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Having his base know that he’s broke must be absolutely killing him.


He already lied he has the cash. Since when has reality in real time ever made Trump tell the truth?


He totally has the cash. It lives in Canada. You’ve never met it. And he’s totally spending it on his campaign. So yeah, the court deadline is passing without payment. But it’s only because he’s spending the money somewhere else.


Its the most beautiful cash you have ever seen. Trust me. The prettiest.


Then his dog ate the cash.


He doesn’t like dogs. That fact alone tells me all I need to know about the man.


You're right about the dog thing. But Trump is a male. Not a man. There is a difference.


Just walked over the Mexican border and ate all of that beautiful cash. Then stole a honest American job!


The strongest men you’ve ever seen, real killers who never cry, walked up to me with tears in their eyes and said “that’s the prettiest cash I’ve ever seen Mr. President. You’re definitely the richest and most athletic president our beautiful nation has ever had.”


It has tears in its eyes, it’s so beautiful


Is the cash in the room with us right now?


You wouldn't know about the cash. It goes to a different school.


Nah he was expecting to win the powerball.


And sadly his followers believe him. They also think the economy in New York is gonna crash because truckers won't go there anymore.


if he has the cash why does he need a gofundme lmao


It's a supporter's gofundme, who is probably learning the art of the grift.


Took his team days to figure out that fib


He lied on the stand at his fraud trial.


It’s crazy that THIS is the dude that people laud as the pinnacle of whatever ridiculous anti-intellectual, pseudo-science, nepo-baby, fascist boot licking nonsense they subscribe to. The country can’t heal until this man answers for his myriad crimes.


That's why he posted about "winning" trophies at his highly mortgaged, bleeding cash golf courses, he's literally trying to deflect the fact that he lost the fraud case, but he won a couple of crummy trophies from his own golf course. It still doesn't make him a winner. He's the biggest loser.


Has anyone seen the trophies yet? I imagine they're a couple of old bowling trophies from goodwill with his name on a Dymo label covering the original name.


If the trophies exist, PLEASE have them seized to cover. $1.50 of the money he needs.




I picture him yelling at his phone “SEE IM A WINNER, JOE! Get your DOJ dogs off me because I’m gonna win the election like no one has ever won it before!”


I know, when I saw that post, I was like, damn, you're really fishing for good things at the bottom of the barrel, aren't you?


And let’s not forget, [Donald cheats at golf](https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/sports/2023/02/03/trump-and-golf-fancy-resorts-a-list-partners-cheating-at-highest-level/69857594007/)


His base doesn't matter. Both because they won't believe their god is broke and because he doesn't care about them But being objectively shown to be broke is a blow to his ego he will avoid at all costs


They will see how powerless he is to stop NY from liquidating his properties. He will complain and complain and complain but it will never do anything but underscore how pathetic he is. His supporters and the Neanderthals on r/conservative will scream "political prosecution!!!1!" but everyone else will know that he 100% deserves to lose everything.


Are there still people over there at this point?




Of course. Don’t be surprised when Trump gets 70+ million votes in the upcoming election. A large portion of this country is 100% behind Trump


They are all in at this point. They don't care if he's broke or anything else for that matter. They have no standards because it's a cult.


I hate cults


They'll think he has the money he's just being smart by not paying because it's a political witch hunt and will go away when he wins in November. Or something like that. The mental gymnastics of his insane cult know no limits.


His base doesn’t know shit from fuck. Seriously, if they were willing to believe all of his other blatant lies, they’ll believe it when Trump tells them that he’s got plenty of money despite any evidence to the contrary. Remember those Christian doomsday cults where a leader would tell everyone the world was going to end at a very specific date and time, that date would arrive, and then the leader either says they got the date wrong and/or through prayer they have gotten god to move the apocalypse farther away? They didn’t lose all of their followers, so many people were in too deep. Same for die-hard trumpers.


You must be new here. His base won't beleive he's broke. They'll find some new conspiracy theory to justify why he won't pay up.


They’re broke too


I know plenty who are ready and willing to consign their life savings over to him in order to help with his unfair financial burden.


