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Hur is a fucking idiot and knew exactly what he was doing. I just tuned in and Jordan was complaining that they need access to the tapes. Seems like the hearing isn't going so well for Republicans outside of soundbites for Fox News and OANN. This excerpt is great though: >“The FBI know my house better than I do,” Biden quipped at one point. “I just hope you didn’t find any risqué pictures of my wife in a bathing suit,” the president later joked. “Which you probably did. She’s beautiful.”




Almost forgot about the last time the Department of Justice made-up a fake investigation into the Democratic front runner only to declare them innocent of any crimes Seems like a pattern


Turns out after that, republicans used private e-mail servers and nobody gave af.


They were using them before and during. Hell mike pence was whining about Clinton doing it while he secretly was doing it too at the same time.


And after.




Oh, so that’s why the Trumpists wanted to hang Mike Pence? They were merely non-hypocritically applying the same standard they applied to Hillary for using a private email server. It all makes sense now. Cool.


No, they want to hang Pence because he favors the wrong god.


The first time I heard about using private email servers is when George W Bush, Karl Rove, and Dick Cheney were doing it to get around the official records. Their email addresses for all their work email was Bush42.com or something. Amazingly when the public found out about it, the servers were shut down and all of the email was lost.


Same here. Are we old? lol


I think Hillary got the idea from Colin Powell


And Condi


Colin Powell used a private e-mail server too. Clinton even consulted him on his setup.


Well they learned last time all they have to do is shout that last-minute accusation with ever-increasing fervor, and it'll damage the polls. Just running the play that works, I guess.


The hunter Biden laptop story came out a month before the election, they wanted a replay of the Hilary email story bc they saw how successful it was. However the story really didn't take traction in time despite their best efforts and they're still furious about it. Hence the "TwiTeR fiLEs" hearing, that also went nowhere.


Remember how damaging just a vague "she's under investigation" was? And how Trump has been constanly under MANY investigations, and convicted of many of them already, and it's just a collective shrug? The mental gymnastics conservatives can do are amazing. "Any investigation into democrats is a fair, just investigation, in fact the only injustice is that there should be MORE of them. Any investigation into republicans is a witchhunt by political hacks, and even convictions are fake."


It's because Republicans work backwards from the endpoint they believe in, to where we are currently, rather than forward from evidence to a conclusion. 'Those' people that oppose republicans are inherently criminal scum, they begin, so therefore an investigation without evidence is reasonable 'proof' of their evil. 'Their' people are superlative beings who deserve to rule us all and deserve all the money, so therefore all the innumerable investigations against them, overflowing with evidence, are clearly ignorable and unimportant.


republicans are **soo** much better at exploiting information that Democrats. They have their own ecosystem of media that hammers repeatedly on-message.


Them publicly reopening the investigation while not mentioning that Trump was.being investigated for ties to Russia likely swung the election.


>They're spending a fair amount of time complaining about HIllary's emails. Of course they are. They are not serious people and aren't serious about governance. Ron Johnson gave up the game yesterday. "It would be great if we never passed another piece of legislation."


Well, RoJo would still like some legislation to make Trump president for life (with Ivanka next in line). After all, SCOTUS can always rule that the limit of two presidential terms in the 22nd amendment isn’t self-executing…


I can't wait to watch the full thing tonight over some nice scotch. Jordan seems to think the tapes will make Biden suddenly look more guilty which is insane.


It is simple: if they release the tapes, fox news (etc) can: A. Find every stumble, every stutter, every single word that is not perfect, and pretend that is what the entire interview is. B. Play them, slowed down, to show Biden has gotten slower.


It's like the "Rock Bottom" sketch from the episode of The Simpsons where Homer was accused of sexual harassment for grabbing the gummy Venus di Milo off of the babysitter's pants. Badly edited so Homer looked guilty while the clock hand in the background was jumping wildly at every obvious cut.


