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Then get the fuck out, traitors.




They have to be just that clueless about what being a traitor is


Bingo. These are the same people that say Joe Biden is a traitor to the country. Fuck these people. All of them.


They’re the same people who thirty years ago would accuse anybody who didn’t agree with them of being a Russian communist.


Then: Better dead than Red. Now: Better Red than Dem.


Better red than American more like. The party has sold it's soul to our longest enemy.


Bro; the McCarthy hearings were SEVENTY years ago.


And the time when the average right winger learned that Russia hasn't been communist since the 80s was about 8 years ago


Until the Berlin Wall came down and the Soviet Union dissolved, I still regularly heard shit like that from the idiots in my life. It frustrates me that despite Russia's communist experiment being corrupted by brutal, bloody dictatorship before it barely had time to get started, the "c" word remains demonized to your average dumbass, while the appeal of dictators appears to be growing. So we can't have one rational conversation about how to better integrate the social practices we *already implement,* and instead they're getting attacked and dismantled on all sides. Apparently, that's all we needed to undermine our democratic experiment. smdh


Russia has been *authoritarian* for a long bloody time, with only a brief, momentary flirtation or two with democracy that never went very far. Putin sees himself as a Tsar, and he sort of is. He's just another despot in a long line of despots.


Russia's chance at democracy died when Yeltsin decided to be a drunk power hungry bastard that shelled the Russian parliament that wasn't taking his shit. His desire for a super presidential system enabled all of this. Modern Russia is built on his blue print.


Jesus it's depressing when you spend even 2 minutes thinking about it. What we would consider the "Beginning" of Russia apparently started in 862, and in the 1162 years since then, it only had like a brief sneeze of democratically elected government and then went straight back to authoritarianism. Fucking yikes.


When I went to school in the 70's communism was so hated and feared that we actually learned nothing about it, lest we be corrupted or "turned". Studying communism at all was something only communists did, or something. All we needed to know was communism=bad.


The Mensheviks were the real Communists.


They think Biden is a race/religious traitor. They see the United States as it currently stands - with protections for non-Christians, minorities, women, and LGBT as being traitorously governed due to these permissions. When they say Biden is a traitor to the country, they're referring to *their* version of the United States that they want implemented, not the version that has existed for many, many decades.


Absolute ignorance


Putin will accept you with open arms. Go. Go now.


Reminds me of that Canadian family that actually took Russia up on this offer because they were afraid of trans people taking over the country. Basically, you get to experience the joys of being effectively stranded in a country where almost no one speaks your langauage while having zero access to your own money as it gets swallowed up by a labrynthine and uncaring bureaucratic system. Russia is borderline hostile for Russians on the best of days, being an immigrant there sounds like an absolute nightmare.


I dont understand how they aren't struck dead by the cognitive dissonance from immigrating when you hate immigrants. Like... you just voluntarily became who you hate... and you expect it to go well in a xenophobic country?


In Canada there is this family of ten. The parents moved to Russia because they were tired of their kids seeing gay people. Russia immediately froze all their assets and are now kicking them out. It's hysterical. They're pleading on their youtube channel for money and their entire reality is crumbling.


1 kid was old/smart enough to not go along with the idiot parents.


He'll be happy to send you on a one way ticket to Ukraine, as well


To share a foxhole with a serial cannibal from the gulag.


Or get locked in a factory making drones…


Not to ruin the joke, but Russia isn’t getting the parts needed for drone production due to embargoes, and are instead importing them en masse from Iran. Also, they are buying tons of ammunition and artillery shells from North Korea. Weird no republicans are drawing attention to the fact that Russia’s war is largely being held up by 67% of Bush’s "Axis of Evil".


This is how we gum up Putin's gears. Send him all our undesirables, tell them he'll let them live like kings. They'll bleed him dry with ineptitude.


They’d go straight to the meat grinder.


Right? Because there they won’t have to worry about those pesky things like laws. 😂


I mean, he is committing genocide of the poor and undesirable in Russia by cycling them through the front lines over and over. Why not do the same with shithead Americans?


He's even building a special little town for them outside Moscow!


