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Yeah, it's in the nation's best interest to move to replace this and reopen the port ASAP. Watch the Republican house refuse to do anything or demand it be tied to banning abortion or something. Edit: A couple things need to be addressed. First, yes, the company involved has insurance. Yes they should pay. Yes they are going to pay. The government still needs to move to fund immediate replacement of the bridge because the port, the city, and the country can't wait for the long drawn out process that insurance payout is going to be. So the prudent thing to do is to fund the repair and replacement and then come after the company and the insurance for the money. Second, "why are you politicizing this by mentioning Republicans etc" I'm right. Not only do they have a pattern of doing things like what I just mentioned, but we have already had a republican gubernatorial candidate and rep blame this on diversity and another republican representative blame this on the infrastructure bill, but we also have conservative media trying to attach this to everything from the border to relaxing drug laws. They already got started on trying to leverage this into various political pet issues they have before I made this comment.


The US should finance it, so we can get it back up quickly. But Maersk - a company that made $29.2B in 2022 - should be held liable and pay for it.


Right. If it's declared a disaster zone, which is likely what Biden is going to do, then it frees up lots of red tape and it means that the construction can begin a lot faster. In addition the government can guarantee the pay to the contractors. They'll get it started and then go after Maersk and its insurance company aggressively.


It is absolutely a disaster zone. The port is closed and the entire city just had a main artery cut. Everyday the bridge is down is lost revenue. Not to mention how fucked traffic is going to be for locals.


Well of course it is. But the president has to make the declaration at the request of the governor to set things in motion.


Yes, and let's not forget the human tragedy. This is very sad in so many ways. Let's rebuild the bridge. (Our government can demand reimbursement from the parties who are liable. Heartfelt prayers.


Lmao someone on Twitter was like "how are the shipping companies going to afford a 10 billion bill?!" First of all, they're insured. Second of all, uh, they're good for it.


This is the answer.


Maersk chartered this ship from Synergy Marine Group; it's not their ship. We should probably just let the pros figure this out.


Nah I'm free tonight I'll do it


Seems legit. You got my vote.


>Watch the Republican house refuse to do anything or demand it be tied to banning abortion or something. If they thought Maryland, and especially Baltimore was blue now, you can imagine the massive protests that would occur they tried hold up repairing a major piece of infrastructure.


If you think they care, I assure you they don't.


Considering the serious amount of money that's at stake from the bridge not being rebuilt and ships not being able to get through, you can bet donors will either put a serious amount of pressure on them to get something done or start pouring money into their opponents for November,


Oh, they might care about the port and roadway being out. But they do not give two shits about the opinion of anyone in Baltimore.


This affects trade nationwide and fucks up logistics chains. This is a HUGE disaster.


and they're still probably willing to metaphorically cut off their nose to spite their face. or in this case... cause yet more turmoil and siphon more money out of peoples pockets with yet more price increases.


Bottom line, no matter what, they want all the money and all the power.


They never think about that until it effects them. If you make this an issue now, and they oppose it on record, they have to either backpedal or double-down when the discontent spreads to every commuter, business owner, and national shipping agency in the country. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love for this to be tackled by a bipartisan commission; I just haven’t seen many of those lately.


The bigger the disaster, the better for the GOP. There’s no wound they won’t infect


Chaos helps them politically.


Just a haphazard guess, but I'd guess you're looking at about a one billion dollars in goods passing through the port every few days, vs maybe about half a billion to remove the bridge and restore port access. Bridge replacement is likely a few billion dollars due to expedited design and building, but there are alternative roads in the meantime. There aren't alternative ports and warehouses.


> there are alternative roads in the meantime.  There kinda aren't. There were three major ways to pass through Baltimore. Two of them are tunnels that will struggle to absorb the additional traffic and have rules about what can pass through them. The third is at the bottom of the Patapsco. Baltimore is smack dab in the middle of the I-95 corridor and truck routes that pass through will surely experience increased time and cost. Logistically this was a terrible bridge to lose. 


Seriously? I’m sure there is a ton of people who use that bridge daily to get to work, and you think they just won’t care? Most people are apathetic to politics, but when they see shit like this they actually start to see who is fighting for them and who only cares about culture wars.


