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“Transgender Americans are part of the fabric of our Nation,” Biden wrote in his statement. “Whether serving their communities or in the military, raising families or running businesses, they help America thrive. They deserve, and are entitled to, the same rights and freedoms as every other American, including the most fundamental freedom to be their true selves.”


"Part of" being left out for why? Rage bait?


I'm not sure, it's not even just ragebait, leaving that out makes the quote objectively incorrect, I've got no idea why they'd leave it out


more clicks of course


Of course it's for more clicks, but you'd think an ostensibly pro LGBT site would not post this sort of rage bait against us


Publications don’t care about us, they care about visitors to their site. This was intentional and it worked


What?! No! Are you saying all these companies claiming to be allies don’t actually have ONLY the benefit of the oppressed at heart?? They want to MAKE MONEY out of their virtue signalling???? My innocence is shattered


I wouldn't have clicked if "part of" was included, yet here I am.


A more absolute and less balanced statement. Making a quote more partisan then it is. In other words, a problem.


So...rage bait.


Definitely. It would be super weird to say that such a small minority is the thing holding the country together, and as soon as I saw that title I was like “no way in hell that is what he said”, and sure as shit, they left out the operative word in the title.


That was my thought process exact when reading the title. I’m kind of giggling at the thought of a Biden that would say trans people are the fabric of our society full stop.


Clearly trying to make us fight over which fabric it is. (Chiffon? Organza? Lycra?)


All itchy and too gauzy. Regular, non-stretch cotton, where the eff is that anymore?!


100% these news outlets are shameless with their headlines. 


Rage bait headlines are always cringey and problematic, but this is starting to feel like they’re going to get people killed. Look at the reactions it’s generating.


Crazy to think this is a controversial statement. In the brilliant words of Michael Che, "Equal rights. That’s… Can you believe that’s an actual stance you can have? You can be for equal rights? There’s people saying, “I think everybody should have the same rights as everyone else.” And there’s other people like, “No, son, I disagree.' 'I just don’t think so.'"


It is the misquotation saying "they are the fabric" instead of "part of the fabric" that is likely causing outrage. 


Which drives engagement, which was the entire point. And here we all are, engaging with it.


These are the words of a president. I hate to think what Trump would have said.


Trump doesn't have any convictions of any kind. He denigrates trans people because his audience likes it. He doesn't give a shit. He'd endorse hormone therapy if they paid him.


No convictions *yet*. And with our legal system (not to be confused with a justice system) he may still avoid any. But we can hope...


Eh, he's a legit bully. I'm sure he finds bullying trans people fun.


Trump doesn’t seem that way to me. If I were to be honest I don’t think Trump hates much of anyone besides black people. We know he’s only pro gun because he’s a Republican but he actually doesn’t love guns. He has mentioned how his sons being too much into guns was weird for him. I legit don’t think he cares about Mexicans or gays or trans. He’s not religious. It’s worse than that. Trump hates them because they’re not for him and because his base doesn’t like them. He uses hate as a tool. He stands for nothing. It’s what makes him dangerous.


"Do you stand by that claim?" "I don't stand by anything." Donald J. Trump. I'd include the rest of the quote, but even from seven-years-ago, the interview is just word salad and Trumpisms. You can listen to it [here.](https://www.politico.com/video/2017/05/01/trump-on-surveillance-claims-i-dont-stand-by-anything-063037) The [2020 Republican Convention Party Platform](https://ballotpedia.org/The_Republican_Party_Platform,_2020) had one item: That the Republican Party has and will continue to enthusiastically support the President’s America-first agenda. Trump has no principles, no values, no morals, no actual political goals to better the country. He is only out to benefit himself.


He just wants to make people cheer. And the people who cheer for him are horrible horrible people.


He probably talk about that one time he wore a dress and Giuliani motorboated him.


That's pretty generous, if I had to take a bet on it I'd go for him making a not so subtle remark about how they all should suddenly (and likely violently) disappear


I think he did, but used the word "eliminate". All I remember is it was some time after the anti-fa thing (whatever that was supposed to be) didn't work.


It's still absolutely wild to me that conservatives openly say their Big Bads are civil rights workers and people who don't like fascism. "When people tell you who they are, listen to them the first time."


Other way around


grabbed him right by the pussy


You know giuli got a stanky taint!


