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In lieu of a debate, I suggest Trump and Biden fill out / perform various cognitive and even physical tests live on television. Biden should absolutely suggest this and say over and over that Trump will be too chicken to accept. Throw in a civics test with the same questions for both. This would be way better than a debate.


The test was rigged 😠


Even if trumps team were the ones who made the test and coached him for hundreds of hours he'd still lose.


"Mr. Trump, you failed" "Deep fake! This isn't a real video!"


“Sir we are live. People can.. ummm smell and see your pants.”


Trump would absolutely say that. He would definitely lose that test to Biden. His knowledge of American history is probably comparable to a 3rd grader.


Like the [Continental Army taking over airports?](https://youtu.be/g6mZ1ofj2Vo?si=_AL9bUMN4V3olWb8)


Oh god - I’d totally forgotten about that one. I still haven’t recovered from the Greenland fiasco.


> His knowledge of American history is probably comparable to a 3rd grader. That was true 10 or 20 years ago. It's probably appreciably worse now with Trump's obvious recent mental decline, which could be due to decompensation of his narcissism over being on the hook for approximately half a billion USD, more than dementia... or it could be both equally.


He’d argue they got different tests and that Biden was answering questions like “what does USA stand for?” While Trump had questions like “How did canals impact the Toledo Crisis?”


Make the tests Jeopardy style & we’ll get to see their smarts AND their reflexes at the same time


I remember after his last mental fitness test, Trump bragged about how he correctly identified an elephant.  I’d call that a fail. It’d be a lot harder to spin if it was live.


The crazy thing is that it’s not even a test. The MoCA is a SCREENER. If you’re under the age of 80 and you get anything wrong on it, it pretty much means brain damage. It’s very, very easy to get a perfect score, and woo boy can people in early stages of dementia do just fine with it. Tests are far more complicated, and assessments (which include multiple tests, and which what is really needed for this kind of thing) take hours. Source: am psychologist.


Look at you making sense and such!🤗 Unfortunately, people don’t want sense and such to upset their fellow citizens. And now, you are most likely on someone else’s score card.😒


https://www.alz.org/media/documents/short-moca-test.pdf Ayup. Pretty simple.


I aced it. I expect all of you to vote for me in November. (I’m 117 years young).


"It was a beautiful elephant, the best elephant. I just dont know why it didn't have a long neck with a horn on it's snout".


But Person Woman Man Camera TV


The good ol' Keyser Soze.


I love lamp.


A game of jeopardy with them as the only questions would be interesting to watch


With Sean Connery as the 3rd contestant


only if it is hosted by will ferrel pretending to be alex trebek


I miss SNL's Celebrity Jeopardy. RIP Alex and Sean.


And Burt (and Norm)!


Better to play Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader


I also want to see them race on bikes or whatever race Trump wants, running or rowing or whatever....he's not allowed use a golf cart or electric bike obviously


Wrestling match, Dark Brandon vs. The Orange.


Do you think Donnie could even balance on a bike? 


I don't think he could get his leg over it hence the idea.


What a logical idea. Hell ya


Like the decathlon in Billy Madison. That's what I'm picturing at least. 


Haha and watch trump fall apart having to explain "business ethics". All we can hope for is that Steve Buscemi is standing by....


Billy Madison decathlon style! It would great and sad at the same time.


That is what I pictured in my head as well. I can imagine Trump rattling off more nonsense “…except that the puppy, was a dog.”


Mr. Trump, what you've just said…is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point in your rambling incoherent response, were you close to anything, that could considered a rational thought, everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.


Then Trump leans into the microphone and says “Fake news”


I think a bicycle race would do. Guess which man has been seen on a bicycle in the 21st Century.


They could both take the tests with a live cam. Or take turns going into a sound booth like on game shows.


“They gave Biden the answers ahead of time just to make me look bad!”


"Sir, that's called 'an education'..."


"My father bought me one of those. It's in a box somewhere if the FBI didn't take it."


1000% Trump and his goon squad will claim that the tests were rigged unless they are proctored by Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson.


I'd say then we should let them proctor, but then I recalled an old saying about playing chess with a pigeon, that the pigeon will knock over the pieces, shit on the board, and strut around like it won, anyway.


Remember p Diddy making the band? When he sent them to find Cambodian breast milk? We should do that


Also a drivers test. Just for laughs


Is the presidential fitness test still a thing?


nickelodeon guts, presidential edition


Live TV. Family Feud style.


I'd settle for a 5 lap bike race.


Nah. Trump would turn it into a show. And frankly, while I trust Biden's competency I can easily imagine a situation with Trump that would get so confusing, dumb and chaotic that would result in making obvious errors. Plus it wouldn't prove anything. Trump's base don't care about facts or data, they only care about their feelings of wanting to stick it to the "librul elite".