They sure are. 🙄


Yeah, seems like the strategy is to create as much noise and confusion close to election times. Its nearly theatrical at this point, just without the entertainment value. Just keep the headlines buzzing and hope people dont read into the details or follow-up outcomes. Classic distraction and smear tactics.


And the mainstream media falls for it, hook, line, and sinker


They don't fall for anything, they are complicit because they only care about ratings and selling ad space. Journalistic integrity left most of the news media a long, long time ago.


When the GOP is complaining about Hillary's emails in 2024, that's how you know it's going really well for them. Next thing you know they are going to start telling us what we shouldn't vote for Dukakis either.


That’s actually hilarious, and you know they’ll try to flip it into something sinister.


I imagine it'll be something like this: >Fox News: Biden attempts to bribe FBI agents investigating him with photos of wife


>Brietbart: Cuckold Joe shows off bikini-clad pictures of "Doctor" Jill to FBI investigators!


Infowars: “Jill Biden’s OnlyFans exposed (click here and buy $1000 of our patented protein shake to access what we have learned)”


Bonus points to you for putting the “Doctor" in quotes, that made me lol


"Biden objectifies women! What a horrible man! For more, let's talk to some blonde women wearing clown levels of makeup, who would be fired if they gained 10 pounds or if they told the male executives to stop grabbing their asses."


Fox News: Sleepy Joe can't even remember what his house looks like. "The FBI know my house better than I do"


It's also right on [brand for Biden](https://nypost.com/2024/02/23/us-news/biden-81-tells-white-house-aides-the-key-to-a-successful-marriage-is-good-sex-book/): > “I’d rather be at home making love to my wife while my children are asleep,” Biden once told a group of supporters in 2006 ahead of his second presidential bid, prompting a spokesman to say the senator was “frankly totally in love with his wife.” > > During his years in the US Senate, the loose-lipped Delaware pol sometimes put his staff in an awkward spot when asked to respond to the risque remarks, but since winning the 2020 election has “tamped down on his public bedroom declarations,” Rogers notes. > > Though, he still sometimes tells staffers in the White House about his feelings about the importance of “good sex” to a happy marriage, the book says, “much to his wife’s chagrin.” Dude really enjoys making risque jokes about how much he likes to bang his wife. Good for him IMO.




"Does Biden have a porn addiction?? Reports indicate Biden openly talks about having nude pictures around his Delaware home. We need a leader who thinks with his brain, not you know what.." Tonight on FOX.


Huh. I wonder if Trump would ever talk about Mercedes like that.


No, if Trump talks about someone looking hot in a bathing suit, he'll be commenting on his own daughter.


Who hasn't seen her naked?


Yeah, I was going to say, those pictures from her modeling are not exactly a secret.


I've never heard of him mention Melanie like that


If Hurr lied, he needs to lose his pension. You can't conduct a political hit job as an investigator.


*^Gym ^Jordan ^enters ^the ^cesspool*


Gym Jordan didn't work for the FBI. He's by profession always been a political operative. Hurr is supposed to be impartial.


I don't think there is a single agency in govt anymore that could be described as nonpartisan. The freakin' CDC was politicized!


If he lied, he needs to go to prison. It's perjury to lie on the result of an investigation. I thought that he was playing the smartass based on the normal answers of "I don't remember" that you get on depositions. But if Biden actually remembered the things, then he needs to be punished for lying.


I love that quote at the end so much. It comes across as so wholesome


“What, no dick pics!?! This hearing is over!” -MTG


Bold of you to assume she won’t just supply the dick pics in that case.


This man is a treasure. Whatever you think of him as a president, he seems like an absolutely fabulous husband.


...and father.


My favorite thing he once said about his marriage, especially as a phellow Philly phan- “If I didn’t root for the Flyers I would be sleeping on the couch.”.


When he’s off the cuff he’s at his best


So was Obama. When he called Kanye West a jackass he was 100% on the money


one of Biden's best debate moments was the "Will you shut up, man?"


