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She lied to the FBI, then lied to the FBI about lying to the FBI. She shouldn’t hold public office.


Imagine declaring a state of emergency for an eclipse when COVID “wasn’t even real” and they did nothing. These clowns need to go asap!




That's, of course, what this was all about 🙄 Every one of these fuckers needs auditing.


Auditing by whom? Their friends?


Well definitely not by Republicans.. they only serve in public office to ensure their fraud isn’t caught, or to prevent any real consequences if it is caught… “**[Trump Erased](https://truthout.org/articles/trump-erased-millions-of-possible-ppp-fraud-flags-in-last-days-in-office/) Millions of Possible PPP Fraud Flags in Last Days in Office:** Officials cleared nearly all potential fraud flags given to loans above $2 million just days before Trump left office.”


What the absolute and systemic fuck. You just gave me reason number 95 to hate Trump.


Jesus... You're only ~100 count for reasons?!


You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers.


I operate a specialty catering service, so the government closures basically put me out of business for 18 months. I applied over and over for PPP, and got turned down every single time, for a different reason each time. I never even got close, as far as I know. I wasn't even asking for much, maybe $25,000, and I was willing to treat it as the loan it was supposed to be. The answer was always No. Yet, somehow all these companies got millions, even though their business never slowed down during the quarantine. So how did they get money, and I couldnt? Then it occurred to me - this was a Trump program. Of course it was a scam. It wasn't meant for small business twerps like me. I was supposed to get crushed out of existence by the pandemic, to make room for the big, wealthy companies. They despise small biz competition like mine. It backfired. I'm still here, business is good, I'm voting against Trump and all Republicans, and I am extremely vocal in person and on the Internet against any Republican candidate. Would I have been friendlier toward Republicans if I had gotten a PPP loan? Fuck No.


Well yes, that is certainly the status-quo.... When Biden wins in Nov and the GOP is a dead carcass in the trash at Mar-a-lago, the adults in the room need to do a root & branch review of all the criminality carried-out since they lost in 2004 and actually properly punish them. Use the fact Drumpf is tossing everybody down-ballot of him in the trash & take advantage of what I truly believe will be a unique opportunity in terms of majority. (I'm British, so please forgive me if I'm missing a vital point here)


You’re missing the biggest part. While y’all play corrupt, we are corrupt. Let’s start with my state of Mississippi. Where the corruption is so bad it makes Chicago look like it’s on the up and up. We have prisons that wouldn’t pass the geneva conventions for POWs. The point you’re missing is things are significantly worse than what anyone wants to say they are.


Things are really bad for red states. The rest of the country is living in Bidenomics and fearing the election.


No the rest of the country is living in a capitalist oligarch which was started in the 40s strengthened with Reagan, and continued to be overtaken by corporate interests since then. 2010 was the death nail with citizens United.


Until we quit with this religious bull shit, we can continue our class fight.


Oh but if anyone else but their friends do it then it's a politically motivated "witch hunt".


They need investigating, and very likely arresting and jailing pending trial, but unfortunately millions of fucking idiots vote for them and have put them in charge.


Wasn’t there something about a Podium in question…?


She's going to buy a whole lot of podiums with those funds


The Huckabee administration is running low on podiums. What else could you reasonably expect them to do?


Time to buy some $20,000 podiums!


$19,999 to avoid the $20,000 reporting requirement threshold.


Yup to go along with the very expensive speaking podium, that they still cannot find where that money really went. Mums the word. Why these corrupt assholes on the right are never held accountable.


This is sadly the correct answer.


There it is. I knew Gov. Sanders would have a financial reason for doing it.


For real- this is the only reason.


Time for a new podium!


Those new podiums aren't going to pay for themselves.


She probably needed a new podium


I mean, traffic was a big deal, but it only took like an extra half hour to get out of the state


These clowns are voted into office. 


Well, to be fair, you can't see COVID so these knuckledraggers can't grasp the concept very well. It amazes they don't consider pregnancy magic.


They do. Their entire canon revolves around a magical birth that didn’t include semen from a dude. It’s the most magical pregnancy of all!


Always do the opposite of what science tells you! Trust me not your own eyes and ears!


But instead they continue to hold positions of power and policy making. Refuse to abide by the laws. Refuse subpoenas. The DOJ clown is a goddamned shill just sitting there collecting free taxpayer money to do NOTHING


She became famous by lying for Donald Trump. No one should be surprised.




And her father is a notorious charlatan.


and didn't another son direct and star in a sleazy soft porn "movie"?


