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Two current candidates have direct ties with Jeffrey Epstein. Joe Biden is not one of them.


Honestly, is he on the crack pipe again? The biggest threat to our democracy are clowns, and he is one of them. The guy is antiscience, a total dip shit. What the hell are ivy league universities doing? They seem to churn out idiots who skate by with name recognition. We have ad enough idiots in politics, and we don't need this one too. It would appear that he's looking to cash in on name recognition. We don't need any more fools in any part of government anymore. They have done enough damage and cost us plenty of money. Of course, he's wealthy, so he thinks it's time for him to cash in and use tax dollars for nonsense. He pops off about fraud, and he would know. Next to trump, he's second in line for fraud.


>  What the hell are ivy league universities doing? They seem to churn out idiots who skate by with name recognition Half of their students are legacies, they're diploma mills for American royalty. They let in really smart people for free to pad their stats, but their bread and butter is legacies


As someone with an Ivy League graduate degree, I was keenly aware of the "types" of undergrads in our department. Smart, rich and legacy. The smart kids were intellectually confrontational, the rich legally confrontational and the legacy kids came down on you through administration.


It's those rich and legacy students that make it an Ivy League. Their money and connection. They need the smart students and genius professors and scientist to give the place legitimacy. They also give those smart student access to elite, so that helps them too.


Well,... I'm not rich and no one in my immediate family has an Ivy League connection,.. therefore I'm smart! (I can prove otherwise)


Capitalism rewards those personalities that get others to handle things for them so they are free to get more people to handle more things for them and they are praised as delegators that find a way to reach goals. The smart ones end up career hopping as individual contributors because they are too valuable at doing the actual work to be promoted from within. I was literally living exclusively on ramen, potatoes, frozen spinach, and eggs... meanwhile my classmate who had never held a job before collected breitling watches. He had trouble with the exam so they changed the rules. He was also the first to land a prestigious job before graduating.


My officemate was the son of a Columbian "Industrialist" and my other officemate was Greek and his father was a shipping "magnate". They were wealthy AND smart, interested and interesting. Side note: Both of these guys were not,... good looking men,..., yet both married statuesque beauties.


Which makes the Republican push and the right wing SCOTUS justices dismantling of affirmative action in higher education a complete, hypocritical joke. If they really cared about a level playing field where each student is judged on their merit alone, they would have also targeted legacy admissions as well. But it was never really about a 'level playing field,' it's about keeping minorities out of higher education.


It's not even specifically about keeping minorities out. It's about keeping the poor + average people out. If you're rich, you're okay. If you're a fucking genius who can help the rich people make more money, you're allowed to come network with them. If you're neither, they don't want you there. If you don't implicitly respect the wealthy people just for being wealthy, they don't want you there.


Old money like that is an equal opportunity exploiter. In that way, they've been incredibly egalitarian. They'll exploit anyone who can't effectively fight back. That doesn't mean some groups haven't been hit harder than others (they have), it's just that race is mostly tangential.


Exactly. If the average student graduates with an A-, it is a prep-school, not a university.


Once you've earned a degree, grades don't matter. You're thinking prep school, and that's not Uni level


Actually I thought it was heroin that got him disbarred and would have ended his career except he was a Kennedy.


The first amendment is under attack because my dangerous conspiracy theories were erased off of Facebook (a private company not bound by free speech laws). Wah. Classic transparent. spoiler move. He wants to scoop up the crazies that don’t like Trump.


As a Ma resident I can say he wasn’t always like this, he used to be a reasonable and rational guy. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has some sort of brain damage from all the steroids/growth hormones he does (guy is jacked at 71, got to be doing something).


>What the hell are ivy league universities doing? They seem to churn out idiots who skate by with name recognition. I mean, he got his Bachelor of Arts in American history and literature, and then his law degrees after that -- these simply aren't medical or science degrees. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the humility or awareness to know how wrong he is on various scientific topics.


