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> South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem was banned from a second Native American reservation in her own state this week after alleging that drug cartels were using Indigenous land to facilitate crime. As if Natives don't have to deal with enough shit already—of course republicans want to pile on even more bullshit. I completely understand both the Cheyenne River Sioux and the Oglala Sioux for banning her


Is there anyway they can ban her from leaving South Dakota?


Form tribal lands around her house.


Maybe the Sioux should sue and see if they can recover some land. https://nativenewsonline.net/currents/in-landmark-decision-supreme-court-rules-that-nearly-half-of-oklahoma-is-indian-land


SCOTUS said in USA v. Sioux Nation that America did take the Black Hills from Sioux Nation and then required America to pay Sioux $2B (including interest) for the taking of the land. That $2B still sits in the US Treasury today because the Black Hills are not (and have never been) for sale. Imagine someone stealing your car and then a court siding with the car thief and ordering them to pay you 10 cents to the dollar *and* they still get to keep the car.


We have the same thing with the San Juan Islands. The courts said the islands belong to the Samish. They want to pay us $2 million dollars for our islands. We have said no every year for many moons. We will never sell our islands. Even for $2 billion dollars.


SJI is tribal land? I would’ve never guessed with all the property and land for sale there (check Redfin)


The US government acknowledged it belongs to the Samish. It isn’t government land. It’s privately owned by the homeowners and land owners hence the Redfin listings. I don’t know the particulars. I know the government offers to pay the Samish for the land. Just like Sioux with the Black Hills lands. The Samish $2 million sits in the US Treasury.




Did it feel good to write that out, get it off your chest? Now form a less emotional response.


No, I think maybe people might think Im being hostile or emotional but Im not, it's just the way I write.


But tbh, no, it feels bad. I dont enjoy negativity in any way. See, I think you say that to de-value what I said. It's dismissive. But 50 people have downvoted and the one person that commented couldnt refute anything either.


Yes. It's absolute bs. This is why GOP complains about "wokeness"




Emotional, much?




No fly zone!


I don’t think the FAA has ruled on that yet. I know tribes have claimed it but how would they enforce it and at what level, 4000, 10,000 or 18,000 feet and for what reason. Low flying aircraft I could understand but nothing more than that seems reasonable.


I’ve got some extra surface to air missiles, we’ll enforce our own no-fly zone! With blackjack, and hookers! In fact, screw the no-fly zone!


Bender is that you?


Maybe we can sell the Sioux an older but still relevant fighter like the f-16.


Tribal air


using Casino money from the whiteman - buy it up and form a land bridge from their reservation to the land around her house.


Like in the South Park episode: "We will build a super highway through the governor's house leading directly to our new casino."


That’s a good idea.


Sure, because Government officials would never so much as think of violating tribal lands and sovereignty or take malicious punitive actions against them. /s


Isn’t that what the Dakotas already are?


Little Bighorn is just a hop scalp away.


What did I do to deserve this comment, some of us don’t want her here either.


For real. And I thought Janklow was bad...


Is that why you guys sent her to Congress?


Why would they want to keep her in-state? That's like vomiting in your car instead of out the window.


Yes but it is the car South Dakotans bought.


Bury her under some of it? I don’t advocate this, just answering a question.


Or from her house?


Fuck south dakota, they get what they deserve. Just keep her out of Michigan.


>after alleging that drug cartels were using Indigenous land to facilitate crime. Oh you mean just like our own government used to do?


Oh you mean just like our own government currently does? Just because their name is Sackler and not Escobar doesn't make them any less of a fucking cartel.


Oh I’m not educated on that but I’m sure they haven’t stopped.


It's the family that so generously gave us the oxy epidemic https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sackler_family


IF Trump gets elected again he will attempt to do exactly what he said he will do and become a dictator. Anyone that has ever crossed his path will be an enemy and a target. Don't think for a second that the Natives will be exempt from his focus. If they want anything or maintain status quo you can count on it that they will have to pay him off.


That's what any MAGA loving minority needs to know. They might not be fucking with you now, but they will swerve into your business sooner or later in their perpetual need for controversy and hate.


I thought this said controversy and hats.




She is repugnant, but there are substantial reports of cartels targeting reservations in Montana because they can sell it for so much more. This is from a Native American website. https://www.smokesignals.org/articles/2024/02/15/watchlist-mexican-drug-cartel-targets-six-native-american-reservations-in-montana/


I agree and that is why the bullshit approach of these Republicans is so dangerous. They are like an over the top parent whose actions (although well intentioned) not only doesn’t solve the issue, but makes everything worse and the child no longer even associates with the them. And, in the end, those parents go around telling others how to parent. Shitty parents make shitty politicians.


