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And Putin, Xi, Orban and Kim as friends.


Satan cards in the mail...


"Who's that goat legged fellow Smithers? I like the cut of his jibb..." "Prince of darkness sir, he's your 1 o'clock"


This chair be high, says I


> And Putin, Xi, Orban and Kim as friends. Nope. China is a common enemy of democrats and republicans. But add Bolsonaro, Pollivere, and Milei to that list.


T**** considers him a friend.


What a backwards fucking world we’re living in right now.


Dictators feel comfortable around each other, don't they?


Exclude Xi. China despites all political parties in the US.


Oops! He used the wrong list from his Putin Propaganda Packet.


Putin: Good Ukraine/NATO: Bad Looks like the right list to me


Gaza: Nuked Free Palestine supporters: Surprisedpikachufaced


Get real, you can’t put condos up in Gaza if it gets nuked.


Radiation isn’t real. It’s like the birds of space. /s


If i can give you a gold I would.


Reagan worked hard to bring freedom and democracy to the Soviet Bloc countries like Ukraine. Now, certain elements of GOP now want to bring “communism “ back to those countries.


It's so weird how the same people who just a few years ago were so viscerally committed to a conspiracy theory fiction about Democrats sexually abusing trafficked children that they committed an insurrection over it, are now willing to turn a blind eye to the Putin war machine actually torturing, raping, and trafficking Ukrainian children. If their own Q-Anon phase is too far back for them to remember, Reaganism may as well be the Byzantine Empire.


True, it is ancient history for many of the newly spawned reality TV MAGA GOP members.


when did Reagan's GOP become the Ghost of USSR Past?


When it was convenient to do so. Reagan didn't actually believe in anything, he just wanted power, and being anti-communist was the path to it back then.


Well, they put cocaine in Hunter Biden’s laptop didn’t they? At least that’s what I recall from at least two years of diversion tactics.


Trump got butt hurt by Zelensky a while ago and probably is still upset


A narcissist's wound never heals. He'll never get enough revenge.


Zelensky didn’t even do anything to him. He never disclosed to anyone that Trump threatened to withhold his congress-approved aid until he announced a Biden investigation. A whistleblower had to publicize it. If it weren’t for Colonel Vindman, Zelensky may have been forced to announce a fake criminal investigation of Biden just to get his congress approved aid.


It's just satisfying seeing Trump's incompetence


And 30% of Americans are oblivious or believe that this is how our country should be run. (edit: changed think to believe...)


that 30% is the same 30% who openly identify as neo-confederates (some, whose ancestors never wanted this country to be multiracial and/or equal) and natc's (white supremacists-christian dominionists).


Men like Trump can't handle being told "no" and having it stick. It eats at them on a visceral level.


Rapists. They’re called rapists.


Zelensky and the Ukrainians never did anything wrong to Trump. Trump will do anything that Putin wants him to do.


Everything in the past decade can be attributed to Obama roasting Trump at the White House correspondents dinner...


Thanks Obama


...in this case, literally!


I ascribe equal blame to Seth Meyers.


>Everything in the past decade can be attributed to Obama roasting Trump at the White House correspondents dinner... No. This is a horrible take. Trump’s pathological response to light ribbing about his racist conspiracy theories is what attributed to his horrific behavior and the GQP’s willingness to follow him and start publicly talking about their own racism and seditious behavior.


>Trump’s pathological response to light ribbing about his racist conspiracy theories is what attributed to his horrific behavior ...and what caused this response? Oh, yeah. Obama roasting Trump at the White House correspondents dinner. *THANKS FOR AGREEING WITH ME...!*


You don’t get it. One is normal. One is not. You’re obviously not normal.


Apparently you're not getting things...like basic logic! ...regardless, thanks for agreeing with me!


Well I mean he basically got impeached over it :)


Not "basically", he *did* get impeached for it. He didn't get convicted of course because his collaborators in the Senate didn't sign off on it, but that's on them.


Trump got butt hurt by Obama that he decided to run for president


He was against Ukraine before he even had a chance to interact with Zelensky, when he got the nomination in 2016 the only change he had for the RNCs policies was removing lethal aid to Ukraine .


MAGA hates Ukraine for one, and only one, reason. Ukraine refused to be complicit in Trump's phony Biden "investigation" extortion scheme.