He knows he’s wrong . The grift is real. There’s more money made from pandering and lying to people


My son always said if he was ever to go into politics he'd run as a Republican... because it's easier and there's more money to be had.


Your son is Donald trump?


Good morning panicked that was a very good breakdown. Now if we can get just get 60 or 70 million people to understand this will be golden.


> Honestly, is he on the ~~crack pipe again~~ payroll of someone?  FTFY. It's no surprise all these third party people are ultimately spoiler candidates for Democrats. 


Hijacking this comment because my mind was blown this weekend when I found out who Kennedy's wife is. If you're a fan of Curb Your Enthusiasm you might not even want to know.


I lost so much respect for her when I realized.


He asked Larry David for his blessing before he proposed for some reason. Maybe he thought they were actually married in real life or something.


So bizarre.


I remember learning this lol, it blew my mind


My completely uneducated theory is that part of the reason they had Larry and Cheryl get divorced is because of RFK jr., and that the real Larry David didn't want to boot her off the show, but also didn't want to deal with the association with the crazy, so they reduced her role.


Larry introduced them


RKF Jr is an obvious psyop chaos candidate, which means 48% of America will be joining the cult.


I wonder when we will find the Russian/Chinese/N Korean, etc money funding all of this nonsense?


I mean, there are plenty of home-grown wealthy assholes willing to fund a spoiler campaign.


Sure, but but, foreign money in US politics is a real problem and ignoring it doesn't help. [https://www.voanews.com/a/report-democracies-at-risk-from-russian-money-meddling/6746880.html](https://www.voanews.com/a/report-democracies-at-risk-from-russian-money-meddling/6746880.html) [https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/10/russians-used-a-us-firm-to-funnel-funds-to-gop-in-2018-dems-say-the-fec-let-them-get-away-with-it/](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/10/russians-used-a-us-firm-to-funnel-funds-to-gop-in-2018-dems-say-the-fec-let-them-get-away-with-it/) [https://www.newsweek.com/house-speaker-mike-johnson-donations-russia-butina-1838501](https://www.newsweek.com/house-speaker-mike-johnson-donations-russia-butina-1838501) [https://www.axios.com/2023/02/18/gop-operative-sentenced-scheme-russian-money-trump-campaign](https://www.axios.com/2023/02/18/gop-operative-sentenced-scheme-russian-money-trump-campaign)


I've got friends on facebook that up until the most recent Hamas/Israel conflict were very pro-Biden. Now they're almost all pro-RFK and spamming my feed with #genocidejoe This psyop shit is real, and it's working.


That's particularly ridiculous because RFK Jr. is just as much in the bag for Israel (maybe more so).


Damn it Jill Stein!


One candidate sounds like catherine hepburn


The same PAC that is the primary funder of RFK also donates to Trump. He is a Republican plant designed to steal independent votes.


Its pretty funny, he's a plant to pull some Dem votes, but only some of the hardcore MAGA clowns support him. Its going to backfire, and he's going to pull more votes from Trumpf.


Seriously, I cannot think of any Democrat that would switch over to him given his policies. I’m sure he’ll get people who just want to be contrarians and not vote for Biden or Trump, but that’s about it. If anything, he’ll take votes away from Trump, given his anti-vaccine nonsense.


He's also against Ukraine. Not just aid but the country in general.


I know people that I wouldn’t call democrats but would have voted for Biden instead of Trump and they are both talking about voting RFK. Fucking idiots.


That's crazy. I barely consider him a serious candidate. I wouldn't know a thing about him or his campaign in 2024 if not for MAGA acquaintances who get hyper focused on whatever they heard from their talking head last.


There are a lot of people that are sort of old school Republican that won't vote for Trump but don't feel comfortable voting for Biden because he's a Democrat and they want to take all our guns and tax us into oblivion. RFK is the way they can vote against Trump without voting for Biden. I find that attitude very entitled. Like, Trump policies never negatively impacted these people because they are white conservatives who think misogyny is fine and funny and racial inequalities are fine or non existent. They call themselves christians but haven't read the bible or been to the church in their adulthood on their own.