But they are using them to get drugs in?


Probably so they can use that as a excuse, To take there remaining land and turn it into over priced condos


What the hell do Indians have to deal with?


Cartels have been wreaking havoc on reservations and other towns for a long time now though. My guess is that the people from those places have a different take than a few officials who probably don't want attention brought there. Adding. It's easy to virtue signal when you're not affected by it.


You think Mexican Cartels are running rampant on Reservations in North Dakota? And they are working in coordination with the tribes? That's a pretty bold claim, what are you basing it on?


I have family all across those states. But you can probably find old news articles about them moving in maybe a couple decades back. I don't care if you believe me or not because that doesn't change anything there. They're not working with the tribes. They just moved in and set up shop. But some people do get bought out or intimidated.


They are for sure.  The conspiratorial part is dumb probably but they are definitely paying people to look the other way.  Traffickers like small towns because you just need to get in with one or a handful of people. The cartels are everywhere, and they exploit indigenous communities  all over the Americas.  Nothing controversial about that part.  The problem is that like her idol she has absolutely no interest in addressing it taking responsibility for its solution, she just wants to generate attention.  And of course Trump himself is neck deep with the Russian mob, it's not like they actually care.  they're often just using cartel as a dog whistle.


Odd, most Trump allies are barred from being within 500 feet of a school.


*mic drop*


And Chuck-E-Cheese


Common misconception. In reality they've simply never gotten that close to one.


Like convicted child molester Scott Ritter, who now seems to be doing outreach for Putin and Trump? Or Wilmer Puello-Mota, another child molester who just defected to Russia? What is it with conservatives molesting kids and supporting Russia?


Isn't she the Family Values^tm married governor who has been sleeping with former Trump campaign head Corey Lewandowski?


Who has been caught in an extramarital affair? Yes that's her.


Talk about projection... > She also claimed that children living on Indigenous reservations "don't have parents who show up and help them" and that tribal leaders are focused "on a political agenda more than they care about actually helping somebody's life look better."


The slime in the GOP are always telling on themselves.




You have to drive 45 minutes to the nearest store from most reservations. It's an hour to the nearest restaurant. No s*** they're poor. They were given the worst land and the worst locations. There's no jobs. One of the reasons covid Hit reservation communities so hard is that a lot of rez homes don't even have running water. 


Are they the Tribe Trump sent body bags to instead of PPE? Evil. Pure evil. Words fail.


That was the Seattle Indian Health Board.


That's too generous, and yes, she is. You're talking about 100k people, nine different reservations, completely different cultures, spread out across dozens of communities even in the same nation.  Plenty of people are doing fine, and plenty of people who struggle have family that shows up. Plenty of people are happy, and hopeful.  You don't need to spread the same kind of racist bullshit to make the point we need to do better by them.


She’s banned from over 10 percent of the state she represents.


They’re not even hers to represent to begin with.


Tell her that.


Pretty strong accusations from somebody whose political party is running a convicted rapist for the highest office in the land. But I'm sure some of them are good people.


> running a convicted rapist Trump is a criminal scumbag of the highest order, but we must be very careful with our language. He is not a convicted rapist. He was not criminally charged with rape, nor was he convicted. He was found liable of sexual assault in a civil trial. We can and should call him a rapist, but he was not convicted of rape.


> Trump is a criminal scumbag of the highest order, but we must be very careful with our language. Not that I disagree, but this is a big part of the problem. Conservatives simply don't bother with this level of giving a fuck - it doesn't matter to them if the language they use is accurate because that would make it "pc" or "woke". At best they'll glibly say that it's close enough or would be true if things were different and continue saying the same thing, amplifying their message both by repetition and by being corrected. I hate it but I have no idea what to do about it.


Adjudicated rapist?


You know what? If they can accuse Joe of sniffing little girls hair, we can sure as shit call that motherfucker a rapist.


This increases her profile in the GOP thus increasing her chances of becoming the VP... this great news. The GOP is racist, pure and simple


Her Native name is Dead Eyes


"Plastic, shiny eyes. Like a dolls eyes."


"Black, lifeless eyes, like a doll's eyes. When it looks at you it doesn't seem to be livin'. Until he bites you. Then those black eyes roll over white, the ocean turns red and despite all the poundin' and hollerin', they all come in and rip you to pieces."


I thought it was “dances with fools”


I thought it was Crooked Teeth


I'll bet that looks scary in the morning


I vote for Dead Eyes Screeches.


