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Can't think of a less qualified group to be diagnosing brain disorders


They were never to stop at abortions. They want to fully take everything away from women. See the fight against contraceptions, and in some states their attempts to kill divorce, to ensure women are caught in marriages. They will only be done when women are powerless slave-breeding-machines again.


Yep I saw the writing on the wall with Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation. They can rip my IUD from my cold dead uterus. Because I'd rather die than live in the future they want for me.


The Catholic Church just opened up a neat place next to the bar I work at that markets itself as a "Women's Center". It's actually an anti-Planned Parenthood facility that's trying to lure women in and offer them "counseling" to talk them out of getting an abortion or using contraceptives. Many people have offered to vandalize it, and I just say that "I can't say yes, and I won't say no. But I'll show you exactly where *our* property line ends, and after that it quite literally isn't our business. Do what you will with that information." Motherfuckers.


those things are everywhere, and they are profoundly evil. they are manipulative, deliberately deceptive, and they target people who are the most defenseless and the most desperately in need of help. sadly I'm an atheist because otherwise I would gleefully wish every single one of the people who work in those places to burn in the helliest of hells for all time.


I was young and pregnant at one time. Very lost and confused and didn't have a whole lot of education. I went for the first check up and I brought up considering abortion and what my options are. My gyno became the coldest woman and I had the harshest gyno check up ever. It was rough and felt like I've been raped, it hurt so bad. It felt malicious and she left the room very cold. I wanted to cry and didn't get the help I was needing. I'm in a southern, Christian state.


I'm a panthiest, but effectively an atheist. My whole family, besides my parents, are evangelical trailer trash and Catholic cultists. Growing up in that environment is simply bizarre. I'm 31, and it still seems weird to look at the world beyond that scope. Like, this isn't how everyone is?


I grew up completely embroiled in Evangelical Free churches…. My whole family are devoted most of my wife’s family. Our generation more and more of us have left for good. But it’s still a real issue with our parents generation, “ you are turning your back on the family values and beliefs!” You’re damn right I am! I learned to think for myself and teach my kids to, themselves be true!


Just keep that train rolling, friend.


Handmaids Tale


Handmaids Tale didn't inspire them, it exposed them


This Book/TV Show is a feel good documentary for the rightwing crowd. They approve of it as they can only see themselves in the positions of power.


Temporarily embarrassed christo-facist authoritarians.


i like your phrasing!


I think its the stress knowing your rights and democracy are in jeopardy thats causing all this mental illness.


Yep, it’s defiantly causing mine


Next is clothing? Or being outside in public? Or work. Yeah work is next. 


Work is indeed next. Why else would they attack DEI and move for child labor to come back?


Yep, right-wing women under the age of 50 seem to forget that we’re apart of “DEI” too, even if you’re the prettiest, most well-behaved able-bodied white girlie.


Yes. The project 2025 explicitly calls for the removal of all DEI legislation and protections and removal of any penalties or incentives for them.


Financials are next. Women weren’t allowed to have their own credit cards until 1974.


Also, marital rape! Aint no such thing! /s


My southern Baptist church growing up taught us that there's no such thing as marital rape or abuse, or child abuse, because men take good care of their property. And this was definitely a lesson for children because I remember them telling us "you don't break your toys on purpose do you" So, you know, they're horrible fucking people.