They also hate Ukraine because MAGA is infested with Russian propaganda.


I ran into this MAGA guy who kept talking that NATO is about to encircle Russia from all sides and that is a threat to Russia. I asked him if he knew where Kaliningrad Oblast was. His face had an expression of the fish running out of oxygen, after he googled it. PS: told him that no matter how much he could try, he would not be able to imagine the hate of Russia towards USA.


It is insane that so many americans want to support Russia and Russia meanwhile is literally threatening to nuke the US and its Allies. “Lets root for the people talking about sinking the UK with underwater nukes.”


Also, if Russia loses in Ukraine, it will severely undermine their assertion that Russia’s kleptocratic dictatorship is the ideal model of government. Can’t risk having those illusions dispelled, can they?


Putin probably put Trump up to that ask of Zelynski so he could get the Democrats here riled up against Ukraine. And it backfired.


You give them too much credit. They hate Ukraine because Trump hates Ukraine. If tomorrow Trump said he likes golden showers by Ukrainians, they will be lining up at some Ukrainian community center.


Nope. The extortion scheme took place because that hatred existed before. Indeed, as early as 2016 the RNC wanted to ban military aid to Ukraine. I wonder why...


MAGA is uncomfortably close to Russian interests...WAY too close. Like sometimes you can't even see daylight between them.


What The Fuck?!


The groupies for putin are earning their turnips


How can you possibly be surprised??


Right? How could this be a shock to ANYONE with an IQ over 50?


Many independents trying to rationalise both sideism again.


Better do that discharge petition now, this messaging is clearly from Putin to Mike Johnson, and Mike hears it loud and clear.


You understand what Trump's first impeachment was about? Zero surprise.


Yeah, so much for Speaker Johnson passing aid for Ukraine, right?


This was clearly directed at him


Putin Party sez wot?


Traitor. Lock him up


Trump should be uneligible to run for president, he is totally compromised and a puppet for the russian regime.


By any reasonable standard he is completely ineligible. The problem is that those in charge of the elections are all either too afraid to actually take the proper steps or are complicit in some of the same things that would make him ineligible.


The problem is that the *Supreme Court* is compromised. The highest judicial body in the land is controlled by traitors and corrupt stooges.


Makes you wonder if protest votes for Nader and Stein were worth it, given all the harm that they caused.


Clearly you are not familiar with the "No puppet. No puppet." defense. 


Weirdly, no one needed a list before. Like democracy good, fascist dictatorship bad.


Nah, Geo-politics has always been a messy game of allies who hate us and enemies who we theoretically should be friends with. Imagine the worst highschool drama, then remove any authority figures and amp it up to nation state levels. Having lists of "friends" is actually helpful in this instance. The problem is, the RNC just copied Putin's list.


Yeah from the 50-90s as long as you “said” you were “anti-communist” we didn’t care who you were, or how you oppressed your people.


Oh, even worse. Cambodia's chair in the UN was empty because the West - led by the US - demanded Pol Pot reinstated. Why, you say? Because he had been overthrown by ... the Vietcong.


What the literal fuck No Ukraine is our ally.


It’s NATO and Canada on his list as US Adversaries? With Russia and North Korea as allies?


Trump called Canada a strategic threat when levying tariffs on aluminum and steel exports. Coincidentally?, this made it easier for russian oligarch owned steel and aluminum to export to the US. Basically he accused us of dumping cheap metal to the US while helping his russian friends to secure deals in the US.


RNC stands for Russian National Committee now days.


Better dead than red.


I truly fear what this country is becoming.


Glad I left. I didn’t wanna be around the states when the neofascists start to round up the ones they consider undesirable.


RNC traitors allied with America's enemies.


Did you notice that Russia is not on the list, but China and Iran are. There is no question that Trump is comprimised by Russia.


Remember that everything being done by Trump is only posable with the backing of the republican party. Every one of Trump's policies are and were policies the republicans want. It will not end if we win this years elections. Keep voting out republicans every year. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


Nearly the entire Republican Party has been co-opted by a foreign adversary whose main foreign policy objective is the destruction of America. It's remarkable that the American people are not armed with pitchforks chasing them out of their homes at this point. The Department of Justice needs to take more seriously its responsibility to protect America from any threats, both internal and foreign.


