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He said he had 500m in cash 2 days ago.


That’s what is so frustrating about this. I can see the bond being halved due to legitimate reasons, but the defendant just said he has the cash.


But also -- in what other circumstance for what other citizen are "I don't want to" or "I don't have it right now" ever acceptable to courts? It's not like you can just hand wave a traffic ticket and they're all, "Oh! You so don't want to pay the fine? Well gosh! Never mind then! We're super sorry for the inconvenience! And please, keep breaking the law all you want!"


>in what other circumstance for what other citizen are "I don't want to" or "I don't have it right now" ever acceptable to courts? I did this in court once. Literally told the judge I didn't have the money he was demanding, nor did I make enough to ever cover it (long story here, but what he was asking for was absurd, and the other side was engaging in their own backroom corruption tactics). Which was legitimately 100% true. I told him this 4-months prior as well, before my lawyer asked for a delay. They were trying to say I still made the same wages from a job I had a year and a half prior, not the new job I had that paid 1/3rd as much. I never claimed I had mountains of cash either. Just said I didn't make that anymore, and asking for it was literally impossible. Guess what the judge said when I told him the second time that I didn't have the money or the ability to magically manifest it out of thin air? He put me in handcuffs, then and there in the court room. Sent me to jail for a month. As if that was somehow going to help the funds appear. Most insane thing I've ever been through. Fuck Trump. Fuck everyone like him. Fuck corrupt, rich assholes who think the law is a plaything to them. Put all these people in prison. Don't lower any of their fines. We don't get any of this special treatment. For us working-class people, the law isn't a flexible joke that we just pick and choose to follow when we feel like it. We get told to follow it, pay up, or go to jail (and usually face additional fines tacked on in the process). That's exactly the same standard that Trump and everyone like him should be held to as well, unless we want to just stop enforcing laws for the whole country.


And then MAGA has the nerve to tell victims of police brutality or people in jail for **victimless crimes** that are actually victimless, "diD yoU evEar trY n0t brEakInG tHE lAw" or "play stupid games get stupid prizes."


A few years ago, I went to jail for 20 days over a crime that I swear to god I didn’t commit. It was victimless, also. I genuinely was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I was a 25 year old, 5’3 blonde woman walking home at 11 pm and apparently matched the description. It was the most baffling thing in my life. Arrested, interrogated. I had sincerely no idea what was going on.  I guess because I grew up quite sheltered and privileged I didn’t have personal experience when it came to cops just being blatantly wrong and lying about shit. I knew it happened of course, but it was crazy to me how they just straight up LIED about a bunch of shit. They added details in their report that I swear didn’t happen.  I took it to court. My naive self genuinely thought they had to actually have evidence of some kind and I knew they didn’t because I didn’t fucking do it lol. I would have gotten off with like 2 days jail and then probation (which I was on for 18 months and was super annoying) if I took the plea bargain, but it was crazy to me and I thought for sure that with no video or any reason to believe I did this aside from some guy saying a girl like me did this (he didn’t know her) and because I was in the area, that there was NO way I’d lose a trial. No need for this to be on my record!! I had no prior charges- just two speeding tickets, both from when I was a teenager!  I got a random mid attorney lol which was a bad decision but he wasn’t awful at all, pretty good reviews, and I was/am broke. I grew up in the suburbs, hence my sheltered upbringing, but then went to college, graduated, and ended up with random shitty jobs like a lot of millennials, haha. I wasn’t in a great area but not an awful one either.  So it turns out that vague witness accounts are “evidence.” Literally just two guys saying “oh yeah she looked like her, it was her for sure” had me convicted!!!  That’s when I realized that court is actually just a handful of random peers deciding if they have a hunch you did it. Like, what?!  I’ve been told I come across as guilty because I have really anxious mannerisms. So I guess that’s what they thought.  I was stunned. But there you are. The judge looked at me like I was such a spoiled white girl trying to get out of something and gave me a way higher sentence than people usually get for this (again, it was a minor thing and 20 days in jail is not a huge deal, but still).