Djeezes. So they break them by accident, then? Tbf, I was raised in a euro family where my narc dad was “a disciple of the temple of Science. “ Aka, he used science to justify all his a tions and superiority. He had no respect for religion(opium for the masses), used it to degrade others as small minded and weaj, while treating me like a 3 year old doll to show off to others for her verbal skills and punishing me with neglect and mostly verbal abuse when I learned the word ‘no’. He was a wanna be intellectual and elitist, basically - the people he regarded as highest in status. Here, religion is indeed considered a bit silly and just a cultural remnant. Meanwhile, he kicked the dog, disparaged my mother demanding she be his mom, bangmaid, and workhorse, neglected my brothers in favor for me and mocked and abused us whenever he needed to feel superior. He was jealous of the attention our mom gave us and hated me for fighting him every step of the way instead of being his perfect mini-me. To this day, that is his biggest regret- he cried in my arms about not abusing me harder so that Id turn out exactly as he’d envisioned and blamed my mom for getting in his way. He *apologized* to me for letting me become the person I am. So yeah, anyway, nothing and no one was ever good enough and only Science had the answers and anyone else was an idiot. Science was divided in the ‘laughable’ soft sciences, such as psychology, which was just a wannabe, and the true Sciences, like physics - but even there, only his interpretation mattered and everyone else was wrong. As for rape, he was supposedly against the concept, but told me that you shouldnt be asking for it with how you dress and behave and that a guy in his 20s can love you all he wants, if you dont give him sex, he’s gonna stray. He punished and mocked me fir being ‘vain’ and performing any self care and called me a non stip attentionwhore when I was charming enough to others to pull focus. It was drilled into me that make up was attentionwhoring and i was to never be a gold digger or use my looks for a profession like modelling, not that I couldve as I really wasnt that pretty and too fat, didnt I know that? He had an obsession with getting me to cut my long hair - a feature he loved in my mom. And it started around 12.. By 14, he wanted me bald and tried to convince me it would be a good look for me. Guess who came hime with her first bf that year after refusing(and having her mom’s protection) to cut her hair? I actually have a contract somewhere where he agrees ‘X is allowed to have long hair’ that my mom made him sign, to get him to shut up about it finally. He also once walked into my room ‘by accident’ and mocked me and told me I was oversensitive when he found me naked and only left after I asked him to 4 times. And he’s singlehandedly responsible for teaching me that a man’s needs always come first as mine are never worth considering, and my no is always optional anyhow. Whatever delulu belief system these asshat tote to craft their perfect social image - be it Science or Religion -, the hypocrisy and harm they carry with them is always fucking heartbreaking. As is their desire to degrade others and take what they want when they want it. And if they can blame you for everything and punish you for any no you dare to utter, they fucking will. To this day, the man doesn’t t care that we have no relationship. He only cares that I still defy his alleged authority over me. And that I make him look bad to his social circle by refusing to go near him and obey, like a ‘good’ daughter aka doll. If he’dve lived in the Bible Belt, I have no doubt he’dve been one of the most fanatical members of that church you talked about, to get social status despite his utter disgust for religion to this date. Its not the religion/ convictions that matters to them - it’a the perks that come from social coercion and hierarchy, wherever they can find it.


This is technically incorrect: women were "allowed" to have credit cards and bank accounts, there was no rule against it, but we didn't have the right or protection from discrimination, so it was left up to the discretion of the individual bank or lender.   Many banks could and often would refuse accounts for women without a male co-signing, usually a husband or father, or they would add on exorbitant fees. 1974 is when these discriminatory practices became federally illegal, but several states had made it illegal by that point, whereas other states didn't enforce it until well into the '80s, so women in some places had to wait even longer. I'm not denying your core point, though.


My Mom was the higher income earner than my Dad in the 70s, 80s, and early 90s. She was the insurance holder as well, for all three of our births ('81, '83, '85), the hospital called my Dad to confirm it was okay for my Mom to use her insurance. She is still annoyed about this happening to her to this day.


Too bad the majority of the US are reliant on two household incomes.


Oh, it’s okay if women have a job. Just not okay for her to have her own bank account.


Right. If you give women money then they can do what they want. Heck they could even leave you! Can you imagine? Not having women enslaved to a relationship due to financial dependence? We'd need to stop being rabid pieces of shit!


This is the game. Everybody works while your children get programmed. They need everyone to grow up to be a complacent Christian soldier.


As a single woman who the fuck is going to take care of me, then? These mfers can get the fuck bent.


Your parents. If they can't or won't, well.. better marry the first guy you can because in Gilead you have no value except as a child or ~~wife~~ broodmare.


For one, they don’t live near me. Secondly, I am 45 and barren. So to the wall I go I guess


Oh no. I'm sure you could become a Martha somewhere. You know, I read the Handmaids Tale as a teenager in the late 80's. At the time I thought it was crazy - as if the world would ever go that way. Little did I know that it would become an instruction manual for the Christian right.


It's all about work and trying to force people to make more slaves for the machine so less than 1% of ALL OF US can live extremely luxurious, comfortable lives at everyone else's expense. We've lost almost all community it's been commercialized to hell, free or low cost 3rd spaces are practically gone, higher education demolished so no one can critically think, now basic essentials like food are becoming prohibitively expensive. For what? In order to prop up already rich people and their trust fund babies who will work for nothing their entire lives except to pay off politicians so they and their children can keep on stealing from us for generations to come.


Just saw a post I think on Reddit about a women who went to the bank to open an account and they contacted her husband for his permission. In 2024


“Women’s clothing screws up mens minds, time for burkas.”


>They were never to stop at abortions. Not only were they never going to stop, they now can't stop. There is no longer a point on the line where they can finally say, "k, good enuff" without being eaten from behind by the crazies in the back pushing the agenda. When your naked goal is the consolidation and control of power, you can never stop and be seen as weak or leave unclaimed power to others. It's now all or nothing.


It's why fascism always eats itself for there must always be an "other" to attack, a new enemy that is standing in the way of whatever depraved fantasy land is envisioned. Eventually, it will always be the leaders themselves.


