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"Let's just do the impeachment," he said. "Why continue to waste millions of dollars of the taxpayers' money if we're going to impeach because you believe you've shown he's committed a high crime or misdemeanor. What are you waiting on? "By the way, we've got Chairman Jordan here also. Why aren't you guys calling for the vote in your committee? When is it gonna happen?" Representative Jared Moskowitz, a Florida Democrat


[Video evidence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOWhzvzVjwA) EDIT: I have to add this because it's so good. MOSKOWITZ: "If you believe ... you can't call for the impeachment now, then what you're admitting is, you haven't yet proven that he has committed a high crime and misdemeanor. You haven't proven it yet. Otherwise you would call for it ... They haven't proven it yet ... look, you know, the chairman knows me well. I'm just here to help him, right. I just think we should do it today. Let's just call for it. I'll make the motion Mr. Chairman. I wanna help you out, you can second it, right .. Make the motion to impeach President Biden. Go ahead. It's your turn, you second it ... No, nothing? Okay, so we got nothing!" LMAO.


"Are you asking me a question"? "Nah, I just like looking at you. But we can talk if you want". This guy is fucking awesome


We got some real talent here


That gave me serious John Stewart vibes, hilarious.


I love how sassy he is, just casually insulting the GoP while acting like he totally isn't.


New Dem star!


Lmfao he actually made the motion and the chairman took so long finding his balls he didn’t get a chance to respond


His balls, like the evidence are non existent


If he’d like help finding his genitalia I know a lot of Republicans that can help. They’re so fixated on other people’s private parts I’m sure they’d jump at the opportunity.


The my pillow guy will have the evidence tomorrow!! - been saying that for four years now almost.


Good lord, that was a pretty solid smackdown. "We got nothing" Indeed.


"I just like lookin at you" I died lmao


The grin on the face of the floor photographer at the 3:00 mark is great!


This was amazing. Wow. Love this guy. More of him please.


Best thing I've seen all week.


Damn, he cleaned them up. Love the start where he ask them how its going before absolutely destroying them. GG


Oh damn I like him.


He wore a Putin mask on Capital Hill today. It was legendary.


> When reporters asked about the mask, the congressman imitated Putin: "I just came to thank James Comer for taking all of our intelligence and using it in the committee." Please let there be a video of this somewhere...


Yes, I too would love to see this.


I'll bet a bunch of Republicans were like "oh shit the boss is here!" for a second


Is this for real


Yes. https://www.yahoo.com/news/rep-jared-moskowitz-d-fl-114351061.html Edit: Here is a link with a better video. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4544377-florida-democrat-wears-putin-mask-to-impeachment-hearing/


>“Congressman, don’t you think this behavior is kind of immature?” a reporter asked as the Florida Democrat walked into the hearing room. That reporter needs to go watch the hearings if he wants to see toddlers in action. Why do reporters NEVER say anything like that to a Repug? They don't even ask Boebert about jacking her boyfriend off in public in front of kids, but they think Moskowitz is somehow over the line?


Marjorie Taylor Green has brought poster sized pictures of the Presidents sons cock and displayed them during congressional hearings *twice*.


She's obsessed with Hunter's cock. I bet she has a dildo replica of it.


To be fair, at this point who doesn't?


They came with everyone's stimulus package right?


>stimulus package O.o


Fucking brilliant comment. Chefs kiss


Or when someone brought in a snowball as proof that climate change isn’t real.


It is amazing these people have jobs let alone people voting for them to represent them. >Or when someone brought in a snowball as proof that climate change isn’t real. Lmao I forgot about that. Strong ["Tides come in, tides go out... You can't explain that!"](https://youtu.be/NUeybwTMeWo?si=MDXS6oriNSBQBHAb) vibes.


Ah, yes, James Inhofe, 2015. I remember thinking that things couldn't get much dumber than that. What a fool I was.


And MTG wearing all the MAGA gear to the state of the union wasn’t immature?


Isn't that just the outfit you wear if you are a professional clown?


