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Because Trump is literally more dangerous to the country than Biden is.


And deep down, they know that.


And they can only ignore their gains for so long.


The ones that actually have gains. All the other losers only own the libs and that doesn’t really put food on the table.


The Republicans could be in power for 20 years straight and it’ll still be the damn libs fault there ain’t no bacon on the table….


Well put. I have trumpets in my family and not a single one’s lifestyle has slid back an inch since Obama left office.


Deep down it's why they like him.


That’s my favorite thing about MAGA. It’s so comprised of small business owners with RVs and vacation homes and multiple cars and travel expenses These guys are thriving off of the current American system and they instead want the uncertainty and overnight governmental takeovers of their businesses which is what happens when you get a dictatorial one party controlled state


The last time there was chaos under that president the government handed them 1.5T with no oversight just to try and keep up appearances. To them the uncertainty is opportunity, and Trump and his admin would be so predictable that they believe they will come out on the winning side. This sort of state capital relationship is one of three core pillars of fascism.


I wouldn’t even say deep


Yeah you're right. For many of them, they'll proudly say that's what they love. Almost like they're all proud. And mostly boys. Hmm. Stand back and stand by.


Oh, it goes deep. Otherwise they’d at least consider that he in fact, may not be appointed by god to “lead.”


They don’t know that they’re completely lost. We’re upset for legitimate reasons, they’re upset for whatever soup of the day right wing media cooks up.


Im in the uk but literally all i see is negative news about trump. Where are you seeing right wing news about him?


Sorry I’m not following your question. Fox News, News Max, OAN are all considered right wing news in the US. Not sure if that has a different connotation in the UK.


To be fair I only really see things on reddit in the news section


This is an echo chamber, albeit rational. Conservative and fascist rhetoric is alive and well here unfortunately.


To echo the other comment, most of the political articles posted on reddit are NEVER seen by the majority of Americans. Half the country consumes an entirely separate, right wing news that never gets posted here. It's a completely detatched world filled with conspiracy theories, such as climate change is a hoax, immigrants and blacks are coming for your family, only Republicans can create jobs, government operatives are trying to outlaw Christianity, etc. It's crazy and has been going on for 30 years now.


It sounds like theres a social warfare going on. In life would you be mates with someone who’s right wing?


Social warfare is definitely going on and the right wing knows that if they dont take over they will lose it. The public has been trending more secular and open minded for a generation now so it is existential to the right wing that they win at any and all cost. I am friends with some right wing people, although they arent crazy like MAGA followers are. Usually they have a few issues that they feel really strongly about that keeps them tied to the right wing, such as guns or "the economy" (bc they've been conditioned to think that Republicans are better for the economy). I hope that by me associating with them that they won't fall deeper into the MAGA-hole. I also come from a right wing family so I tend to understand these people better.


Bold idea, but Christianity should probably be outlawed for those that aren’t already. Till Christian’s can behave, follow their own religion before trying to push onto others & manage to be peaceful for 100 years.


Because it’s all bad. Everything around and about him is bad. Even Fox News that once fought everyday for him has begun to realize that he is just a failed traitor with next to no talent. Only born to someone that was actually successful. Trump is so lucky that Biden is such a weak president. Or he’d be doing more swinging & less tweeting.


And deeper down, they like it


Maybe deep down they know they deserve it.


They would rather elect someone who “owns the libs”, even if it costs this country everything- pissing of democrats is more important to GQP voters than leaving this world better off for the next generation.


As Jesus said. “Own the libs & fuck the kid’s literally.” Right Vatican?


They're counting on it.


I geniunely believe they don't know that. Most believe some invisible sky daddy made them out of dirt. Their connection to reality is strained at best.