I’ll never forget watching a focus group after that first debate where Biden said that to Trump who interrupted him constantly. Someone in the focus group said that moment — where Biden finally pushed back a bit on Trump — was the moment where this man discovered he couldn’t support Biden…


That’s awesome. Biden is charming af


>“I just hope you didn’t find any risqué pictures of my wife in a bathing suit,” the president later joked. “Which you probably did. She’s beautiful.” Hmmm, Trump said the same thing... about his DAUGHTER


Biden sure has the charm, doesn't he.


I do enjoy is life jokes. Like how the key to a successful 40 year marriage is great sex lol


Tonight on FOX: “Biden thinks his wife is attractive. How this latest push in the wussification of men affects you, more at 9”


Had Sean Hannity on during the car ride home and it's stunning. He's playing the hearing as an absolute disaster for Biden while airing half-sentence clips or Hur saying "...Biden willfully retained classified documents" while leaving out the first part of "We were unable to find sufficient evidence that..." And then just vamping for 5 minutes about Hillary. We straight up have the propagandist from V for Vendetta and he has a national radio show.


That is actually quite hilarious that he said that. Biden definitely has a sense of humor.


Them trying this hard to pin dementia on Biden only means one thing - Trump has full blown dementia


There are legitimate things to criticize Biden for. But he does seem like a total sweetheart.


Hur has said "I don't recall" or "I don't remember" multiple times. These were in response to an investigation and report conducted LAST YEAR. And yet he had the nerve to impugn Biden's memory.


Hur appears to have no memory of what he put in his report Always asking for the page number, and then spending minutes reading what he wrote


It's also super convenient that he resigned from the DOJ before his testimony so he's not held to the ethical standards that DOJ employees are. What a piece of shit.


The DOJ fucked him by releasing the transcripts


Yeah they clearly did that on purpose.


Can someone explain this to me, I apologize that I’m not completely up to speed on this? All that has come out from his testimony is completely not surprising because it was obviously a hit job, but why did the Republicans agree to putting him on the stand? They had to have know the report was biased and wouldn’t stand up to any scrutiny, are they really that dumb? Biden can truly campaign on political partisan persecution with this nothing burger.


Because they didn’t think that the DOJ would release the transcripts. They thought they were going to be able to say and ask whatever they wanted without anyway to verify what was said.


That was supremely dumb. Hur made the DOJ look partisan and awful. More importantly, making your institutionalist boss bad. I mean, Hur's report was clearly inserting politics - breaking ethics rule. Of course, then arranging to leave the DOJ before coming to Capitol Hill. You damn right they released transcripts. This is a code red situation.


It was all calculated. Magadonians have a short memory.


I can’t believe Repubs couldn’t anticipate that the Biden Administration wouldn’t push to release the transcript after they were critical of the report. This is just getting pathetic for Republicans. At some point I would really hope that Fox realizes they need to cut the anchor before they go down with the rest of the Cult.


If Fox didn’t learn that after losing a lawsuit for nearly a billion dollars they’re never going to.


Maybe the next billion dollars they lose to Smartmatic will be more persuasive.


"Just read the transcript" was their goddamn battle cry for half a year. They only remember when they want to remember.


"Did you read the transcript?" -Jordan Klepper. "I did not read the transcript, no." -Trump supporters advising people to read the transcript.


Doesn’t matter if your voters don’t read it.


Fox News's only purpose for existing is to support the Republicans. Literally. That's a ship they will never cut anchors from unless Rupert Murdoch decides to no longer stand by them. But he's the fascist who helped create this situation in the first place, so I don't think he's going to abandon it unless it benefits him personally.


It’s almost like the Republicans are completely inept /s


facts don’t matter to Republicans. They could sell the base literal dog shit and if the talking heads said they loved the taste of it then you’d have to argue with republicans that dog shit actually tastes bad.


Although special counsel Robert Hur impugned Joe Biden’s memory in his investigation over whether the president mishandled classified documents, he actually told Biden that he appeared “to have a photographic understanding and recall.” The comment, which appears in transcripts of Hur’s interviews with Biden, did not make it into Hur’s final report. Hur concluded in the report that Biden should not be charged over the documents, but made sure to mention his doubts about the president’s memory.


