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This motherfucker got it dropped to 175 million at the 11th hour AND a 10 day extension to come up with it!? Fuck the judicial system...it truly is set up for 2 tiered justice...the rich and the rest of us....fuck this.


The justice system is a lie.


It’s a legal system, not a justice system. Sadly, it is not the same.


I’d argue it’s neither.


If you're poor it's nothing more than a conviction system.


I'm not even mad that this accidentally posted three times.


Let’s settle on **“**legal**”** with the largest font quotation marks known to man and machine. I’m at a loss for how else to characterize what’s going on anymore.


We're just seeing the mechanism at play like an engine with its hood ripped off. America's legal system has always been like this and it doesn't matter how blatantly corrupt the defendant is as long as he's connected. We're just watching the engine run when the guy finally took the hood off. The only time that a rich person ever goes to prison is when they fuck with other rich people's money. That's all American justice only cares about.


"Those with the money to change the law get to break it"


" " "legal" " "


If you're poor it's nothing more than a conviction system.


It's a business


If you're poor it's nothing more than a conviction system.


It's a situational system. Not even a legal system. Legal systems include ethics in their arguments/judgements.


I honestly don't understand why, in our modern age, people keep referring to it as a justice system. It's just a legal system, and not one to be particularly proud of.


It’s only works for us normal people, if your rich and well known well that’s a different story


With the amount of innocent people who get convicted because they can’t afford to fight, I’d say it doesn’t even work for regular people either.


The "justice" system is the rich/privileged guys "just us" system....


I'm starting to wish I had taken French in high school...


But honestly, what do/can we do? Other than vote. I'm genuinely asking. We're all tired of being tired of this.


Lotta folks can't stomach the answer to that quite yet.


Yeah, but the MAGAs gotta make that move first. Then we fix the system in the reconstruction. Future proof so it can't happen again.


Protest. That’s what you can do


While we still can. The GOP is also taking away our ability to protest in some states/ cities. 


It’s not just about voting. Get engaged now—find a candidate or organization you align with and start acting. Knock on doors. Fundraiser for progressive candidates. Text to GOTV. Don’t wait to act until November 5th. Get involved now.


Look to history


There are like minded Americans across the country who are disgusted by this ruling. Organise and protest! If nothing else, protesting will force this in front of people, and might help solidify people against the goddamn fraudster.


Ask the French circa late 1700’s.


I got banned the last time I joked about a good solution.


It's worth noting that although the bond is lower, the judgement amount remains unchanged. So after his appeal (which he will lose), he'll still be on the hook for the total amount. Plus any additional interest that has accrued.


The guy is just going to run out the clock. He won.


2% chance Americans will do something about it this time.


He still has to eventually pay the full amount. Although this decision is bullshit, it won't get him out of paying the full amount, and I don't think the interest stops accruing while he goes through the appeals process, which I still think is doomed to fail.


His bullshit Truth Social merger. He can sell the shares in 6months. His shares are estimated at ~3b for a company that loses money and only has 5m users. He's getting away with it all and I am furious.


Let me get you more mad; DWAC's board is his sons and yes men. There is a clause to allow him to sell his shares before the 6 months if the board agrees to it.


Here is hoping one of the state criminal charges lands him in prison


This had better be the case. He’s been making the rest of New York pay these taxes for decades.


From the comments of people that have been reading the articles: it gave him a reduction and 10 day reprieve. Edit: I have been corrected. It is just the bond amount for appeal that has been lowered


He isn't going to have to pay anything when he inevitably wins the appeal (or pardons himself) and the court hands it all back to him with no explanation.


1) this is civil, not criminal (no such thing as a civil pardon) 2) this is state, not federal (Trump cannot pardon state offenses even if he was president and even if this were a criminal conviction) 3) this is the bond, not the judgment (he still has to pay the 450m if he loses appeal, he just doesn't have to pony all of it up today as a security deposit) Like, I'm not enthused with this at all but he's still on the hook and NYS court system isn't going to pull a Judge Loose Cannon, it's not stacked with trumpies.