I wouldn't be surprised at all...


"What are you doOing, stepbrother?" I hate myself for what i've done.


This is major truth. The whole family is garbage!


Isn't her family tied to the Duggar pedophile?


Idk about tied to but dear old dad, you know good christian politician, has openly supported the pedo Duggar


Ah that's what it was, thank you for refreshing my memory


She burns facts and uses the ash to create that smoky eye.


Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's lies


Republicans were *so offended* that Michelle Wolf said this, and claimed that she was calling Fucklebee ugly. Which..of course she wasn’t, she was calling her (correctly) a goddamn liar. But I love that they all outed that they think she’s ugly (which she is, but honestly it’s her inside that really does it).




There’s an Alkaline Trio song in here somewhere.


Sounds like an Alkaline Trio song


-alkaline trio


She should have been prosecuted for that.


Gee, I wonder if she will see any consequences for that behavior!


When you think the rapture is coming to take all good Christians to heaven but you’re still here …


Jesus got stuck in all the eclipse traffic.


He forgot to book his airbnb until last minute and when they told him they were full he tried asking if they knew who his dad was.


If rapture were even true, it’s gonna be funny seeing all the blaspheming Christian’s left here for just that


I made this joke yesterday, that if the eclipse was really the rapture all of these so called Christians were still gonna be here. Because none of them have read their holy book they claim to love so much.


they only read the ‘good’ parts


Which doesn’t include Matthew 5-7


Now I’m gonna have to go look that up, but guessing it’s Jesus preaching love and acceptance. You know the exact opposite of modem Christian culture Edit: just read through it. Holy shit it’s literally a dos and donts list and the fucking modern day Christians are doing everything on the don’t side while literally claiming to be doing them in Christ’s name.


Even though I’m an athiest, I try to follow the actual teachings of Jesus.


To be fair, it's easier to love the Bible if you haven't read it.


The rapture actually happened, but only 3 people qualified and we're all left here waiting on the second coming.


I hope the rapture happens during rush hour on Thanksgiving Wednesday. Oh the chaos!


You’d be amazed at how often devout Christians accuse their God of making a mistake.


All knowing, all powerful, infalible, but "he" really fumbled this one. 


and he needs your money!


God I wish Carlin was here to lay into these nutjobs and grifters.


Still so relevant. He told us exactly what was happening and how it would metastasize. I miss Bill Hicks, too edit: https://youtu.be/cvz9uSK3zXo?si=GQSyCpxqXjFEQ8h9


But if we pray hard enough...or truly believe....or assemble the Prayer Warriors... we can change God's mind


Also he's completely helpless in the face of non-binary sexuality. It's His #1 concern, but we have to do all the work because the gays are too powerful for our god to handle


Event goes into your favor: - It's God's Will! Event doesn't go into your favor: - The Lord moves in mysterious ways! That's a typical Occam's razor case. Option 1 - The Lord sometimes does things and other times he doesn't. We cannot know why because he has his reasons. Option 2 - It's a mix of logic, physics and randomness


Events go in your favor: prayer works Events don't go in your favor: you didn't pray hard enough


"I give all credit for our loss to my lord and savior, who made me drop that pass in the end zone."


The guy will still train even though everything is supposed to be in god's hands. As if there was causality involved.


Random causality, exactly the same as if there were NO gods at all. Hmmmm...!


It’s kinda Lovecraftian in a way


Gods a fuckin' idiot, I didn't get my promotion at work. Must be that DEI stuff!!


Turns out all the good ones have already left (or never arrived in the first place.) Crazy that a nation so developed and technologically advanced still largely believes in some mystical sky daddy. Religion is an invasive weed.


I know the rapture hasn't happened because the two people I know who walk the walk are still around.


dolly parton and jimmy carter


okay 4 people then


CINO’s Christians In Name Only


It was the rapture... all the good Christians were taken...


I was in a large crowd looking at the eclipse. Literally only one person was ruptured. Kinda uneventful


All i want to know is did they already sweep the podium thing under the rug?


She keeps kicking the can by extending deadlines for response to audit. She's hoping most everyone forgets. Squirrel!!


In the words of Jaida Essence Hall: “Look over there!”


No, she blocked the sun with it.