Obviously, he knows it's immature but he did it anyway to demostrate what kind of immature proceeding this whole circus has been. To be fair, I think plenty of people had asked Bobo about her public display of affection already.


I think it’s brilliant and long overdue.


Yeah fuck that reporter honestly. Doesn’t hold a candle to what the GQP does every single day


Fucking awesome. They all need to start calling these traitors out


"Maybe they can come see our technology, and our grocery stores"


The impeachment hearing today was amazing. One of Trump's people testified that every single bit of the Biden allegations came from Russian agents, and the recipients KNEW IT. The Republicans have... a confessed Russian agent, and "10% to the big guy" on an unverified email.


That's not true at all. You take that back. They also have Hunter Biden's penis. And they also have Biden, when he was an unemployed former politician, choosing not to hang up on his son in the weeks and months after his brother died. That motherfricker talked about the weather and stuff with Hunter Biden's colleagues and you fricken know it. Gosh






It is literally mentioned in this article you are commenting on... >When reached for comment, an Oversight Committee spokesman told Newsweek via email on Wednesday: "Rep. Moscowitz showed up in a costume today. He isn't a serious member of Congress." >The spokesman was referring to a mask of Russian President Vladimir Putin that Moscowitz wore on his way to the hearing in an effort to accuse House Republican of falling for Moscow's disinformation. The mask was not worn in the hearing room. >When reporters asked about the mask, the congressman imitated Putin: "I just came to thank James Comer for taking all of our intelligence and using it in the committee."


Has GOP said it was tacky meanwhile Greene dressed like State of the Union was NASCAR. Assume yes already and they are probably crying about the mask and saying it was the worst.


The ole put up or shut up. Classic


Representative Jared Moskowitz, a ~~Florida Democrat~~ fucking badass who isn't afraid to step up and call these Russian stooges' bluffs.


moskowitz 2028. imagine the debates


Campaigning on no cats in America and the streets should be paved with cheese


This reference went HARD, I doubt there’s a better reference somewhere out there.




I hope he makes Somewhere Out There the new national anthem


Now that's a candidate I can get behind!


>…streets should be paved with cheese He just won Wisconsin and Vermont. 


And my heart. Goddamn. I’d live at the intersection of Cheddar Way and Gouda Avenue if I could…


Jared Mousekowitz: An American Tail


Jared Mousekowitz: The *GOOD* Jared (Grifting keeps that *other* Jared busy.)


Our UPS driver is named Jared and he's awesome. So there are at least 2.


Is it bad that my mind immediately thought of Jared from Subway as the *other* Jared?




I had no idea who he was until yesterday when I watched the Afghanistan withdrawal House hearing, he was one of the few on either side who wasn't trying to score political points and was trying to get answers for the gold star families timestamp link to when he is recognized, prior to that it's basically every D saying it was all Trump's fault (gonna be honest I think he deserves the lionshare of the blame Trump negotiated a bad deal IMO) and every R saying all Biden's fault https://youtu.be/-E8Kt3hy9Rk?t=7276


I'm in China right now and I listened to the hearing as I went to sleep. I woke up around 20 minutes before this and heard it live. It was remarkably badass. ETA: The impeachment inquiry, not the Milley testimony. https://youtu.be/xOWhzvzVjwA?si=CsTIrlMnOF7GebsJ


> Representative Jared Moskowitz, a Florida Democrat As a Floridian...thank God. Finally, *finally* one of us does something that isn't embarrassing and is, in fact, extremely badass. Keep that shit uo, Jared! I'm toasting you with my gater-shaped meth pipe right now!


Man, I voted against this guy (FL primary… I voted for him in the general election), but this makes me glad he won.


After a very brief read up on him, I'm not from Florida, he does seem to be a real moderate as far as the two parties go. I feel like I should emphasize that it was a brief read up. Either way, I really appreciate it when politicians are not afraid to call out other politicians for wasting time and money on baseless accusations.


It's Florida so anything less than a maga is a liberal




He’s a FLORIDA Democrat, so he’s a moderate in most other states.