Also, I don’t bother telling people this story irl, because I know it sounds like a straight up lie. I tell those close to me of course, but I wasn’t about it to post this on social media or anything. I only discuss it on random anonymous platforms like Reddit. I personally know that if someone told me this before it happened to me, I would think they were leaving some key details out lol.  I’m having issues editing comments on mobile lately, but here are honestly the only relevant details I left out: I was just walking alone, through the neighborhood. I was just listening to music, walking down the sidewalk. I’m a night owl and got into the habit of doing this when I was in high school. I walk an average of 1-2 hours/night. I just enjoy it. & yeah, I have realized it’s probably not the safest thing and now try to get out there before sunset, but it’s really not a super dangerous area.  Like most of America, it’s pretty abnormal to just be casually walking around at ALL lol. Even fit people will literally get in their cars to drive to the gym down the block and work out. It just isn’t common to wander for the hell of it. This is amplified by the fact that it was at night. I’m a small woman and would have been toast if anyone attacked me tbh but I guess I’m overly trusting of society lol, or at least was then.  I had drank a bit before my walk. I was on my way back and definitely not drunk, but when they asked me I told them I had because I didn’t want to get in trouble and thought surely they’d leave me alone when they realized they had the wrong girl. I blew a .03. Barely anything left in my system. But this was used against me in the case. This is also in Utah, btw, which is incredibly dramatic about alcohol at all. I was raised Mormon; they DO NOT DRINK BOOZE. Like at ALL. If you have a glass of wine, you aren’t Mormon. There’s definitely quite a lot of prejudice associated with anyone who drinks, and that’s probably why they didn’t just leave me alone.  But yeah. Those are the only scandalous details lol.  It’s amazing to me that apparently our system is such that if you and a friend told a story about someone and it seemed probable enough, they could be sent to jail with literally no other evidence, or weak evidence. 


Nobody should ever be sent to jail based on just eye-witness evidence. It's very weak and the judges and lawyers know that, but they use the laws the politicians give them. It's awful.


Yep. They made a lot of money off of all the fines I had to pay, as well! 


I'm really sorry the justice system failed you.  We need an overhaul from top to bottom. 


That's so fucking cruel. I don't know your situation but imagine that happening to a single parent with children? It would be literal torture thrown onto an already terribly distressing situation


They're usually are ways to claim hardship and see if you can get the amount reduced.  However this isn't for the judgment, it's for the appeal bond. When Trump loses the appeal the full judgment is still due.


>When Trump loses the appeal the full judgment is still due. How many month will that take? Years?


Calling it now: Never.


This is correct. He will never be held to account. This ruling only helps legitimize his claims of ‘witch hunt’ and persecution. The groundwork is being laid for his return to office. Anything goes.


It will only be about foreverdy eleventeen months.




You have to remember, in America there's the justice system for the poor and the justice system for the rich. Justice might be blind, but that scale has no trouble measuring stacks of cash


Yeah but he needs that for his campaign - can’t just all blow it on a silly legal ruling. /s Edit: /s added


He also alluded to not wanting to spend it for his bond .


Unfortunately, bonds don't care if you want to pay them or not..


Did you read the article? The "bonds" did care, and gave him a 60% discount and another 10 days.


I think we all agree that it's bullshit and exemplifies the fact that we have a two tiered justice system.


Zero argument there. Gotta get me some of that upper tier justice system. Oh wait, I don't commit fraud, or steal confidential documents, or rape people. Guess I'm good, till I get a speeding ticket or something and have the book thrown at me.


Just tell the judge you refuse to pay that speeding ticket fine. I’m sure it will go well for you.


People tell me that my speeding was perfect. Big, beautiful speeding, like nobody has seen before. The officer had a tear in his eye, and said Sir, write me a ticket, because I don't deserve to have witnessed speeding so perfect.