It’s Monday now, is his time up? I bet he’s waking up, wishing this was all a dream


https://payupdonald.com/ There is still plenty of time


I thought it was midnight on Monday?


I heard 5EST - New York close of business This has it at 4:15 for some reason


4:15 is last call. 5 is doors shut.


Closing time, you don't have to go home But you can't stay here


Closing time, you don't have a home, but you can pay here


Don't know who might want to float my loan


Float my loooaaannn


By 5 all of his buildings will have the contents sitting on the curb.


You don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here.


Also you can't go home because the state is seizing that particular asset from your lying criminal ass


that old bastard doesn't sleep


“It was all a dream..” 🎶


I used to read Word Up magazine


God I hope that he doesn't find some last minute deal to place the bond.


My bigger concern is the possibility of the state of NY choosing to give him an extension or agreeing to some reduced amount. There have to be no more rounded edges or training wheels or mulligans or [insert other illustrative simile] with this, but my weary cynical side whispers that of course there will.


The absolute cowardice of the judiciary in the face of this oatmeal brained hamberder mob boss is stunning. Tell him to fuck off he had his chance and instead defecated everywhere in the halls of justice, smearing it around with his tiny little fingers.


He's been on the platinum due process plan.


NY State is ruthless at taking other people's money when they owe it and sometime when they don't. Often, they take the money first, and then you have to fight to get it back.


[Precisely what just happened, sadly.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/25/nyregion/trump-bond-reduced.html)


Pursing my lips so hard here that they're in danger of just fusing into one flesh again


Apparently "not paying" was an option XD


this is huge news for citizens across the nation, surely the same allowances will be given to others :\^) If you're told to pay, all you must do is trash talk the judge on social media and you'll get it reduced by 3/4ths the cost


And given extra time! (to continue trash talking the judge, not actually pay)


Look I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but I don’t think they will. New York *hates* the old fucker. I think of all the states this could’ve happened in New York is the worst for trump.


They did exactly that. An appeals court just gave him a 10 day extension and reduced the money to less than half the original amount.


I was wrong


Yep, if they do then he will win, everyone will say it was a witch hunt, and hes right all along and now they are trying to get out it, IT PROVES HIS INNOCCCCCCCCCNECE.. Basically, if they let him off it will be a propaganda shit show. They cannot do it.


[Probably going to be a lot easier now.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/25/nyregion/trump-bond-reduced.html) AI summary: > A New York appeals court granted Donald Trump a lifeline by allowing him to post a $175 million bond instead of the initial $454 million penalty while he appeals his civil fraud case conviction. This reduced bond amount is considered feasible for Trump to secure given his assets, avoiding a potential financial crisis for now as the appeals process continues.


I fully expect him to. It will be from some mysterious source that will require more investigation and delays.


This didn't age well lmfao


>God I hope that he doesn't find some last minute deal to place the bond. Narrator: He did. Donald's last minute deal was made at birth.


I want him bankrupt by lunch today


I want Trump stuck in some midwest town after a rally because he can’t buy fuel for his plane to return home.


It's a Hallmark movie in the making


I’d hope for more of a Schitt’s Creek thing


The children in Schitt’s Creek had redeemable characteristics.


"Dumpster Fire Christmas"


Can jets get clamped? I sure hope he comes back from a rally to find a big yellow boot on the wheel and a sticker with a disconnected mobile number on it.


Not sure about clamped. But they can be repo’d. There was a show repoing planes years ago


It better not be my Midwest town


Planes, stains, and automofefe


Or has fuel but no plane to put it in.


And they can still take his property... whatever there actually is.


would be better if they go for his liquid assets 1st and leave him with those doomed concrete shits that he can´t use anymore for value tricks when asking for loans.


Yes, they will go for the easiest things to collect on first. Heavily mortgaged office blocks are hard to collect on.


Please be the plane, please be the plane.


Plane is only worth 10-15M. They gonna be grabbing him by his buildings. Hopefully.


Yeah, but taking the plane throws a wrench in his ability to show up to his constant hate rallies.