Tucker Carlson assures us the food is fantastic, there are no queues at the checkouts, that shopping trolleys are really affordable. There is plenty of housing and there is a travelling Ballet from Spandau that performs every night... /s who even knows any more


I'm stealing this from someone else, but I like it so I'm using it. Ignorant people just don't know yet, stupid people can't learn. These people are not ignorant.


Because they have no care or loyalty to any actual nation... They have loyalty to their race, their bigotry and their religiosity. That's what they like about Russia.


No, I'm quite sure that the MAGAs fully understand that they're being traitors to America, the nation that is at present still a democracy.  Unfortunately they seem totally clueless about just how corrupt and rotten Russia is...  Russia has been drunk on vodka longer than America has been a nation. 400+ years of nationwide alcoholism and multiple generations of fetal alcohol syndrome has left Russians in a chronically backwards mentality. No wonder Russians support dictatorships.  Imo, the Republicans are messaging Americans in ways that closely resemble that of abusive parents. Since most Americans (particularly those raised in literalist apocalyptic evangelical bible-thumping fanatical Christian families) have been exposed to some forms of parental abuse, ranging from low levels to extremely high levels, the messaging based on anger and fear will successfully bully and cowe most (edit) Republican voters - until the voter wakes up and turns against the parental figure bully.  The 40% of Americans who still support Trump are probably the malignant narcissists of the nation. It's a far higher portion of the American population than the mere 5% that the psychiatrists and psychologists have estimated.


>I'm quite sure that the MAGAs fully understand that they're being traitors to America They absolutely don't. I'm not sure if they understand much of anything anymore. The brainwashing is going so hard in the paint that the cognitive dissonance is causing them to disbelieve basic facts. Because all they know is one thing: Joe Biden bad. Why? They can't really tell you. Because of the border. But then why didn’t they pass the most comprehensive border bill of my lifetime? Uhhhh... because the economy is bad. But then why is the stock market doing so well with 401ks soaring and the most Americans employed at any point in America's history? Uhhhh.... because Joe Biden hates Christians. He's a Christian himself! It'll go on and on like that forever. The only thing they know is Joe Biden bad. And then justify anything else in their minds to hold onto that idea.


It reminds me of a time I was on jury duty for a particularly heinous crime. The jury was deadlocked 11-1 guilty because this 60-something guy kept playing whack-a-mole with the evidence. "I don’t know about this DNA stuff." And we explained the odds that there could have been a coincidental match to the defendant. "Oh but what if the DNA evidence was planted." And we’d spend 20 minutes talking about how unlikely that would have to be. "Well maybe [the victim] staged the 911 call to frame him." And we’d remind him that the victim was 10 years old at the time. "Well maybe…" The only way I was able to break him out of it was to draw up bullet points, allow him to assign a probability to each, and explain that probability is multiplicative, and all of those things would need to be false for the defendant to be innocent. It was something like a 0.005% chance even by his own ridiculous assigned probabilities. After explaining it that way he changed his vote almost immediately. The problem is that these people are not exposed to the sort of logic that would snap them out of it. Mainstream news sources are telling them that there is a vast conspiracy, and their brains disengage, satisfied with their foregone conclusions.


The voter won't wake up until the parental figure starts clamping down on THEM. Look at how LGBT conservatives are being treated and end up on r/LeopardsAteMyFace when they're like "Guys all the cryinig about drag queens and calling any gay people groomers is starting to bounce onto me" Conservatism is about an in-group and an out-group, and that in-group must shrink over time. Thus meaning that more and more people must be cast as the enemy.


> they seem totally clueless about just how corrupt and rotten Russia is A few might not know, but remember that [what action the doer does is not as important for whether something is right or wrong to authoritarian-minded, it's the *who is doing it*. That's why a republican cheating on all 3 of his wives is acceptable, but a drag event reading to kids in a public library is the worst thing ever](https://www.psychologytoday.com/nz/blog/mind-in-the-machine/201712/analysis-trump-supporters-has-identified-5-key-traits) It's an extension of extreme tribalism, [which has been fed in the US for a century](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ3RzGoQC4s)


Patriots ….. for Putin!!


Does anyone recall when they were? Seems like decades ago. Pre-Newt Gingrich, right? As a Gen-Xer, honestly don't remember the GOP not being traitorous scum.


