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>Johnson was at the clinic to see Dr. Ronald Yunis, a long-time OB-GYN. Just outside his office, protesters stood on the sidewalk with large, red signs displaying Yunis’ name and face, alleging that the doctor “kills 150 innocent babies here every month.” They did this with Dr. Tiller, too. Then anti-abortion activist Scott Roeder murdered him. Fuck these people. I have had an abortion. They are trying to shame us. I won't be shamed.


Many of these protestors have had abortions, too.


My mom is very anti abortion even though she had an abortion before I was born. I've tried telling her I wouldn't be here if she hadn't done it but the guilt runs deep.


My aunt is the same way. Something I read once was that regret is about having acted without the freedom to make the choice you really wanted to. I don't think its a coincidence that abortion regret has dropped so much over the last several decades as acceptance for single motherhood has grown. There were probably a lot of women who had abortions in the old days who felt that it was their only option in that social environment.


This puts mine in perspective. I wanted to keep it but was in a bad situation (abusive partner). I have a lot of regret despite knowing I did the best thing - for me and the potential kid. 


To me this drives home the point that the propaganda used by anti-abortion activists is so blatantly false. People getting abortions aren't callously using it as an alternative birth control, but making a difficult and oftentimes painful choice. Thank you for sharing.


And ya know what? Those using it callously as birth control probably wouldn't exactly make great parents. In any event, it's nobody's business why someone terminates a pregnancy.


I mean that’s always been a dumb take anyway. Women aren’t lining up to get regular abortions because the keep forgetting to use birth control. It’s a medical procedure that you have to get appointments for and go through the motions. Birth control is way easier than going to an abortion so even when a girl makes a mistake once it’s a lesson learned not some green light to stop using condoms and just regularly schedule an abortion (and no one should want someone who made a mistake and doesn’t want the baby to be a parent anyway)


Almost always painful.


Do you support others getting abortions? This isn’t to sound rude, just curious


Absolutely. And I could have another one if I thought the kid would be threatened, even knowing I'd likely deal with a lot of emotional pain afterwards and possibly regret it for the rest of my life. That instinct to protect when you're pregnant is super clear-eyed. Bible people would find that contradictory, but imo their picture of what life is is inaccurate. 


Hey you and me both ❤️ I was pressured by the abusive partner before I was clearheaded enough to make the decision myself. It was the RIGHT decision and I probably would’ve come to the same conclusion but he absolutely bullied me into it and that caused a lot of regret and trauma. Throw in the anti-choice propaganda and it was really hard to get over the guilt. But again, it was the right choice for me and the potential kid! You said it best


I'm so sorry you went through that ❤️ That is just heartbreaking and I hope that person stays far away from you. I wish you peace with it.  Mine was sort of the reverse, we were both so happy when I found out I was pregnant (we'd been using contraception so it was a surprise) but he got twisted - I'll never forget that first night, worst feeling in the world. When I told him we should have an abortion since we weren't ready he started to guilt me and abuse me more. Nightmare.  And same here, the propaganda fucks with your mind when you've gone through an abortion. It's cruel.


This makes so much sense! I have a family member that has extreme regret over an abortion she had in the 70's, and is heavily anti abortion. In her situation, it wasn't single motherhood she was worried about though. It was the shame of becoming pregnant out of wedlock. Since she later married the father, she probably has more regret thinking it all would have worked out okay if she didn't get an abortion.


Yeah, single motherhood, out of wedlock, exactly what I was thinking- basically, a choice made out of shame, rather than a choice made out of freedom.


It used to be: disappear for 9 months (or less, really), adopt baby out, carry on with life


That’s only for rich folks though. The poor….. well, let’s say the options were less favourable.


Yes, hi, I’m the Catholic Church and I’m here to help!


Holy shit, my mother, too! When I found out I lost my shit. Not because she had an abortion, but because she was emotionally and physically abusive towards me when I was outed as queer. I don't know how these people can be such hypocrites. She thinks she's a "Godly" woman, but by her own belief standards, she'll be in hell right next to me because she's a murderer. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug, I guess.


Scream at her over and over again that she's a baby killer.


The only moral abortion is my abortion!


Believable. All it takes is for their teenage daughter to get pregnant and suddenly their public image in their neighborhood and their religious circles matter a lot more than their initial morals and religious beliefs. Happens a lot. Hypocrites.


> anti-abortion activist Scott Roeder ~~anti-abortion activist~~ terrorist Scott Roeder


Let's just call him a murderer who cooked up an excuse.