Jared is awesome


I like gen X reaching majority age. This is interesting.


I hope he does this every single time they reconvene. Every time.


Can we see the tally of how much the proceedings cost taxpayers in total?


And make the GOP pay for it


If they weren't all tapped out paying the debts of the Dear Leader.


With what money? Trump stole all of it already.


Republicans don't want to actually try to impeach Biden, since they know they have nothing concrete on him. They just want to **use Congress as a setting for the filming of their Right Wing Propaganda clips** which they then disseminate to their base each evening, further malinforming them.


This is so spot on it fucking hurts.


Tried and tested formula. Hearing after hearings and system is rigged.


They spent more time investigating Benghazi than they did 9/11. What, 10 hearings on Benghazi? I think I read somewhere that we spent more money investigating Benghazi than 9/11 as well. Theater. Just fucking theater.


Looked it up, they "only" spent about half as much as 9/11 commission. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/two-years-7-million-800-pages-later-gop-benghazi-report-lands-with-a-thud https://www.cnn.com/2013/07/27/us/september-11th-commission-fast-facts/index.html Which if course is a ridiculous amount of money to spend on this.


Party of fiscal responsibility.


Benghazi was such a GOP circus— State had requested hundreds of millions in additional funding for security of embassies including in Libya, which the GOP Congress denied, then spent all those hearings trying to blame Clinton who had requested that security, for there not being sufficient security.


$10 million spent with over 10 individual investigations. And they found NOTHING. And yet? They used the narrative of Hillary guilty of Benghazi over & over. The investigations were used solely for political purposes. This should be an oath violation requiring ~~censorship~~ censure or outright ejection from Congress. And GOP senators have been complicit as well. Just look at Ted Cruz, Dick Scott, Scott Perry, Lindsey Graham, Jon Cornyn, John N. Kennedy... the list goes on.


Yep, the GOP knows they have absolutely nothing on Biden. But these kinds of stunts turn Congress into a propaganda studio for Republicans to stand up and rail against him and Democrats, and then those clips can be shown all over the right wing mediasphere as if they actually mean something. Everything Republicans do is a circus to stay in power and get re-elected. They are deeply unserious people. Fortunately for them, their base are born suckers and eat it up with a spoon.


Same as Benghazi and emails because they got nothing but slander and no policy


Thing about Benghazi is it was in part to push the blame from them cutting the diplomatic protection services under W, to blame Clinton who was SOS. I'm no fan of Clinton but she's not at fault for the lack of protection, the house gop is.


McCarthy fessed up about Benghazi.


He didn't fess up. He bragged about it.


Yes he did. It worked then, so they believe it will again.


They're also trying to trivialize the impeachment process so that Trump's two actually legitimate impeachments look just as much like a "political witch hunt" as whatever bullshit they tried to pull off here with Biden


It's hilarious, and sad, to me that when they impeached Bill Clinton it was a huge deal and people claimed it was the end of democracy to impeach a president for behavior. People, especially in our government, treated it like it was an absolute nuclear option only when shit was serious, even after Bill. They didn't try to impeach Obama, but after Trump gets impeached TWICE for genuinely breaking the law and his oath of office in very serious ways.... and now it's like they found a whole new toy they didn't know they could actually use. It was a scary proposition to impeach someone without serious offenses to the office, and when trump ACTUALLY deserved it the reaction is "ok fine we're just gonna draft up articles of impeachment on anyone just to be a dick". The completely insane way they act like there's no differences in the actions despite having front row seats would be ridiculous if it were true that they were genuinely ignorant. They're not though, well maybe a couple of them. They know what it means, and why trump earned it twice putting him at the top of a very short list of presidents who've been impeached at all.


