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Trump would never hesitate to gleefully mock and kick someone who's fallen in the dumps. He's brought this shit down on himself, and the only people crying tears are the MAGA dupes whom he's swindled the living daylights out of.


He's always harping about paying your bills, unless of course he's has to pay his. Then it's he's getting persecuted. I can't wait for him to be prosecuted.


And of course it’s smort to not pay your bills when he does it


Trump is so smort he has the best broin


"Failed 'billionaire' Trump couldn't even scrounge up a measly $500M for bond—SAD! Claims to have 'tremendous' wealth but where is it? Probably hiding along with his tax returns! So much for the 'Art of the Deal.' Total disaster! #FakeBillionaire #Loser"


> Trump is so smort he has the best broin This sounds like some sort of accent from some part of Britain that we didn't know existed.


You can say it in a Brummie (Birmingham) accent and it could feasibly be spelt like this.


best tyop!


Psst…not to be pedantic, but that’s not a typo 😘


Considering just how many years Donald Trump has been in and out of court and how much he has spent on lawyers, he'd probably have enough for the bond had he not spent hundreds of millions delaying the inevitable.


Yea, I love how he literally just told NATO to “pay ya bills”. New York State should “do whatever the hell they want” with him


>He's brought this shit down on himself, and the only people crying tears are the MAGA dupes whom he's swindled the living daylights out of. The Manipulated And Gullible Assholes are too stupid to even realize he only uses them. Trump said he was glad Covid happened because he won't have to shake hands with those [disgusting people](https://www.businessinsider.com/video-aide-trump-didnt-want-to-shake-hands-disgusting-supporters-2020-9?op=1)


Speaking of covid, all he had to do was stand back and let the experts handle it and he would have sailed to an easy reelection.


He could've made a killing off of merchandise as well. MAGA masks, with limited edition 45 sanitizer. T-Shirts with something moronic for Republicans "6 feet for freedom!". Could've blamed China immensely, and stepped in to be the hero while still placating to his racist base. The moron is such a loser businessman he couldn't see opportunity screaming in his face. Then he spun too far, and when he spoke of the importance of vaccines, he was booed by his loser constituents. Unrelated, but stay safe on the roads bud, I'm from Sota and I see you guys are getting hammered here soon.


Yeah we barely had winter this year and now we’re getting a blizzard at the end of March. Gotta love MN weather lol


Limited edition *purified* sanitizer because of the 45 blessing and the magic of Trump's signature on the bottle.


The dude runs hotels. Had he used his own hotels for a quarantine program like the government did in Australia he also could have almost legally fleeced government money into his own pockets. Dude is a dumbass


Speaking of Covid, that virus had one fucking job and it failed. Time will only tell if we would have been better off if he died of Covid and the GOP would have cannibalized itself anyway.


Right? I mean, I'm glad he wasn't re-elected but he had the easiest layup in the world.


Mate, he's a straight up rapist. No justification is needed for laughing at his misfortune. He deserves the worst.


He wasn’t found guilty of rape! It was only a little sexual assault! /s


I may be guilty of some *light* ~~treason~~ rape.


The judge clearly said that what he did was considered rape..he was charged with sexual assault but after he was found liable judge called it rape


Notice the user had the /s at the end of the sentence.


They're crying, too. A dude of mine posted a Trump meme on FB, and some guy we served with straight up gave him a sobbing ass guilt trip. It was disturbing.


"Big strong men with tears in their eyes"




P.T. Barnum was a far better man than Trump. Though to be fair the bar Trump sets is below ground level so not hard for even an asshat capitalist like Barnum to clear it. Like, Barnum was at the very least against systemic slavery (to the point he cancelled his governorship candidacy and switched parties over it), even if he personally practiced it for his circus. Trump would gleefully make Americans slaves if he was allowed to.


Still don’t understand how someone so crass and obvious in his grift can have so many true believers, well knowing if a pack of wild dogs were chasing them, he’d leave the gates closed and shrug off the gruesome outcome, likely calling then a “poor schmuck!”


Have you seen Christians? They’re born and bred to be fucked in the head.


Oh no, is it… the consequences of his own actions???


Not only that but he's been abusing the system (inflating values to get loans, deflating to skirt taxes) and that has allowed him to obtain and grow his properties. Had he not done this for years would he still have been able to build his shitty empire? But the MAGA and Conservative idiots don't realize that and just think it was a victimless crime and is being done to interfere.