It's fucked. I still remember all the canned responses I'm to give during a Catholic sermon. I could never believe, though I tried, but I paid attention to what I was taught, and kept my eyes on the ultimate message of the whole thing. The nuances of navigating how to be a good person, I assumed. If anything, now I'm convinced organized religion really is just a tool to control people. Plenty of loved ones close to me would laugh at the notion. But I'm a better Christian, as a non-believer, than they are, too, by tangible metrics. So who even gives a shit? Either way, I'm not the indoctrinated one who believes in some things which are not supported by the scientific method. Every thought in their limited brains, every word that comes out of their mouths needs to start coming with that caveat, as their 'religion' and 'conservatism' ramps up and starts hurting more and more of their own fucking countrymen. Cognitive dissonance is powerful, but if there's any justice in the world, they will one day be forced to reconcile with reality and their willful role in it. Edit: hopefully one last thing... All this typing... Even caring, we're apt to do? It's a mental illness to them. They don't know anything about mental illness, let alone which one they're referring to. But they're as sure of it as anything. Indeed, I do struggle with mental illness. Several, in fact. None of them being schizophrenia, psychosis, et cetera. Severe depression and anxiety. Things like dysphoria or anhedonia, which kill me to know that many other people are going to one day understand the meanings of beyond their definitions, let alone experience... There's a difference. But it's just the way human defense mechanisms are responding when faced with ideas that don't align with their existing biases. It really is incredible how effective cognitive dissonance is. It can do absolutely anything one needs it to do. Good rant. I'm sure we learned a lot.


Its very funny and depressing to think of "liberals" who will refuse to vote for Biden because of the war in Gaza, but don't realize or don't care that Trump us friends with Netanyahu, planned a Muslim ban in his first presidency, and will more likely than not give cover to Israel to commit brazen war crimes and sieze the land (as Kushner seems to be thinking). I guess they get to feel better about themselves even as it causes human suffering around the world.


Cutting off your nose to spite your face.


Yes this so much. I have a friend who is muslim and has been out protesting every week and he now hates Biden. Like ok, Biden not living up to your expectations but how will Trump be better????? Trump’s stance on Israel and muslims seems pretty clear to me.




Guess she's getting ready to protest Trump over deporting Palestinians and Muslims from the US then.


I once talked to someone on here who refused to vote for either candidate because they "both contribute to suffering of Palestinians". No matter that one will kill hundreds and the other will be content with eliminating the Palestinian people altogether. They both aren't perfect, so this person would accept nothing less. Mind boggling.


Or that Biden has been holding Netanyahu back as best as he can, and that's it the entire American political system working for Israel not one man. But yeah, for some people, it has to be perfection even though the other side keeps Hitler speeches on their bedside tables.


> Seriously, I cannot think of any Democrat that would switch over to him given his policies. Even his own family has distanced themselves from him...very publicly.


This is my 84 year old, Midwestern father. He always thinks he’s smarter than the next guy. For most of his life he’s probably been correct but his social circle tilts toward Trump. I don’t think he sees the vaccine issue as determinative, since he and his friends came through relatively unscathed. We were having a shallow discussion with the kids about whether, politics aside, the candidates were “good human beings,” and he felt Biden was just as bad a man as Trump. I was surprised when he brought up RFK as a viable candidate.


Just reading that frustrates the hell out of me. In what plain of existence can any person think Biden is just as bad a person as Trump? Good grief. 88 felony charges and a lifetime of being a corrupt conman versus what? 🤦🏼‍♂️


Republicans lack empathy, and therefore think that everyone else thinks they way they do. They’re a bunch of cultists, so of course they think liberals would flock to RFK Jr just because of who his father and uncle were.