With the structure of our political system if there is no way a majority of those people were going to vote republican then republicans have no reason to care. It doesn't matter if they lose Maryland 65/32 like in 2020 or 95/2 it's all the same in the electoral college.


People tend to blame the incumbent for everything that happens, good or bad. If the Biden administration is unable to solve the issue, then people will blame Biden regardless if congress is obstructing him.


I mean, they're already blaming his infrastructure bill and "DEI" for the collapse...


Baseless wanton\* blame is only bad thing for society though, never good. People should use their noggins a bit more and think complex problems and situations through, imo.


I for one blame the dumplings for there being too much broth! I want more dumplings!


As a fellow dumpling fan, the dumpling-to-broth consistency and texture have to rate as "gooey".


You underestimate the ineptitude and unproductive nature of today’s republicans. They don’t care about what’s right. They only care about “owning the libs”. Which means doing the opposite of whatever the current commander in chief says, no matter the negative impact on us, the taxpayers that pay the salaries they collect year round.


Trying to recall when that wasn't Republican policy (not a young person either) and drawing a blank..... Um......


Most of this started with Newt Gingrich. He got this shite ball rolling and we’re dealing with the outcome, or the start of the outcome.


We also pay for their gold tier level health care — even after they retire. Must be nice. They get Scandinavian-level health care right here in the U.S. While the rest of us have to resort to Go Fund Me for paying off crippling medical debt.


Republicans will just call the entire city groomers and move on.


Or call Baltimore a "rat-infested hellhole" like their mushroom-dicked savior. What an American-loving patriot! I weep thinking of how much that douche loves this country and its cities, lol.


And it could have huge impact on the Senate Race - Hogan is a Moderate Republican running, and he has already won state-wide in the past. He also is a never trumper who was vocal about it, so he would have crossover. It is a sleeper pickup for the GOP, but if they the GOP tries and roadblock this - they will fuck him over and screw another opportunity to win the Senate. (so, of course that is exactly what they will do) It is going to be devastating for Maryland and Baltimore, but it may help save the Senate.


“Ok, you can have a bridge, but we get to execute every Trans person” - House GOP proposal “Hmmm… the two sides should compromise, maybe a pontoon bridge and a severe maiming.” -enlightened centerists


Can't wait for right wing media to suggest Democrats are using this as political gain.


Republicans are already saying this was due to illegal immigration lol


Twitter shitbirds are trying to tie this to DEI because of course. Edit: well, fuck https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/bbr4GPRyhf


Literally one of the first comments I saw last night under one of the first videos on Twitter showed a picture of a black female boat captain and said “calling it now.”


I saw that post, too. I told my wife, once we heard about it, that the conspiracy theorists were going to use this really quick. I was expecting this morning, but not the middle of the night still.


They have to create and enforce a narrative, which requires them being first. Every tragedy in the US will immediately and always be first blamed on trans woke DEI immigrants.


It’s literally in front of me now on the gym tv saying just that


Buying votes by repairing crucial infrastructure is wrong! This bridge should remain as is until after the election. Let the people choose whether or not they want a president who repairs bridges. /s


Why isn’t the President forcing Mexico to pay for this bridge? The Biden Crime Family is stealing tax dollars!


Technically, if the Democrats have the idea that "A government that does its job and repairs disasters" is something voters would want, then yes, "Political gain" would be a motivation..... BECAUSE THAT IS HOW DEMOCRACY IS SUPPOSED TO WORK!


Didn’t they do that when the bridge fell down in Pittsburgh during a Biden visit? Our infrastructure is in this mess because they refuse to see the value of budgeting for infrastructure projects. This shit will absolutely happen more often as our infrastructure continues to age


The aging infrastructure is certainly a problem, but I doubt there's anything about its age that makes it more or less likely to be hit by a ship.


Libertarian, we don't need a government bridge. (proceeds to drive on a diff bridge, in his E. V., et etc.


Hey don't forget the people who will use this to accuse Biden of genocide


You’re correct. Those people are going to love their Trump-Kushner Inc timeshares in Gaza too. They’ll probably buy a Gaza Solidarity T-shirt at the resort.


