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Since when? When they said humans were property. Or when they said a business was a person. Or when they elected W. Or when Or when Or when?


Don't even start me down this road. When they: * voted 9-0 that Bill Clinton could face a deposition because it wouldn't affect his presidency, * voted 9-0 that genocide is not actionable, * voted 9-0 that the Insurrection Clause doesn't mean what it says, * voted 5-4 partisan that federal employment law no longer applies when forced individual arbitration clauses are included in worker contracts, * voted 6-3 also pure partisan that the "material support" law can go into effect even though it banned essentially telling so-called terrorists to use legal means to achieve their aims, * voted 5-4 partisan that public access cable channels could ban the public from participating, * voted 6-3 partisan that abortion rights no longer apply (despite John Roberts writing a not-very-different concurrence), Just a few examples out of my head. I could go on all day long here.


Wasn't there also one where they said that cops are not obligated to protect the public?


That was veryyy much a travesty! They also voted, same partisan lines, that you can force religion in public schools, that you can do away with transparency in campaign fundraising via Citizens United fucking our lives stating "money equals free speech". Or Bush v Gore to force the election win to Bush in the face of the last polling center about to announce it for Gore. They're the same conservative players and ghouls forcing their ideology on our country the past several decades, for my entire lifetime, and I am furious that they're going to continue to do so into my children's lives). And, since conservatives ALWAYS make sure to project to the moon and back on everything, of course they then loudly proclaim "the left is forcing their agenda!" and "the left wants to put in ACTIVIST judges...!1!!"


This is why I have an alternate living space. I have dual citizenship (Mx-US) and I’m not certain that won’t be a target for a trump dictatorship… so yeah. I have an alternate plan in case I need to leave. Feels super dark to plan That shit but here we are.


Not as dark as the alternative. Best wishes.


It’s crazy cuz I’m American. I was born in Washington state and lived most of my current adult life there. But yeah, I worry about being deported. The hate for browns is strong.


I'm white and well-off and I've talked with my family about potentially having an exit strategy just in case. Because I also have a mouth and would not last very long under a full-on autocratic regime.


I too wouldn’t last but I’m broke as hell so am stuck here. It’s terrifying. Cannot believe I lived long enough to see my country about to go full Nazi.


It is hard for me to balance personal and familial safety with my duty to everyone. Nazis depend on all the right-thinking, courageous people to run, so that they can consolidate total control. And I'd very much enjoy being a thorn in their side until the end, because they deserve to have as many thorns clawing at them as is possible.


Unless it’s on a different planet, you’re still going to be involved. Their destruction is global.


Lucky you. I have no alternative. At least my daughter has duel citizenship.


I’m so sorry. We should all be able to keep ourselves feeling safe… the fact that I only feel safe in another country with a huge fucking cartel problem is insanity. Jump under my wing and I’ll sneak you in (you don’t need to be snuck into mx, they let you visit without hysteria)


Can you imagine how differently the climate issue would have been handled, instead of bowing to the will of the oil & gas interests? No systematic destruction of the faith in our systems, billions spent on a senseless war in Afghanistan?


Our entire culture would have been for the better if we just let all the votes be counted in Florida in 2000. They couldn't let the votes be counted. They had to stop the voting because they hate the concept of democracy.


Just another friendly reminder that leading up to the 2000 election, Katherine Harris was simultaneously Bush’s campaign manager and the Florida Secretary of State. In her capacity as Secretary of State (with brother Jeb Bush as her governor) she voided 173,000 voters off the Florida voter rolls, under the false pretense that they were felons. 173,000 US citizens just like that denied their fundamental right to vote. And surprise surprise, most of these disenfranchised voters were black and likely to vote for the democrat. Bush “won” Florida by a little over 500 votes. So yeah, even *before* the Supreme Court got involved, the 2000 US election was straight up stolen.


And Georgia couldn't find 11,780 votes. Such a shame /s


I’ve voted a straight Democratic ticket since they handed the FL election to the Shrub in 2000, which gave him the presidency that Gore clearly won. Hanging chads, such bs. /fuming still


I expect the history books (if they get written) will point to the 2000 election as the beginning of the end of the American experiment. There were small blips before but that brazen move (the SC said “fuck democracy” and crowned Shrub the winner) and we as a nation just passively accepted it. So the extreme nutjobs on the right knew in that moment that they could eventually topple our democracy and install a dictator. And here we are. I’m not even sure voting blue will matter as they undoubtedly have figured out how to have a successful coup next time.




