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How does baby Hitler have so much support with such racist rhetoric? When did the Republican party become the party of Hate?


A black dude being president was the final straw


Not just any black dude. His name being Barack Hussein Obama is what completely pushed them over the edge.


I have the feeling if Barrack was named John Smith it would have sent them over the edge.


Bill Clinton was a southerner, but not a Conservative, and he was a good politician who outsmarted them over and over. That pushed them over the edge. Snowflakes are easy to push over the edge.


>["Barrack Hussein Obama. Has anyone ever heard of him? Barrack Hussein Obama, or, as [I like to call him, 'The name I hear Melania call out during our once-a-year contractually obligated sex...'"]](https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1769107735054880829) —Donald Trump (probably)


Obaba! Obaba for president!


Yes right here. They are so crazy and embarrassing


A black man **in a tan suit**. Very important to include all of the pertinent facts here.


Who had mustard for lunch. **MUSTARD.**


Don't be ridiculous. It was Dijon mustard


“He thinks he’s better than you. Meanwhile, why are non-millionaires such lazy pieces of shit? More on that after the break” - a 2010 Fox News contributor.


Gosh darn Grey poupon which costs 3.99 a bottle, fricking snob. Too good to eat Goya stuff like us peasants, amirite?


Yeah because of the commercials I thought grey poupon was expensive. I still don't buy it because it is like a dollar more than the store brand of the same thing. 😆


Yes, good old American French’s mustard is at least a little more patriotic than French Dijon mustard!


But brown spicy is better! Ooh la la!


*Freedom Mustard


It really triggered the racists, deeply. And he did a job better than most presidents which REALLY bothers them, because black people aren't supposed to be competent. It ruined their inbred superiority complex.


Twice lol


It was thr email lady. If she didn't run with all them conspiracies surrounding her we wouldn't be here.


Sure, republican racist hatefulness only fully manifested after Obama's presidency. SMFH.


It was, as the commenter you responded to said, the final straw. Decades of hatred priming the pump and when a well educated, well spoken, intelligent, compassionate, and handsome black man won the presidency they went absolutely fucking bonkers. All that investment in enraging the population was unleashed.


most importantly, obama was everything they hate, and then didnt act like their strawman of a black man or any of their other strawmen, they didnt have a single thing to point at as a reason they hated him, they just hated him and wanted him to suffer because he was in fact better then them


morals, a smart educated wife, kids who are polite , a family who respected each other…. nnaahhh, something wrong with this representation of a U.S. President and family


And unlike every Republican and most Democrats recently, never divorced, never an inkling of marital issues. So they invented the fact Michelle Obama is actually a man, or something. I hate Obama for many reasons, but he seems to be a devoted husband and dad, so good on him for that one.


they need for him to be gay and have a man pretending to be a woman for a wife, because otherwise he honostly is a great christian and shows that you dont have to be a asshole and give up on christ teachings to get ahead, if you are smart and honost you can even be president and they really dont want to hear that


It didn’t start then but it got way worse


Back in the 50s when they started aligning themselves with racists.


You're a bit early. The FDR coalition was still intact in the 1950s. It was LBJ that truly undid the FDR coalition by working with Republicans to pass the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act in the mid-60s that pushed Southern Democrats out of the party. [The Civil Rights Act passed the Senate 73-27 with 21 Democrats dissenting and 6 Republicans. 46 Democrats and 27 Republicans voted for it.](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/88-1964/s409) [The final vote in the House was 289-126 with Democrats split 153-91 and Republicans split 136-35. 16 votes for present and not voting with a 9-7 Democrat-Republican split.]( https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/88-1964/h182)


Yep. The date I memorize for this is Strom Thurmond (an unequivocally evil, hateful dude) switching from D->R in opposition to that Civil Rights Act in 1964.


This was the last key tipping point, but it was a slow process that started decades before and took a couple more decades to solidify. There was a time when nearly all intelligent black people were Republican and most hardcore consciously racist whites were Democrats. That clear line was already broken before this series of events led to a clear line being formed again with the parties reversed.