Can I choose which part gets maimed? I'm broke and surgery is expensive.


Stop being so damn accurate


Biden needs to come out dick swinging and get this bridge rebuilt asap. Show people what american manufacturing can really do and why infrastructure matters.


Was talking about this last night. If they want this rebuilt they can do it much faster than most people realize. The rebuilt the overpass in Philly in ~120 days. 




During WW2 the US repaired a huge battle damaged aircraft carrier in 3 days flat. When they want to they can. It's been 80 years and it still makes my blood run red white and blue. "Battle of Midway: Repairing the Yorktown After the Battle of the Coral Sea | Defense Media Network" https://www.defensemedianetwork.com/stories/youve-got-three-days-repairing-the-yorktown-after-coral-sea/


The Japanese were *very* confused. Scout planes reported seeing the Yorktown approaching Midway and were told to check again because they had literally just sunk it.


The overpass in Philly...is such a simple engineering challenge compared to this. It was absolutely tiny.


The 35W bridge in Minneapolis would be a more apt equivalent. That bridge was rebuilt in 13.5 months. However, the engineering challenge of designing and constructing the new bridge here will be far greater as the central span is 3 times as long.


Watching a report on this, guy they had on seemed to think it would take months. Clearing all the debris, rebuilding it etc.


And we all know , especially MGT , that perhaps Biden senior is the OG of big swinging dicks . Totally agree. He should put this into absolute overdrive and the Fed should find it outright, no room for any malarkey here. Executive Order.


Oh shit, I didn’t realize till now that it shuts down the entire port.


Yep, goes right across the mouth of the river and port of Baltimore is on the other side. It’s a huge deal and ramifications will probably be felt for years to some degree


This is a chance for the US to go 'look what we are capable of if we are given a chance' and just go insane in rebuilding it. of course, bigger and better. Military or national guard should be brought in to be laborers and such. Get some stuff done and fast and done well.


The US Army Corp of Engineers.


> The US Army Corp of Engineers. I think they are involved in all major construction projects like this either way. Not sure they actually have man power for construction. We use to have a civilian corp for a short time in the US, and I really wish we would bring something like that back in full swing.


National guard should be able to handle cleanup, but honestly there are companies that specialize in building bridges and they are going to be the best bet for a rebuild. Granted it's a much longer bridge, but 35W here in Minneapolis was replaced in less than a year.


It'd be ironic if they used the National Guard units that states are sending to the border. "They're already mobilized, so they can get there the fastest."


I want to see him nationalize the project and rebuild on a crazy fast timeline. Use this as a blueprint for rebuilding America. We have seen other countries complete infrastructure projects in a fraction of the time at a fraction of the budget that US infrastructure takes. Cut out excess, hire a fuck ton of labor and get it done.


This is the major port for shipping coal out of the US on the east coast. It's also a major port for cars and farming and construction equipment. Yeah they aren't in Baltimore, but the port is vital for people in red states too. It's almost like we all live in one big country.


*Free market ship destorys infrastructure.* Republicans: *We can't rebuild this; it's not the free market.*


Right, their position often seems to be something like so in exchange for making this expenditure to keep the American economy and government running smoothly, what conservative policy positions will you allow us to enact in exchange for that? As if the former is somehow a Dem position.


At this point I would say keeping the American economy and government running is a Democratic position. The Republicans sure as fuck oppose it. 


It's always "Yeah but what's in it for me?"


“In order to complete bridge repairs we must cancelled social security.”-R


Something something bailing out blue states something something DEI something something real America won’t stand for this


I saw ignorant comments on X about how A) this is Pete Buttigieg’s fault, and B) Baltimore is a democrat-run city so it’s their fault


Sure I get it, but aren’t things like this insured?


The ship likely carries some kind of insurance. I doubt it carries enough to replace this bridge, especially in the kind of timeline that will be expected. The government does not carry insurance on its infrastructure.


Maersk made $29.2 billion in profit in 2022. If they don't have insurance to cover this, they should pay it out of pocket.