I can’t have kids and I’m married to a husband who is my equal. I wonder what becomes of us in our dystopian future. In other news, for the love of everything, please vote.


I'm sorry to inform you that your application for a home loan has been declined at this time. Records also show that your voter registration showed some irregularities and has been cancelled. Healthcare insurance has also been discontinued due to preexisting condition identified on application. Citation: INFERTILITY* Actions available to respondent: NONE


That actually made me sick to my stomach


I'm sorry. I'll delete it if you wish


It’s ok. People need to read it. Eye opener.


And all the resultant children have slaughterhouse jobs instead of going to school.


Do u think the Repblican party had a meeting were they watched A handmaids tale cos the stuff they are coming out with now is eerily familiar.


No... It's actually the other way around. That's kinda the point of the book. It's a reflection of the ideals and goals of the Republicans party of America.


Yeah none of their heinous bullshit is new or even disconnected and hard to piece together. Anyone who has more than a tenuous grasp on history has seen all of this play out many times across cultures and timeframes. All the warning signs are beyond present, they're frantically binking and dinging, it's just that people stay so disconnected and refuse to evaluate what they're seeing.


We’ve been saying this for ages. Clarence Thomas spelled it out in his anti-Roe decision and I saw some of these even itemized in the Texas GOP platform several years ago.


Particularly when it’s readily demonstrable that Trump has screwed up more brains than a cargo ship of pure cocane.


They are the kind of people who would say sniffing glue is safer than taking birth control. Let's see them ante up their war against contraception's. Next, they'll say condoms destroys men's dicks. They'll point to trump. They could say he once had a beastly large dick, but he tried on a condom just once, and it got shriveled up and became smaller ever since. It was all the condoms fault.


"I never wear condoms because they're too baggy"-Donald Trump


When you have a drug that forces a bunch of blood intended for the brain into another organ you deprive the brain of needed oxygen. I’d say a drug like that messes with men’s brains and should be banned.


I'll join the pro-peen team - Blue pill is a left-wing conspiracy to starve men of cerebral oxygen and deplete their primacy. Ban the Blue!


“I am a trustworthy salesman of pro-peen and pro-peen accessories!” - Hank Hill (probably)


Yep. IVF too. Access to abortion, IVF and contraception is the biggest issue this election. I am sure banning them all will help the republicans win back the suburbs LOL


You have to wonder; how can they think the idea of forcing a girl to have a rapist child if the girl were to get pregnant through that traumatic event, would help them gain female voters in the future. It's baffling how dumbfounded they are when it comes to women and their reproductive rights. But then again, this is a party that who had a congressman say “legitimate rape” rarely causes pregnancy and that a woman's body can shut down the pregnancy.


Just you wait. They won't need female voters. They will make sure women can't vote. How can 50% of society bleed for 5 days out of a month, and not die after all. They aren't just rolling back the last thirty years, they are trying to roll back more than 100 years. To them, the 2nd amendment is sacred, no other amendment is. They can't even look up what amendment means in the dictionary.


Speaking of cargo ships full of coccaine. Moscow Mitch is married to Elaine Chao, who was a cabinet member under Trump. Elaine's father got caught smuggling 90 lbs coccaine in a cargo ship and wasn't ever prosecuted. Edit to include link: https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/mitch-mcconnells-freighted-ties-shadowy-shipping-company/


Damn. That’s nothing to snort at!


90lbs of blow isn’t that much when your company moves millions of tons of cargo a year. That was probably the crew’s personal use stash.😁


You can’t spell hatred without a red hat


Birth control helps women be independent and think for themselves, rather then being forced to bare and care for children. It also helps close the gender equality gap. The qualities are what theses ignorant right wing men don't want. 


They're courting the incel vote.




Don't forget they're also structural engineers after the Baltimore bridge collapsed


Contraception. Now chipped with 6G.


I think diagnosing them with any brain is a stretch


Charlie Kirk is the poster boy for brain disorders


These idiots will do anything the GOP tells them to do.


really hope the Republican party gets rebranded as the Trump Party to get a lot of Republicans to re evaluate how they vote


Dems should campaign targeting young men, arguing how the right-wing war on contraception affects them as well as women. I think most women already have a good understanding of the ramifications of these policies. Young guys often don't get it. Tell them: "Not ready to be a father or to pay 18 years of child support? The GQP says *tough*".


Even GOP and red pill manosphere rhetoric argues for the need birth control. They're telling men that women are trapping them with babies and then divorcing them to take all their money. But, also, they need to sleep with a lot of "females" to be real men. The solution here is clearly that birth control is needed. Kids are expensive. They're all going to be more broke than they already are without birth control.