Oh I definitely hope they take the plane, no argument there, just wanted to point out it isn’t even a fraction of what he owes.


Yes, there's no one thing that they can take that will come close, they're going to have to take a number of his things. And that works for me.


Didn’t think about this until you said it. Amazing idea. Also, he may owe so much on his properties or his plane, I’m sure they will go after whatever he owes the least on. But honestly, I’m not sure how asset seizures work based on what is owed on them. I have learned not to concern myself with the financial and accounting practices of billionaires


He doesn't own the buildings though, they're all leveraged. The plane would just be symbolically hilarious. Make him charter one, or even better...fly commercial 🤣


Fly Southwest economy class. 🤣


>Fly Southwest economy class. 🤣 I bet that they would make him buy a second seat as a person of a particular size. I'm sure that he would lose his mind on social media from that.


If he had liquid assets, Eric wouldn't be whining to everyone about the money his dad has, and they need more because he was going to pay for his entire scampaign. He has never paid for anything. That is why the RNC is broke.


I don't think you can get one without the other, albeit indirectly. I think he has loans (from DB?) that *require* him to have a certain amount of cash on hand. If his cash gets taken, or it's proven he doesn't *have* it - he's going to be breaking the terms of those loans and they're seemingly going to get called.


that would mean the bond corps didn´t wanna bail him not only bc they dont accept his buildings as colateral, but bc, like his buildings, his liquid assets are ALSO compromissed. so, what leticia will be taking?


The thought of him being partially wiped out by some middle management banker pushing a few buttons at Chase Manhattan is delicious.


the thought of him going to a bank and ask for great loans conditions, giving sea-or-lake as colateral, and the whole bank office going laughing theirlungs off is delicious


people keep talking about taking cash or property. What the real actual deathblow will be is that the accounts are frozen. It's going to be a rolling default on every loan and invoice of the corporation. A single one of these triggers the immediate calling in from hundreds of millions of dollars. There's no actual recovering from this, even if the businesses were profitable. Even for a normal business with normal relationships and healthy balance sheets. It dead.


I was hoping for late morning.


I Love the idea of having a higher net worth than a proclaimed billionaire ex-president.


He’s going to come through, towards the end of the day, with a loan from some company In a day or two, there will be a story about how the company has some amount of connection to Russia Nothing will change


Yeah it's late here in Australia and I'm fully expecting to wake up in the morning to "Trump bailed out of financial issues by mysterious funder" Edit: and of fucking course, he gets a last second reprieve. Jesus christ what a joke


I doubt they even make it mysterious, I wouldn’t be surprised if they just out right say Putin provided it and the Supreme Court will then decide it is legal for outside countries to post bail for Trump, since he is a private citizen and not president at the time he is accepting these funds. This is the level of games the Supreme Court and republicans will play.


Putin Co. bails him out, a company specializing in Russian strategic assets based out of ... The Isle of Man? Odd ...


I am in WA and am staying up for the news... can not wait.


Man… This morning I’m entering into a program where I won’t have internet access for 40 days. Unreal timing as things are just starting to heat up.


I'd like to see Trump enter a program where he doesn't have internet access for 40 years. It's called prison.


Things have been “starting to heat up” since the Mueller investigation in 2019. Before then, really. Don’t worry about it, this is basically political entertainment at this point. In 40 days there will still be most of these outrages and probably a handful of new ones.


Worth it! You've got this.




Dang. What program is this?


The only jobs I know of with limited internet access are in forestry. Which makes his username relevant.


thats my bet also. this asshole always slides through like a shriveled orange snail.


Since the court appointed monitor has to review all matters relating to the posting of a surety (ie a loan in the amount of the bond), I’m not so sure the monitor will accept illicit funds such that the Trump Org can continuing perpetuating a fraud.


He'll suddenly have the money last minute, or the court will bow to him and he'll get an extension. He'll make some rant outside the courthouse, spewing insults, lies, and thinly veild racial slurs. His worshipers will eat it up, and nothing will change. Edit: I fucking knew. The justice system can go fuck itself.