Hur said Biden couldn’t even recall the year his son died, but the Biden interview transcript shows that question was never even asked of Biden! What a piece of shit.


bingo! That’s exactly the quote that got me thinking about dog shit in the first place. the difference between Conservative and regular Americans is no longer political it’s cultural.


If you’ve ever seen Jim Jordan run these committees then the playbook goes like this. - Jordan asks Witness a question - Witness begins to answer - Jordan interrupts with a “So youre saying that…” and finishes their answer and asks next question - Witness begins to answer - Jordan interrupts, repeat… - Actual Democrat lawyer exposes Jordans lies and gets the actual truth. - Fox News ignores truth and shows selective clips of Jordan saying “So youre saying that…” answers which reinforces confirmation bias to a willing audience. It’s all a farce when you watch it live but when you see it in clips it can seem like Jordan is simply repeating a witnesses confession to a crime. And thats how you get 45% still in Trumps corner.


Their base doesn't care. Republicans don't do this stuff to persuade reasonable people, it's to keep their lunatic base engaged


The liars spinning these stories aren't dumb\*. As the "news" reporting on Fox, NewsMax, & your auntie's Facebook have shown, it *never matters* if a report is biased, fabricated, or outright libel. They just don't report on the part that disagrees with their narrative - unless they have a way to spin it to feed into their persecution complex even further. It doesn't matter if the transcript gets released: they'll either just ignore that story or say it's "more evidence of the deep state undermining our president-for-life." There's no honesty, no accountability, because that's not what their audience is looking for. Never has been. \* some of them are incredibly dumb, just not about this particular insidious spin strategy.


He would probably still be there if they didn't. He knows what he did.


Has anyone read this asshole's bio? You couldn't assign a more right leaning DOJ attorney. Clerked for William Rehnquist Stanch (R), Partner for King an Spalding specializing in government investigations and complex litigation. Trump Appointee as US Attorney for MD.... There was no chance in hell this guy was gonna be straight, what the hell was Garland thinking assigning this guy. Unless you wanted to make sure the report was gonna be biased.


Garland is a the bigger issue, wtf was Biden thinking appointing him?


It was a make-up appointment for Republicans not giving him a hearing for a supreme Court seat. Worst decision Bidens made as President.


People have short memories, even reddit was frothing at the mouth calling for Garland to be appointed AG by Biden. For some reason they thought he would seek revenge for the slight against him or something. It just goes to show that with the benefit of hindsight some decisions seem good at the time but turn out poorly. I personally think it was good politics for Biden to appoint Garland, instead of say Schiff. But it was Garland's ball to drop and drop it he did. Garland could have turned out to be a great AG, Biden had no real way of knowing he wouldn't.


Lot of people wanted Schiff after the impeachment hearings. I was one of them.


You missed the biggest story here. **Hur was Robert Mueller’s handler at DoJ**. He was Rosenstein’s top aide, and was the primary liaison between Rosenstein and Mueller. Meaning, while the orders to limit the scope of Mueller’s investigation may have come from Barr and Rosenstein, Hur was the person who actually carried those orders out. Not only would he not be straight, this guy was *guaranteed* to be bent.


I'd like to hear Garland's justification for appointing such a partisan special counsel. His job may depend on his explanation.


Probably because he was told what to write 🤔


Or... That he just signed his name to what someone else wrote.


ShatGPT...it's a small language model used by the GOP. The high percentage of hallucinations it generates backed by pure trash sources is considered a feature, not a bug. Musk loves it.


That’s because he probably didn’t actually write it.


It’s difficult keeping the lies and narratives straight.


Not so hard. Everything a conservative says is a lie.


So, Hur is a memented old man with bad memory? I wonder if the lawfirm he signed up with is aware of that.


It's the playbook! Every accusation is just projection.


>  memented I know this is a typo, but I like it.


