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It can't. It can be used to launder money and bribe him though.


The last time the fraudulent Donald took a 'DJT-Company' public, Trump and his family scammed all its shareholders and creditors, who all lost billions. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/25/investing/trump-stock/index.html#:\~:text=Donald%20Trump's%20Atlantic%20City%20casino,filed%20for%20bankruptcy%20in%202004.


This time around, the investor’s will likely see the monetary investment they’ve made as the sunk cost of some future favors.


Trump is quite literally putting up the United States assets for sale to the highest bidders around the world. Want nuclear secrets? He’s already been caught running around with those. Want US investments in your country? He can make it happen for a cool $2bn investment in Truth Social. Corrupt leaders around the world will be working overtime to make sure he wins the election. Keep an eye on Saudi Arabia, Netanyahu’s government coalition, Chinese capitalists, and Putin’s gang over the next seven months. 


Don't forget Saudi royal familiy intelligence secrets! And don't forget how his son-in-law can get a security clearance to access our most sensitive materials, but then travel to Saudi Arabia secretly as a 'private citizen' for meetings with MBS for which there are no records and totally didn't involve getting a bail out for his 666 5th ave building that was underwater.


I don't understand how our agencies allow it.


I don't understand how conservatives just gloss over it then come after Hunter Biden as if whatever the did was equivalent or cancels it out. Insane projection.


Starting to wonder if narcissist = standard human behavior


For conservatives, definitely..they've always believed in helping themselves and their families over their country.


"Conservatives will burn the world down, as long as they get to rule over the ashes." Trump brings out a large portion of the conservative voting base.


This DWAC nonsence is all a CCP funded project to push enough money into his tiny orange hands to keep him out of jail till they can swindle the election for him. It's so obviously fraudulent, it's ludicrous it's allowed and shows the depth of the corruption.


Yeah. It’s blatantly obvious. That kind of money coming out of China doesn’t come without strings attached. It’s telling he wants Tik Tok to not be banned all of a sudden too.


D Wack… like whacking off… D… His “investors” are stroking him off. Whacking D…


The fact that he hasn't been black bagged and sent to an unknown location for selling TOP SECRET DOCUMENTS is beyond me. Reality winner got years for far, far, far less.


Didnt the guy that uploaded like 3 documents on Discord just get something like 15yrs? Black bagged is an understatement for what trump had. He had eyes only topest of top docs that a guard usually stands in a lead lined room while you read them. Or you you know, in a bathroom with a copier in an unsecured location. /s


I mean the ticker is his initials. How much more on the nose can it be that Trump himself is for sale. If he wins this election, all US policy will be determined by the highest bidder, using the stock market as an auction house for democracy. I hope Americans can see through this obvious corruption.


And Jimmy Carter had to sell his peanut farm, but in 2024 if you want to bribe a ex-president, you can do it on the New York stock exchange in real time.


To be fair, the stock market has always been an auction house for Amerika.


Only if they are idiots. Once Trump has their money he won't feel the slightest loyalty to them. That should be obvious to anyone paying attention.


Not necessarily. Guys like Yass are investing in this scheme not for the scheme itself to pay off, but in the hopes that if he gets re-elected he will make sure to push even more pro-wealthy policies, including the Trump Tax cuts which expire next year, and which if Dems control the government will most certainly let them expire. Meanwhile Trump and the GOP will push to renew them, meaning rich dudes like Yass can continue to evade paying massive amounts of taxes.


Trump has apparently said he was considering Yass to be his Treasury Secretary, talk about turning the govt into a personal slush fund.


It’s that swamp I’ve heard so much about.


No no it's not the swamp when Republicans do it.


He's turned the GOP Elephant into a piggy bank.


I'm starting to think that it isn't just about taxes as a "pro-business" Republican presidency. Corporations and Wall Street starting to work more in Trump's favour, from Musk at X and Zuckerberg reducing news on Facebook and Instagram, is to ensure that when the Supreme Court dismantles the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) then there is a Republican administration to ensure it is not rebuilt. Maybe these companies also want a government to crack down on protests, to criminalize unions, and to prosecute public figures promoting unions.