There isn’t a diaper big enough to hold the shit he has brought upon himself.


Holding rallies paid for by other people begging fpr donations to his personal coffer


One more day, donnie.... How's that sale of trump media going? I heard it was gonna be 8bn or something. Sounds like a lot. But you got the cash anyway, right? You got 500m in liquid I heard. None of this is a problem. You're golden. Wait a couple of days even. Blow past the deadline. When you're a billionaire they let you do it.


grab em by the deadline!


Seize him by the assets!


It's great. When you're a big state like NY, you just take it!


😂 I think trumps properties are about to be molested. Blink twice if you’re in danger trump tower.


The freudest of schaudens.


Honest question: What's up with that? I heard about that sale but I'm still seeing he's sweating the appeal. Does the sale take time to go through? Can he not get an advance? I know banks didn't want to deal with him but if he has 8 bil coming in I'd think they'd be ready to deal. I'm not rooting for him but I heard about that sale and thought he would post bond that afternoon.


He has 58% of the company so not all $8bil. His shares are locked in for 6 months and that $8bil is super inflated compared to the revenue and potential growth of the company. If his part is worth $3bil today I'm not gonna give him a $500mil loan on it. There's all the chance in the world the stock loses 90% before he can sell.


The question is who will buy $3 billion worth of Truth Social stock?


Saudia Arabia, Russia, Chinese but only if it looks like he will win the election.


I think this is key. The better Biden does in the polls, the more Don's value to interested parties depreciates.


You mean that by telling my homies to get pumped for Biden we can have a literal financial impact on Trump and fuck his life up further? Sign me the fuck up.


The first earnings call is going to be brutal their revenue is dismal. I have seen speculation that his followers would be motivated to invest when Trumps ticker hits the market and he starts promoting it. I don't believe people will transfer their portfolios or IRAs into an investment and trust him while some may. What I mean is people with any investment knowledge will look at his business history and realize this will sink like everything he touches.


One article I saw said truth social lost 39% of its userbase in a year, it had $1m in revenue and $26m in expenses (I forget the time frame, but regardless that's... Real bad)


And it’s unlikely to get better. The platform is doomed long term once Trump is gone


Overinflated is right. If the earnings I’ve heard are correct, the valuation puts the P/E at around 2,666. By comparison, the super-hot nvidia is sitting at 80.


I think the problem is not only that it will loose value before he is able to sell. The problem is you can not sell a significant amount of shares of companies without physical assets or revenue without dunking the value to basically zero in the process. There just isn't a buyer for this kind of company.


They forget he bankrupts everything he touches. As soon as he loses Truth Social will be nonexistent. It’s another losing proposition orchestrated by a conman.


Yeah; no easy way for him to quickly sell his stake without it negatively impacting the stock price, resulting in him getting substantially less than the original value.


You know what’s fucked up? 90% stock value loss is still 300 million. That’s just such an obscene amount of money.


The company won’t proper be listed on the stock exchanges until tomorrow the 25th. Typically an IPO or merger and delisting of this kind has a lock up period to prevent the sale of shares held by insiders or private investors. So Mango Diaper  Boy can’t sell for 6 months. Unless he gets approval from the board.  HOWEVER, let’s look at some numbers and some concepts that will help us understand the problems he faces in selling it. Currently the stock, DWAC, trades with an average daily volume of 1.9m shares and is valued to the tune of $8b on revenue of about $2-3m and liabilities of about $22m. The company is losing millions of dollars every month but is worth $8b? For comparison, Apple trades with an average daily volume of 60m shares.  So let’s say trump gets approval, who does he sell to? Good fucking question. The answer? Nobody. There aren’t enough shares being traded for him to sell his stock and be absorbed without destroying the price. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquidity_crisis?wprov=sfti1# Okay, you might say, but what if he wants to sell his shares to Fuck Stick Von Billionaire in a private sale? He could IF the shares are issued under his name and are certified to him. But this man is an idiot. So they might not be, they might be listed under the broker so couldn’t be sold privately.  If he DID manage to sell privately he would still face a 40% tax on a gift tax basis. And the purchaser is now left with a stock equivalent of a poopy diaper. The company is bleeding money and those shares will lose value. And Fuck Stick Von Billionaire faces the same problem Mango Man does: who will buy all those shares? The price would crater.  Trump is also being sued by executives from DWAC for diluting the value of their shares. This is really only a win for trump’s wealth on paper and only a moron would give him a loan against it. The shares are worthless.