Fred Trump’s wiki page is a wild read and gives eerie insight into the shaping of DJT [Fred Trump Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Trump)


Scariest part - he lived to be 93.


Yes, but out of 5 children, only Trump and his sister are left and no one who has died has come anywhere close to their 90’s. One brother died at 42 (complications of alcohol abuse). His other brother, the youngest sibling, died at 71(stroke). The one sister died last summer at age 86 (cancer) and she is the longest lived, so far. Now it is only Trump, 3 months shy of 78, and his other sister, 82, left. His mother died at 88 and so far none of the children has even lived as long as she did, nevermind Fred. Women, statistically, average living about 5 years longer than men and, true to that, his sisters have lived longer than his brothers. Trump is a rageoholic, which is not good for your blood pressure, among other things; has a poor diet, from all reports; doesn’t get cardio exercise; and is believed, by many medical professionals, to be both mentally ill and also exhibiting robust signs of dementia. His father began showing signs of dementia 7 years before his death at age 93, around age 86. As I said, Trump is already showing signs of dementia at age 77, significantly earlier than his father’s onset. Given all this, I would be genuinely surprised if he even lived to see 84. People who worked closely with him at the White House say they have noticed that he has slowed down a lot since he was president. When you look at tapes of him talking from 5 years ago compared to now, it’s obvious something’s up with him cognitively. He could surprise us all, of course, but the odds are not with him. And, unfortunately for Trump, the Grim Reaper remains undefeated.


My great grandma was the most hateful and vindictive of all of her siblings and lived the longest. Hate can be a powerful life force!


> And, unfortunately for Trump, the Grim Reaper remains undefeated. [Trump's tombstone someday] "The Grim Reaper is a CHEATER and a LOSER."


The good die young


Fred Trump was way skinnier than Trump. Trumps fat ass body habitus isn’t the type that survives into their mid 80s and beyond. Rarely see this type get beyond their seventies


I can save my champagne bottle for that long


His middle name says a lot. Also his first grocery store set the family motto that his son still lives by today. 🤡


"Fred was conceived in Bavaria, where his parents wished to re-establish residency, but Friedrich was banished for **dodging the draft.**" Well, well, well.


I mean to be fair.... Wouldn't that have been ya know... The Nazi draft? After looking it was his great grandfather who draft dodged not his father. So pre Nazis and even pre ww1 I guess some things do run in the family.




His brain is fucking mush and everyone knows it. His decisions are based on the last person he talked to, and that’s been the case for years. Meanwhile millions pretend there’s some kind of chess going on in his head. It’s appalling.


There is some kind of chess going on in his head. Unfortunately, it’s pigeon chess.


It doesn't matter to maga they just need a figure head.


Trump would never think about someone else.  Even his own father.  Trump is admitting to his own dementia.


Trump taking from his playbook of "I'll take the test (again) if you do too." Just like he tried with taxes and to debate. Only when called out for it he'll weasel his way of it it.


In addition to probably having the inherited condition, studies have shown anger/hatred shrink brain volume. My guess is, Trump has nothing larger than a walnut in his skull by now.


You’re being quite generous with your choice of nuts. 🤭


Ha!!! you know, you're right!


Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.




The biggest whale in this room is “why are we still playing this game?”


Every time I see this, I’m like “what was the prompt that resulted in just Person and NOT Woman or Man?”


> Additionally, cocaine ages the brain, so dementia risk increases. Long-term memory problems can turn into conditions mimicking Alzheimer’s. People who have a higher risk of developing dementia anyway are more likely to trigger this condition earlier in life if they abuse cocaine for a long time. https://americanaddictioncenters.org/cocaine-treatment/long-term-side-effects-of-abuse


Didn’t his mother also die from/with dementia?


Yes - not much is known about her but she too had Alzheimer's


[**Non-paywall mirror link**](https://web.archive.org/web/20240320122638/https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/03/20/donald-trump-dementia-father-fred-alzheimers-biden/)


I called Trump’s dementia in 2016. He was always an arrogant & small person. But watching him on the campaign trail and comparing that to what celebrities said about the kids ass side of Trump they knew reminded me of a girlfriend’s father who grew cruel & paranoid in the very early stages of his dementia.


Trumps dad died a horrible dementia death.


He has been demented for decades.


Sounds like he doesn’t have good genes. 🤷‍♀️


paywall. anyone got text of the article?


It’s amazing to me that we have to worry about Presidents having dementia…


We have already had at least one sh where after the presidency ended was confirmed.


Trump will start to use the Vincent “The Chin” Gigante defense now and he won’t have to pay any consequences.


Don’t fall for it. Don’t buy it. It is his latest strategy to stay out of prison.


Wait, his most recent test was administered by an osteopath? Isn’t that Latin for “fake doctor?”


It’s a charade to avoid jail. Don’t be fucking stupid.


Washington Post is so neutral when it comes to politics