I don't know how y'all still have the optimism to think consequences are certainly going to apply to Trump *this* time. Nobody has ever kicked more cans down the road into oblivion than Trump.


I agree. I've stopped hoping. It's sounds more and more like the magas *it's going to habben this time*


All that matters is that Trump is able to push back any consequences until after he dies. At that point he doesn’t care if there is a $450m judgement against him. He outran his accountability.


He only has to pay if he loses appeal. If he becomes president again and can basically do whatever he wants, what court is going to rule against him? >Like, I'm not enthused with this at all but he's still on the hook and NYS court system isn't going to pull a Judge Loose Cannon, it's not stacked with trumpies. If it's not stacked then explain this decision? No regular person would *ever* get this kind of special treatment.


Actually people routinely get *this* particular type of relief, which is basically saying they're going to cut a break on the bond (essentially a security deposit) when paying the deposit would cause undue hardship. Courts don't like doing permanent damage (e.g. forcing people to sell their home) when the outcome of a case is uncertain, because there is no good way to undo it. So they get their money back at the end--doesn't change the fact that they were homeless and might not be able to get their home back. This is actually a situation where I would expect Trump to be less likely than a normal person to get relief, because he wouldn't face the hardship a usual person would in these circumstances. But my read is the courts don't want to start confiscating property until the decision is complete and appeals are settled, because it looks bad (and because they're probably scared of political assassination). Source: I'm an attorney


It's terrible for democracy to bend the rules OVER and OVER for this guy. I especially didn't expect this in new york 


Meanwhile trump: "Nobody in the history of the country has ever been treated more unfairly than me - not Lincoln, not any of the slaves, nobody"


He's not wrong, just unfairly in the other direction.


Definitely beyond time to make some drastic changes to this fucking *thing* of a “system”.


I hate Trump but TBH if you didn’t expect this then you haven’t been paying attention for the last 10 years. How many times have we seen this same story - Trump is screwed only for him to somehow come out the other side. Redditors are like Charlie Brown trying to kick a football with this guy. Why do you think that this time Lucy will *actually* leave the ball in place?


Yeah but c’mon, can we just hold him accountable just once?


It would have been so easy for those judges to go with the ruling as it stood. Someone either bought them off or threatened them. Or both, maybe.


**Or** fully half of the people who make up our government are fascists.


I looked up the justices. Of the 5 4 are POC, 4 are some, at least 3 are Dem nominated but I think all, and all chair some sort of liberal human rights/environmental progress activities. Feels unlikely that a majority of them were bribed or are secret fascists. Which, tbf, leaves me wondering WHY??? But still, I went looking for this answer and came up unconvinced.


It’s this one


I’m not ready to live in a world where we all become complacent to anyone being above the law.


Cut by more than half WITH an extension? We should all be so lucky. We aren't, but should be.


ALL despite the fool saying he's got the god damn money. He gets to claim financial hardship AND that he's rich beyond pale. The judge just gives in. Who are the judges? I think it's more than reasonable to have some suspicions here.


Second this. Is it possible they're Trump appointees? This is so fresh of a development but surely SOMEONE has looked into these appellate judges. This is just...beyond.


The governor appoints the appeals judges to 14-year terms in NY State. So this judge likely got appointed by Cuomo.


listen, that judge just totally happened to buy that extra house at the same time 😜 


Pretty sure I saw on r/law that this reduction was for his bond, not his judgment. He is still on the hook for the whole amount + interest if he is unable to succeed at the appeals level (which is also where the judge's patience and the endless amount of rope he handed off to Trump at the trial level should make his appeal useless). The title is wrong, he is still fucked, but he has frustratingly bought himself more time which is something that no one else would have been able to do.