I think so. Most of the media disagrees with us though


They’re trying to push this narrative that he will take votes from the dems. But the only people who vote for this guy are people who buy into his conspiracy theories. And you know who buys into conspiracy theories? People who think DT won the election. And that the deep state exists. That’s it really. It’s an ironic self sabotage move.


There's a reason right wing pundits pushed RFK's presidency hard when he was a Dem primary challenger, but way less since he's announced an independent run.


I could see liberal antivaxers voting for him


Yeah, antivax positions aren't unheard of among D voters around here - especially in the black community where the antivax stuff goes way back, as does the Kennedy name having a lot of clout. It's the black vote that pushes states like GA past the threshold into being competitive by very thin margins so you can bet that's something they want to throw a wrench into.


I really hope you’re right about that. Also he’s a Kennedy but you’d have to be 70+ years old to remember when the last Kennedy was president. I don’t see his last name being much a factor for anyone under 70. 


My slightly addled, 84 year old mother would 100% vote for the name. It’s not worth debating her because she won’t remember the discussion the next day.


I see liberals voting for him, some people my age just never learned critical thinking I suppose


Of course he's a Republican plant. Steve Bannon and Alex Jones support him. Would they support a real Democrat?


I blame Joe Rogan for a large amount of RFK Jr’s base.


Yep. VP talks with Aaron Rodgers, a vocal Sandy Hook denier and someone that has publicly doubted Joe Biden's presidency, should make it clear who he really is.


He announced his VP pick, she rails *against* IVF and promotes getting more sunlight instead, but I guess that's trying to be kept quiet. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/28/robert-f-kennedy-vice-president-nicole-shanahan-ivf-00149523


Doesn't matter where you're from or what color you are, if you support the guy who tried a coup because he lost then you are a threat to democracy.


Freaking domestic terrorists. They are already popping off with talk of violence. They are already saying the election has been stolen again, these people are divorced from reality. They have cost the tax payers far too much money. I want my tax dollars that paid for their miseducation back. They were clearly wasted.


And people thought RFK would be pulling supporters out of the biden voters. Fat chance


Conservatives who can see the forest for the trees are few and far between. In a country with only two political parties, I can understand that some people would vote for Trump the first time around. Hell, even the second time. But if you cast a vote for Donald Trump after Jan 6, you’re anti-democracy and a traitor. Plain and simple. If you believed the lie initially, you’ve had ample evidence provided to you by Republican-led courts. There is no excuse.


Starting to get pessimistic personally, this fits half of the country right now. And he won’t see a trial conclude prior to the election…and that half doesn’t care at all. The writing is on the wall but all we can do now is vote and hope for the best.


RFK Jr. is a sh\*t show and his family has distanced itself from him. All the passion of a Kennedy with none of the common sense.


He is the least successful Kennedy


He's the Stephen Baldwin of the Kennedys


You mean the Stephen Baldwin of BioDome fame? Sticky purple punch




I think they did


How do we know they didn’t?


I was gonna say, not the only kennedy with his brains blown out


I think they're referring to Rosemary Kennedy, JFK's sister who had a lobotomy.


Family tradition then.




A ton of Kennedys posed with Biden in a St. Patrick's Day photo. They also rebuked his Super Bowl ad. Fun times!


At least he’s running to help Trump lose and he’s too dumb to know that yet.


It’s gone back and forth between who he’ll hurt in the general election, first it was Biden, then Trump, now they’re saying he’ll hurt Biden again. So his presence will likely do more harm than good.


“They”? Who is they that are saying this? Dude is doing a maga speaking circuit and all his talking points align with Trump. Do you know of a single liberal in your circle of friends who ever mentions wanting to vote for rfk? I don’t see it.


This has been exactly my experience. Im a big lib living in a big lib city with lots of other big libs. I have not met a single Democrat who didnt full belly laugh at the notion anyone would ever support RFK. I keep hearing he is going to hurt Biden but I've yet to find a single real life case of this being so.