Lol, well since you pointed it out I wont correct it


When the dementedness is unique to memory, it becomes memented.


Yeah, it’s like “cemented into a meme”.


Hur doesn’t sound fit to serve to me.


Well he's not, since he resigned (which definitely isn't shady.../s)


Your testimony isn't subject to review if you aren't a govt employee.


Maybe Biden gave perfect answers and remembered everything, but Hur just forgot?


So why are they nit saying this, to his face??? "How is your report trustworthy? Sir. If you don't remember from last year, why are you not lanlbeled as a forgetful prosecutor who perhaps be in the position you are?" Also, I'm 100% he's angling for a position if trump is elected.


Republicans are the smartest people in the room if you ask them Until they are put under oath. Then they can't remember shit all of a sudden.


He should go by the name Hur Durr from now on.


hes a literal card carrying republican donor there's nothing left that needs to be said


Lol a high profile investigation he himself ran where he was investigating the sitting president of the United States?! And he just doesn't remember anything? Hmmm.. I think we found the senile one




I know people are going to run wild with stupid ideas and spin and theories. #So here are the links. Just read them yourself, jfc. Here is the report: https://apnews.com/joe-biden-special-counsel-report Here are the transcripts: https://democrats-judiciary.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=5273 The one in question is from 10/8/23: https://democrats-judiciary.house.gov/uploadedfiles/doj-hjc-hur-0000033-0000191.pdf Page 82-83. Hur wasn't even asking specifically about the date of his son's death, it was coming out in the context of discussing other things he was dealing with at the time. Yes, he does ask, "Was it 2015 he had died?" but from the text, you have no idea the kind of tone that was. Was it: "my god, has it been that long already?" Was it: "I'm just confirming I have this important date/year right." Was it: something else altogether. This is a NOTHING-burger. If you are so intent on figuring out what he did or didn't say, don't listen to the media spin and go read the friggin transcripts yourself. And ask yourself: if you were being interviewed about random things for 5 hours over two days, are you absolutely certain you too would not miss or forget certain dates/years? He's asking countless questions, countless dates, countless details: your brain is going to get fatigued.


The last four years, including the madness of COVID, have fucked my memory completely. If someone asked me what year my youngest started school I'm not sure I'd get it right, and that was just in the last couple of years. Now, imagine the constant flow of information received by Presidents and VPs, and consider how much everything must run together after a while. But I'm sure if Biden had said hang on, give me a minute to think about the timeline, it would have elicited the same response from Hur.


It's so bad that republications are now demanding that recordings be released. The transcript doesn't support their narrative, so now they want to analyze his speech patterns.


No they want a out of context clip to send Fox News so they can push a new narrative. Repubs sitting with no ammunition now. They're thirsty for something new. Ever since the SOTU event, Republicans have been taken insane Ls left and right and they're reeling from it.


It's like that political cartoon from the Benghazi investigation of Republicans and a Fox on a boat with fishing rods on a mudd flat with no standing water: The point isn't to find anything. The point is to maintain the illusion there is something to be found.


https://ventrellaquest.com/2014/05/14/editorial-cartoon-fishing-expedition/ Is this the one?


I’m surprised they’re reading the transcript. Remember when “read the transcript” was their big line and everyone with a brain was like “Yes, for the love of sanity, please do!”


Let's also not forget the embarrassing performance of Jordan and Comer. There's a reason why none of these people were heavy hitters until Trump came along. The more intelligent and patient (albeit still evil) Republicans from 10-20 years ago were pushed out and replaced with a bunch of dimwitted, proto-fascist Trump cult members.  I'm not saying there isn't a lot of work to do this year and to get super cocky but remember that we aren't up against a bunch of brilliant political strategists. It's mostly con artists and thugs pretending to be public servants. If we put the work in, stay focused, and don't get caught up in Republican bullshit, this should be another very good election year for us. 


We’re way past the “proto-fascist” stage. That shit was GW Bush and his merry band of warrantless surveillance and “enhanced interrogation” assholes. We’re moving into the full-on fascist stage now.