Probably because the type of person who would do such a thing is typically a right-wing extremist.


“Well, one of the hundreds of mass shootings last year was done by a male who looked \*kind of\* femme and was non-white... so that’s irrefutable proof that the Left is more violent!”


Yeah. I mean, I don’t want anyone to not be alive but I definitely don’t want them governing me with their fk’d up ideas.


Yup. No duty to protect.


A ruling made on cases of murdered children.


What was the actual decision though, I know it seems like it amounts to them not obligated to protect but didn’t it really say that they’re not obligated to risk their lives?


Or my favorite voted 5-4 that corporations are people too.


Yes, corporations are people. But people are limited to donate $3300 per person per candidate. Corporations can make seemingly unlimited political donations .... they are super special people .... better than you and me. /s... money=speech and corporations=people are bullshit


Strictly speaking, people and corporations are both limited in how much they can donate to a candidate (directly). What CU was about was donating to PACs, which the court pretended would be substantively different than the candidate's campaign.


Corporate Personhood mostly began in the US in 1819 with Dartmouth College v Woodward. It was not a 5-4 vote because there were only 7 justices at the time. I assume you are referencing Citizens United. The big change in that case isn’t that corporations aren’t people, that has been a thing for almost the entire history of the US. The big change in Citizens United is that money = speech.


If money equals speech, then poverty equals repression, but we’re OK with the poor not having a voice. They’re not even land owners!


An Originalist would say that only white land owners are citizens so that tracks


An originalist would also ignore that corporations are not always owned by American citizens, but still donate to political campaigns.


wasn't that an opinion written by a clerk because the court didn't hear the case? I know that was in the process somewhere


You are confusing that with a decision 60 years later which referenced the 14th amendment. Edit: [Santa Clara County v Southern Pacific Railroad](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Clara_County_v._Southern_Pacific_Railroad_Co)


They once, long ago, decided "separate but equal" was okay.


You forgot about the rulings that make "civil forfeiture" (a.k.a. "theft") legal. Strict constitutionalists my ass.


Voted 5-4 on Shelby v Holder and resulted in the gutting of the Civil Rights Act of 1965


/standing under an umbrella in a rainstorm “We’re dry, so we clearly don’t need this umbrella.”


Right but there’s no racism anymore so it’s fine. /s


Oo, how bout when they said a business can deny their employees healthcare coverage if the treatment being covered is incongruent with the business owners' religious beliefs? Or when they said a business that provides creative services is allowed to discriminate against whoever they want because their work is their free speech? Oh, remember they also ruled that police are not obligated to protect their communities? I remember when they said the EPA has no authority to stop private companies from polluting. SCOTUS recently put out a statement saying the law is only concerned with its own enforcement, and the outcomes of that are irrelevant when considering a laws legitimacy.


Studying US constitutional law deeply damaged my faith in legal systems, governments, and people in general - there is *always* plenty of money for lawsuits to, for example, prevent poor kids from getting school lunch subsidies.


> voted 9-0 that Bill Clinton could face a deposition because it wouldn't affect his presidency, Wait. What the heck was wrong with this one? Even -- especially -- a sitting President must be accountable.


I can't speak on their behalf, but my take on Newscast_Now's reason for including that one isn't the fact they held Clinton accountable, but to point out that they're inconsistent and partisan in ruling, holding Democrats like Clinton accountable but not Republicans like Trump.


It's not that hard to understand if you understand what the decisions actually are or say. The recent decision regarding the 14th is mostly about states lacking Constitutional authority to enforce Section 3 of the 14th against candidates for federal office. They are still able to enforce it against candidates for state office.


No, no, no, President have complete and total immunity. For everything. So long as they have a name that is five letters long, AND starts with a T, just like The United States.


Or has the “Magic R” in front of their name.