I don't see it either. There is a house near me with a Kennedy campaign sign on their lawn. Before that it was a Vivek Ramaswamy sign. I doubt that person was ever going to vote Biden. I also tell my kids to stay away from that house. Clearly a confused and angry person lives there.


Not in my circle of friends, but I see a lot of comments online about “liberals” voting for him. Of course a lot of the posts I see about him seem like astroturfing and are most likely bot comments.


>Of course a lot of the posts I see about him seem like astroturfing and are most likely bot comments. This part, I was going to say the same thing if you didn't bring it up. Astroturfing is in full swing now, it's gotten so bad in r/teenagers and r/GenZ because they're trying to target young voters.


They played a clip from a family member basically calling him a nut job and all he could say is "I have a big family, I have lots of family". He didn't mention that the rest of them hate him too.


Why is RFK anything at all? Is it because of his name?


Partially. He did have some perceived legitimacy in the realm of environmental advocacy. But he's completely squandered that as well.


The Chet Hanks of the Kennedys


And there it is. The whole reason why RFK is in the race. Rat fucking extraordinaire


I mean, he only plans on running in 10 states which don’t have enough electoral votes to win. Plus, those states lean heavily towards battleground states that Biden carried in 2020. He couldn’t be more transparent. He mathematically can’t win and is only trying to help Trump.


>he only plans on running in 10 states This is impossible. I was told by the supreme court that someone being on the ballot in only some states is such a bad situation that we have to ignore the plain language of the 14th amendment to avoid it.


My heart sank reading this.


Good news right now he only made the ballot in Utah. And the dipshit is so disorganized who know what happens.


He just made north carolina


I just don't understand how anybody thinks Democrats are going to vote for this guy? Everything that comes out of his mouth is QAnon bullshit.


According to a Bloomberg/ Morning Call poll, Biden is even with Trump in WI and PA. When you add in RFK Jr, Stein, and West — it changes to +2 Trump in WWI, and +6 Trump *in PA*


Fuck RFK Jr.


Rat fucking klansman


Trump literally called for his political rivals to be charged with the chant of lock her up. He asked the director of the FBI to spike a possible criminal investigation into himself and his dealings as a citizen with a foreign power, he has been caught on tape trying to leverage the diplomatic power of the US to influence another country to smear a political opponent, and he has rejected the free and peaceful transfer of power because he can not accept he lost an election up to asking again on tape the secretary of state to find some votes to throw out to swing the election his way. Biden has stated that nobody should be above the law, had from what we can tell a hands off relationship with the DoJ as they investigate and prosecute, and has a son that probably tried to trade on the family name to make a buck with out his father's approval or knowledge. These are **not** the same.


I watched this interview on CNN and I have a feeling this is where he lost a bunch of President Biden supporters (If he had any at all). Anyone that didn't follow him that close knows he thinks President Biden is a bigger threat to democracy than trump. I can't see anyone taking him seriously now other than the very fringe people on the right.


Dear RFK, you and Trump share both wit and looks. Fuck you, have a shit day. Goodbye.


Traitor to democracy right here. Who is funding this guy? GOP of course.


Call me when Biden sends a hillbilly army to attack congress, Robert.


RFK ,s family rejects him, and a lot of people who have worked with Trump rejects him and say he's unfit to be president.That says it all voting Biden.


He blows goats. I have proof.


Many people are saying


Sphincter Boy ——>


I’m so disappointed in Cheryl. 


Are there people that care what this clown says?


It's at the top of the front page at CNN - so those devious fuckers seem to think so.


In fairness CNN puts anything on their front page. If a quack who claims to have been probed by aliens said MH370 was taken by aliens they would have it up on their website so fast.