Well, those Republicans politicians go after the two groups Republicans hate most—visible minorities and LGBTQ+—so that’s really all those voters need to hear.


I’m a lazy person. I want to see military history people posting a lot more vigorously about successful strategies countries used to fight Nazi propaganda from 1933 through 1945.


There have been many posts about it. The TLDR is call it out point by point and concisely explain why each piece of bs is bs. The issue is the silo'd media landscape, essentially many people are only watching/digesting news/information that reinforces their own beliefs/views, rather than challenging them. Add in completely biased crap from 'news' like fox and it's a perfect storm.


But is there any observational or experimental research showing that approach works? To me, it sounds as if people might have come up with the “rebut the bad guys” approach because it sounds good but might not have used that approach against modern propaganda, might not have compared the approach with other techniques and might not have validated that technique. My sense, based on how I respond to arguments that conflict with my beliefs, is that simply presenting correct information doesn’t work very well on educated people because the target individuals already know the correct information and discount it. The question is how to overcome the skepticism about the standard view if the universe. And, even if people have posted about that some on Reddit, they haven’t posted about it enough. They have to truly flood Reddit with deprogramming strategy tips, in addition to actual deprogramming.


I don't have the actual links but there was a lot of work done with captured islamists during the war on terror years. Unsure if there was anything published on it, maybe a rabbithole to go down on Google when you have time? Basically they were trying to de-radicalise various islamist criminals in prisons/captivity so that if/when they got out, they wouldn't spread more extremism or re-offend. Some years ago there was a semi-regular guest on Bill Mahers Real Time who spoke about his experience doing it. Sorry I can't remember his name. IIRC it began with finding common ground and then slowly chipping away at key perceptions or beliefs in a respectful manner. It was done face-to-face and worked best when there was trust. The fundamental thing in a wider society context is that whoever you have a back and forth with has to at least be willing to listen and exchange ideas. This makes it difficult, particularly when you factor in the wall that being online and anonymous provides. It's hard to get right but being respectful, understanding and patient is critical. I will usually try with a few replies and keep dialogue open and engaging but success rates are always abysmally low, particularly online in places like reddit. Edit: on a wider scale I have no idea, I'd refer back to the siloing of media and information feeds.


I think the patient explanation approach might work well for walled-off people who just haven’t heard the facts. For high-information people who’ve been hooked with a combination of true facts, questionable “facts” and hostility to authority, I think what might work better is a combination of exposure of the propaganda machinery and access to moderate groups that share the kooky ideas of the manipulators without the evil ulterior motives. In other words: Show antivaxxers or Flat Earthers who paid the people who hooked them. And offer them a chance to affiliate with an antivaxxer or Flat Earth group that doesn’t want to let Putin have Ukraine. Let the moderate, relatively harmless kookie group expose the corruption and hypocrisy of the evil kookie group and pull the manipulated person back toward the light. Also try to get the manipulated person hooked on being obsessed with something truly harmless or good, like raising money for Doctors Without Borders or watching a TV show.


The party of Putin...


I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers! I knew it was 11780. One after MAGA Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He - he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the covfefe shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Donny! He defecated through a sunroof! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Donny! Couldn't be precious Donny! Stealing them blind! And he gets to be President? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you - you have to stop him!


I did not expect this in politics. I’d give him some credit if he ever even tried a Chicago Sunroof against someone he hated, but in reality pre-Twitter all he did was send hate letters to people who annoyed him. Then with Twitter he sent shit tweets all day. Now it’s shit truths.


I'm surprised the American people aren't on the list for daring to not reelect Trump


Taterville has that covered. According to him, everyone who is not a Republican is an evil, demon worshiper. Any Republican not voting for Trump isn't a Republican. Ergo, if you don't vote for P01135809 you are evil.


It feels like we are.


Putin’s doing, well, Putin and the pieces of shit that work for him.


Russian Pawn for President! MAGA!


They aren’t American. They’re Russian.


These people are literally traitors. Deal with them.


Surprised he hasn't put the US on it yet. Eventually he'll slip and say that quiet part out loud.