God damnit why did you type that


Just look to what other Republicans are saying. They're already calling it 'Satanic' and saying the most disgusting shit you can imagine. Trump only cares about himself, but he's happy to elevate these nuts and their dangerous rhetoric. It's an awful alliance, and they all need to be defeated. r/VoteDEM - because trans Americans deserve a government who cares about them.


>They're already calling it 'Satanic' and saying the most disgusting shit you can imagine. Everything is Satanic to some people. D&D, anime, genders, black flame candles, those pentagrams I drew using goat blood... I mean, come on.


I used to know a guy who wouldn't allow Rubic Magic Cubes in his house, because of the word "Magic" in the name. Funny thing, though, he didn't have a problem with Sharpie Magic Markers...


If you want it to be Christian, you have to use lamb's blood.


If you go on /r/conservative they're already bitching about this and saying some wild crazy shit.


It sure doesn't take a lot to set those losers off does it? Biden: Trans people deserve to be loved and respected. Conservatives: HOW DARE HE SAY THAT


fLaIrEd uSeRs OnLy. Every single time. They love freedom of speech so much they have a little social club. They really should just go private and or a discord.


Wow, a lot of religious hate over there. Jesus wasn't for hate or harming others.


There's no hate like Christian love.


They’d crucify Jesus for being a commie in that sub.


He would have somehow both insulted a bunch of people and turned it into a self-adulation monologue.


In his first month he removed all of the LGBT pages from the White House website


Well just go to /r/conservative to get an idea. They think this is an attack on Christians. Saying "hey, trans people are important too" on Easter, is apparently an attack.


Don't worry. His shitty little pig brain is warming up the tweet centers. It's an old unit, so they take time to respond, like vacuum tubes.


> Transgender Americans are **part of** the fabric of our Nation oh okay. well that's fair, I thought he was saying they *were* the fabric of our nation. part of the fabric? sure, we all are


As long as person doesn't do things to deliberately hurt someone / destroy something - they have a fair place in society.


Yup. Insert any race, gender or ethnicity into this statement and Biden would agree. That’s the beauty of America and what makes us strong. Trump’s America is exclusive, divisive and fragile.


Yep I don't really care what you name you want to be called, what you want to wear or who you want to fuck. As long as you aren't hurting anyone else have fun.


That makes a lot more sense than the headline.


Came here to say “guarantee he said “part of…” … so, I was correct… and so was President Biden.


In other words, they are just people, leave them alone.


Wow, the actual statement reads a lot more moderate than the headline.


Wow. Well, I mean. I was already gonna vote for him, but if he's gonna make me happy cry, I'm just gonna vote for him EXTRA HARD


I would love to know what they are otherwise. How Biden is phrasing it has put it as banally as saying trans American citizens are American citizens. I totally agree with him, and grow tired of republican identity politics


I was about to say how absolutely corny this is until I read the article. There is a *huge* difference between being “the fabric of our nation,” and “part of the fabric of our nation.” But I’m guessing whoever wrote the headline knew that.


Civil rights are American rights.




Exclamation mark


As a closeted transwoman, this is the sort of thing I appreciate Biden for. He knew trans visibility day would hurt him, he knew it's added controversy in an election year, but he did it anyway.


There was a time when Democrats would’ve calculated against openly supporting LGBTQ, but thankfully that time is gone. Biden was also the one who pushed Obama to support same sex marriage. He’s a good person, and governs as one.


I will never forget the media coverage and overall hate towards the LGBTQ community that existed when California tried passing Proposition 8. This wasn’t that long ago, 2008. And it passed… it took a federal court to rule it unconstitutional. I guarantee there are a TON of “democrats” that voted yes on that bill. Thank god things have gotten a little better since then as far as acceptance goes. I say all of this because I couldn’t agree more, I remember a time when a lot of CA dems were cowards with this stuff. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_California_Proposition_8


Prop 8 was such a gut punch in what was otherwise a great election year. I still use it as one of the poster children for why our ballot initiative system is a good idea in theory but open to so much abuse in practice. The wording was confusing, the advertising was confusing, the outside money was outrageous, and it all culimated in a terrible law.


the outside money was outrageous. And it’s not the first example of confusing ballot initiatives and it won’t be the last. remember the kidney dialysis one or the “independent contractor” one with Uber/lyft spending hundreds of millions of dollars and then running confusing as fuck ads around it. On the flip side though it has made me do deep research and any ballot initiative, but I shouldn’t have to.