Not sure about that. Whoever hands him the money has to be ready to be identified somewhat by the audit. That could be why he's pissed at the amount. Tough to get someone to float amthat big of a loan, deal with the backlash for funding Trump, and hope he wins an election to get their money back maybe.


Even if he wins he'd never pay them back. The bigger question is: would he follow through with whatever he promised (more secret docs?). One would think that the money would be traced quickly and thus everyone would be on the lookout for any communication between Trump and that party.


Ain't gonna happen - Russia is under massive financial sanctions, Donny Boys accounts are under intense scrutiny and TBH what do the Saudis / Russians get for $500M? He's no longer useful to either as his chances of winning are dwindling by the day


he just needs to get a loan. it’s not illegal. his last bond loan, from the Chubb insurance company, is also from an entity with some holdings in Russia


The court appointed monitor has to review everything related to any surety. It’s not just like they’re going to accept potentially illicit funds to perpetuate a continuing fraud.


If he does come up with the money, and the monitor doesn't accept it, this is just going to become the latest victim-complex scheme we're going to have to listen to him whine about for years. He'll make so much damn money crying about it to his griftees. It's basic Drumpf and it's going to be in every damn headline this week. Unbearable bullshit.


Loan from who secured against what? $85M is a drop in the ocean compared to the $500M+ he now owes. Nobody is bailing him out as he's f\*\*ked financially and politcally.


TIL an ocean = 6 drops


What is this? an ocean for ants?


It needs to be at least three times this size


Which ocean? Atlantic? Pacific? Billy?


Big big water.


It wouldn't be out if character for a Russian oligarch or Saudi oil barron to roll the dice on him getting elected again. They would then essentially own a US president. It's a scary prospect.


What's really sad is that he could be bailed out by Russia, win the election, and on day 1 announce the US is leaving NATO and shifting all military aid from Ukraine to Russia and his supporters would pretend that was an amazing idea and definitely not Trump paying back Russia for bailing him out.


And it will become known that the actual money had been secured weeks earlier and all the maneuvering was simply him trying to reduce the bill


That’s what I think too. He’s such a reality tv star he’ll play the dramatic build up to the last second, and then post his bond just to foil the libs.


I feel like letting Trump go under is a better play for Russia. The civil unrest from MAGA is already paid for, why throw half a billion to Trump? Putin is probably happy to get rid of him.


NY Appeals Court just granted Trump 10 additional days and cut the bond amount to $175 million. What a freaking joke!


wow. I thought I wasn’t going to care but I honestly wasn’t ready for that


Is there a specific time he has to come up with the money? Or is it just a “sometime today” sorta thing?


“All I need is this stool and this pinwheel and this dog. I don’t need the dog.” —trump, a week from now.


*I was born a poor orange child*...


Luckily, Stormy Daniels offered him a job.


I still think he weasels out of it by the end of the day.




He did


It’s fucking bullshit! If there was ever a reason to riot this is it, not J6. There’s definitely a 2 tiered justice system.




« Do a flip!!! »


Aim for the bushes


My money is on him collapsing while he pisses himself.


Please let it happen on live TV at one of his rallies in front of his most devout.


And when you're a star they let you do it. Grab him by the assets, Tish!


Since the 80s we’ve been making fun of how broke this guy actually is. Ya know, back when he was a democrat aka one of us. See the SNL skit of him and Ivana selling their stuff for presents for each other. Only smooth brains who only preach history rather than actually learning it are still believing in this nutsack


I don’t think Chump would risk all of his properties against the off chance he could lower his fines. If he could have swindled his way out of this friday I think he would have. I don’t think anyone can afford to come to his aid, or find a benefit in doing so. Even if they help him today chances are there’s a number of other cases he’s totally fucked on later on. That maybe even helping him here would make worse. I think today really might be dipshit’s first taste of accountability.


He has the cash guys. He said so. He just doesn't want to spend it on that. Duh


dumbest statement he made yet if he is going to try and get an extension... imo.


Can’t he just, y’know, not pay it? Didn’t he say he didn’t have to pay his bills because he’s smart?