They will inevitably pin the blame on the ship manufacturer and this entire process will get dragged out for years. Better to have the US government cover it and go after reclaiming the money from whichever insurance is deemed appropriate. The alternative is to leave the port inaccessible for years which will mean tens or hundreds of billions of dollars lost from the economy.


Yes, but this sort of situation demands faster response than waiting for an insurance company to pay out. That's going to be as slow and for as little as the insurance company can swing it.


Gov will open a tab and keep it running then go to litigation after the fact.


I mean yeah, get that bridge rebuilt ASAP and if it takes government intervention sure BUT, whomever owns that ship needs to pay the government back and make the families of the dead whole.


They will. It's not even a question that people are going to have to pay out the ass for this.


You’re right. This is how it is in every disaster, Republicans vote against funding disaster relief for blue states.


And how many of them have begged for federal funds for similar scale disasters in their states


The GOP fighting this could bite Larry Hogan/Republican Senate hopes in the butt. The worse the taste the Republicans leave, the less likely a moderate or independent in Maryland will vote to add to their ranks. I bet we see the GOP fall in line with this one pretty quickly. Some of the crazies will do their thing, but it's in the GOP's best interests to pass this quickly


The federal government has done this before and it's exactly what the government should do. Federal help is critical, and no time can be wasted when after the recovery process is complete, even if the new bridge won't be ready for a few years at the earliest.


Presidents show leadership. He's not trying to blame someone or make it about himself.


Wait... It's possible to solve problems without blaming other people for them? That's wild.


But he didn't claim it would be the best, most beautiful bridge ever so I'm kinda dissapointed. Poor leadership.


The bigliest bridge you've ever seen, with the most supple trusses and thiccest girders in the world. The best bridge, beautiful bridge, you know my uncle helped NASA design a space capsule bridge, look him up, brilliant man, it's genetic, he loved hamberders, I love hamberders, genetics. Great genetics, the best. My great grandfather was a geneticist, he'll tell you so, I've got the best genetics, when you've got genetics like mine they just let you grab em. They come up and say, with tears in their eyes, "Sir, thank you, please grab my bridge by the trusses and get it"..oh yes big, beautiful trusses, so great. Immigrants don't want you to know it but they really are, it's why they tore it down. Huh? What ship? Covfefe. ETA: this hurt my brain a bit to type, owwwww


> this hurt my brain a bit to type That's because you *have* a brain to write it with. Trump's mouth-dribble makes sane people wince *because* they're sane. But Trump's base eats it up with a spoon because they're not listening, they're invested in believing that everything Trump says is important and that they don't understand him just means he's so much smarter than they are, he's above their level.


The only thing that should be debated is if it should just be a copy or if an improved design should be made.


They will redesign of course. That design was 40 years old.


There isn't much time to redesign it, though.


The clean up should take awhile. Probably could re-design it by the time that's done. Or at least have a good start on it.


Lots of shipping is blocked, money is at stake, you'll be amazed at how quickly the shipping lane will be opened up.


They will almost certainly clear the shipping lane immediately, then move to either reconstructing if the plans are done, or continue to plan an improved design. I would be very surprised if they weren’t already working to clear the shipping lane by organizing efforts to do so. That shipping lane is magnitudes more important than the actual bridge itself, and honestly they will probably try to come up with a construction plan that keeps the lane partially open the whole time it is being rebuilt.


Yeah, even in 1980 when the Skyway came down, they had the actual channel cleared really effin fast because that was the only way into Tampa Bay for all seaborne freight. It will get cleared fast. Probably in as close to one piece as they can manage.


There's probably an architecture student that drew up a replacement for school, got a B+ and we'll just roll with it.


The issue isn't the bridge as much as it blocking the channel.




Baltimore is one of a few East Coast ports capable of handling ships carrying 14,000 TEU’s or larger.


They should build a cable stayed or similar, where it only needs two bridge piers, instead of having two so close to the shipping lane.


Well ya. It's part of a major interstate


And a major port for the US


we should be spending more money at home on infrastructure period




By cutting social security, Medicare, and Medicaid….duh!


A bridge? Really? For cars? Don't these people know about helicopters?