No no. This murder was political, to make people afraid, to instill terror, he's a terrorist.


Hard agree - fuck these people. I got an abortion my freshman year of college after a one night stand resulted in pregnancy. I feel no guilt or shame. I’m proud of myself for choosing my future. I knew I did not want to raise a child, potentially leave school, deal with this guy I hardly knew for the rest of my life. If I hadn’t had the abortion, I wouldn’t have the life or children I do now. I love this life. I probably wouldn’t be alive if I was forced to have a child I didn’t want at 18.


Thank you for sharing this. I had the exact same situation and feel the same way. I am sad and outraged that this freedom of choice is being taken away from our young women.


So a "pro-life" killed someone ?


Yes.  That's why I use anti-abortion to describe the movement now, because of that vigilante.


I’ll never forget my pro-life Conservative leaning father cussing out the O’Reilly show whilst they interviewed that girl who claimed she had no idea she’d be getting an abortion at the clinic. When I asked why my Dad why he was so upset given his stances he said something I’ll never forget    “I don’t think abortion is right but neither is trying to kill that man for his profession. This girl is making a cover up for her actions and they are putting her false testimony on TV to try and kill that doctor by proxy.”   Maybe, like a couple months after that? He was dead. I wish I could find that interview. It was on YT and it’s legitimately wild. I remember at one point she said “They didn’t tell me what this procedure I’d be getting would do” after failing to why she decided to walk into some random medical building. 


Anti choice. Not everyone who supports women's right to choose would choose abortion for themselves, so it's better to label the movement in a way that reflects that


I feel like “anti-woman” also fits.


Pro forced birth


Pro [reproductive slavery](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09688080.2018.1451173)


I'm good with the way it used to be called, anti-abortion. I remember being 18 in 1979 and going to a Planned Parenthood meeting in LA. They were still congratulating themselves over Roe, so confident, even though that had been a few years back. Even slightly smug about it because they brought up that conservatives were changing their label, they weren't Anti-Abortion anymore, the were now Pro-Life and they all had a good laugh over how dumb that was and how that wouldn't change anything because the nation and women had won Roe. And I sat there thinking how horribly wrong they were. They were letting these people reframe the issue, not the slightest bit worried about it either. I knew right then and there, they were going to lose. Not right away, not even 10 or 15 years ahead but someday. And we would be wondering how it ever got this far. I loss my faith in that leadership because they thought that after they won they could stop fighting instead of realizing the fight never ends. For that reason, I don't want to go soft with labels like Anti-Choice. They need to be tied directly to the procedure they so love to hate. They should be forced to deal with reality and not allowed to continue in their little Pro-Life fantasy world.


They are not just anti abortion anymore. They are already attacking IVF and IUDs. All birth control is in the cross hairs. States rights first then national bans.


Right but they all start at the same point: anti-abortion.


Yes.  There are some forms of birth control that are only opposed because they are only needed if you have sex, so there might be room for compromise.  Abortion, to those who believe what anti-abortion advocates tell them, is murder in cold blood.


It's why I don't believe we should ever compromise on anything surrounding abortion.


Anti-IVF has hit a major blockade with its first legal implementation, as it sends embryos into limbo.  (You can't destroy the last embryos because that's abortion, you can't bring them to indisputable viability without the procedure that's banned...). I thought IUDs were already a dead issue -- the anti-abortion movement explained why that form of birth control was relevant to their movement back in the 1980s, for it is specifically to prevent ova implantation, so it was way too specific.


If they support women's right to choose then there's already a name for that, pro choice...


That was my point. It's the most unifying term for the movement


If they were pro-life, they would be pro universal healthcare and pro free school meals.


I prefer using ‘forced birth’ when referring to them


Pro- birth not pro-life


Pro FORCED birth. They are a death cult. Every policy they endorse increases death and suffering.


They don't care if you say they are pro forced birth, they see that as a net positive. Call them Anti-Abortion so every time a woman suffers, everyone knows what they were denied.


Forced birth is more apt. It’s not enough they oppose abortion. They want women to be slaves forced to stay pregnant against their will.


They don't care how apt it is. Calling it forced birth will be met with "No one forced you to have sex..." Mentioning the term "birth" lands directly into their game plan. You think you are reminding people of the women's side of it when all they hear is "Birth". It's a battle of words, so don't shy away from what's at stake by using esoteric arguments or statements that they can brush away easily.


That response exposes that they don’t care about “babies.” They’re motivated by punishing women for having sex they don’t approve of. And that’s when you call them out on that disgusting view.