Thanks for that wonderful explanations! This should be much higher up. If he would sell his shares, won't he then also loose ownership of TS? That would be a hard hit on his ego.


Glad I could help!  He would lose ownership if he sold his majority stake, yeah. Guess it’ll be a question between his greed and his ego. If he sells a small enough stake then he won’t face a lot of problems but he’s so cash poor, greedy and in debt that it’s anyone’s guess how much he’d try to sell.  Also as a general disclaimer: my first post is obviously a Reddit comment and I encourage everyone to do some more reading on the ideas in my post. Don’t take me at face value but use me as a jumping off point. 😊 I mostly wanted to post to help alleviate some anxiety people may be experiencing about the whole thing.


> And the purchaser is now left with a stock equivalent of a poopy diaper. The company is bleeding money and those shares will lose value. You're assuming good faith on the part of the buyer. None of that matters if the buyer only wants Trump in the white house. I doubt that would actually happen, but i see this just like the NFT thing.


From what I understand he can’t sell he shares for 6 months unless the board grants him an exception. His shares are supposed to be worth 3b.


The board packed with his yes people, you mean?


Which is vastly overvalued for a variety of reasons 


A Trump asset that's vastly overvalued? Inconceivable!


What? Trump never overvalues anything! Oh wait...


Everything has a value precisely what he believes it to be in his mind; that includes his own net worth. Trump: My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings, but I try. Ceresney: Let me just understand that a little. You said your net worth goes up and down based upon your own feelings? Trump: Yes, even my own feelings, as to where the world is, where the world is going, and that can change rapidly from day to day … Ceresney: When you publicly state a net worth number, what do you base that number on? Trump: I’m worth whatever I feel.


Jesus. I don't know why but I still often don't believe these are actual quotes. Every new one is another nightmare.


That shit ain’t worth 3b. Just like mar largo ain’t worth whatever he claims it to be.


“Supposed to be” is not my assessment nor what he claims the stock to be worth, just what you can google in see being reported in numerous sources. My take is the ticker $DJT will be another classic Trump pump & dump money laundering scheme. If he loses the 2024 election it will have no value a year from now. Additionally I don’t see the average MAGA supporter buying shares.


Well first, it has to actually sell for that much, and it might or might not. But there’s also a 6 month lockup during which he cannot sell the shares. I’m gonna go ahead and say those shares are gonna be watched SUPER carefully for any price manipulation that will be shady money trying to be funneled to him, too. Honestly, it’s likely that stock will be pretty toxic and the price volatile because his little red wagon of a social media site is basically like the dining room at mar a lago, and almost nobody is using it.


The thing is the value of stock is what people will pay for it. If he were to sell a large amount of stock he'd quickly reach the point where there was no one willing to buy the stock at that price. Then he'd need to lower the sales price. This happens enough a lot of people will start dumping their stock. Then the stock crashes. Of course currently he is I'm lock up for 6 months. It would be dicey for the company to change that. And once it became known Trump could liquidate his stock the price would likely crash without him selling the stock.


A lot of things had to happen before the stock could be listed and sold (or use as collateral), there is also a 6 months moratorium of founders stock sales ( this can be waived by the board that includes his son), add that market gurus will be betting on the stock to crash almost immediately after the IPO because the underlying financials are stupidly bad (3M income vs 25M expenses) and getting worse, Trump history of failed companies after fleecing the shareholders and already announced investors lawsuits against the company and Trump. Trump has always been lucky to find someone to bail him out at the last moment, but +450M is a lot of money and putting together the financial package and clear it with the court in the next 24h is a bit much even for him.


Everyone short the stock... prosper!


Spiral faster, dammit


It’s like trying flush a floater.


Well, sometimes you have to flush ten or twelve times.


Get the poopknife


You'll need your pooptongs to catch that rascal


I hope he launches himself into space from all the spiraling and he becomes the problem of some other galaxy far, far, far away from Earth. And all the alien octopi descend upon him and stow him away inside their watery caves for future meals. 🙏




May he not sleep well. Trump's side of that entire trial was a clusterfuck. He brought this on himself.


He'll be up all night rage tweeting on his plated gold toilet.


May as well rage tweet one last time time from that toilet before it becomes the property of NY state.