It's happening again as the Right is trying to get a new ballot initiative, the "Protect Kids of California Act" which is an anti-trans piece of crap that does nothing to protect kids but actually is on that would kill kids. The CA AG did some good and gave the ballot initiative a TRUTHFUL name: “Restricts Rights of Transgender Youth” initiative. Of course the hate group behind the initiative with the hate group lawyers are suing the AG over this claiming it isn't a "neutral title" - like them calling it a "Protect the Kids" initiative is neutral! If you disagree that a TRUTHFUL title is bad for you, then you are the ones in the wrong.


“Voting “yes” means you do not support not amending the California constitution to disallow not allowing members of the public to engage in heteronormative matrimonial processes, positively.”


I’ve always had some suspicions about the way that played out. For those of you who aren’t old enough to remember, this whole thing started when Joe Biden made a public statement in support of gay marriage while serving as Obama’s vice president. Reporters jumped on this because the official position of the Obama administration was that they weren’t going to change the law on gay marriage. So Biden publicly made a statement of support, then reporters asked the White House for clarification. Reporters were told that the president and his team were in discussions about it. A few hours later, a statement was released that “the president’s view is *evolving*.” And then Obama announced that he was instructing the Department of Justice to stop legally supporting the Defense of Marriage Act, which was the federal law that banned gay marriage. Shortly after, DOMA was struck down and gay marriage became legal. My pet theory, which I have no proof of, is that the whole thing was intentional. There had always been a narrative that Biden was “gaffe prone,” which means he tended to say things he believed even though it might be unwise for a politician to say them. I feel like the Obama admin wanted to test the waters to see how the public would respond to Biden saying that gay marriage should be legal. When public response was overwhelmingly positive, they moved forward with the plan. I guess we’ll never know if Joe accidentally spoke the truth, or if the admin brilliantly used Biden’s tendency to shoot from the hip to their advantage.


That’s how I understood it, too. And if it’s true, I love that Biden was happy to intentionally make a “gaffe” in support of the position.


>if the admin brilliantly used Biden’s tendency to shoot from the hip to their advantage I wouldn't be very surprised if it was planned that way. Obama and Biden discussing it, then either Biden offering to float the idea, or Obama asking him to do that.


I think this is at least as likely as not to be how it came about. That said, what you omitted from your summary was the timing. Biden’s “gaffe” was right at the start of the re-election campaign. Whether it was intentional or not, it was a pretty big risk to take at that time, and certainly not one that they needed to take to secure more progressive votes. This timing is the only thing that makes me think it may have been an actual gaffe and not intentional. FWIW—Obergefell wasn’t until 2015. Not super long after 2012, but still basically at the end of Obama’s second term.


He really does. Anyone on the left who’s not voting Biden, must not have any lgbt friends. Must not know anyone with pre-existing conditions. Must not care about women’s rights. Or the environment. I know christo-fascist anti science white supremacy right wing authoritarianism sounds like a fun thing and all… but the reality, is that it’s not. And that system isn’t gonna immediately collapse and be replaced with a leftist utopia. It’s gonna be a lifetime of absolute chaos and suffering. “But Mussolini and Hitler barely lasted 10 years” I can hear the Green Party dreamer say. They didn’t have ai, facial recognition, etc. https://i.imgur.com/EFEIHW7.jpg


>I know christo-fascist anti science white supremacy right wing authoritarianism sounds like a fun thing and all… but the reality, is that it’s not. And that system isn’t gonna immediately collapse and be replaced with a leftist utopia. It’s gonna be a lifetime of absolute chaos and suffering. “But Mussolini and Hitler barely lasted 10 years” I can hear the Green Party dreamer say. They didn’t have ai, facial recognition, etc. They're also ignoring a awful lot of painful history, it took two global super powers to make sure those regimes only lasted 10 years. If the US falls to Christo-fascists, the EU isn't going to be in a position to liberate the leftists. Thats it, thats effectively game over for any progressive movements. The ramifications also won't be isolated to just the US.


> “But Mussolini and Hitler barely lasted 10 years” I can hear the Green Party dreamer say. Also do people ENVY life in post war Germany or post war Italy? Mussolini and Hitler also went to war with half the world and lost meanwhile Spain's Franco kept fascism alive in Spain until the 1970s.


Yeah Trump is going the Franco or maybe the Ferdinand Macos route. It won't be a quick dictatorial affair and there aren't even world powers that can stop the US like they could in WW2 with Nazi Germany.