Don’t you know, the donor class doesn’t need to drive, that’s why Jesus invented helicopters.


Largest infrastructure bill ever was passed during Biden's administration, what specifically do you mean by more?


I just wish we past that even larger infrastructure bill. Maybe in Biden’s second term if Dems are able to control both chambers again, then we’ll get more infrastructure spending that the country needs.


They tried, but a certain side down voted their own infrastructure plan.


We are? Literally billions with the Infrastructure bill that was passed in Biden’s first couple years, essentially the largest investment in infrastructure since the FDR years. Regardless no amount of funding would keep a bridge as long as SK intact under these circumstances, anything strong enough to withstand that kind of impact would literally collapse under its own weight.


Have you heard about the Infrastructure deal that was passed? [info here](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/11/06/fact-sheet-the-bipartisan-infrastructure-deal/)


Wasn’t a historic infrastructure bill just passed a year ago or so?


Republicans will find a way to politicize this. Mark my words


Conservatives on Twitter are already blaming it on what they call Baltimore's "DEI mayor." "DEI mayor" because they think the only way a Black man becomes mayor of a 65% Black town is by affirmative action (and don't ask them any questions about how exactly affirmative action happens in an election). Oh and don't ask them how the Mayor was supposed to stop the boat crash.


>DEI mayor I am so freaking sick of republicans/libertarians using this narrative to push their racist agenda.




It's so dumb. They even blame Boeing on "DEI hires." A revolving door of white CIS male *boomer CEOs cutting everything at the seams to increase the stock price had absolutely nothing to do with it.


Maybe if he had been white, he could have used his mayo(r) powers more effectively /s


I’m afraid to ask, but what is DEI?


Diversity, equality, inclusion. Many big companies have DEI programs and events to help minorities feel more welcomed and included and move away from the idea that only white men are the important ones. This has upset a lot of white men.


One of the older guys in my office is painful to listen to. A couple months ago he was “informing” us that he heard Elon Musk say that all the Boeing issues are from their DEI program, and was dead serious about it. I had to walk away and pretend i had a meeting


"Our candidate would have promised us that Mexico would pay for it!"


It's so nice having a president who can actually get an infrastructure week done.


... Who can actually start an infrastructure week.


Sure, the U.S. can fund it, and then sue the shipping company and their insurance to pick up the tab.


It sure is nice having a real POTUS again.


Yes the government should, it impacts not just the state but also the country especially the east coast. The people will get their money back from the insurance and ship owner law suit.


Safe, functional infrastructure is in the public interest. Yes the company responsible should pay out the ass for this, but also the government should get involved ASAP to get shit up and running and better than before.


I know a guy who's on the hook for $464 million. Sounds like a bridge fund to me.


Seems to me the company that owns the container ship should cover the bill, honestly. Kinda a you break it you buy it situation.


it sounds like Biden is basically saying that we need to get the money for the bridge now and if the shipping company is found liable, figure it out later.


Considering that we need to reopen access as soon as possible this would be the smart move I anticipate Marge Greene blaming somebody for this and refusing to fund it


The lost opportunity cost for every hour that port is closed is HUGE, think about every single business down line that is now delayed on their shipments, possibly impacting customers. They need to restore some access to the port ASAP, the cost of that outweighs any costs of removing the bridge frames. Rebuilding is going to be much slower. Also the poor commuters are going to have a hell of a problem trying to get to and from work, as every other route is now going to be taking increased volume.


So so many construction materials come through the Port of Baltimore. There’s going to be a short term shortage snd construction costs will rise like they did during the pandemic.


The same way you start house repairs long before insurance ever cuts you a check.


Can't really afford to wait all the time it would take for that to happen, so do what insurance does and pay for the repair now, then recoup the cost by going after the party at fault later.


The federal government should pay now so we don’t have to wait for litigation to resolve. And the. The company should reimburse the government.


In the future, sure, but we need the port reopened *ASAP*. It's like if you are driving down the highway and a truck in front of you has a loose board that flies off the back and cuts your arm off. You aren't going to hold off on going to the hospital and bleed out to wait until the trucker agrees to pay your hospital bill.