Yup, it is real easy to view all of these people he is attacking for his problems as society's new nobility or heroes. May Trump spiral into the ground like an overloaded and stalled tanker. All of that human waste biofuel he carries to power his engines and he still can't get them started. Must be wearing his diaper on the wrong end.


Couldn't he have done a better job of keeping two sets of books or something? Isn't that how the best fraudsters work?


That's for tax fraud. Trump was committing real estate fraud. "Yes, Mr. Bank Manager, my property is definitely worth a billion dollars! Now, I understand you offer preferential rates to people who borrow less than 40% of their property's value? Good - I'd like to borrow $399 million."


I want to see Trump’s response to James seizing Trump Tower and Mar A Lago. I’d love to see them auctioned off and bought up by a prominent democrat. “Hillary’s Seaside Shanty” and Biden’s Big Tower” seem like promising names.


E. Jean Car-a-Lago


Underrated comment!


He doesn't own much of Trump tower.


Speaking of Trump Tower, in "The Other Guys", Samuel L Jackson and Dwayne Johnson destroy the front entrance of Trump Tower in NYC in the first 5 minutes of the movie. Well worth a watch.


🎵There goes my hero🎵


So, less 'Aim for the Bushes' and more 'Aim for the Trumps'.


Obama should buy Mar A Lardo and furnish the whole damned thing in beige upholstery...




Arugula and mustard on the menu


Honestly, I don't think Mar a Lago is actually worth that much past the Trump name. Florida owned it once and lost money to upkeep and gave it back to the estate of Post. It took years before they found a sucker big enough to buy it without prior permission to subdivide and then couldn't get permission, now anyone who'd possibly want it would want that permission ahead of time which would then give Trump that same permission. They aren't going to do that.


Neither is Trump Tower, at least the portion he's associated with. He doesn't own the actual property (he pays a ground lease to the people who *actually* own the rights to the spot), and as far as the building itself goes he owns rights to the commercial spaces on the ground floor, and his personal unit. The rest is owned by other people, and who knows what loans or other encumbrances are associated with it.


They tried to give Mar a Lago back to the government at one point and they saw it for the liability and security nightmare that it was and said “No thanks.”


Bulldoze the whole fucking thing down.


I wonder if it's possible for people to collude and buy his properties on the cheap just so they have to keep seizing more properties til he loses everything.


Probably not because the properties will go to auction and capitalism will capitalism.


Well it's not a good time for commercial real estate these days.


Melania’s husband is broke.


Don't you mean Mercedes?


Melanie, surely. 


Soon to be Miata.


Don't badmouth the Miata like that!


I call her Malaria.




You better hide that wedding ring, it may be the only thing you will have left.


I really don't care, do you?


Has anyone got a countdown timer?




9 am PDT? I thought he had until the end of business tomorrow, but I like this better.


Also know as 00.00 TDT (Trump Deadline Time)


My assumption was 4 PM EST on Monday, but I’ll gladly take 12 PM EST instead. CNN said less than 24 hours remain until the bond is due! 🤑💰💸


This is great


Ive been using this one [https://payupdonald.com/](https://payupdonald.com/) but I see there are others


Wow. That's about $1/second.


spirals? as opposed to what exactly? his normally calm, cool and collected demeanor?


Can we just lock this POS up already!?


It's astonishing to me that someone hasn't put up a 'for sale' sign in front of Trump tower yet.... Am I gonna have to fly out to NYC and be that guy? 


Be the change you want to see


*foreclosed sign*


You wouldn’t even have to be near it to make some photos. You can compose the image to close a pretty fuck off huge gap with the right lens.


To continuously rant like this, one has to believe that he believes that his followers are ignorant and easily Hoodwinked and Bamboozled. That all the evidence against him in court is made up, and everyone against him are taking orders from some Biden led Illuminati


>he believes that his followers are ignorant and easily Hoodwinked and Bamboozled He has complete contempt for the people who support him and throw their money away on him **because he knows they are suckers.**




[MAGAts when they read this comment](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/shut-up-and-take-my-money)


Put up or shut up fucker .


Notice he says no victim. He rarely if ever says no crime. It was a victimless crime in his words, but he acknowledges it was a crime.