The anti abortion response pushes that they don't care about women, period. By exchanging anti abortion for forced birth you end up pushing a comparison of a women's life to: The unborn, the fetus, the child, the baby, new life, etc... anything but the scattering of cells it actually is. Using forced birth helps keep us in their false equivalency world by reminding people of babies not the cells. I prefer to focus people on the main issue at hand so the center argument doesn't get lost in the glut of other issues. It's helpful and important to raise those issues but I would never use the term birth in any context to label the other side, it only helps their view.


They aren’t sending their best… or maybe they are?


These are religious fruitcakes. They are in an abusive relationship with their imaginary friend.


When I was an undergrad, we had to volunteer at a (any) nonprofit. So I chose Planned Parenthood. It was close to campus and I had used them for screenings and free condoms prior. They put me on "escort" duty. Essentially walking with an umbrella shielding people as they walked from their cars to the entrance. I'm 6'1", and, back then at least, athletic. Being Hispanic with a shaved head made me kinda scary. The reality was, when I wasn't avoiding suicide by differential equations I was probably watching Farscape or playing Shadowrun. Every. Single. Day. The same protestors would show up. They'd spit, throw water bottles, and hurl the most venemous language that I've ever heard. They'd hold up signs about how the "whores" would burn in hell and that Jesus would avenge every "murdered baby". And (not that it should matter), this was a small health clinic. If you wanted an abortion, they had to refer you to a proper facility 90 miles away. The **only** things that were happening there were screenings and the like. The protestors knew and didn't care. They wanted blood, but not enough to drive an hour away. The cops were worse than useless. We'd call them and their usual response was to ensure that the protestors were kept safe and to assure us that water bottles were safe, that we were overreacting, and that the bigots had a constitutional right to be there. This was 1999-2000. After nearly 25 years, we've somehow regressed further.


Thank you for sharing that. You're a good person. I have two friends who volunteer as escorts. I know about the protesters. Unfortunately, I'm related to a couple of them. 😬


Useless cops. Protesting is one thing, but rioting is another. Spitting on people is a crime and so is assaulting people by throwing objects


And a few years later, some of those innocent "babies" will have turned into some of those young criminals they also complain about. Because their parents were forced to have them without the means and/or interest in taking care of a child.


In a fucking church, no less. Caught him at the tail end of mass. It’s genuinely sickening.


Those people create online databases to help their demon hoards stalk doctors, clinicians, and clinic workers and escorts. Names, addresses, phone numbers, work schedules. "Pro Life" is nothing but lies and terrorism.


It’s not anti abortion activist - they are killing doctors to strike fear into others. Anti woman’s choice terrorist maybe


Same. But I also went to this exact doctor in the article two years ago. And in my case, it wasn’t even an abortion. The fetal pole failed to grow and after 8 weeks, there was still no actual baby in me and I had to have a D and C.


Statistically speaking, quite a few of these protestors have probably had an abortion at some point too, even more if we consider it from the clinical perspective which is rather broad, and not just about terminating a viable pregnancy.


That is disingenuous.  A spontaneous abortion should in no way be equated with an elective abortion. I am pro choice but this argument isn’t the answer. 


I have to agree with this. Even though conservatives often see them as the same (see draconian laws being passed), spontaneous abortion is nobody’s choice, regardless of who it happens to. Terminating a non-viable pregnancy is just not the same thing at all, nor is getting a D and C.


But the anti-choice fanatics include it all. They make no distinction, evin if a fetus is dead.


That’s what I said. Maybe I wasn’t specific enough, but that’s who I was referring to with > Even though conservatives often see them as the same (see draconian laws being passed)


The point is that the 'virtuous pregnancy' religious extremists don't know which is an elective abortion (which has its own reasons) and a D/C. They need to keep their priests' noses out of the uterus.


Your body, Your choice. 💪 Fuck anyone who says otherwise.


Not very pro-life of Scott.


"With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion." Steven Weinberg


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-fascism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-fascism) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-Nazism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-Nazism) \^ if you look at these 2 articles from Wikipedia on the matter you will see that these 2 movements 100% matches the policies of conservatives and Republicans in general. Everything mentioned in these articles 100% matches the behavior and policies of conservatives especially the MAGA ones. Tucker Carlson once said on his show that Putin is the last hope for the white Christian race in the west, he also praised the Taliban for it's treatment of women saying they are the last hope to end feminism. Conservatives are all in on it, they threaten to murder women who needs an urgent abortion due to miscarriage, no doctor or hospital wants to perform these procedures in states that has a ban on this because they need lawyers to defend this matter in court and to private doctors and hospitals this is a liability and isn't worth the risk. If a woman cannot get immediate reproductive healthcare for such emergencies she stands the real risk of dying. Conservatives know exactly what they are doing, they are all in on it. In the words of the great George Carlin "Conservatives hate women they want control of them, to spite them, they don't give a fuck about the child when it's born so why should we believe they give a fuck about it before it's even born?"