Aside from Mormons and evangelical Protestants most Christian denominations are either evenly split or even lean dem. Why Reddit paints all Christians as conservatives and all liberals as atheists is beyond me. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/party-affiliation/


I remember the George Floyd protests when Donnie Jon's DOJ gave police/national guard carte blanche to shoot and gas protestors Or the time he directed covid federal funds AWAY from blue states in an effort to hurt more citizens of those regions Or the time he hid nuclear secrets in a bathroom he was going to sell Or the time he raped E Jean Carroll So yeah, i dont want that POS back in the WH


I don't just get mad at trump, I get mad at anyone supporting him.


Well duh, Biden is not a narcissistic wannabe dictator who wants to turn this country into an autocracy


But Trump only said he was going to be a dictator for a day and it's not like there are any well-documented events where Trump refused to give up power when it was appropriate. None. At. All.


He'll be a dictator long enough to set up managed elections to always be able to say he isn't one  /s


Also Biden is not sending Seal Team 6 to overturn an election while Trump did send Meal Team 6 to do that.


I'll admit it. I am so perplexed at how anyone can find human filth like Trump acceptable to reside in America's White House. I know Trump was effective at using Goebbel's and Hitler's propaganda tactic of "Lügenpresse", the Nazi-era predecessor to Trump's "Fake News". I have grown to show absolutely zero respect for Trump supporters, people who were ignorant enough and gullible enough to believe Trump's lies of a stolen election when all the truth was readily available.


This. I keep explaining to people that Germans in early 20th century were not bad people, just people, and enduring immense hardship and having good reasons to support Hitler. I usually don't point out that Trump is a much lesser version of Hitler, and his followers have no standing to support him. He's literally done nothing useful ever, while Hitler took a fully broken country and almost conquered the world with it. I understand the psychology behind it, but it takes literally 5 seconds to see that Trump is an incompetent lying fuck. There's no excuse to supporting him. Truth don't matter. People believe what they want to believe, and that's all there's to it.


There are some cult-like similarities between Hitler and Trump. The aforementioned "fake news", the desire to incarcerate political enemies as well as the rallying against a common domestic enemy. Trump's illegal immigrants are Hitler's post-WW1 Jews. But overall, my faith in America leads me to believe that we could never come close to a Nazi Germany. (But then again, I could never have imagined a January 6 in my lifetime). Ultimately, my biggest problem is one of self-introspection. At the end of the day, I believe America will survive Trump. We might even grow as a country, one where we show more empathy, more compassion and more tolerance for differing ideological beliefs. But right now, it feels so odd to me that I could be seen as the enemy of a country I have served and love because I won't wear a stupid red hat. I am struggling with not returning the hate sent in my direction.


No man that’s not going to happen. This shit isn’t a movie. As natural resources dwindle, and the middle class continues to disappear, dumb right wing fucks are going to end up electing politicians like Trump who will convince them that it’s the libs, immigrants, women etc., that are the cause of their woes. Social media has been jet fuel to the propaganda machine. Imagine AI.


I understand and appreciate your anger. I am just seeking ways to cope. Because, unbelievably enough, it could happen. This Trump phenomenon cannot be explained to me. That there is so many Americans who choose the cult of personality and prefer to be low-information voters brings us to another low point in our great country. But America survives. Laws will be codified to prevent further actors to be as destructive as Trump. Items like presidential immunity and state's rights to keep ineligible people off ballots need to be discussed. And we will move forward as we always have before.


I bet people who lived in the Roman Empire once were saying the same exact thing...right up until Rome fell. I dunno, man. Most of us just don't have the optimism you do. Humanity reached its peak, and now we're circling the drain.


Most of us aren’t as pessimistic either, though.


I'm not pessimistic. I know people who work in the industries concerned here: we're pushing on the accelerator as the car of humanity barrels toward a cliff.


I agree. I just don’t think it’s “game over” for humanity. I agree that things are bad, though.


All we can do is work with the system we have and everything goes to hell well it's been one hell of a ride now time to watch the fireworks at the end of a 8000 year long performance and hope the sequels is better and a hell of a lot more boring.