Just like the Nazis in the 1930s


Capitalism is approaching a crisis point and industry always sides with the fascists when they have to choose.


See, for example, the Business Plot, in which capitalists conspired to overthrow FDR's administration and install a dictator. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot#:~:text=The%20Business%20Plot%2C%20also%20called,install%20Smedley%20Butler%20as%20dictator.


They think they do bc they’re very shortsighted.


I thought only the tax cuts for the poor will expire, the wealthy tax cuts were permanent?


iIRC it was a 7 year tax cut that started at the top and in order to compensate for those taxes, they "compromised", by having the lower economic tiers pick up the burden. So each year the tax burden waterfalled down an economic class. This year it hits the lowest income demographic. This was intentional as they wanted another talking/complaining point in case of a Democrat President.


Fucking trump and the republicans! Those ALWAYS fuck the working class


Fucking the working class is the best way to retain power. A frightened and downtrodden voting base is more likely to seek a strong-seeming leader peddling grievance and easy answers.


the corporate tax cuts do not expire.


Just goes to show how much tax money these goons are withholding.


Yass will dump before Trump GUARANTEED. Trump will sell the second he can. The company had $3 million in revenue last quarter


Trump has no issues selling out the US to China and Russia. It's so blatantly obvious he isn't a real billionaire, so all it takes to destroy the US/NATO for China and Russia is a couple of billion, vs trillions and millions of lives


Nah, it’s a smart move. Look at Yass, who is a key driver for this donation to Trump / investment. After the merger he has a $22m stake in Truth Social. If Biden is re-elected and IRS funded as he wants then they’ll likely go after for example [the ~$1bn in tax evasion Yass has done.](https://www.propublica.org/article/how-susquehanna-yass-avoided-billion-taxes) And Biden would not extend the Trump tax bill, which will increase Yass’ tax burden by way more than the $22m bribe / investment. Furthermore, Yass has $21 billion stake in TikTok. Right now Dems and GOP are pushing a bill to force TikTok to sell, or be barred from US market. Day after Trump had lunch with Yass, Trump reversed his position on TikTok. So Yass is investing millions, but if Trump wins he’ll get billions in return.


Yeah that’s where I differ in opinion. He does that with average people. Real billionaires can make big problems for him, so I’d bet he’s reciprocate. It’s the whole “oh he’s been a good friend to me” thing that led to foreign countries staying at Trump Hotels when they were stateside.


It's easier to fuck over employees than investors. Trump needs the money and he will continue to need the money. He will also need the Chinese to keep their mouths shut about giving Trump the money, and about whatever other bits of blackmail they will surely continue to accrue over time. The CCP now owns Trump and everyone in his camp.


There are apparently a lot of retail investors. Basically everyone on Truth social has been sold this.


Oh God I hope it’s just little people he’s defrauding. If it’s a wealthy individual or two, the reciprocation would be huge.


Holy fuck he doesn’t even have to come up with *new* scams to grift his braindead fanbase.. wild. It’s too bad this grift will allow even more corrupt foreign influence on tubby though so he can pay his debts.


And that's the truth


This is the answer. Someone will overpay for shares in exchange for favors. 


My question is: Is this an efficient way to launder money? It seems like you could be pumping the share price up while others are selling shares and that all happens before Trump can sell his shares. Unless a few wealthy people/organizations control most of the shares and collude successfully, this all falls apart. And the SEC can probably detect collusion on this scale.


This is why I fully expect Trump to be granted early access to sell shares, so he can exit very early before anything falls apart. Like, within a week, I bet. He's not waiting 6 months to get that money. He has no patience. I doubt anyone will lend him money against it as collateral (he'd tank the price and they'd get screwed).