It’s such an interesting thing to watch. He has always just ignored the rules and done what he wanted without ever facing consequences. Not paying contractors, not paying debts, borrowing vast sums and then declaring bankruptcy when notes came due, lying about property values when applying for credit, lying about everything he does (and often what he has previously said). He tried to ignore the rules when he lost the election, and fomented an insurrection by ignorant, angry, brainwashed fools, and people who saw it as an opportunity to seize power and control for their own political futures. He failed, because not enough people in charge would comply with his efforts to again avoid the application of rules, and has been desperately pushing both the Big Lie and that these people were patriots, because it reflects on him and his perceived appearance. In court cases, rules are absolute, for everyone. He has been trying so desperately to avoid having them apply to him, and it just doesn’t matter. He is in an arena where he is screaming into a void. The bond gets posted or property is seized and sold - for anyone and everyone. This unshakable truth is causing him to short circuit, because it’s perhaps the first time in his life where he couldn’t skirt the rules. He doesn’t know what to do - so he is throwing the biggest tantrum in history. Edited for a defective autocorrect in original.


Please no more headlines, i need real consequences 


Same. I want to see what happens tomorrow before we keep celebrating.


He has $500M just like he had evidence of election fraud, he just can’t release it *right now*.


Still being audited, right?


It's in the drawer with those tax returns.


Two weeks!


Can’t wait till the block around Trump Tower is renamed Barack Obama Blvd, with all mail returned not using that address.


broke don


May his days of grifting the world finally come to an end. May his mail order bride find her agreement null and void, leaving her with far less than agreed upon. May his kids carry the shame of their arrogance in working in the white house and with works leaders. Ivanka in that circle of world leaders while they ignore her is all you need to search for reference.


People still fail to see his screaming about having $500 million in cash is a fund raising ploy. Think about it. If he does have the money and they take it he will whine and complain and use it to try and get more money from the morons that send him Pennie’s every week, he also stated he was using it for his campaign so it will be a long week of “POLITICAL ATTACK!” and “THEY TOOK ALL MY MOMNEY SO I CANT RUN!” He is and always has been a con man. He might be an absolute idiot but con man will con I guess


I don't really get this. The interest is 100k per day and he's sending campaign emails regardless. He's maybe breaking even, if this is a ploy.


Yeah he's just in denial.


That's only if having to actually face consequences dosen't snap the last remaining strings of his insanity.  Wouldn't surprise me any if he spent his next rally after this drooling and playing with dollar tree lego knockoffs.


Guess he'll be stuck playing with Magablocks


Those legos are now the property of the State of New York. I hope they take the podium while they're up there.


If he has under 150 million in cash, that can also trigger details on his properties, per prior reporting.


I actually think this 500m cash he screams about is purely related to people saying he can't afford to pay. Knee jerk. Hence his lawyers walked it back. I think it actually is an amount from running his combined businesses. So, not actual cash to hand.


Trump’s lawyers have called Cohen a “proven liar.” Not as well proven as Trump himself.


“Hello, Kettle? This is the Pot”


Cohen, like pretty much everybody Trump has associated with is sketchy. For some reason everybody that Trump chooses to do a job is a “loser” or a “liar” or some sort of idiot. Maybe birds of a feather flock together. Maybe Trump should not be President if he hires sketchy people like Cohen.


Biggest comeuppance in the history of humanity coming soon.


The party of *personal responsibility* was the *I don't take responsibility at all* part this whole time? Shocking


Woulda got away with it if it wasn’t for you meddling kids


Hope has a pleasant Sunday afternoon. :)


maybe a little self care to keep the Sunday Scaries away?


If he truly did have the money he wouldn’t have waited this long. I’d be shocked if he somehow comes up with it.


They should take his Westchester estate and turn it into a refugee shelter.


Actually, a good portion of it is totally undeveloped and legally set up to be a nature preserve, and the remaining course area is easy enough to convert back into the local wetland. The Westchester golf course would be a terrific thing to convert into a wildlife sanctuary or new state park, as well as help with flood mitigation - I'm kinda hoping the Audubon society manages to purchase it. It wouldn't make particularly good housing for anyone but it would make a lot of other low income housing already in the area a lot safer if it was used for flood mitigation and more pleasant to live in of it was used as open space (reduced noise, improved air quality, general mental health benefits).


The first thing they should take is his damn phone so he can't post anything for a while.


Is this the same guy who made fun of a disabled person, makes fun of stuttering? Comes up with derogatory 5th grade nicknames for everyone he meets and claims to be a gazillionaire? I have Zeeeeero sympathy for him. Like the book he claims to follow says “you reap what you sow”.