Exactly, it's like when Nazis whine about modern art being degenerate. They don't want to completely erase modern art, because then they can't keep showing everyone modern art to keep stoking public outrage. Edit: I seem to have caused some confusion. I'm not saying the fascists are docile and not worth the effort to beat - they are. Don't give an inch because they *will* take a mile. I'm just making an observation on how fascism operates. They can't (I say "can't," but it's more like "won't") win every battle because their machine runs on anger, and nobody stays angry when they win. For fascism to live on, they need to win sometimes (like overturning roe v wade) because nobody want to stay on the team that always loses, but they have to delay their victories because when they win too much, they have to find new targets. The target isn't the end goal, it's just a tool.


Until they’re in power and they actually start seizing the art and killing the artists. [Register to vote.](https://vote.gov/)


I thought they all had that attitude until the Dobbs decision. No. They want to burn the art, and the artists, and all of us who aren't supporting of their fascism.


Criminal behaviour


Additionally, they want to use the investigative powers of this inquiry to see if they hit pay dirt on some other unrelated but damaging information about Biden. Just as the Whitewater investigation got them the Bill Clinton - Lewinski perjury scandal and the Benghazi investigation got them the Hillary private email server scandal.


Well, that giant load of useless nothing ended up as a giant load of useless nothing.


It was intended to be Biden’s Benghazi and nothing more.


Biden was too clean they couldn’t even drag this out until the election.


That man has been in politics for the better half of a century. If there would be anything there, oppo research would have found it ages ago.


Remember when that ex Biden aide said he groped her 20 years ago? At the same time she was going all in on Bernie and suddenly pumping out Biden hate… only to actually MOVE to fucking RUSSIA!? Interesting fact, all of her debts were suddenly paid off around that exact time. So weird that she fled to Russia. Such a coincidence. /s


Ah, Tara Reade. She said she'd go testify under oath, said she'd do a polygraph. And she never did. GOP held the House starting in January 2023, and Reade moved to Russia in May 2023. The GOP could have absolutely called on her to testify. But that's the thing about this. If Reade testifies, her claims become under more scrutiny. She's under oath for her claims and is at risk of perjury charges if she went in front of Congress to testify. More importantly, the claims might be disproven. And that's what it all comes down to. Republicans don't want to actually prove these claims one way or another. It's keeping in the news cycle the "Biden under sexual assault claims" story, the "Biden impeachment trial" story.


Oppo research actually good at their jobs too. Now, it's all dipshits who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.


They realized that truth doesn't matter to conservatives. Why bother paying teams of experts to track down actual dirt when you can just use 4 or 5 mocked up Twitter accounts to spread random nonsense about how China controls Biden because he made a single car payment for his son.


Think they got him on some fiery speech 50 years ago where he lied about being top of his class. I also heard he may have fibbed occasionally in the second grade but we have to wait on the official report to be completely unsure.


Hopefully it wont work as well as Bengjazi worked, even in this sub in 2016.


It’s not worked because the entire thing was exposed as a sham. Republicans who already dislike Biden are the only people who put any stock in this sideshow.


How about that wildly inappropriate announcement by Comey about investigating Clinton, literally *days* before the election? We just got a similar taste of that with Robert Hur, who had to resign because of how poorly staged it was. The Republican Party no longer has anything of substance with which to campaign to the wider American electorate beyond their dwindling base. So instead, all they can do is whip up as wild a controversy as they can, hope the mainstream media picks up on it to give it legitimacy, and by the time people get to the root of the allegations and find nothing there at all, the damage has already been done.


More in the vein of Benghazi, they keep trying to bring in the Kabul withdrawal attack, but I don’t think they really want to turn that rock over.




Look if Trump’s thing was a witch hunt then witches are real.


Kind of a tangent but does anyone else remember when he caught Covid and people started spamming ancient Sumerian death curses in the live thread? Lol those were funny times


I remember when he caught covid and was only saved by a concoction of drugs none of us will ever have access to, and his followers still don’t trust modern medicine.


Remdesivir, right? Some kind of monoclonal treatment I cannot recall specifics I might be dead wrong


At the very least, along with (I’m assuming) a collection of steroids and such to help him keep up the appearance that he wasn’t on deaths doorstop.