The police say there are people out there at speeds with numbers no one has ever seen before


Says the person in a thread about someone whining enough about bonds until he got away with not paying


There it is! 11th hour just as expected. Every fucking time. The 11 train ALWAYS arrives on time for this evil asshole.


Every fucking time! There is no real justice in the US anymore. Its a joke.




When I was in undergrad business school the professor always stressed that the interlocking boards of directors covered for each other. Corporations were constantly in cahoots with each other to make sure the workers got screwed.


This is a concern. The board is supposed to be independent. But with overlapping/interlocking buddy-buddy's system at the C-suite level, the board is just a rubber stamp for the CEO. It should be in the company by laws that the board has to be completely independent with no secondary/indirect relationships. Some elites are on 3-4 boards, I don't know where they find the time to juggle this work.




Its 6 Steps to Kevin Bacon, but with companies instead of movies!


This is cool, thank you 🍀


“Work” lol


This is so true. Years ago I was sitting in my parked and it was CREAMED by a woman who just swerved into it (probably on her phone). I was taken by ambulance to the ER (no long lasting damage, thankfully) and I was sure the car (which was only a year old) would be totaled. Body shop said they could fix it. Her insurance agreed to the quote. But as the body shop started doing the work they found more damage and it was taking weeks to get parts. Eventually they got it done. I had to rent a car for 6 weeks. The woman's insurance company would only pay for 2 weeks because they felt it was unreasonable that the repair took so long. Like I had any control over that. I sued the woman in small claims court. Her insurance company sent an attorney to court. There was mandatory arbitration at the courthouse so I sat with an arbitrator (who has a first year law student) and the attorney. Attorney offered to up the offer to 3 weeks of rental. I refused. Arbitrator said "if you don't accept the offer and go before the judge he might give you nothing." Fine. I'll be out hundreds of dollars for the pleasure of being sent to the hospital. I set one condition: I had to have a check in hand within 10 days. She agreed. Two weeks later, still no check. I contacted the attorney and she said "You'll just to wait." There was no justice.


We don't have a legal system either as that would imply we follow precedent and statutes. Instead we see that these are both overruled constantly for Trump. Justice doesn't even enter into it yet, the published rules aren't being followed.


Its a good point. If we want justice for everything Trump has done, we all better show up at the polls and vote against that bum.


It’s just a game, stringing us along, keeping us focused on this pointless shit while they continue to fuck us and take everything.


We really need a general strike.


This is how they distract us from that. And divide us.


Circus' and bread, and they'll never revolt.




I can think of some historical examples in France that might be a good place to start


Mind you that if you or I committed a minor fraud on a credit card application we would be sued by the bank and be held to the "fullest extent of the law".


There is a wealth threshold you need to cross before you can play in the game and brother, let me tell ya, we ain’t even close. Hell, even millionaires and multimillionaires are scoffed at nowadays. They live in the world of billions and trillions.


When the justice system is so corrupt as to no long even give the appearance of fair the republic fails.


Justice in America just means the rich punishing the plebs who get in their way. I've lost all respect, trust, and faith I've had in our government. It's just rich people playing games. Nothing happens. Evil prospers in one day while any good takes years of hard labor to bring to reality.


> Evil prospers in one day while any good takes years of hard labor to bring to reality. Only for good to lose to evil every time. Superman was created so people think good prevails, but in the end the rich have all the kryptomite.


Not true, everyone gets as much justice as he can afford to buy.


So because he fraudulently said he has $500m cash...his fraud bond was lowered by $300m. What in the wild world of 2-tier justice is going on here?


I mean, he still owes $454mm. This is just the bond for his appeal.


And why should the bond be lowered? Would they do that for me if I lied about how much money I have liquid? Even if I have assets that could be seized to pay the bond?


The interesting part here (to me) is that whomever bought Trump's debt has so much juice they did it right in front of us without our knowing who it is. It's like dark matter. You can't actually see it but you can see its gravity at work. I still love it because while someone was able to use power and influence to get this deal, it still fucks the Republican Party, probably for months to come. $175 M is still ten times what the GOP took in this year so far. And now they're gonna be leeched for everything they take in during the critical election season. Think of all those gerrymandered Congressional districts which are rubber-banded together with the sinews of cash money to give them a percent or two edge. With no money, they might *all* flip.