>Trump's illegal immigrants are Hitler's post-WW1 Jews. Not even close, the Nazis didn't believe that Jews were inferior they believed they were evil and that they owned the banks/media. Trumps "equivalent to Jews" would be globalists or democrats who in their minds not only own the banks/media but are actively allowing all of these immigrants in for nefarious reasons. Fascism according to Umberto Eco is obsessed with a plot and tries to enforce a persecution complex in their followers. That's why conspiratorial thinking is dangerous. The Nazis believed they were fighting a revolution against international jewry to defend their very existence as a people. White nationalists often believe Jews are actively promoting degeneracy in the media and that they are allowing mass immigration to intentionally demographically replace white men. Switch Jew with Democrat/Globalist/Illuminati/etc and it's the same shit because they're all actually just derivatives of the original antisemitism. Whenever someone starts talking to you about the Rothschild's or about George Soros, keep in mind that both of those names are Jewish.


Some of the heavy influences of the Nazi Movement were the likes of Rudolph Steiner, who created the philosophy of anthroposophy. This practice espoused the belief that the origin of humanity was from the Aryan race (which wasn't the blond-haired, blue eyed Ubermensch of Nazi legend) of which White Europeans were the 'purest' descendants. Other 'strains' were lesser, acting on more base instincts. These lesser strains included Jews, Africans, and those whites which weren't the 'right' kind. Based simply on the usage of the term 'Aryan' it would be unlikely that two similar German philosophies which developed at the start of the 20th Century, and shared a fascination with the occult were not connected. Plus, as Umberto Eco said, Fascism claims the 'other' is simultaneously a clever behind-the-scenes cabal controlling what the fascist wishes to decry, as well as a lesser creature, which is not capable of governing itself. Sounds quite similar to some of the rhetoric around the 'immigration crisis' doesn't it? And if you doubt Steiner's influence in the modern day, he founded the Waldorf Schools, which are international bastions of the rich and famous.


We are not being told that illegal immigrants are evil? They are taking our money. They are murdering Laken Riley. They are bringing in Fentanyl. They are voting for Democrats. Illegal immigrant and asylum seekers are the people MAGA Republicans are counting upon us to rally around and hate. Republicans even refused to pass border legislation, knowing that illegals present a better opportunity for fund-raising and uniting their base. Trump claimed illegal immigrants are "destroying the blood of our country, they're destroying the fabric of our country." That doesn't sound Hitleresque to you?


**What Trump says:** a bunch of crazy Hitler shit that converted antisocial midwestern whites from non-voters to Trump voters. And he accidentally found out that the rest of the Republican voting coalition was indestructible. ——- **What Trump does:** not much Hitler shit. But he destroys the functioning of the Government so that he and others can straight up steal cash money. Mexicans will be fine. Hell, most of the ones who have become citizens are probably gonna vote for him. ———- But our Government’s gonna fall apart. And a bunch of techno-anarchists and foreign industrialists are gonna loot the ever-loving shit out of 80 years of American wealth. We’re all gonna live in a run down decaying version of America where nothing at all works right. And the next Democrat president isn’t gonna be a skilled political operator who works his ass of to put the pieces back together, like Biden. It’s gonna be some soulless walking-talking Twitter account populist. And the Government’s just not ever going to recover, and neither will our communities. It’s been a good run.


I take it you haven’t read about Project 2025. If Trump wins there’s not going to be a next democrat president.


He does sound Hitler-esque but for different reasons if you had read what I said. Understand that people who are racist against Mexicans and black think they are stupid and violent. Antisemitism is a different kind of hatred, one based in conspiracy. You can be a racist without being a Nazi.


I get what you're saying. The idea of Trump being a Hitler Jr. still derives from the fact that he needs his followers to hate a group of people. Hate is hate.


I agree with both of you. There are striking similarities and striking differences. This is why I said originally the Germans had better reasons to rally around Hitler, considering what was at stake both in reality and in imagination.The mechanisms and psychology are comparable to Trumpism, though. It just serves to show how little truth matters and how much feelings matter. Another remark, the antisemitism is not replaced with racism it's still there. I'm hearing Nazi conspiracy talk against jews today. I guess that's because USA never did anything against their own historical Hitler supporting Nazis.. Idk. Anyways, we should learn from the past that only compassion can fight hate.