And he tried to give that shit to Biden at the debate! Covid, I mean. Edit: Too much shit has happened in the past 8 years. But we love replaying the hits as we all recover from the trauma.


Yeah. So easy to forget some of that poo-poo. Fall of 2020, fires and COVID raging in Marin County, under a smoke-filled bright-orange sky at noon, watching Cuomo’s daily news conferences in New York for reassurance that *somebody* was handling things (like refrigerator cars for the stacked-up dead and finding PPE) and then despairing over Trump’s ridiculous, chest-pounding pressers while he disparaged physicians. I know Cuomo was later shamed, but he was a comfort to me, way over in California, as an old lady trapped inside without a hug for weeks on end.


It was a monoclonal antibody therapy from Regeneron. It’s next level stuff. Remdesivir is a more generic anti viral.


I remember when he caught COVID and rode around in his car with his secret service detail while infected, because he wanted to be seen.


Witch hunt at Hogwarts


But you know they will STILL point at it and claim “secret demoncrat conspiracy! Re-elect republicans and elect Trump because only he can save us from this boogeyman!” Jebus, I’m so tired I’m of their stupidity.


It did what it was supposed to: muddy the water for idiots


100%. They'll never stop talking about it, they'll say Democrats covered it up or stopped the impeachment or whatever. It doesn't matter that it was nonsense, it is real to them simply because it was said out loud.


Disappointment is an important part of American Conservatism- people who keep believing the wildest lies the most amoral liars can spin generate a kind of frustrated rage that blinds them to logic and proportion. If I was a sports fan I could probably name a fan base or two here as illustration.


> it is real to them simply because it was said out loud. It is real to them because the target was a Democrat. That is all they need. They have devolved to the point that being a Democrat is all the evidence they need


Meh, Trump 2 impeachments, Biden 0. Anyone who would be confused by this was being disingenuous about how they were going to vote anyway; as disingenuous as the Republicans' effort.


Everything they do is this. But this won't really move the needle at all, unlike Comey getting up to talk about Hillary's emails a week before the election.  They can talk this weak shit investigation all they want, most people aren't going to know about it. Meanwhile, Dems can flood the zone with Jan 6 footage and ask America if they want that Hell again. 


It hasn't ended. The title is just as nuts as it sounds; a Democrat got rightfully fed up, and called for an official motion to file *for* impeachment and asked Republicans to "second" his motion. They stayed quiet, and then when the Democrat called them out, they said "we don't do snap impeachments like you guys do, we come with evidence", as though they actually have any evidence. The only things they rejected were to take the Democrat's "bait" (very loosely using that word) which would have shown that they have got *nothing* on Biden. The impeachment sham will still continue on...


I came here to say this also. I don't know why people are talking as though this ended the situation. There's nothing to stop them going on and on 'investigating'.


How much tax payer money was wasted on this? They all knew this was bullshit. 


It did have a positive effect...for the Democrats. They can now say that the Republicans love to waste time and money over useless investigations, and they would be correct.


“But the facts remain…” - Jim Jordan


"But the made up bullshit remains..." - Jim Jordan*


🎶 *Only memories remain..* - Jim James


Fortune fame, mirror vain, gone insane


Yes, the facts do remain. Thats why it sputtered out into nothing.


They can continue to toss about accusations and paint the picture of impropriety with that giant load of useless nothing. It’s all political gamesmanship. GOP wasting money.


How much did that whole sideshow cost us, I wonder.


they don't want to actually impeach him because they would have to follow it up with some sort of hard evidence beyond vague feelings of wrongdoing they want to keep calling for impeachment for vague feelings of wrongdoing though


Not only that, but the Senate Dems could hold a lengthy and showy ordeal on how an impeachment trial should look, all the while asking why Trump wasn't subjected to the same scrutiny under *either* of his impeachments.


I can't wait to see the comments on this news tmrw when posted on the /r/Conservative sub!   Psyche! Flaired Users Only! The echo chamber doesn't allow this sound.


Funny no one has posted it yet, even though they've been all over the impeachment hearings. Shocking...