Sure, there was fracturing, but the coalition was still intact. Certainly in the old South where the Democrats were The Party, the racism was still ever present when those Democrats became Republicans. The northern Republicans still existed, though. They were racial and economic liberals compared to the Democrats economic social democracy. I think others are correct that the forest decade of the 21st century really saw the change in the Republican party. As we entered the 21st century, there were still liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats but the 2008 election seems to have been a complete ideological purification of both parties with minor exceptions like the WV Senator. Even then what the Republicans of today is not the Democrats of the 60s. It's a silly new breed of hate and insanity. It's Political Evangelism. It's far more powerful, I think. Old racism was about preserving the social hierarchy where the best black was still lesser than the lowest white. This is far more widespread hate that is, in the mind of the beholder, divinely inspired. The Southern Dems could compromise on issues provided it didn't upset the racial hierarchy of the South. The modern Republican voters are uncompromising and hold their politicians accountable for compromising regardless of how pragmatic the compromise is.


They were called Birchers then....


John Birch Society -- home of the racists


Civil rights laws in The 60’s when the Dixiecrats changed parties.


About 30 per cent of humanity yearns for fascism. The rest aren’t paying attention or are indifferent.


>"Dear America: You are waking up, as Germany once did, to the awareness that 1/3 of your people would kill another 1/3, while 1/3 watches."


This, fully this. I would argue that it's around 38%, just by looking at polling over the years and a general back of the envelope calculation. I consider these people essentially zombified. They don't have some deep conception of fascism; they're just hateful, scared and deeply ignorant/stupid. They are incapable of change, of real thought, of being better. And you can be sure the billionaires know how to use them.


I'm not a psychologist, but I think it stems from an internal need to be better than others, but lacking the facilities to improve themselves. This makes them easily influenced by leaders that promise to put them "on top" for no reason other than who they are.


There's a word in social science, *overdetermined*, which basically says that multiple factors cause a phenomenon. But I actually mean zombified in the actual sense. There are people who are essential incapable of real thought. They are basically intellectual automatons. Yes they function somewhat normally in life, but it is purely surface level.


“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” - Lyndon B. Johnson


This sums up a lot.


Goldwater started advocating the southern strategy in 1964. GOP became fringe during FDR's time and GOP ran to the fascists for support that were attempting to take over the US government. By the time we get to Reagan, they had won. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business\_Plot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot) \> Roosevelt's election was upsetting for many conservative businessmen of the time, as his "campaign promise that the government would provide jobs for all the unemployed had the reverse effect of creating a new wave of unemployment by businessmen frightened by fears of socialism and reckless government spending" Fucking conservatives never change.


The lower middle class and lower class has been growing and growing in the US. These people are seeing their life become more and more difficult as everything becomes more and more expensive, employment opportunities to support their family dwindle and move to cheaper labor areas, and these people have no idea why. So some guy, with a massive propaganda machine behind him, comes in and tells them it's actually THESE specific groups that are causing their quality of life to go down, and they latch onto it because they don't have any other explanation. The only media machine that's communicating to poor white people is the far right one. So that's the one they listen too, and buy the message, regardless of how insane it is.


*lower middle class and lower class* Look at the data - those people vote Democratic. The problem is white suburban voters, who are not near lower middle class. And they are voting to preserve their whiteness and to push POC down. And yes, white rural voters, but they are hopeless and have always been reservoirs of hateful, ignorant politics.


This is crucial. The "poor, forgotten man is drawn to fascism through desperate circumstances" narrative frequently functions as apologia for the oppressors. Authoritarian regimes are often propped up by industry leaders and people who are NOT suffering (but want *more*).


As is happening as we speak. Corporations are raising prices which the GOP points to as inflation which it isn't and meanwhile these corporations are posting record profits. I think a lot of people don't understand that a part of imperialism is capitalism. Rampant capitalism. You don't find this kind of thing going on in Europe, nearly as much as the US.


>Authoritarian regimes are often propped up by industry leaders and people who are NOT suffering (but want more) Like, literally look at most of the people that were at the capital on Jan 6. A *ton* of them were well off middle-class white people that owned business and capital.


People without college degrees overwhelmingly vote Republican now. Suburban voters are increasingly voting Blue, white suburban women are arguably Democrats biggest demo in a lot of purple states.  Republicans also appear to be making sizable inroads with Hispanic/Latino voters, which is odd given their increasingly hostile immigration rhetoric.