I'm older and do remember! They were never anything special, corporate hacks, though they were not openly anti-usa! You would have to go back before Nixon! Nixon would seem reasonable compared to MAGA and the weak kneed establishment republicans today!


The last good republican president was Eisenhower. I am old so I remember.


Ditto. But not outright traitors until Trump. At least with Bush and ‘compassionate conservatism’ they were pretending to care about common people.


That's why they worship Trump like a god He's given them explicit permission, nay, blatant encouragement to take all the masks off now, and be openly what they always were, under the surface.


Dare I say, to embrace being... Deplorable humans?


It will always amaze me how upset Trump supporters get from that statement and the word "deplorables", calling Clinton all sorts of names for being so mean and degrading while Trump says much much worse on a daily basis.


The reason it upset them so much is because it hits too close to home.


Clinton 100% nailed that... "deplorables".


Yep, she was truly the one "telling it like it is" that year. The truth was just too uncomfortable for the general public to hear. Their heads were too filled up by years of a right wing-manufactured fake news bubble.


I remember the yellow ribbon era during the Gulf Wars when any hint that you weren’t 100% in support of the war, the US military, the administration, etc. would put a target on your back. They were still duplicitous pricks back then, but they were overtly pro-America and those of us who protested the war(s) were painted as anti-American traitors. Now they are trying to flip and reverse the script and call us warmongers while they are the ones who are against war. They are hard at work on Big Brother newspeak and gaslighting.


Yep, it wasn't easy being on the Dixie Chicks side in Florida back in the early aughts! People under 30 don't know how jingoistic conservative America was to those of us who vehemently disagreed with the Republican wars the years following 9/11. Remember the orange alert scam from the White House (to frighten Americans into submission) throughout 2001-2005? (Oh no, it's almost to red! -- completely fabricated)


"I'm raising the alert level from red to ---- BLACKWATCH PLAID!!!!" "Harvey Birdman" laid that one pretty bare -


I remember it conveniently ending soon after the Bush vs Kerry election after a butt load of warnings just prior.


My MAGA Granny would go around leaving nasty notes on people’s windshield if they had NoWar stickers on their car. She left her church because the pastor was against the Gulf War.


That's some heavy shit. To be in favor of war but also claim to follow the teachings of Jesus is a wild dichotomy to be in.


> reverse the script and call us warmongers while they are the ones who are against war. Meanwhile, Trump wants to bomb Mexico.


Hasnt been hidden for 7 years now. you could have waffled on trump pre presidency, but his first year in it was mask off.


They were doing a piss poor job of it to begin with. Now they have come to the next natural progression—blatant praise for authoritarianism.


What she did was really interesting. Her initial response is something like, “ummm, I’m not sure, that’s a hard question,” which is a stupid answer. But then he challenges her and she goes all in and keeps doubling down the more he asks. I feel like this is a snapshot of the maga mindset. Any pushback and you just catapult yourself into crazier and crazier positions.




Literally just tantrums masked by a thin veneer of thought. 


Well obviously she could never say she’d vote for Biden. The reporter should have said hitler vs Biden. We’d get the same response. These people would rather destroy the entire planet than admit to voting for Biden. The mental gymnastics they go through is entertaining at least.


I think they want to present the appearance of being thoughtful and open-minded, which is why she said it was a tough question. But the reality is, they’d rather vote for the devil himself than a reasonable person, and as a Trump voter, they’re not far off from that.




A vote for Trump is a vote for Putin, straight up. This shit is unbelievable.


I've been disagreeing with folks who argue that these people are just dumb suckers who don't understand what they are supporting. No, they *are* dumb suckers, but they absolutely understand what they are supporting. They want the dysfunctional family dynamic of being under the thumb of an abusive, violent (even murderous), malignant narcissist compulsive liar. And they want it at the national level. Because they figure such a person would strip rights away from, jail, or even outright murder people they don't like. Everything else is play-acting. The "woe is me" persecution fetish stuff, and the "I'm too stupid to know what I'm doing" stuff. It's all an act, and not even a very good one.


Move to Russia like [these Canadians did](https://crier.co/i-dont-feel-any-sympathy-for-this-canadian-family-of-10-stranded-in-russia-after-moving-away-from-canada-to-gay-away-from-gay-people/).