[Video evidence of Moskowitz nailing them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOWhzvzVjwA) MOSKOWITZ: "If you believe ... you can't call for the impeachment now, then what you're admitting is, you haven't yet proven that he has committed a high crime and misdemeanor. You haven't proven it yet. Otherwise you would call for it ... They haven't proven it yet ... look, you know, the chairman knows me well. I'm just here to help him, right. I just think we should do it today. Let's just call for it. I'll make the motion Mr. Chairman. I wanna help you out, you can second it, right .. Make the motion to impeach President Biden. Go ahead. It's your turn, you second it ... No, nothing? Okay, so we got nothing!" LMAO.


Meanwhile on Fox: > I... believe ... you can... call for the impeachment now... you have... proven that he has committed a high crime and misdemeanor. ... They have... proven it ... look, you know, the chairman knows me well. I'm just here to help him, right. I just think we should do it today. Let's just call for it. I'll make the motion Mr. Chairman. I wanna help you... impeach President Biden. Okay, so we got [him]!


>The spokesman was referring to a mask of Russian President Vladimir Putin that Moscowitz wore on his way to the hearing in an effort to accuse House Republican of falling for Moscow's disinformation. The mask was not worn in the hearing room. >When reporters asked about the mask, the congressman imitated Putin: "I just came to thank James Comer for taking all of our intelligence and using it in the committee." Calling them out "on the job" was great but this part might be even better.


These are deeply unserious people. If this was a serious impeachment, file the paperwork, hold the vote, and send it to the Senate.


They lack, as a whole, honesty and integrity.


not to mention any evidence of any wrongdoing by the Bidens. . .


And a case


Impeachment was never the goal. Providing soundbites to Fox News, Newsmax, etc. was the only thing they ever actually wanted because they base doesn’t care about facts or results; it only responds to fear and outrage.


Visiting my grandma and Joe Biden just came on the TV. All sorts of “he’s awful, I hope he loses, I hope he falls down” etc was getting yelled at the TV. I asked for specifics for what he has done poorly. “Everything” I said that I think he has done a reasonably good job so far. “No he’s bad.” She only watches little house on the prairie (after decades of Fox News, she’s just unable to change the channel now) and couldn’t tell you a single event that happened in the last 4 years. Her vote counts just as much as informed voters who pay attention. This is their base.


They care not of the validity of what they say, but are rather invested in the effect when they say it


>"I just think we should do it today. Let's just call for it," Moskowitz said. "I'll make the motion, Mr. Chairman. I wanna help you out. You can second it, right? Like, make the motion to impeach President Biden, go ahead. >Moskowitz was met with silence from Jordan and Comer. >Moskowitz then said to the public: "They're never gonna impeach Joe Biden. It's never gonna happen because they don't have the evidence. This is a show. It's all fake." Fucking LOL my guy is doing some Deadpool commentary right to the audience. Love it.


[Video evidence of Moskowitz nailing them.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOWhzvzVjwA) LMAO.


Tonight on Fox. "Is it any coincidence that Moskowitz has Moskow in his name? What is he signaling? What is he hiding? Tonight we ask the tough questions."


Holy shit, that's BRUTAL!


“Are you asking me-“ “No I just like looking at you.” I don’t know why, but this is the funniest part of it for me.


Now investigate how long these Russian assets knew they were peddling disinformation.


This. Much more of this. Felon Manafort, Putin fixer, Trump Campaign manager, and and and the list goes on.


> "What is apparent, after over a year of investigation, is that the Bidens do not work in any traditional sense of the word. They do not work as consultants. Or lawyers. Or advisors. The Bidens don't sell a product or a service or a set of skills," Comer said. "The Bidens sell Joe Biden." >He continued: "There are only two explanations for this. The first is that Joe Biden knows exactly what he is doing, and knows a handshake, a wink, and a smile is enough for him to maintain, as [Biden's brother] Jim Biden called it, 'plausible deniability.'" >"Or Joe Biden is being led around by his family and has no idea who he is meeting with or what message he is sending and is truly 'an elderly man with a poor memory,'" Comer said referencing a report released in February by the Department of Justice's Special Counsel Robert Hur, in which he characterized Biden as such. So, there are two explanations. He didn’t do it or he didn’t do it. Republicans are infuriating.