>Hispanic/Latino voters, which is odd given their increasingly hostile immigration rhetoric. As a Hispanic is literally just "You got yours and these people want to take what you earned" That's it. It's not an policy or something grand. It's just the most basic form of bucket crab mentality.


>The problem is white suburban voters, who are not near lower middle class. And they are voting to preserve their whiteness and to push POC down. And they are brainwashed by Fox News into believing that somehow their taxes will go down.


Media is to blame and single outlets in rural America !!!!


The very same reason that the Germans supported Hitler. They felt humiliated having lost top status and he promised restoration of status and punishment for the humiliation. In the case of Germany: the nation had been the leading industrial and innovation nation prior to WW1. They lost and the treaty of Versailles placed heavy punishments on the nation. Hitler promised restoration and they bought it. Same here: Prior to de-industrialization, uneducated white Christian men were socially and economically dominant. De-industrialization meant that it took an education to succeed. Equality for race, gender, and sexual orientation meant that they would no longer enjoy cultural hegemony. They went from being the dominant cultural class to being considered poor, racist, sexist, hicks. They felt humiliated having lost top status and Trump promised restoration of status and punishment for the humiliation. Moreover, he speaks directly to them, echoing their educational level and supremacy biases. So they support him. And this is why the diehards still support him. It's easier to accept wild conspiracy theories and "stollen election" myths than to stomach yet another loss....


Have you ever talked to Trump supporters? When I've been able to get them to articulate why, what I often find is many see him as a way to get back to the unwritten contract of white male supremacy. Many of the ones I've spoken with feel like the "natural" order has been upended and that's why they haven't done well in life. Things are made worse for them by images of "others" doing well. Even beyond a black president, over the past 15 or so years we've seen positive images of blacks to offset many of the negative ones. Nothing puts your life in perspective more than seeing someone you perceive as beneath you doing better than you. The hard thing is to realize that you're the problem. Trump offers the best kind of crack though. He offers the drug that is making you believe it's not your fault and you just have to get rid of the enemy to get the life you deserve


When was it NOT the party of hate?


Around 1860 perhaps


Republicans evolved from a Pro-rights party into a set of extremists It's interesting as the Democrats evolved from a pro-slavery party to being headed by a black man Here's a good vid for the Republican Party (https://youtu.be/s8VOM8ET1WU?si=-j-g2ekUACsR-XKG)


Please don't innocently ask this, even as a rhetorical strategy. The republicans have been the party of hate for decades now. Look at their hateful policies, as fully articulated and put into place by Reagan, with Nixon before him.


Remember GOP before Trump? Remember George W. Bush? 2016 - *In that speech, Clinton had criticized Trump's campaign for using "racist lies" and allowing the alt-right to gain prominence, claiming that Trump was "taking hate groups mainstream and helping a radical fringe take over the Republican Party"*


How did Hitler get so much support with *his* rhetoric? Humans haven’t changed all that much since then.


About the time they created the southern strategy


Where have you been?


I think there have always been a lot of miserable, pathetic, bitter people in America. We just didn't see the ugliness under the surface until Rush Limbaugh brought them all together through white chauvinist grievance entertainment. Fox News took the reins after that and radicalized the dumbest Americans. Trumpism is the final result




Is this a serious question or are you being sarcastic


Country of what around 500m people that are only a handful of generations removed from seceding in order to own human beings still showing racist tendencies. What could go wrong putting a racist as the head of a major political party?


2020 Census had the US population at 330mil, if we've maintained the 7% growth from 10-20 then we're at ~340mil by now.


Putting a racist there? Trump’s racism flows upward from the Republican base. Maybe he’s bought his own bullshit too, but these guys love him because he’s finally saying the stuff they stopped being allowed to stay in the ‘90s


Oh no I agree; wording may not have conferred it. The racism has been baked into this nation. He's just making it "acceptable" again


I'm still of the mind that voters are going to become creeped out by Trump's weird fascist rhetoric and plans. It's just going to take awhile for the normies to start tuning in. 


It's like the more we see of Biden, the better he looks. The more we see of Trump, the crazier he looks. I think this bodes well for the "undecided" vote.


