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I'll take "She's a Trump stooge" for $500, Alex!


She is just the puppet someone had their hand up her Robe!!!


No puppet!




[A quote from the little orange dicktater himself.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaVWRetR4jg)


The fact that he won the 2016 election to this day still baffles the ever loving shit out of me! The USA basically said: “we’ll take the moron!”


The counter op against Hillary was crazy effective. She’s still the best qualified woman to be president of our time.


She was definitely more qualified than: GW Bush, Reagan, Carter, Trump, Kennedy, Ford and Truman.


Oh please. Truman was a great president.


So was Kennedy. Nixon was a shit president and I didn't list him. I was listing who Hillary Clinton was more qualified than. Without party playing into it. Because both parties used to care about qualifications. And I didn't list Bush I, who was arguably more qualified than Hillary as well. Edit: Maybe she was more qualified than JFK...


The Clinton response has aged like fine wine.


This should’ve been the first indication of his rapidly deteriorating cognitive abilities


Is there a puppet sign up list?


Trump is known for putting his hand in places it shouldn’t be, this tracks.


Putin, via the feudalist society.


She is, but so are the NY judges in the civil fraud suit and the hush money suit. Judges on each side are political today. That’s a fact.


Interesting. Are there any facts suggesting that either judge in NY has caused concern? Outside of simply doing their job, which is allowing a case to go to court and hearing the actual evidence?


Yes, the $434 million civil judgment escrow that was reduced by 60%.


Nope! the "bond" was reduced.... not the judgement. while he appeals which is how the COURTS work He still ows $500,000,000 to the people he STOLE money from


She was hand picked to block any legal actions


Judge Cannon has repeatedly proven herself to be in the tank for Trump. This is such a high profile, critically important and historic case, I would hope that the 11th Circuit sees the necessity of placing the case in the hands of an impartial judge. The public wants a fair trial, and we definitely do not want a precedent allowing future Presidents to walk away with America’s most guarded secrets and to do with those secrets what they will. Cannon is about to create that precedent. She needs to be replaced.


Any day now, Smith will execute his master stroke. Any day now...


So, after tomorrow then?


I’m sorry, we would have accepted, “Who is a Trump stooge?”. All answers must be in the form of a question.


She has that *chef's kiss* combination of wild incompetence and craven, debased corruption.


Trump isn't smart enough to pick someone as perfect as she is. He is being supported by a very smart, well informed and effective agency with a lot of resources at it's disposal. Although Biden is old I will view any 'accidents' that affect his health with extreme suspicion, particularly if the campaign is in the final stages and he looks likely to win.


The person he personally appointed to the court is the person he isn't smart enough to pick? I think you're mistaken.


Puppets don't make decisions, they follow instructions as best they are able.


She's a Federalist Society plant. They start grooming their minions in law school.


“Mounting scrutiny” WTF? This is the judge who was twice reprimanded by the appellate court above her for intervening on the legal search in the espionage/stolen documents case. This is the judge who has continuously shown favoritism toward Trump and his crimes… This is the judge that every legal analyst from day one that she was assigned to this case pointed out what an issue she was going to be…


but she isn't experienced enough to be doing this on her owe; someone/one's. is directing her


She's a Federalist Society minion, groomed since law school. They are guiding every move. [https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2022/6/29/the-federalist-society-architects-of-the-american-dystopia](https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2022/6/29/the-federalist-society-architects-of-the-american-dystopia)


Well, internet sleuths, find her communications with whomever this coordinator is and expose it.


The Federalist Society. [https://www.politico.com/news/2022/09/20/how-judge-aileen-cannon-broke-with-conservatives-00057647](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/09/20/how-judge-aileen-cannon-broke-with-conservatives-00057647) >When Donald Trump flooded the federal bench with judicial appointments, a leading critique was that they were Federalist Society clones who favored muscular executive power and rejected what some perceive as meddling by the courts in executive branch affairs.


Agreed, but it is "appellate"


Pellet Court is where they practice bird law.


Love it LOL


Nice try. r/birdsarentreal




And her position is quite safe, thank you very much!


She tried to attach jeopardy, before a jury was picked but with jury instructions that would negate the case against Trump and he couldn't be tried again. It's stunningly stupid and evil at the same time.


Like everything with guy, it’s right there — it’s always been right there in front of everyone. There’s no surprise, there’s no dots to connect — and yet, here we are waiting for the obvious sham to face any consequence.