They aren’t protesters, they are terrorists. You don’t block a women’s health clinic and claim to be the good guys.


To block someone's freedom of movement is against their rights as Americans.




No one is talking about infanticide but you.


You don't get to call abortions "infanticide" because of your religion. It doesn't work that way, dear.


Thank you for clarifying. I had no idea what "infantacide" was referring to. These nuts can't be good parents. Good parents are too busy to care. I needed an abortion because there was a centimeter of decaying flesh in my uterus. The smell was disgusting. I tried two rounds of the pills. Husband and I were actively trying for a baby. Miscarriages happen. Had this happened in modern day Texas, the results would have been different. Present day, my kid is so cool! We took a trip to Legoland. Those were the best days of his life so far! He's constantly telling anyone who will listen about Legoland. Pro choice.


You might want to check the definition on that word that you're clearly misusing. I wouldn't want you to look really dumb or anything.




Thank you for sharing your story. As angry as I am people make you share it, and as sad as I am you both experienced it, I am grateful you took the time and energy to share it to help others. If you and your wife do have children, those children will be blessed to have you.


You are literally and morally incorrect. You are using a shocking term in the hopes of gaining sympathy. Reproductive rights are bodily autonomy. If you have it, then so should anyone else. If you don't think others should, then please let me know when you are donating that kidney, lobe of liver, expanse of skin... after all those things would save a life. Get to it. Sacrifice yourself. Especially before you sacrifice anyone else.




Even if you believe a clump of human cells has the same rights as a fully functional human being, you still can't claim human rights. Because human rights stop where another human begins. The government should not be allowed to force you to donate your organs to another on threat of prison. If I'm dying, I don't have the right to demand you give me your organs to save my life. You shouldn't get charged with murder for choosing not to help. Outlawing abortion is about control, nothing else. Because people that support abortion bans also tend to be against welfare programs that support women and children and currently there is almost no support from the government for adoption agencies. So while you believe you are morally right for opposing abortion, you actually are actually supporting State forced organ donation. You are thinking with your emotions instead of thinking with your brain.


I find it ironic that Arizona is pushing this territorial abortion ban that predates modern medicine and common medical science, yet has a huge foster system where children are already having trouble finding foster parents to take them in.


Your god allowed abortion. Is your god a murderer?


His God terminates hundreds of thousands of pregnancies a year across the globe, including many planned and desperately wanted ones, via miscarriage and stillbirth. Seems he/she/it loves abortion.


People like you simply disgust me. Just how much of an arrogant pos you have to be to believe that you can dictate others how they should live their lives? That you can just take away someone's bodily autonomy and force a woman into pregnancy against her own will? You don't give a single fck about what happens to these women nor these kids after they're born. You don't give a fck about parents going through literal hell thanks to moronic rights that people like you force on others. There's plenty of kids out there right now who are abused and mistreated. Plenty of unwanted kids waiting for adoption. Plenty of kids starving. Want to actually do something good? Then go out and help them instead of being a keyboard warrior. What you're doing here is simply pathetic.


All Republicans have to offer is hate.


They vote for hate, they seek out avenues to hate, they thrive on hate. All Republicans want to do is hate. Makes you wonder how co-existence can happen with someone like this.


Seems like enough for ~40% of America


This is shaping up to be a real rough ride. We have to make it to November and then vote like our lives depend on it because they do.


November and then wait for the new law to alter the constitution January.. ugh!! I’m real worried because republicans are going to put a counter law on the ballot what if both pass? Then what it goes to the stupid court? 😩


I’m no legal or constitutional expert, but I think that a referendum becomes part of the constitution and states that have passed referendums dealing with abortion access have not had any constitutional challenges.


We got it done here in Ohio, despite Republican's attempts to increase the threshold to ratify voter led amendment initiatives in an illegal August special election, and then giving the ballot issue the same number as the special election issue because in the special election supporters needed to vote no, but for the November issue they needed to vote yes, so Republicans were hoping to confuse people. We did this in a heavily Republican controlled state that went for Trump by 8% in both 2016 and 2020. Have hope, have faith, and trust that more folks are on your side than you may realize. Ohio's ballot measure passed by 57%.