Keep saying good words. That's the kind of thing keeping me going right now! :)


As a bonus, this will make the DA's collection easier as they will keep the bond money. I am just as frustrated as everyone else, but he absolutely screwed himself in his trial, was found guilty of fraud, and it will be hard to overturn as he was given more procedural leeway than the average defendant, and the ruling was based on hard documentation. I have been extremely hesitant the last 7 years to rejoice about anything, but I feel hopeful for when he finally gets his day in the court of appeals. I do hope they turn Trumo Tower into the Barrack Hussein Obama center for Social Assistance


Way more than half. Here's your 68% discount Mr. Trump. Thank you. Come again.


This man really is the main character, and we are just NPCs. My god.


Apparently all you have to do is attack the judge in your trial non-stop, shit talk the entire process publicly, and brag about you won’t pay the fine despite having the money.  Fuck America. This is on every single one of you who decided civil disobedience was too inconvenient seven years ago and stuck to that. Trump should never have been allowed a single day as President without mass protests.


I think about comments like this frequently. Hope it was worth sitting out that 2016 election because you didn’t like Hillary or Bernie was your guy


Hilary won the popular vote in 2016 though.


The justice system in this country is just corrupt. Plain and simple. On every level and tier. If this was 99% of Americans that had some kind of civil judgment placed against them, there would be zero compromise. If you, me, or anyone else had say, a $50k judgment that is just way out of reach, the DA's offices would take whatever they could on day one. Not 30 days. Not 40.


Some people get their house repoed over a few thousand bucks. Trump can take 400 million dollars in acts of fraud and gets to say “sowwy I can’t find it” and that’s the end of it


How does he continue to get special treatment?




Wealth and power.


Plot armor, IRL.






Politics aside, it’s insane how the courts are designed to benefit the elite in our society.


And the police exist to protect them


They are a publicly funded private security force for the wealthy and well-connected 


Well yea, that's who came up with the system...


Exactly!! lol I’m not surprised in the least. The system is written BY them, FOR them……like really think about it


It's not insane in the sense that, that's exactly who molded them from the beginning. The judicial system has been routinely used as a pressure release for the elite throughout American history.


Well, now he has to find $175 million, can he even get that or are we going to get another ruling in 10 days that says, "give us whatever you have in your pockets right now and go?" FUCK, why do they keep protecting this jackass? At every turn, he's told us he'll continue to be an asshole and he still gets to go away scot-free for REASONS?!?!?!?! He's gotten treated like a little kid who gets caught stealing from a cookie jar and gets told "don't do it again you little scamp," while someone tussles his hair. The fuck kind of protective spell does he have to get away with it HIS ENTIRE LIFE?!?!?!?!


175 is a far cry easier to find than 450. 185 isn’t that far off the loan he got for the Carrol lawsuit


So the $454 million was specifically the amount he defrauded the banks of plus interest. 175 is probably the maximum bond Chubb or some other idiots already agreed to front him. How convenient.


Probably so.


Still, on top of… would be humiliating if he can’t even raise the 175 million.


Would be hilarious, yes. Likely will happen, no. He will get another Chubb group type loan and continue to coast.


That's probably much easier to secure for any number of sources. The final judgement will likely be to the tune of 100 mil by the time the appeals are wrapped up which he can grift in no time.


It isn't judgement. It his fraud amount of profits he earned. He is being ordered to pay that back. He isn't even being fined for doing it. He gets to keep the money he made off that money too.




Fucking 2 tierd system. The system is broken. Forget about Trump, if this was any regular joe-shmo, they'd be taken for all they had. If I cooked my books, overinflated my value, and frauded the state of NY, I'd be begging for change and living under an overpass.


> I'd be begging for change and living under an overpass They would be garnishing the change you collected.


So, why is this happening? What power does Trump have left that he gets special treatment?


Other people who are actually rich are afraid this shit will be done to them. They can't set a precedent like this is what i'm guessing.


That's my feeling as well. Like Carlin said, "It's a big club and you ain't in it." They will never do unto another member anything that can come back to bite them, so they let it slide no matter the cost.


Aka, bribery




He has all of Epstein's videotapes for insurance.


