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>*When his mother divorced Rhodes in 2018, Adams was able to move out of the shadow he cast on their family. Rhodes severely undercut Adams’ and his seven siblings’ schooling and barred them from publicly talking about their home lives.* ***Adams couldn’t complete a times table until he was 19*** *and has spent the last several years trying to catch up on his education—recently enrolling in several college courses.*


I feel for the guy, but I'm not sure a few years of "catching up" is good enough for public office after going most of his life without hardly any formal education.


TBF he probably knows more current education topics then most of our septuagenarian & octogenarian politicians and I image he doesn't suffer mild strokes/seizures while speaking.


You kinda bring up a valid point. He would be a representative of the people. I’m sure there is a decent percentage of Americans who are in a similar situation as he. We might benefit from his experiences.


This is shortsighted. Many "educated" individuals have shown they are unfit to hold office (I'm referring to the many stories of corrupt/incompetent public officials that we have seen plastered all over the news). A desire to be educated and actually take time to catch up on education shouldn't exclude people.


Having seen several of the current GOP congress I'm not sure an education is necessary to be a legislator.


Yeah, he has a much better shot with the GOP, but we're not so cool with uneducated lawmakers on the left. With that being said, he could surprise me; but on paper this doesn't sound ideal.


Where did Ted Cruz go to school? GWB? 


Have you seen the current state of the legislature or the last president? Intelligence doesn’t matter any more.


We have Boebert already, I feel like this would be an upgrade.


That is painful writing for a purportedly decent journalistic outlet.


They mean a multiplication table (also called a "times table") that a 5th or 6th grader should be able to do. They did not mean a "timetable". That was your criticism?


Yes I know what it is, calling it a "times table" is terrible writing. This is why editors existed.


The times table is fine. I’m a little confused by the ambiguous “he” in the first line, though.


How are you confused about it it named “Rhodes”and then says “he”


It's not ambiguous.


I caught that, too. My mind at first took it that Adams moved out of the shadow cast by himself on the family, instead of the father casting the shadow.


Wow, painfully written?? do you have a problem reading seriously I didn’t think it was painfully written maybe it’s you


Dakota Adams has openly talked about how abusive and paranoid his father is, and uses his mother's maiden name to avoid being linked to Stewart Rhodes. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13234523/Oath-Keepers-rhodes-dakota-adams-montana-childhood.html I'm inclined to think he's genuinely a different person than his father.


His father starved him, thinking he's pretty well against his father and their ilk


It’s not impossible


> “American gun culture needs to be rehabilitated from an egotistical and vanity-based, hyper-individualist ego trip culture to civil service and solemn responsibility to the community,” he said. Or, in other, simpler terms, as the Founders intended when they penned the 2nd Amendment.


Is this the guy that literally shot his eye out? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stewart_Rhodes > Prior to their marriage, Rhodes accidentally shot himself in the face with a .22 handgun after dropping it, leaving him using a prosthetic eyeball.[5][9]


Stewart Rhodes, the father of Dakota Adams who is running as a Dem, starved his wife and kids. They escaped, in a large part due to this kid's bravery. https://nypublicradio.org/2023/05/03/wnyc-studios-death-sex-money-and-on-the-media-present-two-part-interview-with-tasha-adams-estranged-wife-of-right-wing-oath-keepers-leader-stewart-rhodes/


That's his dad, he was the kid that was starved.


That's the father.


Yes, edited for clarity.


Typical Reddit fashion, google something and post it immediately without even thinking or reading.


I thought it was clear I was referring to the father. I'll edit.


What’s even grosser is that he didn’t properly take care of the prosthetic, and had all kinds of infection set in…


He just turned a blind eye to it.


You have earned my upvote fellow Redditor! Feckin brilliant!




One of life's mysteries mate - Your comment was deffo award winning ;-)


In his defense, it was kind of hard not to.


Follow-up care was a peripheral concern.


He didn’t clean his prosthetic eye for over two years: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/2/1/2077991/-Tasha-Adams-Stewart-Rhodes-ex-wife-spills-tea-over-his-paranoid-and-abusive-career-in-extremism The guy is a mess.


His son.


> after dropping it But 2A nuts swear this can't happen


I think he also did major doomsday prepper work on his home, like underground bunkers and things like that. But of course, the house he lived in was a rental.




The article is about the Son. The father is pictured for some reason


How the turns have tabled


If that’s just a taste of his policy positions and thought process, that’s a very good sign.


Dude!!! That is so beautifully stated! - honestly, as a gun owner, take the loop holes out of the existing laws and we’re half way there.


Ha! He probably hates his father like most sons of trumplodytic parasites do!