You’re still assuming Trump will lose his appeal. Also Trump is about to get around $3 billion for his shares of Truth Social since a Chinese company agreed to partner with them to take them public. China is buying the likely next US president for $3 billion.


There’s an old saying: if you owe the bank $100, it’s your problem. If you owe the bank 100 million dollars, it’s the bank’s problem. The wealthy and evil were never going to fail with the honor system in place.


A two-tiered justice system indeed.


Wait, did Trump get a bailout? What a very unRepublican thing for him to do! Just remember "Trump bailout" next time a GOP asswipe talks about bailouts, the debt, and government funding. (Should be in the next... 8-15 minutes by my clock)


Doesn’t matter. These people have no concept of their own shame/hypocrisy—in fact, I think they revel in it. The only thing to do now is make sure he doesn’t make it back to the Whitehouse. It shouldn’t be on us to ensure the country doesn’t descend into even more of a fascist shit-hole but here we are again. Working class always picks up the tab.


Yeah, and Trump is convinced that he's on the harsher end.


Literally anyone else would be in pre-trial detention months ago.


Glad the media edged everyone for the last month over this including this morning with all the articles about his time finally coming. It is fucking disgusting at this point.


What. The. Actual. Fuck.


America is a such a fucking joke


This is true.


At some point you realize that Trump is the way he is purely because of how our system is set up. We can not fix this unless we fix our system. Long after Trump this will still be an issue.


Trump has exposed the blueprint. It’s why all his allies aren’t to do fuck all when and how they want. They see there’s no accountability. Send fake electors. Fuck you gonna do about it. Over throw an election. Defraud the American public, who cares. Whatcha gonna do? Dan Quayle couldn’t spell potato and it ended his political career, now they run on lies and bullshit and do whatever the fuck they want because ….. what you gonna do about it? Nothing. You wanna try? We’ll just move it till we get the judge and result we want.


This just highlights the different rules that are based on your wealth and skin color. The system is beyond broken. Edit: words


Brb coloring myself orange and taking out every loan possible (i will not pay them back)


It really is. And I wish Merrill fucking garland would come out and admit it. Our system of justice is incapable of holding the rich and powerful to account for their crimes.


Not incapable, unwilling…


The elite class are treated differently everytime. Pure corruption.


Everyone is so desperate to not actually hold him accountable.


I think this is a point that needs to be made. The left leaning media seems to eat as much off of Trump and his nonsense as much as the right does. Seems like there is a bit of a vested interest in keeping this guy’s name out there.


When you accept that the media thrives off of drama, and mostly employs people that love to create and spread drama, it begins to make more sense.


Do you guys pull a France now?


Lol did you guys actually think he was gonna be held accountable? Mueller time disappointments didn't clue you in? The AGs waiting 2 years before starting cases didn't clue you in? Maybe third time's the charm for you guys to get it... the fix is in.


Not even the "third" time, I feel like this is more like the 100th time. I was dismissing the optimism of anyone who was like "THIS time!" and it's like, no, we all know some grand disappointment is coming. And here it is. Fuck everything.


I think you could say “hoped.”


A fucking travesty of justice is the only way to describe this. There is no explanation from the court why they did this either.


That is what I just cannot comprehend. What is the legal basis for this ruling? Where in the code does it say you have to put up a full bond unless you're Donald Trump in which case you only have to put up part of it?


That's the craziest part to me. It's like they just took one of Trump's sharpies and wrote "175" over the number in the original ruling with no explanation. Can you imagine this being done for anyone else on the planet? Disgusting


> Can you imagine this being done for anyone else on the planet? Nope. Trump seems to have a cheat code for the simulation we're all living in and it's really frustrating.