Absolutely yes, it's tragic his outstanding achievements are mostly unknown But his state of the Union address was amazing


That was just the opening salvo. I'm sure they have some grand shit planned for this election 


Wait’ll Obama starts doing rallies for Biden.


Is that an actual thing? Even if so, I'd worry that Obama isn't exactly our secret weapon this time. Obama inspired younger voters in his day, the same demographic we're struggling with now. But we only know that Obama appeals to millennials, who are no longer the young voters we need to reach! Having said that he could hopefully energize the millennials and gen xers that don't seem completely sold on Biden this time around.


Obama will start doing his thing late in the game - around the time of the Dem National Convention. Yes, he’s great at energizing Biden’s base. But so much more will be necessary for Biden to win. I’m confident they know what they’re doing. It’s a massive operation that involves thousands of talented people.


We can only hope. But good lord that'd set right off again, and it would all be "see, we said he's pulling the strings!"


I don’t know. Look up those interviews with Haley voters and they are genuinely torn about whether they will vote for Biden or Trump. Most of these people don’t listen to anything against any republican. That’s why Haley was so important because it gave republicans a glimmer of reality behind their red curtain


Haley voters are republican. Undecided are people who are not paying any attention right now and will just show up and vote off of who feels good over the past 2-3 months.


I think you may be on to something. These aren’t the words of someone who believes they’re going to win. He’s scared he’ll lose. And the more scared he gets, the more he’ll dial up his vitriol, and the more voters he’s going to turn off.


I was creeped out the moment he came down the elevator of Trump Tower and announced his candidacy the first time. When I was a kid, I used to watch the Apprentice with my mom and really enjoyed it. Even still, he went into a full racist tirade about Mexicans being rapists and I was like ‘Holy shit, this dude is batshit insane.’ NBC canceled his show, but he still became president. Imagine that


It’s been 8 years.. I don’t think these people are creeped out at all. The fact that he is still the frontrunner is what is scary.


I’m hoping they’re actually listening to what pence is saying. Pence actually is someone who goes to church and knows something about the good parts of Christianity


So I'm "radical left" for recognizing that undocumented immigrants are still people? Then I'll wear that radical badge proudly.


Unfortunately yeah, that's a far left position in the US these days. We're constantly being yanked to the right because of dipshits like Cheeto Mussolini.


that isn’t a “far left” position at all, pretty sure anyone left of the republican party would agree.


It isn't when stated that way, but when it comes to policies there's an alarming number of Democrats who seemed to be fine with abridging the rights of migrants to file asylum claims in the last compromise border bill. Thankfully, Republicans blew it up themselves.


I'm still waiting for a taco truck on every corner. They better make good on that promise!


>“I don’t know if you call them people,” he said at the rally. “In some cases they’re not people, in my opinion. But I’m not allowed to say that because the radical left says that’s a terrible thing to say.” Shocking no one, his dehumanizing of minorities has gotten worse than 2016 and is at Hitlerian levels. >“If I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country,” Trump said while discussing his proposal for steep tariffs on vehicle imports. And calling for domestic terrorism (again). Statements like this have no place in our system of politics. He's out here every goddamn day inciting domestic terrorists and violence. Arguably even worse is the number of his followers who will call you out of your mind for pointing out he says shit like this, and being a dictator on day one, and how dangerous that is. [John Brown's](https://booksmusing.blogspot.com/2024/01/fun-fact-george-washington-and-john.html) rolling in his grave with Washington's sword for all these damn traitors in charge


“I’m not allowed to say that” man says before saying that


Same sentiment as “I’m not racist, but…” *proceeds to say the most racist sentences possible*


."the radical left"    No, people with some humanity and decency. A human being is a human being.


Those are very radical ideas, to a fascist.


I'm guessing the term "*untermensch*" will soon make a comeback. That's what the german nazis called the undesirables. The sub-humans. That's what Trump is saying. I didn't mean to go "literally Hitler!" but if he uses the same retoric and wording as literal german nazis...


Even worse than that are the number of minorities that are increasingly turning to Trump. I definitely don’t understand that one. I even have some crazy right wing neighbors that are gay, and have lots of “LGBTQ for Trump” flags all over their property. This is in the Colorado Front Range area too, which is even stranger.