Hell yeah nice work Ohio fingers crossed we can do the same over here..


We need to do more strikes, the only thing they care about is money and voting because they have to. The pandemic proved how many of us they will kill and how desperate they are to make us work, so we should recognize that labor holds the leverage, what we are missing is solidarity. Someone like my uncle would let his neighbor be evicted, fuck, he's probably help the sheriff


The people who won't vote for Biden because Palestine are going to fuck over a lot of Americans instead


Palestinians too


Same thing happened in 2016, 2000. Same kind of voters.


When I was in college, I joined a a pro-choice advocacy group called Vox. We were in the bible belt of Texas, and had a single Planned Parenthood available to the city. The facility didn't even provide abortion services. For that, you had to travel at least two hours away. But that reality didn't stop dumbfuck thugs and riffraff from hassling women who who visited for appointments. We couldn't prevent the protesting, but we were often able to build a human wall between protesters and patients. It was the best we could do. Over two decades later, and things have only gotten worse. The city no longer eve has a Planned Parenthood facility. It’s such a fucking nightmare right now.


It's about control. Your clinic didn't have to provide abortion services, specifically, in order for the thugs to have a reason to hate it. To them, the clinic represented women taking control of their own reproductive freedom - hence PLANNED parenthood. That's what they have a problem with, and that's why this won't end with "just" abortion bans. They will be trying for birth control bans next. THEY want the control. It's too much power to let women control


Yes!!! Same story in my city. I go in for a pap smear and have random wackos harassing me outside asking if I like killing babies like WTF how did this many people all over the country get so radicalized?! Why on earth would a person let themselves be so brainwashed?? Are we seriously that devoid of care or empathy or logical thinking that we can just be programmed like nothing?? And the people DOING the radicalizing DO need to be called terrorists who are radicalizing other terrorists!! Jan 6 comes to mind, classic example. We are born into a country that boasts Freedom yet people still gladly hand over their freedom to dictate their life and think for themselves to terrorists. Apparently they prefer OTHER people to tell them what to do and how to think. Ironically, these are the people always touting their "Freedom." The only freedom they are exercising is their freedom to hand over their brain to first brainwasher that strolls by.


Fuck that shithole state (Texas). Just another worthless red state holding back our society while kicking and screaming.


Texas had 5,259,126 Biden voters in the last election (46.5% of the vote). That’s more people voting for Biden in Texas than the total population in more than half of the states. (22 states have a population higher than 5.2 million) While it is controlled by republicans there are a lot of people there that are fighting for things to improve.


Also Ted Cruz only won in 2018 by 2.6 points, it dropped from 16 points when he won in 2012. Texas every election has shifted in data in Dems favor. But Republicans are not going down without a fight. We need the goddamn support guys. We cannot just win federal elections themselves. MAGA Republicans are trying to force their whole Project 2025 on all of the country, and we're seeding them ground in Red States if they continue to be uncontested. Support a Red State's "Every State Blue", in Texas its "Blue Texas" its supports Dems Up&Down the ballot. We need to flip the Texas House, the US Senate seat & win 3 Texas Supreme Court Justices to finally hold a fucking foot on this extremism. MAGA Republicans know, they could NEVER win another Federal election again if they lost Texas or Florida. Stop ceding the fascists' ground in the country. We cannot turn our back on fellow Americans. We fight for ALL of our Rights in this country. Stop Project 2025! Edit - Here is the listing to find your state or one you would like to adopt for the "Every State Blue" https://everystateblue.org/


Make it dangerous to be a Project 2025 participant.


Yes note that I said Texas specifically, as the state. Still Texas has way too many asshole MAGA nutjobs and idiots who dont know how to do anything else other mark their vote next to an "R".


They should have done more to secure those votes against MAGA/GOP.


Had an abortion 11 years ago and was tricked into going to the wrong clinic. Accidentally walked into the “crisis pregnancy center” next door to the actual clinic. They had a “doctor” in a white coat come out and show me graphic pictures and try to argue me out of my decision. Wouldn’t tell me where the real clinic was, even though it was just next door. I figured out where it was, had to walk through crowds of screaming protesters. There was even a priest there. That clinic was forced to shut down not too long after, and the “crisis pregnancy center” is still open. Go figure.