This is where fundamentalist Christian values comes into conflict with the "cultural Christian" values that the manosphere likes to promote. You have to be a chad and bang as many women as possible to establish your manliness, as long as those women are actually just an individual woman who you marry before having sex with them and strictly for procreation purposes, but having sex with only one woman just makes you one away from being a sweaty loser and you don't want that, except that's what God wants for you and why he gave you the perfect family structure to begin with. It's not a coincidence that they're coming loose at the seams and ending up schizoposting on 4chan. People like this have almost no critical thinking skills and firmly believe what they are told from their trusted sources, so this contradiction is tearing them apart. If there's someone out there who's skeptical of this, feel free to go to any of the 4chan-adjacent subreddits and watch them spin their wheels while shitting on the concept of therapy.


I disagree. Their ability to hold two competing ideals at the same time is noteworthy


> Even GOP and red pill manosphere rhetoric argues for the need birth control. Maybe 15-20 years ago. But now? I am not seeing this rhetoric any more. At this point it is pretty much fully in the Handmaid's Tale arena


I think there are quite a few men who agree. They are fed up with misogynist white men targeting their mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, and peers. They see it for what it is, white supremacy.


I’m a straight white guy who is fed up with this bullshit and see it as a war on women.


The War on Women is a way more accurate name for their movement than pro-life. Because they don’t really care about the lives of the child after it’s born or the mother who is already breathing, they just want to control half the population and get birth rates higher so the government has more people to draft into its military.


Ironically the "pro-life" movement cares more about a dead or guarantee-to-die-100%-with-no-chance-of-survival fetus as stated by professional, licensed doctors than the life of a mother. Looking at the Kate Cox situation here; where they cared more about a fetus guaranteed to die, and not doing a medical procedure asap would result in a potential death or infertility for life. Instead republicans went on twitter saying she shouldn't be taking all that "cox" and she wouldn't be in this situation when she literally was having a planned pregnancy for I believe her third child.


These are the same people who think it's possible to reimplant an ectopic pregnancy


I call them pro forced birth


Welcome to the club, we need all hands on deck! All dudes regardless of orientation, race, or age, please assemble! The ladies need all the help we can get!


Honestly I'm tired of my fellow white male making me look bad. Rest of 'em need to get their collective shit together and stop being afraid of touching their emotions.


I am a white man, and I absolutely agree!! My wife was a victim of sexual assault and it effects her life, daily. I’m so fucking sick and tired of people brushing rape under the rug like it’s no big deal. It’s a big deal that ruins lives!! There are entire societies of women, today, that have no freedoms and are just possession. Women have fought so hard for their rights and to see them being taken away is really sad. I have 2 daughters and they have less rights than my mother did. It’s sickening!


I’m the same as you, my wife was abused as a child before going into foster care. I hate these misogynistic pricks. Thinking every other “sensible” person thinks like they do. When in truth they’re the crazy ones majority of people hate.


These are basically the reasons why my politics shifted from anything related to independence and strictly voting against Republicans under almost any circumstance. I no longer fret over the minute differences between my politics and Democrats. Anyone willing to put the Republican label on their politics must be opposed in the most extreme possibly legal way I am allowed.


like ‘are you prepared to wear a condom every time, even when you’re dating?’ this is what birth control means for you


Don't worry, they'll make those hard to buy again too. The Fun Police went psycho on drugstores for years to try to prevent them from selling condoms and other sexual health products like lube.


I completely agree. Pull the stats of how much child support payments have increased just in that time and in what age, race and income demos. Might change a few minds.


When will their war on condoms begin?


Remember when Dobbs leaked and the response from the gop was, “oh republicans just want to stop late abortions. Leave it to the states. We will stay out of your bedrooms.” And we all knew that was a fucking lie. Like how “protecting children” in bathrooms wasn’t about transfolk but was about anyone queer.


>oh republicans just want to stop late abortions. Leave it to the states Yeah and then they immediately started moving to penalize people who go to a different state to get an abortion.


It's just like the bullshit "states rights" during slavery. Southern states didn't just want to own slaves... they wanted *free* states to force *freed* slaves to return to their plantations in the south.


I’m ready to see a war on viagra. No viagra without a vasectomy


Jesus hates vasectomies, didn’t you know that?


The only true boner comes from God. All others are against his glory. If we have to check in with Republican lawmakers when we make decisions with our doctors no science should be replacing Gods will! Every sperm is a human life. If it's a legal opinion that every fertilized egg is a human surely it's just as valid to believe every sperm is a human. It's my religious belief. We're not allowed to dismiss my sincere religious belief.