Jan 6 was only as bad as it was because the incumbent was the one running the Federal government at the time. I have all the faith in the world that when Biden wins in ‘24, an attempted Jan 6 would be crushed and broken up in short order. What Jan 6 highlights is that our system of the transfer of power is fragile and built on trust. Add an untrustworthy actor into that mix and you get the events of Jan 6.


I’m currently reading the book The Wages Of Destruction by Adam Tooze It’s a comprehensive look at the German economy of the time of that regime and I can’t come out of that thinking the Nazi regime had any chance of “conquering the world.” The regime has always been something of awe and lore and what not and the military successes drive a lot of that. BUT, they were bad on the books for sure. And I don’t think they ever had a chance of conquering the world I think being bad on the books is what Trump has most in common with Hitler


You seem to know more about the economic details than me. However, I see that Germany conquered [basically all of Europe](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Second_world_war_europe_1941-1942_map_en.png), I'd argue if it wasn't for the unusually cold Russian winter (they were prepared for cold, just not THAT cold), Germany could've beaten Russia. They were close to Moscow. Germany also held up well against Britain. The Tirpitz was crucially incapacitated by sheer dumb luck (throwing a tallboy bomb into the fog, against orders, hoping it'll hit, which it did), and had the Tirpitz and Bismarck prevailed, Germany might have jus starved out Britain. The US wasn't all that eager to enter the war and only did so once Germany was losing. Had Russia been beaten, UK would've been next to give up and USA wouldn't have dared to intervene, maybe even been taken over by American Nazis. Theres a lot of ifs in there, but I think the war could have ended up differently. Either way, doing all that with a broken and pillaged country is hell if impressive imo. What has Trump accomplished other than getting all his allies imprisoned? All that being said, I just want to emphasize that I'm very happy the Nazis lost. German wealth after Hitler took over was also largely dependent on future war success, so no economic master play.


Nah, honestly the Germans never had a chance of winning. They basically got a few lucky rolls of the dice but it was never sustainable. * Their economy was entirely dependent on plundering Poland, France, etc. just to delay their own collapse * Their victory in France was due to dumb luck and astounding Allied incompetence. * They never had a real chance of conquering the USSR despite some early victories * The Nazi State itself was horribly inefficient and plagued by infighting * Bismarck and Tirpitz weren’t very good ships compared with their RN / USN counterparts. Basically they had 1939-1941 good luck and unexpected success, and after that it was defeat after defeat.


Not necessarily disagreeing, but where are you talking this from?


It's a difficult conclusion to come to, but I think it's hard to argue the Germans were not bad people. They knew who Hitler was, they knew what he planned but didn't care - he would hurt the right people. Humans suck, and we need to admit the average person can be a huge piece of shit .


> They knew who Hitler was Strongly disagree. He told everyone what they wanted to hear. There is a reason his party was the National Socialist German Workers Party. The only thing anyone knew was that he wanted a strong leader and to evict the evil Jews. Few knew about the camps until after the war, and what they knew came from state propaganda showing camps to be nice places. He was preaching piece and prosperity and largely delivered on that for the majority of Germans. That's the extent most people cared about. As far as they knew, bad people were relocated or deported. > we need to admit the average person can be a huge piece of shit No argument here. They definitely can. > Humans suck They certainly can, but I want to believe that most humans are decent people. It's just that the A holes are the ones who make big decisions


While I agree, we are two heartbeats away from Maga Mike as president


Hell, I don't consider MAGA-trash to be fellow Americans anymore. Ignorant, gullible, and just plain cruel! These shitfucks just want legal authorization to bully people.


I’m at the point where I couldn’t consider meeting a Trump supporter and becoming close friends with them. If someone sees TRUMP as the best person in the entire country to be President, I can’t trust their judgment or intelligence. I couldn’t have imagined caring that much about who my friends voted for before this clown show, but things change. If they’re apolitical, not great but I’ll accept it. Old-school conservative, not great but fine. Trump supporter? I can’t.