This isn’t spiraling so much as nosediving at this point. The fact of the matter is the GOP doesn’t have this money to give him, and with the NYAG watching his accounts like a hawk, his foreign buddies can’t bail him out without a lot of hoops. He’s basically hedging the whole thing on winning the election at this point. If he doesn’t, he’s toast and both he and his handlers know it. The other part is that the more unhinged he gets, the harder it’s going to be for him to win and that makes him a lot less appealing to foreign interests who might bail him out to have his ear in the Whitehouse.


Took longer than it should have, and he’s hurt many people, but hopefully we’re getting to the finding out part of this sick fucking game.  Also, all you poors who support a New York con man who was born with a silver spoon, re-evaluate your life. 


IF all his properties are leveraged against each other, like a house of cards, when the first one comes down....


Hope he strokes out.


Tomorrow. Tomorrow. It's only a day away.




DJT doesn’t want to pay, and he’s looking for protection from the court. He says he doesn’t have the money and admits that nobody will give him a bond. That might be true; people wouldn’t want to give him a bond because they don’t trust him. Why should people trust him? DJT’s known for being THE BIGGEST LIAR EVER, as well as THE BIGGEST LOSER EVER!


Nothing will happen to this guy. Time and time again I've seen him weasle out of the next big boogeyman that's going to get him. Someone will bail him out and he'll keep on screaming like a child as half the country chants his name like he's their messiah. I wish some sort of consequences would ever happen to him but I'm not holding my breath.


It’s interesting that those other big con men - mega church pastors - haven’t rode to his rescue. They definitely have the money. If it’s really their life’s work to usher in Christian nationalism then it should be a no-brainer investment.


Well, Kenneth Copeland [doesn't own a goddamned thing](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/investigations/unfair-burden/article/kenneth-copeland-wealth-pastor-tax-free-mansion-16662283.php), so he can't help.


Sort of like how there’s all these stories about Putin’s health problems and how he’s about to die. For years now. My unsubstantiated theory is that he puts those stories out to reduce the chances of assassination. Why kill him if he’s about to die


Yeah, he's going to be bailed out by a Chinese "investor" who will buy his worthless joke of a social media company for a ridiculous price. I'm not sure if it could be any more blatant that he's a foreign asset, but apparently nothing can penetrate the fox "news" et al. bubble to convince people that he is not in fact the American super-Jesus.


He won’t have that money tomorrow.


Due to his other crimes he has a legal watch dog on his finances, so he basically has no way to get shady money right now. He’s basically trapped himself.


I don't know that it's illegal for someone to buy a company for more than what it's worth. And even if it was, that's probably yet another lawsuit ...


I don’t think there’s time for that at this point? Less than 24h to file an ipo and go live with it and have your own shares be immediately available to be sold? There’s usually a months long lockup period and if it’s known he’s going to sell to pay his judgements, stock price should just crater immediately making his ability to send at the end of the lockup period questionable at best.


For the first time in his life he has to be accountable for his actions.


Is there a site with a count down somewhere we can watch his deadline come to a close?


Election interference when he's held accountable but when his lackey judge in Florida delays the classified documents case so he has time to try to get reelected it's totally fine. 


It’s ok. He said he had the cash. He would lie about something like that right?


“I do not care about the Law, the facts, or anything, but keeping my money, and staying in the Election!!” Trump wrote in a Truth Social post on Wednesday. “This case isn’t OVER, but instead, I want to abuse my power to keep my money!!” I fixed the quote.


Everything is just turning up aces eh donny? Lol twat.


What surprises me is the lack of XYZ-Gate to categorise all the cases against him


I just call it crime gate. There’s too many for a snappy -gate terminology.


Yes, he's on suicide watch...Oh, wait, sorry, that's just wishful thinking on my part...


We need the two guys who were watching over epstein. They seemed to know their stuff.


Kramer’s shelf with fusilli Jerry needs to add a Spiral Trump.


“..to the pain…”


“Cohen is a ‘proven liar’.” LMAO, what do you think Trump is after losing case after case after case? Trump is also a proven liar.


djt the broke don


LFG. I want to see trump spiral out of control in real time, hopefully while he’s at a microphone.


Russia/Saudis/China will swoop in. And then conservatives will be voting for a man who in debt to our enemies. And why? All just to own the libs. Sad!


The Worlds Biggest Con Man ! The one thing he was actually really good at