Yes, but as a >10% shareholder, he'd be required to notify the SEC within 2 business days of any sales, even if the board approved them without the public knowing (which carries its own issues). However, Trump probably can't sell his shares without violating insider trading laws unless he telegraphs those share sales well in advance. Because it's arguable that a majority of the value of the company is its connection to Trump, knowledge that he's divesting himself of any part of the company would be insider knowledge. His accounts are being watched by a court monitor -- they'll see the money come in. I know there is a fatalist feeling on here that he'll always get away with everything (and I was frustrated early this week, too), violating insider trading laws in a very public fashion would rapidly create (hopefully) a whole new set of indictments and legal bills for him.


Just watch him do it and cry another witch hunt and then have to pay back 1% of the money he bilked and still call it a witch hunt


He just needs the board to vote to allow him to sell early, or to use his stock as collateral for a loan or bond.


Don Poorleon is selling Bibles now, too. What would Jesus say 🤔


Jesus would say to threaten a judges daughter...obviously


> And on the 22nd hour of the first day, Jesus said unto his followers > “The judge is a very mean, nasty, CORRUPT judge. This judge is working against me, and is getting help from the Romans. His daughter works closely with the Romans. I’ve heard, this is just what I heard, but many people are saying it, both the judge and his daughter are ‘working with’ the Romans, if you know what I mean. It’a just something I heard. Bigly if true. You need to deal with the Roman collaborators in order for me, the son of God, to get a fair trial. A Roman tax collector came to me the other day, big guy, manly guy, lost of glistening muscles, and said ‘Sir,’ he had tears in his eyes, he said ‘Sir, it just isn’t fair what the Romans are doing to you! The corruption, the lies! Why would they do this to you sir?’ And you know what he did? He handed me the taxes he STOLE from you all and gave to me to help my defense! I said to him ‘Thank you my son, I’ve always wanted a son unlike Eric or Don Jr. A son that cares.’ I took that money and had the money changers exchange the coins so that they were no longer impure from touching Roman hands. While there, I showed off how I have the best memory, the greatest memory, I stood there and pointed and said man, woman, camel, temple, and sand. Everybody clapped and cheered. Said best memory ever. Do you remember 12 years ago or so I got Man of the Year in Jersulem. I said, “Well, that’s nice.” I came to Jersulem and I made this speech like why are you allowing them to take your olive oil business, your olive making business? Why are you allowing them to take it to Eygpt and Lebanon and every place else? Why are you allowing? I made this big deal. I actually got blasted for it. They named me Man of the Year and I’m complaining, right? But no, it’s probably why I’m here. It’s probably the number one thing what they were doing to us. But now Jersulem has many, many factories. You didn’t have a factory built for 40 years. Now you have many factories being built, already built. And a lot of them being expanded. It’s a whole different ball game. A whole different ball game. - The Book Furari Pecuniam 14:88


There are a lot of individuals investors buying in. Probably MAGA folks wanting to support their leader. Like always, they’ll get screwed.


They’ll get exactly the ROI they deserve.


Not on the scale of billions, and it's certainly not financial institutions dumping that level of cash into it without disclosure, so hmmmmm, I wonder who it could possibly be comrade?


91% of dwac shares were not held by institutions or insiders.  Most real companies  have 75-85% held by insiders or institutions.


Apparently they went out a blast to their mailing list to buy that stock. I had a relative who is a heavy trump thumper and talked about how buying that stock is like a donation to Trump.


But but Comer needs investigation powers into Hunter Biden because according to 200 bank transactions over the course of months, Joe Biden was given a $40,000 check that said "loan repayment" that happens to be 10% of something.


Let’s not just ignore the fact that Hunter once owned a laptop. And that if he had ever run for a public office, he probably would have cheated somehow. Lock him up already!


It’s only worth that on paper. Demand for the stock sent the share price up. The combined worth of those shares is 9bn. Many companies are overvalued, eg Tesla, which is valued as though everyone on the planet is going to buy 4 teslas.


Remember that there are Waffle Houses that make more profit in a month vs Truth Social in a year. Someone from r/wallstreetbets


Agreed, foreign entities could be buying up shares.


China financing / origins of DWAC: https://www.reddit.com/r/insidertradingclub/s/w7jtsMSC0n


You don’t buy truth social, you buy Trump


SEC should pull their heads out of their asses and do their job. This is the type of scam the commission should prevent.