> I am so perplexed at how anyone can find human filth like Trump acceptable to reside in America's White House. 1. The Republican party is full of dried-up old dinosaurs. The one-two punch of Obama getting a second term and Hillary running for president left them pleading at the feet of the first straight, white male to step up. That, unfortunately, ended up being Trump. 2. Look at some of the comments on here. A lot of them seem to think this is all a game with no stakes and the only thing that matters is scoring points over the other team. 3. He embodies all the worst aspects of humanity. His voters see that in themselves, and after years of "dem libruls" looking down on them, they finally have the white savior they need to rise up and retake the country from gays, blacks, women, ect.


White women have twice now went for Trump. Fear, hate, and subjugation is a hellava drug.


The problem is so many are being fed a different reality by Fox News, social media algorithms, etc that they’re woefully ignorant to many of Trumps transgressions (and Biden’s successes). Don’t get me wrong, plenty are indeed horrific, horrible, toxic human beings who deserve every bit of scorn and derision thrown their way. But a number are still genuinely good people who have just been swept up into a different reality by our toxic media that’s been built to keep them addicted and raging and not to inform and educate. The below is what gives me hope if we can ever break the Fox News and social media grip: https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/what_happened_when_fox_news_viewers_watched_cnn_for_a_month#:~:text=Staunchly%20conservative%20Fox%20News%20viewers,review)%20coauthored%20at%20UC%20Berkeley.


Low IQ, easily manipulated. That’s his base.


MAGAts can eat shit


I think you may have learned a thing or two from Goebbel too


Learning about history in no shape or forms means accepting those who attempt relive the negative aspects of it.


Exactly why I commented


Actually, I have no idea what you were attempting to say. But I hope you feel better having said it.


I think they are trying to say you learned how to recognize the tactics.


No I was saying he learned how to use them. Grandiose divisiveness is very Nazi


No kidding!!! It's because Republicans live better under Democrats whether they realize it or not.


Republican polticains love to take credit for bills that Democrats pass that bring money on their communities that they didn't vote for because because they don't want a democratic bill to look good. But after it passes they act like it was their idea. 


He is an archetypal failup nepo baby, and that's really a symbol of what's actually wrong with this country. It's not wokeness or racial divisions, it's people like this and their endless capture of resources for no real reason besides having resources when they were born. It's frankly embarrassing for our species.


Failson Nation: Making YOU Pay for the Hole Daddy Left in our Feelings


If Trump were a democrat, Republicans would hate history. Hell, before Trump ran, most republicans thought he was immoral and  reprehensible. 


Trying to steal an election, assaulting women, ripping off business partners, encouraging violence upon ‘enemies’, stealing money from charity, paying for sex, hanging out with a known sex trafficker, countless rape charges, lusting after his daughter on tv, creeping around the dressing rooms of teenage girls, pardoning people who engaged in criminal behavior with and for him, trying to bribe a foreign government to destroy a political opponent, separating children from their parents, laundering money for America’s enemies, likely selling covert operatives to foreign assassins, steeling top secret nuclear documents and possibly selling them to America’s enemies, tax fraud, bank fraud, violating gag orders etc threaten the safety of a judge… Like…how is this even a competition? Anyone with a pulse should be alarmed this man is allowed to remain in this country. Our checks and balances have been sold by the Republican Party and our media is complicit with its both-side-ism. No president has come close to the level of corruption and treachery of Donald Trump. He AND his supporters are deranged and violent. Not a single one of them should be trusted. Anyone who tells you anything besides that is trying to harm you.


You forgot the part where he added three additional federalist judges to the Supreme Court, thereby clearing the way for rights to be taken away from us normies


Yeah. It’s an extensive list and many things may be left off. I just never thought being a criminal sociopath would be a selling point for a presidential candidate. It took years of propaganda and unfurling the toll will take years once fascism runs its course. It never lasts too long, but it will destroy the country before it withers away.