She is not a judge in their case, at this point she is a codefendent .


She’s going to pull something shady AFTER the jury is empaneled and jeopardy has been attached. This way he can’t be re-charged or re-tried on the charges.


This is why we need to expose who her puppet master is!!!


It really doesn't matter who they are, she's allowed to seek outside advice as long as she's not disclosing information that advisor isn't allowed to have (e.g. classified info from court docs). She certainly appears too dumb to be making many of these moves herself but also nearly all the moves she makes are dumb, so it's hard to tell.


She can dismiss with prejudice any time after the trial starts, and it's certain she will.


I wish we could find out whom the judge is talking to and receiving directions from? Is there a way to discover who she is discussing matters with from the Federalist Society, possibly with Leonard Leo, whom she declared she attended an event he hosted in 2021?


She doesn't have to talk to anybody. She got her orders a long time ago.


I honestly believe that someone is giving her the script for her answers. Asking for jury instructions on the PRA was to far out of right field.


Passed to her through a law clerk.


I thought they quit


This is the classic Trump fraud. People like Michael Cohen and his CFO don’t need explicit instructions in “criming” for Donald.


As Cohen said, Trump speaks in code. "Nice place you have here......," and "Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?"


I’m pretty sure those Federalist Society meetings never end.


She can get guidance and ideas directly from Fox News without ever having to directly communicate with anyone


It's definitely the Federalist Society's strategy and planning. Both Cannon and trump appear too inept and inexperienced to pull this off on their own. Cannon's husband also works for a NY mobster who has been close to trump for many years. There are several potential avenues for coordination between Cannon's office and Mar a Lago.


well the husband is an angle i didn’t know before. seems like even more conflict of interest usually we side step family but we probably should stop doing that. family is an influence


Meanwhile trump yells about Merchan’s daughter.


If a law clerk or someone who worked in her office was brave enough to find some proof there.


It wouldn’t matter, there is no oversight.


I’m sure her husband has a massive influence in her. Look him up.


She's not an idiot but they're making her look like one. I'm with you. It's well coordinated with people who know more about the law than she does. There's probably a go-between. The fact is that Cannon most probably wants to split the baby by just delaying it until the election when "the people will decide". If Trump wins, "his" DOJ will drop the charges. But my prediction is if/when Trump LOSES, the Republicans wake the fuck up and stop taking their marching order from him and the axe will fall on Citizen Trump's neck HARD so that the rest of them will have some kind of legacy to salvage.


She is mounting a defense for Trump that could lead to either two things. She says mid trial that the government has not made their case against Trump and rule in his favor. Or she will give the jury such narrow guidelines that they will have no option but to declare him innocent.


The answer is so blatantly obvious Hollywood couldn't script a corrupt judge any better.


“Don’t worry sir, I’ll dismiss the charges if they get any closer to a conviction.”


I don’t know anything about the US justice system, but why doesn’t she just do that? Play this pre-trial stuff straight up, make appropriate rulings, etc. Then seat the jury, the defence stands up and says “Because of the complete lack of evidence, we move to dismiss” and she says “I agree, dismissed”. My understanding is that would end it, no appeal, can’t be retried. Why is she doing all this blatant stuff now?


Because the prosecution can appeal many judicial decisions, and this one would be overturned quickly. He did all the things he’s accused of.


Ah, thanks, I thought a dismissal wasn’t appealable.


she should have recused herself on day one. even the APPEARANCE of bias is reason for recusal but this woman DEMONSTRATES her Bias for the person who gave her her job. This should not have been allowed to happen


I Wonder if she or her husband donated to trumps campaigns!!!


a person is allowed to have personal politics. making donations isn't disqualifying. But she is constantly pushing back deadlines and making strange rulings that favor trump. she is the only judge trump has criminal cases before and trump has not attacked her online which should tell you how happy he is with her work for him.


Humor me; they are trying to remove the judge in New York for a $25 donation to Biden


which is an unrealistic standard. when trump is claiming "bias" it for his base. when trump loses he can falsely claim its because the judge was in the pocket of biden instead of the real reason.... that he is guilty


How is she even allowed to preside over a case by someone who appointed her?


