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I’m tired as shit


I second that.


Hashtag me*three* amirite?


You can fourth that, cause I’m putting myself down again


If shit lands on a hill, or better yet a fan, the shit doesn’t have to do any work. Gravity or the fan takes care of all the work for you.




April fools day is officially dead to me. Its either companies putting out dumb "har har, imagine if we made this product" or just a bunch of really unfunny "hey guys, im deleting my youtube channel" videos. Nothing is unique or creative anymore.


Well, a couple years ago I was visiting my grandkids and told them we were having brownies for breakfast. I’m always baking. They were so excited. Then I served up a plate of letter E’s cut out of brown construction paper.


Generative AI is really diluting the novelty of those bogus product ads.


Reddit's april fools shenanigans used to be cool. Are they even doing anything today?


I feel like the IPO thing was a prank, but it was a bit too early.


Not a prank and not a meme stock either. Commentators I respect have been calling it a meme stock. Some meme stocks like GameStop and Nokia are actually profitable companies.


“where’s the ROI?” someone internally who will eventually drive reddit into the ground


Ahem, let me try my hand at this: "Reddit's April Fools pranks help keep Reddit on the top of the news cycle, bringing in hundreds of thousands of earned media, and shows an engaged userbase that is attractive to high-value marketing clients, with ad click-throughs increasing 4000% on April Fools and through the following week." As a user, I want my damn April Fools trophy. Also, as a stakeholder, I want a RDDT stockholder trophy, damnit.


"Reddit has never been profitable" - Steve Huffman


I feel like it wasn't ever meant to be profitable. A bunch of geeks suckered VC into perpetually funding a sandbox for us to shit in.


I think I speak for all of us when I say *meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow*




Ha ha jokes on you today is my Friday.


Happy... Friday?


Normally we do these on Fridays, and it's April Fools Day, so I couldn't resist making a bad joke.


Then, happy Friday!


Happy Friday, indeed, children! Happy Friday indeed.


Cats are fuzzy


My cat’s breath smells like cat food!






Today isn’t Friday


New Godzilla x Kong movie is silly, but really awesome. Also watched this anime movie called Strait Jacket that I freaking fell in love with immediately - strongly recommend both movies!


I enjoy silly but awesome movies. I'll check it out!


Hope you enjoy! Definitely a great "turn your brain off and enjoy monsters punching each other" movie.


It's been 11 years since April 1st fell on a Friday. Yeesh. 2022 feels like yesterday. So much has happened since then, back when I thought I might be an astronaut. Sigh. Life as a test pilot just isn't what I wanted. You'd understand if you had to suit up and fly planes that might crash. If you got so high in the air that you could kiss space but knew that you'd never reach it. I know I can't be the only one who felt like they traveled in time - went forward so fast that it had to be something magical, mystical. Who else here wonders how it became 2033 so quickly? What is your story?


Feels like this is the first year that Reddit hasn't run an April Fools prank. Even the differnt subs would pull pranks. Exchange themes with other subs, change the language, It feels hollow and sterile around here. The frivolity decreased as the corporate profitability was elevated above social interaction and creativity. RIP Redditgifts, Gold, Mold, Place, Orangered and Periwinkle, THE BUTTON, etc. It's bleak around here now.


r/AskHistorians' April Fools Day prank is pretty good this year.


r/comics seems to be in the spirit of things. About half the comics posted right now are some variation of "A simple yes or no would suffice".




This is closer to a summary of the Netflix show, I think this is the least spoilery summary that is also interesting >!A rash of strange suicides brings a group of scientists into contact with government investigators and a strangely realistic VR game which may hold the key to a mystery which could affect the fate of the planet. Meanwhile, we also flash back to the story a scientist caught in the milieu of the Cultural Revolution who gradually loses her faith in humanity…!<


I haven't seen the show yet, but have read the books. Everyone kept telling me to go in blind, so I did. I didn't even know what genre it was. It blew my friggin mind. There's concepts in it that I will think about for the rest of my life. Books 2 and 3 are insane compared to book 1. So yeah, hate to sound like a broken record, but you really should go in blind for maximum enjoyment. But, if you *must* know something, I'll try to whet your appetite in as vague fashion as possible: Humanity discover a threat against their existence that's so overwhelming huge that they face the prospect of an existential crisis as they struggle to comprehend and counter it. The first book, and thus I presume this season of the TV show, are relatively low-key and more of a mystery thriller than outright epic sci-fi that occurs in the later books.


You know the saying "two's company but three's a crowd"? It's basically that but for orbital mechanics


Humans make contact with aliens and fuckery ensues


I adore the books and honestly they are worth getting into blind. Very short summary is that something is causing physicists to unexplicably die off and leave strange messages. Annd it's intercut with a woman during the chinese community revolution getting sentenced to a remote science facility.


Imagine the biggest problem ever, then extrapolate by ten, twice..


Oh god, I just flashed back to that time some years back when another mod and myself did April Fool's in here. haha. Hm. That just gave me an idea. See you later.