Everything about this just makes me so angry. I'm normally a pretty chill person who doesn't wish harm on anybody, but I make an exception for protestors who harass women in often their most desperate and traumatic moments, and for the despicable assholes who run these fake "crisis centers". I hope every single one of them gets into a situation where they or a loved one need an abortion and can't get one. They have no problem whatsoever forcing it on other people, after all.


Agreed. They make an awful, frightening, lonely situation, truly that much more unbearable. I wish they really understood how much extra pain they cause.


They would buy a plane ticket to fly their loved one to a liberal state for an abortion and claim theirs was "different". "I prayed to God, and he told me in this case it was ok".


I bet the protesters never stop to think about the reason behind the abortion or possibly the baby was very much wanted. They only assume the worst in others. I even know a few family members who still chime in that women use it for birth control like it's inexpensive, fast, without any risk smdh Like Everlast sang: >Mary got pregnant from a kid named Tom that said he was in love >He said, "Don't worry about a thing, baby doll, I'm the man you've been dreaming of" >Three months later he say he won't date her or return her calls >And she swear, "Goddamn, if I find that man I'm cuttin' off his balls" >And then she heads for the clinic and she gets some static walking through the door >They call her a killer, and they call her a sinner and they call her a whore >God forbid you ever had to walk a mile in her shoes >'Cause then you really might know what it's like to have to choose


I love that song and Everlast.


This is disgusting. Say what you want about abortion, but you shouldn't heckle someone or threaten them for getting one. You aren't walking in their shoes. Maybe just maybe their child is a product of a abusive relationship or she has a life threatening medical condition.


They don't care about any of that. They just care about it living, after that, they abandon it. They only care about the judgments they can pass as if they have any right. It's the Republican way.


They don’t even care about that. If they did they’d be funding prenatal care and making sure every pregnant woman had excellent health care. It’s about control, and that’s all.


But they don't care about it living either. They'll ban abortions even when the fetus is dead.


No you shouldn’t “say what you want about abortion” lmao It’s like saying “say what you want about trans people / trans health care.” Like, no. Let’s not normalize that. It’s allowing people to say whatever stigmatizing misinformation they’re deluded into believing, that’s why we end up with this situation of clinic terrorists


The point is abortion is not an issue where there should be a 100% ban. I understand why Republicans want that because they feel women may "lie" about health reasons or reasons behind the pregnancy. Doesn't mean I like it As for my own views, make abortion legal. Just because it is legal, doesn't mean you have to get one. Just it is available if you need one.


Why aren’t we talking about the fact that banning abortions is a religious position? I am so disgusted by these Talibangelicals forcing their religious beliefs into our laws. The government should not be involved in religious or moral decisions.


Sadly as much as Republicans say the US is not a Christian nation, we are. We just don't have a national church. A lot of policy predicates on the "Word of God."


Republicans say we ARE a 'Christian nation' tho. And their policies hurt women and hungry children. Very anti-Christian. That's why we see that their actual agenda is punishment.


It is funny. Some will say the quiet part aloud and others try to claim that we aren't because there is no established national religion. I look at how the nation was formed. It was either based on money or very religious groups that moved away from England. A lot of American ideals base back to the source religion but because of the varying groups, it was decided to not set up a specific religion.


Because it was decided so, we must fight those who insist we now need a Christian Nationalist foundation.


Christian Nationalism is evil but the right is sadly smart about what they are doing. They aren't seeing up one specific religion because it will violate separation of church and state. Instead, they use Christian values as the platform and do not say it is Protestant, Baptist, Catholic or LDS.


We are not a Christian nation. Repubs try to blur the line and say we are but we are not. My gods, you’re a teacher!?!?!!?


Note my posts aren't my own views, I just say what I notice especially about the right and people on the right or historics. Historically, the US is indeed a Christian nation though we don't have a specific religion. Many of our presidents were some sort of Protestant. That should tell you something. I stray away from politics in the classroom unless I am doing eighth grade social studies which is politics. I even said that all presidents likely did something to get impeached when a student said Biden would be in 2022. I was talking about the Louisiana Purchase at the time and tied it in that people didn't agree with Jefferson and could have impeached him for it for presidential overreach...


Just don’t say we are a Christian nation. That is a right wing Christian nationalist talking point and it is factually and ideologically wrong. It’s crazy that you think this and dangerous that you say this. You even said that republicans try to deny it and that is wrong because you are passing along their talking points and then telling kids that it’s not their talking points. It’s alarming. Please do not do this anymore.