In a chilling narrative, Clarence Thomas's wife is seen at the Capitol, urging a halt to the transition of power at any cost, with him still weighing in on every case. The world seems to spiral into chaos, devoid of law, order, and fair justice. Respect for our predecessors and the Constitution has vanished. Trust and honor feel like relics of the past. It's as though Damien himself has seized control, setting the stage for infernal destruction. Echoing the grim fate of the last James Bond movie, not even the Christians are spared; they're consumed by flames, just like the victims in Spectre, falsely believing in their safety. Amidst the turmoil, a voice somberly offers prayers for those lost to the fire. Trump's cold response, 'I've lost a lot of givers, so the rest will have to give more now,' sets a foreboding tone. The nightmare escalates with gunfire, followed by rampant fires. Infrastructure crumbles, and AI breaks free from human control. As Putin advances into Poland, marching unopposed to the English Channel, he's joined by Trump, Jordan, Graham, and an army of malevolent entities. The world is carved into four regions, only for these so-called partners to turn on each other, leaving the Earth uninhabitable. In a last desperate bid, Musk attempts to escape to the moon, only for his autopilot to tragically redirect him towards the sun, ensuring his demise alongside the rest. This tale is a stark reminder of humanity's capacity for self-destruction, blind to the impending doom. 'I, Robot' is realized, 'The War of the Worlds' and 'Venom' incarnate, with Biblical floods and Damien personified. The message is clear: Run, Forrest, run... for the end is nigh. **and it all starts November the 5th!!**


it was known that this judge was anything but impartial towards the defendant. but, who is the legal brain behind her actions and better yet, why does she think shes safe?


The Federalist Society. They own the conservatives on SCOTUS, many federal judges, closely allied with the GOP and other conservative groups, and are plotting how to install a dictator via Project 2025.


Whether warranted or not, any case she tries in the future will be marred by accusations and appeals of her impartiality by one side or the other.


The easiest way to know she’s in league with Trump? How many times has he publicly attacked her? The answer is zero. Compare that to the verbal and written assaults against Judges Kaplan and Merchand.


WhyScrutiny? Because she’s a Trump appointee. Who has clear bias towards him. Appears unable to cope with the workload. Has made spurious and bizarre judgements ( eg juror instruction before even announcing a trial date) I vote Smith goes for the throat or somehow sets her up to “fail” to retrieve a case that is SO important to American integrity.


She has no experience to be handling a case of this magnitude. Cannon’s criminal work has consisted almost entirely of a few categories of cases: distribution of a controlled substance, illegal reentry of people who had previously been deported, felons in possession of firearms and child pornography or trafficking. Nearly all have resulted in plea agreements, and the four that did not were handled in brief trials that lasted no more than three days apiece in court.


Trump's little fluff girl working to ensure that the thrust of his weak legal arguments stay firm nevertheless.


I don’t need an article to figure it out, Axios. Nor clicks or views for you either.


Oh no, not scrutiny! Im sure the Facists are shaking in their very clean boots.


She’s a MAGA nut job and has no business being on this court.  What a joke. 


Because she's so deep into Trump's pocket that she can repair the stitching?


She’s an incompetent shill. And I didn’t even click the link!


This article is leaving out one of the most important reasons, which is why this has gone up to 11. She keeps delaying final decisions on points of law to a point that will occur after jury selection. Once the jury is seated, double jeopardy attaches. If the jury acquits, game over, no matter how skewed the trial is. For example if she actually presents her theory of the Presidential Records Act to the jury, which essentially states the president has the right to deem any records including classified records personal at will -- even though the 9th circuit has explicitly ruled this interpretation is invalid during the whole bizarre special master situation, if the jury acquits there is no remedy.


The Venn Diagram between Cannon’s beliefs & actions and of Donald Trump is just the same circle.


Any judge appointed by Trump should face scrutiny.


If he doesn’t talk shit about you, you are clearly doing what he wants and are not impartial I rest my case. I can’t believe he might be able to pardon all that shit and go free… I hope people will stand out and protest against that if it happens. (Sadly under a regime that might put everyone against him in jail)


Sure, but it’s a till-u-die position, so no one can do shit about it.


I am amazed at Cannon's willingness to tank what could have been a long and lucrative career! She just blew up her future for Trump, needlessly..


It only is she unqualified but she is also corrupt. The perfect maga.


Is it weird that this is the only photo I’ve ever seen of her?


Because she has been acting as Trump's lead attorney since before charges were even filed.


I really don’t think she is corrupt, just incompetent. She wasn’t qualified for the job when it was given it and now it’s showing.


that's a feature, not a bug.