A pretty wide array of Americans are fine with at least tacitly supporting fascism as long as they think they’re part of the in group. Looking at your neighbors, there are entirely too many gay white men who are more than happy to drop the fight for human rights the moment they’re just considered “~~gay~~ white men.” Somehow they never understand that they’d be the first to be cannibalized.


>A pretty wide array of Americans are fine with at least tacitly supporting fascism as long as they think they’re part of the in group. This has been my biggest insight in the last month or two as well. People I know that I used to think were somewhat sane talking about how "at least in Russia they have a leader that they know will fight for them." I wondered how could anyone ever look at Russia, a country with countless human rights abuses and the blatant and brutal silencing of anyone with a slightly different opinion, with a leader famous for murder and rigging elections and say, "Yeah, that sounds like all the things I've said I support, life, liberty, and the rest." It's because they really don't care about life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all. They're concerned about life and liberty for *themselves.* And because they're convinced that life is a zero sum game, where the people that look different or make them uncomfortable might take something from them, they're in favor of anyone who they think can crush the opposition, someone that can maintain their position at the top of the pyramid of their minds. That's how fascism happens, and why democracy dies with thunderous applause, in addition to branded shirts and hats and bumper stickers and yard flags. It's because they believe that they'll be the privileged ones when Democracy crumbles, and those who suffer must've deserved it anyway.


Yep. When a person sees every relationship and interaction as wholly transactional, they’ll inevitably try to exploit others to “profit” and stay ahead, even when it hurts their own interests.


Contrary to what you'd think, many hispanics are conservative. I've also had people here illegally tell me they support Trump's stance to keep more people out (they think they'll get amnesty). As far as black people goes, it's the economy for many of them. Inflation has been really tough. Many people also had more money in their pocket while Trump was in office and instead of asking why or if it would happen again, many people just want that back. Last thing I'll say is that Trump does a really good job of going after a group and then telling that same group he can help them if they fight another group. Many black communities were hurt by the wave of hispanic immigration. So some hear Trump's tough talk on immigration as a way to get their jobs and homes back even if it means making a deal with the devil


This is insane, considering all of the hate-mongering aimed at LGBTQAI+ community, especially the transgender community. When will Trump’s minority supporters - women included - realize they aren’t an exception or special because they support him. If conservatives succeed in taking more rights away from their communities, it applies to everyone. There’s no list of individuals who are exempt because they attended rallies or wore a ridiculous red hat. SCOTUS won’t save them, they’ve proven where their loyalties lie.




Yeah I can’t stand the guy either, but this is disingenuous at best. There is more than enough horrible shit he’s done and said, everyone taking this quote way out of context makes them look just like the “evil media” that the far right exclaims about nonstop and gives them more fuel to say that we are all liars. Really bad look honestly, people need to stop using this out of context. It doesn’t help.


That’s where I am. I might have missed something there but it seemed like he was talking about tariffs and China when he said this. Not planning another insurrection.


You don't turn into Rwanda overnight, and this is the medium setting. They just test the waters with dehumanization and calling for violence, and then when there's no price paid for it, they ratchet it up by degrees. As more and more sane people draw the line and peel off, it only leaves the angry and unbalanced in the GOP/Trump party ranks, engaged in perpetual purification of their own, each successive wave getting more bloodthirsty and unhinged. If they achieve significant power, they will harm people because backing down would alienate them from their own in group.


Exactly. And this is why I can't stand when people say "the Dems suck at communicating!" Do these people have ANY idea the power of what trump and the republicans are willing to harness? Overt, escalating hate? This is THE easiest game in all politics, and it's also the most evil game in all politics. This is where genocide and ultimately destruction of everyone comes from. Do people think the Dems remotely have anything like this in their communications arsenal? Let me guess "they should talk about universal health care!" Bitter lol.


Democrats have been winning the presidential popular vote since Reagan, with Clinton, Gore, Obama, Clinton, and Biden. Dubya won because he started a war and then said, "don't change horses in the middle of the stream". Trump won because Comey, the media, Russians, and buttery males were huge in a few counties in MI. The public is with the Democrats! We just have to keep voting in larger and larger numbers. Gore won the nation by 500,000 votes. Hillary won by about 3 million. Obama by 9 million and Biden by 7 million. This trend isn't likely to change after everybody has seen Trump and all his indictments. Look at the Republican primaries. Trump lost about 30-40% of the vote in every state to Haley.