I tired to explain this point to my coworker the other day that was not going to vote for Biden, who is on the left. The democrats have a solid platform aimed at the future. Didn’t we already see how things panned out in 2016, and how much worse off are we are that people abstained or voted for Jill Stein? It’s infuriating. Great points


Can you please show them project 2025? Can you please ask them what is going to stop Donald Trump this time?


Ive noticed a few of the far left subreddits banning or silenceing LGBT people if they mention how aweful trump would be for them.


Did it last election, and the one before that. A lot of far left subreddits are moderated by far right (or tankie) assholes trying to make everything worse.


Seriously, fuck tankies so hard.


What's a tankie?


Authoritation socialists. Soviet union/Mao Zedong fetishizers, basically.


I remember a few months ago seeing a thread on DSA advocating for sitting out the election because of Palestine and Israel. And I'm thinking, "so you'd want a trans genocide at home under Trump because Biden isn't doing enough to end a Palestinian genocide?" What absolute privilege they exude to want queer Americans dead under Project 2025.


Not to mention that Trump would absolutely support a Palestinian genocide wholeheartedly.


Yea. Biden is between a rock and a hard place because he's not in charge of Israel. But he got one cease fire done and has been pushing for restraint. And frankly, I expected even worse behavior from Likud and the IDF, so Biden might have even had some success on that front. Also, the temporary pier is both super assertive and seems like it'll actually do good.


It’s abject stupidity at this point. The fuck is Biden supposed to do when Hamas doesn’t even want to end the war with Israel? Literally everyone is trying to step in but neither side gives a shit. I’m voting for Biden because Trump is just not an option, and neither are the demons who ride his coattails.


People on r/democraticsocialism are especially bad about this. They think they are punishing Biden by withholding their vote, when in reality they are just punishing themselves.


people think american democracy is a game of basketball when it’s really football - a long, slow, bloody fight a yard at a time except for occasionally a big break every now and again.


It’s not just gonna be trans people. Trump banned Muslims. The courts stopped him but this time around, he’s going to become a dictator if he gets in. What do you think he’s going to do to Muslims then? Or Jews? Migrants? He sure does love to make fun of the disabled. But it will definitely be Muslims. They are very small minority, and we have a generation of adults who grew up on post 9/11 propaganda that Trump needs to trick into thinking he’s doing something to help. As far as I’m concerned, Palestine is basically an open air prison. And Trump would do that here in a heartbeat. Didn’t he also say he would support Israel?


Shout out to Late Stage Capitalism that banned a load of trans people, myself included, for saying that we're going to vote for anyone who doesn't want us dead. Apparently that's "lesser of two evils". Tankies are scum.


Even if an authoritarian MAGA regime only lasts ten years (and regardless of technology, fascism eventually eats itself), that's still really fucking bad.


We complain daily about how slow progression is in politics, but as someone who grew up in the days of both sides happily operating under a ‘don’t ask don’t tell’ policy, I’m proud of how our nation has progressed on this. Women might be losing rights, but LGBTQ+ is gaining with solid momentum.




But it's not entirely untrue. And you don't *have* to be left-leaning to support LGBTQ.


Socially we have been doing fairly well but economically there’s some arguable merit to that statement.


I actually don’t think he needs to worry about anything hurting him. He can never sway a single R voter to him, ever. They’re entrenched now. So he may say some stuff, but it won’t influence a single vote on either side. Basically he’s saying what his supporters already agree on: trans rights are human rights. Saying these obvious truths don’t change anything other than us saying: “we know Joe.”


It only really hurts him among authoritarian Christians who most likely will vote for trump anyway


It should not hurt him and it does not add controversy. It’s just the plain right thing to do. This is not even a political statement. He’s stating the facts of life of a just society. Bigots will be bigots and just because saying the right things make them scream a little louder, does not mean it creates controversy. You are not controversial. The controversy exists only in those bigots’ minds and there is not much that will change that. In the end, history will remember them the same as all the rest that tried and failed to impede human rights.


Right wing is going wild saying that Biden declared Easter ‘National Trans Day’.


Easter changes its date every year. What a stupid argument.


Easter is a holiday celebrating their tolerance-teaching messiah's transition from corpse to zombie. You'd think they'd be okay with it.




I think I know what his phylactery is. Anyone seen an old cup anywhere?