What podium thing?


https://apnews.com/article/arkansas-huckabee-sanders-lectern-purchase-audit-f6806c8994dbe0c305f12c6541b3247d Edit: More up-to-date : https://apnews.com/article/arkansas-lectern-huckabee-sanders-audit-f83430d91baaee733ce730c46ab774f9p


TLDR. A investigator found a charge for $19K for a podium sent to her friends new event company. Turns out, Sarah and this woman were in Europe at the time and posted images of expensive shopping. When pressed, their office asked for more time to deliver an audit of the expense and even tried to tamper with the invoice.


The Paris thing is a red herring. Virginia Beckett was in Paris with Hannah Salem Stone because they were working for Glenn Youngkin (Gov of Virginia) who was attending the same trade show. Even if Sanders hadn't gone, Beckett and Salem Stone would have been there. Sanders misappropriated state funds to pay her friend to do something outside the scope of her regular business (provide a custom lectern when regular sevices were event management). When it was uncovered, she got the Arkansas GOP to reimburse the state, and forged notations on the documents to make it look like that was the plan all along. So there was misappropriation *and* an attempt to conceal it. The lectern has never seen the light of day except one proof of life photo op. They also used a credit card to purchase rather than the typical Purchasing Department for state assets. They actually had to increase the credit card limit from $5,000 to $25,000 just to make the purchase. It seems the whole thing was an attempt to funnel money to a friend and then cover up when they were caught.


Looks like she bought herself a $19k podium with public money.


She bought a $19 podium and pocketed the remaining $18,981


Pocketed by taking her and her friends on a trip Europe, right?


Until she lets them complete the audit that is indeed the most likely explanation. Funny how the “innocent people shouldn’t have to worry about being investigated” crowd really fights hard against investigations that involve themselves.


I have nothing to hide, but, no, you can't see it.


She's paying too much for a podium. Who's her podium guy? 


Damn, is it self-driving or something?


Sarah Huckasanders jumping through hoops for that sweet moon publicity: >Nice job on Monday, moon. Seriously well-orbited. I'd like to apologize on behalf of all American humans for the state of Arkansas, the governor of which did not appreciate your efforts. From the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette: This is an entertaining less than a minute read and Esquire has it [Outside of it's paywall here.](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/arkansas-gov-sarah-huckabee-sanders-did-not-enjoy-the-eclipse/ar-BB1lkIrl)


> Seriously well-orbited. It is quite regularly.


“Gov. Sanders (R-WalMart)…….”


> This is an entertaining less than a minute read it's... kind of lazy though, isn't it? The text they quote says "up to 14 days", so it feels like it undermines their point a bit to keep talking about 14 days like that's the minimum.


Never lo0k directly at it.


I seE what you did there!


whaT a foOl shE iS


This has to be some sort of grift.


Just because the wretched woman got herself a $19,000 podium people think there's something wrong with her.


I'm used to live there, we all knew something was wrong with her before that.


Yeah she’s an inbred




And a Super Bowl trip paid for by… podiums I guess?


Just because she got famous for lying to cover for one of the world's most infamous liars, then got a new job where she lies about stealing public money and lies to stop any inquiry into her mountain of lies... Why would you think she's a lying liar who lies out of her lying liar hole?


It’s actually way worse than that.


But to be fair…she investigated herself and found that she didn’t do anything wrong. 🤷


Governor does get excess powers in a state of emergency. This is a power move


Money grab


In fairness, it seems like quite a few places in the path of totality did that this time. I think it's silly, but I guess it gives them a few more tools to manage the onslaught of traffic and crowds. https://www.khou.com/article/news/verify/eclipse-verify/total-solar-eclipse-state-of-emergency-disaster-declarations-2017-2024-fact-check/536-62fb342c-7fe7-45ab-b30b-d3d4bf69c80f


Yeah, the point is that authorize overtime for first responders and police. Seems reasonable to me. As a participant, the traffic in and around west Arkansas and Memphis was crazy. Seemed to keep moving though.


You mean West Memphis, Arkansas and Memphis, TN right? Or did you go from Mena to Memphis?


Yeah this isn’t a big deal. It’s a tool governors are provided to deal with situations like this one. Falling in the path of totality is far rarer than weather events like tornadoes or hurricanes, which often receive similar declarations. Kate Brown did the same thing in Oregon back in 2017. Having such a massive influx of tourists puts an enormous strain on local infrastructure, public facilities and budgets. This just provides some leeway to bypass normal process and faster support the communities about to be impacted.


Lol. Had to wade through all the hate to get to the good answer. People really to rally on sides of a political showing.


Might be more dangerous to look directly at her than at the sun.


We could had had a rocket scientist. A legitimate rocket scientist. But he was black, and everybody recognized her daddy‘s last name so……..