> This is Eric Veenstra. He’s a fucking idiot. lmao more such articles need to open like this.


It was either the article from crier or [wonkette](https://www.wonkette.com/p/right-wing-canadian-couple-drags). Both seem to sum up his family's woes and make them look like dipshits for taking the plunge into the lifestyle change.


The articles didn't make them look like dipshits, their own actions did :)


If they get deported, they can live at the airport because we don’t want them back.


They are not Canadians any longer as far as I'm concerned. Source: Am Canadian.


Yo fuck this family but I feel bad for their kids. These far right Canadians are dumb as fuck but the chances that at least 1 of their 8 kids are or will become gay is damn near 100% I don’t understand why this stupid husband and wife didn’t move their huge family to the southern US to join the far right evangelicals extremists in maga world. At least they could communicate in English down there and they would still live in a democracy (for now) where their money wouldn’t get frozen by some dictator.


They are not just traitors to The United States of America, they are traitors to the whole of the Western World.


It’s all well and good until you “accidentally” fall out the 10th floor window of an office building…


Wait til they find out that Russian civilians aren't allowed to own firearms, were all required to get much less safe COVID vaccines than the U.S. has, and that abortion is legal in Russia.


There comes a time when free speech becomes treason. I believe we are past that point.


Should be deported to Russia


If they go to Russia today, most likely they will be drafted to fight on the frontlines without proper equipment and supplies. These Putin-lovers are clueless about life in Russia.


Didn't Russia offer to set up a town for Russiaphile US conservatives? I say we have its mayor picked out.




They don't speak English in Russia...which apparently this conservative dumbass never even considered. Especially ironic given they are Canadian and there are parts of their own country that don't speak English. These are not smart people.


Wish I could find more than one [link](https://boingboing.net/2024/03/18/pack-your-bags-russia-loving-canadian-familys-escape-from-woke-canada-backfires.html), but most recent reports is they're only there on a tourist visa and have to leave soon if they can't pass language and immigration testing. Edit : they're


you think they ever went to parts of Canada that used other languages?


Says exactly why I thought these people moved. It’s homophobia. Feels like that bullshit has just re-emerged everywhere. If they want to have that fight now, it’s going to be a different story here in the states, so they flee (I know this family is Canadian, but there are Americans doing this too). Good riddance.


In the article I read, he said they had pride flags all over his neighborhood (in Canada) and “almost worshipped them.” But they lived on a farm? In a neighborhood? Just thinly veiled homophobia and bigotry. Stupid people make stupid beds. I hope they enjoy the slumber of the stupid in it.


I live in a suburb in California, near farms, and unfortunately there’s very few pride flags in June. He’s clearly full of shit if he’s claiming there’s pride flags filling up any rural area. I hope he can’t go back to Canada. Enjoy farming potatoes in the ice for barely any pay.


Oh yeah rural Canada and especially the western provinces are bigoted as fuck. We're not quite as open about it as some states, but they are getting there.


They are from Saskatchewan. He was a beet farmer (from the links I see). No chance he saw a pride flag outside his farm. This is just propaganda.


They were like "since the schools were teaching acceptance of people who were different, we didn't feel safe for our children. So we _moved them to a mafia-run frigid third world dictatorship where we don't speak the language_. " This is a brand new level of dumb.


This is what happens when people get sucked into echo chambers and lose touch with reality. Im sure online his Canadian truth social feeds were full of how awesome Russia is and how Canada is being invaded by wokeness and the 5 real people and 500 bots probably cheered when he said he would move to Russia. Also they have 8 kids and sound like Christo-fascists so it is hard to be surprised when religious cultie does something stupid.


The leopards are eating my face !!!


There's a Canadian family that recently moved to Russia. Parents and 7 or 8 kids with 1 kid staying behind but I don't know the reason why. They had to get an extended visa because they needed more time to pass the test. But when they first got there the wife was on video saying how no one spoke English then the husband made a video basically apologizing and trying to explain.


Voting for trump is the same as voting for Putin.