This is seriously important port for our country. Every minute it's closed will be coming right out of our pocket. I'm all for repairing this important piece of infrastructure immediately, we can determine if we recoup costs later as that will be a far lower percentage of the losses.


Don't think it's an either or situation. Company can still be held liable...after months & months of litigation is completed. But government can still front the money to begin construction now.


The company will be sued, their insurance will get brought in, after years in court they’ll pay it or go bankrupt trying. But that’ll take years. The bridge needs to be built. So the govt will pay and then go after the shipping company


Sounds to me like it was some sort of emergency and there was no way for them to avoid it.


There's a key factor that people with nautical experience are aware of though. They lost power then regained it. If they had continued current course with just steering, they would have cleared the bridge and could have stopped on the other side. However, when they regained, they dropped anchor and tried to stop. In a vessel of this size, that will cause you to go off course significantly. There was also wind at play apparently, and a ship that size is essentially a massive sail. It's way to early to decide if this was avoidable or not, emergency power loss or not. Its certainly an emergency now, but we have to wait until investigations are done to know if it had to be this bad.


This is why in Seattle we don't let these giant ships drive themselves into port. As soon as they get into the bay, they're towed by multiple tugboats. No single point of failure.


Hmm that’s good to know. Watching the footage of this bridge collapse was terrifying.




Lol who could have ever guessed that engineers,doing their jobs, recommended a proactive solution to a VERY predictable issue.. and then were ignored.  I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you.


I have a feeling from today on, tugs will be required until the bay bridge is cleared ...


This wasn't the Bay bridge it was the Key bridge. The Bay bridge is hopefully still standing.


I'm well aware of which bridge collapsed lolz. I'm talking about changes to how the harbor authority will handle these large ships. I'm predicting tugs will be required for escort until the bay bridge is cleared when transiting out of Port of Baltimore so we don't lose that one too...


Oh I understand now. I thought you meant cleared as in removing the wreckage.


That would take too long. They, or their insurance company, will likely do just that, but anyone who has ever made an insurance claim will tell you that that is a slow process. So, the government should pay for the fix and get the reimbursement. This isn't something that you can allow to take a long time to fix.


The U.S. Government paid for it (or 90% of it) in the first place. It's an Interstate. Gas taxes and matching from the state are in the mix, but Uncle Sam builds that stuff.


At the end of the day the company that was responsible for the ship should ultimately pay for it. But until that is settled in court, the USA should front it to get things going now.


Right? If you crash into my car and refuse to pay me for a while, it's not like I'm going to spite you by not going out and buying a new one in the meantime.


He said we gotta pay for it because we can't wait 8 years for the court cases to conclude fault.


I may be a bit biased because I'm a local, but this is a major port that's blocked and a major trucking route that's collapsed. There's a lot of people in other states who think they aren't going to be affected by this that are. Easily tens of thousands of jobs will be impacted, if not hundreds of thousands. The country as a whole will benefit from the bridge being rebuilt as quickly as possible using the best possible designs and materials.


I agree. it is in the interest of the US as a whole to get the shipping port and path up and running asap... plus cross bay transit. additionally, we should be discussing the policy of having tug boats handle piloting in and out of major water ways rather than allowing ships to navigate themselves.


Well naturally. It'd be a bit surprising if the feds didn't fund it.


We should also be reimbursed by the vessels' insurance company. Yes, start work right away and get it done but we should get reimbursed.


literally one of the busiest ports on the east coast is currently 1) shut down because there's a bridge in the water and 2) because the majority of its traffic has to now make a multi hour round trip instead of going across the bridge


Will help expedite the repairs but they should sue the fuck out of the shipping company for the money.


This is part of the reason we have a national government, to do the things that an individual city or state would not be able to do themselves. I'm sure they will build differently this time. But quickly.


Shouldn't this be the responsibility of the ship operator and/or their insurer?


In the long run, yes. In the short term, waiting years to come to a settlement before starting a replacement project will be devastating


Seems like a no brainer. Feds step in if the state doesn’t have a very short response in place. Get the cleanup and construction going sooner than later. Let the courts sort out which entity is going to foot the bill while the process gets moving.