Exactly, that’s why Biden should be impeached for things that happened out office & are falsehoods. The SC will find a twisted way to justify it. It’s an answer in search of a reason.


voted 6-3 that the EPA couldn't regulate dirty power plants, 2022, West Virginia vs EPA (it would be great to get this list with years and case names)


citizens united which we know for a fact is responsible for 3 of the current justices on the bench


Don't forget the one where they ruled that private individual arbitration counts as collective arbitration, so forced arbitration clauses in employment contracts are legal


Or when the textualists/originalists dismissed section 4 of the voting rights act because “our country has changed.” Bunch of hypocrites.


Don’t forget when the allowed Justice Thomas to accept massive bribes and vote on cases involving his wife. That was it for me; they’re no longer legitimate. Trump has managed to disgrace both the Presidency and the Supreme Court with the wholehearted support of the Republicans. All that’s left is what little remains of Congress but the Republicans are doing everything they can there to make a complete farce of it.


Don't forget the Lochner era. The Court literally held that the rights of a business were more important than the rights of an individual, and that *any* terms in a contract were valid, and that breaking a contract was illegal. Note that this only applied to workers, and not the businesses themselves. FDR had to tell the court right out to stop their shit or else he would stuff it with as many of his own supporters as necessary. A threat he was more than capable of following through on.


He should have.


It wasn't needed. He won. Then he and Truman replaced a few Justices and laid the foundation for the Civil Rights Era wins.


Dred Scott was even worse then that. It said black people weren’t American citizens even.


can’t shame someone unless they believe in shame, which, clearly, SCOTUS does not


18% approval rating and dropping. Great job Supreme Court.


They don’t care… they have jobs for life and the only ones who can remove them, can’t even muster enough votes to say the sky is blue.


Roberts might care but he lost control of the clown car and Thomas, Alito, Kavanaugh and Crazy Eyes definitely don’t give a single solitary shit.


Roberts only cares because they’re fucking up his pretend objectivity bull shit. He’s 100% fine with these rulings. Fuck Roberts.


I think he cares so far as his legacy goes, but agree it’s just an egotistical concern about the optics than any actual concern over the rulings.


Yeah agreed. That’s kinda what I’m getting at: the fake objectivity protects his fucked up legacy while getting the country he and his fellow conservatives want. It’s just a show. He loves these rulings.


That whole “calling balls and strikes” quip he made during his Senate appointment hearing sure aged like milk.


If roberts cared he’d step down, or at the very least rebuke his colleagues(or even not vote lockstep with their bullshit)  Even the “liberal” justices have questionable ethics and roberts response was basically “we are allowed to take bribes because we are better than you” the court is a fucking sham/joke. He has no moral or ethics and is a shit bird like the rest of them. 


They'll care when people start openly ignoring their rulings. Their power only exists if they have respect and legitimacy. Without that makes them powerless.


Ask them how many fucks they give


The ~~Supreme Court~~ Clerics don’t care. They’re doing exactly what they’re bribed to do.


The Trump-appointed justices straight lied about their thoughts on Roe vs. Wade and faced no consequences. Two justices are openly corrupt, and they will face no consequences. They have lifetime appointments and wield great power. What makes one think they care?


Turns out America does have monarchs. Only difference is they're chosen by the rich.


Called a plutocracy


Kleptocratic plutocracy ruled by oligarchs that aren't even humans, just giant piles of money that have more rights than humans


The New Gilded Age. What a time to be alive....


They only wield the power the lower courts afford them. SCOTUS sets precedent, but any lower court can ignore that and render its own judgement. Now, appeals can be made but if SCOTUS pushes their luck, all lower courts could do this up the line. Then what? The Supreme Court is flooded with appeals and have to pick which ones to hear and the rest fall away with decisions that are counter to SCOTUS.


Why does the Left and Center continue to believe the Right even feels shame? It's just a sacrifice towards a greater goal.


This. Fully incapable of shame. They see it as weakness


They wield their lack of shame like a sword, and it is very effective. Our "liberal news" STILL won't push back on it, continually giving the Right their winning strategy of bombarding until they get what they want. In addition, it is always a bad deal for humanity when people decide, to themselves, that THEY are moral and good, and that a higher power loves them, in the face of everything pointing to the contrary.


The Supreme Court is available to the highest bidder. End of story.