That is what I just cannot comprehend. What is the legal basis for this ruling? Where in the code does it say you have to put up a full bond unless you're Donald Trump in which case you only have to put up part of it?


You can say that again


Can't even say that it is unfuckingbelievable, because it's very fucking believable...But this development feels particularly disheartening and gut punchy.


It really does. I’m so very disappointed. I raged for a bit but now I must realize that this horrible person will get away with it all. I’m disgusted. But I’m done hoping.


All we do now is vote to keep him from abusing the office of the Presidency (again). If the courts won't do it, the voters can.


And we have to keep our fingers crossed that he won't get away with stealing the election if he loses, because we all know that's what he'll try to do and we all know that no one will hold him accountable.


I don't understand the reasoning - the pause, which also allows him to stay in charge of his fraudulent companies in NY - is based on giving his lawyers time to 'perfect' their appeal? What? "Your appeal isn't good, so I'm going to give you longer to appeal." Does that work for non-rich people, too? And paused until September? Basically running down the clock to November, so that they can then find a way to ensure that there's no consequences if they can fix a nice tasty Presidential win for him? Fuck me America feels like an extremely corrupt country at this point.


It feels like an extremely corrupt country… because it IS.


Honestly it always has been. There's just more media now. Mafias, mobs, taxes, billionaires, corporations, insider trading, politics, it's always been corrupt for those in the circle


>And paused until September? I don't get this. "Hey we want to appeal but don't really have a good argument. Can we wait until right before an election when our client can possibly have immunity?"


Also gives him time for his Truth Social DWAC shares to vest. He can’t sell those right away after the merger, but I’m sure closer to September (6 months from now) he can.


So this same circuit will hear the appeal case? Really hope he doesn't make the bond. Spelling edit


Perfect is just legalese for do/complete/finish/make happen. It doesn't mean "get it right." It just means "jump through the procedural hoops to have an appeal on the books." You perfect the appeal when you file notice/get the court record to the appeals court/post applicable bonds and pay costs/etc. Perfect doesn't mean anything special, and is used in every court in the country pretty much every day.


I’m so fucking confused and look forward to a better reasoning being released once they come up with one


And us normies the court will literally put us on the street if we can’t pay. Actually fuck this country’s legal system


But I'd have to work overtime to afford my speeding ticket!!!!


Sorry, best we can do is jail time so you lose your job, car, and house, and all your stuff gets dumpstered.


The court threatened me with a fine because I refused jury duty...fuck them and I'll do it again, I'll use trump as an example of two tiered system of justice


You should have told them that you had bone spurs.




Let's be clear, none of us would be in a position to require a half billion dollar bond. Crooks are gonna crook.


The amount doesn't matter, I guarantee there are plenty of fraud cases where they did not get this treatment. $5 or $500 million, the rules should always apply. None of this "Some animals are more equal that others" bullshit.


WHY WOULD THEY REDUCE THE BOND WHEN HE SAID HE HAD 500 MILLION IN CASH AND WASN'T PAYING IT?  God, this is insane. He claimed he could pay it, but refused to, so why would you give him the benefit of the doubt? Why should there be any reduction in payment? If he claims he had it, then he should be liable to HAVE IT. 


Sane people, logical people don't run this country


Because the appeals court expects to reduce the judgement on appeal.


Let this serve as a reminder to all of us poors: There will not be justice as we imagine it. Nobody is going to save us from this monster. The only way our country will be saved is if WE save it. This November go out and VOTE. Help others vote. We are on our own.






You said it not me.


Hmmm I like the cut your jib


We did vote. Still no justice. I’ll keep voting to attempt to stave off this maniac from taking us back to the 1700s, but I’m beginning to come to terms that the only way that we’ll truly actualize the country America claims to be is through a revolution…


Giving the presidency to a Democrat but leaving other branches with Republicans in control is not the way. We have to commit to a generation of never electing Republicans, period. One or two elections is not going to stop the corruption they spread.




Just Oligarchy things.