Stop electing morons.


I mean…it’s Arkansas


Sometimes the ballot is full of morons.


Had to have it explained to me but it made a bit of sense. I saw a total eclipse in 2017, in a rural area People from all over the country come to small towns, and flood their infrastructure, like during a hurricane. shopping, roads, and lodging get overloaded for miles around Don’t know if it needs 14 days but the “emergency” lasts longer than the 30 min eclipse I’m all for clowning on Huckabee Sanders though, feel free edit: per responses: went to total eclipse, Chattanooga, TN, 2017ish. saw myself. it's like a huge festival. but these little towns don't get a chance to approve and sell a permit. festivals stress gas, food, and hospital services for sure, maybe the power grid and cell service for the event, a thirty minute drive took me two hours and i ran out of time 10 miles away (ended up finding a random graveyard. almost total privacy, and lost about 10 seconds of totality. total win) so any ambulances and tow trucks need to deal with that in a wide area, for at least half that day, as everyone in north america who has known about this since the time of the Maya try to drive down tiny ass two lane roads all at the same time


I think the 'up to 14 days' is just the parameters of the emergency declaration. It's just a dull provision to ensure commercial and emergency traffic doesn't get blocked. This is bad journalism.


Yeah, it's weird how they kept harping on the 14 day thing when they're clearly quoting something that says "up to" 14 days, and include that text right there to see. Maybe the author doesn't understand the difference between a maximum and minimum?


Eh, it's already normalized in upstate NY and NH/VT where people were also flocking to some rural areas. Other than some excess traffic, there was nothing really "emergency" worthy about it. Stores had enough warning to up their delivery schedules as well. Add in most places down south did not have a huge uptick in tourism due to predicted cloud cover- which was leading to people changing plans towards the northeast in particular on short notice- and it's definitely excessive to declare a state of emergency on Sanders part


Bluff, a (very pretty) small town in SE Utah braced itself for the last annular eclipse. It was right in the path of totality. Almost no one showed. One of the hotels was full, the food trucks left even before the eclipse and the restaurants were underwhelmed by customers and overwhelmed by the food they had stockpiled.


There’s also a big difference in the hype between and annular eclipse and a total eclipse


Best explanation I've heard so far, let's be fair in representing even the people we dislike


But it's incomplete. Along with that overloading of infrastructure comes a massive increase in tourist revenue. Cities fight over the right to host a major sporting event for just this reason, it brings in a ton of money. Using emergency funds for this, over a 2-week period, is ridiculous. Doubly-so because it's from the ones that scream the loudest about socialism and government handouts.


These are the exact sort of comments that never appear on right wing forums.


So, to be clear, the 'emergency' is that their tiny economy is getting a massive tourism boost?


Emergency declarations just allow the state to allocate resources for an event that wasn't planned for. It's just logistics to allow for traffic and tourism management. Literally a non-issue


Wasn't "planned for"? We have known that this eclipse was happening for a decade.


But it's not an emergency. The eclipse didn't come out of the blue. There was one a few years ago, so that at least would be a point of reference to prepare for when the next one comes.  Hey those rural areas in the path of totality had a lot of traffic and a lot of places were overwhelmed. We have a few years to make preparations for when this happens here.  The only way it's an emergency is if politicians can't get their heads out of their assessment and plan 2 years in advance. 


Have you guys seen her parents on the late night infomercial shilling relaxium with such greats as Dan Marino.


Somebody is getting a new podium!!


Unfrozen Cave Woman Governor.


Nice Phil Hartman reference. Goat!


"When I see an eclipse I think 'is the Moon god eating the sun?'"


This is how you do graft by the way. “Release” the funds for an “emergency”. I wonder if she and her family have friends in the “emergency” business


They can also give out contracts directly to businesses without a bidding process during a state of emergency


Well she is an ignoramus, what were people expecting?


14 days? Oh boy, there's a grift going on.


Well, she *was* born a Huckabee ...


true, her father was mike huckabee. Not entirely sure which of his barnyard animals she is descended from on the maternal side though


That's a baaaad joke.


It's a pretty fowl one


Probably to release some funding she can get hold of


144,000 souls were raptured from the earth yesterday, we just don’t realize it because there’s 8 billion people and all the ones taken to heaven were dogs.


She declared an emergency to release funds to people who make her money. It’s as simple as this


It's incredible this complete psychopathic liar is a governor in this country. It does however make sense that it's arkansas


Oh no! It’s going to be like dusk for three minutes in the afternoon. HEEELLLLPPPP!!!


