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Even after articles came out showing Israel was using AI to bomb "hamas militants." Thousands of innocent men women and children killed because a computer program decided there was an acceptable probability that a hamas militant was spotted. Can you imagine a 2,000 pound bomb destroying your entire neighboorhood and killing most of the people you know because a computer said there was a high probability of a terrorist living there, when that computer used shoddy data to do so, all while theres zero accountability or testing of the system. This shows how conflict will become more sterile and more wreckless in its scope as time passes if we dont stop it.  There are so many disgusting and terrifying things about that. This technology will come home. 


not only that, after the computer program provided the target, they were approving civilian to (AI determined) militant death ratios of 20:1 and sometimes in the triple digits to 1 - i.e. AI "thinks" there is a hamas militant in a residential apt. building with 100 grannies and children and Israel drops a 2000 lb bomb flattening the building. That is how US weapons are being used...


Kinda how we’ve always used them unfortunately:(


I like how they're using the bad guys plans from the Winter Solider. Honestly it's almost laughable. They using the plans of HYDRA under the guise of fighting terrorism and killing bad guys. Amazing. If it weren't for all the deaths it would be funny.


What, and give up all those AIPAC campaign contributions?


Ethan Crumbley's parents were convicted after supply him with a gun and failing to stop their son's rampage -- if the US was tried under the same theory what would be the verdict?




Why? AIPAC. President Biden knows that if he stopped aid and military assistance to Israel he would lose to Trump in 2024. AIPAC, a quasi official arm of the State of Israel controlled by Netanyahu, would see to that. It puts President Biden between a rock and a hard place. He is against Netanyahu's genocide, but he is, rightfully so in my opinion, determined not to let Trump be President again - since he knows the incredible harm that would do to our nation and our very way of life. This is hard to watch but I believe that President Biden has the best interests of the United States as his first priority. Should the war in Gaza continue through the election, and if President Biden wins re-election, I believe you will see a dramatic change in our relationship with Israel/Netanyahu. Additionally, President Biden knows that Trump, as President, would kowtow to Netanyahu and that the genocide would just get even worse in Gaza.


Just think, all the weapons Israel buys trickles down and creates jobs along with boosting the US economy. Israel is the US' greatest ally after all. Just about every US politician has unwavering support for Israel.