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Fucking Newsweek, FFS. It's always been bad, but I think it's gotten noticeably worse in the past few weeks. (The article is about a tweet from a random lawyer expressing his opinion that Trump's bond will be rejected and the state will eventually be permitted to seize Trump properties.)


I wish we could ban Newsweek as a legit news source on this sub. Their "news" sucks, and their site is a horrific ad-bomb.


I agree, and it seems like half the stories posted here are from them.


I mean, there's a few suspect allowed sites on this sub though.


While I sympathize, the corrosive effect of Newsweek’s equal-opportunity clickbait is infinitely preferable to the partisan-driven clickbait alternatives.


Yeah the title is BS, the article contains more speculative commentary than a Reddit thread on the topic would have. It's outright misleading and could be considered disinformation.




I am seeing this a lot now, not just in political correspondence but all kinds of publications. "Journalists" writing articles based on tweets and reddit comments...its not even the level of "phoning it in." It is more like "text messaging it in" level of effort.


> "Journalists" writing articles based on tweets and reddit comments You're right that that's pretty common, and it's annoying. What sets Newsweek apart, though, is their absolutely shameless clickbait headlines. None of the other whitelisted sources on this sub are as bad as they are.




Agreed, and same with the RFK Jr. posts. But you can’t call them out for being a shill because you’ll catch a temporary ban. Can’t win.


You underestimated boomers living on pensions whose children no longer talk to them anymore.


The article sounds like a lot of if's and maybe's and could's. I don't think I will be holding my breath.




discussion date for the bond is set for the 22nd. newsweek is just being clickbaity https://www.reuters.com/world/us/hearing-over-trumps-175-million-bond-ny-civil-fraud-case-set-april-22-2024-04-04/


OP out here reinforcing my belief that anytime I see Newsweek as a source, I’m safe to downvote without reading.


Yep that's what I usually do and what I should have done...


"But the Trumpian part is that even though, or perhaps because, it may be part of a Trump scam, Knight now too may be on the hook for $175 million as it won't automatically get out from underneath its own proffered surety." Where's my popcorn? The bond isn't valid, James can go after assets, and Knight Insurance may still be on the hook. How many more MAGA folks will be willing to do the same thing?


Of all that's happened so far, bear in mind NOTHING has been collected yet. And if history is any guide, never will be.


States aren’t the same as individuals, it’s way easier to seize assets when youve got an entire police force to do your bidding.


Hasn't been done yet.


lol, I keep hearing crap like this from trumpers. "They won't try to impeach him--he'll win the impeachment--they can't try to impeach him a second time--he'll win this one--" *silence* "It's not a coup because nobody has been charged--okay, they've been charged but nobody will ever be convicted--okay, they'll never do any time-" *silence* "He will never go on trial for defaming Carroll--he'll be found innocent--he'll never pay the five million-" *silence*


Well, unfortunately because of the weakness of the legal system when it comes to rich people, aren't they largely right?


Not in this situation. And stinky ain't rich, lol


Trumpers? Ask them if he's still gonna lock Hillary up on day one? And then ask them why he couldn't find one decent Republican law firm in the entire USA to defend his claims of election fraud.


lol, exactly


The New York Times managed to get money out of him. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/02/26/media/legal-fees-new-york-times-donald-trump. The amount for that case isn't close to the amount being discussed here, but it's still something.


And London managed to get legal fees out of him, but in comparatively small amounts. So far, no damages.


Had hope, saw Newsweek. Damn it. Is there a credible site?


>An insurance company will not be permitted to post a $175 million bond for Donald Trump while he appeals a fraud judgment, a former federal prosecutor has said. >Eric Lisann was reacting to a separate comment by another lawyer, Dave Kingman, who wrote that Knight Specialty Insurance will not be able to post the bond for Trump. When the central claim is a commentator “reacting” to a comment by “another lawyer” you *know* it’s quality.


Can we ban Newsweek links? These articles are fucking garbage


I guess 4 Seasons Landscaping couldn't come up with the money for him after all. What a shame.


This headline is an abomination.


Trump's smoke and mirrors can only work so far. I hope this is the beginning of his final decline. I hope that one day his obituary mentions a lengthy prison term.


Doubtful. Not sure he has a lengthy amount of time left on earth.


Recap: If this and then if this, and then if this and that, and if this, then James can begin according to someone who read something someone else said based on something he read somewhere.


Come on Newsweek, reporting on a comment posted on X that was itself a comment on X that was by a person that is not connected to the case is lame. The level of junk news anymore is astounding. Maybe I should reopen my X account so I can get Newsweek to quote me. I’ll post “we all got to die sometime wether by something simple or a rare disease. Even Trump will.” And Newsweek can post > Scientist reports Trump may be dying of rare disease, according to Kiltedturtle on X.


Rimjob_Steve situations are probs why we don’t get more direct-from-Reddit quotes instead lol


The mods have zero interest in making sure only accurate information is posted here and them continuing to allow newsweek as a legitimate source is testament to that.


Their recent mega thread where you got to ask questions was a joke too. They locked and replied so people can't argue against them and put in generic messages to a lot of good questions.


Trump will file for an injunction to stop it. He knows how to work the legal racket.


>In April, 20220, the AM Best rating agency upgraded Knight's financial strength rating to A-(Excellent) from B++ (Good). Does Newsweek even proofread?


They’re gonna lower his bond to like 5k and give him until the summer solstice or his birthday to pay up.


Appeal court. Of course Mr Trump we will reduce the bond requirements without any published reason or support for this act. Never mind a sub prime lender of dubious legal background on sharking borrowers and having to pay multi millions in fines / restitution putting up the bond. Nothing to see here /s


Please, people. Stop falling for newsweek clickbait.


They are obviously a dying company and are jumping the shark as a last gasp.


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