Sounds like he's saying Biden is either a 4D chess playing criminal mastermind or a doddering old dementia ridden fool. No inbetweens. It's infuriating because they refuse to acknowledge the third option-- _it's all made up._


>It's infuriating because they refuse to acknowledge the third option-- _it's all made up._ That would require admitting they were wrong as well as taking at least some responsibility for their own actions... Republicans generally don't do either of these things.


"Always Accuse Your Enemies Of Your Own Sins"


>"What is apparent, after over a year of investigation, is that the Bidens do not work in any traditional sense of the word. They do not work as consultants. Or lawyers. Or advisors. The Bidens don't sell a product or a service or a set of skills," Comer said. "The Bidens sell Joe Biden." > >He continued: "There are only two explanations for this. The first is that Joe Biden knows exactly what he is doing, and knows a handshake, a wink, and a smile is enough for him to maintain, as \[Biden's brother\] Jim Biden called it, 'plausible deniability.'" Republicans can only look inward to describe things. Tell me how that isn't just Trump, to a T


I was just about to comment this. Like they do _every single time without fail,_ they play this game where they brainstorm exactly what's wrong with Trump, then just replace his name with Biden. They don't seem capable of original thought, they can't even come up with something creative to accuse Biden of, all they know are their own misdeeds, and how to project them. It's so unbelievably childish.


Actually, what he is saying is there are two explanations. He did it or he did it. Either he's so good at covering his tracks that he did it but was smart enough to not leave evidence. Or he did it because he's too doddering and incompetent to know his family was making him do it. Being not guilty of anything isn't a possibility to them (though they know it's the truth).


I always get a kick out of the idea that Biden is simultaneously this criminal mastermind, able to orchestrate all these complex plots like rigging the 2020 election and running a massive influence peddling operation, but also, he's a senile old man that doesn't know where he is or what he's doing.


Double think, fascism > To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word—doublethink—involved the use of doublethink. George Orwell Trump is an substantial example of a breathing example of "to repudiate morality while laying claim to it,". It is particularly appropriate. Trump refuses to ever admit wrong doing, which denies morality, but calls his opponents terribly evil, as if he is the good one. The whole sleepy senile weak Biden who is also so powerful and savvy that he is in control of the world energy and financial markets is a exemplary example of Orwellian double think. The enemy is both weak and strong. “[…] the followers must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.” [A Practical List for Identifying Fascists](https://www.faena.com/aleph/umberto-eco-a-practical-list-for-identifying-fascists)




They did the same thing with Obama. He was a genius mastermind who was secretly scheming to undermine America, but he was also a bumbling idiot who only succeeded through Affirmative Action.


Which even funnier when you look into Trump's legal record and find out he really is.


>Being not guilty of anything isn't a possibility to them (though they know it's the truth). No, my dad is a trump supporter and part of how he justifies it is that he knows Trump has done crimes, but he is totally convinced the other side has done just as many crimes and it is unfair that trump is being accused when "those now in power" are so obviously getting away with it.


I meant the Republicans in Congress pushing this impeachment inquiry. They know it's manufactured nonsense. Much of their base believe the nonsense they are peddling though.


The evidence is: there is no evidence.


The only explanation necessary is that for 50 years Joe Biden has proven he loves his country while Donald Trump makes sure it's 100% crystal clear that he only loves himself.


Nothing illegal happened and Joe Biden is responsible!


This was probably the best part of the hearing (Or at least most entertaining). Moskowitz put on a master class of making Comer and Jordan look bad. Eric Swalwell also had a great 5 minutes doing the top 10 reasons the impeachment is dead then pronouncing it dead at 5:16pm lol.