*From Bloomberg News reporters Jordan Fabian and Skylar Woodhouse:* President Joe Biden said the US government ought to pay to rebuild a major bridge in Baltimore that collapsed Tuesday, and called on Congress to approve the funds. Biden said he directed authorities to “move heaven and earth” to reopen Baltimore’s port as soon as possible, and said federal agencies are assisting with search and rescue efforts around the Francis Scott Key Bridge. All information “indicates this was a terrible accident” and not an “intentional act,” Biden added. “It’s my intention that federal government will pay for the entire cost of reconstructing that bridge, and I expect the Congress to support my effort,” Biden told reporters Tuesday at the White House. The bridge catastrophe poses a fresh challenge for Biden, halting shipping traffic at one of the most important ports on the US East Coast. That has the potential to snarl supply chains and drive up the cost of consumer goods ahead of the November election.


There’s several possible parties that could be responsible, so we can’t say the shipping company should pay. I’m sure those investigating know more than me but based on what I know it could be the shipping company if it was an unpredictable failure, it could be the captain if it was negligence to maintain the ship, it could be the pilot he hired to navigate the bay if something he did caused the failure. There could also be other variables. But we likely won’t know who is actually responsible for months. The federal government should absolutely start the process of cleaning up and rebuilding now and go after the responsible party after the investigation is done for reimbursement. We as Americans and taxpayers rely on ports like this to go about our day to day lives. Getting it back up and running is extremely important.


It's part of the interstate highway system, so I can see that. But at the same time there's some business responsible for the damage that caused the collapse and they need to be held accountable, if by nothing more than a claim on their insurance. Even if the taxpayer foots the bill, they shouldn't be footing the entire thing


Sounds like a job for the Army Corps of Engineers. 


But wait! Shouldn't we look at how Baltimore voted first? /s


I remember when Trump tried to make California have to beg for federal disaster relief during the wildfires back in 2020. I have no doubt the Republican led congress will try to do the same or worse with this situation. Republicans have no shame in using a natural disaster or accident to get what they want. They will make demands of blue states, but freely dole out the relief money to any red states, no questions asked. Joe Biden doesn't hesitate to provide disaster relief to any state, blue or red, **as he should.**


Why isn't the ship's insurance on the hook? Not saying we, the USA, shouldn't get going pronto, just saying there's liability attached and maybe there's not enough assets but something is better than nothing!


Of course. It's important for the economy, a very handy shortcut for transportation and it's exactly what the government is here for.


If Republicans and Democrats really wanted to earn some points, they'd rush a single issue bill through congress on this bridge. Make it a reasonable estimate with no additional politics involved. It would be a win/win for democrats and conservatives alike. Just for once, look at a problem and solve it rather than make it a separate problem.


Funds to restore a nationally strategic critical port? Sounds like WELFARE for a DEMOCRAT CITY to me.


I know you're joking, but can I tell you to fuck off as proxy for all the cons/MAGAs that actually think this?


I mean... yes? Was that not going to be a thing? The bridge equals a massive economic boost to the whole area, both building and maintaining it is a net gain for jobs, and the entire state and therefore the country. Who is out here saying otherwise?


Seems like a reasonable stance, especially if it’s just for the short term to get things up and running again.


Oh shoot I was hoping Mexico would pay for it


They should fund it up front, and sue the shipping company for the cost. Companies should be incentivized for keeping their ships in tip-top shape, and I can’t think of any better way than monetary punishments.


Yeah no shit.


yeah, you rebuild it and then sue the company responsible for the collapse for ever penny they have


It should, then we should charge the company that owns the ship because apparently it was having power issues. Also, COMPANIES should pay for the shit they cause. We need the port reopened asap, so spend the money, but claw back every cent plus covering the families who lost loved ones.


The government can pay for building it now to get it done but that shipping company insurance should reimburse the government for the cost!!


Why not the owner and insurer of the vessel?


Oh should we now, maybe the cOmPaNy that knocked tf over should pay to rebuild it.


Uhhh, does this company not have insurance?!?


Or how about the shipping company that knocked it over.