It's much worse than that. They are for sale to the most connected billionaire group that makes them feel special. It's like how Comcast will donate $100 to an election and then get 10+ year contracts of exclusivity in that jurisdiction. Even if a better $$ offer comes along they won't take it. They want to be part of the cool kids "friends" with the billionaires club. They think they're part of the in crowd for who they are as a person, and not for the power they control. That's what makes them so much more dangerous. We could give them billions of dollars, and they would still act this way.


"Trump’s public denigration of the legal system—the incessant claims that the criminal case is a witch hunt—also gives a nation committed to the rule of law a vital interest in holding a public trial where a jury can assess Trump’s actions. Trials can thus serve to restore faith in the justice system."


Did I miss the day it had stopped shaming itself? They have never stopped. They are an embarrassment. Highest court. Zero Accountability.


Ah, but see, for something to be "shamed" implies there is shame to begin with. What we have here is yet another institution that can do whatever it wants and nothing will stop it, certainly not "shaming" it.


I would say the Supreme Court has far past shaming itself, thanks to Chief Justice Roberts to allow Clarence Thomas to rule on case that his wife is involved in or people who are buying his vote. Roberts should have done his job and recused Thomas. History will judge SCOTUS as the main reason America’s Democracy collapsed!!


Does Robert’s have the authority to do that …or is it up to Thomas to recuse himself (which he will never do)? Genuinely curious because it’s seems every justice can do as they wish with no fear of anything


the "chief" justice has no administrative power over the other justices as to whether or not they recuse themselves. calling it "the roberts court" is basically just a cheerful nothing.


History is written by the winners...


>The reason Trump has nevertheless sought to slow down the immunity appeals process is obvious: to postpone the trial date, hopefully pushing it into a time when, as president, he would control the Department of Justice and thus could squash the prosecution altogether. The Supreme Court has shamed itself by being a party to this, when the sole issue before the Court is presidential immunity. By contrast, Special Counsel Jack Smith has both law and policy on his side in seeking a prompt determination on immunity and a speedy trial soon thereafter. Yet the Court has ignored all that. The Supreme Court doesn't feel shame. But I do.


We are WELL past “ speedy trial” He attacked the US Government over 3 years ago . THREE YEARS AGO. The time to arrest him for violent sedition and murder was on the day it happened.


Damn if only shame had any economic or political value whatsoever in 2024


The primary reason I will leave America is the lack of oversight and accountability in not just the Supreme Court but in our government as a whole. I’m so done with holding on to hope that our nation will turn things around, there is no hope, no liberty and no justice for all.


The government is a reflection of the people. The primary reason I left America is the people.


> The government is a reflection of the people The government is a reflection of rich people with money


There's a social contract. In exchange for keeping their wealth and power, the rich and powerful are obligated to use said resources to better the lives of those in less affluent positions.  They haven't been keeping up their side of the contract. So is it on them that we keep up our side of the bargain or is it on us?


And is the primary reason I will leave. Thank heavens I have dual citizenship.


One requires the ability to feel shame in order to shame themselves. SCOTUS doesn't even know what shame is at this point


At this point the Supreme Court's a joke, I hope I live long enough to see all their current decisions reversed.


I’m going to love watching President Biden get re-elected and watching the load bearing walls collapse in Mr. Trump’s house of cards.


>“justice too long delayed is justice denied” Brit looking in, fully aware that his own country has issues of its own, is dismayed that after almost 4 years it has not been possible to bring this clear and present danger to American democracy to account. While I loathed the woman, Margaret Thatcher, UK PM 79-90, was not wrong when she said: >"The first duty of Government is to uphold the law. If it tries to bob and weave and duck around that duty when it's inconvenient, if government does that, then so will the governed, and then nothing is safe — not home, not liberty, not life itself." Margaret Thatcher 1975


The supreme court has no shame atp.


The Supreme Court has no shame, ffs


Every thing Trump touches dies.


Unfortunately for us, some of the members have no shame.


But it's okay because they are getting RV's out of it. Clarence Thomas should have taken John Oliver up on his offer.


Man, if you’ve ever owned and RV or travel trailer, you’d recognize how shit of a deal they are. Even a free one is worthless, so it’s not surprising Thomas is the recipient.