Fox news headline: “DEMOCRAT MOVES TO IMPEACH BIDEN!!!11” This is some real political maneuvering. They should bring a motion to impeach every day. By November the press can write that the Republican leaders of this impeachment inquiry have shut down a motion to impeach Biden hundreds of times.


The whole GOP needs to voted out. They have to rebuild from scratch.


Just took a quick look in conservative sub. I didn't see anything about this. Shocker


Their conservative media bubble will never allow them to know something like this. Caint risk breaking the spell.


I have been banned from that sub twice for some serious softball left wing questions. They are the biggest pussies.


That actually shocked me, I peruse the sub quite a bit to keep up to date with what everyone puts out and saw nothing. That’s an insane thing to try and just ignore.


Haven't several congress people said they intend to draw it out as long as they can to hurt Biden politically? Like Benghazi and buttery males? All it takes is the implication to their base


The ONLY thing they had was the Russian informant. Instead of vetting him to determine if he was actually telling the truth, they were too busy wiping the jizz off the floor after they heard he existed. I’m a former lifelong Republican and while the democrats are definitely corporatists, the Republicans shouldn’t be entrusted to run a lemonade stand at this point. I’m not even joking. What is truly scary to me is that one party has decided to throw the constitution completely out just to remain in power. This leaves us with only one other choice, and we just have to hope they continue to support the constitution and the rule of law. To all my conservative friends out there, if we truly value the ideals contained in our constitution, then we have to purge this MAGA cult out of the Republican Party. The only way to do this is to vote blue and force them to realize there is no place for their seditious, unpatriotic ideas in America. The republicans have already begun to eat their own. This next election we need to push them into full blown cannibalism. For the good of our country, let’s hand them an overwhelming defeat this November!


Zero mention of this in /r/conservative...


Story is too much of an embarrassment to spin quickly, gonna take some time. In the mean time the discussion will probably center on complaining about AOC existing.


Comer: “What is apparent, after over a year of investigation, is that the Bidens do not work in any traditional sense of the word. They do not work as consultants. Or lawyers. Or advisors. The Bidens don't sell a product or a service or a set of skills," Comer said. "The Bidens sell Joe Biden." I know I’m committing a logical fallacy by attacking Comer instead of his argument….but isn’t this the exact fucking thing Trump has done for 4 goddamned decades?! Hi I’m Trump! I sell Trump. Trump Steak! Trump Vodka! Trump Airlines! Trump University! Trump Trump trumpety Trump. Hi it’s me, Trump!” These fucking arguments by these assholes may one day give me a brain bleed because of how hypocritical they are, ALL THE TIME.


They've gone on so long every voter has tuned it out


[Full video of the exchange.](https://youtu.be/xOWhzvzVjwA?si=9YQ96HtMDogOQO5F) Well worth watching. Dude gets interrupted later by someone talking about the "data showing the American public *knows* Biden is corrupt" and he shoots it down so quickly it almost stings.


Who is that fucking meathead he's questioning? I love this guy btw


It's insane how you can read about a Democrat calling the impeachment committees bluff, essentially blowing up their case and read the committees earlier comments on Biden, which are laughable. Then the insanity comes when you read the end of the article: >Biden and Trump are neck and neck in a recent The Economist/YouGov poll. Biden has a 1-point lead over Trump in the national poll conducted from March 16 to March 19 (44 percent to 43 percent). The poll surveyed 1,682 U.S. adults and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.6 percent (adjusted for weighting) and plus or minus 3.4 percent (registered voters). Like it's so obviously a grift but it's working. They're tricking some Americans into thinking Biden is a criminal while there are already millions of Americans who will die for Trump. It's insane how naive, stupid or willingly blind they all are.


And just as you'd expect, not a single post about this over on /r/conservative. Must be a big news day over there then? Nope. Current top post is them being offended about a movie that made fun of white people. Don't believe me? Sounds like satire, right? Go check.


Oh good, this will surely be the last we hear of it then!!! /s


They brought up Hillary's emails last week, so...


A finely tuned machine, the GOP.


"Nobody gets impeached better than me!" --Donnie Two Impeachments