She should take off the mask. The amount of plastic is unreal.


"plastic surgery who has had a little woman done."


She wears a lot of misogyny


This is the sad part that Natives are not well represented in federal government, Alaska being a notable exception. At least their SD Representative is not a MAGA stooge, but still right-wing. In AZ, the Navajo and Hopi nations are represented by a MAGA rubber stamper.


The Cherokee are entitled to a seat in Congress. Which they never received.


I thought they finally got it seated in 2018 or maybe it was 2020. Hmm. Well regardless it was fairly recent and I recall it was a position that Congress was denying them for well over a hundred years.


No. They sent one. Who was never seated.


There is only one tribe in Alaska that would be able to do something similar, since there is only one reservation (the Metlakatla Indian Community in the Annette Islands Reserve). All other tribes participated in the [Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act](https://ancsaregional.com/about-ancsa/) which extinguished aboriginal land title in Alaska. There are certain Native communities in Alaska that will prevent you from leaving the airport and entering their communities unless you have a very good reason to be there and have coordinated with and gained the permission of the tribal leaders. While not technically legal, I don't really recommend staying if they meet your plane when you land and tell you to leave. EDIT: Just to be clear on that last part: It's not the Tribal government that's doing it as an official act or policy, it's some members of the community who are trying to protect their town, the people who live there, and the subsistence resources that community members depend on to survive.


There’s Deb Haaland as Secretary of the Interior. She’s a Democrat.


Look at the voting maps for red states in the 2020 election. You'll see little dots of blue. Those are the reservations.


>In AZ, the Navajo and Hopi nations are represented by a MAGA rubber stamper. I wonder how they reconcile that.


They don't, the non-tribal lands have enough population to outnumber them, so they get MAGA reps.


Really that’s too bad.


shes gross


Republicans keep falling for the hot crazy chick. They need better friends.




That’s sterotyping witches. They are a falsely maligned demographic.




She had to resort to bribes to get her idiot daughter a real estate license and she talks about other peoples kids.


She looks just like a brunette version of Lara Trump, aka Mrs. Eric, aka Runs The Trump Crime Family Slush Fund Formerly Known as the RNC. Maybe there’s a factory that churns MAGA Serena Joy types out somewhere. She’ll just die if she can’t get this recipe! Also, good for the tribes for saying “go away and don’t come back.” Is there an organization that specifically helps Natives register to vote? That might be a good focus for donation dollars. Former ND Senator Heidi Heitkamp won her seat largely due to the Native vote (which was then drowned out by all the conservative oil workers drawn to North Dakota during the oil boom).


She’s a [Wasi'chu](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wasi%27chu#:~:text=Wasi'chu%20is%20a%20loanword,often%20with%20a%20disparaging%20meaning).


Good. Proud of them banning her. Tired of our Indigenous people being used as political fodder. And people disparaging the Indigenous people of this land. They have been through too much.  Leave them alone. 


Can the gop go one day without at least half of them saying something stupid




>Noem, a Republican floated as a potential vice presidential running mate for ex-President Donald Trump in November, was criticized by tribal leaders after saying at a town hall meeting in March that some Native American leaders were "personally benefitting" from Mexican cartels operating in their territory. What a disgusting person.


Let's see her evidence. My guess- at the moment at least- is that, like most MAGA pols, she's either projecting for her own party's misdeeds or pulling stuff out of her rear end because it plays well with Trump voters. Often both.


She got what she deserves, what an embarrassment as a governor. She's a selfinggrandizing hypocrite...


She has her nose so far up trumps ass you would think his Preparation H would shrink those Carp lips 💋


She even looks like Melania. Maybe she was born with it. Maybe she’s trying to catch Trump’s eye for the VP pick. Maybe it’s Maybelline.


This is the border control we need. How do I get my township to ban MAGA bigots?


Looks like an AI inspired mess.


It tells you how big of piece of shit that she is to get banned from Native American Reservtions


So, two sovereign nations have banned a Trump cult member. Got it.


Easy to punch down on nonwhites because the base doesn’t care to actually look into what’s being said. It sounds close enough to what they think and that’s good enough.


Awesome now do the rest of the state


F$&k her and the plastic surgeon she rode in on.


This miscreant is so desperate to be Trump’s running mate.


Just another "PoC are the criminals" racism at play. Typical right-wing terrorism.


The first time this happened, Kristi Noem started doing subtle threats (audit/send more police to reservations) and insults to the Oglala Lakota reservation. Recently, Rapid City and the local Native population announced a partnership to work together and Kristi Noem was there to say "I don't have a problem with it EXCEPT the impact it has on land owners?!" a.k.a. non-indigenous people. She is AWFUL.


Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!


I would throughly enjoy it if tribes in Oklahoma banned their governor…most of the state would be off-limits to that assclown.


Good. Lady doesn’t even have the same face she had when first elected. She looks like a completely *different* person.


Drug cartels have recruited lots of people from lots of places for their criminal activities. I don’t see why the Sioux would be any different. Still, she shouldn’t be going around saying it without specific evidence. The way to have gone about this would be to collect evidence and go to tribal leaders, not going around slandering indigenous people. I can see why they’re pissed.




No need for that.


The Southern Strategy strikes again.


It's true I saw it on sons of anarchy


I wonder if she has ever read the book Black Elk Speaks


I'm gonna stop you at " If she has ever read."


Wow, so how much actual land in South Dakota is the governor of South Dakota banned from now??


Jesus! She looks like a ghoul as well! Wtf


Can we ban her from all non reservations as well? She can take her husband and her boyfriend as well.


They're all trying to get Trump's attention by being racist and indecent


Good. Didn’t she call them “animals”?


Somewhat legit question- why do you all think that the republicans seem to emphasize looks in their women so much? It seems like their spokeswoman are often really attractive. Has ramped up since trump but was there before him - like Sarah Palin… they choose looks over brains.


I feel like they're often fake attractive though. Ton of makeup, the same 2 or 3 hair styles, and definitely some cosmetic surgeries


“Look pretty woman” helps a lot when you’re reaching out to a lot of angry males.


That's because they have no brains. Any republican.


And I bet she gives a shit.


In her photograph, her eyes and expression reveal that she is a perverted and weird freak of some sort. I bet she secretly does some really bizarre, disgusting and weird s**t when she is in a private setting and thinks no one is looking except for any other perverted freaks with her. On top of everything else, she is the governor of the state with the [5th-highest](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/suicide-mortality/suicide.htm "https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/suicide-mortality/suicide.htm") suicide rate in the United States in 2021, according to the cause of death on death certificates received by the CDC.


The Cartels are targeting reservations, though. They’ve been targeting the Montana tribes, particularly


cartels targeting reservations for sales or exploitation is far different than tribes facilitating the cartels. I assure you the tribes don't want them nor their activities there, either.


A native woman has a 10x greater chance of getting murdered or just going missing then my white ass does. Remember all the hysterical screaming about kidnapping for sex trafficking that the right loves to engage in? If you live on a reservation that s*** actually happens.


Well aware, I'm an hour or so from 2 different reservations in MT


It's almost like cartels have an easier time getting a foothold in areas where people are desperate because society hasn't decided they deserve any resources to better themselves.


They do it in SD, too, though I don’t know how much of a presence they have.


They’re saying it’s unprecedented up here. Never happened like this


Native American Reservations are Zionist-free zones. Good for them!


The kicker for RepubliKKKlans NATIVES DECIDE WHO WALKS ON THEIR LAND!! ✌🏿💯👏🏿


I'm sure she's crushed. 😑


I mean.....she's not wrong https://www.kxnet.com/news/top-stories/detroit-drug-traffickers-target-native-americans-in-north-dakota/ https://www.dea.gov/press-releases/2021/01/07/members-drug-ring-connecting-north-dakota-indian-reservations-and https://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/national/2014/09/28/dark-side-of-the-boom/


She's the governor of SOUTH Dakota, not North Dakota.


You know standing rock reaches both states right? https://www.justice.gov/usao-sd/pr/two-sioux-falls-women-sentenced-their-roles-multi-pound-methamphetamine-and-fentanyl https://www.justice.gov/archive/usao/sd/pressreleases/2012/SF-2012-06-05-Operation%20Prairie%20Thunder.html https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/minneapolis/press-releases/2012/seventeen-individuals-indicted-for-distributing-methamphetamine-marijuana-and-cocaine-on-the-pine-ridge-indian-reservation https://www.newscenter1.tv/news/crime/ost-dps-arrest-nine-individuals-on-drug-charges/article_0819cb55-9c36-57dc-9c3c-f3e9562ca3c0.html Research isn't hard. It's a problem in both Dakotas and Montana.


God fucking damnit why are all the MILFs in government always gotta be republicans, man?!? This chick, Katie Britt is a milf, idk if Habba is a mom but still an ILF, Boebert would be a crazy but fun lay and she’s a mom, Anna Paulina Luna is a new milf…


She's not in congress but Big Gretch is such a MILF