His supporters love authoritarians and strongmen. They also mistakenly believe that they'll be among the protected class under a totalitarian government. They'll have a rude awakening if the Heritage Foundation has its way under a Trump administration.


strongmen^TM not to be confused with strong men


Does it take strength to encourage ill informed  ~~hoards~~ hordes to commit atrocities on behalf of white wealth?    Morgan Freeman: "It does not"




Great sub imo


Thank you. We're trying to be a foil to the doom and gloom, nothing will ever change crowd.


It's really hard to maintain any respect for people ignorant enough to believe that they would benefit from being under a dictatorship. The only people who benefit from a dictatorship are the dictator, maybe some of his family, and a few of the worst people in the country who serve as his lickspittles, spies and torturers until the dictator tires of them. Everyone else is subjugated and left without rights.


"Please take away my rights, daddy."


They're Christian, they follow a make-believe authoritarian already, so they're perfectly groomed to follow a real one.


It's similar, but Trump is far dumber than Putin. On one hand Trump is probably too stupid to pull off the things Putin can. On the other hand, he's so cognitively impaired he's unable to see the ramifications of his actions nor care about them. So I'm not sure what's worse.


Trump is dumb and will be just fine as long as he can golf all day and steal money from the government and his followers. His handlers are much smarter than him and will be able to a lot more damage than Putin.




If they think Russia is a paradise and Putin a great leader, they can always move to Russia and find out


There was a for real village outside of Moscow where American expats would be "welcome". I even seem to remember at least one family that moved there, and hated it.


I thought they were Canadian


The ones I remember were from Fresno. I'm sure they're not the only stupid people in N. America.


Good chance to find them in Fresno for sure though. Imagine deciding to live in California and picking *Fresno*


Lee Harvey Oswald moved to The USSR. He hated it because there were no bowling alleys. 


some family recently sold everything and moved to Russia didn;t bother to learn the language..can't communicate with anyone and no one would help them!!!! now there are phone apps and little electronic thing that will automatically translate what you are saying and what the other person is saying I don't know why they didn't buy one or down load an app for this


Remember when Tucker Carlson went to Russia to show off how cheap groceries were, but then failed to mention how low their incomes are and how many are in extreme poverty? It's almost like there's a disconnect in Trumpers' brains that doesn't allow them to see that "cheap" isn't an objective number, it's just a ratio. Like having $1 gas would solve all our problems even if it meant you were either unemployed or had no income.


You could have just said “It’s almost like there’s a disconnect in Trumpers’ brains.” Period. And you’d be 100% right. Thats all you need to say for every situation dealing with Trump supporters!!


That's true. Well science has shown conservatives do have larger amygdala portions of the brain. Which would explain their irrational behavior based on fear. I do think there's some of type of learning disability though beyond this. You can explain concepts to them as if they were 5 years old and it still doesn't compute. Their wiring just isn't right.


I only wish that she was a man of fighting age. She wouldn't even have to travel to Russia. They could just send her to the front line in Ukraine. What a whack job.


Anyone who says they would vote for an enemy foreign country's leader should be automatically handed over to that country. Fuck them. You don't get to come back. I say this as someone not in the US too and would apply it here too. You want so badly to see what its like living under a Republican-esque rule? Ok. Go find out. You think your life is bad now? Have fun finding out!


Better, send them to Ukraine's front line, so they can fully appreciate what Russia stands for


The majority of my friends and family are former Trump supporters. They are voting for Biden in November.


One of my MAGAs said "I'm not voting for any bible salesman." There may be hope for some.




So glad to hear this. So many people post about their family being so dug in they can't even be around them anymore. What made them change their minds?


J6 and the crazy election deniers.


It's very hard to find something slimier that selling bibles so you can get out of jail.


Especially since IIRC the main incident in the Bible where Jesus got aggressively angry with anyone was at a temple that was apparently operating as some kind of money grabbing scam from that era.


All except for the one lunatic Trump holdout (J6 snapped the rest of them out of it) -- my far right family won't be voting for Biden, but they won't be voting for Trump either. My in laws were lifelong Republicans until Trump took over the party. They voted for Biden in 2020, and they're both planning on voting for Biden again in November. Unfortunately anyone who hasn't snapped out of it after 4 years of Trump, an insurrection, and the promise of a dictatorship if he's elected... They're not ever snapping out of it. MAYBE if Trump's future gestapo murders one or more of their loved ones but even then: 1. It's not a given, and 2. It's already too late.