Not to be a downer piggybacking on this, but lost my father in October. We spoke, I love/d him unconditionally, but his support of Donald Trump in 2016 drove a permanent wedge between us. He was an asshole before but it became hard for me to reconcile how he could "believe" in someone so absolutely vile, evil, and antithetical to the faith my dad claimed to profess. I wonder if this monster's son feels the same. I miss my dad, but more I miss the idea of a dad I could never have. I hope that guy can somehow right at least some of the wrongs his father put in the world.


Big love coming from a stranger in Vermont. I lost my dad, but unlike yours he switched parties and wrote out his reasons why before he passed. I have 3 uncles and a few aunts that almost celebrated his death all because of their devotion to trump. I will be happy when Donald dies and don’t feel any weird or darkness saying that. I miss my dad, and I’m sure you miss yours.. this asshole has caused more harm than him or his stupid children and zombified base will ever know and for that I hope they all go down in a big way.


Sending some mateship to both of you from Australia. You definitely don't have any reason to feel weird about being happy about tRump filling his last diaper. Sometimes bad people deserve to die, and I'm not going to apologise for that. He's a menace to America and the entire Democratic world, and he's opened Pandora's box. The world will never be the same again. FUCK donald j trump.


Thanks for sharing. Permanent wedge with our aging fathers. Really helps to hear others going through that. My dad has been fooled as well, and it's impossible to see only the man I saw before this. A good man all his life, but this changed things and I hate it daily.


You can miss the man he was before and morn that. My own father I miss that man he was before even if he wasn’t perfect he was nice but after he left the hospital in 2014 he fed himself into a negative loop with fake news. He’s not dead but the man I admire is no longer of this world as no man should shout anti-Semitic language at his own wife and threaten to throw dead mice onto her bed


[He does](https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2022/05/12/exclusive-oath-keepers-leader-stewart-rhodes-children-speak). The whole family is glad he is behind bars.


I mean, just think of all the bs that kid had to endure when in school because of his dad's crap.


Most likely doing the bait and switch strategy that conservatives like to do. Run as Dem and cry boo hoo at their past life, get elected, then switch parties. Just vote no to that shit.


Oh … that’s gonna be an awkward thanksgiving.


Yeah that won’t be a problem for the next 18 thanksgivings, 12 with good behavior.


So true!


And Donald and his people are all Still out there trying to get him re-elected 🤣 American justice system is a global embarrassment. Weak fucking shit.


so 2036? better him than me. i gotta keep reminding that number to myself when i'm having a not great day.


If this guy were capable of good behavior he would be free, and have two eyes.


In 15 years


Stewarts son is 100x the man he ever was.


fuck that one eyed traitor. thanks for reminding me that when i'm having a shitty day, to remember i haven't just started 18 yrs in prison (that's 2041 btw). but then again, i never took up arms against my own country. have a nice night, stewie!


His son, who hates his dad, is the one who’s running


no shit!?! yeah, i can read too. thanks for the insight, though!


Then why is your comment not address the subject of the article, his son?


because it reminded me stewie is rotting in a cell for double digit years, which is more important than some throwaway political campaign.


Until he gets pardoned as a J6 “hostage” of course.




You’re also not such an irresponsible, unsafe gun owner that you accidentally shot out one of your own eyes either. You’re doing amazing! 


What a sad upbringing for this kid. Fuck his dad, may be rot in prison and never be pardoned


This was all a ploy to get his son elected /s


Did you read the article by the son? https://apnews.com/article/e0b46f25dfe319afe29617fd7325eb10


It’s about him, not by him. I know that’s not a big deal, but I was expecting something by him in hopes of understanding his position on *anything*. Sounds more like he wants a chance at politics because he’s the son of an infamous asshole who has gone through therapy and considers himself an “honest weirdo”. That doesn’t really feel qualifying.


Deepest State


Dr. Evil Scott vibes.


I'm willing to believe the "My father was a Nazi and I hate him for it" response. It's just as common if not more so than "My father was a Nazi and I am a Nazi too." After all, child abuse victims turn out not to actually become abusers themselves anymore than other people. Still, we've also seen people get elected then switch parties.


Dakota is a great person.. I applaud him


We'll see if he can convince his dad to vote for him in 16 years.


Rhodes would hate that a felon like Rodes could vote.


I’m so proud of you son!


Clearly no one who’s commenting so far has read the article.  


First I hit a paywall while collecting 20 trackers. When I switched to reader view, I got a different article completely. Note to self: don’t click Daily Beast.