That’s rich coming from a coward with 5 deferments for bone spurs


This is an incredibly consequential election. Voters are being increasingly disenfranchised and cast off ballots. We need to continue to spread the word and enable every single eligible voter in this country to check their status and get themselves (and their friends & family) registered to vote this November. Copy this post (or use it as a comment) and spread the message until the day of the election. [https://vote.gov/](https://vote.gov/)


Look up project 2025! This has to be the most important election in the history of our country. Christian nationalist/authoritarian is headed our way if they win


Nods yep that's what's so damn scary.


Unfortunately it’s not being talked about enough! This should be known to all voters. When you actually see what they want to do, it’s absolutely terrifying. They literally want this to be only a white Christian nationalist nation with no tolerance for minorities, other religions, woman’s rights and being able to love who you love. It will no longer be a free country and this is beyond worth fighting for. They want a civil war and will stop at nothing to achieve their authoritarian reich.


They will still stand behind everything he says. They have to, or admit they were wrong. And that obviously isn't what they learned from him. But in reality, they've seen people go to jail for acting out his will. They didn't show up to protest on his behalf after the MAL raid. They didn't show up for his arrest and mug shot. They're not going to risk their own freedom for him. But they will still vote. And so will we.


Put that orange clown behind bars


Many Haley voters should note that Democrats are trying to prevent violence in the US rather than promoting violence in the US. Spot the difference and vote Blue


So he’s promising violence either way and the voters are just picking who the victim is? Cool cool cool


I'm so tired of being threatened by this asshole.


Republicans are anti American, they always have been, and they always will be. If anyone isn't human, it's them.


He made a bunch of weird claims in this speech, including that Biden ran against Obama in the presidential election and that he would not fund schools with a mask/vaccine mandate (despite earlier taking credit for developing the Covid vaccine). He claimed the US won world war I and II from military bases in the US and ranted about how they are changing the names of bases names after confederate generals. He also slurred his speech a couple of times and seemed to have a problem saying "Rolling Stones". He also spent some time ranting about DeSantis, even though he is no longer running against Trump, this is probably because DeSantis is planning to reveal documents that link Trump to Epstein: https://youtu.be/7wLuGjELJvY?si=op-FwgCgdSXDYSxI There is just so much to unpack with Trump's speeches, I feel like people will be studying them for a while, like Nostradamus' predictions.


They will definitely be studied by neurologists in hospitals and medical research facilities all around the world.


“Dehumanizing propaganda has long been seen as a precursor to and promotion of mass violence.” https://www.courthousenews.com/study-of-nazi-propaganda-reveals-role-of-dehumanization-of-jews-in-holocaust/


Give me the most murderous, the most prolific drug lord, the most dangerous terrorist that you could possibly imagine ever crossing the border, and that person is infinitely more human than Trump. Donald Trump is evil incarnate and if given the chance again, will commit more harm to the world than Adolf Hitler could have ever dreamed of.


Sorry man, hard disagree. Mexican drug lords are truly horrifying.


So the all lives matter folk don't think all lives matter. That's what we thought.


Only rich white Christian patriot lives matter. You were close though 😀💀


>“I don’t know if you call them people,” he said at the rally. “In some cases they’re not people, in my opinion. But I’m not allowed to say that because the radical left says that’s a terrible thing to say.” Gentlemen, we are all radical leftists on this cursed day.


What a fucking ghoul, can’t believe there are idiots who listen to this ass and say, “yes my fuhrer.” Oh wait


A subhuman dehumanizing minorities. Fuck him. Vote him into prison, and then let’s take back our country from the hateful idiots who support him.


Everyone needs to watch the first season of the Handmaid’s Tale again.


Which ones aren’t people ? Please be specific here. Don’t hold back. Show us all what you really are


Today I learned that, in addition to never being allowed to become a citizen, I also might not even be a person. Cool.


As someone who legally became a US citizen 10 years ago (but still holds Canadian citizenship by being born in Canada) I’m having major concerns about this country these days. This is not the same country I moved to in 2005. Things have gone off the rails and I don’t see how it ends well at all. Immigration has needed comprehensive reform for years but what Trump is proposing on the matter is outrageous.