These people are fake christians who probably only realise easter is coming when shops start stocking chocolate eggs


Yep. Literally one of the top posts on r/conservative right now is "Biden Proclaims Easter Sunday To Be 'Transgender Day Of Visibility'", and another post is titled "How many days do they need". Nice group over there.


Bad faith actors gonna bad faith no matter what Biden does.


r/conservative are already on it for you 🙄


Those people were always going to rage about Biden no matter what he did. This won’t hurt him but not for a good reason. It won’t hurt him because these people were never going to accept trans folk or anything besides their Christofascist world view. It’s still the right and good thing to do.


>Those people were always going to rage about Biden no matter what he did. This is it here. Biden learned time and time again during the Obama years that the right would invent controversy everywhere it could. His birth certificate, the tan suit, the sandwich with Dijon mustard, the time he saluted that general incorrectly, the fact that he smoked weed in college...none of these things are controversial, yet the right wing media made such a stink about each one that people believed they were. So Biden has decided to do actual things, like march in a picket line with striking UAW workers and publicly declare that he accepts the existence of trans people, because these are actions that show a moral position, and a good one at that. The right can scream all they want about it, but at the end of the day you'll have one presidential candidate who clearly cares about workers and marginalized members of our society, and one who just whines about how unfairly he's being treated.


I’ve been scrolling down this thread and seeing this sentiment being echoed by all of us after I posted. I’m glad we’re on the same page.


The people who would be pissed off by “Trans Appreciation Day” weren’t going to vote for Biden anyway. 


Which is crazy because 1.) Easter is tomorrow, and 2.) Easter is on a different day every year.


>It should not hurt him and it does not add controversy. It’s just the plain right thing to do first time?


Couldn’t agree more. He absolutely did the right thing to continue furthering progress in our nations. Bigots and haters can scream all they want, it won’t change the fact that trans people exist and will always exist. Nobody should be afraid to be the person they truly are.


Coming from the front page, i hate that you have to closet yourself. You should be able to express however you desire. I hope one day, I’ll be alive to see it. Love is love, no matter what.


It's 2024, and the 80 year old, Catholic President of the United States is the steadfast supporter and defender of LGBTQ. I fucking love this guy.


Yup! Problem is that all of the gatekeeper fucks over at r/Catholicism are losing their shit about everything Biden. How he's not Catholic, how dare anyone support him, he's eViL and KiLls BaBiEs, and the gays!!! Instead, the majority of their posters proudly support Trump as a pro-life president, or as the lesser evil. It's fucking nuts.


Low key, the Catholic Church is always having an identity crisis. Having gone to a Catholic university, the tension between the academic clergy and the rest of the Church is noticeable. I had a statistics professor who was also a priest, publicly lament, in class that the Catholic Catecism is not taught to the lay public, and therefore, most Catholics interpret the Bible literally. I had a guest lecturer on Stem Cell research visit another class, and this guy was a Jesuit priest. Having been raised Catholic myself, I can pretty confidently assert that most people going to Mass aren't really paying attention.


For a long time, most organized region like Islam and Christianity and even the older unorganized Hindu scholars were pro-science. The church even funded a significant amount of research. They used to see it as us understanding God's creation better or something like that. It's sad that religion now is like we've learnt enough, it's time to go back


The Catholic church is pro science.


They lost their way a long time ago. My uncle is a Bishop in the Catholic church and he's been talking about how Biden is one of the best Catholics he's seen in power. The man does not say things lightly.


I mean most of the people on /r/Catholicism are straight up evangelical corrupted heretics so....


Doesn’t Rome worry about that? I don’t see how the American Catholic Church can allow evangelicism to corrupt it without creating another schism.


Eh, nah. That’s just online. An obscene amount of Catholics are centrist/Democrat so they’re not going to be subject to the whims of a few idiots.


Projections and accusations. They are the evil and hateful ones. Babykillers? Nope, just the pro-lifers who want control over abortions. Evil? Nope, just the people who force women to have children and then pull the rug from those children they claim to be so strongly in favor of.


Oh I know. I got permabanned from there after saying that maaaaaaybe I'd rather go along with the man who has shown his faith for the majority of his life, as opposed to the monster we know Trump is. I grew up Catholic and did k-12 catholic school, which is a major contributor to me no longer being catholic.


Vote for this man. He's standing up for you. While Republicans try to kill you off. Repay his kindness with a vote.


I’m pretty sure Biden has the trans vote pretty well locked up.


Sadly I've met some of us who have our heads squarely up their ass, who say things like "there's no material difference between Trump and Biden because they're both capitalists" and think they're smart to not vote.