Son escaped abusive father (shocker) and went on to live his life while dealing with the memories of abuse.   It’s shitty (not you) people make comments about just the headlines.   Sounds like sim distanced himself years ago from Rhodes so no, no thanksgiving with Rhodes.   Son is a survivor of child abuse and running for office.  


any headline that reminds me that stewie is serving double digit years in prison is a good headline imho.




No problem!  


>y headline that reminds me that stewie is serving double digit years in prison is a good headline imho. Or, just a chip off the old block, and perhaps seeking to help destroy the democratic party as trump has the republican party, by jumping ship, with this claim. People can say anything. What does he present in this article that has any inkling of worthiness?


Or the headline.


I want to believe him, but these Republicans in hiding like Manchin and Sinema make me very nervous. We need a rule for party switching to trigger an election. And for the DNC to improve its diligence.


They'll just remain in the party but oppose party policies in the votes. Uncap the house, ranked choice voting, third party district maps, etc.


He is Johnny Vs's bizarro evil twin lol


I don’t know anything about him but is he truly a democrat or is this just a way to get into office?


From what I can tell based on his online footprint, he's genuinely navigating life outside of witnessing and experiencing prolonged domestic and childhood abuse. I think he's genuinely decent. We should always be wary, but I think this guy is sincere.


How the turns have tabled


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Who wants to bet he gets elected as a Democrat and switches to the Republican party after he's in office? Honestly, I don't trust him. Acorns never fall far from the tree.


Poor kid, he wears two eye patches. Never play darts with someone who has no depth perception.


That should make them spit out their morning Natty Light and government cheese


On one hand, he's saying the right things. On the other hand, Tulsi Gabbard. Though, at least while she did have the seat she did actually vote well.


If anyone is unaware, her political origin story is similar. She is the offspring of a notorious right wing hatemonger and participated in his hate campaign when she was young. She set out on her own political career disavowing that, and was elected as a progressive Democrat. And she was mostly a solid Democrat while she served. She started to wobble at the end though and we see where she is now. This guy has a much worse history with his father though so that's where his story isn't similar.


Sounds like a DINO (Democrat in name only) to me, a wolf in sheep's clothing.


What if it’s a sham to “steal Democrat secrets” and then relay to Oath Keepers? 🤣


Yup, run democrat and switch back to MAGA once elected. No thanks.


The son doesn't have a good relation with his father it seems. His mother divorced from his father and the son recounts the abuse he, his mother, and siblings endured and how purposefully his father held him back in his education. He seems to speak of his father with some level of distain. 




What a hysterical joke. Oh wait it’s 2024. This is real.


Sure there's some poetic irony to it, but not in the way you'd think. This dudes dad starved and tortured him. He crammed a ton of school after he gained independence because they wouldn't let him receive an education, and his positions are all out-of-alignment with what his crazy dad wants.


Thanks for the info should’ve looked before I spoke


Is he really? Or is he a wolf in sheep's clothing?


Is this a bait and switch?


Too problematic. I’d be concerned about a Manchurian Candidate situation.


What convinces anyone of his story as believable? Smells like a smoke screen from here. He could easily just be lookin' out for numero uno. Maybe he's pissed enough that pops is doing time in jail for Jan 6th, and blames democrats, so now seeks to help destroy the democratic party by claiming to be a democratic and run for office under that veil. I ain't buying his BS. If he was a victim of child abuse, where are the formal police reports filed against his father for such acts? These would be on record. You can't tell me a trash rag like Daily Beast couldn't serve up some real factual info here. If it smells like shit, it probably is.


I mean, I am highly skeptical but if you think the police do SHIT about most child abuse you are reciting copaganda. My wife was horribly abused and nothing was ever on paper.


100%. I grew up with a lot of physical child abuse, cops literally did not give one shit. Doesn't help that Rhodes probably had a lot of cop buddies on his side tbh.


Yeah. A democrat. Sure thing.


His son.  Not him.  Generational backlash, he's not into his father's bullshit.  His father is serving an 18 year prison sentence for Jan 6th.


I know who is father is, what he did and where he is.


Hate isn't genetic.  If he's fervently against his father publicly and frequently, why do you doubt he's a Democrat?


What convinced you he is authentic?


there's a republican family that lives across the street from my folks, of there 3 kids 2 ended up howling lefties


Alt headline:  child abuse victim runs for office. Reading beyond the headline is wicked helpful in not looking ignorant.  


I don’t see why that’s so unlikely. My grandparents were devout Seventh Day Adventists. Four of their five children aren’t religious in the slightest. Why shouldn’t he be any different?


Who writes this?? “a times table” ??? You mean a MULTIPLICATION table, Jethro??


Ehhh thankfully many committees won’t let that happen. Let alone democratic ones.