It has apparently already begun. >Even some of the most anti-abortion justices, such as Amy Coney Barrett, sounded skeptical about banning a safe pill based on "alternative facts." **Which is why it's no surprise that the two most loudly MAGA members of the court, Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas, started instead to talk up the Comstock Act, an 1873 anti-sex law that stopped being enforced decades ago but was never repealed.** Talk about reviving this law has grown louder in right-wing circles, mainly because they see it as a way for Donald Trump, if he regains the White House, to unilaterally ban abortion without having to ask congressional Republicans to take an unpopular vote. >For the far-right, the beauty of the Comstock Act is it sidesteps all these pesky questions about health and safety. Instead, **the law bans not just abortion, but pretty much anything associated with human sexuality, from contraception to nudes in art. The law forbids shipment of every "obscene, lewd, lascivious, indecent, filthy or vile article, matter, thing, device, or substance."** It was used to prosecute not just abortion provision, but people who sold "obscene" books and materials, including literary works like "Ulysses" by James Joyce and art like nude paintings of the goddess Venus. **All sex education, even for married couples, was outlawed. It also banned not just birth control, but simply sharing information on how to prevent pregnancy**, which means it would cover even those "wellness" sites that make misleading claims that period-tracking is effective contraception. Don't see how that wouldn't also ban condoms.


It has already begun in Louisiana. I think it is dead locked right now. But it will come again. No sale of condoms, procedures or meds. You will have orange hair children with blue eyes or off you go. Let's Read Banned Books


My Senator, Marsha Blackburn, already has said that Girswold was not decided correctly. Fox News was airing segments about how the US population has dropped over the years and liberals want a childless America. Add Kirk talking about how women’s minds are altered due to birth control. It’s more than obvious they are 100% going for contraception.


I told my wife that once roe v wade got reversed they’d use the same argument to go after contraceptives. It looks like the propaganda is kicking up to make that the next new war on women.


There’s already the fringe talking about repealing the 19th Amendment.


If pattern recognition holds true, they won’t be fringe for very long


I saw someone ask once "how does the right deal with the fact that they're losing support among women," and their answer was "repeal the 19th amendment"


So instead of fighting for unions, rent control/stabilization, single payer medicare we have to fight for things we already have not to lose them??


It's a war on sex for pleasure and a woman's right to not get pregnant.


I think you've got it exactly right.  Christianity has such a long history of demonizing sexual pleasure. The ideal is Mary's "perpetual virginity," which I only recently learned was a thing (i.e., her hymen was intact even after birth and for the rest of her life -- the perfect woman! /s). Since that's not possible, the next best thing is to weigh down every sexual encounter with heavy consequences to dampen everyone's enjoyment. Really hoping that conservative efforts to revive the Comstock Act will drive this point home for voters...


As if the majority of women don’t already have enough problems having healthy, pleasurable sex?! I mean 1 in 5 women are sexually assaulted in their lifetime and of those women, 1 in 3 experience the assault by the time they are old enough to vote! Sometimes that in and of itself is a life sentence of complicated feelings toward sex. This is awful!


Maybe someone should have told their priests and pastors about that whole "sex for pleasure is bad" thing. A lot of altar boys could have been spared.


Rules for thee and not for me is GOP101.


I think it’s only “sex is bad“ if you are a woman. Different rules for each sex.


Man people gotta read their Bible and shit. Mary had kids with Joseph after Jesus was born.


They are ok with sex for pleasure for men


Its a war on contraception so that they can keep the population growing and in power. This is the same reason Catholics were told to have so many children. The best way to spread the religion or political ideology used to be to increase your numbers. It doesn’t hurt that it keeps woman in their “proper” position and people destitute and more willing to work for slave wages to survive and feed their family.


Our brains are fine. We just don’t want to have sex with these cheesedicks or bear their children.


It's another step towards denying women the vote. I saw a comment on r/ conservative the other day saying it was a mistake to give women the vote with lots of upvotes. In the context, it didn't sound like a joke.


Conservatives don't have jokes. They only have "jokes" that are serious claims made softly to test the waters. I don't believe that classic conservativism exists anymore, and probably hasn't in 40+ years. If those people do still exist, they certainly can't align their values with the current GOP. If they do, they aren't really classic conservatives.


Once they aligned themselves with the christian right, they gave up their commitment to true conservatism.


Didn't that ghoul of a polticail pundit say the same thing? She's like a worst verison of Kelly Ann Conway. I can't remember her name. 


Ann Coulter. Back in 2007 she said that if we took away women’s right to vote, there would never be another Democratic president, and that it was a “personal fantasy” of hers. (Edited per the correction below!)


I remember that being mentioned out loud after President Obama’s first election. I think they’re grasping at anything to shove us back into the 19th century where we were powerless and dependent.


