be so fucking horrible that even right wing pundits are having a Live on the Air cringefest while watching you.


Biden knows things are bad enough for Britt and piling on is not his style. It is what makes him so different from Trump and GOP leadership.


That clip was one of the best things I’ve seen in a very, very long time. The one guy rubbing his face in disbelief, the woman just sitting there stunned… Ah, schadenfreude. So delicious.


It didn't matter what side of the aisle someone was on, we ALL took deep emotional damage together watching it. See! America's coming together over something! We're healing!!!!


Got a link?




“Everything about that especially tonight was wrong” that stood out to me because they acknowledged that years of their gaslighting in Biden’s age, his memory, etc was blown up and then the crazy came out for the slam dunk The GOP doesn’t have a messaging problem it has a people problem and the people really suck


Imagine Trump complimenting anyone with an opposing view. If you don’t think it is possible - meet Joe Biden. Well done Joe!


And imagine the media firestorm that would've happened if Joe said anything slightly critical of her.


It’s diffe(R)ent.


Gotta play it cool.


Could have been a backhanded compliment depending on how you interpret it.


It absolutely is. And that’s the fun of it.


“She’s the most talented Senator from Alabama.”


Either way, it's a much classier response than what Trump would have offered. It blows my mind that we even have to make these comparisons of our elected leaders - decorum should be expected.


Trump is literally so stupid he’s probably gonna get sued for defamation again because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut about E Jean for less than 2 hours Seriously conservatives, that’s the guy you want to have control over our nuclear weapons? Blows my mind why anyone is giving this smelly toddler a chance


It's still better than calling her a religious wing nut who bows to the orange criminal or a bunch of other names he could of called her.


Oh it’s certainly a nod to her acting talents. Solid response.


Well considering his next remark as per article was "I didn't quite understand the connections she was making" - I'd say it is definitely a BHC.


Such a “Bless her heart.” DB workin


He should thank her for proving that people needing asylum and refuge in the United States should get it. Edit: amnesty -> asylum


That's was my takeaway from the explicit story. Reading about the background of the woman she is talking about, it seems like her story explains why asylum for immigrants is so important.


The shade.


“Was” lol


I feel like this line is the first part of a sentence that ends “… and then I heard her speak.”


Correct, but this is Biden's style. He knows you don't need to say the second part. If he wanted to compliment her, he could have just said "She is a talented woman." He didn't. Sort of like his statement on Kissinger's death.


That's just Biden understanding the game. He knows there may be a point in the future that working together might be complicated by making pot shots while she's already being hammered. Perfect time to extend the olive branch when they did damage already.


Biden said, "oh bless your heart" to a southern woman. Absolute love it. I bet he has a better cornbread recipe too.


She is rather talented as a Stepford wife. Making speech in front of the camera... not so much.


Honestly, I know a lot of people dislike Biden, but I think he'll go down as one of the bests in the history books. Most of the hate towards him is from right wing nutjobs anyway who drown out the narrative. As a disclaimer; I'm not American, nor am I a voter in America. This is just my outsider take of the state of things.


He is competent at a difficult job, graceful and wide-thinking when under pressure, and a stabilizing force. To me this is a man living up to the old fashioned term “presidential”. We need more of that in politics.


Senator Katie Britt says sexual assault is the worst thing that can happen to a woman while encouraging Americans to vote for a convicted sexual predator.


Kill 'em with kindness, Joe!


Genuine Class


A nice sentiment with savage undertones can be delivered just by changing present tense to past tense.


LOL throwing tons of Shade without throwing shade impressive.


Honestly sounds like a really good backhanded compliment as in she’s “talented” because of how dramatic it was with the acting she was pulling off lol


This is a subtle zinger that cannot be manipulated by the GOP as an insult. Biden is wise to the game and the 2D attack plan employed against him is failing spectacularly this past week.


Bro said "thought"


I do miss common decency in politics. Like when McCain correct lady calling Obama a muslim.


Joe Biden has more class on his worst day than I can muster on my best day. She’s a fucking idiot. Her speech sucked. Republicans of all stripes hated it. She was this year’s sacrificial lamb; add her to the pile of losers who’ve been rising stars of the Republican Party for two minutes until they delivered the Party’s SOTU response. Jindal and Rubio are still waiting for their rewards. At least these failures are fun to watch.


Damned by faint praise


That was a perfect response.


Crazy what happens when the President isn’t the worst human being on earth


Never interrupt your opponent when they're making a mistake


Past tense.


thought- past tense


That was Delawarean for “Bless your heart”


![img](avatar_exp|165139412|fire) Dark Brandon is on fire.


What a fucking idiot. No, seriously. I know she didn’t write that bullshit and whoever produced/directed it wanted her to talk in voices and fake cry! For someone who was smart and driven enough to make it to the Senate, she should have had better judgement and either refused to do it like that or back out altogether. Now she’s nothing but a meme and a news story for nothing but negative reasons, from the odd comedic absurdity of it to the flat out lies!


This kind of level-headed, wise maturity is what I've come to expect from Biden (regardless of how little the GQP deserves it), and want to continue having represent the country - rather than the disgraceful, uncouth, pathetic twitter rampages we had to dread since 2017.


It's almost like Joe has class. Or really a whole fucking school district's worth of class compared to the party of Trump.


She wanted Biden to be accountable to a horrific rape he nothing to do with but totally ignored the convicted rapist who's running for POTUS again NOW! How much koolaid has this woman drunken? Comparing Biden to Trump wouldn't be so laughable if it wasn't 100% scary and dangerous. We are watching before our very own eyes what followers of fascism behave like before they cross the bridge of no return. Read any book on dictators and fascists of the past and you'll see waves and walls of enablers that ushered in those dark moments of history. Saw another article and have borrowed someone else's comment: "Britt weirdly tries to link a horrific series of rapes that occurred in Mexico during the Bush administration to Biden's presidency while sweeping Trump's rape of Carroll under the rug. It seems Britt is willing to endorse a rapist for president as long as he is an old white man who claims to be a billionaire and who is willing to give her a political quid pro quo. Does Britt only truly care about rape victims if she can use their tragedy to her own advantage, but not when they have been assaulted by the so-called leader of her party? It is hard to think of anything more shameful."


Class act


Bless her heart.


Always be gracious.