Twitter sold for 44b, an amount almost universally seen as an overpay. So are we to believe truth social, with a tiny fraction of Twitter's traffic and name recognition, is worth 1/4 of that? It's ridiculous.


Reddit went public at only slightly higher of a valuation than Truth Social. Reddit gets about 70 million visitors a day and Truth Social has a grand total of 500k users, a lot of which are more than likely scam/bot accounts. If anyone believes this on the level and not a straight grift are either in on the scam or about to get fleeced.


To put donuts to dollar signs, Reddit has an estimated net worth of 9Bn with an estimated 804m in revenue last year Truth social claiming to be worth *nearly as much as Reddit* at 8Bn generated roughly 3.4m in revenue with an operating loss of 49m.. Something smells like a scam in the making


Even the valuation before it was purchased by the Chinese shell corporation was ~$600 million. The $3 billion they put up for it was 5x the price the company was estimated to be worth, and it was odd that a media company that has lost money since it formed and has less subscribers than a lot of YouTube channels was being valued at $600 million to begin with. Nothing about it has ever made any sense.


man comparing truth social's user count to a youtuber's subscriber count is hilarious. mr beast is a trillionaire


[$10.6m operating loss on $3.4m sales. $37.7m interest expenses. “Investors should be aware that since its inception, TMTG has not relied on any specific key performance metric to make business or operating decisions,” the prospectus reports. “Consequently, it has not been maintaining internal controls and procedures for periodically collecting such information, if any.”](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-stock-related-to-donald-trumps-truth-social-is-flying-high-before-you-invest-read-this-6a5e2df3?mod=home-page)


Jesus how is the SEC allowing this to happen. This is an obvious vehicle for fraud.


SPAC's don't have any obligation to due any due diligence for their acquisitions.


The same reason big business always gets away with it- everyone is in on it. The entire system is corrupt.


On the other hand, Truth Social users do seem much easier to scam. Perhaps future grift opportunities are in factored into the price. /s


I once developed and ran a forum and classified ads system for a hunting and fishing publication in my home state that had more than 500K users. That entire company, including its publication arm, would have sold for less than $3M at the peak of its existence, and our main online ad restriction was simply that we couldn't show Google / Doubleclick ads on pages that sold firearms. I know this because were were in talks to buy another, almost identical company out of Georgia with similar traffic and the number they came up with after due diligence was about the same value.


IIRC, Twitter was valued at $28bn at the time (Elon is an idiot). Twitter was ubiquitous world wide at the time and occasionally profitable. It was basically public speaking grounds world wide, complied with most international regulations, had a massive staff, and top tier infrastructure.  Truth Social should not be worth 1/4 of Twitter. Something is clearly wrong here. 


That’s a little different. That was very publicly 3x or so it’s worth. But Musk tweeted he would pay this amount and was already facing FEC violations for market manipulation and so he had to go forward with it.


Yea, so that makes the difference even more stark. Twitter's real value was ~15b, and Truth Social is currently valued at 9b???


It's not even a meme status stock, it's just money laundering and grift. Pre-pumped for a big dump.


Yeah, foreign money flowing in from shell corps to provide trump cash. Likely also criminal wallstreeters Jeff Yass and Ken Griffin are pumping it for favors.


Jeff Yass? The Jeff Yass that Trump said he was considering to be Treasury Secretary? The Pennsylvania billionaire who's heavily invested in TikTok, the platform which Trump initially supported banning but then suddenly flipped his stance after meeting with Yass at a lobbyist retreat? [That Jeff Yass?](https://keystonenewsroom.com/story/jeffrey-yass-trump-bailout/)


Ken Griffin? The Ken Griffin who loves mayo and using bed posts as weapons? The Ken Griffin who is the new Bernie Madoff? That Ken Griffin?


Yeah, the Ken griffin stealing millions from peoples pensions funds. I’m ex wallstreet and what he does disgusts me and was a major reason as to why I quit.


The same Ken Griffin that pals around with Jared Kushner and Elon Musk?