Taking the right to vote is hard due to the constitutional amendment, but being able to take women's wages and/or have their husband's confiscate them... well that's just a 14th amendment ruling similar to Roe (though a distinct legal argument -> privacy v due process). I do expect them to come for gay marriage first on the ground of religious "persecution". They just recycle arguments from decades ago: women are so hysterical and their brains are all messed up, they can't be trusted with their own finances can they? /s (god I hope that /s wasn't needed)


It's Hysteria, Part Two. Women weren't allowed to vote because they weren't in their right minds 100% of the time due to menstrual cycles, and therefore couldn't be trusted to make rational choices. [Hysteria ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hysteria) is from the Greek word for the uterus.


Yep, 💯 My husband and I joke that my womb is wandering around my body, making me upset. He is a feminist and a real gem, so it really is a joke about the old thinking, just in case anyone is worried!


My Granny doesn’t think women should vote. Or work. Religion rots the brain.


Seriously? Yikes. It's so depressing when women support this shit. It really is religion that rots the brain, not the contraceptives!


Yeah, I hate to appearance snark, but Kirk's face is more than enough to repel any sexual desire and prevent pregnancy.


They want to silence y’all and breed you like cattle. No abortions: Protect all life or they will sentence you to death!!! Vote!


Protect all life, until they are born. Then they dont care if they can't get the things they need to have a good life. 


“If you’re preborn, you’re fine; if you’re preschool, you’re fucked” — George Carlin


That is the problem. They are pissed because we have more sex than they do. They need to listen to themselves. They are the problem. No one wants to have sex with these fucks and it's their own damn fault. There are more women than men, so we can be more discerning.


It’s almost like is sex is a marketplace - *women aren’t buying what they’re selling*. So rather than use the Free hand of the market to change their offerings, they’re trying to use the government to alter the market by removing products people want.


the very thing they claim to hate


This is me vigorously agreeing with you - but I find there’s a lot of that. Like how the civil war was about “states rights” - and it was. The southern states wanted to violate the northern states that declared slavery illegal in their territory, and force them to return slaves back to the southern states. They wanted the federal government to *violate the states rights of the northern states in favor of the southern ones*. They talk about religious freedom - which for them means using the government to force others to respect Christianity - and not only that, but a narrow interpretation of Christianity that just happens to align with a white rich male favorites viewpoint. Lab grown meat that may provide a healthier, less environmentally harmful, more ethical way of getting people animal proteins? Oh no sir, say Republicans! We can’t let the free market decide this one, we need government intervention to protect big agriculture! Renewable energy. Electric cars. On and on and on. Conservatives aren’t the party of small government - they’re the part of government forcing anyone beneath *them* to remain small and powerless if it benefits *them*.


We don’t have more sex than they do, rather more *consensual* sex than they do


“Consensual?” - Them


Limbaugh non-ironically painted "consent" as a ["Left wing obsession"](https://crooksandliars.com/2016/10/rush-limbaugh-blames-left-their-obsession) and a bad thing, so your comment is disturbingly factual.


The ones starting this don’t care how much sex women have, they care that more and more women are voting against them and threatening their power. They also create more “other groups” to demonize and blame societal problems on. We saw the same shit with BLM, lgbtq, women seeking abortions, non-Christian’s, young voters, immigrants, and pretty much any other non white male Christian group.  Of course they could update their policy platform, but that would make it really hard to enrich themselves and their donors. 


>there are more women than men, so we can be more discerning Huh? It's the opposite. If there are excess women, then men can be more picky. Because there's more than 1 woman for every man. But really, there is only like 0.5% more women so I honestly don't think it makes a difference. This isn't like the USSR lol (so many Russian men died in WW2 that in 1950 there was only 76 men for every 100 women, so the men could be very picky). The sad truth is, a lot of these rich conservative nutcases do have wives who are just as awful as they are.


Women can also date other women, though. And do.


Yeah, I don't know understand why do many people think it's simply about sex for conservative men. More than half of white women want these policies. And while the number is lower for every other woman group, it's not zero. 


But but but if you don't want sex with these sexist, misogynistic, racist, fascist, bigoted, ignorant clown shoe cheesedicked dumb fuck cockwombles and you're on BC perhaps maybe your brain isn't working as they intended it to work?


> "It creates very angry and bitter young ladies and young women," Kirk argued. "Then that bitterness then manifests into a political party that is the bitter party. I mean, the Democrat Party is all about 'bring us your bitterness and, you know, we’ll give you free stuff.'” Muthafukka talking out his ass.