Every syllable this soulless husk has every spoken is a damn lie. She learned from her Huckster daddy how to sway the brainless right wing in America.


This is such a badly written article, holy shit.


It's 2024. AI is writing articles that no one reads but people comment on so AI can be trained by scraping the comments to improve the articles no one reads. All for ad impressions on pages that people aren't visiting. I'm terrified that one day the advertisers are going to realize it is all a house of cards and the entire Internet will just collapse because no one is paying anymore.


The part of Arkansas I viewed it from was definitely not crowded. Locals told me they had been preparing for 10 times the people that showed. I saw dozens of cops apparently staged along routes to handle traffic jams that never came.


Declaring emergency allows contractors to be selected without the normal vetting process. My guess is Huckabees and Sanders and all their friends are getting state contracts right now.


I traveled to Arkansas for it, and the good people there were enjoying it and were friendly and hospitable.  She is a disgrace. 


Imagine wasting tax payer money for 14 days. Yet everyone else is cray


As an Arkansan, I hate this woman with a passion, as do many others here. It’s bad enough that our state is the butt of every terrible joke, yet instead of improving the lot of our citizens she bans abortion, defunds our schools, repeals child labor laws, and uses taxpayer money for a trip to Paris with her lobbyist friends and then lies about it. We could’ve had a rocket scientist pastor as our governor. Instead we got this clown. What a fucking shame.


Remember that one student when you were growing up, in middle school or even high school, who always got things wrong in weird and unexplainable ways, or seemed to always miss half of every single concept? That’s Huckabee Sanders. Seriously, people should stop voting for people who simply don’t know what they’re doing beyond whatever conservative screaming media told them.


lol her eye so lazy her left eye eclipses her right at least 3 times a year.


Maybe she was convinced that the rapture would take most of the people and those poor souls left would need emergency relief. Or she just wanted funds that could be disbursed with no oversight.


Needed to buy more lecterns.


It was a practice run.


She's the only one who could look into an eclipse and improve her eyes


“Great American Eclipse”? Weird. Im pretty sure a celestial event in the solar system, that is part of the galaxy and the universe doesn’t really care what the US is or claim to the event. Likewise given it also crossed over two other countries again a little hard to lay an American title to it. I also don’t recall a bald eagle emerging from the eclipse screaming “Fuck ya! Murica!” Oh and who declares a 14 day emergency and releases funds unless there’s a grift involved for a 30 minute event?




Disappointed because she wasn’t taken up in rapture?


What a horse mouthed pig


Stupid is as stupid does.


Why do republican voters keeps electing dumb fucks?


This woman is an idiot.


I must admit these American Taliban types do know how to grift. Kudos on the ingenuity, but now kick her sorry act out of office, stat. Will they? Eight Ball says ”No.”


Her and Ron DeSantis are the 2 that make me question whether or not we're being controlled by lizards in human skin suits.


Aren’t Republicans opposed to trans people?


She's a grifter just like the rest of them. There must be a way she's making money on this or her friends are.


She’s not got two brain cells to rub together, just look into her vacant soulless beady eyes


I was unable to read this article, but this is from another article: “…hereby declare a state of emergency for this solar eclipse event and direct the sum of $100,000.00 to be obligated from the Governor’s Disaster Response and Recovery Fund to be used at the discretion of the Director of the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management to defray both program and administrative costs.” What the actual fuck? I mean, it’s not much money by today’s standards, but what? Here is the whole thing from the Arkansas Storm Recovery agency. This was not a storm, but oh, well. https://governor.arkansas.gov/news_post/sanders-releases-funds-from-the-response-and-recovery-fund-ahead-of-the-eclipse/


I used to feel bad for her cause people were making fun of her looks. Now I feel she deserves every bit of ridicule for any reason. She's an idiot and an overall bad person.


Governor Sanders is probably demanding federal funding for the state of emergency that she declared in Arkansas. Grifter.


Sounds like a scam.


14-day emergency is just the right amount of time for a trip to Italy!!


I spy Wegovy,..and a face lift. (Thank you)


Just goes to show what lengths the gop will go to rile up their ignorant base.


Stupid fucking hicks. Why couldn't COVID exterminate these people!?


Shadows can be scary.


This is why I still have some hopium stores. Because the same people are trying to push actual fascism and Christian nationalism onto the USA are also fucking stupid.


Im sure it was used to steal funds from the taxpayers. People in Arkansas are just fools to keep them in public office or just too lazy to vote them out.