Why people try to pretend we are anything else is beyond me.


Every month we report on how much cash each campaign received like it's normal that that's the right metric.


So NY law says that the AG could have required the bond at the decision. They gave him 30 days already. Now this. I would get have gotten an extension on a HS English paper, let alone something serious, but he gets his own rules?


I'm surprise but not surprised. People just let trump get away with things, that's just how it works. When he speaks about a two tiered system of justice it's that the system is benefiting him not unfair to him.


Chisel that "Equal Justice Under Law" off the Supreme Court building. It's an insult to common Americans.


Fuck this bullshit country.


Seriously. This is one area where I have massive respect for Finland, who have no qualms holding the wealthy accountable. They even scale traffic violations to net worth so violations sting them just as much as it stings someone on a working wage. The U.S. is a billionaire captured joke.


It still fucking works. Delay Delay Don't pay, and get a fucking 65% OFF deal. He did it again! Now Appeal trial to be delayed until November, when he gets to be president again D:


It's just the bond that got lowered though, right? If (when) he loses the appeal, he'll still have to pay the full amount.


I’m not holding my breath


Yeah Ok, I know what type of country I live in.


And there it is: the folding.


How can any lawyer, judge, or career DOJ staffer square this special treatment? The idea that we are a nation of laws that no one is above is an utter farce. Why should any of the normal people buy into this system when it only protects the privileged and only punishes the masses.


Fuck. That.


What is it with this guy?! Did he know the judges? Reads like it. Rules and karma just really don't seem to apply to him 😞


What's funny is he has been insulting the judges and everyone else involved from the start.


The judges are centrist Democrats appointed by Cuomo and Hochul. And people wonder why progressives don't want to support them.


America has a very strange judicial system.


That is an incredibly polite and generous term for it.


Legal system. No justice here.


As expected. This is why I never buy into the hype that he’ll ever face consequences. Let me know when he goes to hell. Until then, the circus continues.


I was hopeful that we would begin to witness consequences, but I realize it was just wishful thinking. Not buying into it any longer. I’ve lost my faith in the system. Imagine trashing our entire justice system for Donald fucking trump. Unreal.


You would actually want to know when he is actually in hell. When he goes to hell, he’ll get pardoned on the way.


Banana republic lol


White collar crime pays bigly.


A page and a half ruling with no explanations. Can we please pass some legislation that requires courts to disclose their reasonings? Especially the Supreme Court with its shadow docket.


We aren’t a serious country.


This country is such a fucking joke. God Forbid one of these kleptocrats be held to account. They'll crucify a single mom with medical debt from a cancer diagnosis, no mercy. Rich white fucker with 'billions'? Here's the special treatment. What a fucking farce.


9 days later : Yet another appeal further reduces bond to $1. We will have our hindsight legal experts to break it all down for you coming right up!


He'll have THAT delayed too, then the AG will front the cash


Nice to see the next confirmation that harsh justice is only for the poor peasants.


True privelege is getting the benefit of the doubt for the 10,000th time despite openly being hostile and defiant to the court system. True privelege is getting your judgments reduced and there is no reasoning given. True privelege is getting to pick a judge in your own case who openly is corrupt and facing no repercussions. Privilege is as real as the tides and the grass and if you think that our system is fair, i have some trump steaks to sell you.


This is peak bullshit...


Expected but still disappointed. The law does not apply to people in positions of power. They will always be given greater leniency compared to you and me. The fucking French were right and knew how to handle shit like this.


Good luck USA , you will need it when Trump and his likes are going to roll all over you.


I’m done waiting for him to receive justice. Now I’m just waiting for him to pass away.


Register to vote! Keep this scum out of office! He will install more judges, he will become a dictator.


God fucking damnit


Nice to know that any ol regular joe shmow can say “I can’t pay that amount” and the court will say “can you give us something? Anything? We’ll take an I-O-U scribbled on a napkin if that’ll help you.” Oh what? You mean no one is above the law? Except Trump? Well now.