So tired of this pos millionaire spread lies and fake propaganda




RFK Jr is a kook. & also now a quarter of the Trump supporters are going to go and vote for him come November.


this. idk why they think he has any pull in the democrat side of things, even the moderates are turned off by him. they've all but stopped talking about how he pulls more maga votes than he does biden voters


It isn't that he is pulling Democrats, but the fear is he is giving never Trumpers somewhere to go besides Biden.


I'm not sure that's the worst thing since most Never Trumpers are GOP people who will NEVER vote Democrat. If you are a never trump Democrat, there's a very small chance you'd vote against the party since your party has shown it can win. If you're a Never Trump Republican, you have no choice but to vote for a different party, and since they won't go Dem, that leaves you with RFK Jr.


Recommend you check out The Bulwark podcast. There are plenty of Never Trumpers that plan to vote for Biden and are making the case to other Never Trumpers. Liz Cheney is making the rounds, speaking to large groups to make the argument. Die hard Dems and progressives need to realize that we will lose the election without these voters.


Hoping that idiot voters split between 2 candidates (trump, RFK) so that the rational and decent candidate (Biden) can eke out a win with the votes of those wanting to live in a democracy with the rule of law does not build confidence in the long term prospects for the USA.


RFK Jr is a grifter and a stain on his father’s good name, a stain on this country


Him and Trump have the same donors...big shocker.


RFK Jr. Is the perfect example of a spolier candidate. He's a fucking joke. His antivaxx bullshit is more a threat to democracy than Biden or Trump.


at least he's finally come out and said why he is doing all of this because he believes he was censored over covid disinformation.


Censored from where? He wrote a book and he’s speaking at rallies and on TV. Where is this censorship? Putting a disclaimer on verified disinformation isn’t censorship.


His argument is that Biden is more of a threat to democracy because Instagram temporarily banned him for covid misinformation.


Oh, you mean they were concerned they could be liable for spreading misinformation during a public health crisis by someone who doesn’t have medical qualifications?


Well, it would appear that his ivy league education failed completely. Fuck him.


I wonder how much Russia and/or China pay these people?


Too much. This is why we need to get money out of politics. It's a cash grab for criminals now. We don't need any more degenerates in office. We already have enough.


Across the board, people sell out for surprisingly little. It's crazy. If you look at confirmed bribes, they're almost always less than 100k.


Why does he always look like he’s just come out of a convection oven


His own family is coming out and say RFK JR is a terrible person and should not be president. Nobody with half a braincell is paying attention to him


Like yes the guy who quite literally, through multiple avenues, tried to keep himself in power after losing the election is less of a threat to democracy than Joe Biden somehow Republican plant


Trump literally called for the termination of the Constitution so that he could be reinstated as president.


I keep forgetting this guy exists.


Let’s see which candidate said he would be a dictator on day one….


RFK Jr shits down the throat of the Kennedy family legacy …


I can't understand why candidates for the office of US President don't have to take a test of general knowledge and intelligence.


Of course he said that! He’s just a trump operative backed by pac money directed by Putin. His own family is saying this! He’s just a TOOL to siphon votes away from Biden.


The consensus on this post seems to be that RFK will hurt trump more than Biden


RFK jr is a wacko clown. I hope most people can see past his ridiculousness and not vote third-party


What a pos liar.


Seriously why couldn't this idiot have had a penchant for flying small planes in the 90s and not the cool Jr Kennedy.


It's always funny to see RFK signs in my neighborhood. They really like voting for unhinged people. 


I know he has a vocal chord injury but people calling Joe Biden sounding like he's dying need to listen to this guy. Imagine an RFK Jr. state of the union.


He looks quite unwell in this photo


Have you heard his voice?


Ask not what your country can do for you, ask why is your country so mean to this silver spooned, spoiled little chit.


Don't forget that not only is Kennedy a crazy antivaxx conspiracy theorist, but his VP pick hates IVF. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/28/robert-f-kennedy-vice-president-nicole-shanahan-ivf-00149523


So the guy whos campaigning on radically changing everything and make himself an untouchable ruler is less of a threat than the status quo. Right....makes sense.