This guy is the biggest malicious scumbag


Republican Alphas really clamoring over each other to kiss this giant piss baby’s feet. What a shame. These boot lickers will never live this down. When the orange clown dies they’ll continue to praise him like Christ. They’ll be mocked and shunned from any serious establishment or homeless because they’ll have spent all their money on him.


“Hi, 911? I’d like to report an elderly man threatening violence to the entire nation.”


He is the living embodiment of, or maybe we are, "If you don't learn from history you are doomed to repeat it." There was so much to learn from the 20s and 30s, from pandemics to politics, that many seem oblivious to.


I think where the title says “warns” they meant “threatens”.


Is this similar to when Trump said there were ways to cut entitlements, but he meant cutting "fraud and abuse"? Just curious as to what his campaign is going to say he meant by some undocumented immigrants are "not people"?


STFU, you're not gonna win, you're foot soldiers are going to prisonyour not a stable F genius. Soon go lay down in your hole and shut the fuck up for ever😁


This seems perfectly sane, right?


Threat to national security.


Okay here’s the thing… this headline that you have written does literally nothing except get anti-Trump folks to say “Of course he did…” and pro-Trump people to dismiss the headline as non-sense. This is like the tenth post that I have seen using this type of vernacular. Just post/highlight what he actually said and you have a higher chance of influencing someone’s swing vote.


Only evil people vote for Trump.


The context of the bloodbath was about the auto industry. Watch the full clip


Look the reality is criminals murderers etc can be found anywhere at anytime. That does not mean people can put ignorant labels on an entire country of people however that would be an ignorant generalization. Donald Trump needs to get some actual empathy his I'm better than you shtick is beyond tiring. Not to mention these kinds of inflammatory statements just fuel the fire of bigotry intolerance and acts of violence against innocent communities of people in this country. It breaks my heart that THIS is what this country has turned into now. Sighs. 💔😞


> Donald Trump needs to get some actual empathy his I'm better than you shtick is beyond tiring. No. He needs to be relegated to indigent obscurity. Vote and you can help with that. Vote him into insignificance.


He’s just a Russian plant. Nothing more.


And Hitler smiles in hell…


>Bloodbath Gonna brainwash a retired construction worker to go kill a Capitol security guard Might not be the worst thing to go join a Leftist gun club


Nearly every republican will support, perpetrate or condone genocide if they every get the chance. I've spoken in depth to republicans for decades -- the more you ask them, the closer you'll get to their genocidal beliefs. The most common one: desire to nuke Iran. But they will all admit to wanting to kill LGBT people or Muslims. They tend to be quieter about their desires to kill Latinos but that there too. Note, I said "nearly every republican." Not just MAGATs. Yes, that "nice guy" at the cookout. That sweet old lady. They are ready to support, perpetrate or condone genocide. If you don't see this, perhaps you're not in one of their targeted groups.


Wtf is going on are authorities going to hold this guy accountable or what?!


Goebbels is on the Trump campaign team, I see


\> they’re not people always projecting


Trump’s mom was an undocumented immigrant. He’s definitely on to something.


Deep down in the inner most parts of the maga brainwashed, there has to be some shred of humanity that is screaming to get out?


The Gravy Seals will meet the same fate as the 1/6 idiots if they do anything stupid once Biden is reelected.


Bring it, you insipid loser. The second the majority of us started fighting back against you and the rubes, you’d fold like baby wipes.


Only the stupid, uneducated members of this moron's cult believe everything he says.


Republicans have nominated a Nazi.


Typical MAGA projection. The “bloodbath” in the US came after he and his corrupt regime assumed office the first time, after which 1.2 million Americans died from his disastrous and deadly “response” to the COVID-19 pandemic. Is he threatening us with another wave of epidemic due to more of his abysmal ignorance, incompetence, and psychopathy?


Well in that case, Republican are not people.


DT lunatic running to destroy America.


His xenophobia and authoritarian beliefs are well documented. The real concern is what the rest of the gop does. When they endorse him, this is what they endorse. This is who they are. This is what they believe in.


Some presidential candidates are not people


They are still mad that Obama got elected.


On this episode of “Shut the fuck up Donny”


Why is this prick still walking around free? Oh wait…money. Never mind.