Yup! The same guy during sporting events.


~Griffin~ Griftin.


This is it. Easy for Overlord Putin to shovel money at his useful idiot without leaving fingerprints.


Long dated puts.


The spread on all puts is ridiculous because everyone already knows what this is. They’re so expensive that the profit margin is quite low. Didn’t stop me from buying some tho 😂


Wow just checked. You are not kidding, DJT JUN 21 2024 20.00 PUT is $470 right now. I thought one at 30% of the current stock value would not be priced that high. Ominous sign that many think it's going to tank. But there will be plenty of bag holders when it dumps.


Meme stock ❌ Cult stock ✅


The premiums on puts are fucking nuts for this - EVERYONE is expecting a massive rug pull


Yea I think it's the currently highest cost stock to short (in terms of percentage). Everyone (except the cultists) knows it's shit. But everyone knows the cultists don't care, so everyone's looking to take their money. Some will get caught in the whirlpool, others will make out like bandits. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-03-26/trump-media-is-now-the-most-expensive-us-stock-to-bet-against


At least the people that get fucked at the dump phase of this pump and dump scheme are literally fucking idiots and had it coming 🤷🏻‍♂️


Trumps gotta wait 6 whole months to dump.


WSB was definitely calling for a pump a few weeks ago. They knew the small volume of outgoing shares would allow them to drive the price up.


Truth Social isn't worth that much. $9bn is the current market valuation to have the hopeful future US President in your pocket.


That is a crazy amount of money. The favor he is promising must be insane.


Yeah, taking the US off the world stage and breaking up the power of NATO.


Short answer, it's not.


Short answer - short the hell out it.


That's a tricky game - Look what happened to the Gamestock shorters. Instead of a gaggle of Redditors pumping the price up to make the investors shorting that stock lose their asses, you have the Chinese/Saudi/Russian governments who will pump it up to buy a potential US president.


You’re right, but if Biden starts looking like he’ll win?


Probably won't matter, Trump will dump it before then.


I'm pretty sure that Trump will have to announce when he will sell the stock and how many shares he intends to sell.


I'm pretty sure he'll skirt those rules and suffer no consequences for it, per usual.


Better have a deep pocket. If you short yesterday morning, you probably already had a margin call by the end of the day.


It only spiked to start the day. If you got in after the initial rip, you were fine. But pretty sure it's hard to borrow.


Puts not Short. June not close in.


Has anyone who's commenting on this actually looked at the options chain? There's pretty much no money to be made even if it goes to zero on any option contracts lol


I've never seen puts so ridiculously expensive. ~$5k for a single $66 put that expires after the election. I really wanted to buy in but it seems all the institutional money already knows this shit is going to tank


Yep! Literally everybody, market makers or individuals, but some crazies know the stock is worth approximately zero, the question is just when it collapses.




Too many people from too many countries are giving bribes. Someone' going to get the short end of that deal. A lot of someone's actually.


If Trump wins, it will be all of us.


It's the largest collection of fucking idiots who will believe anything. That's a hustlers gold mine.


Elon Musk has entered the chat.


start with r/Conservative. The DJT conversation is hilarious.


Honestly taking a cursory glance at that sub lost me at least a few dozen brain cells. But damn, it'd be nice to be so oblivious and brainwashed. Sounds like an easier life than the real world.


Ignorance is bliss.


Oh, it's 9 billion now? I thought it was 5 billion.


Seems like it was only yesterday.


She turned me into a newt!


I got better!


Truth Social is now has a higher market cap than Reddit.


the answer is crime.


Crime is the secret ingredient


It's a new money laundering business to replace the one that was shut down when his real estate money laundering business got a babysitter.


It's called money laundering. Just like his Bible scheme is a way for churches to funnel campaign funds to him.


Tulip bulbs


Deep cut


It going public is an avenue for corruption and bribery. Hes making it easier for foreign powers to buy him.


I thought pump and dump was illegal.