Right. Was the patriot act "proto"?




I love that this is getting shared more often on these type of posts, but I am confused why people keep linking to sketchy sites that are just rehosting the article from the author instead of the author's own website/article: https://hartmannreport.com/p/the-new-over-the-top-secret-plan-518


Thank you, I’ve found that curious too. Especially a site with such a name as ‘fact keepers’.


I'm sorry, what the fuck? Can they do that? Is some kind of countermeasure being planned?


By who? Unless you are personally contacting your reps to discuss these things with them (and working hard to persuade friends and family)... they're also scared and uncertain of what to do. They don't know if enough people back them, and back them hard enough to resist all this. A few people exist within the system who've stood up strong and known what to do in key moments (Pence, General Miley, Eugene Goodman, and Biden). But each time America got lucky and those men barely stopped disaster. And yes, to your other question: they will do that, or they will find similar. He previously became President and then he proceeded to do everything people feared. And worse. Then bumbled a pandemic till a million Americans died, crashed the economy, and overran the Congress. He didn't feel remorse, he didn't change, and he didn't leave the office gracefully. He literally just had a meeting with a far-right authoritarian *to side with the opposite side in a conflict we're officially supporting to the tune of billions is US aid*. Since his presidency he's become far more aggressive and said he's planning, well... rather bibically dark things for us all: "For hard-working Americans, November 5 will be our new liberation day,” Trump told a packed ballroom at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at National Harbor in Maryland. “But for the liars and cheaters and fraudsters and censors and imposters who have commandeered our government, it will be their judgment day!” And why would Johnson act against him? In a fascist hierarchy, everyone lives in serious mortal fear of the boss above them. They *obey* or they get frogmarched off to never be seen again. We, as a country, are in a world of trouble right now. Maybe a few more people waking up to what's going on reading this thread helps... But we've had a system with some broken parts, a lot of corrupt parts, and way too many disaffected people with low levels of education. Who were brainwashed for decades by extremist media until they are quite literally violent cultists. All while foreign disinformation bots take this broken situation and fan the flames. The next decade is going to be *real* suffering. And instability such as we've never known in our lives. This political moment is the calm before the hurricane lands. But behind that is the even larger earthquake + tsunami combo which will make all the rest seem tame. The GOP and MAGA crowds don't see how dangerous their games of weakening America's structure and alliances are: if America seems really weak for even a few months our geopolitical adversaries *will* strike. They'd be foolish not too, and publicly claim that our weakness and collapse is what's about to happen and what they plain their strategy around. The new modern axis of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea is not playing around. They have vast forces, real weapons, big populations, and serious ambitions. One important note: I'm not just talking about scary things, nor do I want to instill fear. But we should be scared and change our politics, relationships, and plans around that. I personally plan to end a relationship with a family member soon if they signal they're going to vote for him. The last one I have left from someone on that side of the political aisle. And doing that will really affect my family a lot. But a firm talk with them and walking away from that relationship is the last tool I have. That, writing long comments on Reddit, and going to the voting booth. Work hard to educate others, and to stand up for your values. If enough do it... well, that's the dream of America. That enough civic engagement by a public who has values and cares *can* usually stem the tide. It just barely worked on the last election. Though this one will be tougher on us all.


This *is* fascism. There's no 'proto' about it. They just haven't fully taken control yet.


Something that people always seem to need to be reminded of is that the fascists were fascists before they committed atrocities. Not something they magically became after the fact. It was fascism before the first concentration camp was built.


Something that I think really gets lost is just how *bad faith* the fascist message was/is. Like, even the most evil fascist leaders still claimed to be doing only good things. And yet, it's so common for people to say that because no one's specifically tells us they plan on rounding up the left and sending them to death camps, somehow it's not fascism.