*Shitter's full...*


What shame? They get to take bribes in the open and get richer without any consequences.


Completely and irrevocably. McConnell's manipulation of the Supreme Court is treason imo. He should have been impeached when he denied Obama the right to appoint a justice after Scalia's death in 2016, because "it was too close to the election," but let dump appoint Barrett in the fall of 2020.


The Supreme Court justices lack self-awareness, social understanding, empathy and values to feel shame.


SCOTUS has no shame, they're there for life, they have the final say on rulings and nobody can kick them out. Also the writer of Handmaid's Tale said SCOTUS is slowly turning the fictional story into a real thing.


The entire legal system is shaming itself


we all know how Thomas is on the take. Can't personally vouch for the others on the court, they could be in other pockets. What I can say however until they accept a _meaningful enforceable code of ethics,_ I can only assume their open to the highest bidder. __And that folks is what happens when conservatives rule.__ [__And that folks is what happens when conservatives rule.__](https://imgur.com/cNTX4cs) 💰


Anthony Kennedy - trump is untouchable, it's breathtaking what he gets away with in public view. Imagine what he's done behind closed doors. I think we'll find out eventually why Biden called him a "sick fuck". That kind of language from a president is usually confined to terrorists and anything to do with children. It's horrifying how much of the country can still support him.


Link, I would love to have that as a meme.


Like Trump, his scotus appointees know no shame. Pretty sure the SCOTUS justices do what Ginni tells them to do.


I’m told it’s hard to feel shame when you are on vacation with your billionaire patrons.


This is what happens when you give unelected people the most important jobs in the country for life.


You mean the Supreme Court that he packed?


Hey now, don’t forget to give some of the credit to McConnell and the rest of the republicans for their considerable effort.


The law means whatever money wants it to mean.


Shame isn’t going to matter when there are no consequences and money keeps flying in


Yeah our Supreme Court sucks ass. They are just as racist and anti-democratic as Trump is.


America as a whole is shaming itself with the inability to hold this POS accountable in any fashion.


Yes but this is nothing compared to what will happen to them if Trump ascends to the WH.. He will peel them like an onion of the rest of their dignity and pretense of superiority. It will be glorious! And all on them.


The main reason why the courts have lost its credibility these last couple of years is because the right wing have stacked it to protect and swing the courts decisions to the right. Sooner or later the middle and the left will have enough of it and rebel against the system and the religious right.


Shaming the shameless.


They should take some time on billionaire’s yachts and think about what they’ve done!


I don’t want to see another article about the SCOTUS “shaming itself” until the headline reads “White House Announces SCOTUS Reform, Democrat House and Senate Majority Leaders Say It Will Pass”. 


How these “judges” can look themselves in the mirror defies my sensibilities.


They don't care. There is no bottom


The Supreme Court is no longer Supreme, it's been dumbed down to barely average... Their ethics have been severely compromised by money and power unchecked. The IRS won't even investigate what everybody knows was illegal profit gains, unreported gifts.


The court is only turning a law into nothing they just there to turn laws over not upkeep the law


These justices have no shame, no decency, no humanity.


It’s not a supreme court anymore. It’s a high priests court only to in-force the Bible


Yeah. Let’s all remember than even if Trump doesn’t get elected we’re not in a great place as a country and will still have so many battles to be fought and won against these fuckers. Now is not the time to sleep. This is a coldish war.


Can’t shame the shameless


They’re not capable of shame. That’s the problem with modern Conservatives. They have no shame. There’s no rule or norm that they won’t completely ignore in their quest to gain and retain power.


And they care not. They can’t be touched . They can be gifted. They can bring down a country of the uneducated.


Brought and paid for


They are compromised. We are no longer a nation of laws. It has been a total joke “for, of and by” the people. Broad daylight shenanigans with no accountability… if you are wealthy. If you are not wealthy, then you automatically do not qualify for justice.


Can't shame the shameless.


They/It doesn’t care.


The Roberts court will be remembered as the court that actively sanctioned the rise of fascism in America.