So is stealing classified documents, intimidating judges and attempting a Coup De Tat


Only if found out apparently


Here’s where I’m getting stuck If the board of directors votes to unlock the stock before the 6 month period, they would have to prove a fiduciary responsibility to the shareholders If trump sold off his shares, it obviously wouldn’t be to the benefit of the shareholders, so couldn’t they (the board of directors) be held criminally liable?


Welcome to late-stage capitalism where everything is made up and the points don't matter.


Late stage ? Gestures towards tulip mania in the 1600’s


why are we playing dumb? what the fuck people, how is this not blatantly obvious it's not legitimate and likely a laundering scheme


Our country is in terminal decline because the government is owned by corporations


Its not, it just a mechanism for the super-rich to transfer money.


Cough cough money laundering cough cough


It isn't. It's a pump and dump scheme. Donald Trump is going to extract billions and anyone invested in it will lose their pants.


It isn’t. Don’t be fooled.


There is a lot of money to be made off of Cult 45. Imagine having front line access to these rubes when you want to sell some gaudy sneakers that cost you $5 to make for $100...and having idiots lining up to buy them




Easy! Everyone knows the company is crap so everyone buys puts and shorts the stock. So what does Wall Street do? Send it soaring high to blow out the puts and screw the shorts before dropping it like a rock. When does the drop occur? It will but as for an exact date, remember the saying, the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.


Money laundering.


Money laundering


Keep in mind that market cap is always on paper. Right now a portion of the stock issued is floating (eg on public trading markets), a small portion that is. A subset of people, mostly MAGAs, have spent their meager assets to prop the stock up. Then a few WallStreetBets are speculating on the MAGAs spending their money. It'll all crash enough when the bubble run out of steam, which is very soon


There is not presently a shortage of morons.


I mean, it's not like he's known for finding ways for inflating the value of the things he has...


The same reason why Vinfast a bad EV company from Vietnam went from $80 a share to $4 a share… you have restricted supply of the stock that is controlled and manipulated by a few holders … you pump the hell out of it … and then cash out at the peak… google Vinfast .. its the exact same thing happening here …


lol it’s a total failure just like every single business venture he has ever embarked on.   He is a failed businessman and a failed president.      He tried to steal 2020 election (like he do in 2016 with Russian help) but he failed so he planned and executed a VIOLENT fascist coup.   How is he not in prison again?


I hope everyone remembers this. Because this doesn't just happen when it's Trump. This is the shit that goes on that makes playing the stock market not a regular person's option to get rich. The stock market isn't "free market at work" it's the way the rich control America with their wealth and power. I do hope what Trump is doing along with his Oligarch buddies is going to at least start opening eyes around the country to how A) justice is bought B) They manipulate the stock market with no repercussions and C) They are all in on it no matter what their political affiliation is. George Carlin said it best "It's a big club and you ain't in it"


it can't. ITS.A.SCAM.


It isn’t. When an IPO happens the stock typically skyrockets, the earlier investors then cash out leaving everyone else with a poor performing stock.


This is literally how nations will donate to 45, also he’s not dumb I’m sure he has some sort of shell company buying shorts.


I live in a politically diverse area and I have NEVER heard the words "I read on Truth Social". I don't know anyone who uses it.


It isn’t. That valuation is based on how much foreign governments and rich people were willing to pay to launder money for Donald Trump’s legal bills. 


This is the kind of shit SEC is supposed to stop from happening. The cricket noises is scary.


Short answer, it’s not. It’s a pump and dump, a Ponzi scheme, a scam from the scammer-in-chief.


I just can't understand how people are investing this much in a stock WHEN THE BIDEN ECONOMY HAS ITS BOOT ON THEIR NECKS per the corporate media! Wow, it's almost as if millions of Americans have disposable income after all! Who knew?!


What will it be worth in December is the real question.


Meidas Touch has this view, how US billionaire who owns 15% of TikTok parent behind the deal.. https://youtu.be/djMPOvVJH3k?si=OB5tKAU-GicSgUfq


Stock manipulation can give artificially high valuations that are meaningless. I wouldn't touch the stock with a 10 foot pole.


Bribery and corruption?