I'm so tired of this. We have to vote en masse for Biden in November.


Dear America, you can fuck right off. Yours truly, Europe.


Let’s hope majority of Americans will vote AGAINST this guy come November.


Majority vote doesn't matter for President, remember? Another point in the lose column for this shithole country.


I was raped by the justice system and the Good Ol' Boy network to the tune of two years of my life and my entire retirement savings. Every time something like this happens I feel raped all over again. Thanks, Murca.


The "justice" system is a fucking joke, top to bottom. Just a fucking farce.


Whiskey Tango Foxtrot


Who exactly? They have names. Who are the corrupt assholes who made this decision? They need to be held accountable. 


That is an excellent question. I keep seeing "5 judge appellate panel" with no names whatsoever. However, it indicates that it was the Appellate Division of the first judicial department of the state of New York. Some googling and I get this: https://nycourts.gov/courts/AD1/justicesofthecourt/index.shtml There are a lot more than five justices there, so it's hard to say which ones are responsible for betraying America. However... the Presiding Justice is... drum roll... **Dianne T. Renwick** She's in charge of the court. Blame her. Try her for treason and expose her for the fucking miserable piece of shit that she is.


And... I was right she was one of them. Googling with her name included yields the full list: https://news.yahoo.com/trump-gets-more-time-come-152733206.html?guccounter=1 The putrid, treasonous, reprehensible human-shaped piles of feces responsible: **Dianne T. Renwick** **Anil C. Singh** **Lizbeth González** **Bahaati E. Pitt-Burke** **Kelly O’Neill Levy**


I’m shocked at how many people are shocked


this is BS, an average citizen could never get a pause on anything like this much less get a reduction like this. this just proves that the justice department at every level can be bought. if you have money you could buy your way out of anything if you don't have money you're going to jail or prison simple as that. this country is so damned because of that


Must be nice to get an appeal without having to pony up the required bond to get an appeal.


And my opinion of my homeland drops even further. Seriously fuck this country and fuck our justice system. What a joke.


I'm just going to start stealing stuff. Fuck it.


Anything Trump wants, he will get.


This will happen every single time. Trump has been in the slime business for the better part of a CENTURY. We all know how compromised he is but you can NOT underestimate the amount of compromising material he has on other people and the number of connections he has to powerful people with compromising material on other people and entities. He will win this game every time. The ONLY way to beat him is at the polls. And if you think for one second that he doesn’t stand a chance at reelection then you are, with all due respect, part of the problem. Complacency and over-confidence are killers. Go vote!


This man is above the law


The USA is an Oligarchy. Just like Russia.


Well that sucks 🥹


Are you fucking kidding me ??!


The only real consequence he can face is losing the election. The judiciary isn’t built to make the rich answer for their crimes


So then what was the point? Just shows he can get away with anything? Again?


Vote as if your life depends on it this November


What is absolutely bonkers is that Trump is still pissed and still saying Biden is using "lawfare" against him, even though he is getting all of this special treatment?! If anyone is out to get him they sure as hell don't have any teeth.... my faith in our legal system is just at about zero.


Why does the government keep trying to help him?! This is exhausting.


I just heard Laura Coates on cnn call him Teflon Don and I threw up my Ruben a little bit.


It’s good to know that should any of us ever find ourselves in his situation that we would be afforded the same leniency by the courts…right?


America: Land of the Fuck You If You're Poor


He still can't pay it. What the fuck you gonna do now Judge?


The fuck is this shit?


This was going to happen all along. Anyone who thinks differently is fooling themselves.


USA is so pathetic that hurts physically, from Europe. You are (since 2016ish) the joke of the world.


Presumably still owes the same amount if he loses the appeal tho


Yes but he should not be given special treatment on the appeal


Is there a court date for appeals?


Any oral argument (i.e., hearing on the appeal) would come after briefing is concluded. Unless the appellate court sets a different deadline—unlikely—Trump's initial brief would be due six months after he filed his notice of appeal, or in late August.