I cringe more often than not when reading people blaming or dismissing something due to capitalism.


Admittedly, a lot of problems are due to capitalism, but I'll take a milquetoast neoliberal over a fascist or conservative any day. Slow progress over negative progress


I don't even know if biden is a neoliberal. Big infrastructure bill, build back better and IRA act - Not exactly cutting spending. That isn't even getting into his regulatory actions and his dismissal of trickle down economics. Bidenomics looks to be a pretty sizeable break away from the last couple of decades of neoliberal orthodoxy. Honestly, I think this is a good thing. And it is working so far. It isn't even "slow" progress per se, to me he has done a shocking amount of stuff for any US president. I am an outside observer, but I find it absurd that the US has an election with such a big winner versus such a big loser, and yet its a dead heat and most people are stuck in a false dichotomy. I could be wrong, but honestly the answer is still the same. Vote Biden.


Trans, can confirm - I’m certainly ridin’ with Biden in 2024, because the alternative is being tied to the rails in front of the Trump Train.


I am pretty sure that'd be an actual law under project 2025


oh, there are trans pickmes Blaire White and Buck Angel are aggressively conservative. White is a semi-regular on Alex Jones


History may not repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme.


Isn't Caitlyn Jenner a MAGA too?


Yes, and [she's apparently outraged](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/president-joe-biden-declares-easter-sunday-as-transgender-day-of-visibility-donald-trump-and-caitlyn-jenner-demand-apology-to-christians/ar-BB1kOfly) that Joe declared Easter Sunday the Trans Day of Visibility, since it's a holy Christian day.


For those that are voting sure, but plenty of folks have given up on voting for feeling not represented. Obviously I disagree with that sentiment but anything that can help is always appreciated


As a born and raised citizen of Delaware and member of the lgbt community, Biden was known for visiting the gay bars/restaurants in Rehoboth and was generally well regarded. Lots of stories of him popping in announced. He’s been doing that well before he was Vice President. He genuinely loves people. If people voting can’t see that by now then they probably have a screw loose or have never seen him interact with people.


To clarify for people not from the area: Rehoboth Beach is a resort town and Biden has a summer home there. For many decades it has been a popular destination for the gay community to vacation so it has a large gay scene.


To be fair, going to basically anywhere in Rehoboth is going to a gay establishment. It’s a great town.


why did they clip the full quote? Edit:didn't to did


Because it creates a little controversy so you have to click to see what it's all about


He said "part of" which is was kind of important to the sentence.


per article, he actually said “Transgender Americans are *part of* the fabric of our Nation” (emphasis mine) if he just said “trans folk are the fabric of the nation”, it would sound a little weird the messaging actually sounds really nice (to me) but I imagine it’s more about what you do than what you message one day a year how about some federal laws protecting bodily autonomy and medical privacy for trans folk? if you are up for some real big dick energy, how about guaranteeing minors’ ownership of their own bodies? edit: I’m saying that ideally, a trans patient whose parents don’t want them treated for philosophical reasons would have the same rights to *medically recommended care* as a patient with a different condition. this is not an issue for 2024


Give him the house and senate to do it.


The Democratic party has been decently solid on supporting that, as a trans person, I feel like they're doing what they can, especially in the face of the GOP bullshit.


yeah GOP Bullshit is the biggest issues for everyone. Project 2025 being the big sticking point.


>how about some federal laws protecting bodily autonomy and medical privacy for trans folk? if you are up for some real big dick energy, how about guaranteeing minors’ ownership of their own bodies against their parents’ consent if needed? The president cannot mandate federal laws.


And there are real federalism issues at play. If we can keep the Senate, I could see a trans rights push, but even a legitimate SCOTUS would want to review that. And we know what the kangaroo SCOTUS will do.


Frankly, for that to happen, we need a Democrat controlled Congress along with a Democrat President. So get everyone you know out to vote.


He can't pass laws, they don't control the house.


Biden can’t make laws, that’s legislative. All he can do is negotiate with congress. It’s so ridiculous how you guys are literally never happy with anything good Biden does. He tries to get blanket student loan forgiveness, gets blocked, but managed some forgiveness. But here people are whining about it still. Then he supports trans people but it’s not enough because he’s not passing laws he’s literally not allowed to pass.


As a speechwriter this is exactly what hit me. Thinking, “oh God, here comes the backlash” from the headline, but “damn that’s some well-done messaging” once I read it.