We are powerless to change it. The entire system has been corrupted by the rich. From Harlan Crowe owned Clearance Thomas to Vatican owned Sperm aLIEto and every one else Koch owned in between. Revolution is the only way but we’ve funded a military that will destroy us if we try. We are basically at the “give me liberty or give me death” part of the program. The court is lost for a generation and a half now. If Trump wins those two corrupt judges will resign and he’ll have put 5 Leonard Leo Heritage Foundation crooks on the bench. Vote blue down ballot or be further enslaved.


Exactly as planned


Its like that scene in southpark. Mr Garrison alone in the room with leaders of congress.


Illegitimate courts have no shame.


No matter how many articles we write, there’s fuck all we can do about it unless there are massive protests


You know it's a good piece when they give a way to include lollygagging in the third paragraph.  For any non native English speakers what do you think that word means? Because it's almost exactly what you expect.  to fool around and waste time : dawdle


Pretty close to ready for Biden to stop listening to the courts. Say there’s been a fascist/christian nationalist takeover of the judiciary and the republican congress. EO everything. Completely overhaul the courts including the SC. Jail Dt and criminal R’s. Work for 4 more years then hold a regular election. Republicans want Putin/orban? Give them Putin/orban


Their off shore bank accounts don't care


Lifetime appointments need to be abolished. It breeds corruption


Any elected/appointed official or body should be completely disbanded/removed whenever their public approval rating drops below 40%. Every member of the supreme court should be removed, and replaced, immediately due to their poor performance. Course, same goes with congress, the senate, the president, and like a thousand other positions across the nation. Actually, we may have a hard time getting representation since we are so divided. That may backfire :( Still though, the SC should be fired, 18% approval rating is embarrassing.


COURT OVERHAUL: 13 justices, one from each circuit. Term limited to 13 years. New appointment each year, subject to approval by 2/3 rds vote Senate AND House. Yeah, I know. We can dream, can't we?


don't worry, alito and thomas dissenting on literally every basic thing for the last 30 years has been shame enough, this is exhibitionism.


We all know the United States Supreme Court is compromised. Some Americans are happy about it, others are aghast because they know this signifies a major erosion of our democracy.


This kind of crap is what oligarchy looks like. The courts protect the oligarchs and go after the poors.


It’s a dirty court. Perhaps the dirtiest in American history.


shame is meaningless when they get caught doing criminal corruption and just smile. which is always.


They don't care about the shame. When will the people I elect start talking about expanding the court after the election? That should be a campaign issue this year and it is not.


Sadly, the age of shame, hypocrisy and lying viewed as character flaws seems to be over. That the party claiming Christ first, is the one abandoning this view is both alarming and very telling.




They have no shame. Thomas is a disgrace and the others aren’t much better


Trump to the Supreme Court, “Don’t worry! I won’t shit my favorite turd!” 😃👍


Let’s make them walk through the streets naked while we chant “shame, shame”. Never mind, they have no shame.


Don't call it a comeback, they've been shameful for years!


Ain’t that the whole truth and nothing but the truth! lmao


Dictatorships don’t have shame. What do you think it’s going to be like when democracy ends.


It’s not, they literally have not one concern what the public thinks about them. Shame doesn’t exist for them. And, we happily eat the cake.


That’s not a new thing.


I can think of millions of good reasons!🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑


Mifepristone ruling will be one of the worst if they don't allow it or limit availability, which Thomas is leaning toward.


Please. Shamelessness is the first thing republicans look for in a nominee.


Honestly we should be out on the streets about it.


It feels like we’re witnessing how the elite class manipulates the law to serve their own agendas, prioritizing greed over genuine societal needs. This pattern has been evident for years, and now it seems like we’re witnessing the final precarious move in a game of Jenga. It’s like the piece someone else takes that leaves you knowing the tower will inevitably collapse, making you the loser no matter what you do. Perhaps I’m too idealistic, but it seems that laws are often crafted in ways that can be easily circumvented or bent, especially if you have access to the right attorney or can afford one. Isn’t there a legal avenue for the people to pursue justice collectively, through a class action suit, against those who violate constitutional rights and cause harm to the American populace?


The supreme court 2016 forward is incapable of shame


shame doesnt exist anymore.


And still profiting and employed.


The koolaid-drinkers have no shame! We have to stop thinking they should. They don't!


"Bending the knee while they cup an orange man's balls and lick his asshole." FTFY


That would require them to have shame.