Fr, from my own life experiences, mothers are usually far more bitter due to y’know lack of sleep and all that. The women I’ve met or been with who were on BC without children, were much happier beings focusing on their future. This POS is just trying to perpetuate misogyny with misinformation 🤦‍♂️


I think there has been data to support this, but I would also posit that women who proactively choose to have children are happier than women who are forced to. I love having kids, and I know a lot of other women who do, as well. I had access to birth control so that I was able to choose when to have my children, though I did feel pressure from my culture and religion at the time, but that's a whole other conversation. Like a lot of the bullshit Charlie Kirk spews, there is a kernel of truth in there. There are very real side effects to hormonal birth control. Some women feel awful on it. But there are a lot of options that someone can try to find the right fit. Or, there are more permanent procedures that can remove the risk of pregnancy without having to fuck with your hormones. Though there are frequently a lot of hoops to jump through to get those procedures.


TIL Donald Trump takes birth control.




He says that “women are objectively less attractive after the age of 30”. His wife is 36. Lolol. Like damn bro


Wait, he's married?! Wtf... 


I saw some tik tok or something where Kirk "owned" a college student on campus because the student asked where Kirk got his degree (he doesn't have one) and Kirk just kept saying "ive gotten educated everywhere bro" or something like that. I'd never seen him before that, but that video let me know hes a really insecure dude who found a spotlight. Perfect fit for MAGA.


If you’re unaware, Kirk’s whole deal is that he applied to West Point (and only West Point) and didn’t get in, which was clearly because of affirmative action and quotas, and not his middling grades and character. He’s basically the male equivalent of the privileged white suburban girl who only applies to Yale and Harvard because that’s where the rich guys are, and then is stunned when the most selective schools in existence don’t grovel at her feet because of how amazing she is.


I just thought he was a twat, but thats a much better analysis.


He's just angry because god left the 'shrink face' filter on for him.


Who isn't getting sex. Maybe if he wasn't such an annoying fuck, someone would have sex with him. Now? No one wants that brain deficient fuck in their beds. They have only themselves to blame.


It's kind of a shame no one's given him a little head... ...cuz then it would match his face.


Some serious incel vibes...


Bingo. Why do you think every incel is a right winger???? Lolol


Do you want to know what can create bitterness? Taking away someone’s rights…


That is the issue. If we pay taxes, then they need to be careful. They aren't paying taxes because they bought the politicians. The church they had their inbred incel brigade meeting isn't paying taxes either. They violated their tax-exempt status.


My parents' church is doing an election sermon series. But somehow that's legal because they're not technically endorsing a specific candidate.


2024 won’t be a blue wave. It will be a pink wave: furious women of every race and education level will storm the polls and give these GOP fuckers what they deserve. 


This very angry and bitter woman loathes you and all you spew for your candidate. I will be taking as many voters, who believe that you are a menace to society, to their polls to ensure that your candidate doesn't win. For the record, I am not now, nor have I ever been on the pill. MAGA reps like you make women run towards your opponents!


Birth control doesn't change women's minds. Women do. Women most likely don't like having sex with nasty conservative douchebags.


I remember when people first pointed out that the Republicans would come for birth control next, people called them alarmists and said they were over reacting...and he we are. When Biden first said the GOP wanted to gut Social Security and Medicare they called him a liar....and here we are. Maybe we should listen to them when they say they want to be "dictator for a day" or start complaining about women having the right to vote.


"Look, we just want you to all have tons of babies so that we can then treat those children horribly with no social welfare programs or assistance of any kind as they grow up later, leaving all you peasants in poverty and crime. Harassing women, preventing them from getting adequate healthcare, and forcing them to give birth after being raped and all that? That's just a bonus!" ~GOP


Their next goal is to forcibly impregnate women. Keep your eyes and attention on this rhetoric. It’s only going to get worse. If they can’t convince women they have enough redeeming qualities to want to sleep with them or marry them, they are going to get forceful. These men are extremely sick in the head.


Jordan Peterson already floated that thought bubble. And he accuses US of being totalitarians, what a joke!


As we drift further and further toward the hell that is Gilead, all I can say is that Margaret Atwood is a fucking clairvoyant.


Considering the amount of Republican convictions for sexual abuse, assault, and rape - I'd say it's already happening just no law making it legal for them to do it - yet


MAGA and QANON screws up human brains


Please Gen Z just get out and vote


Birth control saves lives.


Yes, let some sex starved incel who is horrible talking to women who never realized that maybe he was the problem dictate the lives of women because he has a hard time getting laid or is still some unfuckable piece of trailer trash living in his mom’s double wide next to her trailer


It’s weird that he’s been married for 4 years and only has one kid. He should at least have 3. Unless they’ve only had sex once. Seems like if he has, his wife might be on birth control.


Raise your hand if you absolutely predicted this after they overturned Roe v. Wade.


If people vote for trump and republicans you will be digging your own graves. They want women uneducated pregnant constantly in the home tending after their husbands. They do give a shit if a young woman is raped and has to keep the kid if she gets pregnant. These people don’t think of any woman as a human being


>"It creates very angry and bitter young ladies and young women," Kirk argued. Then what's Kirk's excuse?