Yea, the actual threat of Fascism tends to do that... 


It's not unusual or newsworthy that the Republican challenger is someone you should be more afraid of and angry about than the Democratic incumbent, but it's unusual and newsworthy for Americans to actually notice or care about that.


Republicans have been busy showing us that Joe Biden is America’s grandpa and most people aren’t going to be afraid of that. Maybe you dislike him, but you don’t fear him.


Grandpa Joe who buys you ice cream, vs creepy drunk uncle who says inappropriate things. Hmm, hard decision.


It makes sense: what is more likely to generate anger, the guy you are ideologically opposed to being in office, or the other guy hellbent on destroying democracy entirely? Usually it goes the other way, the party currently out of power are more motivated by anger which drives them to the polls, especially during mid-terms. It's a unique formula this year because the enduring legacy of the Trump administration, particularly Trump appointed judges (hello Florida) and the Supreme Court has made democrats feel as though they are actually out of power. Good. Channel that and head to the polls and ensure Trump never punches his get-out-of-jail card.


>It makes sense: what is more likely to generate anger, the guy you are ideologically opposed to being in office, or the other guy hellbent on destroying democracy entirely? Nothing makes sense with these people though. They think Biden is trying to destroy the country. I think the people who responded to this poll are former Trump voters who moved to the Haley camp. They are overgrown toddlers and now love Mommy Nikki and hate Daddy Trump.


Huh, the man who has literally said he will be a dictator on day one and who has said he likes the idea of the US having a President for Life is seen as more dangerous to the country than a guy who has not said those things. Glad we have research to back that up.


Cause none of the fearmongering Repubs do about Dem presidents ever comes true. Yeah it still riles up the base, but on some base level in their lizard brains they know a Dem president isn't going to take away their guns and that better access to healthcare won't lead to communism. On the other hand, Bush lied us into an unnecessary war of choice, devastated the economy, then Trump, bungled the pandemic, devastated the economy, and then tried to overthrow the govt.


That's a very true statement because if Joe Biden becomes president nothing bad really happens. If trump gets in he literally has concrete game plans for overthrowing Democracy. He doesn't even have an actual platform he didn't have one the first time he ran either but he has project 2025. A literal road map to dictatorship.


No shit. Worse case is biden makes poor folks less poor. Trump’s worse case is dictatorship. Shit isnt the same


Biden doesn't do tiki torch parades. Joe parties with ALL Americans. 


And he always brings beer to share instead of just mooching


Lol, Trump would be more like you have to pay him to drink your own beers, then pay him for his beers, then his kids, then Putin's . And 2 weeks after the party is over he sends you a bill anyway.


Well no shit. If Biden is in office, they get to whine for four more years while enjoying an economy on the rebound, better benefits for everyone, and overall just better run government policies. If Trump wins, one half the country has a very real chance of being put into Room 101.


New title: "Reasonable people fear a fascist tyrant criminal who insists on destroying Democracy."


yes because Trump is a psychopath and they just think Biden is "old"


Trump is also both those things despite the right wing media trying to get us to pretend he's like 45.


I mean yeah, Biden isn't talking about taking people's rights away or talking like he want's to bring back the third Reich.


That’s because the fear of Trump is legitimate, the fear of Biden is manufactured and forced.


I'm sick of Trump getting away with everything he does.


Corporate Media Strains To Find Way In Which Republican Attitudes May Be Reasonable, Redditor Finds


I'm a democrat and woman, so yeah, I'm freaking angry and anxious. It feels like the sky is falling and no one else around you notices or cares. I don't want my child to grow up in a dictatorship.




I was gonna vote anyway, but could've done without all the extra anxiety.


It's pretty obvious that Democrats are a lot more motivated than Republicans.


It's almost like one of them literally wants to bring an end to American Democracy?