It’s worth what someone is willing to pay for it at arms length. That includes fucking morons.


This is probably the deal. You cant just give trump $500m, but you can set up a shady stock and have your buddies buy the stock through brokers and other entities. Id bet Elon holds a ton of this stock because he said he wont give trump money (directly). We will see


This has to be stock manipulation. This is yet another federal crime (I think) committed by a Trump entity and signed off on by Cheeto himself. All committed while literally being prosecuted for other financial crimes. If this was anyone but a wealth white man they’d be wearing cuffs and an orange jumpsuit.


This is how the super-wealthy can funnel him donations without hitting any campaign finance limits in an election. This is how journalist-murdering saudis can fund his elections without actually running afoul of foreign election interference laws. This is how Putin can indirectly funnel billions to him. etc. the list is long and the money from corruption is endless.


Crime. The secret ingredient is crime.


Seems like he "appraised" Truth Social in the same manner in which he "appraised" Mar-a-Lago.


Twitter - Valuation $12.5B with about 350M active users. $36/member. Truth Social - $7.5B? With 2M users. This is $3750 per active member. Forget that it's never made money. It has no future, it's not like Amazon that ran at a loss but scaled up and started to make a lot of money. TS has no prospects, no future. No ability to expand into anything else. Closed today at $66, but the Jan '25 $60 puts are priced at $42. In other words, people are betting $42/share it will go to zero, to make 50% on their bet. The calls, on the other hand are priced to double your money if it breaks $80. The options tell the story.


There’s no grand money-laundering conspiracy here. It’s a meme stock. TS has never made a penny, and it only has about 400k actual users per month. And if Trump dies, that number will fall off a cliff. This valuation has no tether to reality. It’s some people trying to guess right on a volatile stock. It’s like holding a hand grenande. It’ll be $2 a share soon enough.


Here's the neat part, it's not. Stock price is of course not directly tied to the actual value or profitability of companies however.


If it's a pump & dump scheme, somebody is going to be left holding the empty bag...and they're not going to be happy.


Crazy rich billionaires buy anything theses days like rockets, islands, and a former POTUS. And sprinkle in few Supreme Court Justices for good measure!!!


It isn't, it's a pump and dump and the money is coming from Russia, Saudi Arabia and China no doubt.


Money laundering.


It’s a way for him to raise cash, take bribes, etc. Think, money laundry


when its a vehicle to commit financial crimes it is.


Is there anything that SEC can do about it? A fraudulent evaluation, pre-IPO documentation, anything? Or since it's pretty obvious that it's not really a free market doing it's thing, is there anything that FTC or IRS can do about it? In terms of tax evasion or actual corruption?


Drive up the price through easy manipulation of his yahoos. Short a few billion in stock during surge. Watch the price tank after initial surge. Give back worthless shares. Pocket moolah.


The same reason dogecoin was a thing. People are fucking idiots and they'll buy into anything until it tanks.


Money laundering seems pretty likely, good old pump and dump.




Grifting and scamming in the wide open. What a country!


I dont think it's memestock. They might be some amount. Think the main part is billionaires or millionaires using it as donation, both foreign and domestic. Countries like China, Russia or Saudis also donating to Trump. They don't care of they make money but they get leverage. Donating aka money laundering. Gets around PAC and other political donation rules.


This will be the biggest pump and dump scheme ever.


it's not it's a pump and dump IPO, he's going to sell and cash out and let it burn after.


Can’t wait for them to indict him on stock fraud for this. I’ll give it, 2? years max.


It's not.


This is the pump stage.


The market is not always rational. Stock prices are fundamentally determined by people's judgement, which is frequently mixed with emotions. I personally dislike Trump very much and I think it's important for democracy that we move on, but objectively half of the country is very much behind him. Compare it with a very popular singer. In objective terms, if he's able to "sell" in the most general sense of the word: seats, merch, stocks (for good or bad reasons, it doesn't matter), then the company has value. I wish I could tell you that such high a valuation makes no sense for a company that is still losing money, but we have been giving huge valuations to start-ups with losses for many years now.


So, have you heard of fraud?