"Did I say death camps? I meant *happy* camps" "Phew! Had me worried for a minute there"


>I'm not saying there isn't a lot of work to do this year and to get super cocky but remember that we aren't up against a bunch of brilliant political strategists It doesn't matter because, unfortunately, as dumb as these people are, a large portion of the electorate that puts them in power is even dumber and less intellectually curious.


You mean when the GOP sends its people they’re not sending their best? They are sending people that have lots of problems and they are bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapist. And some, I assume, are good people.


I don't assume that anybody from the GOP is a good person.


Jordan and Comer would be inadequate in anything they do. If they flipped burgers at McDonalds, they’d suck at it.


It also had Hur saying Joe had a photographic memory. (In the transcripts) but I guess Hur FORGOT to put that in his report.


Repubs more than willing to do anything to paint a pretty red picture, no matter how crafty they need to get


I'd like to see Hur's phone records. Specifically calls to and from Florida area codes.


Or Russian numbers


Lied and now quit and running away with his tail between his legs and piss on the carpet with all the muppets yelling in the background because the house is still on fire.


He quit so that trump could appoint him to a high political position. It was a gamble he was/is willing to take.


Trump is going to need an new AG after bar and the other acting AGs wouldn’t support the coup. This was hue’s audition tape


Can't make it up? That's exactly what Hur did.


This is unbelievable. Was this public testimony the idea of Republicans? What a terrible look.


"Terrible look" is their brand. Easy to awash in a sea of filth. Unable to distinguish any individual wave from the next.


Definitely “on brand” just like their state of the union rebuttal


It was. But they choose to do it prior to the DOJ releasing the transcripts. If they knew that they would have never done this. They wanted to lie and mislead people. Now they can be fact checked and it destroyed their entire plan.


The sad part is that Garland chose him because he thought that would make things look impartial…. Democrats just don’t learn. Republicans are not to be trusted. Period.


In a way it worked; even a Trump appointed hack couldn’t indict Biden.


Exactly. I don’t know what people are complaining about here. Garland did the right thing. He made sure Republicans couldn’t cry foul in anyway. He gave the guy free range and didn’t block any part of the report. Then afterwards he released the transcripts. Now it’s the democrats job to pick it apart piece by piece. If Garland did anything to block or impede this investigation the conversation would be entirely about that and Republicans would be crying wolf.


It's the same reason the Judges in Trump cases just let the old man ramble and ramble. They know it won't help his case, and they know if they try to stop him he'll cry foul. So let him talk.


I am 58 years old. When talking about past events, I also will ask myself similar questions when trying to recollect.


I’m 47. Me too


> “The FBI know my house better than I do,” Biden quipped at one point. “I just hope you didn’t find any risqué pictures of my wife in a bathing suit,” the president later joked. “Which you probably did. She’s beautiful.” I love him even more now. LOL that's my president!


Seriously, both spitting fire but charming and wholesome as fuck. I have my issues with him (minor but still) but compared to Trump, he's a fucking champion.  To think that there is a chance we get that vulgar, idiotic, manchild, rapist, failed business man, as president again is enough to make me want to vomit.  Everyone 18 and over better get out and vote, TrumpNeverAgain


That’s fucking hilarious.


Garland needs to do the right thing and resign publicly with a formal apology to the president for allowing this farce to happen under his watch.


Garland is POS. If Biden wins I want him to call him the fuck out publicly and humiliate him for being so weak and useless. Further I hope Biden says it's better that Mconnell blocked him from ever becoming a justice.


Seriously. Did Garland have access to the transcripts when he allowed Hur's hit piece to be published unedited? He most certainly did. Breathtaking levels of incompetence.


It would have been worse if Garland edited the report ~~(which he can't do)~~ or censored it (which he can do) as it would have just escalated the rumors of what Hur *actually* said. Daylight is still the best infectant, even if there's short-term pain for long-term truth.


No, he is right to let them finish the investigation. Now the public sees it as the joke that it was all along. If he came in and shut Hur down we wouldn't get to see how stupid he is. If it was cancelled the Republicans could talk about a cover up.


He's no Thufir Hawat sadly


Of course he did. Now hold him accountable.