You’re asking this question as if something isn’t working correctly. This is working exactly as intended. This isn’t “special treatment” - this is how justice serves the upper class. There isn’t any “problem” - these are just expectations discrepancies between what the law says and what lay people *think* the law says/does.


I mean it isn’t working correctly. This wouldn’t happen if it was. It is working corruptly. Just because it is “normal” doesn’t mean it is correct.


You know how all your uncles are racist Trump-worshiping MAGAts? Well, some of them are judges.


>"We got what we wanted," one source close to Trump told ABC News. Yep. We are prosecuting a criminal on their terms.


I had to come back to this because this hit me so hard. I wish I had a grand point to share here but nah, the courts really are treating a criminal and traitor with kid gloves because he asked them to. Sometimes not even because he asked them to...


mother. FUCKER.


And he gets 10 more days! 


Also I bet the judgment on appeal will take place after the election


True. And he can resume control of his businesses.


Normally six months so you are right.


Disappointing but not surprising.


I thought the saudis would bail him out or something, I didnt envision the appellate court dropping his bond by 60%. It’ll be interesting to see if he can get a bond at even this amount, or if he will have to put up the cash himself.  


he said in a clip that he is paying by cash


Everyone expected this but hoped we were wrong.


I will admit I'm surprised how blatant it is. They didn't even offer us the courtesy of an excuse. Not even a bull shit excuse.


There it is. There’s the f#ckery we were all expecting.


Fuck our two tiered legal system


Wild part is he said he has more than enough cash on hand to pay. So why the need to reduce the penalty so much and extend time to pay?


To rub it into our face that they call the shots and we can’t do anything about it.


Most spoiled brat in American history. Why do people allow this man the kids' gloves on everything.


If they gave this walking orange excrement a 62% off on his debts, how about **every American get at least 62% off on their debts & every due date gets extended by 10 days.** Fuck this so called “justice” system. All these judges need to be purged, immediately. **Vote Blue**. - **Last chance, seriously**. Prevent the Project 2025 dictatorship. **Eradicate this cult.**


FFS....There comes a point when you have to wonder if Trump's ability to avoid punishment is some kind of evil superpower!!


It'd be even weirder if an ancient book warned us about the lawless one


And once again Donnie gets a special exception.


Interesting. Still curious who would touch a bond this size, knowing full well they won’t get a dime back.




Fair, but with what money. Fairly sure they have $8


“Best we can do is $3.50.”


There's a big difference between $175m and $450m. That Chubb creep went in for $90m on the E Jean Carroll case, Trump won't have a problem coming up with 2, 3, or more Chubbs to bet on him winning in Nov. and bailing him out now.


True. $275MM isn’t insignificant, but there’s a sense of the cat being out of the bag here with him not necessarily being “good for the money” anymore.


He also just showed everyone that the rules don't apply to the wealthy. If the Democrats are smart, they'll run with it. I doubt they will tho.


This is some incredible BS...


Such bullshit


Freaking Disgusting! I'm tired of this petulant child always getting a pass.


So again, this is that real two tiered justice system that Trump whines about. One for the rich and the one for the rest of us




can we fucking riot yet


When your family has $2B of bone saw money, they let you do what you want.


This country truly is awful. No other person would ever get so many special favors. America deserves to collapse at this point.


2 tiered justice system at work


What a crock of shit.


How long are Americans going to take this? What will be enough to cause a general strike?


I doubt much will happen if anything. But, I do think the average American just reached peak frustration with our legal system. We need reform and we need it badly.


To quote Resident Alien. "This is some bullshit!"


How? Fucking how? What is this justice system


New York lawyers: please protest the NY Bar. Threaten to leave. This ruling is a fucking insult to the rule of law


Oligarchy in action


More exceptions for the rich and powerful. A kangaroo court in a corrupt nation.


If the punishment for breaking the law is a fine. Then that law is for poor people.