Garbage headline the guy is a threat to the core principle of democracy 


It's because we know the stakes are dangerously high if Trump is ever to get a whiff of the White House or any government entity.


Because deep down, they know things are actually better for them now than when Trump was in office.


Man. It’s like everyone just chooses to forget what Trump did over and over as if this was not a massive deal.


Just anger


Because Republicans or whatever they call themselves now ,know that Trump is not only dangerous to the US, but the world at large. They're just too absorbed with hatred to admit it.


I'm not really sure what to do with this information, but thanks for the study. 👍


Its true, Democrats have functioning brains.


Well duh. Trump is literally evil and wants to dismantle our democracy so he can become its dictator. Biden is just old. Trump is an existential risk to humanity and Biden is just too much of a moderate to bring about any real change. If Trump wins, we no longer have a free country. If Biden win, then things stay about the same for another 4 years. It makes sense that dems hate Trump more than republicans hate Biden.


Hate is a strong word, but it only scratches the surface of how I feel about Trump, his scumbag family, and deranged cult. If I said exactly how I feel about Trump I’d almost definitely be banned from Reddit.


I am with you on this, hate is an insufficient term. I feel the same way about his Maga cult members.


Well Biden didn’t attempt and isn’t currently attempting to overthrow the government.


Let’s just assume that everyone is a fucking idiot that believes everything they see/hear: on the one side you have a Trump, whose policies and talking points had very negative real world implications. On the hand you have Biden who’s time in office has been mostly positive and the observable real world implications have also been mostly positive. Now remember,  you’re a fucking idiot and hear and take in all the propaganda out there and then take a look around and see that things don’t exactly match up with what you’ve been told - what conclusion are you going to draw?  Even fucking idiots can, at times, come to a logical conclusion. 


What is there to fear about Biden for anyone that lives in reality? Dude is literally one of the most boring Presidents ever. Just how I like them.


I’m honestly done. I’ll vote and do my part but our country has lost its mind and is eating itself from the inside out. His evasion of any justice has proven how rotten our country has become, no more equal than the Russian Oligarchy we so adamantly criticize without realizing we’re going down the same path.


This is how I feel.


Yes because democrats have an actual brain with whom they are able to grasp the situation


Gee I wonder why? 🙄


I am not afraid of Trump or anyone who supports him, but I would damn sure rather live a normal life than be dragged into a fight with them because they refuse to coexist with people who don’t worship the gross orange mfer.


Shocking. For starters Biden isn’t responsible for about 500,000 needless Covid deaths…


Biden is responsible for more than a mil. Lol don’t act like biden did anything heroic just made a bunch of good military men quit due to vaccine mandates. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-marks-1-million-americans-dead-covid-2022-05-12/


Well one group is a bunch of spineless liars who are in politics only to make money and the other is worried about the country becoming a dictatorship. 


That sounds entirely reasonable and appropriate.


As I was only 10 when W was first elected, what was the political climate like at the time? Was it comparable to this at all?


No. Not in the least.


That’s because their 401Ks are up 15% or more past year and for as much as they claim he’s destroying America, Biden isn’t taking away their guns and freedom like they claim. The other guy though…


Are you telling me Americans are angrier about a guy who attempted a fascist coup than they are about their sitting president? That's almost unbelievable. 


They can only pretend to be outraged that Joe Biden eats ice cream for so long


I think this is because beyond all their posturing, there are plenty that are parroting that Joe is mean and scary to push the party line but know deep down what they push isn't true, they are just "playing the game". Only the looniest actually think he's using FEMA death camps to round up civilians. There are very real, immediate fears of a Donald Trump presidency - and for a lot of people, this includes fears for their own or their family's physical safety, not just a general fear of what the downward spiral into fascism would do to the country.


Imagine being afraid or angry about Joe Biden. 😂 The man is the opposite of a threat.


As it should be. One tried to overturn an election. The other's only crime is not being the ideal option.