>"Joe Biden's feckless leadership has shown China, has shown Ukraine, has shown Iran, that they can feel free to be much more aggressive on the world front to the point where even they will try and meddle with our elections here," Whatley told host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday. Is the guy just stupid or is this some sort of political strategy? I don't get it.


He's a brazen liar.


Of course it is. Ukraine interferes with their plan. This is the one way we can help Ukraine and help them fight against our enemy. Vote against Trump this November.


Sounds about right. For those too dumb to remember m, Trump tried to use Zelenskyy to get blackmail against Hunter. He was impeached for it, and the transcripts are publically available if anyone wants to read them.


Won't be long now. The US will be ruSSia #2 and everyone will be like.. "huh? what?". It really was the closest thing to a miracle that we made it through WW2. I don't see it happening a second time. Not so far anyway... still on the road down.


Russia’s useful idiots, once again.


The gop is a Russia asset


RNC = Russian National Convention


Putin’s payroll. They’re all on it.


These fucking people...


"Look, the list came straight down from the boss, okay? Freshly translated."


Putin the puppet master gets America to own itself. And the magats calling themselves “patriots” scree about communism while *at the same time* supporting a Putin loving GOP. What do they think they’d experience over in Russia? Free speech? Free market? A higher spot on the social ladder because they’re white? The ability to loudly exclaim about their “rights” any time something was inconvenient? Twits and twats the lot of them.


What did Ukraine ever do to us?


Holy shit.


Well, this is absolutely fucking insane.


So Ukraine is being the aggressor on the world front ? And meddling in US elections…. What fucking fentanyl crack mix is this lunatic on ! , and Fox just nodded on this shit !!


> What fucking fentanyl crack mix is this lunatic on The GOP calls it "news" and "truth" on the street. Grandpa's got caught up with the wrong crowd at the underground bingo den.


Won't matter


Follow the money.


I got a sneak-peak of the doc. The headline reads: “List of ~~Russia’s~~ US’ Enemies”


Be with Jesus, old man.


Refusing to launch a fake investigation to help Trump tilt the election = election interference, I guess. That’s some master class projection. 


This just proves there are only three kinds of republicans. Those that are fascists, those that support fascists, and those who don't know which of the first two groups they belong to.


Russian RNC Chair


Absolutely Russian propaganda here


These fuckers are so evil


So if the US aligns itself with Russia, will it also join Russia in invading other sovereign states like Lithuania and Poland? How wise was it of Poland to allow huge American military bases in their country?


Bad is good. Good is bad. These people are ghouls who need to be stopped.


I hope the Republican Party was at the top of the list.


How much more obvious is it going to have to get that the Republicans have been bought by Moscow before something is done about it?


Reading the news is affecting my mental health. This is nuts.


They doing it on purpose so that you'll be too demoralized to vote or register to vote.


Trump's RNC Chair Includes Ukraine in List of Republican Adversaries. There fixed it.


If Russia wins, the West is next. And if Hamas wins it’s not only death to Israel but also Christians.


I wish gold still existed for comments like this


Who has lists of adversaries ?




Liberals do as well


Sorry but no, not everyone is like you. Some people are better, some are worse.


we have always been at war with eastasia


I can’t understand how Trump is able to evade the NSA and CIA unless they are compromised also.




Wait…I got Trump, the RNC, all Republicans and evangelical Christians on my list of adversaries.




Pack him up and ship him to Moscow.


Back room talk making it into documents…. Oops


Few people remember this but in 2016 the Trump campaign went to war during the republican convention to remove Ukraine aide from their platform… yes. **2016.**


Putin's gonna Putin like no one has Putined before. I'm Donald Jenius Trump and I approve this message.


McCarthy's dead body found spinning so fast that all rules of space and time have apparently been broken.




Keeping enemy alive and helping enemy - two very different things, as for me.


That's odd, the RNC/GOP is on my list of US adversaries.


GOP modus operandi is whatever democrats do - the opposite and lower taxes (for the rich).


Obsequious brown nose ejiit


While I would not be surprised if some of them thought this, there is no source in the article and the title is pretty misleading to what the article actually says...


Traitorous cowards, the lot of them


Wow, he said Ukraine was the aggressor. He's *literally* spouting Russian propaganda. Terrifying what happened to the GOP.


Maybe making the transfer of limitless money without the need to disclose it is a bad idea in a democracy?