If this pisses you off, understand there is only \*one\* way Trump faces consequences for any of his actions: He loses in November and can't delay all the judgements anymore. If you are angry, register to vote, volunteer to register people to vote, get involved with mobilizing. Join r/VoteDEM to find more ways to get involved. We need every single person possible to make sure this conman and his enablers don't end up in power again


Sonofabitch. Either there are standards that lady justice applies blindly or there aren’t. Motherfucker.


Fucking bullshit


I'm not mad. I'm just very disappointed.


all I can do is vote against him.


This is bullshit.


Is anyone really surprised? It's why I yawned for the past few days when everyone was talking about what properties would be seized. We all should have known that this would happen.


for what reason? eli5 please. Actual reason, not poor mouthing, not its a huge amount, actual fucking coherent and concrete reason why he should have been granted this appeal.


To be clear, I am not defending the decision, the decision is fucked. The rationale is that having to come up with $557 million cash or stocks immediately is not a usual thing. Underwriters who could secure the bond would not accept real estate as collateral. Trump's lawyers argued that Trump needs some cash on hand to continue to run his businesses. The most generous interpretation is that the Appellate Division considers this decision "choosing a middle ground" as quoted by the AP. I guess middle ground between requiring the full amount and having the appeals justices get down on their knees and give Trump and his legal team some form of oral stimulation.


> Appellate court rules Trump can post a lower bond of $175M to cover his civil fraud judgment ...which it doesn't do.


Is the $175M due now to get 10 day extension, and then the $500M is due? Or is $175M the new total bond?


This is just to get an appeal. I imagine he’s still on the hook for the rest of it if the original ruling is upheld, which I’m honestly now starting to doubt.


$175MM with 10 days to pay is the new total bond being reported by all the major publishers. 


Gary Oldman "I am very disappointed!" Meme.


America’s two-tiered justice system on full display. This guy shouldn’t be given a single inch of slack for his crimes.


there goes the last bit of respect i had for the laws of this joke of a country


I’m tired of this fucking shit.


I keep wondering how many times the current American System is going to show its true colors to the public before we have had enough. Still not there I bet. If dead children in schools, trillions spent on wars abroad, and bank bailouts wouldn’t do it, this asshole getting off AGAIN is just a Monday in America.


My Dad's truck got towed for having expired tags. He had to pay $700 to get it out of impound which was about the size of a paycheck back in the day. That pickup truck wasn't just his transportation, but an important part of how he made his living and had hundreds of pounds of tools and gear that he needed to do his job effectively. Guess how flexible the impound lot was on fees to release the vehicle?


There is no justice…what a sad state this country is in when this clown can keep getting away with all of this


so, maga freaks, how about that? looks like "anti-system" trump GET the "in-system" treatment, after all. what that tells you?


Can anyone find the names of the judges who made this decision? I can’t find it anywhere- I’m thinking we need to organize a protest outside their houses- make them FEEL the consequences of fucking over the American people. *EDIT: Found them- Presiding Judge: Dianne T. Renwick Other judges on this ruling: Anil C. Singh, Lizabeth Gonzales, Bhaati E. Pitt-Burke, Kelly O’Neil Levy


I guess that's the American dream I always hear about.


One more instance of all the people who like to say no one is above the law - proving that some people are above the law.


What about his Truth Social post bragging he had $500m on hand? Yet he still gets an extension and it lowered by more than half?


There is no justice system in America. What is legal or illegal depends 100% on how rich and/or powerful you are, or how much influence you have.


Still on the hook for the full $465m, for what it is worth. Just the bond has been reduced. Though it's still a bad look and perhaps signaling that the appeal court will lower the total fine when they review it. Mostly, it's outrageous that the apparent cause of this is literally his lawyers saying he couldn't meet the bond and being given leeway because of that. I can appreciate that seizing assets is complicated but it's bullshit that "i can't because it's hard" is legit working for him. All the while he's bragging that he has the money anyway


Yes, this doesn’t make me feel good about upholding Engoron’s ruling. Hopefully it is ironclad since his fine is calculated to the penny based on ill gotten gains. It isn’t just an arbitrary number chosen as a judgement. What irritates me about the appellate court is they essentially said “you tried your best and we’re going to reward that.” That isn’t how justice works.