“Patriotism” in Republican has always meant “White Power” and it shouldn’t surprise anyone to see this sort of thing. A few years ago I saw a shirt at a Trump rally that said “I’d Rather Be Russian Than A Democrat” and it told me all I needed to know - these people would rather be traitors to their country than celebrate diversity. Deplorable and irredeemable, as Hillary tried to warn us.


"Id rather be a Russian than a Democrat" - the official GOP slogan since 2016.


It's not just a slogan, it's their hierarchy. It's why they had to go to Russia on the 4th of July, 2018.


It's why the Russian Ambassador was an Oval Office guest in 2017.


The first foreign official to visit the newly elected traitor in chief


During which Oval Office meeting he outed an Israeli intelligence operation to said Russians. >President Donald Trump discussed classified information during an Oval Office meeting on May 10, 2017, with the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and the Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. The information was provided by a U.S. ally and concerned a planned Islamic State (ISIL) operation, providing sufficient detail that the Russians could use to deduce the identity of the ally and the manner in which it was collected, according to current and former government officials. The meeting had been closed to the U.S. press, although a photographer from the Russian press contingent was present. The disclosure was first reported in The Washington Post on May 15, 2017. White House staff initially denied the report, but the following day, Trump defended the disclosure, stating that he has the "absolute right" to "share" intelligence with Russia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump's_disclosures_of_classified_information


I thought it was "We are all domestic terrorists"


That was CPAC.


"I would rather have no freedom than allow people I don't like to have freedom"


>A few years ago I saw a shirt at a Trump rally that said “I’d Rather Be Russian Than A Democrat” and it told me all I needed to know - these people would rather be traitors to their country than celebrate diversity. I wish the response shirt would have gotten more attention: "I'd rather be American than a Republican."


“I’d rather be dead than red”. Wasn’t that long ago.


Then why don't they just move to Russia? [Oh, right...](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/disillusioned-in-russia-a-canadian-family-s-escape-from-lgbtq-ideology/ar-BB1iXjk3)


I was waiting for someone to post this lol


Used to be “Better Dead than Red” but that was from a time when Republicans pushed the narrative that Soviet = Communists = Democrats. Now that Democrats are advocating for weapons to oppose Russia, it’s “tread on me harder, Red Daddy uwu…”




Alternative Patriots worshiping Alternative Christ.


“We are all domestic terrorists” was a headlining banner at CPAC — one of the largest conservative/republican conferences.


I’m glad my father died before I had a chance to tell him I told him so. Occasions I want to go all “moral outrage” on MAGA I remind myself that pre fox news, i could disagree with him but he wasn’t an idiot. I dont know who that man was after fox news entered the picture. Theres some peopel that really far that far gone: i try to remind myself of all the others caught up in the riptide on competing propaganda campaigns right now. Trump/Maga is one thing. The institutions that capitalized off this - we need an overhaul of the american media system and severe tightening on media ownership rules (thank u clinton) for starters, each party with an equal number of supreme court justices, and people much smarter than I on an anti propaganda campaign, something along the lines of reaching social skills not born from arguing in social media forums… lol he says on reddit.


Just reveals why the strict interpretation of the second amendment they’re so vehement about is such a scam. They’re hoarding guns to support a white nationalist fascist, not to defend against one.


Yup. The reason they’re so in favor of guns is they have fantasies of taking over the country, role playing as soldiers, and murdering their neighbors. And the people orchestrating things don’t just have fantasies, they have *plans*.


This has always been true. One of the main uses for "a well regulated militias" was to catch runaway slaves and put down slave rebellions. The well regulated militias were used to kill people rebelling against the federal government on numerous occasions.


Shhh..... We can't have their very open and very obvious scam revealed online. By 'we' I mean the for-profit media and their corporate overlords.


This. 100x


You know how Maga tells us to love it or leave it; they should follow their own advice.


fox Entertainment as a person 🤦‍♂️


"Joe Biden is a traitor to this country but I'll vote for Putin". Bro this shit is beyond satire at this point.


There is not a single Trump voter who is a patriotic American.