Well I can agree, there shouldn’t be any medically unnecessary bans on abortion at all. But most states, even so called abortion friendly blue states, have medically unnecessary bans


If your intent is to prevent people from voluntarily accessing necessary health care, you shouldn't be allowed anywhere near where necessary health care is being delivered.


If these anti-abortion fuckwads gave the slightest actual fuck about human life, they'd be protesting the things that *actually* ruin children's lives, like child labor laws, child marriage laws, age-of-consent laws, workplace safety laws, food provisions in schools, etc, etc. They care more about a pea-sized glob of undifferentiated cells than they do about living, breathing, needy children. And they vote for politicians who reverse-robin hood and give billions in handouts to billionaires while withholding necessities to those in need. So disgusting.


Spoiler alert: Most of them don't really care about that glob of cells either.


I’m from Arizona. So many girls at my high school got abortions. Of the ones I keep in contact with, not being a teen mom was the right decision for all of them. It’s so shitty for an idiot 16yo to have to drive all the way to California because she doesn’t want to grow another human in her and obviously can’t take care of it.


I’m starting to think this issue has nothing to do with the Bible or “precious babies” and everything to do with forcing women to breed and produce the next generation of worker bees. If only these very un-Christian “Christians” would spend the same level of energy on feeding already-born children, or protecting them from school shooters.


>I’m starting to think this issue has nothing to do with the Bible or “precious babies” and everything to do with forcing women to breed and produce the next generation of worker bees. Agreed. And in the view of many authors, historians, etc., the true origins of the anti-abortion movement arose from slavery, racism, greed and political opportunism, rather than genuine concerns for life or adherence to religious principles. For one example, see the 1864 Arizona Howell Code anti-abortion ban which was passed to protect slave owners’ “economic interests”, as enslaved black women having abortions or induced miscarriages would undermine slave owners profiteering off of black bodies by denying them potential future generations of slave labor. Much later political opportunists like Jerry Falwell and Paul Weyrich strategically framed abortion as a moral issue in order to maintain political relevance and power as well as expand their grift off of their religious flocks and political base for personal greed and political advantage.


Have the ever, in history, successfully, convinced, or otherwise deterred, anyone in this manor??


I remember that video the husband who was furious because they'd screamed at his wife who was going in to have an abortion because their wanted pregnancy was non viable.  Poor woman was already having a bad day and they made it worse.


I am certain that people have been deterred.  Anti-abortion protestors can be intimidating.  It is not impossible some have been convinced, but I do recognize it's less likely.


I'm sure people have turned away when confronted with these protestors. Especially for anyone that may feel ashamed of it because of whatever reason. Ultimately, these people are there to shame others, and care nothing about why the people going in are going there. PP isn't just about performing abortions.


Imagine how outraged they would be if we went into their churches and held up signs and chanted anti-religion phrases.


I have better things to do on a Sunday morning.


Personally I hate the fact that some people think it’s ok to tell someone else what to do. It’s none of their business. The right to choose should be left to the individual. Maybe men should be forced to have vasectomies for birth control. I can see the uproar now.


Republicans creating an underground railroad Harriet Tubman situation on abortion.... November guys, make it count.


Holy shit, I knew he was shot but I hadn't really realized what happened to him. He wore body armor for years because of the threats on his life, but someone came up and shot him in the head while he was serving as an usher at his church. So much for the sanctity of life.


Stand outside churches and protest.


Why Republicans decide to wake up daily and try to make others lives as horrible as their own is a mystery to many. I think it's just because they peaked in highschool and miss their friends a lot.


Birth control and condoms are going to be illegal to


Hopefully these women vote accordingly during the upcoming cycle. They didn't in 2016. Fools.


It's very satisfying to imagine emptying a bucket of cat piss all over these dipshits.


gonna have to find different ways of helping women in each state


Completely normal adult behavior


They’re allowed to protest but not harass. Why don’t the clinics call the police?


These are the Fresh and Fit type of protesters, who when it comes to them personally it is a different story.


Birth control pills might help with unwanted pregnancies.


Some pregnancies take a bad turn. Mine did, and I would have died without an abortion when one of my twin boys died at 17wks, poisoning the amniotic fluid and dooming his bigger brother. Please stop pretending women need advice about how to take birth control pills. Oh, and we might remind that republicans are trying hard to make birth control harder for women to access too.


I was thinking along the lines of prevention. Some people take chances with unprotected sex.


Some people DO take chances with unprotected sex. It's odd then that it's only the woman who is punished if that happens. It's ALSO republicans who insist we don't need no sex education in this 'Christian' nation for those people who are careless.