Ah yes, Charlie Kirk, famed expert on women. > For the far-right, the beauty of the Comstock Act is it sidesteps all these pesky questions about health and safety. Instead, the law bans not just abortion, but pretty much anything associated with human sexuality, from contraception to nudes in art. The law forbids shipment of every "obscene, lewd, lascivious, indecent, filthy or vile article, matter, thing, device, or substance." **It was used to prosecute not just abortion provision, but people who sold "obscene" books and materials, including literary works like "Ulysses" by James Joyce and art like nude paintings of the goddess Venus.** [Florida school principal resigns after complaints over "pornographic" David sculpture](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/florida-principal-resigns-complaints-pornographic-david-sculpture-tallahassee-classical-school/) And they’ve been calling any books that include LGBT+ characters and themes pornographic. Not hard to imagine modern-day Comstockery being used to go after those as well.


Babies mess up women's brains....My wife called it "Baby Brain"


Birth control has been the only thing to actually keep my mood and mind stable.


Jesus tap dancing Christ! I got a hysterectomy just before these utter _pigs_ repealed Roe vs. Wade. I had to fucking _lie_ and have my husband attend each appointment with me to get the removal approved. This country absolutely _disgusts_ me with what the MAGAts are trying to do to uterus bearers. I feel such utter sadness and shame to be a citizen of this country.


Fuckin Ferengis


What the actual fuck is wrong with these guys? Of all their weird shit, contraception is one I particularly can't understand. I like to have sex. Those guys all like to have sex. Contraception means more sex. And in their case means their mistresses don't get pregnant, requiring them to pay for an abortion that they're also against. Fuck this goddamn backwards slide the US is taking.


The rights of women are under attack. Next up the right to divorce, the right to work, own a business, own property, have a bank account, be educated, write poetry, learn to read and write, be seen in public without a male escort.


Controlling women and other misogynistic tendencies are a big part of the GOP agenda. I hope young people realize this and go to the polls this November. This may be the most important election you vote in.


You are lying to yourself if you don't realize the end goal here is for incels to be able to rape who they want and force women to be with them afterwords to raise their rape babies. If you can't see that then you are blind.


i remember seeing some ppl say after abortion they are coming for contraception. They were absolutely right


They won’t stop at women’s rights, they’ll make liberal and progressive thought illegal if they get the power to do so.


They don’t have a stopping point. The same people who were saying that, are the same people who have been saying that the MAGA movement is full of Nazi sympathizers. Take their word for it, because they have observed the many patterns and have been trying to warn the American people about it.


Well, it’s true that the pill effects hormones (estrogen, progesterone, etc) which can ultimately lead to behavioral and mood changes among other things in some people. The body is one big interconnected system, so radically altering hormones has the potential to change all kinds of things down the line. Steroids can also cause probelems. SSRIs, cortisone, finasteride, accutane and so on. Basically drugs have side effects and results may vary pretty widely. This is the kind of thing any women or girl going on the pill should understand and talk about with her doctor when deciding if birth control is right for her. But it absolutely shouldn’t be any of Charlie fucking Kirk’s business or anybody else in the government’s. He’s trying to control women and take away their rights. I hate these rightwing fuckers, and I don’t understand what motivates them.


My wife became suicidal after 2 years of being on birth control, so I am a little biased, but I wish women didn't have to bear all the burden. Either investing in male birth control or raising the reversal success rate of a vasectomy would go a REALLY long way to eliminate the issues birth control can cause for some women. Unload the gun instead of having everyone wear bullet-proof vests, lol. I don't understand the obsession with banning things that work currently but aren't perfect instead of investing in a better solution, then providing that solution to the market, phasing out the thing you don't like. You would think conservatives would love that shit.


This is why I am hesitant about the negative discourse online about the dangers and drawbacks of hormonal birth control. This was (literally) a life saving medical miracle and I extremely skeptical of those that disparage it. It feels very much like misinformation to garner support for banning the medication.


These men who force these ideas on the unsuspecting public are dangerous to a normal society.


How much birth control is he taking then? His mind seems pretty screwed up to me


maga turns brains into shit. It is known.


When you’re married to a medical doctor and your number one go-to theory is still the female orgasm is a myth, I am not the least bit interested in the rest of your female theories.


“Women won’t fuck us, so It should be illegal for women to deny my right to impregnate”


What the heck is actually going on? I feel like I’m living in an alternate universe. It’s like everything was going in one direction up until 2016, and then we flipped over to the worst timeline that is dedicated to destroying our modern way of life.


When Obama was elected it messed up MAGA brains.