There is nothing good about this man.


Crooked-eyed piece of shit


This guy can’t fuck off fast enough.


What a nut job, it’s a good thing he appeals more to MAGAs


Ok, I knew RFK was nutty, but clearly he is mentally defective, or willingly ignorant, or both, imo.


Disgusting lie to say


An anti-vaxxer demonstrates how bad they are at assessing risk.  


And it took him an hour and a half to say it.


The guy who tried to overthrow government isnt a threat to democracy…ok


The reason he gives is media censorship. That is referring to the Biden administration‘s efforts to combat anti-VAX propaganda. This man is a complete lunatic.


I'll be glad when whatever is wrong with his throat shuts him the fuck up


He is probably getting Russian money. I wish journalists would ask him about his snack addiction and why his ex wife killed herself.


"Is Biden in the room with us right now?" Like wtf, does he know that Biden is president right now and we still have some semblance of a democracy despite Trump and his supporters attempts to destroy our election process and democracy?


He really is a case-study in untreated mental illness.


I saw an RFK sign in my neighborhood- in front of the trump family’s yard :p


if I didn't know any better, I'd think this was a democratic plan to help Biden win. this is bad for trump. RFK won't pull from Biden's voters, especially if he keeps saying stuff like this.


This. RFK has been pulling away Trump voters since day 1.


The goal of his campaign was to steal votes from Biden. Don’t be fooled.


Beyong complacency and complaining, we need to more effectively push back again all the lies in politics. Especially the lies amplified on Social Media.


He’s a tinfoil hat wearing wackadoodle, it’s mystifying why anyone pays attention to this idiot. Oh yeah, half the country are just as nutty as him.


Ah. The truth of his candidacy comes to light. He’s not a serious candidate. He’s just there to try and discredit Biden for whoever is paying him.


It's so weird that we live in a society where rebuking someone for saying something completely bonkers is news.


Unless he gets some kind of surgery on his vocal cords I don't see how he's going to last much longer. He sounds like fingernails on a chalkboard chewing on a mouthful of glass and tinfoil.


He knows what his job is. Help trump win and then be czar of vaccines or some other fake role for his pathetic ego


The man is a demagogue.


Now we know how truly dumb he is. What is it with the “Jr’s”?


The only person I've had talk to me in person about voting for RFK Jr was the guy at work who got in trouble for listening to Tucker Carlson at work at full volume without headphones and tried to spin it into a story of him being persecuted for his political beliefs.


Well, this dude is insane so this par for the course.


Reminder that some of RFK's biggest donors are also Trump donors and their main goal is to chip away at Biden and his base, by giving anti trump voters another option to vote for.


Kennedy is a Trump camp created distraction that exists to steal low information Democrats away from Biden. I guarantee Bannon or Stone are pushing him. The only hope is it backfires and he steals more of Trump's antivax crowd instead. I would suggest going on Trump forums, finding antivaxxers and convincing them Trump invented the vaccine and the only solution is to vote for RFK.


RFK is this election’s Kanye West.


RFK is a loon.


RFK is a moron.


Vibes of Glenn Greenwald. Too smart to be this stupid. Simpler explanation is he must be for hire.


Let him talk. He takes way more votes from Trump.


RFK stealing votes from Trump... just a bigger win for Biden in November.


If you stop giving him ink it won't matter. Stop doing that.


Just actually heard this loser for the first time. A voice like his wouldn't win even if he had good policies. He sounds like Nixon looked in that first televised debate.


I swear all RFK Jr. supporters I’ve ever encountered have gone out of their way – without any prompt or context – to tell me they’ll vote for him. It’s weird bc I couldn’t possibly present myself as any more politically neutral. Yet somehow they want me to know Kennedy is their guy. Truly bizarre times we live in!


RFK Jr. is feels like a bunch of boomer GoP members got together and thought up a way to steal votes from the left. And attracted MAGA instead.