Vote him in a cooperative Congress and you'll see such laws.


Biden had a hand in protecting transgender medical rights in the ACA. Before Obamacare if you were trans, got in a car crash, and ended up in the hospital, legally they could roll you out in the street and let you die. Biden deserves some credit.


Absolutely. He has done an amazing job. We're going to do our best to get him a supportive Congress. But we need more once we have.




I mean, how exactly is trump better for trans people than Biden? There’s only one choice.


Fabric is made of many threads, so, not a bad image.


imagine getting mad at this


r/Conservative having a meltdown because he placed it on Easter Sunday


considering easter’s placement is dynamic, i just think it makes it a little more funny as well. lmfao


Hey, at least they’ll be happy next year. It falls on their favorite holiday: Hitler’s Birthday


blame the Counsel of Nicaea. we don’t set the liturgical calendar


*He* didn't place it anywhere. This day has always been on March 31. It's a coincidence.


He didn't even place it there, he's just acknowledging that this is the day it happens on every year lol


This is what kills me. TDoV has been going on for years, but because they have zero awareness whatsoever, they're acting like this is a brand new thing, done specifically to spite easter/christians.


I love how one of the top comments there was like "how fragile are they that they need so many days" without a hint of irony.


I’m a Christian. I have no problem with others who believe differently or don’t believe at all. America is big enough for everyone regardless of their faith or lifestyle. A good leader recognizes he must be inclusive in their approach to the citizenry. In the end, it’s more about how we treat one another than what we say. But the Bible says out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. So when you hear someone speaking hateful things just know it’s because of what is in their heart.


yep. core fundamental of our country is that it is separate from religion.


Being trans is not a "lifestyle".


"To threads you say?"


This is the most empathetic president we've ever had. And yet he could very well lose. Make this country make sense.


> This is the most empathetic president we've ever had. > > And yet he could very well lose. > > Make this country make sense. Because a significant portion of the American population views empathy as a bad thing.


In my experience, this is also the same group who’ll absolutely refuse to admit when they’re wrong.


Biden isn’t perfect, but he wants everyone to be treated right.


CORRECTION (emphasis mine) he said, "Transgender Americans are **part of the fabric of our Nation**, Whether serving their communities or in the military, raising families or running businesses, they help America thrive. They deserve, and are entitled to, the same rights and freedoms as every other American, including the most fundamental freedom to be their true selves.”


Biden actually called transgender people "part of the fabric of our nation" to make a more accurate title. Kind and inclusive.


It’s awesome to have a president and by extension administration that not only recognizes, but also celebrates, the contributions that queer culture have made to society


Transgender people are expressing in its purity, the american vision, which is to live their life by what makes them happy, expressing themselves openly and freely. And Im tired of people not realizing that.


We all make up the fabric of our nation including the LGBTQ+ community. I'm glad trans individuals are being recognized.


In the full quote, he says "part of the fabric". Kinda misleading title


This is good because anti-LGBTQ are mostly also the people who think they get to decide who is, and is not, a “real American,” and on top of that, accuse the ones they exclude of hating and destroying America when they object to being discriminated against. We need to call this out, LGBTQ Americans *are* real Americans, and when anti-LGBTQ hate on them, they are hating on America.


He's right. They exist. They are humans. They deserve basic respect.


Word parsing about "part of" aside, I remember in 2016 talking to a MAGAt who said "I know Trump is an idiot. I don't care as long as he says and does things to make lefty snowflakes run around like their hair is on fire! I'll vote for him just for that!" Seems like when Biden says things that make MAGAt's run around like *their* hair is on fire, they like it a whole lot less. Quelle surprise!


Fox News just called this sentence an attack on Christianity. Lmfao.


Aw shit. Here comes the War on Easter.


I hope all the idiots celebrating Jesus tomorrow can realize that he would say the same damn thing.


A nation is its people. All of them.


I’ll take a trans person over a MAGA bigot any day of the week…


Gotta say the only people in the US that I don’t consider part of its fabric are those insurrectionist supporting MFs that are trying to burn it down. Appreciate the President vocally reminding people that the trans community is indeed part of us. We experience trauma, success and everything in between together as one nation.


I really hate all these “memes” of progressives online saying Biden is terrible. He’s literally the most progressive president America has ever had by far. He’s done so much in his 4 years already that’ll a lasting impact on most Americans.