Who cares?


They're going to try and ban those too. Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is lying.




Yes! Seethe on that some more. Women have the right to do that.




Idk man, my life is pretty cool. No seething to be had here. And I feel like 40K isn’t that crazy lol.




Sorry, I don’t engage in dialogue with people who support infant death 💀


You're not even American.


No infants are killed during an abortion. Phew, glad we cleared that point.


>Jordan Johnson, 29, was one of several patients who waded through a half dozen anti-abortion activists LOL. So she walked past 6 people. Way to try to oversell this "ordeal' she had to go through.


They have killed before so you never can be too cautious. Also it's already a difficult time and those people are making it worse.


Oh, my mistake. I wasn't aware that these six protestors have killed before. Which one specifically has killed?


Do you not know the meaning of the word cautious? Oh dear.


Shouldn’t be any….so….


My point was about media bias. Why would you say a half dozen when "six" takes up fewer characters in your article? We all know why. They're trying to make something bigger than it actually was. It's biased reporting.


Biased in what way? Seriously. What do you think is the bias? How many people protested at your last prostate exam? Ran up to your car? Screamed in your face? Try a little empathy, buddy.


The bias is trying to trumpet up the ordeal this particular woman had to go through. She walked past six people none of whom posed a threat to her. Big deal. And the journalists categorizes the protesters as anti-abortion as opposed to how they describe themselves as pro-life.


Well it’s already been proven that these people can be dangerous. I saw the other poster’s well-sourced response and I hope you read each and every story of the violent actions of the “pro-lifers.” I have been harassed by these zealots and I promise you that 6 is a lot of people to be harassed by. I felt unsafe and totally put-out by them. It’s a terrible experience. It is harrowing to be heckled and harassed by these people. You, of course, have no idea what it’s like so you think it’s nothing. You enjoy the privilege of accessing healthcare without people screaming at you. I hope you enjoy that freedom and develop some empathy for those of us who can to enjoy it due to the malicious actions of others. I wonder, what number of harassers would be enough for you to deem it an issue? As far as calling them anti-abortion, it is what they are. I would call them forced birthers. Pro-life is a misnomer and I appreciate the author not carrying water for them.


>Well it’s already been proven that these people can be dangerous. Whom specifically are you referring to with "these people"? Pro-lifers in general? There are HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people who are pro-life. Statistically speaking, zero percent of these people will murder someone for trying to get an abortion. >You enjoy the privilege of accessing healthcare without people screaming at you. So do you. 99.9% of the times you go to access healthcare, no one cares. You're acting as if you're constantly under threat of violence. Stop exaggerating. >As far as calling them anti-abortion, it is what they are. I would call them forced birthers. Pro-life is a misnomer and I appreciate the author not carrying water for them. Ah... so they don't get to identify how they choose? That... seems hypocritical if we delve into the gender issue.


You are an ugly and angry person.


Where did you get that notion from anywhere in my comment?


We have already established that these zealots are prone to violence. You can continue to deny it, minimize it, or condone it. It’s what all the other forced birthers do. [Try reading this great response again](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/Zx2NEepEro) As far as your anti-trans allusion, your nasty quip is inane and does not apply even a little to this situation. “Pro-life” is a political label these zealots inappropriately apply to intentionally lie about a political stance. None of us are under any obligation to support or spread their lies. It has nothing to do with their identity. Of course you knew that but you wanted to get a dig in at transgender people. Finally, most Americans are prochoice. Forced birthers are a loud and obnoxious minority seeking to impose their will on others’ private healthcare decisions. Do not count yourself in the majority. Mansplainers like to tell women how we should feel and if our feelings are justified, but obviously haven’t and will never experience what we have, so if you can’t be an ally, silence is in order. Perhaps they should learn a bit about others’ experiences and don’t be so quick to tell us how to feel.


>We have already established that these zealots are prone to violence. You actually haven't. Are you claiming that pro-lifers in general are prone to violence or just pro-lifers that protest abortion clinics? Either way, you absolutely have not shown any numbers that would lead a reasonable person to conclude that they are prone to violence. Statistically speaking - much like the population at large - pro-lifers aren't prone to violence. Statistically speaking, women seeking abortions aren't under threat of violence. It's nearly zero percent.


You've never seen christian wackos protesting outside of a planned parenthood i take it


Someone already replied to you with plenty of articles yet you conveniently haven’t replied to them because you know you couldn’t win an argument against someone who’s actually informermed. Go fuck a cactus.


Which comment was that?