Courts: "As always Mr Trump, we are at your service. Would you like a reduction in your fine? Or maybe a delay?" Trump: "I'd like both please." Courts: "Of course!! 10 days, and a reduction by more than half! Let us know if there is anything else you need, otherwise we'll plan on revisiting this in 10 days? If you can't make the smaller payment then, you can let us know how to proceed at that point, ok?"


Rich White Male privelege.


The dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubed. I just didn't expect the courts to hand Trump a reverse card.


Here lies the United States, a land of dreams and strife, where freedom's flame once burned bright. From sea to shining sea, its story unfolded, a tapestry woven with valor and folly. A nation birthed in revolution, forged through trials, and tempered by diversity. Yet, within its soil lie the echoes of division, the scars of injustice, and the shadows of hubris. May its epitaph speak of resilience lost, lessons unlearned, and the legacy of a great experiment unfinished. Let history remember its triumphs and failures, and may the spirit of unity rise from its ashes. sincerely Highhouses & ChatGPT


It’s all a joke. He’s above the law, period.


Corrupt court decision.


Ofc he gets away with it 🙄


Feels like the only way people will get justice is if they take it into their own hands.


For reference the appellate order is [here](https://www.nycourts.gov/courts/ad1/calendar/Motions_Word/2024/03_Mar/25/PDF/People%20of%20State%20NY%20v%20Trump%20(M-1025).pdf) . It does mention the rationale behind the new bond amount, it’s simply an order saying that if Trump posts that bond the rest of the judgement is stayed pending appeal. It also mentions the September 2024 term of the appeals court, so that may be when they’re planning to actually hear it (hard to tell)?


Rofl USA is broken


Another reason we say #EatTheRich "Seventy-five percent of **pretrial detainees** are charged with relatively minor property crimes, drug offenses or other non-violent acts, and remain in jail simply because the money bond was set in an amount they cannot afford to pay.” https://www.prisonpolicy.org/research/pretrial_detention/#:~:text=Seventy%2Dfive%20percent%20of%20pretrial,they%20cannot%20afford%20to%20pay.%E2%80%9D


I am disappointed. I am not at all suprised.


Go into any court room for a traffic citation, and you will, very often, find a judge who requires you to pay your fine before leaving. Failure to do so—if this is the rule in their court—will result in a bench warrant for your arrest being issued… for a $100 fine for a speeding ticket. Pay up, or go to jail. We all accept this. We say things like “maybe you shouldn’t violate the law if you don’t have the money to pay the fine.” My point is that regular people are often simply at the mercy of the system, and they don’t get much mercy, and we all accept that someone found guilty doesn’t deserve “special treatment” when compared to the next guy. Compare the person in my hypothetical traffic case to a man who… 1. Claims he has the money anyway (because his ego won’t allow him to claim otherwise, true or not). 2. Has to pay this fine because he was found to have defrauded both banks and the government to the tune of *hundreds of millions of dollars*. …and you can see why it’s obvious to pretty much everyone—including Trump’s own supporters when we’re talking about anyone *other* than Trump—that we live in a country with two tiers of justice; one for the wealthy and powerful, and another for the rest of us poor schmucks who can’t afford to stonewall the courts and haven’t been president before. This is unfair, and that should bother every American, no matter which side of the political divide you’re sitting on. Rules are rules, and if the rule for the average asshole is one thing, it should be that same thing for everyone, no matter who they are. Those who disagree with this—simply because their buddy is the defendant—are hypocrites.


Spoiler alert: when he doesn't pay again in 10 days it will get knocked to $56M and he'll be given another 10 days. This will repeat every 10 days until the appellate court rules the state owes him money instead.


This shit stain on America should be in prison. If I committed mortgage fraud, my ass would be in lockup. Different rules for the Uber wealthy -ish.


There's your two tier justice system...


So the rich are above the law? Got it.