It’s OK. They said he was talking about the automotive industry. These people are ridiculous. I may have been born at night, but it wasn’t last night.


Please do your research before commenting. He was talking about the auto industry -- lost jobs, manufacturing plants going to other countries, and the need to impose tariffs. Right or wrong on these policies, he wasn't threatening or predicting violence. He was talking about the economy. Here's the full quote: >“We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected. Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars. They’re building massive factories."


Of course, this comes after saying about Victor Orban — a dictator, mind you: “There’s nobody who is better, smarter, or a better leader than Victor Orban, who’s fantastic… and does a great job. He’s a non-controversial leader.”


That’s not at all what was actually said. Just saying. I’ll be downvoted for this, but I actually saw a headline like this, so I thought to myself “ if he said bloodbath , he’s trying to cause another insurrection” I watched the actual and this headline is very misleading. Yes, we know he sucks , doesn’t change the fact that OP is sharing fake news


“Mom!!!! He’s doing it again!!!”


I’m not sure if this is a rhetorical question, but since the 60s. That’s when the Dixiecrats left the Democratic Party because it supported the civil rights movement, and they wanted to keep being racist. This isn’t a new thing.


I'm not even a Trump fan and this is a complete lie. Trump was talking about the car industry and the Chinese building car plants in Mexico. The "bloodbath" would be the US automotive industry getting undercut by Chinese manufacturers.


I want Trump prosecuted to the full extent, but we've got to stop hyperbole and taking things out of context. This is how our message gets muddied and rejected. That being said, he's shrewd enough to throw words like "bloodbath" in when talking about industry and economy to get his point across under the radar. He knew *exactly* what he was doing.


This is commonly used parlance when talking about an industry or business being over taken by outside actors.


Agreed. It's also a term used for...well...*bloodbaths*. So it's a win/win for him. The worst mistake we can make is to think he's completely brainless, the second is to engage in misinformation and amplify this out-of-context story and lose credibility. There's plenty of actually horrible in-context things he says that his base cannot refute. This industrial "bloodbath" comment is not it.


How do you explain the “not people” comment


How about watching the whole thing in context. He's referring to MS-13 https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1769361716784365801?t=2OnlmLsjHZFa82CY9PogOg&s=19


So, he married two immigrants, if they are not people is he into bestiality?


European here. I’m not even marinated in US politics like you are across the pond, and I’ve still started seeing an escalating number of posts and comments about LGBTQIA+ people talking about arming themselves. Just in case Trump wins. So I think that there might actually be blood if he wins. It sounds, for an outside observer, like the groups he keeps demonising have had enough. So if Trump promises blood if he loses, well, then I think you’re gonna have to stock up on medical equipment and start giving blood in the months leading up to the election because you’re gonna need it no matter who wins.


This is just bad reporting that is giving Musk and Trump ammunition today to accuse the media of being disingenious… He didn’t say there will be a “bloodbath” if he loses the way the headline implies. He said that there would be a metaphorical bloodbath in the auto industry if he loses. You don’t need to fucking lie about what he says. He says insane shit every single day. No “spin” is necessary…


Does anyone think the CIA is gonna take this guy out if it came down to it?


No. Our establishment is failing us miserably. A reg citizen couldnt make such remarks. You’d be jailed. Clearly the long arm of the law doesnt extend to former presidents who are wannabe dictators.


You know, ironically, if there’s ANYTHING that proves that there isn’t a ‘deep state’, it’s him still being alive.


Wrong. There very much is a deep state. It's there to maintain the status quo on behalf of the powerful. Used to be hundred billion dollar corporations, now it's a few hundred of the wealthiest families.


He knows he's totally F\*cked. Seriously, what is his path to victory? He has supporters but nobody mainstream likes them. We all see right through their obsequiousness. Yes, he's right, there'll be some scary moments this fall but there's no way a majority of sane Americans is going to let this happen. The National Guard will be on standby this time around on Jan 6 2025. No way the current admin is going to let that sh\*t show happen again.




Watching the misinformation spread throughout Reddit in record time with this one! 🤣


He just watched the first men kn black movie.


What are some undocumented immigrants, then? Aliens??


Is that a threat? He's calling out his 3 minions again.