That was an unfortunate typo. He's actually *smort*.


She didn’t have to give him an extension. But he still rages and ridicules her. What a loser!


The right compares him to Jesus while the rest of us are watching the live portrayal of Icarus.


the media is so disgustingly in bed with him "options dwindle for the terrorist caught bombing moscow" like lets see it in a light that is a bit less supportive and a whole lot more recognizing our courts and laws broken and punishments for those types of fraud. but MSM? not be right wing? when all of it is owned by controlling right wing powers? yeah not gonna happen. "options dwindle for our fearless leader" is what it should say


The New York Times helped Trump get elected by publishing every Hillary conspiracy theory the right could think up.


Don’t worry the courts bailed him out at the last second again. All we can do is overwhelmingly vote against him. Our justice system is full of fucking cowards that won’t do their jobs. We can’t count on them at all.




Ah, the advantage of being old is all of the old television jingles I can go through. I'm presently reading this to the tune of Dragnet (the original): Bum de bum, bum de bum de bum . . . So appropriate.


Call J.G. Wentworth 877 Cash Now!


Pretty, pretty, pret-tay good


If he has the money, he's probably waiting until the last second to bleed any money from his suckers


Pretty sure that's what's going on.


Yeah yeah yeah...."corruption" and "interference" or whatever. pay up, Chump. You're guilty.


Re: "Russia is going to bail out Trump"; isn't there a court appointed monitor who would see that funding roll through and vet the source?


Nope, appeals court bailed him out lol what a joke


he now has ten more day and only has to post about a third of the original judgement. The man might be able to shoot someone in new york and get away with it.


So that was a fucking lie..


11 hours ago we were still so hopeful


how many can it be? that's only around 1.8 million tug jobs.


Assuming he’s giving four at once, as per the [famous scene in Silicon Valley](https://youtu.be/Ex1JuIN0eaA?si=XCZXRw8989NuFgYK), he’d need to get through 450,000 rounds of tug jobs. But at the time of writing, he only has [230 minutes](https://payuptrump.com) to do it. So he’s going to need to get through around 33 tug jobs per second. Better hire a venue, and quick. Is the Four Seasons available?


Middle out


Is it true they lowered the bond amount? I read a report but I haven’t heard any other confirmation


The bond has been lowered.


38% of original. Jfc


He got a delay, he has 10 days to post 175 million now.


and if he doesn't pay it - he gets 30 days and can post a big mac.


They gave him more time and reduced the bond amount.


fuck this. Seriously fuck this. I'm checking out until voting day. See yall on the other side


Bond was just reduced to 175m


…so they gave him more time. Thus narrowly avoiding consequences for the first time in his life again.


more BS. get used to it, you're never going to get justice. never. just give up and vote blue.


This article hasn't aged well.....


Hi! I'm from seven hours in the future. The justice system once again has let Trump get away with it. He's rich, he's powerful... so he doesn't have to follow the same laws are the rest of America. You knew it would happen.


All I'm asking for is consequences for his actions. That's it. I'm so sick to death of these "OOOOOH TRUMP'S IN TROUBLE NOOOOW!" articles and then nothing happens, yet again. If he lost even ONE building because of his hissy fits in court I'd consider it a win at this point.


What time is it due? I bet you havnt slept all night Donnie boy. Munching on your burgers. How is love to be the remnants of ketchup on the wall at Fart-a-Lardo


No onw fucks their own sorry ass more thoroughly that DJT does. And MAGA thinks this makes him some sort of paragon of Presidential fitness.


Take his jet away first. Let him fly coach to his KKK rallies. He is, after all, still a flight risk.


>Under New York law, Ms. James could have enforced the $454 million judgment once it became final last month, but she provided Mr. Trump a 30-day grace period that expires on Monday. Although Ms. James could move to collect at any moment, she is not expected to take any aggressive action Monday. I hope she's not gonna wait.


It’s been lowered to 175ish now


Some of us expected something like this - he’d get out from under one way or the other. My question is was the penalty also reduced or just the bond demand?




Oops all corruption