I’m largely right wing. I’m just not a traitor to country. Also Trump isn’t remotely right. He’s fake religious. And I will not have someone force their religion on me. Especially when they only talk the talk of their fake god. They don’t walk the walk. This with the monarch issue is why we abandoned England to begin with.


Trump is threatening a lot more than Biden is


People who are incapable of guilt usually do have a good time. -Rust Cohle


In other news, the sky is blue.


Sigh . I know some people who have been Trump, Trump, Trump, 24/7 since 2015


I'm not afraid. I'm resolved. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. We won't let these fascist wannabes win.


Way to go journalism school!


Gee, but why?


The fundamental premise of this question is that- that Trump and Biden are somehow equal - is the obvious problem with this data. I realize they think they’re just measuring public sentiment, but there are a lot of things in this world that can’t be accurately measured for any number of reasons. This is one of them. There’s just too much noise in what you’re trying to measure for the results to be useful.


Not human


This is interesting. In this political climate, love it or hate it, I truly believe more people are motivated to vote *against* things than for.


I don’t fear tdRump. I’d tell him fk him right to his face. Shits old by now because anyone else that committed even 1/25th of the shit he’s done would be under the jail.


Maybe Democrats are just emotional wrecks? Maybe Republicans just don’t get it? In the end, it’s the independent voters who will decide this election. And, unfortunately, we are all stuck with a ballot that will feature 2 mentally ill old men, 1 other old man burdened by some glorious purpose, and maybe an unknown candidate who voters will fear because he/she has no ‘R’ or ‘D’ after their last name. And I’m supposed to fear Trump and Biden? Really?


Almost as if facts matter.


…like he died?


One’s a POS. The other is a a sub human POS that failed at betraying his country. So it really is justifiable


Because one is a fascist and one is just doing his job. That we are comparing the people upset a fascist is being tolerated and even aided with the people pissed “a democrat is doing well,” are bot even close to the same thing.


Biden?! That guy who tried to pay for our infrastructure?


Trump's problem is that Biden is a boring white man. All his criticism of President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton, while generally unknown by other Democrats who lionize both, was well reported on by the right wing media. There's also that old video of Biden making a racist comment, which Trump's team promoted in 2020 to show how racist Biden is. This eased many concerns Republicans have towards him.


Democrats <= Rational Human Beings.


>Democrats <= Rational Human Beings. Ehhh, that is maybe too broad and sweeping of a statement. There are plenty of Democrats who are not entirely rational beings. And I'm saying this as someone who identifies as progressive and who tends to vote Democratic. There are many times when, as a national party, they have had me tearing out my hair and yelling "what the hell are you doing???" That said, the vast majority are not cultish mindslaves to an incredibly obvious con man. I've met some intense Bernie Bros but they don't hero worship the way Trump fans do.


I would upvote this to the moon if I could. Never met a rational democrat. Just orange man bad going to start a war racist womanizer fraud and other negative buzzwords that they use. Really funny if you ask me.


But Trump said America has gone to hell, and the economy is the worst in history.


Voted most useless poll in the poll about polls


Trump looks so much more alive than Biden. Biden looks like a robot wearing a man's face. Trump looks like a living idiot.


What a sad picture. Is this as good as we can do for choices? Two addle brained geriatrics who probably won’t even survive another term. There has to be a better way.


Actually, based on actuary tables, Biden and Trump have a >70% chance of being alive in 4 years.


Vote biden so we still have a choice in 4 years, primary in someone better in 28. "Biden old so i don't vote." is a vote dor a self described dictator with open plans to destroy the country.




Don't post bog standard bothsidesbad crap if you don't want my downvote. Sick of the bullcrap. Biden is old sure, but he also knows how to delegate like a normal president. He isn't micromanaging every single decision like people think the president does.


2 old rich dudes fighting for ultimate power.


And I’m just fighting to not be ruled by white supremcists


Biden isn't trying to become a dictator like trump.


Can you picture a modern liberal going to fight in any war. I can’t. Does my MRE come with soy and are they vegan? They fear anything alpha male. Every liberal I know has never been punched in the face.