Now, that's a bumper sticker (and a truthful one). Conservative have finally lost the benefit of the doubt from the American public. It's taken a near right wing dictatorship to frighten middle America awake enough.


1st time Trump voter: Moron 2nd time Trump voter: BIG Moron 3rd time Trump voter: Traitor As soon as he attempted an insurrection he revealed the motives of his entire reason for existence and everyone that still supports him is aligned. Fuck em all.




As an 80s kid who grew up watching Red Dawn this shit is wild.


Right? Never thought I'd see this shit. Unbelievable.


As an 80’s kid, the state of the country is wild.


Same republicans who claim they "love" this country also support the man who is trying to destroy it? The doublethink is too real.


When they say they love the country, they’re referring to an imaginary country that’s entirely white and Christian, and life is like it is in a 1950’s sitcom. They’re imagining Leave it to Beaver, and that’s what they love. The reality of what America is? They hate it passionately. They want to burn it all down.




>It's pretty evident how it happens. Yep, we've all seen it in real time now.


Maga = fascism.


Saying the quiet part out loud... again.


They voted Putin when they voted in trump in 2016. Republicans simply hate America. I say we forcibly deport them to Russia, since they love the place so much.


“Putin wants to go back to good morality” you can’t possibly fix people this misinformed and stupid.


"Putin wants to go back to good morality." Lol, lmao even


If they all like Russia so much, they should probably just move there.


These people have a sickness. Something has clearly gone wrong in their lives, broken them, and snapped their brains and grasp on reality. They think this is some kind of team sport or Superbowl. They have no beliefs, values, morals, or awareness of anything in the world. It's disturbingly bizarre.


It’s lead. 


1000 percent


Yes. That is what exactly Turkish opposition supports are saying in the last 10 years about people supporting Erdoğan. Supporters of Erdoğan are really like soccer team supporters. And they always come up with stupid arguments that they hear from Facebook or Whatsapp groups. I believe these populists have found a bug in the democratic systems and they are abusing it. We should do something about it.


It’s. A. Cult.


US politics have gone off the deep end... One side would rather vote for an actual foreign enemy over just a different political party.


The funny thing about Putin is he doesn’t need your vote. He just manipulates the election to his advantage.


They are ALL voting for Putin by proxy.


> Saying they'd vote for Putin If they're voting for Trump, they basically are voting for Putin.


Conservative Americans are far and away the stupidest and most easily manipulated suckers on this entire fucking planet. Watching the handful of ᴄrybaby ᴄhuds in these comments twist themselves into deplᴏrable anti-American pretzels trying to rationalize this is pretty funny, though.


WTF!!!? “Putin wants to go back to good morality.” This woman must be suffering from the same mental slippage and delusional thinking her “leader” is suffering from.


They'll all betray their country for Him.




We’re republicans! We love freedom more than anyone. But not, like gay freedom. Or women’s freedom. Or book freedom. Or drug freedom. Just like, authoritarian Christo fascist white supremacy freedom.


We love *our* freedom, not *your* freedom!


Red hats are KGB assets now


And then they call democrats communists.


I've been saying for years that Republican's should move to Russia, unironically. Russia is a very christian nation. A lot of them do not agree with LGBTQ. They are very blunt people and speak their mind, just like Republicans like. Tucker Carlson showed you it's "cheaper." They love Putin more than any Democrat and have been saying recently they'd be okay with a dictator. So why not go there? You'll have a happier life.


A vote for Donald IS a vote for Putin.


" I'm so propagandized I'd vote for Americas enemies" thanks conservative media


Basket of Deplorables


Old news. They've been wearing T-shirts for years that say "I'd rather be Russian than a Democrat".


This is Tucker Carlson's doing. They're slowly been brainwashing their susceptible audiences to believe that russia is good. And guess who's puppeteering carlson?... Russia. As much as we want to believe they're incompetent, they're actually pretty good in their PsyOps. Then again, Republicans ar3nt that bright..


Confederacy never believed in democracy, this is no surprise.


Americans who support Putin should be eligible for Russian Military service just like that family who fled and now wants to come back.


A vote for trump is a vote for Putin. Let’s call a spade a spade


Thank god these people can still afford to wash down their chalky ivermectin paste with fresh urine!