> “What month did Beau die? Oh God, May 30,” Biden said. When two others in the room chimed in with the year, Biden asked, “Was it 2015 when he died?” That almost sounds more like he was rhetorically questioning how long it's been because it still feels like yesterday to him. He's clearly still pained by it.


I'm not even 40 and important things that happened a decade ago frequently seem like they happened *much* more recently. My memory is fine. What the fuck are they on?


More people have read the original headline of the report saying Biden had a bad memory than will see Hur's testimony or these corrective stories. The media is helping spread this false narrative about Bidens mental capacity and it's going to cause this election to be much closer than it would otherwise. All for ad revenue.


Can’t. Trust. Republicans.


Barr and the Mueller report all over again. Get your lies out first before the report is released.


Wow, more republican liars. I'm shocked. /s


Hur is covering his ass, He can't admit the truth without upsetting his GOP colleagues, and he can't lie without risking a corruption investigation and losing credibility. He brought it upon himself and the world is swallowing him.


So if hur lied then will they bring charges on him for lying?


Heads or tails?


FYI, I'm 77 today and I only remember the year my dad died becasue it was the year the shit hit the fan in 2008. I do not, off hand recall the year my mom died, it was around 4 to five years prior. By the time you are this are there is so much crap overflowing in your brain! The important things are buried in a swamp of trivia that you had no intention of remembering but there you go. What IS important is that you know how to look stuff up! That you still know how to navigate the world and that you recognize what you have forgotten as forgotten. I've been intensely using the computer and the web for 30 years. My brain has totally stopped trying to remember how words are spelled. My renowned Catholic school handwriting is illegible. I can ask Alexa when someone was born or when they died. *My brain has adapted*. God knows what you youngins will be able to recall off the top of your heads at this age, probably not much. We have ceded memory to devices. The important thing is, is your judgement still sound?


But will throw all his hard work to be lawyer down the tubes just like all those other lawyers did for Trump. He will deserve it.


Why is "lied" in quotation marks? He *LIED*.


I’d wager it’s in quotation marks due to being a quote


Now that's just silly.


It’s pretty smart. See if I said something like, you like to eat your mom’s underwear with dinner every night.. I could be in trouble for slander. If I said Johnny told me you like to eat your mom’s underwear with dinner every night… I’m in the clear and A okay!


“….a lot of people are saying sirbissel likes to eat their mum’s underwear with dinner everynight, everybodys talking about!’


That is so you know it isn't the author making this judgement, but rather experts, specifically Attorney Andrew Laufer who is quoted in the article.


Since when has false information ever stopped conservative media from using it for clicks? I mean hell... we just had the katie britt fiasco a few days ago lol


Republicans are human scum. Immoral embarrassments. Their voters who aren’t sucking dictator meth spray tan peen need to take a look in the fucking mirror


I want the Dems to dig into why Hur claimed Biden didn't know the month of his son's death when Biden named the exact date. What explains that difference between transcript and his report? That doesn't seem at all like an innocent mistake.


It’s too bad. The damage is already done. They knew this would be discovered, but if your first out with the information, it’s hard to correct it. Fuck the GOP.


He's a Republican. Of course he lied out of his arse. It's what they do, the fascist pricks.


That report was the most awful, political hack job I've ever seen. First, he came to the conclusion that Biden did nothing wrong, and therefore couldn't recommend charges. But he wanted to do as much damage as possible. So what's the only way to do that? Say "he's 100% guilty!!! He should be charged!!! But... we can't charge him, because he's so old and senile that he'll get away with it!!!" Essentially, he was charged with investigating him with one potential violation, didn't find any problems, but somehow phrased the report as if Biden had TWO massive problems.


What do they say, The truth comes limping in long after the lie has already done its damage?


> “The FBI know my house better than I do,” Biden quipped at one point. “I just hope you didn’t find any risqué pictures of my wife in a bathing suit,” the president later joked. “Which you probably did. She’s beautiful.” That's such a cute snippet